"M1f?--'i-ilili' '"'-li)1M)il ASREVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 12. 1890. If you wish r"AI)VEKT181-: ANYTHING AXYWIIEItK " ANYTIME tkv TIIK CITIZEN'." THE DAILY CITIZKTS. lly RANDOI.I'II-KEKK I'KlNTINl'i CO. Tiik Iiaii.yCitizkn, lit-tiicii-rntk-. lK,UtllH!ltr rvcry atli-raoon iciutiii Si.ii.luyt ai tin tnl IwwlnK rait-. Mrii'tlv .-awA our Wur rt i 11 Six l.nt)lK :i.ni: Tme Months ont'Miintll ri One Wt. k i -, Till-. 11.411 V l'i ri,I .N In fin wntr nt thr lolluwinK plm't'ii m A.lirwlli' CITIZliN (lh'1'H. H. IIATTHKV I'.AKK Nl.WSSTAM.. III. UN Klu'lv XKWS STASH MUUKI, CIl'.AK S 1 'OKI;. I'lutim J. CAKSU.VS NliWsisruKli. N..rih Crnin Kilimrr wuiiNi-siuv novum hkk i:., immi "Wi-xlvrn Mortli I'urolliiH," Ills torlcul unci ltioitruililt.ul. This it the tiik' nl 11 vi.t.iiut.' r.-ccm l issu ril trull) tin,- press nt Kilvv.irils .v Hi minli tun, Kii It iili.a tul (HiMishi'il Iiy A. 1. Siiuil. & Co. U is llii'tini'st win k in t iornil. mill liiniliiij: i'vit isstiul from tin.' Nurth Carulina jirtss, ami scim-i-ly excci'iled liny wlu-rcin llu'i'iniutrv. t hi' vuliitnc Ik-iiii: a (juurto ol -ii." pnyts, Ijiiiiuii in iniitalitm Russian lt-atlicr. ill ciltil ami printcil oti line ninr with larv.1.- di.ir type; ulti. p-tlur a tlrres Htiitalilv In the suljjivt1 treated ol'in the hunk, am tuiil'viiii; id everv way tu the pi iili i.l the nrth Car uliliiaii. The topies enilir.ue eunti itiiitiiuis limn variuus gentlemen i.t lite Stale einupe lent to illitst rale the sulijivts l w liii h they treat. Chapter 1. Iiy I'rnl. innrvi II. Ilaiiua, ul Ch.iri.itte. treats fully .: the Geolnjjv ul the Mate, emliraeiiii; lul Iv all its seetiuns, anil tlesriliin theih it aeter and localities nl its tnineral wealth Chapter 2. by Col. J. I'. Cameron, ol tin etty, treats il' "Western North Carolina its area, topography anil ehar.ietel i: ties," einliriu-in. Usi-lesa uenerti! h-vum il the whole seetion, p.n tienlars relating In twelve ol the count es. Chapter ii, h the same writer, ttea's ol llnneotnl,! county and the eitv ol Asheville, with tin parlieiiiars lelatitiK loeacll. Mr. 1'. XI Wilson, eoniril'iius a loin; am valn.il'U artiele on railrii.t.lK.inil t hes steinsol li e wliole State; ami iheteare niativ wilti... hie eiititnhnlioi'S to Stale histr Ii JtnlKe Avery, jml.e SWumk, Coi. U'a. Johnson and ot tirrentltiii-ii wi'll-kncwr fur llieir letirniin; ami ime!iii;eiu-e. There tire many liioip-apiiieal ikeLelli. ul ycnlli iiu .i prominent in eurrent st.,ti history illustrated with line p.nlrail ei Ktavins. Atimtijj these ate tliose n Col. I'rank Coxe, Capt. Natl Atkinson. Mr. 1 1. C. W.ahlell, Mr. Kiehmnml I'e.n son, Hun. Thus. I JohnUoii, M.ivoi Charles 1). Itlanlon. iloti. L. A. Moore. 1'r. J. A. HuiToiilis, II. A. I'liin.cer, Un S. I'owi-II and other entlenu ii wi ii known in tlu' community. Mr. A. 1 1. Smnli. the ul.l-t.ir. will In in theeilpon 1'inliy to delivei eopits o, the work to his suliseiiliers, and also to lining the hook to the general knowledge ol'uur eitizens. We congratulate linn m. the prodttcii n of a work so honorahk to his enterprise, and so ernlitalile ti thoM who comrilnited to make it so limly illustrative ot hoih the intellect ual and tntchauieal alnlities ol liie Stale. lntresulnt( ItlHclOf-urtH. lather the laic Mnj. Itarttelot. ol Sl.in ley's rear (.Miaro in Allien, was a luute in else there is lieinj,- some tall hina iloiu. The stories Stanley now tells ol him stories, rumors of which, it sin Mild lie re immlKreil, Stanley nice denied ami which lie now tells larm ly on hearsav evidence -lire such ns lend to lilii. krt: llarttelot's ineiiiory lorevcr. These ai counts nre in part continued In thosi whu wen' with Majoi llarttelot ami tu part denied, the last mainly only us to nun-essentials. Accordinctothemllic ma jurwufitted to lead a druvcuf cattle, lint had u very poor equipment as a leader of men. He was over-hearniK, arroy.-int mid cruel to the point ol lirinjjiiiu si viral of the natives to death for no )jood canst wlnitever. Indeed, he seems to have luoi all the characlcristiis of ,i native chief in the country w here hedcveloiul thun. Thcwliole imiitcr tiiiN lair now to conic to a head in an IviimIihIi court ol law ns Stanley invites the relatives ol Mayor llmttlelol to sue him for lilnl, iiud they will prolmlilv do so. Hut, con. tnmtiiiK the present repiilntion of llicse returned African explorern with the halo of ((lory which mirrotmded them on then limt return from the Imrk Contiuenl, mid we have a very piiitilnl impression. A letter of Kolici t Louis Stevenson, in re ply to one from a friend praising hiin ami hia work, had this in it: " 'Call no man gow till lie Ih' dead.' I may live to be hniiKeil yet." The advice nielli Ih' taken to heart w hen we arc welcoming returned heroiii from Arctic polls and dark continents. fjen. K. K. Mnmiitoii. This Krnllcman has announced hiniseh n candidate lor the position of enj-rossinj.' clerk of the mate senate at the eoniini: Kwion of the leKislatttre. That (leuernl Hampton incapable, no one who knows him doubts, and when capacity ami worth nre coupled with such a marked degree of party acrvice as characterized the course of Ren. Hampton during the pint campaign, it would Mem that his claim upon the democracy of North Car olina could hardly be made stronger. Should Gen, Hampton eeurc this posi tion It will he ftratifyiiiK not only to his perionnl friends, hut to the democracy of the Ninth congressional district us well, nt no man iu the district did more to achieve the rent victory than he. "It now nppenri that Cnpt. I'oe't nine is more severely injured than was nt first - supposed. Doctor Thaver says it is a compound (mature, The nose is not flat tened, but there is a deep cat half an inch wide, ridht across the ridc;e. The cut went riuht throiiKh, cuttiiiK the artery. 1'oe was in a chokinu condition ow iny io the internal llow of blood." Wli have been lonkinjr lor news about as distressing as this for some time. It appears, however, that it is not a part of an account of a prize fibt, but of a foot ball match in the original Greek between I'rincetou anil Pennsylvania, Princeton and Pennsylvania are not, as miht be inferred, substations to the California athletic club, but coIIckcs where younjj men (jo to kick a c;lobe of altuosplit re surrounded by a thill coatinu ol rubber, and incidentally, toivelate niyhl sup pers and study when there is nothing more exeitiui;. Tim decision of Justice I'ield in theCal ilornia lupior case, an absttact of which ivc printed yesleiihiv, would have been liuiclv any day the last twenty yearsand is timely now. Those wdio prate of per sonal bhcrtv, saving I Inn H no one, basiiuss what one cats or drinks, shotilil c m n i i t to heart this sentence tn.in Jus ti.e Piclil's diciioii : " l"iere is ill t his position llie assinnp .ion ot a fiicv v. Inch ilois Hi 'l exist t li; l '.' htn li'pinis ;iic tnic-ll in excels l iu itiill i ics .are eoiifnicti to i he party offendtii.u." Wi t a all iinatjitie ill. interest with .'. hich coiisuiliptivcs the world oer are ivaU'hine; tin dis lostncs now ill.il.tu ol I'r. Koch's cure lor the tcnil lc distas . Stun c thcie arc, jKrhaps. whose live: may even he prolong!'.! liyhopelh.it at last, alio scores ol like iniii ainccincMt ol cures louml, ;i spc.-iac has reallv lu-ci. discov.reil. Ami there are many, loo. who may die with the thought ih il it they could have hud only a little loutr htaltll lllilll lltive iiccil lt. lined. It auvbody else than tlrover Clei I.iiii; ' cct i veil a te!' t:' am aiinounciu that In' v ;is it seer and prophet he would throw till- dispatch into the lire and conceal tin i. el thai he h-.tl a con cspomlclit loohs: iiioui h to write it.V V. Sun. Ao et a piirnciaplt that tl.olti l hii rlt s A . I '.in.i s work is vrt y pi oinpt i . i rintnl in tilt !ltl. St- I'uK Sli K IHillH,,-, 'l MMii.tt . ' "I wa-nvi-r tl' Mitit'ji ..mmI Ji. i r.iM ll il l i Ii i'I imi : I v;. II" t Jit'tc 1 1 Hsiovci ,ui sjHi i ii t .iiisi- for .i pi'irlii i. i tn ;miv vvluif." I Ii' st'i.-itur is a linlc n: h'tioiv, h:,s itlitl ill it.' i jiMliiu-.'il jn!vi. :!fU at- ,i leu tiii(in!is;iti IM IMX KA IH Will I II WIN. I THhI May Vet llavt hii l'- p !.( ill ItKl'U Ml. i r.:in Hi' i Vo:h Hcii.l.l lh -II 111 I 1'C IK'Vt pit iiK ill i.t I ii ft i : .my (h .."iltilii v !n t nr. mi inn i i Ii-. IK' i : M..I.' i k l"tl W Hi!., i; I-..! i -.1 Villi; ;i I Sit t ih i u mI J i ri ilu ; mi- w "1 tvj.n-cill.tl I -it 111 t Hi Im ..mini liun t.'1'U. Il Hi. .ciMt s v. iil u ii.. UK h .UIC M Ml- u . I'I III U N -11 - -a ;v (. oi :i .... Ai h.u.-:f, v .. .ilnniwi, C r.f I.ciit I -U iit . , ' .t.ll . I i.-i a. N- whI i i .. ..i -i:t. i : Ii H:i i. 1 llllft. I T t'.itl, 1 il ' i '1 i iiiih t .uii;t . k t tt n k , .ii.il 1 ',ii."tu. I...- ;i, ,i ..tu. M -ir .illKl. stl Ut.ill, M .--.i. ii-. t It. W , i. mi; Mi. ii y n. .Mill M . . -.i-Mi s.'uu. M.il.T.IH... l.r..k:.. n ii in ii. , . u , . I V.itl. i :h...h:i. 'h .t. Ml., I. I-:,-,n,. .Ill t in . 'Ii a, 'I i il -e , T ;i-. ir ;hi ji ' "l ii j inn, lllot'tltl II Toi.'i : U-iiitivT.-i'.K -l i -.ai.,H., ;:.i; rrtulilii".iu ili'lry:iti.r.s, tj, ;i ' h ul' , i I:iis;ih I. In il-Hii't. towii. Tliv IoIIkwiiii; tiittK slh v,h!h im:i:.wt 1' l.trintrs' i Mi; '! ;ni il.iUs iliittii, v ttli t Iu ir j.anv itfiili .tn.io: tni'.( i.i .... m lii ... k.'i Si M 1 Ii c iin ii ii.-, ,.ntti c'urcitin.. liuiii .,., Tmal el' ele-l fui.incM. ii.s. Mi. Kwiirt wai. ditciittil in hi ow , to'.vnslii. lie ii niajoiiiy .! seven. -II. n 'ler!.nuville liiiiilc. The Itst ol iilciulicloflheueVHI.ileMeli atclia U-i'ti M tit to thckeeinrof tin capi lol. ( II the hlty !ciiatiirs only nine an rc illl.lican. itu. I none ot the latter are col ored. Tint, is the Huinll.M ic.iililican -trcnj;lli ever in the licnaie. The white rc,til.lieiitif ari'itt many ciink icry aiiHry with I'oiiKivssiitan Cheat ham. I'hcy charge hint with ivhiiiK out the re itll.iii.'ltl c-iudtilatet. lotlleleiHlatutenuii county ollice! in several counties in hn own ilisi riel iu order lo make Ins own i led ion sure. In (he ninth jtidietnl district Thuiuas Settle, jr., mm I .licit n, hasdeleated Harder lor solicitor iiy aliotil UMI voles. Settle is a rcpulilkun. It it. charged tli.it iIihiiI lecliou on the part ol souie iiieiulicrs ol the Fanners' alliance was the cause oi llarl)cr's defeat. The other day Secretary Nt. hie was nt Chariot le and was asked what was the dist tirl.iiiK cause Tuesday, lie lit iishcil ui his urey hrain matter and saitl he at tributed liic recent ovcrwhillllin ilefeat of the republican purty to the lact that it was an oil' year, and there was little at stake. The statement is made at Raleigh that a leading alliance man wrote let Urs in regard to the candidacy oi Congressman Cowles in the eighth tlistriet, which were reatl on the slump iu severnl sctl'.intiH Iiy Kaueclt, liiiriudeiK'udent opiiom nt, ami that these letters ncnrlv caused Cowles's dclcat, as I hey uracil aili.ini e iticu to au tuKotiixc him, jruclUHl WhHt Now ? I'rt.ni the IoiU-IkIi NvwHi.iid itl.si-rvi-r. Il is ill the air that livelv times lire ahend for us here iu North Carolina. The News lind (Ihservcr had hocd thai the IH'iiee which lias prevailed iiiuonc; our IR'uple would not lie ilisturhcd. And if trouble comes, we wish il tu be seen Iiy nil men how il does come. Hill Tor llie MfiiHle. From the RiilclKh i hf'ntcie We hone thst tiie New Yitrk democrney will send Oi.v. Illll tu lh I'nlteil Htnua sen ste, und that Iwfnre 'na. wlistrver of ilinvr en ccs eslit In the New York ilenim-mcy tnuy be healed. r e i.Ari:sr xnvs I'KOM A'OA'77 C'.lA'O..V.l. Kaleijjli has organized n land and im provcmcnl company with Mayor A. A. Thompson as president. Senator Vance is at Gombroon, his mountain home, to put in two solid week's work on his tin in, Pr. W. I. Husbcc, a well know phy sician ol Wake county, diul recently, acd sixty-stvtit, after a linieriu illness. 1. K. Kiitlev, former principal of the o r,r4 Ii d vhoul in Charlotte, hits ivnvil a position in the pension olliee al Wash ington at the salary ol SI.iumi a ye tr. Ilcmlcrsoii ii, id Leaf; A lion i lilt ac vvdint oct'tn-ed in Warrentott l ite last ritursilay i veitiu;.'. resulting in llic ih iith ol llie Ivvelve e;ir old son ol Mr. oscph Noilncll 1 1c wis run over by the train and instantly killed. Mesirn I. W. Iliirh.im .V Co,, for llie 1 1 ol v' instoi l, tint now of Chill lot lc, li;le ''leu . I wii 1 1 led the contract lor the erection .a tin Nolile iiiititunteut tit n tiiston, Ala. Ii will be limit ol North ' ,1'uliu.i lino ill- and will co.-l .S.V.Iuii, Tin itci'si-iti witrrauts will It stii! till on ih - doll i instant I iv the slate aud i ' . i lo tiie . nil nis rcyisleis ol ditils. li i tni'li'- t'ic i i-w law will deliver tlnni toih, pensioiu is, . ji til itn; to the aild i'ot ,-is to tin .!. livery. The aui'iui't liwt'itia pe lioll lor I sPO is about ssl ,1 Hill A Wms'oii disp.itili siis: Wliile 'tiling to ;i ii a op-1 1 .it ua nl on t i.e Uoiviiii rcuii, U't v. S. I'. !' -,tiik nti, ;t M th.'.lisi iltilnsiii, w.is i hr: a lloui hi blli;v'i i ml at-1. :n. I l.;:u i, lb- w ;t pr inn itetlt l.i-i-iii .Mi in .r liluhli sp.d.en oi tin tliiiKli.nl tli;i,:i:iu Asyiatu mi pi t'l ti ii-tt let c . - l- oi. I Ms i !i.i. Suns in, ol t'r.ib 'ifll r.i i lc ,i n tie I'liild .il.na tvvo i .till, iii'l w it- tM t.i to slt.'p last l ais 1 n i rl t . t. iii t up t la t Sat tin In i ni.t.lil ill .'ttitui U' wake it. had iiroiad .itlioii ,i:,,t. It -ccilicd to be tii', iisj iin-nui iiiirj itiuiiiv 11.-111,11, out mi l tiro in v.iiu ' o .a oi sc ii a ! H'. k f si t liot . i Inn 'i i t. Ir '- 'K'. M -miivi imi ' Tin in "!l woiii.iM vli lias i ( in iit .-iii'ldiiMi . ii wii.. i .;.iti .hi i iv mil, in par! nt I hi urn m ,1k irniKT in ii I .. .i: niii'i ," ! 1 1 I" c IkI ii I'h, oiiiM.i Ii"'ii a . 1 1 1 1 .1, .it . ; , IV .: will! it.- t III' .'.ill 1 1' a-;i t i t': jtastii'i'S I lu v ti .t i ,,. (I I, , i'jltti'iuil . 1 1 n iif.-ir :n .-tu. i . i lit' a ;m.r I tu'V inijr.itf i. I Ml! Ill II ! '.'.' t in S' nit !l i .H ' 'Iili l iuii i aiiu i.'n'is. lien iii-iii t'WT : tin.i tin v i.iwl iitlu llio .u , i -st ; it n . n ! !ii r m; iv a ni.ylit s sv n t c I' iv I hi.--- in. - id tu U i iv;i: i. m, ll . i'llt . .. i iu- .l.tUlttCI llitS u n vvi . it l.-i.t.i Nil reason can In ii t ' It :: raiiv way nt living. Cnucuni iiinl.-:il. iroU c'it'tr 'I'liat Wan Itobhcr I .'in tin f'liilinlrlplu.i 'I'iitit-. It is w.nit.ui, wickcil taxi- Mi '.''c in c , s.ti s . ii Moim ss am! nl' iili' i lial imw . iit.'Mt n. . ml i;n st av i Iv t In , at n, 1 1 it. i i. t . . : hi .it in .ivii ii a. i : i sMitm i'i .i' it'. ,n vvillii!' ti j. i ..n't . lit ::;v. I !.:.:; it is lllnri- tl'.iii v. i;h ; U i '.i. ti'Mi al uii ; lnu n Ciiti't. ,',, ' -i!it.:ii td t lit i'lcn .-it ii' laxvs a. i.i 1 'siniiic name t" :t..uviiin, u I'.ittns arc plcdy.-ii ! uiliux T;,4 ,"-acy ol pnitui :..n m tin i ial r aas bvcn iii'-simiuil u i,i in s: i .pa. inns rcctl ; il If lir il . in i. i 'in r t s am! inlets m!i! i.i-uIn til i li.-i ' nvs must av t mI.ii:c to js -m .ii.i.i 'I rMicvy ot ilu iii'is-vs i.!'l . nil if nl law. I.itll k I'I TCXIIH Wl t.M h v .m- i. it lonu st. nulin.: . ha ltat . il ti,.i;' til m tans; liavi- Mi ! .-vcn i- h - 'v I c ul.! near til". Imi Hi ,t M'fli' I ni.i't 1. jiil.itnr is ail thai i Ji. vnlnu V. tu i.. -Iiititl Ki'tila' t V-o-'tii'Miv. M'aita (ol iarticul trs My all wrists POWDER Absolutely Pure. 1 t u mil n: tiif nr tmkiiiH ftimih-r. II.uIh i t ji'i in It-ivi niiiK "tri tiKiii I. r.i.k. rn ttiM Ktpi.ri. . ' nunt 17, 1U. Iul.'ill i?iVrNiicic. 62 ME.tltlWON AVENUE, SHrV!LLc, N. C. t iller illintO .Vlllk tn the sr.'l . J.rs M tut tiiuird n tlh-diiy, week or u mm. Ill .11 US. ItiCTTIK coori.R. Illll 1 lilt 1 III Ilt;l l lntate Acnt. NH I.OAS llHCKKK. 3 NOHTH MMN ST., I MORGAN'S BOOK STORE I Mniiiy liiuiuit (imi will wi'iind nt jK-rifitt liittrvnt. Kin I ISfiitv I mil rrit mnl i')li nt pMMit' unit tirtvnic hii'i', Kt titR rolli'i'tiil. I v ni'i ih ixl ii Krul lutiiir (iimI Aili tlim Imchiin- itl i. hitr' f ton. S l'.. tin rnr. mnl wtH uIm' pr iltll lltlMltfi'M In fill iMIKllK'HM (Ut ti HIV llllirtfi'i i-.K 'J'-'ill Hi FRANK, -URALRR IN- FAMILY GROCERIES ANO PROVISION AKfnt fnf kremn t'rrrfc Wnnlrn MHU. Nor i M.iln AhrvllP, N Ct frhlOillv THE SUN. (MliH' irntli (itf'n wtl'l 'I tir Siim'h iiiiiitiiiii rllui'l lih'M fni'l I hill kE MH'I fi.itir Mi))tl Inn't : hut cvi rvhoily Minn t-i a t I'lilil nl tin iii iciriHi' whiili t it. viT ilnll ihhI nvvir Hirnl.i tn -pi-n il mtuit I.i niiit-niii. Uih iliii inr t'titv yiniH Th -iin lm fi'iiuht hi il. i' ''fit lltii fur I inn 'icrntir pi lii'li: n, ui vi . i .iTl -M "p vtnk-i-ititii In ltn n .ill l tti i fit" (i 1 1 1 nnl if tht tmrty Ii itvi- w 'h Ivi rh-n lliti t'ltf Hit nnil (liciiiti nii vU"r Al ll n il-il'iim Hnii (Hlli ii'il i I.t hi i .'! mi .inn i.l un-iimpI'Dtl ln tin- rMiiiii'ii ('" ')" il ' i't I lr Khu n I.miIi I' Il h i -.til liit r.it tuln tilt' tn 'II Utt'lU. I'.li-litiv n h.iti l "nl -ml iilMt 'y nni' will lir n Ki.ritnr In in rlifin pulittiH M'i'l try. i vA MlinuM rt ii-t I hr Hun J'ulty, kt . 1 1 tli ...Hn lit uiiiiy. pi'ryi-it. , f.o Hu iliy, n i vi' nr , 4.tfO Tinily nnil Hiiml iy, per yi- r H. hitltv mnl Hunilay, pt-r iiiuntli ... 0.70 lutlly mnl WiiUly. ti iinr yiur 1.00 Add rei THIt BVN, Mew Vork. The AMlievlile Clllceu OlveH The latest loc il news. The freshest St ile news. The best general news. ('enernl and six'eitd ctiniinenls. The laws! 8tibsciiition list of any secular pnH.T in the Stale. The liest a IvcrtisiitK inediittu in the State. A full stall' of able editors mid corres pondents. The neatest, newsiest and tttosl enter prisinj; pnjitT in North Carolina. Its cllotls are always devoted to the iipbnildiuK and develupnicnt of the re sources of the State, particularly the W'.'B! ,'fll s,.,'l I, 111 i Sjnbsciiption, $11 per anniiin: $M six t lis; all cents per aioniii. I I i HK icWELR. STORE. Tin- nt tin.1 uti'i't t iBIulci JtvcHr, liulmliim tine Itrn.- iu-N. Huit.ti 11 ml Hrim-n-lit. nl HWME-THIRO OFH-KJ i , , iintttn- i-.-vl, 1 inu ml ill I In titlurr t.i h.v- ii.itlimi; l.ut Sullil t.,U :mii' snrlniL- silvi-r h wi-lri. ARTHUR FIELD, LE AiJiNG JEWELER, 4i 11 111 Main til. ,Vt.".icvia.-. PaOF. J. IIAK I-.R, . 1 k, . M I., ici.i.. i:m;.. PIANOS TUNED & REGULATED, S3, w ;tti.-n put ill ulil pi'tmiK. AM Mn-h 11: uiit-i ' 11 i 1 1 in. it- I' 11.1l ami r ii..ii.il iii:u li'.n u-i'i: 'Hi' '''1 I iiM iTitt'i"" ;it I' t lwii i.ini'. siik-villc. X. C. tit .H' t'flnOU AV V.. Dottvlaa Shoe nr k ll'li f rtrrnnirrt, mid rvrrr pair .is tu iiatiir Hint prii t' muiHiird on buiiom. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CCNTLKMKNf Vinm Cull Hn l.a4 WairrprMf l-lrmla. Thr flirt'llrma and wenrlnir qumliilmof thin thna ran not tr twtifrittiown t lino Iiy tin- triiK m4on mt'uuor 11 tlinuMtudii of cuimiaot warri te00 (irooinr lland-Hirw-rdi an flu ant and 9 -in luti .lrtn Slim. w hlcU nuinm'Uili ItM-lf. St-OO Hniid-ufwrd Writ. A nitu call aaut r uiiiiiunllid fur ntvlu ami duraliilitr t Q80 (ioodvrar Wrli ta tba aiaoilard dna O Mi-e. al a popular prior. $0.00 Hollrrman'a Hhor t MprotaUr adaptM fur Pttllnuul nii.n farfni.rsL AH iitadr In Coiinr-Mui, liutton and Iaea. $3 & $2 SHOES lds, hat-a lirrn mmt favrthlT rrorlrrd altir tnlmrlunwi and thr ncrtii imiinivfmrnta niaca lotai Mipartar In any ahMa aold at tlit-w l-rlr-c-a. Auk jniur I h-alrr, ami If hr canm mppty 70a and dl -rrt to raclory rnrli-alng ailTarUaml prion, or a p-malfor-mirrliliinlts-, W. 1m HUtULAH, Brcliiaa, Haaa. "ilK SAl.lt MV T II A T- WEEKLY CITIZEN () N L V SI-ONE CGLLAR-Si PI-.K VI..III, strictly in Advance. $5 For a Club of Six. S.'lnl ( ni Iltillni' HUH I'l'IM'W ymir Hiilisi'riitiini nt oihv. SMMinl ('(irrcMpoinli'iitM in very wl ion of WchIim-ii Noi'tli ('tii'')linii. HIM.CIt.1, FHATI KhHi I.OCAt, MOWS, tintHTirni.M. xkws. j a li. 1 a nti-: i:ws,' AMI uwau nE,m"i;Tic, : i.c is'Kt I,-iU4i!y NiwupupiT Iu the Stiitc. SuP'" 'v ;oo WE ARE I1AITY TO ANNOUNCIi THAT Wli 1IAV15 THIS WKKK 1N- . CKlvASIJO TIIK CAPACITY AND PA- cii.rni:snif oru CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Wii MAVIS Sli'TKKI) SliVKKAI. FiusT-cL.iss. i:xri;Kii;Nci:ii wok'k- MUX, AMI A K li NOW KI-AHY TmllVl I II K 1-lvlliNHS A Sri.liXI'lll I'll' A Nit I'I XI? (Jl'AI.ITV, AT VI'I'V KliASOXA III. I? KATIiS. CAI.I. IX Al Sl-I? l'S: AI.I. Wli ASK IS A TKIAI.. iil'k Klil'AlK ii:i'AUI'MI?XT IS STII. I. I'l'I.I. AM ACTIVli, AXIl Wli CAN IW VI? I'KI IM I'T ATTliXTIUN T" AI.I. WORK III'OIV.IIT IX. 1 WEAVER I MYERS. TIIK SHOK STORK ,q lHttoll AvfMMO. Ii. II. iKl I T, STCME CONTRACTOR & SUP.DEC, . l' i (Ci it injf nl 11II kimU iluitt. All nnliTo irmipilv lill.'il mill wuik miiiiitiitt'iil Cur I- ii.l .11 uP titi't'o nt litiiliHin) L'lilto" l-at-tiir . nuiM'.i-ltt INS'jRE YOUR PROPERTY W!TH j K. J. ASTON, j .'4-iivnil 1 liir.urf.iiiv t . v " Kill, S.t U Mililt .Mi.in ktlirl ;-l.'.lih.ln,l IMi.-. A,. vil'i. N. 1 1,.., .1 1 V KiiKliHb and l-'rciiclt 33AR0.N0 m OaY school, FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS. Nil in t'n-iu'h Itnmil Av-tiiU BUKGWVN MAITLAND. PHINCIPA For inimy i'iirv AuMtKiiitr I'hiuli:i1 m i Virn..n tnmilutf, H;iliiimrr. 1 Vvtilhtril by .1 fnt t-i cinnm iili, u ti't l-ISI'Alll.lslllill 1:. 11. conv, Smimwir tut' Cmvmt 1 JLWELHH. J i'ATION AVIM Ii, SKXT I K Til r. AMi CKNTKM. III! Tlil.. ASIIIIMI Mi. N. v'. .illy t -' rv -- t vVC.KN MEOICATCO BALSAM V.-.PUH Ifymihovviiiv Sum', lltiiiiit or l.imi ii:m iikih On iiiilMiiMi I wtllti.iitl a imiii'itilrt Icu'rii'tivi' i.t Aotuv.llr 1111I nliti tin hi li:'Hnn tn nt rnt r-e with 1ii ol i ir ti it- tu Ih- niiM.iYil by the llirilt when i r.lirinti Hhiiic Tnntimtif . Till trtniihcnt i n riVtt'tUe i the ollici t rt-11 hii mi: nl'l'lt. h mi a.i uN A l-.M II, f A-a, vll'r. 1 T. J. HARCAN. M. D. T T-M---X--s-.H. K1CVEM. V tVACNKH, 8iiiiiNNi.ru to Koi At l,ti-htriilKTLcr. FANCY C.ROCICRS. SUGAR AT HEriNCHS' PRICES. V 'nitres riiiiniril mi tin irrniiM. ili.llv, sml lirouml fnrrnrv lu-tinnrr Full l.llic Of Tlllllv Nupplli-H. I'n-e ilrlltery. A Illll line ol I'rnl. Iuinlnh.il nt 1 Holi-Milr irii-rM a8 PATTON AVICNl Ii. Trlrf onr No. nil. sritin ilir The lally Newspaper HchI. nri oiii-Kf iIi.i'm itiotii'v it ' lil.v n;V8pnM.r in Mi.. priiit-i-H ink. Imt lli. 1111111 NiTofiill.iiilvi'-tiHmK iikm 1 who inak.-H ihi mnnt inti'lli-l ,,,,ls.' l-.iliti(j: it ih pj'oihtIy P'nt. iiwMif it p-tM tin. inoMtl"8""- 'Ivitiihhik 111 ilnily IIIOIII'V (III! Ill t. It. I.O.M II. .ti pay to ml vert inc H(uiii'tliinr' yiu Imvi'ii't Kot.onuiythiinri .4iii I'Hiinot do nml do well.. The 1111111 wlio ad vert im'H 11 fl'Illlll IIIIImI ll.lfll il "irmiil''1 t'riiiifl jitiil liu ul..ft .i,lt..i.tiu.. luiwiinK in trocMiri niUKt In pivpMivdto HiiliHty Mm run tMiKTH. 8pclma I Comes STORIIV I Read in IVDtY mmm 45O000 Tina Week homes - If HW WV Pf yfrw s THIS CLIP IffiVbUlHS MH FREE TO JAN. I, 1891. T sr mw anmraiBKH. wss win n . tki .tip Htk 4rM s.i I.T IS SMal sr Ibsna Kmrnf OrUr r HHUrr UMf 1 sw rUM, w. will ssstf TH VOIITH'SJ COnrANIon rmiltt.JssasfT. IMt, s4 rsrsr.ll rnrlt.il tssl Data. Tkl.sOr iMlaasatks IVB Oaimi.a HOl.tnAT Nt'lrlllR far TksakwlTlas, ClartMaiaa. ' rail's Ismt aas Faartli-aMalr. aa4 alt Iks lllairaisa Waaklr Hasslaaiaaia. e 44nm, TMi YOUTH-e COMSsHlOW, 41 T.msla Place. Boston, Umm, GLEN ROCK HOTEL. Iu 100 Feet of Central PHSsenger Depot. ASIJEVILLE, N. C. A mmttTii fimt rtnim lintel. Hot 11 ml cold wnter nndhnth and tollctR on every floor, Klrrtrir IicIIh in cvrry rHm, Oi.rn fn in oftiw nnd Knitt-H in bed roonn. OflTue, dinlnjf iM.m. hi tit' I t'otinti r, rlicnr nm! nt-wt ntnml and bar ami hillinrri mum on flint floor. Wets mr ntreet ifiro pHHs ilnor every 'jo minotiK Kichmuml and Danville railroad eatlnic hotte, 'i .nin-'U'n '""r ?ieal. RATKH, Sj.m PER DAY. A. i. IIAIXYBURTON,Prop ,. M. HHVAN Hl.cl WAI.TKR SiKICKM, Vlerksi. FOR CUNTAINS NINE R01MS, INCLUDING BATH R01M FITTED. WITH WATER CLOSET. Hnihi 1 Ihrixiuiiuut In Xntiiiur link. I'nrlor nnd Reception Ilnll Untune! In U'lsrtrr-Sri,.t-.' ,t'k W 'IrnjK-il w.tli LiiK-rw.tn-Wnlt.in. '..r r.trtli.-r iniorinii'inn call on ii. II. WALKER, No. 5, JcHcrnon Drive. $100 REWARD 1 For rtiiyonr w ho wli' buy n fiuir oi' r.ruUum Shorn and not set n-uv rttx-iviil. Now m 31 NORTH MAIN STREET luM uhtivv I'nriiKm Wnrehnuac. ASIIKMI.I.i: DHY ()()liS COMPANY, Olirnti it itun- 'iif.nh 1i:mhIU- f.otlilnu nt rirwt-vl.i (hmIh, hiiiI Ititind to treat - ... l.lt.JI'l. W. It Ii .r. .-ii,.i .1' rtliticn cf tverv kiutl. MotiH'-niiulv Jt-nnu lloint- i .ic I'liti-'.. II. tin iii'K't- !iniiKiit Moi"c .-mil' Urillinu. We warrniit rvcry inir ot A-hcvilU- hliot c ' lnx Anhcvillc Dry Good CoM I. O. H'lWBt.L. Manager. Hiwfinl I'll. tht nml Milt. HoUoniU' are with mm. Tlicrv a,-li'w more intrmitiiiK r in J ! Uriiflivi-iii1.ii'nlii,iis oiliml f,.r Xuvhii- f I IkT I Iin II I'icJhXXKIUvMll.l.KK NlAliAXIMi. Iki-:m., u hirli in iust nl llnilil. Tlii I'lilir !..',iiii.iu k riu, li. .il. 1. it S.11XV1.S o' u iiit-h J h;i Innii rriniirkiil'lr, is Ih-iki: nt' ntnlv j iucn- ml in sii'. n ills., in m nl in. 1 li-rrstiiiK conn ills. The NovciiiIht issm is l.iiKt-i' limn an. 1 r.'viuiis miiliii r; it is I Ii.iiiiIm.iiii Iv ill ,-( 1 .... i, nml mi ntotiu' III ilk OHIU'lltS Sllll-AK Ilu- kulijtvt U tattil ii. tc til riiit' i,Ht-.t-Mi 1, 1 tvv, v .vfinittti in I I llf lllllll. I III' l. ,1.1,' Hi I'lillll'IIIK t'l HI- j lams niMt Itr a.liuirolilt- ai tn-lt on I I'liVsitn! C'nlltirc, In ..lim M.iih'I J,n- IK-1.S; VolllK.'hH Annie ,ic Al'.tltalljll s l ull's Inr I', ml. l'.liitit".li ; I in' mv illil imitr ,.n T'iKS'i.v, l.y M.iri. A.lil.iiili' iifli'-v; "i wn 1 iiiiiiKi-uii iiiks in iHHinl. I. MiilnlJIiivil' 11; "Tin' (living ul 1 lianlis" I nil t'ss.tvl, Iiy Irintie Hop. kins; ail arlith' liv I'lorrnrc I'. Si,.'oril 111 rvailiiiK; "Tin- Hull ,,f TftnRr," Iiy S. Clin !i. .n: "Wi, 1111111 ami I'lnslic Art," Iiy Kmc K iiitliiiiinii ; "Tvmiirrani'C in I'oi.il," l.y lliiit li.iin ll.trilini:;' v. ll Ctiill 111111111111." In Wi iult ll Siitit'v; Mrs. Mil ler's srriiil,'" The l'liil,is,iilitT ol Hrilt wi.ml" "A 1'iirl Mu.lri.i's Vtnr in I'nri." I ViivcinUi I, Iiy Clliirli.ttc Warl.ill; I "Ithiii Mi, 11 lu 1. nil In sli.ry I. Iiy l.ncv ' WltllafC : l'iisl'i,HN Inr X,tvi'itllH-r IiIIiih. Iriil.ili, Iiy llnsiHii I a lame: Uililnrial 1 1.111111111'til, nnil Iti 11 ik Kevicws. I Si,liTHriilii.n priiT. y.o!! per year. Single i..ii. B. 'J't lints AililifSK Tun nxsHMii.i 1 11 I'i 11. C.i. Illl.'l I'ilili Ave, New York. 1 n.iv-tilli. "''" l "TM MI.VH, uii-miw tin1 MiK'r di- iMH-fly to tli pur rliiiHcr day nl'ti'i' dn.v mid uivcH mIkiimm'Ih nml puirluiHtM'H tht'ir ,v'rl,H.i,W w,i,ullllw juKt 1,8 l'10 Wv ,M T'. m ur tht'oiiKli tin oiiitonnl viA- uiniiH. H. V. Orr. Copies and Beautiful Calendar Trwel I "IsT- lUHWUiiiiil M 1UIJII 1 IDIVEL nn lu i :-. n,.Mvrit AinKDiiumMiiJ.re AND lrWnjRV.10rll''l IIST0RY1 DiGt srssr m YHi tf KM1inU m fsifriWIr SALE. TRY THE MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY 17 Patton Avenue. Marpcr'R MnicnKlnr for Novent. bcr. 1890. Tin Novemhtr nutnlwn.f Hnrer Maica liiie iNiniiilnw the Hnit oi a ahort aerie of oa. iHin on H'-uthrrn Call'nmin "Our Itulv 1 by Chnrlrn iMHllrv Warn r. Hi'swritiintr the- lii atr. TtMiunvN. and .. nvry of thut moat iiilrrr utinst iiortlon of oar t-ountr'. Nut-fr-ou illunt rut ion from iihotoxrapha and Iriim tlr-iwinsiii by illntiniciiintH-it Ameriean iirtirtiH ttlve ft'ttlltintinl rnlur to thla interest inu mer. K. W. Mculy dravrlhea th iuaint old town ot Kottunhur , imil fila an iic 1 1 mil I nl "lrr MflNtrrtnink." the festival tibi.v which occnm there aumiallv. Mia ar tlclr In At-comtuinli-il by nine Illustration Irom ilniMlnu by Otto Heck. The wertes of n-tlrlrfi on Houth America hv Thrn.lonr I H I.l In continui-d In "I'rban and Cotnmer clnl hlli". Thr lllustiations. which are niimerHus, prrwnt view of obleitN and scen ery in n- d rou"d Huntiaito ami Valparaiso. I.a'cmlio IK am dciurilei "A Wintir Journey to Japan' by way of the Canadian J'aciftc K n II i-m n n and the Fnclflc (ktan. ft II. M. Hyrrs contri mtes an article on "8 witter land and the Swiss " "Princ ton I nivcmlt j" t the sublrct of a timely nn'irr by I'rolrwsor W. M. Hliisnv, Uaudrt inimitable tiry of "Port Taracoa" is bruutfht to a conclusion. Twenty charncterlstir lllustrallona I rum d ii winic by the r'.Utiiitfulsbed I'rench ar fsts, Mvrbach, Konnl, ami Montemit ac orn piny this instalment. The other Action in eluih-tt "A Hnlluwern Vrnlth.' by William in iu It. with Ave illuntr tiuns; "Madrilene; or. the I'eitivnr of thr lead.M by (trace Klnm and "Portraits. " by Ituth hana lirninr. Itr H Weir Mitchrll vontributca charminii po m entitled "The Ouakrr Lady,' wh.vh is quaintly and beautifully Illustrated Iiy Howard lyle. Other I'ocms are "In No veintrcr' by Archibald Iampman; "Too I. ie I" by Julian Hawthorne. "The World Huns On,1 by Ross Hawthorne l.athropt "On Waklnsj from a Dreamless ftleep," by Annie HirMs. and "A Quatrain," by BHsa Carman. OeorKe WIlHain Curtis. In the IMI tor' Hasy Chalr.discusM a number of inter estin sublecta, such as the decrease of pop ulation tn aotnc of the mountain dlstricta. Mi ntlemaullnes In I'arlbitncnt and In Con Hrea. the ' sot let y clumn" of the newsps (m r and me recent legislation for the strnint of thcllipmr tr trie William I wan Howtlls. In the Kditor'a Htudy, considers the most recent theories rrtrnnlinii the ortain of he Aryans. Charles Du llcv Warner. In th ' itltuiV tirawcr, ra'la th- reader's uttentlon tn n HCitllar tendency n" modern times, and aiu'Kr-ts that there may be still farther tri umphs fur the alot marhina and electricity. tent Free. Wmmr For 4a Tur Only flTS Family i aviAR. Hni(ttnf ml ss Ins WITH 81.76 suTOdlts w4t no w.irt f dim oi i.nn.M-rt'i h'r lfi 11 i- js-Ws)VVaSjliUtti)t A WMUinA.'. "tr