ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 12, 1800. fouris Your Blood? I had a malignant breaklna; nit nn my tag below the knee; awl wn mid! mn' and well with two nrol p li!f 1 utiles ot 8. S. 8. Other blooil nicdiciui Iiud in!!, ed to do nie any go 1. Will C. Bkatv, Yorkvil!s, si. i:. 1 u troubled from childhood wlifi an aggravated case of Tetter, aud llireo bottles of 8. 8. 8. cured me pernm neatly. Wallace Mann, Mannvlllo, I. T. Our nook on Blood aud Skin Disease mailed free. Swupt Specific Co., Atlanta, Qa. net SiSdltwlv PROFESSIONAL. CARDS. DR. J. H. WILLIAM!, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, S3 HAYWOOD ST. Hour IO A. M. to 1 P. !M. octaodOm Dr. W. Stuart Leech. Office Romi A nnd 6, McAfee IbilldinR. Houra 10 a. in. to 1 p. m. and 4 to 0 p.m. Tclepone No. 47. eptlH dflm ROBERT BROUN, ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER. CONDUCTS MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION. . Bex asT. Hendry Block. lul)Hld:im A. H. COBB, STENOGRAPHER. LEGAL, BLOCK. )uae7ritm A. S. GRAHAM, DENTIST. ilStee-er J. K. Law'. Stun-, tiuutli Main street. KslraetlnK "Me. with rii. hoc. Pllllnu with llvrr or amulinin.. ..noe. to7ftc. ' " aolil $1.00 and upward. Set of teeth sn.oo. ,Heat Kt of teeth as.oo. No better made, no matter what you pa jr. iSaliafaetion guaranteed. Br. J. H. Crawford, Moom. 5 and tl. McAfee HuililiilK. ration Avenue, Aanev lie, N. C. PU ACTUS I.IMITKI. To Til" Kye, I'mt, Throat and None. anlrldrf m. aTnewland, Attorney at Law. MARION, M. V. Will iiractlee In the 10th and tilth Jiidiiinl IMatrleta of North Carolina and in the Su preme Court and the Federal Court of the Weatero District ol North Carolina. mavRdlm Tiiao. P. runnsoN, Too. A. Jokss Raleigh. las. O. MaUTia, A'terille. A.heeille. )A VIUXON. MARTIN ft JONKS. Attornev. and Counaellora at Law. Aahevlllr, N. C. Will praetlce in the 11th and lUth Judicliil IH.trlrts. and in the Supreme Cr.urt of North .Carolina, and In the Federal Court, of the We.temiu.triet of North Carolina. Refer tcTBank of AaheTille. Utael J A. TRNNKNT. Architect aud Cou tractor. tplan., apeellleatlons and e.timatr. fur aiahed. All work in my line contraeleil for, .and no ehargea for drnwlnira on contract, (.wanted me. Kefereaeee when desired. Office: No. 13 Hendry Block, North Court .atquara. AsheTllle. N. C. fehludlr R. H. RBRTBS, D.D.S. n. K. SUITH.D.D.S. Or. ReeTea Smith. JMCNTAL offici: I., cnunallv rtnudinit, o.vr Kedwood. Htore, I'attnn Avenue. Tarttt eslraeted without pain, with the new aniexKetlc, and all caw. or irrt iruiant r cor. rx-ud. irlil.ldlr P. RAMHA V, D. D.8. .14 Dental tlrer the National Hank of A"hevllle, llur riant nulldlna. Realilenee, 0 Chnrlolte .t. it MOTHERS CHILD II If I laallt-W 5rvlAB0R LESSENS IS PMNLnrR TO LIFE fit. 0IMU3SHE5 MOTHER BRAD FIELD RCOJIATOR CO. ATLANTrW tep.S dAwlT ZEB VANCE will get then. We bet on Old SCet as being the best Flour la town. We have Junt recelr ed a frch lot of KE6 AND BOTTLE PICKLES Come and (tve them a trial, at HARE BROTHERS, t 17 Mouth Mnln Rtrect, WM. R. PENNIMAN, PHOI'MfKTDM "I THE ASHEVILLE BRICK WORKS, .tht'llle. N. t . I. . has r. ntsria.ll Hi THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY, i U.O.C. Ouraa , G in inaiiara.wimouirain I'mvsnta Rtrletura, Contains no serld nrrmlaonoussnlMtanees, and , C -tHiil-..AriiivChrm.Co.M')..N.O.lA FOR RALB BY RAYSOR A MITH, ASMEVHU, N. 0. LIKE ASHEVILLE DAYS. A PRORK PUKM ON THE WKtTHKH, II HrlliKH Joy to l he Hunter That Hon, Dreamy Hate AIho Hub dued UtMcii tilow. From the .New York Sun. There is no one so dull of lite acme of I he lieimtit'ul llmt lie liuti line kll the uplemlorof these Indinn aumnicr dnya. There is n toiieh 01' fio.l in the earlv moi ning uir that slinrpens into 11 white ness on the brown liclds of thin open eountry. Liitcr in the tiny the chill ii I moat fades before the persistent nun shine, yet remains to give the nir .1 hxu linr briskness. The skv hna not the deep blue ol aummer, but a paler blue, tnruuKli which eloutla thnt ore not quite summer clouds flout and drift. There is u suit, (Ireniny lime over everything, nnd the sun shines with n subdued golden glow. This sort of weuther brinus esueciul joy to the hearts of the hunters. They nre issuiug lorin Irom the cities and Iroin the villnges to bring sorrow to the homes of the rabbit and the partridge. The country is peculiarly inviting apart Irom tnc bunting tt nrtorrli. 1 lie golden rod no longer glows by the roadside. The colors have faded Irom the leaves, nnd the leaves themselves have drifted to the ground, to cover it ankle deep with a soft, brown carpet, small birds in sum' bre plumage whirr through the bushes und squirrels bide among the bare limbs of the trees. Mr. Cotton-tail sits on his huunches in the stubble, und darts away, n streak ol brown, with u white spot nt the end of it, at the slightest alnrm. Here and there some lute tree yet lifts u bunch ol uold nnd crimson leaves that gleams like a fire, and is to Ik seen afar oil. That McKlnlcy Hill. From the Lowell Citiien. The silence of evening brooded over the mansion of Ue Smy titers H silence broken now and then by the sharp clicking of Mrs. Dc Smvthers' needles as she sut knitting in the little kitchen, or by the fierce grunts of lie Smvthers himself nshe slumbered nn a sofa in ihc sitting room. These latter sounds at length ceased und u soft trend told Mrs. Ie Smytlicrs that the lord of the mansion had finished his nap and wits coming out to read the evening piicr. Suddenly there was u lull of some heavy body, followed by u yell ol pain. The lady t the house rushed in to find her liege sitting on the floor holding one slipperless foot in his hands und looking very pale. "Mirindy, haven't I always been u good husband to you ?" "Yes Jack." "Haven't I alwnya supairiccl our chil dren ?" "Yes, Jack." "Haven't I alwavs paid my tax bills?" "Yes, dear; but whut is the matter?" "And didn't 1 give the minister $5, and put my name, down on his orphan book ten more ?" "Ol course you did." "I have stood all these und never grum bled; but this is loo much, too much!" "Oh, Jack! You frighten me. What is too much ?" "The tacks on our new cnriiet." And the strong man sobbed like n chilli. I.oved Her Dolly. From the Waterhury American. A very little girl was discovered the otner day playing enrelcssly with matches. She was warned ol the danger of setting the house on lire nnd burning the hooka, pictures and furniture. She wasn't much effected. It didn't disturb her a great deal, either, to be told that it might burn up her father, mother and brother und other previous things. But it set her to thinking aud she finully asked: "Would it burn my kittie up?" It might," was the answer. And my dolly?" "Yes." That was enough. Then I ituess I will lie careiuiier uoi 10 never touch them any more." " Lincoln's) Valet. From the Detroit Journal. Abraham Lincoln'sson is"nccoinpuiiied only by his vnlct" on his present visit to thiscountry. This recalls the well-known storv of the son's father, who was found nt the white house by a celebrated linglishmnn in the act of blucking his Isiots, "An liuglish gentleman never blacks his own bouts," Vns the pleasant greetiiK of the blunt visitor. "Whose Imuts docs he he black ?" asked the pres ident as lie put the shine on. He would have had as much use for a "valet" ns one of his own rails would have had for sand pucr and mory wheel. Knew HI BnalncNM. From Munaejr's Weekly. Canvasser I am selling u new map of the west. Chicago man Show mcwhcrcChicMgo is located. Cnnvnssei Chicago is that big place on the lake, Chicago mini Now, where isSt. l-ouia? Canvasser 1 don't believe I ever heard of that place. Chicago man You can give me two of those mups. Caught. From the l'Jleeade Blatter. "Tell me, dearest I'mma. will you lie mine ?"" Will you alwnys let mr have my own way?' "Alwnya, dearest." "And my mother may live witn usr- -willingly." "And not ask for latch-key ?" "1 would rather throw it in the sea." "And give up your club, and always be home to dinner?" "Always, nnd on the minute," "Then yon must excuse me, but you are not at all the sort of man I should wish for a husband." The Problem solved. From the New York Weekly. Wile (looking up from a book I ' This writer snvi that half the miseries of married life come from the fact that wives do not have a certain, regular sum per week to spend ns they please." Hus band "True; and the other half of the misery comes from the (act thtt hus bands do not have a certain. regular sum per week to eicnd as they please," In Teaa Mchool. From Hi. Vol. Keconl. Small boy (holding up lmiidl j "Wlint's B. C. hitched onter them dates in Greek history mean ?" Tencher (a tri , He confused "Well-er, Hnmtnie, vou see llinn old Oreeks were queer kind of creel ! i rs, so whin they didn't know a date for 1 snrtiii, they put II. C "liout correct,' I lu-ter the niimliers." MerKcanl on Drill. ,1... Ulla.MH.1a Ut.llM. Mm, wi.n y.... ....t aiwnvs IOOK nr. II you wie n neii wm ' has laid ii billiard hall Instead of nn Kg!' Kaactly. From th FllrRrnde matter. "The very sight of those picturesque hills Is Inliixk ating." "Right you lire, my friend, they lire nil covered with grape vines." PRINTING ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINES. Tha Pint Wah Vrass far Boa Work and Its latHaaM Hoe ban im. WM) prensea for newspapers are com. iiioii enough, but this press baa dis tinction aa the Best, and for three years the only, web proas used in this coon try for good book -work. At one end of the machine is a great roll of paper more than two miles long when un wound, and weighing about 7f0 IKmnds, Aa the paper unwinds it pom es lirnt over a jet of steam whloh slight ly dampens and softens, but does not wet or sodden, its hard surface, and HtH It for receiving Imrjrmdons. It next pannes under a plate eylinder on which are thirty-two curved plates, inked by seven large rollers, which print thirty two pages on one side. Then it pauses around a reversing cylinder whiali pre sents the other side of the paper to an other plate cylinder, on which are thirty-two plutcis which print exactly on the back of the proper pages for the thirty-two previously printed. This Is done quickly in less than two seconds but with exactness. Rut the well of paper Is still uncut. To do this it is drawn upward under a small cylinder containing a concealed knife, which cuts the printed web in stripe two leave wldo and four leaves long. As anon as cut the sheets are thrown forward on endless belts of tape. An Ingenious but undetectable mechanism gives to every alternate sheet a quicker movement, so that It fulls exactly over its predecessor, inak ing two Inpped strips of paper. Busy little adjusters now coino in play, plac ing tlieee lapped sheets of paper accu rately up to a head and a side guide. Without an instant of delay down comes a strong, creasing blade over the long center of the slieet, and pushes It out of sight. Pulleys at once seize the creased sheet and press it flat, in which shape it In hurried forward to meet three circular knives on one shaft, which cut it across in fnureqiinl pieces. Disappearing nn instant from view, it comes out nn the other side nt the up xt end of the tail of the press In the form of four folded sections of eight pages each. Immediately after, at the lower end of the tail of the press, nut eome four entirely different sections of eight psges each. This duplicate delivery shows the product of the press to be at every rev olution of the cylinders sixty-four pages, neatly printed, truly cut and ac cumtely registered and folded, ready for the binder. This web press is not so fust, as the web press of daily news papers, but it performs more operations and does more accurate work. Thro. I De Vlnne In Century. Ventilation mm a Praranllva of Ksploalons. Tbeexeellent results attained by Pro fessor Barrett, the electrician of the electrical department of thecityof Chi cago, hi the prevention of explosions in the subways of that city by the adoption of a system of thonnigh ventilation have been commended by a New York paper to the board of electrical control, which from time to time has been much exercised with the frequent explosions that have taken place In the subways on Broadway and elsewhere. It I, shown that the ventilation of the down town subwuys through tho city hall chimney is perfect, and that the clectrio light posts fumish sufficient ventilation at other points. It is also urged tliat the city of New York can derive much benefit by taking heed to the example of Chicago, which has or dered the electric light, telephone and telegraph companies to ventilate their subways in order to prevent explosions. New York Commercial Advertiser. Rains I'laaannt to a rhlnaasaa. I attempted to be pleasant to a Chi naman the other day. and I have not vet decided whether tho attempt was n success. Iln la a missionary, and for lack of anything else to talk about after bring Introduced to him I said 'How ore you getting onr "(letting on?" "Yes in your inimlon work." "Oh I Very well. How are yon get ting on yourself!" "How? Which wnyf "In your work." "Making a living, thank yon," "That's good." "Which r "Tlie living." "Yns. (ining to ndn, Isn't Itf" I would give a quarter to know whether li thought me Impertinent In asking about Ids business, and whether It wsi ehililiike simplicity or Intent to rebuke me that led him to ask about mine. Brooklyn Eagle. Plgwoaa Rnllit a tftit Over aa A liar. Blnce Friday two pigeons have been engaged in making a neat for the win-te,- nbore the altar of the Immaculate Conception church. Bunday the pas tor, the Rev. , Mcllaln, preached for the Brat time since he returned from his visit to Rome, Paris and other Kuropean cities, anil gave tho pauU benmllctlou to the congregation. Dur ing the service the fluttering of the plgeona attracted the attention of the entire congregation, and In the parish It has beon a subject of conversation ever shine. One of the pigeons Is white, with black spots, and the other la of a grayish color. It Is supimscd they found their way Into the church throogh the ouoir windows, which, un like the other windows, are not pro vlded with screen. The pigeons thus far liars not tiiadu tlieinwlves annoy Ing to the priests or congregation. naltiiuore Hun. The force of the sea dashing on Hell Hock is said to be seventeen tons for each square) yard. N OTICB. llv virtue oflhr power of sale given Ihe nn drraiinieri lir the deed In Iru.l to him. rurt-il-ted i.v John W Walt, to areiire the payment of the ilelit therein d. aerilitd lo l. II. Hnllle. which anid drill la now pnst due and unpaid, an I which aald deed In truat la duly resia tered In the ofllee of the rrill.ler of deeds lor llnncomhe countv, N. C . in lm k ll'J. nt pnKe I m and lo which reference la hereby made for Aill partleu'ara. , , , The undrralanrd, In piirausnr of Slid power of anle, will aell at public ante at the court ' ouae door In Aahrvllle, N. C, on Tnea. ilnV, tin anth dnv of November, tsiiu. nt 111 oVIock mM for eaah, the Innd draerllied In aald deed in trust the aamcheins a tract of laa acres on "Hunaet llrlre," near Aahevllle, N. C, ndlnlnln- land, ol T. II. John.ton T. W Patten, Klmherlv and nihera, and more fully rirairllied In aald deed In truat to whirl! reference la again made. Thla !ltat dnv of October, 1SII0 dtooTlft wed INU. B. BUHTIC, Trustee, for Infants "Caatoria Is so well adapted tochildrra that I recommend it a. superior to a ny prescripUon known to me." H. A. Ancnrcs, M. p., Ill Bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, .N. Y, sent til The nsllv Cltlrcn. Is always alive to the interests ol Ashcvillc and its pcoiilc. I the most popular ndvcrlising me ilium in North Carolina. Is read by a greater numlicr of people than ny other secular paper in the State. Is always filled with the choicest read ing mutter of the day. Ilonriling houses lill their rooms liv ad vertising in the Citizi:n. News, and all the news, ninkes the Cit izkn a general favorite. No retail men-hunt ever made a grcnt succc'S without advertising. Try ilk Citikn. An advertisement in the Citukn pays the advertiser an hundred-told- WANT COLUMN. .xri:i. WA YmiilK mull, almtil ID vi-nrs old to net lis .-lerk in tore Apply I' o. lluX U7s ayANTmi-llllAKIl For the winter by lielv in private I'n 'j ter a moderate. Aililresn J. Ii I . novl 1 dll'" Care Cilia n. YI'ANTHIl. Ho til' 'J tn 1.1 tt-iirH, well m-(ir -inti-d with city Hnitilrf til Ktinm n, .'til I'ttUnn vtiiui. in a in mid 4 t. in novtndti lust, srji.wiiit ok sroiMw On Sutiirdiiv, fit thi' Ih'iii i'Iiiih-', n kuIiI hcudtil iitiitirt'Un. Ktwunl ii ri tunit'l to TII SOI I'.CII Sunday ntti . mum n lirown ovenont, lw twtt-n lii pot nnd Clayton t A lilKr:I re wnrtl s ill Ik- pmd lv ictitndtit: to THIS (H'l lCli. E STRAVHII. One mileh eow and nnv lu-'fi-rtslrayrill' oin our lot on dak .tirr A II ernl n-uaril ti.r tlirlr n-lurn or inloriii-iiion aa t,. tHlr win ie Illinois W. II U II. 1. 1 MSu:. ,V i I.. nov7 dllt I'UI MK iOlNI (n llii" KtrrrU of Alu'viMf. nn iii th-lr v. i h thromirr mn lifivr ' tlt-iH'rtliinu the aiiii' ui h;i iia t ay im t. I-OH NI,;, A Hue imported violin. Iiox and lutw, Pnvl'iiMw Ml. H7 IMTfoN A VI.. VJA A7i.T. puKK HNT. The hotovr known n thr "llowfll lotir,M ; on tlrady trvct.conuilninu 11 rooinn Apply i to Ji;i: U. KT AKMi, I no12d1w il North Miiin t. JpO KKNT. Punilhi-d fonnivthitf room, nuiitilik lor! Ilelit hoiiM'kft'iiitiK. ' novll dim .'UN I AT TON AVli pOK KliNT Two nin ly fiiTidnhf.' ro ni. wi'h or w ith out hoard. Tcrmt n nfoaalilc Apply lo V. 11. MI'I'i HKI.L, novMdtlt iln I'nif n Ave JOK Kt NT. Avery rlririilk- r'idtnv, inrttih-d. with lmlh roo , ri'tl , on Had v irtrt, whlilll livf initiiitc' w .Ik ol ptddic m pi nrc. Apply nt I I'ATTON AVli. novNdtl poH KliNT. Two ronifortnlilr ninnv rooiii.iif iiliii lor liuht hottM-kn pinii. Apply nt novoilt.' .i:t liAll.rV HT i:i.T, pdH HUNT. Kurnlhftl hi.nm. Cfturnl I.oftiiioii All lni)rovruii-nt, T' rtm t.n aniiii iiiimi Air' ply I'-a I'ATT- N AVI'NI I. f oetuAiitr Jp KliNT. Hiitiurlitin rmidrntv, our ndlr from iltv m M-rrimoti nvtii'-c road, hninl-i nii'l ami t'omplettly luniinhcil and npitpiHtl' tittuiiic ' view: v xtt-ii-. uromi' m: two irvh Itr-iv eo Mt; winter tiar Un; horcm and vihua U itr-inn. onmn-ion ivta lnt ol ovmir owner tHvutvinit In minim r oiil would make iieriaiincm Hrraimeitifiit with party iletdrltitf n winter it'Nfd.nfe Addrtio- i eptddtr I' o. i.ntK ho n;rj IIMINIMTKATOK'H NoTICII The undemlffncrl tinvlnu nilmlnlMteml tin theetiteol Jinuen Cnroon. dee'd, h rrhv no. tllv nil itcmonii havinu elatim nuain t the r tntr to prc-ent thr name wit Inn twelve month irom thin date, or thin ntifr w ill lie den -led in bur I their ti.ivniiMl prrwoii itidelitetl to themtatr will plt-fiw eome for ward anil miike cttirmeni loroiw nn. T. C II. Id KliK. I. II CAIN, AihevlHc. Oel. 14, 1HHO Ailiu'r. oet 1ft dftt wril jliMlTlHTKATKIX NoTICIi, The umlrrtiiiHrd hnvlnu iiiitillllFtl nn Ad- mlnMrntrlt ol Ihe r-tnleot ir V. I.. Illl Hurt), UvtTiittd, hereby noHlUn all imt-miipi hnvini: clatmn nitiunit am emiiie. 10 e-nmu the name to the iiniirrbfttl n or lt-rtorv the tut tiny id Novtmlier. inid j and all Krtomt Indrbteil 'omilil t-latf will iiU-nw make lm. mediate urttliMirut. M KUAMIir H MII.I.IAKIt. Aahevllle, Nov. I, lM"i. AilminiatrnlrU. novvvdt UBUNKENrfESS Liquor Habit. VAUrr w$u muitsurronamt I! ifMrfES GOLDEN SPECIHC ItranDeirlvrnlnttiir,tra,nrliiartlclrwnrffMHl, without llifi knnwIttlBtt af (mlli-nt If nrwfy ; It Ii abiM,hiuly harnilefw ind will anrt a inrmi. nut and nin-My oiin, wla lhrr thf iiailrni t a rnodi-raU'drliikrrnrannli'oliMlirwriTk. IT NKV KH i'AlLH. UupndiiMiitiiily and with aurh oerti ity thai Hh imilt iit uiidiTRona nn inrnn vmiltmoa. and anon Ida cniniiirii roftirmatlon la allaoiwl iaabok lrw Tulwhadui KAVMOH nt MMIT11, liruKlflitta, Anhevtllr. N. C, aultn rtAfwIv tn on wed Iri gui:kk nuos., iHuive-mira to I'nlrd At Ktctor.t No. a8 North Mrtln Htrcct. I7nakua" A HI I'UHMJH I'LOUK M ANI'PACTrKltl) I'OK OIK THA DM, ALL. HIZIfH, VE SELL FOR $3 40 PER HUNDRED. and Children. Caatoria enres Potte, Conslbvitlon, Hour bloiiiueb, lliai-rha.ii. kriii-iutiiin, Kills Worms, givus sloop, und pruiuutea dl- SRHtioll, Without iujurlnus niedi'-atlon. Tns Csntaus Cosp.nt, TT Murray Street, N. Y. ileiwl v Wben Baby was sick, we her t'ubiorla. When slit) was a Cliikl, site cried fur t'ast.iris. VIleD alie btManie Miss, slio cIiiiir to ('MKloria When she bud Children, she tfuvu tbuni Castorl Advl-l tlnillif CRHATFS many u uvw msiiiss,-.V..-lA'fi7iS' ninny un of husiiicss; !'li'l'l:S iiiimy a ttiilt husiiiexs; h'l!SCH:S iiiuny n Inst httsiiivss; S. I'i'N imiiiv n utiliiifi husinens; I'MiSlih' '):' ni ny ii liirw liiisinvss; SHCL'KHS success in liny lmsincs. Tn mlverl.M: jii'lkiuitslv, use the i-til-minis uf'TlivCitueii." liwrylmily ic.-iis il; nml in immiminti tn the returns it vielils utlvei tisers.ils rules we the ettcuu est in the cniinti v. To Aelic-rilHi-rH- To insure change of edvertisemrnts nmniiig on regular com racl, copy must Is- hiuiilcd in bv 10 o'clock a. in. J Nothlnj?; Succecfls LIKE SUCCE3H. 'lilt . i i f-AI-AM'S mk liiiiti: mi.i.i:i l tl- most vi:nl"i-ru1 ituil Iciiif, Ik 1'ivntipv it i:it iicvi:- I't'iktl in any in -litt'cr. in- inniit r v lint llic i i: iii:.i. iit. in LIvP ! -S ti tlit' ninii'i hi dihiiht- known totheliu li!UI rl"trUI. Thf Mcuiitlfic nun o ti-dity c I ii i in i, lid ft- i vi i hut fvirv tlint t i- Ci.uricd hv ."i:i..TilH.H, AMI FADAM'S VMVJi KELLER. ; !ixtfrr-:i:ittit thf M'-r-tt and drivt-o th -ni , out o tin 'iih, ami '.vl't 'i t i;a i d nc v n cniiio'l hnvi" nn t v or i:im No u::it- : tl" A'!. it thf llilflHt. It' ll" .t -i'lij'li t;iM" o Maliirm l-'t'Vfr ot a . ' nation ol tiin ; I'll W t Iirv tllflll C" ' t tit" '. t' 'If, n v treat all diciiuh oiiiHtiniiio niiv. .trjff..'i, Cfiisunttt i tiutiih. Hi m Iriti. h'ltfttwut iiti. Kit ft try i iff l.i vi 'Vc-rtst, Cliiil tnuf Virr. Fctwilv TrnuhlvH, in ufl it- t'-rins, uui, in fhet, fvti x tiisaisv kii"H t, i lu Ilai:,:iti 'UIIU BEWAHE OF FHAU1-ULFM IMITATIONS. ftt r thnt our Trnde-Mnrk inrnm n Hhovci npH-ar on each juti. Sftid (or hook "If iMlor.v or thf Mu-roln? Killvr.' Klvcn nway by J. 8. (iRANT, IMi. ;M Hole Agent, Afhevdle, N. C. novl7dtv tu Iri un THE ILLUSTRATED AmSaN In lta itaw fonn roUlua all tho cfaaractorlitlo ! fmbiraa or tho old ilze. with u incrMiwtl mtrn bar of Pagoa aud Xlliutratioua. The Illustrated American Ii ackuowloflffud to bs the liandnonictt Wrx'kly Newa Magaxiuo In tha world. Advantatte ia uk ' an by tbo tnanaiiomnnt of every opportunity toHoeura thalaiMtand tmrnt rellablo liifonna tmn of toplca of Ronunil and luturuatloual iu txratit iu thin country and Eiiropt. CorniMiHiudoDli. ArttnU and Photonraplif,ra ara tn mutant ly at work In all part of tlie world j glnantug Itoma of Interest fur tha reiulura. I The Illustrated American In e lean, atiaotiiiely unaef tarian, f reo from polltl. ml tliecuMion4 and hoary didmtiiM. 1'. la eudticut ly a uewa DisHjAlne for the fHinfly. Club men aud uportniucn will And Athlotli-a aud flamen, Whtliij and Uaao Hall now, Ladioe will Aud "funvut Topici of Iiitoroul to WoI1on., Army and Navy Ofufcrn will And Ituia and Puoto praplia of Army aud Navy Newa, Autiiuat1aiia will vnjjr "UlMturio Amerlfa. Ewrybotly will enjoy the Serial Hlory by Kdtfar Fitwcett, boiiun in No. Vl 1891. Harper'M Magazine. i.,U'smTi:i'. The tmporlnnl avriea of pnnr. on South America, bv TimoiioMit C lin n. will lie foii-liniu-il lit llHritH"t M to im' diiriim iht lireatfr part ol the ytar li'l, The ariieitM on Houtlurn Cailmriiin, by Cii Ahi.ttH la im.kv WAkMH, will nUo lit coiititiu-il. Annum other notfworthv aitraeti at w II he a mml liV CHANI.r l.ilUKHT CHAMoCK ; 11 fid lee Hon ufortKitial drawtnua by W. M. Tiiakki.av. now piililidhed for thr HinI time; novel written and lUiiMlrtiU-d by Oiiorinit nt' Mai nikh; a nmelvtte by Wm i.iam IH;an How Ki.i.a; nnd n aerivN or pnperH on I.oudou by Walt km Iikuvst, In the number nnd vnrlrty tif tltuntrnted naiiera and other nriieh a on Nubieet" ol lime ly interest. a well na iu the nurivtiHed ehnr aeter of iln abort "torii n, piieitiM, vie, Ham I'KM'a Maoih will (iMitiuue lo inaintiifn that ataitdiird orrhvelh-nee ol whUh It ha britl an loiiK illntitiHiiietluil. IIAKIM.K'S I'HUKHHCAI.S. per i'r: HAKPCK'H MAdAINH 4.MM HAUI'liK'H Wlil K V 4.110 HAKPIiN'lt It A. AM 4.UII HAKI'I.K'H Vol' tl Pl.Ol' a. no pnFtiiKe Iree to nil anlowi-lbim III the rai ted Htatta. Cniuiila and Mexico, The Votiiiuea of the MAnulNK beizili with the Number for Jane mi l I - et min r of eiu h vear Mnii no time a peelheil, mibu rh. iliHia will IkhI'i wiOi the iimbei -current at the Iboe ol revel pi of order. Hound Viibinaa of Hahi'KH'h Maoaxink for three year- bnek, in neat eloth bintlliiH, wib Up aflll II V IIOI ll. IIOHt Ollld. Oil refeillt of tf.'i ptr volume. Cloth eiieM, for blai Inu. T0 eeiueaih- bv mnit, potpaid lade . to IIahi'KH'n Mahaink, alphabetl- enl, analvtieai, nnd ela'tairii d, tor ulunua 1 to TO. hielll -lve, Irom .lone, 1ntt, to June, irnin. a) v, I., hvn. fbitb. S4. KelllUiainca n"UHI ue innue ny romoniee M tt y order or dralt, lo avoid chance ol loa. New aptiprm nrr not to copy Ihta ndverti-e-meiit without the vapnaa unlet ol llAHritu 8t llHOTHItHa, Atldnaai I1AUIM.K tH HKOTIII-KH, New York ANItAY HHItll, eiirefully nrnuind by lead Inic mrniber) ol thtr AmIiiviIIc bar lot Aneat puiehni'iit tti.d luitvv Hat paper), cot triiiR ull nieeHMury potnta, Junt out nnd now un ple at the nmce ol the CrrixttN I'imh.ihm tftn Co tt Nrtfth Court wjuaie. fbm iat RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R, CO. PArWiiUCK IHI'AKTMRNT, WeHtera Wili Carolina Olvialon. i ASSi:.'(;i;u train si:in'.M'i.K ( ! hi'i-iicr AujL'unt 31) 73th Meridian t'"ie tmi ! when not othTwbu 1 idieii'ed. lt.vTrn' i. I s-- it I ,-o. s:i I Lln"X ":dly. I Mr. K .'i " MMi'h tmr.ll tinoi-'ni 1(atn " Asi.ewile, j::HIjui;i yojnm Ar. S'llit-bory, i r. mim liipm I iJan vnle, t w .ilium Id liopin 'L'iiV'"''!- I 4r.nft;n ; " KaU'luiir Fl ,,P-m77'irium ' (loldniioro, j U-,fpm 1 124uiim I " Wil.uiriKton I l.niittiii I Lynvhlnivrf. I 1 'J vrr,iin rjni VnT( " Wat-hitiKton I 7 toiitn 1 il "ium 1 " (litM'ttjtnv-, I KiVlpni I H 2!.ntx I " 'hili., I I'lli'iim I lo 7Hm j ' New Voik, I iiiaoai I yiipui) .vr;stii'f,N:. ..... nj 1 ,su. ria I I-ally. I Daily. i.v. Ni w Yoik,". iy 1 1.111111' ;uipi'n " Phim., 7U(bnnl .r7pm " Hall 1 more, l-..'a 111 1 t IKipin " WurJhliiL'i. nil 'J4fim IllllOnm " I.ynchlnirc.l n t-npni ' fid "am I " Kichmond, Moopm 1 iiHOain I " Danville, "" H -U ipni'l" MOBani V Wih'du-j t'n I in Mum I " OfiltiHboro, ytiptn 8nopm " Kiikih, I 44-riim llioutnl ' Snlinburv, J 1 '-Mr-am 111 a.ami" r. A' heviMe, 7 UUnni j 4yypm " Knotv le, I j (iHlthnieiM I II iritmil Mlirpm No. r.fs I Dnily. I A. - S. K. R. No. S4 I)aily. "7 06 pro A07 p m 340 p m 'l IB nut! I.v Anhfi-ilie, Arr. loilll ainlAr llt-ndi r-omvillc, " iliJ pmj " Np:irianiiuiK. 1-v. Ml Ki'H V HKASCH. No.' j" ,1 i.:iiy except Mumlii.v.VT No.i7" 7:t! aiu;i,v. AlK-vilk,' Ar. 403 p m t:t3 .'i mlr. Wavtif.ivitle, " I'd.", p m - pm " M- vKoii City. 945 n ro fi0 pml " .tn lrcws. Ly. S ."! a iti Nn' "in ami rullmnii Sleept ra between Knlt'ij'li nml MoTilu.vll. Noc. (iy-and Pullman Tluft'et SlecpinK Car between 11 ol Spriti; and WiHthuiftlnn. v. . -VlMirK, Ik p a., Abbeville, N. C. IAS. U. TAYI.OK.t. P. A., VaMitim.'ton Ii C new tras-ciintinenWroTte. VIA CHIC AOO, MII.WAPKKli t ST. PA IT I Al Nt'KTIIIiKN PACIP1C K. R'S. Thronuh Pnllmnn siveptiK t'ur lenvea Chi eauo il.iii. ai ." p m l'or St Pan1 nad Miam-npolia. ' 1-arjjo. North nakota. " Hil 1111 nnd Unlit, MmiiLiiih. " The Yellowstone Park. Spok.'Uie Pull autl Tacoi tu, " Portland, f nv mm H-st Rout - to Stuttlt am! all Morlh Puciiiv Const poiniK. The sit nie line to Calilorniii, 'iu Portland mid the Sluo-tu lionte. TifkviK on .ile everywhere, l-'or inorm:itu n apply to any Ajfent, or a'ldresM A. V. II. Caki'k.ntkk, t eneral Pna- Sflt.-I AjJiltl. CltH'imo. III., or .1. C. ftHAIiV, S iitlarn l'an-ener Afent, l.oulavillc, Ky. TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. Palacc Steamcns. Lows Rates. Four Trip, per Weak Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Srv Week Day Betwean DETROIT AND CLEVELAND ipvrlA! ..iirlay Til .Inthiir Jul .Juljr.Auju.tHi4 Douhl ' Dliy Uno Bi'wm CHICAGO AND ST, JOSEPH, MICH. O'lR ILLUSTRATED PA VPHLCTS Hatmi -Mt i Fiiiini nTlfki-'nwill Vw-fn-iiUht-d hv votir ri.' t.- Adi ut, cra-idix'ra r. R. WHlTf'HiB. G. P. A., Dftboit. Milm, . Oiurnlt und Cl3volnd Steam Nnv. Oo Cbicujrtt Alton R.R. I'ASTliST KIH'TH TO KANSAS CITY AND THE WEST Atdn-villf to Knnni City In 37 hour. A-licviPe to Kt'ver in Til houra. Aht ilie to 1111 Kranfi.o, California, nnd Pi.rtl.ind. iMi-.iion, iu i tlavH, S -lid Vrioil tiled Trainn St. I.otila to Kan ant City. K Htiini; elimr ear fret. Ifi-r I'i.ll ftttMrtiintion cull on or write to U. V. Ncwlaiid, l'itrirl PaiHi-nifer Ajeut, No lo l'4il(Mii Ave., At4hevillv. N.C. I CHArM TON', r. P. A.. ChiCrtK". HI. TI.ANTIC COAST L1NH Oh nnd ulU-i t.lili tinU- the following ached ul' will '. 1 ni' "'tt itt-' t obimbia livitdon.' No. f i- o'itiiilna A..H p. m. Arrvt -il ('liarichtoii 9.30 p. m. No .ia - i.'.n-.vr t'h niiitoti' 7.10 m. ra. Ai n ;it 11 .33 a. m. Connect 00. v til traiiiM to a ad troin nil ,ji.''nt or, Hi. i.'li-.ilirllc, Coliiiabiu At Au 'l-i t ii.i ;.(; nbiii .c t'.rt.vnviMe Kudronda. P lih . T M l-:.V"i'soN, Oen. Hum, At. 1. u nu.viyi . n ..if ESTEY. FISCHER. The Wi'tl'i Im n. uufiiiiled, um xit-llcd, ilur title nnd bfuutlttil ash FISOXCU PIANO Are i-eeomtm-inled bv the herd nrtlata. Come nml examine our not Ik before bttyinff elae where at No, .'(7 Pntton avenue. Tuning and repniiiiiu a ni ialtv. G. M WILLIAMS A CO. lulvdPVwl tn SUFFERERS OF YOUTHFUL ERRORS, L"tt manhood, curly decay, etc., etc., can ae cure n home tmtlief free, by adilr.attinK a fel low niiletcr, C. V. LliliK, P, o, llox aid, Kottnoke, Vit. iiov ind.N w ilm iy FRESH fy mi am) mm& CONSTANTLY ON HANI). WECATERTO FAMILY TRADE j. v.. 25i:i;i v co., 'No. to Court Hquarc. octua il vr ' rot. rd. Nv HtimB Trmtfi nt frM kDd Isd. a re I Hn -ctiiur. A'roC tt, ill XXa, 174. ITaitaa Ht M V. nov7 dfewly TO WEAK TJEtl fin(Tfrlnf from tha afranta of youthful errora, early decay, wanting woakni-na, loit manhood, ato., IwlQ fmd a valuable tretlna faealwtl ooutalulnf full ftartlnulare for home cure, FREE of charga. A ldandt'l modlcal work t ahould be read by ararj Bum who la Derroua and deldlitated. Addnatr, rrof. F. C. VOWLEB, Hoo4ua. Gwa novftd&w 1v o o o o o o b'o o o o o o o o o o DO YOU WANT Letter Heads, Hill IleodH, Envelopes, HuHiness Cardw; OR Wedding Cards, Invitation CardH, I'roffraiMH, Menus; on Letter Circulars, Alontlily StateinentSj Small Dodgers, La rge Hand Bills; Oil A Hook, A Pamphlet, A Leaflet, A Prospectus, ARTISTICALLY PRINTED ? Then send your order to THE RANDOLPH-KERR PRINTING CO. No. G N. Court Square, Abbeville, N. C. ANYTHING Froir a Newspaper to a Vis iting Card can he execu ted in a tvork'nanlike styleatthis Print ing House, and at PRICES AS LOW As First-Class work can be tloiw Ask any of the thousands of their patrons in Ashevillo and Western North Carolina aa to their manner of doing business. They are LEADERS - PRINTING In North Carolina. m O O O O o o o o ooooooooo

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