if A . Kit 'I )V'i MR. AM) MRS. C. M. PLATT. THF.V KNTEKTAIN A I.ARt.H NI MUKR OF FRIKNIW. UellKhtftal Krct-ptlou al We Van tillder MoiiMe-siiiHlciil lroiriiin -NmuvM of TIiohc Who Wr Due (if tin1 must I'lisliiniuilile smiii! events of the si-nson whs tlie reception jjiven liy Mr. iiml Mm. Chas M. I'lntt. at their licmitil'ul resilience, the Viiut'.ildci liunse mi Cullcitc stru t, lust nielli. Tlie house was brilliantly illiimiii.iteil iukI hamlsomclv ilcenrittcil with hoi house (lowers, iinliimii leave ami ivv. The host anil hostess nveiveil in the iinrlor, assisteil Ijv Mr. anil Mis. V. li. Williamson. Mr. ami Mrs. W. II. Troy. Mrs. V. V. Uarnnrd, Mis. i".eori;e Hen ilerson, Miss Wanvii anil Mr. I'. A Somllev. All were attiml in lull evening eost nines. A ilcliuliit'til niusieal iiriutrHiii ot select nieees was remlereil in the lust nan nl the evenim;. hr. Chas. fnirr.ilt. omniiist ol Trinity lvpiseciiMl ehureh liiil clmijj'- ol the niusie. Miss ft illmnis, otunsciii . was aeeoinpaiiist ami Miss lienrt, Stutl"iirt. tiei in. inc. anil Mr. H. Cliamller, nl this eily, took p.m. The niusie was excellent ami the musts were ehariueil ly it' At HI o'clock an eleuaut hiiiikt w.i serveil in the iliniim ronins, ami l hi teinplitiK viamls nllectc.l yre.it credit on the hostess ol the eveniiuj. Alter supper a (-i-iiiian was yiveii in tin iiarlors. Mr. C. vV. Mnrpln. ol t' isc.ty leil nuil sixteen couples piiituipa'cil. Tin riaueiii),' was kept up until .1 late hour. The reeeptioii was ileelareil liy all pivs ent to lie one of the most si.ieesslul aim eujoyalile all'.iirs ol tile season. Anions those present were1 Mr. and Mrs. 1.. A. 1-ani.liolt. Mr. and Mrs. M. j. Hearden. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Ilcai'iln. Mr. and M-s l-l. I Ics'oii. Mr. ami Mi-. II. A.T.imlsiy, Mr. and Mrs. Iv. I;, lianan", Moclor mid Mrs. I'. T. Millard. Mrs. and Mrs. lames S. Cr.iut, Mr. anil Mrs. V. II. Williamson. Mr. and Mis. J W. Sluder. Mr. and Mrs. II. I.. I''iee 1 r. mid Mrs. Taylur. Mr. and Mrs (larrett, Mr. ami Mrs. . Lvaiis Hrov.11, Mr. Hil l Mrs. S. ! Chapman. Mr. at"' Mrs. J. T. Amiss, I r. and Mrs. j. A Mil roughs, Mr. and Mi s. rteore Hi nilei.ni. Mr. and Mrs. I'. K. i.tant. Mr. and Mis K. M. lMirtnan, Mr. and Mrs J. I. K.l ertson, Mr. and Mrs. V. li. Wil liamson. Mr. and Mrs. V. Y. liar nard. Mr. and Mrs. I.i 111011 . M Mauley, Mrs. Jo' ns .11. Mrs. IVtnl. Mrs. "llrunilayi. Mrs. Stewart. Mr J. 15. liiekerson, Mrs. C. I.. t'.i.ili.itn. Mrs Charles I'riiv, Mrs. M. li. i-aic-Mrs. C. .1. M.i'.iik; ,iis- Hearden. Merrin , I 'a idsou. Mil lard, Sinclair. I h:im. Iki. Ma.li.v. Kco,uh, llriilldae. I'.ttcl. Warren. I iC .1' Johnson, I'tcLiicI . Tint. Keylii'his. .al in. III. !!. Williams; McsM It. I', fliaii il.r. C. W. Minpiiv, ' J. Itramli. li. I.. I'.nih.itr. I'.. I'"W ell, II. A. I'-nd-er. S'linliaek. i. ' Mi 1 rim k. I'. l'..UT, !. V. H.ss. ii. II. in . Kiiuiliotih. Whiiil'i-'id Stui.li. T. I: llatmhli'm. C. Kankiii. !.. I'. M. I.oinl V riyht Ste.-idtti.in, Artiitir Clnid. il. I Child, i-'. I.. J.iei.l.s, J. II. 1l1.1111s W. K. liesi.'ii. I.e. 1'i.e K. CoPius Ihiliosi', Koycrs. lull and imIimu. v xi.w i'. i i:Ki'itisi:. liuuii mill l.iulii'iilu-iiti-r Will .Ylaiiiitiiclurc l4'tlletiitH. Asia villi- is 1.1 I'.-im-.i pnl-111 nudum ni.'tum'netori . C. K. Kopp am I'.i-'.r.ue A. l.iteluiiiK-r er, whoeaiue to Ashe illee - ral imaitl sini-eand entered the jiiHviy h ive li-i siimiliiue, sinee the :di 01 that !.iisiin.s Iki'ii ninkin.y pn-p.-in lion ti U i;iii tin uiauilt.-ietlire ol a uiulilter i-l pi.ipn-l-tary illedieiues and operations are to hi eoiuiueneid imimdiati-ly. Tiuir estab lishment wilt, tol tl.e pri-vt-M l.e situ-iti.! 011 I'arkstieet. near tin- mil ul the I'al ton nveti'ie street ear lit e .-ml in I'm. ieel I'ark. The nli-diiines to he mad.- an tile 11: mimlier. They are S.iuyiiiline tor tin Mood, Hahi 's l-'iiuul, Atlas l.iuiineiil. Kopps l.iver I ills and lil.eirie Worm Syrup. Tin si- yoods are p-epaved I'rouia tiirmiila ol Mr. Kopp.uh-i niauniaeturn! lliem verv sneii ssitilly in York, I'a . Is tore eoniinu lit-re. He ludt up a yooil wholesale trade in llu in amony : he ilme, vists ot the mrt!i The ueiitleiueti interested ill tin- ni.'"iii faetiire had iuteudid to wait until spring liel'on- iH-yinuin oK-rati"us, hut tin press of orders has meessitated the is'aUish. inent of a teinporary hdioratnrv. The) will in the sprou: ol lspl Iniild a fai-tor near the railroad. At their present liutlii iny they will earry on the Inisinesslositeli extent as ord. rs render neee.-surv ami will nlsn prepare some ij.ioils ahe.-ul. Tin inedieiues will lie pretiand Imth in the liasenieiit and on the iMutind llmir of tin liuHdinr. The liottliui; apparatus will hi silunteii in the liaseim-nt. Winn liottleil the noods w-ill he earrii d to the lirst ll.inr liy means of an elevator and will he wnipjK'd mid lioxed. ready tor ship tucnt. All o! the priming iieeessary t the business, sueh as lai.ets for the hot lies and iidverlisiu eireiilars will liedonc 011 the premises. T he owners have a eomplele prititiu oiitlit, whieh is in the liaseinenl. The press is toliertiiihysteatii furnished ley 11 small engine in whieh utomi.vd kerosene will he used as fuel. A hinder for pamphlets will nKo U- put in. The fust of the apparatus a ltd thestoik to lie made up liv I'l'irnaiy 1 will Is aliout $1 "1,11110. I'or the pie-eiit ouly six or eiht hands will he einploveil, Imt 11 liliiell latter iiuiiiIkt will he nipiired wlien the new faelory is limit, next year. V A N 1 . U II 1 1.1 H IIIITKI.. 'I'lit; "Htallnn Inn" lo t iL-ni'd Hi lllltiiinrc. Tlie "Station Inn" is uiiother itittlition to the hotels of Asheville ami suliiirlis. This hotel will lie at Itiltmore, nenr the rnilroad station and within a short dis tune of the SwHiinanoa river. The plitee is ow ned hy Mr. Cieoi'e Villi derhilt, ami was formerly run us a hotel. The linildimj has liecn thoroughly reno vated liy its present owner. The interi or is tastily finished in liard woods mid the house is newly lurnished. It eon tains nlmut twenty-live rooms and .$,",. 0110 has been spent 011 the improvements. Steum heat and vleetrie lluhts are some of the eonvenienees that have been put in. Mr. li, II. Nies, who for n Ioiik time has hud charge of the Cosuuipoliton chili in this citv will lie the milliliter of the hotel, iff" will nlsn continue in vlmrxe of the club. A French chel will hnve clinic of the kitchen, The hotel will be opened nl an curly daVi next week in all probability. Dr. J. M. llurnetl Mnrrled. Dr. J. S. Burnett was married yester day, at the residence of J. K, DuHose, in lluncombe county, to Miss Snllie Span, . Rev, Dr. Weaver, officiating. Dr. Bur nett'i mnnv friends will join Tiik Cm CBN in most hearty congratulations, and in wishing him much happiness. ACITPVTI T C 1AIT V f!TT17h ' ll II 1J V ILUilJ AS-M.-M-J -M. v-a. .a. a.- a AROUND TOWN KorecHMl llll 8 a. m. Thnrstlaj- I'Mlri im ensniii! In temperature 1 iiurtlicuHli-rly winds. The mail from the north did nut nrrive this morning hecuusc of failure in the con nection at Salisbury. The lluncoinbe county jail now has forty-six inmates, (if these thirty-one arc i'or lederul o Hurts and the remainder arc county prisoners, Mrs. M. T. Fitch will address the col ored people of Asheville on the servant ipiestiou to-morrow evening (Thursday. "13.) nt 7 311 u'eloek, at the A M. li. Zion church on College street. Mr. II. W. Fulenwider, who is in Chiirleston supervising the publication ol his Asheville directory, now writesthat he cxiecls lo have his liook ready for dis tribution in two weeks. "Ho the signs of the times indicate the subversion of the government?" is the subject on which William Johnston. r., will make an oK-tuiig address lit the Lyceum to-morrow night. Chief J N. Smith, a prominent Indian ol Swnin.coiiuty, is in the city, and i jrcatly pleased ' with the grand demo. Tiitic' victory, not only in this district but in the whole country. The Woman's exchange have opened their establishment for the sale ol fancy goods and eatables at 1! South Main -treet. A handsome display ol the tor im r is made in the show window. I'rot. . X Ingram's lecture last night :it Weaverville College, on "The natives il the tieeaiiic Islands." was well attend ed by an appreciative audience, lie will leetiiie nt the college again in a few days ii ' I. ile in the Australian colonies." The lollowmg named couples have luen granted marriage licenses.- Kobert K Fisher and l.illic K. Smith; H. K Joins ami Hester Hardin; W. I'. I.anei ami S innie F. West : J . F. Siimmev, ol Hun . ouiIk-. Sa till F. Seripps. of Hot Springs, Arkansas, while: J. W. Bass and ohu aie Fisher; John liibsou and Martha I'.ile, colored. Mr. I. I". Francis, ol S.intn Cruz, Cab, vim, i'or several weeks p.:st, has Ihtii a gin st of the Hatlery l'ark hotel, sutlered last night a severe hemorrhage of tic iings. probably 1 lie effect of a bade' d I'ontraclid while out riding. Thcgent'i man says that Asheville is the Ik-si pln.e ic has i-et disiovered on either sideol tin iceaii, for (Hire di y air, and proposes 10 "cum at until iiis health is completely re stored. The lack ot city water, caused by tin I'rial i: g ol .1 valve at the miuip and l'i everal Ineaks in the piK lias caused no ittli- iin-oiiveiiieiK-e t litoughotit the city. Ao-siiitln Vlii villi Shoe factory was stopped vcsicrdue bec.iuse there was no .vater to supple the boilers. A number I pe..pli who neverthiiik of drinking the . ly water leanie suddenly t hirst v lor it M't-.i it '. he supply is as shut oil and triid iciK-.itedly 10 nbtain a drink irom the '11 lancet. The water is on to-day. roitably js-i aianeni ly. ii-: m miit i.i-:t-"T. Warnllllt Wlllell WlIN Mill ll-t'Cll'l. I'r. Williams ihe colon d dentist wlm t..s bt en exiraetiiig teeth on court sipiare i.r sotiii- linn- did considerable work lot ' in-denmi ralie party oi the day of the iivliou and has rei-eived the following :. ;p r w inch was haiiih d to him severai lays sini-i : Asm vii. 1.1:. N. C. "I 'r. Williams ; You a-e hereby uotilieil 111 1 In-1 it y 01 As! 11 villi. Itiiiiconil- count . 1. 1 be. -in of this cii v b S o'clock to ; i-glit p. m. . an.! il ou an- found here to-tiHiii-.iw ilici will ouli have to know ion In dt-s, riptito: tnchi s a m! height. "I Mgtll'l. . " l ots iiuml -the live Nimheil selected bam I." The doctor has been at work al his proti .sum on a goods box on court square tins wi k. pulling the teeth of the 11der.1l loiirt Miiuessi, .'mi! apparently lias not lilt tow n or been toully dealt with. Ili:'l II UK M. II. I OI.HII1I. II Oiiurii-d Near TIiIh t'llv ili Nlglil. N.itliaitiel II. I'olsom dud a lew miles east ol this city Moiulay night. Old age 'aused his de.-itli. lie was HI years old He had been teeble lor some lime but had 's-eti ill lor only two weeks, lie wasthe fathct ol I'. II. Folsotn, who wasa repub lican candidate lor the house ol represen tatives at die nvcnl election. Mr. Fol son had U'en livin; near Asheviileforsev er.il vears ami ennie here liom Huston. The reinains were taken to thai city to day lor bin ial. t onlrlliiitorv Nritllueuce. t'roin the Niirristuwn lli-r:tl,. The lawyers and the courts and the railroads have this ait down to such a line point that in a recent casein liuliaua it was decided that a passenger who was looking under a scat lor some money he had dioppcd. and who was on his knees vheii a collision ciime, mid sutlered a broken arm. was guiity of contributory negtigenee. Ill HIXI HM Nil l it I'M. The Importation 1 if choice china, for winter trade, are arriving and living ohiiiiI. All are new and lu sh. Tarill increases cost ier cent., but prices nre right always at Law's, on South Main street. l-j"Clarcinotil. rear South Main and lkiii streets, Mrs. Hunt's popular boarding house, has Ihtii taken bv Miss llrohiiu of South Carolina, late of New York, and is now ready for guests. Mow lo Travel It is often luiril to decide what route to take when starting on a trip. In order lo travel with ease, comfort, in style and Hiili-tv, always take the lainous Cincin nati, Hamilton & I 'ay ton K. K. They have the finest road lied in the world. Kim M passenger trains 0 day lietween Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Chicago, Day ton, Toledo and Detroit. The Pullman Velvet Vestibule Line, with i'nrlor and I lining Cars, and I'ullman Velvet Vesti bule Slceix'rs. When going North, North west or est, he sure your ticket! rend via the C. II. & I), K. K. Any agent can sell you, or write to Wm. K. Wiggins, Southern Pnss, Agt. I'. O. ilox KKI, Chnttanoogu, Tern Index to Mew Advertloementa. I'iiiinii H.'l llnlk-y Ht. Noticr W T. KeynoliU. Vii Kknt Jesse K 8mrne. Zkii Vanck Fi.ot'S Hurt llrot, TO ALL POINTS. Rnllrosd Mrkrts tioht, snlilsnd eschsngrd. All transactions Rtisranteed. Accidental Insurance. C. F. RAY, Tlrttet Broker. Opposite Hwaanaooa Hotel. PROHINKNT ARRIVALS). a There Anv One Here That Von Know t (7 m 111 1 Central: M. Young, Hukers vdlc, N. C.i J. C. McDowell, Kuoxville, Tenn.iJ. B. Franklin, Kuoxville. Tcuii.; III. 14, iiuogcr, v-iiiiimmii , .-ii,,, Thompson, N. C; Z. V. Rogers, Waynes ville: P. H. Wiley, N. C.J Chas. Hoof nttgle, Kichmoiid; J, C. L. t'liidger, Wnyncsville; . W. Candler, N. C. llatterv Park : W. Goodyear, Wnyncs ville; I.'. II. Withey S. Frost, Ciand kapids; li. W. Keeny and wile, N. .; Mrs. Chas. Price, Miss Keogh, Kemp I' Hal tie. N. C.i K, C. Wheeler, Morgnn Hunting, Mrs. Samuel Wetherill, Sr., and grandson, Philadelphia: I. F. Young, jr., Washington. 1. C; M. t). W, Keiler. Kv.; 1. It. Wier, N. Y.; Chas. Carroll, Hulli 'more; Sam llciner, Cincinnati. Sii-iHtuino : W. I). Burnett and wile, Master II. Harnett, lleudersonville; W. C. Cowgill, Cninbridge, Dhio; H. S. Can ev, I'.rcciisboro; II. 11. llellogg, Levi A. Canter, Philailelpha ; W. L. Hardin. Kiehtnonil, Va.; Mrs. A. V. Bruce, Mem phis j Mrs. W. T. Councilman. Baltimore: Frank Loughran, Hickorv: L. II. Yeai gan, P. II. Hughes, 11. A. Hughes, T. F. Hughes. New York. 1 .Veil A'oi A . Alfred Steinlmek, 11. N. Hroivu. (?. S. lohnson, S. C; Mrs J. T. Walton and child, J. C. Mellow, II, Mor gauton; F. Fosgatc, Auburn. N. V.; W. L. Arthur, Hrvsott City; K. IIoomt. I'liiladelphia; Peter Allen, Morristown , jidui M. Walker, Wilmington. I let.; A. Bttford, I'.reensboro; J. T. Simms. Haiti more; Mrs. t'.corge Gouch and children. Fclloi.s. Tenn.; . S. Milam, li. T. V. .V t',.; T. S. BokutII, Hrevanl; ohn tl. Per ry, Will. I'errv, llreenville, S. C; l". M Wntkins, Kiitlierlordton; F. S. Culva, J. L, I'.rahain, Chattanooga. N"T,c,i' Ciii.intianK, iMlmtnintruttirn hihI vt'tior r.-hc rebv mi ti l t up, rar itt ihr t lt-rk " ortuT i 01 iv uiiti imike wttU-iiifiHH imti hiivi 10-t- M notucH arc ii'rial.v in thr 1wrill hanil 'ii- eiMiminKin 1 efore lin(i nof iUl hv the lu f ill wtll not lw charjul an . extra tn.i. Tiinc iulltn to i-aii ai vnw win rtainH Hi iltuu wuh m-a- runiK u tmvrJ ttf W. T. KUVXul.l'S. Clerk. Ni. liitltr t imt" than mv U xH.-iVuf til wurk- tuir nun trnvH an, ulii-ii nU-r i t Shrut". K i "!, Trcv-t ami Mm ami utiiniit Mil KiHMl piy; i-niir-r urinnnmn n in- I WANTED Tin- rrmmhc arc tsm hahitt. ih;tra' tfi ml em-rev. Wli WAX ! .-.nMKX AT'U'. I'luy all nit ii tn work fur. Can mcr yn lutiiin in Hllinu ur-km. 'nr ltt in titin in rtiii.'Hi) nr I' Viiru IH , rrv kirKf MfIH' vniiiti vvhn ii not il n tlu luxt t rt-hTtiuvft. T. CASXiiX .V CO., Wurci-htvr, Ma , A ik urn a . M aim . n n H w : 1 1 'JUrSTIiK'S SAl.li. Hv virtue of n ilw! "f tnii iii"tnl ' . II 11 anil will- L. A Hall, to itu nn.l. r siinn) H V. VVolir. n trntii. ilatt il int- isi iitv 'l tk'toiwr, ami rt-Ki"""" !nn ,l ot thi- Kii'onU ol M rtav i nil IKnls ol" Trimt of Hunoirnla- miiai v, K f. I illrll at puituc wilt to mi- iim h'ki hMldiT lor i-ann, at tni" voiiri nnnt ii -hrvit1r. on Mo'itlnv. tlu- Ini Ia ol l'i- i-m lift, l!ai. the inltowin: tot ot lantl ami nil ou'ldiaui anil iniprovtim-ni thvrroii. tn-uii. 'hat ivrtam lot of lantl nituatvl on tla r.i' i-ic til ttrtt t in tlu-city ul a-ihm ii . uintiniK at a ftaKriin inct-Mi phmkhi inm tnrt I. H ioHh'tt northwcitt inriiir ami riuin ilh hi linr Hn Ui l to a ti n Im t aMi . tht-nit-no thwiinllv t a line p.trall.ltu In put tir.rt. ii rih 11 diKrnn i-at ito ttit to a twilv-l'oot al i-v lilt ik with mtli iiuiTKin ol mimI alu v. north ftU ilrirrw. wvt " im i a taki' on tht- rimtmariti ot Ik pot triit. thi-mr with iKpot mrni mm Hi Hi ilium" ivit no u-rt to thv bt;inniiiK k v. wm.ri-:. tlrt. Xh'Mi. Tiiiliv. tv virtui- ol n decil ut'trrn!. iw.uImI l S 1 1, lliili ami will Is, A. Hall to III Tit.lii- iKtinl I'.torKi- S l owitl. a tni'ti. to uiri in . -M l, anipi I'll, l ill "ilia oi uir minini- olltirtt ila tfil tin- 17th ilay of pt it.lit f. !'.. ami rtKiicrultn littok 17. on pact ot tir rrrtiriN of mortKan ami ili-ttl o ltut ol Ituni' iiibr county. I will i!l .U I'ult i c naif to thr ll'Khi nt Imltlrr lot in.h. at tlx v.i'irt houf iloor In the citv ol A hi il v. u orila Ihr lt of lU-.-cmlifr. I huh. tin l- I lowing lot ol tuml hiii) all Imil lm ion) irit pro t-iiH'ntH thrrrtm, tn-wit, that iinaiii lot ol latiil Nituatnl on the cant nK' ol l. pnt o;ri'tt in tlu- city oi Alu-villi-. ImcsMimik at a stjike on Iht-tant niarKin of anl 1 'inoi mi ivi t M H.toln norihrti-t ciTiur. ami imn ithhi itu- mi lift to a ttn loot alli' thi me iiorthwanllv ton line pir litl to Ik pot ""t ift, ninth tlffcrrrx iat Ho tv-t to a i Hvf loot allt-v. themr w ith hoimIi mi drain i.f hIIi'.v north ftu itt-sr-M tt " t.n it h td e on tlu-ui-t mnrtt n of l- ot cirifi. hen w.th nipot ntnt-t Minitn iinitnvs. ri im. in-1 to the iKKiiii tntf, i. lit, si. niwn.li, iniKtt-f I 1ft. l".l. I M'.MI. At TO THE MERCHANTS OFWESTERN N. C, Wr wih to ny that we hnvr cured tin iirvkff of our MR. O. H. IIKNRV, tu rt-pie t-nl our Interests In your seetnin for unuther .vrnr; nml buying gonils fnr SPOT CASH DIRECT, we nre ireinreil to meet the viry closest eouiH tltlon. Mr. Ilenrj will Also eont.nue In hnve niithcirlty to collect nil nceounts due our firm. Thunkiog you for your psst iat mniitfr, nml wlNhing a continuation of the nine, we rc. very respectfully, WIlHun, Burn & Co., Importers sad Whole Orocers. nctlHI rll w wt Bnltlmore. Md. JkOTICB. Stnte of North Carolina, nuncombe cpii 1. HuK-rfor conrt, liecrmbrr Hiii., IHtMl N. MurruitKh. plnlntitT, airuinut Jennie Mur rouL'h. ilrl't-ndant. The defendant above named will tnke no tice that nu action entitled a nbnve hn lien commenced In the upcrinr court of llun combe county to obtain a divorce from the the bind of matrimony; and the mid de fendant will further take notice, thnt hc I required to appear at the neiit term of the upcrbr court of Buncombe county to Im held ontheflrt Monday hvlecemlcr. INtte.nt the court houe of aald county In Ahvllle, N. C, and ancr or demur to the com pliant in aid action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court fur the rcllel d mnmlcd In nattl complaint. Thli the dav of October, lMio. W. T. KliVNOU'H, C. 44. C. ocll4dltwt. "MILLER BROS." 9 , n mtKICHI. mi tht BUT. LEADING BUHINEBH PtNH. Wo. 87 TtleoB Asd Nos. 76, lit, I, Aenrn. LBADINO BTt'B PF.NH. '3) OsrtonStnt Asd Wos. 11, Itri, (Isast Pss. LBADINO LEDOK.R PKWft And Nos, 101, MO, uo. LBADINO SCHOOL PENS). ffo.38 Unlnrilty ARB I.OS. SOS, VM, Th Mill Int. Cutltry Co., Htrldtn, Conn. HAS-tirAOTVSSSI or ttssl Pans, Ink Krasen and Poeksl Cutlsry. Rent postpsld for 10 cents doscn, or HO cents jrross. Mend for trial doien, ssaorted kinds, IAS. CARSON, AahrTllle, N.C. octa wljr WEDNESDAY KVKNLNO, XOVEMBEft 12, 1800. aaMSJ NEW ADDITIONS ha:u;ains innimkrable. THOUSANDS OF ARTICLES CUT DOA'N Miin.v (!i'iiiiiiin'iits tin) full. is tin-tinii" to pun Iimm. A f' Hejyiint nml - 1 1 1 1 . ' t - til to si'lei-t Irom. Anon hi. u shtivi)in. .ni' linn liuiisi' ti'.isli Ih'iv. Look nt t lie bar (iiins we nffi'i-. tli" I'l i'-i's vt' ii'iin : Ten tliuiisiiiiil ,.ii iN Hi im wnrtli liUt-. lor J.V. .1 .v.-nM: N's)-. Mlivwli.'i-', -'.IMMI Vlll Muslin. Sr.: ."1 rust s prints, rust ()'..,r.. nt .V.; nil our rottuii rhoiksnt lr : lst li'Z"ii Tow-fls at S? 1 ."( 11 dozen, wnrtli $.1.00: 7. iri t. l.iniMi H.iiiin-ik for .") ; dim's IUh Finn- twillnl nr plnin. 11 littl" in roinii tjiiuis ai value at Sl.l," 200 .lozrii lli-il riiimiel ..(li HllllilkerellieN. Hose. (i!uves .111(1 ('vl'M'ts. laillS ill Kiiiliroiilrrii. Torrliuii nii'l otln-r I.nres. Immense vnlue in Furs. Muffs. Il.ins ,-ni. Cnrs Our Clonk aiul Wrnpde pnrtiiii'iit iinnieiise. We nre il.inne I nbniit t ho quantity, heiire tin- prirrs almost rut in 'wo. If low prires will tin it we intend to rnlure our stork fast. Monday niorniinj: tlie . . '.: . ... ... ................ .......I ll.i.j .....I aiii. tt Sll le rOlllllliMires, IISIMin III No. 11 Pa tton nve;ni-'. What . lure you urt 1 line, mr prires ainue tninji's niovi. .umi nauli is in hi ulury wln-n lie sells ooods rln-ap. Our Mil linery department still bunmiug-: more wink tliaii we enn do: not sol;ril'n". any trade fur it at present, but will try mid till urp'iil orders for mir reiiulnr rust 1 unci's. A ryrluiie his strurk mir stock: prices taken tumble Hurrah fur the nit rnie s;i!e at MIMNAUGH'S, No. 11 I'al ton Avenue. t-ii' 1;V iSMOtiS. MII.I.INKUY AND ( AKPITS. PICTURE rHAMES. old Mlv-r. I , I'-lH fitiil t'ot'ihl uti'M M. uNtnii;is nl .11 ' I'r. on- -t .it t-.-o ' 1 I'll 41 iv V :iln,ii on null. m M ml. Im AN. I'u-tili it Matttl. , ,1 went pri.-v nml n-r n I'liintinifN unit I hnnil nt ESTAIUJOOK'S, ; MH. M11I11 St apr ld .iHiietille. A CAUD. 1 tiit or Alu viHr i. illxt 11 . That nut nuoiy !rt"-ni' tiin lm.w inn, mi ire Ketttnt: on wc will ntutt th-tt a ti-ttk ti 111 Hotel am Store $9,000 lii i;lvc WeekM Took In lut Hntiinlny ovrr 9?ihi. $ 7.. m thnt wit hotel, li:itnnt i torr Hotel npi tired aft that day. Mrul rt.nitu nrrivuU Irt .1 miuh'. Our t rk t mniinitoth ;t n ft-rt Ionic and If-net w'dv. Till th bninntf oi Ihe world to eouir und n "old Cbi-tl" niilc. and buy good of u nml nr in to aft pet nl. nnTirt .ttf . R t'Mri.PsTI H N MUE. M. FKAE SM TH. lute from New York, In now iitvptirrd t do the very lnt In ariintU uiiHim-ty. Will make overall k-ndnof lutt mi I lntntttt. t.aet tnatcHnU ued to tin- iimi prnctlcnl udviint nire ririme cull nt .17 Mouth Alain Ht , otvr Law' Rtorc. nov7i!1in J. V. HOULIN12AU, lKlll Illicit. I Choice Beef, Mutton. Veal And Pork. EXTRA FINE SAUSM1E A SPECIALTY. nov:td:ttno -"f lilt" ' ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, ROOMS, 26 PATTON AVE., I Y M. C. A. ROOMS. Open dttlly. eicrtit Siiniliivi.. irom 111.1.11' until 1 p. ni., unit A until 7 t The terms ol viili.rriiitlnn are' llnr .vrnr 3; d mo.., $1 .Ml; .'I inns,, St : 1 mo , nort. dolly il ets Officers tor isimi- rrrmdiiit. rhnrlrs NV WoolMevi Vtie-l'ifsldi-nt. Thus A, Junes, Hee and Treanrrr, P ft Wntsoti; l.ili.nrlitn, Ml B. J. Hatch Cltiirn. and vlAlton. an- cordially Invllril to InstMvt ttir cninlottiir and in..rllc tliiir names as mi nihrrs anno ttf . Tho mutt who wont twt to milk anil snt 10117 011 ii hoiil- tier in flu1 iiiiihlli'ofujuistun nml wnitvil tor iln t-ow to hiivk up to him, was thi'vhl fst brttthfv of thi' 11111 n who ki'pt stort' nml tl'uhtot )nl ti- f ist; In'vti list' ho iviisoiioil t Im t tlw iwivluisiiiK jinltliv would hiivk up to his phivf wlivii it wmitvil soint'tliiiift. Tlio AkIh'vi'IIh Daily nml Wkkki.y Citizkn covurM VVcHt- crn Nortn Cni-olina. Hay I.lndHejrn Ciulde Book tow. N.C. Price as cts. FOR THIS WEEK. IN PRICE. STOCK TOO LARGE. Iii'Ihv tlie slnuwliti'i-. Nw - nst fur sIiopimth; the most ti Trb-ot Kluniu'l Divss (Inntls. ".( .van Is (iiiiiiliiuiis, wnrtb in 1 - ils NM!IMT Mll'lll ISH'llCIH'l! ovrr Unit price:. son iioney- T.'iv.see tlirin:'.tS iloz.-n 7H .Niipkllis, blfi Inn iliiz -n uiiliiiiinleretl tlolliir S lirts for Shirts I'or :J7'ae. Cut rates on imillm, intu tuiniinn urn m you want maybe jrone be ... ( All LOADS jiHT ki:ci-:ivki. ."lortHr Colon Red, Black, Terra Cottn, Uy theCank or In any Quantity. c. 1:. MOODY, OAlec No. jo Patton Avenue. TBLUI'IIUNU NO. 4)1. Vunl and Wareaosa. near phone 72i. DciMit, Tele- GOING OUT ATA LIVKI-YIATE Mm's anlta from In ISA. HojrV Units from t 511 to 111. Mcn'a (ivrrconts from (3. Bl to nil. I o' Urrmiats irom VI TB to aiT.nu, -UUNT'll FI'RNfSHINf.8- Of an aort Iter men or liojra. HATS. TRU'KS, IMOEI AND UMBRELLAS. C. D. BLANTON & CO., Wholcnate and Retail, No. 9 West Court Roare, AHHIvVILLK, N. C, 'JU and a:io West Haltlmor Mlreet, Bait! more, M4. Ik ICE RATES FOR In tiuiintities nut less than one ton nt factory In iunntitii-s not less than one hull' ton lit Inetory , Iltlll UUUIlll, 0 IIIM-I I" iwuiinn ca. Illlll HO " 10 " " 7IIII UH vn " 7fl0 " In " no " " toon " id " mi Tii ki ts ill dollar inu-kimcs and anv oiuinllty our ultice I'or cash or tiek ts. ANheville Ice At Tvlvplioiic No. j6 and 40. T1MK JKI.LICO AND UEiST ANTHRACITE COAL l-'tir unU-111 hou-KiiU' fiml ketnil ly ASHKVJIJJC ICK ANI1 COAL COMPANY,, Telephone 36 and 40. liJu-lnovf AktcntH i IiuitirNtw mid strain lor Wrftvrti North 1'aroHnii. IT NEVER RAINS, Hut It pours, anil whin it tl i- rain rcmnntK-r tltat my um)rtmciit uf I'mbrellitii la the law est in A-Im villi-. It you don't iK'ltvvc it just liltloii in my window. I would also (.-nil your ntuiilion to thv folio wImk ne.v gooili received l.itt witk : A new lot ol mrkwiur In Ugnt hn mir evciiiitK wear; rIro in hut department a line of hut in three dilVcnnt vhudm in tlu- "t-veiiiiin nun," Hhupc th it U no fuhionulile just now. F. K. MITCHELL, nicii'n Outfitter. Mit'jtitiatn LIIWI8 MAIIIU'X. I'res !.. I'. MvLUl'l). Vlee-I'l Uimkctohs: Lewis Mailduii, M.J. Hrnruen, It. II. Keen, trfil. . I'owcll, v:. M AICUOUU. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, - oreani.d Mm- l .t, imhs, CAPITAL. 850,(KK).SURPLUS.$20KK) Ntate County aiivi 1 Ity Ucpv.-Uory, lHeii a General Hankinic Wuiincw IH-poitk ircclwd. Hichaiifte bought, and: .Mild. Coi lection made nn all ucmnitlr Miinti. Thr On all lumi in thi department. dcpolted ftr of 4 cr cent, per annum will be pnld. Stiecial attention viven to loan on real entiitc, wtikb will be ptnccd lot long time on reu Monabk term. Open from V a. m to H 11 m On Hatunlava the avlnc Department will tH opentill ft i-. mnMly ASHEVILLE SODA J17 Haywood Street. All WATKH 1 HOROI GHLV FltTKRKIl on the PrcniiMCB. Twenty-Hre year ot prnctical rxneritner. Cfmbltied nitb PKRuoMjik, attention to all do till of the buinr and perfect ai ranuement lor clkanlinsmi and rt'KiTV of all koaiIh manulnttuned. run bit the propnrtoi to pn-setu to bl nurarroun t atrona a uperfnr clatv Onrhonatcd Iteveraice, Vlcby and Seltzer Water in Siphon. OinKrr Ale and sllthe various flse.irn ,. tt(iA WATHK rrndy for uhlpiarat ami tYetierrr-l free in Cilv limits. ,nl ol town orders mnt hnvv RSroinLM rvterencr. V. II. CJtI1Hf?I I.I . On the A. & S. Uailroad, liltflit Miles) South or Anhvvllle and Adjoiiiiux Vauderbilt Park. If vim are lookiAK lor a place h liy don't you sec uliout SKYLAND The tet mineral water and In un-nt vftrlety. Level Im, rtmii'l view. iiimmI NiK-ti-ty. Il oii think bitvinu why rt"l tuv Niv t rricf will it up nntl u KAl'lUt.V. OTIS A. MI LLK R, Take Trwln Out al 9.10 A. M.-l-'Hre s CviiIm Or nrlvc noulh S Mile I'KKO. (tt'Tl HIlttK. lily AA'cnt, t!M fnUon Ave. HOTEL" ARMQND-HOTEL BONNYCREST AND COTTAGKS, SKVLANO MINORA I. SPUING, N. C lilgbt Mllen Houtb ol' Anlievllle, on the A. & t Railroad. New hotels, aew cottair ". new furniture. Iieaullfut irruvea, mat teaahi and eroiurt lawns. ood ilvery. 48 MINERAL SPRINGS. White ftulphur. Alum, Miiiim-.lit, Iron and Hpom. Thoe eeklnR health and ileHurc ami elect WK-ietjr will not tall to vinlt thi leaant reort and drink of It heal In if watern. Term rcaonahle. aprrt ritf Aahcvlllc, N. C. P.A. DEMENS WOODWORKING CO., Manuiactnrers and Iwalrrs In all kinds of Prraaed LUMBER, Door, Hank, Hllnda, Moulding, Htairwork, Mantel, Bank and Bar Fixture, and all kind of Building material. Hard Wood Lumber Work a Specialty. novladl.v Telephone No. 16, SGHLIT'S MILWAUKEE BEER. Celebrated the World Over for it Purity, We deliver I" alt piirti of the city our own llottlla Bsnort Beer at ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN. THE "BONANZA," WINE AND . LIQUOR STORE . IN THK HTATK. FINE SAMI Li: AND 11ILLIAHU ROOM. t fc!ft J A tlllU AT inilPIHII at . mu, BRICK. BRICK. .....FOR BUNCOMBE BRICK AHhevlUe, N. C. Dr. B. F. Arrlnnton, Mt'MUKOM DKNTNT. Pllllna- tnth anednlty. alao trcatlna dl - eaaed aum., and all ill pcnslnloii to th denial .tractor.. Iim.-e room. ..n 1'af o..vea. .r Bmlih-. dru, SEASON 1890. ,.40c. per hundred. ..ftc. ' a.(in n no s.oti ft im ft.un ol' lee may be obtnincd from drivers and nt Coal Cumpnuy. No. 30 Patton Avenue. kI'ihc at the uniMii Ikcnt ilNpIny now on cxhl a8 ration Ave. 1. B. KANKIX. Caihier M.J. PagK,J. B. Ki.nkin, J B. RT.J- R. Ri'ii mi IVmtirc will recrtvo ctHi nlteatiou. lour month or louver, tatcrrm Ht t lie r. WATER FACTORY for a home or an Inrriilntrnt SPRINGS. K. A. LcVENE, Manager. Near Passeiiter Depot. j a, "Ain 41., .iitiLLt. n. r. BRICK SAI.K BV. & TILE COMPANY, P. O. Box 436. w. m. a. wm-mams, MATTRESS MAKER & UPHOLSTERER Cor. Kaale and Va'ley .tracts. ' -."5"v ." I irSnHU.u a. 7 uZi', Si.SSLH "JJiV Vtl '"''.J? '".til-ISL,"; """.'.iTTS Tu .T.nU.d'oi. 'prlel ) Tctepttuat H. . octT dla' A I ihikMJ.d

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