ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: FRIDAY EVENING, NOTEMBER 14, 18tX). If YOU WISH T,,.VDVEKTISK ANYTHING AXYWHEItK ir ANYTIME tkv "THE CITIZEN." THE OAIL.Y CITIZEN. POPI I.4TION OF CITIES. Ily RANllOLril-KUKR PRIXTINO CO. Tiik iiaii.vCitizkn, lit mot-rntic. U published cv. ry .tiu-mnuii iex-il Mummy 1 uf. me lul- "wini- rate Btnciiv cttun: I ii'ii Yi-nr .0( Six Month. a. on 'Mint- M.mtllH l.flti I 'm- l.mtli fr One Wttk tfi l lll. IIAII V CITIJCKN ih on iil.- lit the following place, in A.hcvittc: 1. I I II..N I U- l- IC It. I'M IliUV I'AKK NliWS STANIL t:l.i: Km K SHWS STAND. Miil'HI. l'IUAK STONI!. I'utttm Aic. I ' KSIIN S NliWS STOKH. North Court !Mli;ire. I'KII'AY, NOVKMHI-R U, IKiMl. Kc'iiiiiiler Itled KiiHlly. When kciiimlcr was killtilliv ekvtricitv Tin: Cnm:s v :it one nl t lit very lew '.i islliriinj;lhiiit ilu e.iuiiirv It) silt tilt muss uf comrmli,'t ini; evlilenee .iiilini; the iiiiiniier nl his tlyiiiK nml in- nist tiiat lite wciylit nt testiiiiunv siloweil ilu ilr.uli was ciiiiii.iratively min- less. A . i r.i l; t; 1 1 1 1 we printed yesterday Mum the iiiuveeilini;s nf tile twenty fourth annual inccliui; of ihi New Yurk sneiety ol nnilioal jurisiruilfiice makes it as et rutin as ant I liin-j of the kiml enn Is that we were correct, t r. Spitzka, while .iiliiiittin' the honor that titmscsseil ill! whosawwh it ainarei to lie sij,'nol lile in Kciunilcr after the tirst current nl cleetrieity was passu! through him, nl- linns his ln-lit-l that his tleath was a nml ler of a few see.inils onlv. This ill ah jniilialiihty is tlit-fact anil electricity may as well lie cnnsiilcrwl asthe coming nielli- 'l ol killiii-- mmileiers. The 1'ritiutv to TliurniHiii Till! Sioetaile of ihutisanils of ileim i us uotiii; to Ci.IiiuiImis to pay their re siirrts in jude 1 lliirniall is one to servt as an iiieeniive to rinht living and ri-til; everywhere. No one, ol what- evir pant. ft trill this really eniiiiint the till. ute due to one ol .'nlvaiieeii years lull of deserved honors. juile I'iiui niaii has liccn not only aooi! iKainti'ai, iiat a kihuI eitizen; a mail oi vn.n. mil. I .iii,I so aeute and well trained that it has aided materially in d my some of the iiioht intricate proli 1' ins that have eonii oiued the repulni. during tin- last iwtiuy-live years tn ni'iii. I'hysieally, if Jutljjc, ie..uis ami ipueklv Ironi tin s ram ol siieh a liaiiiiiet as that jjivei In in lasi iiiln he will prohalily live ti ie ttit le.HiniL; luinoeratie sae lor yeari- t". e. 'I hat. at nil events, is to Ik 1i- -! i'ir lain ai.ii his parly. Home Very Iutereatlnir and Hur. prlHlnir KlKurea. I'rom the ftpringticld Republican. All ndviince statement (jiveu in the Hi naneial Chronicle bv the census burritu shows that there nre now 16 cities in the I'm.ed States lmviuu; population above '.'(10,0011, W cities above 100,000, and no less than 58 cit-.'S luivinj; populations exceeding 50,000. In 18M0 there were only 10 cities having copulations above .'00,000, onlv ao above 100,000, and onlv .15 above no.OOO. It will be of in terest to give in order the cities having more than 100,000 people, their popula tion in 1.SS0 and the increase per cent in the decade: Per cent 1 still lHWl increase.'i.nui i.l'oii.'Juii in.4 ntia.iMfl iih.a A WORTHY CANDIDATE, col. Ibe New York C'hieiiKo riitiitih-iliiiia .. Urookt vn st l.miiw ItOSUHl lliiHiiiiuri- Sun l-'ritllfiKCO. Cincinnati Cleveland linflii -.'cu liili-iiux.. Pittshtiru Wiisliiiiutmr... I 'droit vlllwuukt-e Newark MiniR-.ipoliN.... lersi-.v City Louisville Iiiiiilin Koelu-stt-r I'll III KausiiH City... l'ro ul. live ' . llHll'llllll oiis ... uencr Allegheny tt -i,iii.fiti .1,114 M1H NII4.377 4IHI.3 7 4411. .1117 .-. i ill viii-.mni '.'tiii.aou llll I ..",411 .T.4.4.-.7 UH MM .'as.473 .yn,7!ni I'll.'i.llllU L'lll-.l.HI 1SI..1IM un.7as liia.iis? 1111.110.1 l.lti a -11 ias.:i-7 i:ia i.'ai la'.t ii a HIT I l-a Hill .11711 liH.Uti? 47.l .Hlll.tlll.1 3.ll..r. IH aiiif.Han I'nj si a ".'a.i.tihu sn .1. 1 .hi tan. i4U l Kt4 Ulll.llllll i.iii asu l47.L'li:i i iii.:i4o i i. -,,.-., l.'lrt. ".OH 411. NK7 1 .'. 711.' ija.7.'is nun an. .mm :t.T7.i sn.aini r.4 r tn, a -.'jiii .i5.7sr ta7a in4.hnr a.i.u 74,ufill 4.11 a.', ii.'ii i .,. 4 H.-.,iisj aa i a. a 41 ti a i. a ua.ti :in ii L'7..'l in a i.a a 114 II t i.u .TJ 4 .in. n 711.7 7lt." a '.'.u am a The cities which have less than 100.000 population and more than 5o,oiio arc in irtler: alhanv r.ll.iiHH, Columbus, (., i!li,:i!isi, Syracuse S777l,New llavm I So, OS 1 1, Worcester (S4.."C'li, SeT.-iuton iM.I..mi, loleilo IMMUC'I, Kiclimoiiil iSO.MIm, I'.-tierson i7x.:i5Sl, Lowell I 77.lio."il, Nashvillt i 7ti.;iO!H, Knit Kivci i i I I, Camliriilue 1 00,Kii7 1. Atlanta Iia,;il4i, .MiiiiiihiMti.oSIJl.Ciriinil Kan HI,14,1. llllllllL'tOtl Kil.4:i7i I roy i do. (u.) 1, Neaihni: (5S,03(i), Dav ion iJo.s.mIS i, Trenton 1 5N,.H,s i, Cniii icn. .n. I. i.s.4i4l. Lincoln. .Nell, lo...- Mil I, Lynn, Charleston l.".- i. Illinium Joseph, Mo Mil, I'.wnisvillc. I til. i5o.074l. Los Auireles i.iO,;i'.i fi, and lies Moines I oil. Kill. (If these cities Los Antilles Ins lumen .ion )erceiil. in tile 10 eirs. I'ts Moines U'.l. ami t. innl lun I teuton uaineil 0.1 iier cent., Memphis :.. -xranion .Nasiivuie ,(i. Columbus mil Atlanta i.. and ICvausville 7.1. there is notluue about the dcvcloi iieut of the country so striking as this rcmai Kaiiie rise ol larye cities anil the ex uiiisioi' of the ui han lsipulatioti within hi years Ironi f..u i-r cent, ol the total fiopiil itiiin to an ire than one lourlli. John D. Cameron and Principal Clerknnlp. I'rjm the Statciville Landmark. Col. John I), Cameron, of Aalieville, will be a candidate for principal clerk of the lower house of next legislature. He filled this position six successive terms with the utmost acceptability and if elected to it acjain in January, will enter upon it with a ready and accurate knowledge of all of its duties. The Lnnduinrk takes Kreat pleasure in invini; to Col. Ciiincr tin's candidacy its fullest endorse ment. He deserves well at the hands ol the democratic party. The ablest and best furnished political writer in North Carolina with the possible excep tion of Col. YY. L, Saunders, it can lie truly said of him that he "has ilnue t la st ale some service." His pen has put the argument in the mouth of many u campaign orator and has never tailed when needed tn siirmi; to the ilelcnce ol Nonh Carolina and the dcmocriitic party. When eminent merit and emi nent capacity co hand in liiiml, ns in this ease, there would seem to be no tfoml reason for denyinij to the applicant I he place he asks. We sincerely hope, that Col. Cameron will lie elected clerk i the house. The Aanevtlle CllUen Olvea The latest loc il rews. The freshest Stale news. The best general news. Oenernl and special com men Is. The largest subscription list of any secular piiier in the State. The liest advertising medium in the State. A full staff of able editors and corres pondents. The neatest, newsiest and most enter- pnsing tinner in North Carolina. Its efforts arc nlwnvs devoted to the upbuilding and development of the re sources of the State, particularly the Western section. Subscript ion, $11 per annum; $: six months: 50 cents iter mouth. AT THK LEADING JEWELRY STORE. The entire sttielt ol Plated Jewelry, AM MKKOIC HOY. I IUNKSUIVINU t or. J. I'. C ami kon writes lis that lit il ea candidate lor principal clerk o' the house ol representatives, l-'or tin i .ism, u lie will urge the excricucc in i einivivunvc sessions winch was oul tn nun. tied bv the accession of the . I..1, i ts an.l itpulilicaus to the control ii :lic house K.tleigli t. hrouicle. '''mention Col. Cameron's name tins coliuc.ll!! should b I III p' islt ion. to secure him Thoroughly well tjualilietl. Ua. I ovtlc AiipolnlH the 7li ol Mot-iuli.-r Ah aum ol l lianksi- UtvillK. Cov. I'owle has issued the lollowing prot tarnation: Since the luilesmte-iee of the Anieriean .'..Ionics was secured there has Ui'ii no riod nl mil history asa Slate, in v. hieli 'iviuc I'roMiltncc has blessed us vith nore alaiinlaiit ret m lis lor labor or in I cant! mine Cicarl.t His purpose to p-es rve oui civil and p htical IiIktucs. Now. lllciel.U'e, public nekllowl- Igi inenl ol our gra'.ittide to Alinightv nl. air I. is ;:o.'duess to us as a Male anil I'eopli, til . v lie made I, lainel (',. l' governor of the talc ot .v.rtli Carolina, do hereby np P .jut Thin silay ilu JTth ila ol Novein- icr, I-;iii, as a dav ol public tliaiiks::iy- ng anil inaiM'. and I earnesi v renin- iiienil that 'he ikooicoI I he state assem ble on tual day, al tueir usual nines ol .eorsiup, aim n iuiii tnanss lor (he great prosperity winch lias Uvu voucbsaled to ai. il lor .lie iniiiiiuerab e Iucssiiil's vviiieu we eu,ov. Ami that every heart unit- Is- i-lm! lencil. let us reininilier the widow mid he orphan, tin disabled soldier, the IH Mil iiii aiuicieu, wiioiii lc natii m ole tie lie I oriiot HlniHeir and HunTcred lor Another. Corrvpi'tiili'tiee Stntesvitle l.llllilninrk. It was stated in the Landmark of the :l(Hh ult. that Clarence Hill, a little son of Mr. II. I, tlrahiim, of ltarriiiger's lownsinp, was seriously Burnt on tin eveiimu ol the i!!Hh of tVtulier. but lie- lore thetVH' was itit ill the press the lit tle boy was a corpse. The body was liiiriitii all over, Ironi the knees tn the crown ol his head. The chihl lived ill this horrible cntnlit ion about eight hours. John, an elder brother, was the lirst to lo to the bur;. ed child's assistance, and I' heii he got to it the Haines were higher than the child's head ; yet this heroic boy put out the dailies, principally with his naked hands, before anv one else could get to his aid . and as soon us he and Ins aim her not the tire nut, he caught a horse Hid rode a mile or more for his father lie lore lit lourtl oui the miserable condition his hands were in. They were almost in a solid crisp. This heroic bov has been iiuablt ever since to even give himself a -up ot water. I lie end ol Ins little linger ind the one next to it, on his left hand. .cere burnt so thai thcvcanie oil at the nrsi limit. si.u: n r (ink Incluithia tint llrnui-hes. Mutton unil limit 1-8-0 NE-THIRD OFFI-1-53 HiKiint1rw or' com, u we tni-rml In the hitim ft kvt nothitiK but Hnlirt u1l am) Stcrhnif Silver Jewelry. ARTHUR M. FIELD, LEADING JEWELER, Houlh Mailt Ht. AtshcvltK-. PROF. J. BAKKR, 'I'KilM I.IIMM1N. I'.m; i PIANOS TUNED & REGULATED. S3. New m tion iut in uhl iiiiitnt. All kin ' I inui 1 nnl ri iHiirid -;i(i-r;ti tt(in iMinrmitmt l.t-nvcnrili't-M iit ;U lit:ton A(-niif, Asltcvtlk, N. C nvliil i WB AKI5 HAI'I'V TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE THIS WEEK IN CREASED TUB CAPACITY AND FA CILITIES OE OIK CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. WE HAVE SBl'lKCD SEVEKA1. I-IKST-CLASS. EXi'EUIENCEDWOKK MliN, AND ARE NOW READY TOOIVE OI R FRIENDS A SPLENDID FIT AND FINK OrAI,ITV. AT VERY REASON A RATi:S. C.M.I. IN AND SI!E I S; ALL WE ASK IS A TRIAL. OIR REPAIR DEPARTMENT IS STILL FI LL AND ACTIVE, AND Wli CAN tilVE PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL WORK IIRore.HT IN. WEAVER I MYERS. the; SHOE STORli 39 Patton Avenue. GLEN ROCK HOTEL. In ioo Feet of Central Patisenger Depot. ASIIEVILLE, N. C. K. H. BKI I'T, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUI'.OER. Almi cm 'Inn of nil kiiiils iloiir. All tmlers prnmiilly fllli-il anil work K'rHntrnl. Can I'c I'm-ml n sll times ttt (.rnliiitn's Cnttot-l-'iiclorv. iniiiMiiItt as well l.y natural and aojuircd ability licndcut upon our care, and contribute ex peri, nee. Col. Cameron will do .IS I.) unlit to the stale mid to himself as prin cipal ,'cik. There could lie no liettei in in lor ihc place. I 'I tun. in v, it seems literally too Kood to le true that u cure for consumption I' is Ihcii lotiuil. Can it lie possible, out is -lilt ilu lined to ask iiindouhlinu, spirit. That consumption as one of the lending sc.. in i;i ol me human race is to be sni ped ol us terrors' Ol course, at least. llictc will In- si line failures, some terri'ilt !isapii,iuti.unts; but if fifty per cent, nl I' c patieiils treated recover the fiain lo Immunity will he enormous, and Dr Koch will yo into history for all time as ncoliuc n ica I est lunelactors of man kind i he world has known. Tin. Richmond Slate advises southern women 1. 1 carry revolvers ami learn how to use tin in. There is too much revolver carry iii now. The Slate's advice is poor v it c. Tim: innimpuu; editor of the Atlanta Coii.titiiiioii has been elected sieiikcr ot the ('.corfcin hoiiseaud liispaiercelebruies i he I. ict by misstiK lliii his name. .:t.(i ul HSi;i. liS. The i .ietnslioro Daily Patriot is dead. The bi sweet potato item is ravax- inn the state press. The editor of the Sialtsvillt Landmark lias more real hu mor of a dilientc kind in him and in his iiainr than ever Hill Nye hud. The I Mir haul (llobr what is it? Its editor knows nullum; but Durham, but knows that ns the man said of his ncih bur ns tiiMiiuu ne nun iiccn tliroiili it with a lantern. The Lenoir Topic's editorials last week were brinlit. That on theOlolie ol Durham is a .cm of forty candle puwer The Tarboro Southerner broke nit all over last week with political and ol her poetry. That's better than tn break out with a lot of decayed roos ters. roUTICAL IIHXTLKS. Tarboro Southerner : A gentleman from the country met n nero who is a stron lepiiinicuii nun -isKcti nun what he thouht of the firent sweep lust Tuesday lor tleniiK'racv all over tlieeounty. "Well, boss," said lie, "dc 'lasses and Kfinerlu tctl siiynr is run together for one time." oiir I nclc" Willis K. Williams, of I'itt, received the largest majority of uny ciiniiiilntc lor the slate senate. He re ceived a,5lo votes. He bad two oppo nents, due, n Mormon, who received omy one vole in the county; the other was Allen Johnson, who received four voles. Wntih him come up tn the pall., '1 he young man with out cost, Wsteh him Gwmi up to th. poll., 'I he yimnic rasa with on. vote. -No Inniiir )v or tin, to be mini, He ha. tsken the tip which sw gut rrum J Oi.uid. I. the tariir n ti r Well, whoever I. (holed It's aut he, the young man wlthonecoat, SUli Chronicl. iberallv ol our menus to the institutions which have liccn oruanized in our midst lor their inainienance. 1i.mi:i. ('.. I'niA i.e. Ilv the C.overnor: S. F. Ti-.I.IMIK. Private Stciclnry. They Mhoutd Hmiik, I'rotii the c hiittiiiiiioitii Time.. V more cowardly niiinlrr never was couiiiiitled than was the slaving ol Col. Dawson at Columbus, ('.a., bv the two I lowards and Iliekerstalf, his three broi II ers-in-l.nv, on Wedutmlay. The briitiibtt if the crime was heightened bv its colli mission on a lair Kiniind that w'.iscrowil ed by thousands ol Kople, men. women anil ehiliben. Il Oeiirxui law and jusiici don'l haiic these lellows. it will Ik- nroven that ll.tre is very link- ol eiiher in tual part ol the State. .Ai .I.Vi Tlllikli IS SuKTII t .lA'..V.I lairlv overrun wilh Charlotte News; A Cliarlotivinaii win eiuained all nu;lll at the home of .Mr. loseph Hui well, at lxwis' Turnout . tell is 'hat Mr. Iltinlell has .i(MI bumlies I r that have been stored in his barn inr IP years. Mr. Frank SniiH'S.n butcherol this, it v has a ( hrcc-leuijcil hoj. Itisalsait nine ilioiHlis ol ul'c and wcijjhs m the neit:l Iiorhooil ot seventy-live pounds. The (wo in in I lees arc like all other hoes, hut onlv one Ironi ley. iiistou Daily. Wilkesboro Chronicle: Will Hairis. ol llrus'iy .lt.. has a pii; that has me lore liet just like a possum. Il has lite Iih-s in each loot, and the toe ends with claw, lis lore legs are rinht on the side ol its ihiiIv ; like the lore les ol a walrus. Mrs. I". M. Mill, living in Halilax enimiy, died two days auo alter a iicvu haridncss. S. Hue disease ol l lie head caused pictcsot lione which were consid ered a pari ol her skull to conic from her wad, and mi her head in places there stenie . to Ik-notlnnii but the skin over the brain. She had lived several tears i this condition, and was able lo ni'.y ound the house. So sa.s t e trull t .Iiii Seotland Neck coircsiiuli m nl t lie Kit iimoiin inspaien. I 'inter t heeavesof the Methodisl church is a tavorile resort lor bullish sparrotvs, and Kople were interested a lew days a. .o lv siciiih one ol these birds ti.-ni'in ny il sirma in un the eaves ol the chinch. leatl. ileinl, dead. Its lellows went and out and chattered and loiijjlit nml made uieiry. but none of t hem em the lead bird down. The uucstioii is whet her it committed suicide or was handed as a iiialelactoi. A iiiiiiiIkt of English spar rows have on dillereul ikviisioiis been sivn to jump on some one sparrow and iu it to death, and there are eleven in. si. .nets in the luniks ol these birds huviti imiincn sonic i.ueniier nmonj; their mini ler. Was ibis one han('cd. and il so what was Ins ollente .' Statesvdle l.anilmark I'hailoiie tramps I llll hum net (Is a foundry ami ma etiine shop. i uc nunc nonr.l ol canvasscis. to count and make olhcml returns ol the State vote, will meet in kaleiuh In til Ol .MIVCIlllH'r. -The North Carolina and Virginia Christian Conlerence will meet in its tioth annual session, with the church at limes ChaK'l, Oiiillonl county, N. C, Tuesday MlV. IN, 1MMI. Dr. I. II. Pool, of South Mills. Cum. nen coinilv. itnind master ol the (irand l.oili'e ol Uiltl l-ellous ol Nort h Ciirolim, who lias Inr several weeks hern .-rlin-.ill. sick, lseiilivalescuiK. Rev. J. T. Harris. siiH'rintendrnt of the Oxlord Orphan asylum, who ciinir over to take pun in tlie exercises, was taken suddenly ill and his friends were mane unxious lor his recovery. Durham UiUIJC. The Milliter's Hank nt Ml. Ai which has Ix-cn conducted ever since its orimtmntiiin ns n iinvnte institution with n capital of $.r,,(MH), will soon be oruameil as n national bsnk and In- erense its capital to 5(,(M)0 or 9100, noil. Sunday morninir at Shore'idistillerv. Ill Vitilkiti minit lei. KhnraaaiilTluimaa Joyner, two white men of family, be en ine involved in uispute over the own ership of n pocket knife. Shore struck Joyner over the head, breaking his skull, from the effects of which he died Monday. Shore has skipped lor parti unknown. Winston uiiuy. Correspondence Stntesville Land mark: As Rev. 8. D. Franklin, pastor of v. eniennry ana otner MCinoaist cniirches in Rowan county, wni (joinx from Cen tenury to Amity Hill on last Sunday ni(lit, to preuch at the latter place, the mule lie was driving became unmanagea ble, ran away and threw him from the buitgy against a stump, and he was in stantly killed. To AdvtsrtlMr To Insure change of advertisements running on regular contract, copy must be handed n by 10 o'clock a. m. 1 POVJVER Abaolutely Pure. A ertntn nf tnrtar baking powder. HlKhrsI "inn in iravenlng .trengtli u. n. nio-ern-iient Meisirt. Atigu.t 17, Ihhb. Inlriwdly IRWIN PLACE. 62 MERRIMON AVENUE, ASHEVILLE, N. C Three mlnules' walk to the street ears He Iret hoard lie the day, week or month. 9IRH. ni.TTIK COOPKR. novlodlm JAMKM FRANK, -OSALBS IS FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for tteetns Creek Woolen Mills. North Mala Aaherllle, N. C. iMiindie 15. COFFIN, Real Estate Agent. AMP LOAM BROK RR, I NORTH MAIN IT., ( MORGAN'S BOOK STORE I Money loaned sad well arcarea at per rent. i.inni. Real K.tate hnaght and -mid at mihlle and private .alt. Kent, collected. I entiilnrted a itrai r.taie ana auetlan nuMnes. la Charles, ton, g C., ten rear., and will r.. ntiimtri attention to all baslaeM pat la any ekargs. i-"--'1 ... mmm wmm auAffsmrrtMUf MlMtfeS GOLDEN SPECIFIC -r.V".'''' ",n. tes.or hi artWUnf limi. Wt'r ", "h'llier the uulrnl I. iderat.,rlnkSr or sn sli4iolle wiirTlT V S AHA llmnUMMiUH. .J mi. wrwiiiity IhM UM iwMllwklmi a. Ineoa- RAVbOR IMTTH, Draggl.M, ssas dly ssoa wed fri ' ff,. Daaalaa MfeMM bm I.eM.l.i. ..J k1 . hi uN.e aad srlc. stamped aa ballam. CAUTION Si ' hi it mi "a W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CCNTLIMCN. riM CmU m4 tmm4 WftinitM tiimla. TIM rtlllisgl at net -MatHns mmsiIIii y& tts MY VIRnvc INSURE YUUR PROPERTY WITH K. J. ASTON, iciicritl i liiHuraiicv i Akviii Kelir N.i. 10 South Muni xtrrrt. A modem Arst cln.. hotel. Hot snd cold wster anil baths nnd toilet, on every floor. Itleetrie Ih-IIs In rvcrv muni. (lien fin- in oltirr and Krnte. in lcd rooms, oaice, dinini riinm. lunt-k counter. t-iKar nm! .nt w. stand anil liar ami hllliir,l room on flrat floor. Klec-trit- .treet t'ttrs pi-it iloor every minute.. Kit-hmontt and Ilnnvtllt railroad eating house, 'Hi minuteH tor meal.. HATI'H, i.oo PER DAV. A. G. IIAIXVBURTON.Prup. .1. St. IIRVAN and WAI.TI'R fiRKI-'N, C'lerlcH. FOR SALE. ICotllhlltlU'I IMit'i mi A fl 1 v A ahc v.l lr, N. I Kniflliih and French BOARDING AHO DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNO LADIES ANO LITTLE GIRLS. So. 40 I'nnt'h llrontl Avenue MRS. BUHGWYN MAITLAND, - PRINCIPAL I Hur many vvnm AxiH-iate I'rlncipHl ., Mi Vern.m Jn.titute, ftnltiinore.i A.nliiteil by n t.-trN ti t-iillilM-iuc-nl t, nthr: l.'-.'. ll v Sk-M llraalnr llaade-wed, aa eletsat and J Ureal Kli.j. alius niniinead. tuelt. A-00 Ilaad-awe4 Well. A fin. otlf ahoa -3 tinrouuieo it Mil. aud durability. "-0 (Jaadrear Well I. lb ataadanl dlsas Ht,,-. at a nnDuUr Dries. I'M Psllermaa'a Hkae - p lllhr All made In Cuocrees. bulUia and Lsm. $3&J2SHOESL., beea ana faeorsbly reeefml Hue knmlueeid sad the eeeeal Impntvemeuu maka UMas annarliar lo say shoe. .ld al lb unntT " ah your oetiier. ana If be cum supply ye sH W. i. UOLULAI, Brtwluaa, Btoaa, Pi IK IIV WEAVEH MVKHS. DcTlNOT FORGET" LS I AII1.I.-.III-H IN.-..1 II. II. COSHV, i Siitit Hour t C Ctiwiiii i JEWELER, 7 PATTON AVKNlti, NHXT hunk Til 11 Nl CHNTKM. llll Tlil., ASIII.VIl.l.l:. s. c. a.-pir,,l I t CONTAINS NINE ROOMS, INCLUDING BATH l-'ini.hi-l tllrmiifhoiit !! Ailtiiue flttk. P.-trlor 'tnd iii tl ink v. nil. .irniMMl with l-'nr TurllHT inlortniition eitll on ROOM FITTED Reception Wint WATER CLOSET, Hull finished In Unnrtrr. G. H. WALKER, No. 5, JeflcrMon Drive. Jul v l.i.l nil $100 REWARD I THAT- IWEEKLY CITIZEN () X L Y SI-ONE DOLLAR-SI PKR VICAR, ' c Strictly in Advance. $3 For a Club of Six. I'ur nnyone who wit' buy a pair of O rutin m 8hr and not net value rrtvivrd Now t 31 NORTH MAIN STREET lUHtnuovc ('armi-iV Wiirrhtiupur. dry :oois company. I ChrniMMt ntnrr nnrnrih Handle imthln ut I'lrm-vlnM i'.oimU, and ntrnd to trrm T I t-viT. ii-... y Kir. I IT. U kic li wn .uiis v ShiH'M 1 vr titid. llont-r-iu;tdc nttst Hninr r 1 m -----1 ry-- l AMI t t mmle Plnl.U. II. A.hvvillr bhoe C .me nm l,- llolnr.ti.- -Ihh-s. Ilu' 11. It lirilllnu. We wiirraMt every pnir wt lluwanl I'roltit itml Milt. Ildleoiiilie lire itll it. ANhcville Dry Goods Co., I. O. M'lWRLL. Manager. St'iid Ono Dollar ami iiihw ytur hiiIihi riititm at mm: SMH'inl Cum-HpnudfiitH in every motion of Wratern North Carolina. NPKCIAL FKATURtHMi sOCAL NEWS, FOREIGN NEWS, (iKRULTUUALNEVS, ALLIANCE NEWS, AND L WAYS DEMOCRATIC. The Deist Family Newspaper In the State. MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR Ifymi hurennv N'use. Throat or l.ung illseaiie.. (In i,.ilKution I will aenil a immphlet leKriiaivc of A.herllle ami ulu the In haling trrnfrent ree with list of ques tion, to he an. wired by the patient shen onlering Home Trcntinent. This treatment Is ns effective a. the oltln treiitinent. OI'FICK-NU. a.t f'ATTtIN AVUNI H. Anil eille. N. C. T. J. HARCAN, M. D. f ? REVELI. & WAGNER, Duccessurs to Koup It Mchteniierger, FANCY GROCERS. SUGAR AT REFINERS' PRICES. .inrr. roasirn on in. premiars ilully, anil ground for every cu.tomer Full Line of Table MuppllcN. I'ree rlellwry. A full line ol Peed, fuinl.htd at ft'hiilrnale prit-es. 98 PATTON AVKNI'K. . T,l'' 0,,r No. B0. septld dtf IR1 SS. There nre few more iuterestiui; nr in strut'tive inililitntinns iillorrtl fur "vnn ber thnn tlte.lHNM-iSM-Mli.i.KR Ma',.ink. Hkkss, wliit li is just nt hum!. Tlii. t iili r iilininu' K'riiitliciil, tlie siHi-ei-s ul hit-li h(is liei n rrmnrkiililt', is Ih iiij in. ml lil t iticre.iseil in size, ns nlsn in ih n t ul iii lerestiiiK eiinlents. The NiivcihIht issm is turner tliuti uny irt'vuius iniiiilit r; it is liiinilsiiinrly illui-triittil, nnd nn t iituiie nl its ciinUiits sliuws the sulijivl trtittttl to I ii'rurr interest to every wiiniiiu in the Intnl. The of euutfiits con tains uimtlitT uiluiitiililf iiriulf on i'liysicnl CiillUR, lv Miss MiiIk'I I. ti nes ; Lountt'ss Aiinii' -le Mniiiit;ii's rules fur Tnhle lvliiiietie; the m'-mil niiiiernn TnjH-strv, l.y M.nii- l.-iiil,-ik'lloe; "Two Tiinnkiiiis" (r. IKKint, liv MiiIkI llnyilt-n; "Tlie Civinu of Thnnlts" inn essnvl, hv lennie Hop. kins: nn nrtit le hv I'iurent'e I'. on remliiiKi "The Unit of TcmtH-r." hv S. Chitpliiin ; "Woninn nut) I'lnstic Art.'" Iiy Knle Kniilfinnnn : "Tempernnte in ImmmI," hy Ituriliiiiii llitrctin.';"Stll-(.'oiii-iniinion," hy Weiitlt'll Seuvev; Mrs. Mil lers serini, - ine i'iiiioMiiiur ol Unit wiioil" "A Girl Stuilrnl's Year in I'nrl.' (NoveinlKTl. Iiy Chnrliitte Wnrton; rroni .Mini to i.ou " m slorvl, liv l.ui'v Wnllaif; l-iisluons fur .Nuvemlsr tilltis- iruitin, iiy iiiistirn Ul.irie; litlitoriitl t-iiniiiunt, nml llook Kevivws. Suhsi'riptioii price, $ ier venr. Single eopii'S, 2,ri cents Aihlress Tim Jknnkss-Mii.i.i-h Pen. Cii 3li: Filth Ave., New Vork. urn- til H. THY THE MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY 17 Pat ton Avenue. llitro-r'a NSKIS- Of COUfHC MlCI'f'H IIIOIK'V in printvr'H ink, but the innn wlit) makcH tho moHt intHli- ffOnt U8t Of it tft'tH tl-lf? IIIOKt mtmoy out of it. It-rlovH not pny to iidrortiHo HoincthiiiR you haven't irot.ortiiiythiiiH; Villi frill tint- ,l twl .1.. ....II ei.l "",v'w -..v.. .nitj uti ni'll. Tim man who udvprtiwH 11 fraud nniHt havp a "minil" fraud, and he who advei'tiHOH The Dally Kt-wispnpcr Bent. Tho daily iiowh taper i'm the peer of all ndvertiHine nu-di-uiiih. provitliiiK it iH properly tiHetl. AdvertiHiriK in dail'v liewHitnperH pnyH, IteemiHe the paper k"s di teetly to the jmr. chiiHer tlay after day and ffivea HhopperB and itui'chnHei'H their iiiercantile newH through the harjfainH in (foods lmiHt be "'lvertiMinjif coIuiiiiih, junt iih prepared to hii timy Iuh eiw-' t,,e-V K've the news niat tonierH. ter through the editorial eol- . umiiH. IJ. W. Orr. Nngaslne for OCT, IH0. The Novemliir nuciberof llneper's Mags ine .-on t inns the llr.t ol a short aeries of lis I irr. on rt- ullii-rn Cnli'iirnla "Our Italv" iiy Chnrlr. Iindley Wnrn r. d(-s.Tlhing the tl'fste. rtMiitrT.. and sevnery of that most iiilcri-.lliiu tmrtlnn of oar eountrv. oil. illu.trittitin. Irotn photographs and irnm ilr .wlnii. i-y dialing. Anieriean nrti.l. give silditlonnl value to Ihl. iaterrat ItlK uiH-r. H W. Mealy tleserilie. th nuainl old limn ol H'lthenliur , nnd glvia hii ae eomit of "ller Mri.tertrunk," the fralirnl I'liiy u hieh oveti'-a there annnallv. His nr- tit-le is neroni, .unlet! hv nine liiuatratinn. Irnm ilrnwlnga Iiy Otto B-ek. The erle of nrtlilt-s nn Huth America hy Theoilnre 1 hil.l is vontliiued In "I'rlian and Commer cial hih " The illu.tiatlons, which are iiiiitier.niN, present views of nlilecta anil scen ery In n.-d round Aiintiavo and Valparaiso. I.s'i-inlio lltarn UclilN-s "A V InUr Jouniey in japan" oy way 01 tne uanaaian racinc nr.iao snn ine rnanc iiccnn. and the PaeiHc tlccun. . II. M. Ilyvr. contrt utes an article on "Hwltserlaml n-il the "1'rliie.toa liniv.rsity" is the .ulticct ol a timely palter hy 1'roles.or W. M. ttloanc. Ilaudct's inimitable at-try nf "I'nrt 1 arawoa" i. brought to a eoncln.lon. Twenlv eharnctcfiiitie illii.trntltins trom d awiiigs Iiy the dl.tinguished I'rvnch ar tl.lM, Nrvrlntch. KomI, and Montrgut ae om p my this instalment. The other fiction in cludes "A llnlloween Wraith," hy wil-tain IliHck. with Ave tlon. I "Madrllrnc j or, the Fe.tlvul of the Head," tiy liraee King; and "1'iirtrnita." Iiy tfuth liana H-nr. Weir Mitchell contributes charming pi. m emitted "The tjuaker l.atly," which I. uuaintly and tienutifully lllu.tratetl by Howard I'yle. (ither Foetus are "In No vember," by Archibald Latnptnnn ; "Too l.nte!" by lulian Hawthorne i "The World Nuns On,1' by Moss Hawthorne l.athropi "On Waking from a Ilreamle.. Sleep," by Aonie Field., and "A Ouatraln." bv llll.. Carman, (leorge William Cartla. in the Udl- tur. Ka.V Chair. discil.ara a linmhee nf intee. Cling aubtecta, such aa the decrease of Hp. uisiion in .iime ol the mountain district., grntlcmanllnea. In Harllament and in Con grea. thy "aotlety dlumn" of the newapa- isrsatld S tne recent letrialatlon riirllvr,. alruliit of the liquor Ir.rtlc William I lean ,wi ii. m tne r.intor-s ntuuv. eon.Klcrs tne imi.t recent theories regarding the orlgia 01 nrnrynna. inurlra lluillev iimer. In thi 1'illtiirV llrawcr, rails th. reader1, attention s iHcunnr tendency of modern times, and .iicgcMa Unit there may be still fnrthrr tri umphs for the slot machine and electricity. lETOUllS WANK Specimen Copies and Beautiful Calendar aent I'ree. pftiaco I IIJ5 111 THIS 8LIP "Vis Htm Wity r-rw afrs. m . yHy of li,M htlr, Hh, a to lim m aWos." FREE TO JAN. I. 1391. jj PnBurninilR whn will em out and send as this .tin .1,1. ... T any NRW ftTtHHrnrniCIl wliii will nil or Rtyiituml U Haw THfs sun aad P.anhlnly. .nd all ft, lll.ii-nia- tvJLll! I."" dMrtm, THI r.anl.rt.Wnl,. and nilflis,, Weekly YOUTM-a OOMPAWI0HI, 41 T.mpl. Plg, BoVtonT Mms. WITH S1.76 aasadlm wt nowsIM

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