. b. - fA ASIIKVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER .1.4, 1800. How is Your Blood? I hud a malignant brcnklnr mil on niv leg Im'Iow Iho knui, hi1 wus.uik il yinini' and well 'villi two m- ': " uiiis n b. B. 8. Oilier IiIihk' i' iii". i t iii od to do me any -: ' Wild. C. Bisavv, Y.r!.i i' .-, ,j. t 1 waa tmublcid from chlMbon! villi an ncRravHtod rase of Toiler, uml (linn boll It of B. B, 8. cured me criiui uvully. Wai.i.acr Mann, JIuuiwillo, i. T. Our nook on Blood and Skin DIstiisc. mulled fine. Swift SruciFio Co., Atlanta, Ga. net l!Sil.S! Iv PROFESSION L CARDS. DR. J. II. WILLI IMS, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, S3 HAYWOOD ST. Hour lO A. M. Ill M l. M. oet tloritlnl DrTw. Stuart Leech". OltH'C Kniimii .1 anil II. McAfee M'iII.IIiik. Hours in 11. in to I p in. nml 4- tu (1 p. in. Telcpo'.c N. 4 7. srntix ililra ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER, CONDUCTS MECHANICAL CONSTHUCTION. I. O. Ha. JS7, ia II on dry lllnck, JulyllhClui A. II. COM, STK N OG K A Pi 1 ii K. LHU1L KLOCK. jMm-7dllm A. 6. GRAHAM, uiiN ri.r. "IH lvr J. H. Uw'l .store. South .trrri. rUirucMiiu r:4' Willi K ' '' I'lllini! with "il' tr or niiinlKi.ii .not- mini-. ' ,, $.llll and iipwti'il. Set .if trrlh ". MlSt IKt III (M ill "" So lictur mn.tr. n. mnttt-r what you ay. tnliiiicli"ii Kuiinintail. Dr." J. H. Crawford, Nomas .1 uml H. Mc-W.r Itiiil.tlnis, I'ntton Annul'. Asnrv Hi-. N. C. I lACTICr: l.'MITKI. To Till- Kye, Kar, Throat and None. nutililil M. A7NE WLANI), ' Attorney at Law. KAHION. N. ', Will iirnrllri- iii thr liuli nml nth lii.li.ml iil.tn.i-. of North inr.-liua nml In Hi orrmr Court nml Out Fr.li-r.il Conn ol thr Motrin llislrict ol Nnrtll cm -..lull. niuvHdlm rilKO. C lUYIIiMiN, I'""- A ...l.lul, I H. ll. Mam TIN. l J.tM'y villi- AO, .in. IJAVIllHilN. MAHTIS vJuM-'r. Attnrnrve nml Ooui.isUoi' .- I. in. Amu. vi...-. . . ... will iir.mliT in thr I nil .in I l-i'i J lll.trl.-l. snd In thr Sunninc l ourl ol r.rnlliu. nml (I'r l'. -1-r.il r. I I ,.rth t'.r Western llislrict f N.irlll Carolina Krirr to llnnk "f .l.. u'l- WI A. TKNNKNT Architect Had CoiilrHclor. Plum, aperiflcntlon. nn.l rstlmntrs fur hr.l. All work In mv line t-o.ilriHicI lor, and no charge, for .Irnelniis awar.lr.1 mc. ... Kelrrrnt-ra when dralretl. Offics: No. 12 lli-.i.trv mock. Square, Aahrvlllr. N I contracts North Court frhllMly . H. RKKVKH. II. II.. I II. K. SSIITM, Ii. .. Dm. Rccvcm & Smith. DKNTtl OFFK'K In Connallv ninmiim. rr Knlwood Utore, rmton Avrnur. Trrth rttrnrtr.l without .mm. with Ihrn.-w anmlhrtic. nml nil enre ol IrrrmilBrlly cor. rn-ml. ..Mil II.' P KAMHA V. P. II.H. Dental Olllcc I Ovrr thr Sntlonnl Hunk of Ah. t ill.', Hlir nnrd lliilhlintt. KMl.'cmi-- mil h..rl..llr "I. frli'J.M I nlVSr ' LABOR LESSENS PAiy K ; q LIFE Op DIMINISHES n'ftATrtERP BRADFIraDMGULATn-aAAQA rp'JK rtAiwl GRICKR IIIIOS., (Hurcoiiori to llnlril He K.ftor.) No, a8 North Main Nlrc-et. "Unakn," mtl'HKIDK 1'I.Oim MANI'I'.U'TIKlin HON (H'K TKAIlH. AM. HI.I1H, E SELL FOR 13 40 PER MUNDR-D. WM. R. PEHNWAN, PRfMfllRTilR ill THE ASHEYILLE BRICK Anhrvllle, N. V, I. O. Urn I innrianiy WORKS, THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY. "U.d.t." (lurna G Inltnnilnys, wltl.oiitrnlll. Pn.vnnta Htrlnturn. IN.ndiltta no I norlil nr poisonous slilisliinrcs, and Is gnnrsiitwil ahsoluti.ly liiiriiilrsa, la prraorlitr.f by ihysloliina ana 0 rreninvn.ira iiytiruKKiNrn. I'rirn .i ruled hvuruiru tsts. I'r rnail Hold hy rlniKHlsts. Ilewnreoraiih slMjOaiVsotranrorMielTi FOR HA LB BV RAYIOR t SMITH, ASHEVILLE, N. C. 4y WANTS A MIUmK CLIME. tlRINH UIHI.AHi: AT TWO IIOI.I.AIIH A THINK, The llylllK l-illlur'H Tliouullirul-ut-HH A Woiikiii who Can Clean Hlrcrt HuccchhI'uIIv. from the Merrill Ke.un'. I win lit my uiK-tf'H, miir NiMijnni I'lills, in LiiiiikIii, mill l.iid lia-i!!y m rivul wlii'n hr mijil: "Now, Nivvv, you'll l;e w.iiidii'inn nrnimd mure or lesn mid I wnnl to ciiu- tinn you nlio.it mi old nun I limit up uk n-i I'Strny lite oilier week, lie's down in the lot where tlieunivul pit in, mid jiml iib sun-ns yoiiuiv.' him u idiow he'll In tlie dcntli of von. I tow him knock cow olT lier fiel at uiie Imnu, mid I wouldn't L'n into the pit lor .f.'io." Next dny I skirled the feucea nml found the old chnp iinximiH for husincsa. 1 didn't iiiu him tin oix-niux, however, lint gomelHidv fine did. I win niniiiliiiK in the burn with uncle, when he suddenly excluiineil : "(ircnt Joseph! hut there'll n trnmp in t he Kravel pil lot ! That rum will kiiuisIi him to pulp in two minium!" lit ahouted, waved bin Inn, nud ahotited iinin, but the trninii wiim ii (pmrler of n mile iiwiiv. nnd walked with Ilia bend down. The rnin wn lyiiiw down in the oil, uud the yelliiiu broimlit him oul. We Raw bim acriinilile up the bunk, nnd my uncle kush'iI out : "(!it n hoaa hitched up lo (.'o lor th. uiidei'luker, for lli.il irmnp won't lie ulive two minutea Idler!" lie wiia thouuh. The rumenme ul him on mi alible, nnd he cimulit nit'lH of the uiiimiil when nliout ten roda oil. He wheeled lo the rihl, mood mill, uml the ruin koi within ten leet, and tluu anded lllruimll the mr on it alrnij;llt line to airike him. Next instant the Irmnp bud bun bv the horns, uml with a twist nnd a icrk he lirokc his neck wiih u snup. He tiiriied to lie sure tlinl the ram wus dead and then came on, cIiiiiIhiik the Mice, uml said to us: "ticiulemi'ii, vim sec laiore vou a man who has Ih'cii unforlumitc. I Irive con sumption, and am liar.llv uiilc to stand I w.inl lo art ton milder clim.itc as soon lis possible. .mud HeuiiMir. I-'i-oiii tliv M.ilii-nl ViKilor. A Christian sciential, whose time was lully iK'cupicd in iliiiikiut: aboul the un reality of disease, at sr think, iiiht treated a hilily unappreci.itive man lor chronic nervous affection of a very pain ful character. Alter this man had d-. pletcd Ilia purse by sa'ildin $id wilb out auv iniiiriivement, he dcsirc.l to know when be should lK'!iii loet Ik-1 l.r. Then the Christiiin seieiilisl w.'Xcd wroth uud said: "0, youot billelaitb! Know that you would alreulv bnvi- lieeii cmvd, if you had believed me when I to hi vou tn.it vour nam was not rem. j'aiu tii.d siilleriii),' do not exist; they arc uicnlv phaiilasms ol the lin.nl There it no such thi'.iu asmadcr. con tinued he. with such . ilinh.isis that ll i idled some silver doit.irs in his iiocket ; "the oulv real thiiiu is thonijlii. All this is loo subtle fur voiircoiilili.inpl.ni' iiiiud ami heme I can do not liitiH tor you; you iiad iM.-tler n nnd till vour eo.irM.', uii.ip pitviativc svstem with drills." Then a vision ol $.oihat had vuiiished .iiid of the nam that bail vanished not i.ime In-fore tne mind of that loucj-siilfer- inu man. and he arose, nml he look that ehrislinil scientist, mid he mopH-d the llaor with him, simliii", him sore uhhi mi- head mid back, so that when lie was ihrunuli, conuesiion, abrasions, contii ions, mcipieul cchvmosca epistaxis weiv .inning I he plicniiiuena presi'iitcd by bis . hristiun eoimlcunnee. "There is no real sulf.rinK," said the unapprcciiitive, with wit heriiic scorn. "The bruises on your aliened head arc entirely liviHiihelical tbeehokiui! I nave vou win simply un idea ol mine; the pain which you leel Is merely an intellectual phauliisy: und vonr iiose bleed is only one of the ideal coiu'eptioiisoftheceiebrnl mass. Ilelieve these limits mil lorxisi.iiiiu nicy vains.i. i.iuul dir. sir. A ml tnc naiieiii ur parted. "itrlfiiiliiK FHlher'itUliincr. Hrom the New York Ktnr. It win in the Cincinnati, Hamilton & liavton depot in Cincinnati one day wheu one of the men employed to oil tl.e cars a thev came in, accidentally loll under the wheels ol n moving coach nnd had bis rie;llt k'K nnd hip crushed ill n horrible manner. He was picked up and laid on some coma spread on piaiiorin, and n doctor was soon on hand. Hr must have sulVercil iulcincK, but alter the doctor had examined linn he coolly asked : "HiKlor, will I live?" "Not more than ten nimiiles: you arc Ll.-rfhiiu to death." What time is it, Jim ?" aske.i the man ol a ul low employe, "lileven hfiv-uvc." was ll.c answer. "Thr children will brine, my dinner at sharp 2. Someoi you o nmlstopilicin. I hev inusu t see mciiic. i wir inn- less children orphans now ?" I went to the door, with others, ami we ivcrc just in lime to keep a liny ol Hand .iKiil of trom comiiiK in. bach had hold ol the handle of a basket containiii" latlier'a dinner, and they were siniliim in anticipation ol tin urectiuu they would receive. We tent them nwnv with a false atory about hia bavin none home, and the cvea ol both were tilled with tears ol diMippointmcut. The echo of their MoiBtcps could atill Ik-heard on thepnvc- nietit when the fnllierhreatheil his lust. AHtiorlTHlklllClly Hull I'Mrfc. I'rom the New Vnrk Hun. A licniKii-lookiiid, wcll-dnsatd elderly Kentlemiiii leaned against the low wall aurroimdiuH the (otiiitaiu in Citv Hall Park yesterday nnd aorrowfully contem plated thr groups of unemployed hiinitiii itv around him. He hadn't been there loiitf when n very frowsy man, who looked aorrowlul, too, mid upparcuily wilh piod cause, sidled up to him mid snid: , ,. , "Kieiise me. sir: but II I eun I net re'"'! soon I ahull lie oblixcd to look lor it over the llnttery wall." "Mv dear, (jimd man." said the philan thropist, Kcntly, "vnii couldn't have ac l.fled a better ulncc lor your iiurpoac. Whatever wnv the tide is runmiiK you un sure to lie' lislii'd out nt once. Hut, when vou mean business, go lo 1'icr 27, North Kiver." "1'ier B7, air?" "Yea, I'ier 27." "North River?" "Yea, North Kiver." "(lid or new nuinlwr." "New number." "Sir " ...ill the outeiiHt. "I.od will re- wi.r.l vou lor vour kindness, woum r.'.'ST. i vou" I "No. I couldn't." "(iin.il dny." "Good day." no Ala Them. Ilrnm t'urk. Employer (sternly )-Youaaid you were ICtiiiiK to n fmiernl ycaterilnv, imrt "'"r you went nsnuia i Clcrk-Wcll, i burled the lialica! Jl-.HVH C(NIl'..li:i. Iiiteriintlniint i.vnho-i vii, I'm rilt Uuitrlt-r, Nov. io. (Ooiiii.ll.'il rr.ni ll. li. r O'liiin-ilv l-i- iH-r- inlmli.il of i. k HuiTnua, iiiiiiUmk'!-. I'h, U.I..I phlii.) ID. "Ami I'll itf. lion In. h i. I i-iilli.il I... Rather thi' chli-r prh-stH and lliu nibrs and tlui penpl.'." IMhil.. h;n mil. I'si- iiied rrom Ids dill". una. Altlinii-li la- li!isiii,-i,,'fi--i-mN with lli'ioil, tlii'inu:h .les'is rcji'i'ti'd, Iin has nut yet iiiinli' friends with 'the .lews, and .Ii'siih Ik MKala In loru libn to lie .lis KMrd of. Then Is a utvnii'r iin'stluu Mian that of friendship or enmity with pi-oplo euneriii iiikii or low .ia"i-s on this .-ait h, and that iiii'siiim, "vVhal shall 1 do with Jesus," I'ilalu niut iiaw an. Mid to and sett b' fori'V.'r. The satue inatti'i- Is IH-Iore, every one who has li- r I ihn (io,n l. and while il may Is. poMpoucd, and liod In Kreat merry .-milium' His Innu suil.-i ln, jut the tiiuu will eoiu . wiii'ii il nul-,1 lis settled in onu way nr tin- oth.-r. 14. "Yu have bionlil lliisniaa until mo as one that ikm-vi'I'IiiI Ii tin iM-oph.; and, ba hold, I, liavlna exaiuini d Him hi'lori' you, uavo rounil no laull in tins uiaii, Inii.'hlim tlioso thing's wln'ri'of yi' ai'i uxi ilitn." This Is I'llata's si'iuiiid testimony to His ImuMi'iii'e Isei! vs. .1), nnd bard on His an eusers, who have plainly failed In iluirniM) SKidast J.'s k; far l'ilal.- in-.i thai their accusations UKalnst this latin aiu uu fiiiinilHd, and that I lo is iiium-i-m. of thu tldiiKs laid to His eliai'iii. What a record this Is In favor (if .I. -iib, niirt it Mauds la the eternal word of (iod. 15. "No, nor yet Herod, for I sent vou to him;uud lo, nothing worthy of death is done unto Him." H.'ie is the stronif lesti. mnny of two ltoiuan Koveriiors iiaiusi thu aceusatinns of thu Jews and in favor of Jesus. Kv.-n ihua'li it had Ih-pii other wise, and Isith had Ihnimlit- to have foiuul soma cure, of dealh In 1 1 int. while that would have, made thesu uuci'i-nor to la- on the side of the Jews, it would have proved nothliiK auaint .i.'iib. for no man kuoweih the Son save tho Fallter. No Koinau Kov ernor, or eveu eiiii.'.iir. ur Jewinh eonucil wan eaMtlilii of sitting In jii.lmii.-nt on Mint, rjirtli never saw such it siuhl Isv fare: (Jod staiiditn at thu bar of man to ls judged. W'li h what aitoub hiii.'iit and hor ror must thu holy ant'ls have looked tiion these things. 10. "I will therei'iru chaitls.' Him and release Him." fiisis.iau that lb-was in uoi?eut, and y.-t rea lytochastiHe Him, even though hu should i'ih next nmmi-nt rt--lease Idiu. How stranue and inexpl.-iiiiahle il all seems! Ami yet they li n.-d the Hlsattlea thus u lit tie later, when, la-ilurahle to prove notliiux a.; -iust ihi'iii, and iM'im; advistsl bv (aiuiili.-l I i let ihi'iu ulnae, la1- fore they let tlii-iu it' tb.-y took Iheui and bent them (Aits v, li. 17. "Korof ueit'wity h must ri'leasMtiiu unto them at the f.-.inl." And uladly would he improve this app ii-ninny to set Jesus free. 18. "And they cried out all at win', say biK, Away wilh this man, and r.'l.-a'' uiiio us llarabisui." in Matt, xxvii, '.11, it is said that tnia waa by the advice, of the chief priests and elih-rs. 111. "Who for a cert aln sedition made in the city ami for murder was r.iM into prison." And Ihis is (ho man of their choi.iv A i-oM.-r (John xvhi, -lo) and a nmnlerer. If like attracls like, then we see how it una. They were all robls rs in the hlKli.M di'KriH-, lor I hey were uuiliy of nibl ink' (iisl i.Xli.l. iii. in. an I had even made His temple a den of thi.-v.-s or rob Is'rs (I. like xix. I'ii. And a-, m He ir Is-luit munl.-rers, "he lli-.t liaiet h hi brother ia a murderer" tl John ill, l.".i, ni.d lin-y wera not only halinu J.-sih Cieir broll.er, but Jesus their kiint and th,-ii-io.d. DO. -'rilate Ihiriior.., wiPI-in lo release Jesus, spake auain lo th.-iii." Ii may have been just hen-that I lay said, "We have a law, and by our law lb- oinjit to die, be cause He made llim-elf Hie Son of Und." For when I'ilate heard I hat saying hu was the, more al'rai I i.lohn xix, 7, X). And as b talked wilb Jons privately Join said: "Thou coiddM have un power nuain-'t am, excrpl il we.eulveiilhiffroiuals.vi-i thero fnru he thai delivered me iiiilotliee hath the tcrealer sin." Itissaidiii.it from llien.-e-forth I'ilate soii,'hl to n lease I liui (Jolin xix, 11, i'l. 11. "Hal they erliil. sat in. t'ruelfy Him, Crucify Mini," or they coi.tlniiid crylnn "Crucify Him." They had but ..in) deiro enucerniiiK Him, and to all elw litey were deaf and blind. Die Hu must, and th.-y would uut cense till it was accomplished. Oh, thai the followers of Jesus bad in His cause the s'rsisienee and zeal which the followers of the devil have In bis service. IS). "And he said unto them the third time, Why what evil hath Ho doiier I have found no call' of death tu Him. I will therefore chastise 1 1 nil and let Him go." Well, I'ilate, what ilnea your three fold testimony to Ills I ai'iire mid your twofold throat turhastiae II I in and let Him ro amount to If you do not let Him o In the name of all that is riuhl. let Him o without ehastlst'iui'iit. slinw you nra sure that He Is iaiiisenl, or elw use your ef forts, confess yoiirM'lt a cowatil and grati fy iill. kly th.-se bliMllhlil'- doi:s. VS. "And I hey were liisianl wilh loud volrea, nsmlriiiK that He nilulit Is) cruci fied. And the voices of them and of the chief priests prevailed." John Kivcu. some additional iirtdim.'iils which the Jews used, prolwibly alsiut t hist line. "ThuJcwa erlnJuut, saylnn, If thou let thkj man Ko, thou art not Ciesar'a friend. hosis'ver makcth himself kinit ssnk.th iiKidnst C'awar." Wheu I'llale heard that he brouuht Jesus forth. And when ll'" add- eil, "W e have no klnu but tnsar," that aettlnl it (John xix, I J. lo). IM. "And rilule uave sctileiiee that ll should be as they reiiulreJ." lie knew no higher power than Uii'sar, anil iiim lie win honor (but only for the sake of Ids posi tion), let who may ko to the wall. This ia notslraliKi' when we consnier inaieveii mllilstiTs of the osp.'l have laa'U known to please some man or men (Isa-auso of their salary) rather thnnli.sl. Hut I'ilalu has not an easy conscience nisuii it yet, fur "be took wnlnr and washed his Iannis before the mullltiido, saying, I mil intio- cent of the blood of this just iwrsoa; sea j to It" 83. "Anil no reieasiHi untotneiu mniiuiit for atvlltluu and niunler van east Into pris on, wboin tuny unit iirsinn-, inn- ne r- erv.1 Jexiia to their will." Head .Halt, xivll, HO-fllj nnd ace your Jesus, your Sav iour, who loves you us father or mother never mil nor rniini: see nun scouixi'ii (mark Its iiii'iiiiliinl. crowned with thorns, aplt upon, smitten, mocked: and say do you carer Is It ansililiii io your au.iiiso, how much f How tsiiu-h call you la-ar for His anker How much can you meekly laiar of the unkind or even cruel will of nilieraf And are you so nhul a; the reileiuiUlon which He thus pim ha-aii far you Hint you never cease tellinu of It from day todayr When nahy waa sick, wa Bars her fnslorla. When she was a Child, she cried for liislorla. When she became Miss, she china: to 1'nsKirla When she bad Cullilren, si is gave Iheiu Cashirl A l.mly IllTl'KH .'. rllesn Mv ease is of loiiu stiindiiiu; has baf fled nmnv pbvsiciaiia ; have tried every remeHv 1 could bear of. but Itrndficld'a I'Vmnlc Kettilaliir ia nil that relieved me Writs Itraih'u'lil Keiriilator Comimuv Allnntn. On., foi nnrliciilars liy nil 'IruKKiat. a NttW linitti, carrftilly prepared by lend Alss meiillirrs of the AshrrlUr bar ion nnrst iiartiinirnt anil to. avy Hat pit.crl, ror t'lina ell nrersssrr points, lust t.ut au.l now .... .... a. .It .i.n.-v ol' thr L!ITI1HN I'UMLISM ci, Mo Mush f'.'.ir a'lii.irr, flsilnt for Infants and Children. "Castorlalsso well ailspted to clilldren that 1 r.-eoii.iiieiiil flassiiioriortoatiyprescrlpUuo kuowu to me." It. A. Aiicnr.n, M. I)., Ill Bo. Oxford St., Uruuklyn, N. T. Tub sent SO ItolilM .1 a I'll. 'Ill .' Tl'.'il.lll'y, At nr.': . .i'ii I"., u in Inn .ai y the other day. hi li.".:: I daylight-. Hie treasnrv of tin- taeati:' wii. I.r.jaeii into. Not a ki'eiiz"!' was I inn 1 ill t In" money chest. but then' ti:':e.i:'ii"d lo lion liu-ai! liilllllwr f iniMild tir'-'ts lov n certain nudit, which Ha- tlui'Vs. idftcr from illaL-lill or wit !i an rye to bust: ess, appropriated. The iiiiury inauavr. it is stated, was inoililiisl wai i In. .,i I'overi'd mat the t'lieH's had I'oi.n l mil! iu nioro valnalde tlian Ibc lii-iti-N. It is many n day dure a lull hotiai' l::;nbv, ll 'en i.i .tlie tbeatru, und flioiilil ta.' iliiev.-i realio anylhitiff Irani 111 ir bs.iv Iin .intieipatm at all events belli:; rh 'ered wilh tlie Milit of the crow. led seals. London News. fiport on tl.e Itesi I-iie1ie. The itioii' Hie Ib'stioui In- is (Hied the greater appears to ln tho number of IhIi. Or liaiiiid'ord. a ret-tor of St. I i cow's. New York, has killed sixty seven salmon Mure t!in season opened, each avi r i:;in' in weight over twenty i hree pounds. A' ; . t-rt-ntlc-tiiiui killed twenty in on" w.'i.'U It is tbolwstt! i i e Ihis s.'ii..oii thai has Is-eti ott'ere! ' r I lie p'it t.':i yean, nnd all who ta!:o part ill it arc cry inti.-li pleased with tin ir luck. St. JoIukX. H.Kiazette. l.helv III. I Mall. Rla.. K" 'lie. of Att'i-ru, ia 7S years old. The i ll"r day b l.oc 1 pniitocs all lay for Jii i on (ian.'el.m up on the river mud. In- boi d iisiii.ii.yrows iisany tiian in I borrow, and vvli.n I lie day's work waa at an t il l Mr. (laic loii said that Mr. Kit't'e lia 1 era .1 S I.. "hi, and bo p.. id him i lie in i'io'it very . Sn-erriilly. Mr. K. eno divsn't la':.' a ' a it seat for many men of hi.' 11.1(0. Auburn (M. ' cttei-. lll.llll-.il Willie Itr.llii. Lewis ( olloiu, a resident of .Noiris town, le: it !" : to ron on the bom b al At I;i nt i.- (';." sii'iin-l a late Isiard whii h In d.ov Into tlie fii'ul. He then sat upon tho ground and leaned his weight r.poa the iinpi'ovUi d rli.dr hark, l'lie boavl .-1' 1 ami ll rust -piojecliiiK nail ran .1. ep i::lo Ci-Ilom's ii.a'k. intliel iua a din- loos if not fatal wound. Kxciiaiirt". lit II,. I Inu Season. Mrs. l:- wu -I h.i i tonsik tb.it fish ut nii'e as I v : s al'raid it wouldn't keep. Hrowti -. I s-w!ii::! I'll e;.i ribt down to the ir.Mi;.'t mid kivo that man n piece of my I. uud. M:s. Uinwii Hold on, my dear: itwnfl the li.-li v "i eauylit yourself this after noon. Ilai i' Hazar. Il.i Lives In ll.e W.-t. On-' lir.irjp. Thompson, of Iowa, who siipjsis,.i that New Hampshire was a part of t .iti Lnitud States, went out liiinunir widh on n visit to a relative in that iti !". ejot lost in tlie woods and on the ui;;lit rf June iU fiozo his ears and toes. Detroit Free Truss. WANT COLUMN, III.V77.7). w A. NT I! 1 1. TriiveHnu unliHtniirt In wlmlitiilc ImhiU nml In ii -or wcatern nrt tf Norih CumiImiu Anxtiiu- m-tiiiiiiitv(l nnd with t xK'iuinr In lliin lim timv ml'ireM- with rileruitv., " li cure Natiunul Ailvertit-inK Hitreau, liHliinmre, Md. an rim. A .vonnu limn trri Mdinchiitt ttt. I K V tim' ul' hkc tl- Hirt-n ahtnil five iti' iillit' wrk hi urtunr the citv. ilut tunl i xi'iiie vv hi tin tilhtv untl Krutvrv Mtnrt', ut wtnril il ihunI inn kiiul ul' work. Aillr"s I, M.S, tlivi:till.'l flit"i tlllui'. ltr the wlnlcr hy Imly in prlvale fmntly, tern' niniliTitii'. AtJilreiH J l:. I', imv 1 1 ti.'I Curt- Cllii n. .f.s7", STKAYHI) OH STol.HS. ,STHAVIill. oat' milch cow ati'l out- h.-'frr . stray.. I from our lot on (Ink stri-f . All ti'iil rcnnl for tlirirretorn or Inform. .that as to tl.. ir wllrrc altouis W. II . WILLI. M SI IS ell. aovT .HU VIA' SM.Ii. jUK MALI!. A lint- Imported violin, hox anil liow. rovir.il w X'..;l7 I'A li'.'N AM! VIA' A7;.V7". ?OK KliNT. The house known as t'-- "llowtil House, on I'.ra.l.v sirertaoiitaonim ti rooms Apply "nov I ail I w -" Norl'h Mala i.1. Jll KliNT. l-iin.l-lucl ii.iiuu llhllt llousi ' .-' I'lUK m.v 11.11 in rooms, siiitahlf for lis t'ATiilN A Vlt. Tivii iiitv Iv tnitii-li- rn inn. wilh nr with- nut horit tl. I vi in- r. ii'imtthli iMf. Apl lo . MIT. Il' l.l.. miviim li I'nlti-ii Ave. IOK Ul NT A verv Hiinijil'li' rt-fili-nt'r. fiimiihul, with Imth riii , e iMtt iVe , tm Dully ninei, within live ii.ii.nui'' w Ik m imhllc mmare. Apply Ml lH TATTON AVIi. M N I t t Ii H KliNT. Two iiinl'irtnhle .inuy room, miitnMc (or liulil liii"t ItLvtiiiiH. Apiilyal n.fv muf ;i;i d.ii.i:V htuhht. IUH KliNT. Piirni-heil hiiiie Centrnl l.orallon. All DniHiivemeiil", Ti mm on appln atlmt A, ply ociarMltf 1 U I'ATTtiN AVIiNI li T V) KliN'l Utii.iiritiiii ri'tliletiee. one mile front ettv Mrrrlmoti nvenm' road, hamlonily nnd eiiiiil. leti ly turnliiheil nnd rtp.fpiK'd ; rxtiiilite eitn: wlnlcr iranli-ii ; horn m find vehlvleM if ii..ir..ii I'iimnimkIiiii uivi'ii lt of Nuvcmhi'r, owner oceupviuK 1,1 nmn r only would inn he iH-rmnn'viii nrrniiKeiiii'iit with party trptdtltf I O, LOCK mix flag, JJOAKDINO. nuitic nit coo m with hottrd ut iiuviaiw" NO. 41 Hl'Kl'CU ST. . i nmniSM in. iiiia'.its'.r'.i Castorla cures folle, fjonstlpntln. Knur Hlomach, Plarrhn'a. trneiui ion, KlUs Wonid, gives sirup, uail proiaoti'S ill- rest Ion, Withuul lujurlous medleatioo. Cistavb Cobpist, T7 Murray Strw-t, X. Y. UNiwI v Tin; ltuilv Cltlxen. Is nl wnv nlivc to the interests ol Ashcville nnd lis jH-oplc. la the most poiiulnr nnveriisinc; me- ditim in North Curoliiia. Is rend bv a greater tiuinla-r ol iK'opIc than r-iy oilier scculnr paper ill the State. Is always filled with the choicest read me; matter of the day. Himrdini' houses UN tncir rooms oyno- vertiaitiK in the Cirizi:s. News, and all tlie news, intuits tnc t-i i- IliN a rrencral favorite. No retail incrcliunl ever inline ii ".rent siiccc- without iidvcrtisiiiK. iry tnc C'll'IZKS. An advirtiseuicnt in ll.e Cinzii..' pays the advci tisiT nil iiiinilrcd-l'olil. AdsertlHluu; CM! A TI:S riiimr il m w business: i:Xl.AIi!LS nwt'v un nlil .iJMia-ss,-Kli 1 7 1 US hinny li ihiil Iwsiiu ss; KliSCl'HS iiiiiny n l"Sl htisimss; SA VliS m:wy n inilinti hnsim ss; I'RIiSlih'ViiS iniiiiyiiliiriirhiisiiH ss; SL'L'L'IWS sums tu imv business. To mlvvrtise wWnih', use tc to uinns ul " Tim Citirt ii " Iin rylimly ivn.v it; nml in miun lion to the returns it vielils ailvcitisersjis nuts lire the elieni est in the count i v. Nothing Succeeds like slcci;ss. Tin rnirit.il WADA.M M.i. KM.IJ.K l t hi' tiniHi w inuliTln. iiu-il tu. . is li '-iniie it I. mj in v r tutli it in nnv In si ipic, ib' infilti'r vli:it tin- (Hums.-, frmn U-l- I. JSV In the mti.pl.M ilivi l"b. 1' !o llli liU l.itlll i : 1 1.1. '1 lu ' t i. iitlllr men "I tn-.lfiv e I n i in n ul iitu.c ilt.-il every iii uRAD'M'S MiCIiOilE KILLER I'Ktirni it a leu Die M U rn)'v nntl lriven tit- in .nlot thf ivstem, mnl h. n that ( ilnni nit etinuitl hi'e an a. he nr pain. Nn mat ..r u hni tin- iliit nMt'. luther ti Hiitinle ciw nl Maia.ia l-Vver nr a intii'thnilitHi of tiitt. iH-ei. wr inn- tlu-m 'lit nt th- tme titne, im vc treat all tlieaej eitttiittti ally. Is. hum. l'i iisunintinti, ( uttmh. ttrm chitis, Khi iimtuisiti, Kinney ami l.iwt IHsvtisc, Chills una I vvvr, I vninlv 7 rttuhh's, in nil itt- linnis, tunl. in fhet, every Disease ktifuti lo the Iliitnnn SvsUin. BEWARE OF FRAUDULENT IMITATIONS. iee that our Trmlc-Mark mnme n aliovel a pi team un each juk- K"nd for hook "lllHtory of the Mierolic KilltT." tiiwn nwny !' J. 8. (iRANT, Til. (, Hole Anei.t, A-hevllle, N. C. nov 17 (I lv tu Irt un T89I. Harper's Weekly, UAA STK.TRI. II Mil'ltH'it U'KKKI V ha never iVHItil In inn lily It title im a .uuiill ol CivjluiUi.iH ' nml It hn mme no wi ha ei'tiHinnt r.K- nl to rnlarueil pntt-iliilitiew of ti hilneitu ami a higher mamlanl til' urtiutie ami liti rarv eieel I. nee. It leave. niltm Inil no iinporiin t lilin nl the win It! n prolan . ami premnl a recnpl. eouallv tru-tworthy ami iire-ewtinK. of (he notnlilv t-vviiu. ih-i-hoiim. ami aehieve nientt nl our lime. Special -tipplenienlt will be eontlnueil in IMti. Thev will v littrary. m ! ti tihe. arlirt tie, hlHtoritul. ttitieal, top .mnplikal onle terlptive. a' oeeii'lon mny lUmtnnl. aid wMI enntimie to ilewrvt the hearty coiium min ium whiih ha heeii IhIowi"I mi prn-l i-u. hv the iiietnaml the puiilie Ah a lamily jin.r- uiil, llAHrru' Whiiki.V will, a lirrriomre. i... .-.lita-ii witli a "irtet reitnnl lor the midli ne that make it u att ami welunae vnu.r to evi r Inmit . HAKI'KK'S ri:KlnUCAI.S. er Vt itr ; IIAKI'I-WS Wiri'K' V .$4ti HAKI'KN'rt MAtiAZlNIi HAKI'I K'H HAZAK 4 " iiAKi'CH S vol" o I'linri.ii atMi l'otiiKe I ret to all huIimtIIh r in the I'nl ted HtnttH, CuiiaUti nml Mexieo. The Vo'iiim of the WliliM V lit L-in with Ihe Numhei lor January ol ea. h yi nr Win n no lltue i peeiietl miiI.h rlptmn will hiKtn with the Niimhtr eurnnl al the linn; ol re eelpl of nntt-r. hntiml vilnnetof Haki i m i Wukki.v lor threi' venr lim k. in tunl floih liintliuu. wi). Ik rH-nt Dv ti'inl, pot-phl. or hy i xpnii.lree nl exi -' i irvllt-tl tlie im-jlit loe mil efc tvtil $1 ier volumel, lor 7 p r volume. tltHlt ene. tor en n vniiiini , .... ItimliiiM, will lie eiil hy tunil. potpnitl oil re- u.''r.rL,t:t i...-...m Kl lllltlHMi r lilli'iim " Mull yiittkror Urm. In avml ihaiiee ol 'NeAVpipi r are not to eopy I hi inlvertie ment w iiliotu Hie expnitH onlu ol Hami-uh ''Addrl's.r ..AKI'.!Urs...(OT..OM. .Sew oik. THE ILLUSTRATED AMERICAN In lis new form retain, sll the clisracterl.llo fmturM of tho old alts, IIU an IhopwukhI num. tr of Pmf. and Ulu.tr.Uous. The Illustrated American Is arkiiirwloilnmt lo be the hsudsoniMl Wwkly Mows Msgullis ill tho world. Advantage Is Uk. su hy tin niaiiauniiuiat of overy eiiisirtiinliy to secure tlis Istost sail mint relisbls Inforuis Mod of topics of Rmioml lint Intnustlooal lu torest til till, cotiutry suit Europe Corr.mt)oli(liilit.i Artist, and Pliotogrsi.tiers are eoii.Utitly at work In all parts of tti. world gioautug iloiii. of luleruat for ths rasters. Tlc llluatrated American Is clean, Absolutely ununUiian, frss from politi cal dismissions and hsiiry itonnto. II. Is smlltsnw lr a nowa lasuarjue for tl.s family. Olub nun aud aptirUaufln will And Atldotlcs and Games, YachUpB and llaso DU news. Lsdlos will And " Current Tuples or Intnrt to WoKn." Army and Msvy Offioera will nnd Items aud photo graphs of Army and Nic?y Nowa. AnUqualians will snjoy "Hl.torio Amnios." K vary body will snjoy tlis (orisl Siory lijr Edgar rswo.lt,' begun la Mo. ill). RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. I'AHHHNOPH ItKPABTMItNT, Wt-HtriH North Carolina IXvUlon. I'ASSIvNr.I.R TNAIN BCHRDULB Mm I'kphl'T A u i ii fit 811 7Ath Merifluin time uhim! when not other Itc inaivaira. KAKTIIUl'Nii. No. m imlly. No. tin Daily. I Lv. Kn ixvillc, I (IMith mtT.I Ah, villc. It nupm 1 - Ilium Ti .";i(tin Hldnm y o'jim H 4Jpm lUa.ilIIU Ar. SuliNhwy, ' Dunviilc, " K.ehminil, 'rH"aTtiirh, " i iiihlrtljorn, 14 WiltniiiKion " I.yni'liliiirK, 11 WanhintTinn " ftiiltitmirc, Pliila.. New Y'irit,. K.lTUUl Nil. :i innml flBum I Lr..in13 40pm iMMipm i 1 ! Jflpm : l-'finam 7 IHpm (Iftaani HAiipm Hyfitttn iioonm 1 1047m n'Jiinm I 1 aoptn No. mi Dully. 1 'J 1 nam 7siuam U-t-riam 1 1 1'-tutn 0 Mtn Dally :iupm 6A7pm 11 OOi im ft 07am I.v. New York, num., Hitltitiifire. W anliiuut'n I.ynculiuru. Kirhtnonrl, 3iM)pm M4Hpm a 30amJ ' HOftam I tUtnvillr, Wiltniiiut'n (iolilrilioro, Kaleiwh. SitliMhiirv. "th mm 1.41 1 pm 4 4fpra 1 lifVunt 7 2iium 34nnm 800pm 1 3nam li aftam I 4Sapm sanpm Ar. Awhfvillc, KtitixV'.lr, (tHith nui.t Nii. I Dully. Olft nmll.v A. & 8. K. R. No. S4 Daily. Anhfville. Arr.i Mfnilrrnonvlllc, " 1 SpartuuliurKi Lv. 7 00 p ro 607 p m 3 40 p m lono HmlAr. 1 l'41j illl MI K1M1Y HKANCH. Nii. 1M l Dolly enctpt Bimday.) No. 17 7,'tft umll.v. AHlit'vlile. Ar.l 4oS pm :tn amir. 2 ptnl " ft ro juiil WayneMvilie, Dry hi hi City, An 'n wu. " 2 OS p m " I V4DI1TI Lt.I S SO a in Nti. fto atitl fit, I'tillmuu Hlecitcra between Kitleiuli nml MnrriNltiwn. Noh. ft'.' ami r.:i I'lillman BufTt't 8teeptnR Cum iH tweeii lint SpritiK and WaahuiBton. W. A. WINUI KN, II. r A., AahcTille. N. C. AS. I,. TAYI.DK.IV P. A., 'Vn-HiiM.'lun D C. NEW TRANS-CONTINENTAL ROUTE. VIA CIIICACII. Mll.WAI'KHK ST. PAUL AMI NIIKTIIIIKN I'ACtl'IC R. R'8. Throtiiili I'elhnnn KlrrpInK Car leaves Chi- citk'o .lnilv at o.ao m. For St. I'aul ami Minnrnmlls. " l-'arKo. North linkola. " Il.i. un and lltittr, Montana. " The Yrllowstoiir Hnrk. " Spokanr FiiIIm nnd Tacoi ia. '. I'lir.lii.i.l. I Irruon It. at Moult' to St ulllr and all Morth Pacific Const .ooitN. The St.-iiie line to California, da Portland ami the r.liin.111 Koulr. Tii kciM on si.lr rvrrvwhrrc. I'or iiifortnati. n ii.ply to anr Airent, or a.l.lrrss A. V. II Cami'Kntkh, f enrral Pas- srllKcr AK.'tlt. Chlt'lllio, 111., ur .1. C HRAI.V, Motitnt-ril liiHHt-nut-r AKt-nt, L.ouisTiiir, SuriMER Tours. Pslacc STtAMcaa. Low RaTta. Four Trip, pw Wsl Blwwn DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND FotMkoj, Httnli hi. Mil. aad latvlw Huron W.ty Part. Kwy WMk Dy Betwwn DETROIT AND CLEVELAND -vml Su4ty TH 4ng Jm. Jlr. M tttft, Dottbl" Dftllj Um Btieni ChlCAGO AND ST, JOSEPH, MICH. OUft iLLUSTRATtd'PAMPHLCTS UttiMin't Ft'Minu nTlfki' will torumuiwd bv yiinr Ticket AtfuU orftttdrM E. R WMlTCOMB. 0. P. A.. OfTdwT. Micm., Ontrnlt and Cleveland team Haw. Oo. L2i3cn4: Alton R.R. PASTlitvr KOUTB TO KANSAS CITY AND THE WEST) AshevHIc lo Knn.ns City In ST hanra. A. l.i.iill.. lo lk-nver In Al hours. Ashcville to San Francisco, California, and t'ortli.ml, I Irraon. In A dava. Solid Yrxlil'iiU-d Trnlns Kt. I.oul. to Kaa .ns Citv. m-.-li..itiK chair car free, l-or lull Inlormution call un or writs to B. A. Newland, liistiit't Passrniter Asrnt. 'o. HI I'utton Ave., A.hrvllle, N.C. J CIIAKI.IilN. (I. '. A., Chicaaa, III. A TI, ANTIC COAHT LINB fin nml nfl.r tMm ilntr thr follow In AT ftehed tilt will tie run over lm"Columbla IHvinlon. No. 5:i l.ea'e Columhln" H. o.'JW p. Arrive utChHrlmton....- 9.80 D. No. fta l.rnvi N rhnrlrton H,. 7.10 a. ra Arrive nt Ctilumlila 11.A6 a. Hi Conmvtinir with trninii to and from all point un the Chnrlnttr, Columbia Au toitn nml Columbia V itrcenvllle Kali road i.uiiv T. M. HMUKKON, Gen. Paaa. Aft. I. P. fll'VlNI'. Il-B HMlt. SUFFEHERS OF VOUTHFUL ERRORS, Lost iut.tih.o.l, eirly ilfcny, etc., etc., can se- eiire n lion.. trt-Miist- free, by addr.asina; a fel- low sulltrtr. C. W. LHItK. I'. (I. Hox 31(1, Kottuokc. Vd. ii..vliiil-wilta Q fresh CONSTANTLY ON HAND. WECATERTO FAMILYTRADE J. K. IMJ'I) & CO., No. io Court Hquare. biKltbftiUjmtnnrfl Tarl.'cIair4. rftHeUrM, ftrin,-thiid. Hr.waarnTrtstUataariMa44. buorv-y. !Wll..UlJXllKf4rlia4iW. t tuv7 AHt wty TO WEAK MEN fhiftrruig from ths sffMits of Toothful rrors. aartf dsrsy.wuUnawMknsu, lost msohood, sro 1 wlU send a valuable trratMlamlsdi sontalulBf fall tiarllrnlanifnrboni.rorfc frRBoflirf. A siil.nill.l msdlrsl work t sbonld bs rss4 by erarf man who ui narrous and dsbilitatsa. ada.ss rrof. F. C FOWLEB, astaa, llif'i.K l Tiio inn ii who wont out to milk nml snt tlown onu boul- tier in tlio m'uhlh'of n piistun uml wnitiul for the cow to In irk nn to him, wvis the eld est bwthor of the man who kept si on' nml (lUinotadver- t ise, lnru iiso ho tvtiHOtied tha t tho jnnrhnsinn public would bnvk up to Ins pluce when it want oil something. The Aslieville Daily and Wkhki.y Citizkn covert West ern North Carolina. TO MACKINAC iAi ,ii .I'rtufc saiiiaiiiiailiMi.iiM'artiiaiias'.iaasiisilis ai'ixsiaictn.ii.vrjrJ DO YOU WANT Letter HeadH, JSill HeadH, Knvelopes, BuHincBs Cards; OK Wedding CardH, Invitation Curds, Programs, Menus ; OH Letter Circulars, Monthly .Statements, Small Dodgers, Large Hand Bills; Oil V Book, A I'umplilet, A Leaflet, A Prospectus, ARTISTICALLY PRINTED ? Then Bend your order to X H E RANDOLPH-KERR PRINTING CO. No. G N. Court Square, Aslieville, N. C. ANYTHING Froir a NewBmier to a Vis iting Curd can lie execu ted in a work'uanlike styleatthisFrint- iiitf House, and at PRICES AS LOW As First-Class work can bo don Ask uny ol tho thousands of their patrons in Ashcville and Western North Carolina as to their manner of doing business. They are LEADERS IN In North Carolina. imfi I ikimtimiilt 'fmi tfti'tidiirifinV-inhiii'-i -i--t-:ii-'' '