ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 14, 18m). IMMIGRATION CONTENTION MR. JOHN T. PATRICK TAI.Kal AUOl'T IT. Orlitln of Ilie Inlerntate Atmocla Hon - AdvertlHliiir the Kntlre Huulli-II U OoiiiK Good Work. Mr J. T. Patrick, of Raleigh, tlie ex ecutive acent of the southern iuU-r-HtuU-t iiiiiiiinratioii ussociation which holds it convriitiou here in December, wi here last niKht. He arrived onthe:2a o'clock train from Kakij;li anil was met at the ileuot bv memlKTS of the local committee with whom he held a conlerenee. He returned to K;iliij;li last niht. Mr. Tatrii k was si-en by the Till-: ClTl ziiN last uicht and talked verv freely con ceruinj; the nssoci. 411011. "The origin of the association" he said, "was in the illnvts of individual southern States, to induce initninration from the north and west as well as from the old world, to occupy their lands, and to de elop lh.-ir resources. What is now n sironu organisation, liqjmi in individual cll'oris through the immigration depart ments of the several southern states. "The interstate iiuuiiKrnliou bureau was loimed at Montiiomerv, Ala , in Hivcmbcr Issh. The delegates to this mcetitiM were .ipp"intcd by the govern or of the southern states, the county eiiiniuisioncrs, mayors of cities, cham bers of coin mcree and boards ot trade, and as far as possible were clothed with power to act for tlie bodies winch they represented. "The active part ol 'the southern inter state imiiiivraiion nssueiation consists "I an executive committee, one man li 0111 eaeli slate, chosen by tile conven tion 011 recommendation of the delegates Ironi the slate. 1 lie duet ol tin com niittee is Col. H. Chilton, of Austin Texas. "Since its organization the bureau has penciled a svslematte plan ol co-oicra-lion which was cndorsid by u committee appointed bv the several states last year, ami through thccoininissioucrsot organi zation, the plan is I tine, put into practi cal oK'ratnn. A h.unlsome exluiiil 01 southern pn-dticls has Ikvii ctdlected and exhibited in the southern states and in Canada, New York, Maine, Indiana. Michigan and Pennsylvania. This com mittee is thoroughly advertising tin southern resource in various other ways. "instructions were also given by the convention at Montgomery to the execu tive committee to arrange some plan wherebv the exporting and importinc, that naturally p 10 southern ports should. tn- dim led to their proier cliau-lu-ls, to ciicoitr.ige our native ieoplc to develop the natural resource of their re spective sn nous. Merchants who now pay ireiuht from Hosion, New York, I'hil mMphi.i or'.imore. by rail or steamer, to the south, will, when the importing i doiu w the eolith, rn cities lie saved t hi la-iijit. J'heii co-os-ratiou will liemx-es- saiy and they must plidge their patron ai;i to ihe imporlirs. This will save thonsands 01 dollars to the south. "o tar bin one -.late lias Ih-cii fully nr .-.-iiikk!, thcst.i'eol Florida. Tl' govern or ami bo.ird of iuimigration of that sta e were most favorably impressed v till tiu- pt-in ami not only indorsed it it. the hilusi term: but on the pan of the s'ate, ei'ii in ssioucd Mr. Von leiison.thi ehiel elet k ot the iuimigration depart- UKttt to iiivi,mii.itiv coniuussioiiir otoi- gani.ation to points lliroiigliout iht stale and assist 111 organization ot tin uurehaats. "Not 11 miijjc town visited has rcluseil to join. "The nrganixntion is similar to board? ol Hade or chainlnrs of eouinierif, ami hi 11 those organizations exist the com mission present the work to them am! ihey have joined without a single inst auci to the lontrary. The cost i regulated m cordiug to the number of inhabitant ol a city. A charter lee of 1 clunged. "The iiiouev is used principally lor the advertising mud to direct the alteiiliou ol t lie in, rih mill foreign countries to tin Smith. 1 Inly enough 1 irtaiued to keep up the excuse ol the central organiza tion. It will take two vear to thor oughly organize the entire south o the K-oplc may U-giu to realize the benefit which w ill certainly come it an organiza tion i nTleclcd. CM course the usefulness lo some pnrtsof the south will lie secured in a less time, "A iniililxr of the organizations that have Iseu piructed have gone to wort, in real earnest anil an doing much good " I he general manager authorized nu to issue a circular letter to the mavor 01 tin- southern cities calling attention to tin convention of lS'.lli mid asking them 10 make propositions, ami I did so. The Ik-si propositions lor holding the conven tion were received Ironi Charleston, S. C, Charlotte, N. C, and Asheville, up to the Jill h ol 1 ii toiler. Asheville making the Ik-si hid. Charlotte next, and Charles ton third. 'I was dinned by Mr. Chilton nt that time lo call the convention lit the place making the best bid, as the time was drawing near. " flic IK-ople of Asheville are iustlv en tilled to it mid 1 have no fear that they will do ireibt to the south, to the Stall and to the city. tl'.l 1HIOM HKHKRTKII. I liiiil Acllournment of the Fed vrnl Court. Argument in the ease of V. It, l.oekrli .S: Co.. against the Warm Springs com piniv in the federul court was finished yesterday afternoon. Judge liick re serves his decision. The suit (or ejectment of . li. llrown against Jos. Iiuekett mill others, was taken up on a transcript Ironi the 1 1 ansylvnnin tiierior court lint Indue iMck new that the suit was out of his jurisdiction mid it was remanded to thcrourt from which it enine. V. h. I.usk, C. A. Moore nml I', A. Cui'iiuiiiLis aiMieared for the iilnin till mid Jones .V Shuforil nml Mr, Nor wood, nt nvnesvillclor the defendants Court nitioiirnril lor the session nt 12 o'clock und thcotlicerslelt for their homes 011 the two o'cloik train. J, K. l'ritchaid, of l-lk Park, Mitchell county, was Appointed nt a commis sioner of the Icilerul court 111 and for the western district. He it authorized to take acknowledgements, allidavilt mill bad ill I nitcil State easel. KICV. J. P. UAMMON. He Will Preach at the Prcabvlerl- an Church Hundajr. Rev. J, P. Gammon, of Richmond, Vn, will preach nt the First Presbyterian church Sunday morning. It it with greut plenture that Till! Citukn welcomes Mr. Gammon upon this, his first vitit to Athp '"ville, since he ceased to be the pattor of tint church. Hit return at this time it upon invitation to supply the pulpit dur ing the absence of Rev. Mr. Bryan who it In Richmond. . He will doubtless not many changes In the church and in the community since he left, four year ago, but he will find the friendship of past yenrl ttill freth and strong and the change that have taken place improve ' mentt and sign of progret. ijt, AROUND TOWN. ForecHHt till 8 a. III. Saturday IiicrvaHlntf cloudlnvHM and rain 1 no cliaimt! In temperature 1 north easterly wlndN. Policeman J. H. Worsely is recovering from an attack of sickness. A. C. Link, it prominent mcrchunt of Hickorv, is in the city on business to-day. Miss Rose Chnpmnm has gone to Sher man, Texas, where she will spend several mouths. The mayor and board of aldermen meet in rcgulnr" wceklv session at the muvor's office to-night at 7;30. Mis Jessie Williams is visiting her cousin, Mrs. A. M. Ilounie, in Camden, N.J., where she will spend the winter. On Monthly evening next, nt the Ven verville college, Prof. J. N. Ingram will lecture on "the wild aborigines of the world's antipodes." Cen. P, M. H. Young is in the city for n dnv or two superintending the brick pav ing work on North Court sipiiirc. The brick laying is progressing rapidly. The city water was turned oil' again about S o'Vlock last night but was turn ed on this illuming. The supply will probably lie kept up now. Thevalvehas not yet come. The crazy colored woman who hasbeen around Asiicvillc for some time, anil who refuse to give her name wa arrested on I'nlton avenue t hi afternoon for trying to appropriate tonic good from a More. 1.1. I. Suitle reached thiscity this morn ing accompanied by his son, Joseph Sm ile, who attempted suicide at V.,ke For est college recently. The young man was la ken to his father's home in Kanioth. ilia condition is improving. Mat lolnison, n colored woiinn xvas lined So for an ussault on Iininm Hum, also colored, in the innyor't court this morning, llcorgc oliuon, colored, lor cruel treatment to 11 dog was fined otic pennv and the cosls, amounting to $i.:(. The inonthlv meeting of the Y, V. C. T. I', wa held at the Y. M. C. A. hub vesterday nlteruoon und the postponed election ol : president was held. Miss l.nura McLoud wa elected, to succeed Mr. M. li. Carter, whote term had ex pired. Report from the various branches ol the King's Daughters were read. Mrs. M. T. Fitch. preidcnt of the Ashe ville houscKccpcrs' union, addressed the colored ptople on the servant Ctietinu at the A. M. li. Zioii church last night. A large nuinlier were present. Mrs. Filch pointed out the object of the union as lar as the servants are concerned und showed the ways in which it would ben efit tlicni. Pastor Jacob ol the ion church, who is in lavorof the movement, also spoke- Hie servants signified their desire to have time to consider the mai ler and the meeting adjourned lor two weeks. .4 l-'OX IX AHIIKVII.I.i:. lie Is CHOIiired While Hlitht-Mee-Inn oil I'allou Avruuv. Some members ill the police force wiw a large red lot 011 Pulton avenue early this morning. They gave chase to the animal and he was caught in theentrmiiv 10 the basement under Redwood' store Later 1 lie lox was taken out the Rich mond Hill road ton point near the city limits mid lilicraictl. About three-fourths of an hour alter the lox wa loosed a parte ol mouiilid horsemen, among whom wercC. I. Hlunton, J. Illaiitoii. Y. P. Hl.inlon. A. t'. ll.dlybtii'ton, J. Lange, V. R. (indcer, W. tt. 'llarnard. n. Al cxandei, II. II. While, J. M. Fdwnrils .mil James Palmer, the lat three tnein-luisi-f the poliit- lorce, with n nuniUi of li.x hound started utter him. His licet running outdid that of the hound mid alter a chase of several miles, joiug as lar down ns lien. K. it. Vuucc's tiirni on the French llroad. the dog wire called oil and the bunt iibiindoned. INTKHKtTINO MKF.TINtil. The Week of Praaer mt Ihe V. M. C. A. The meetings being held nt the Y M. C. A. rooms during the week of prayer are well attended and are arousing con siderable interest among the voung men of Asheville. There have lieen a large number of rcipirst for prnver nt these meetings ami ulsiut n dozen prolcssion ol conversion. The milling to-night will be nt H o'clock. The subject is: Knowing what he ought to do but reliising. Mark X: 1 7. All men are invited. HI HIMK.HH NUTICICH. The Importallon Of choice china, for winter trade, nrv arriving and Ix-iiig oienrd. Alt are new and fresh. Tarill increase cost 2't ier i-cnt., but price are right always at , on nouin .iain tircri. xT'Clnrcmont, rear South Main and Atkin streets, Mrs. Hunt't isipular boarding house, hat been taken bv Mis llrohiin, of South Carolina, late of New York, and i now ready lor guestt. uovli dlw (11 i'ick or I AsllKVII.I.K I.MillTAXII I'OWKM Co..! Asheville, N, C, Nov. 1.1, IH'.IO. llilitor The Citizen Will you pleim give notii-e to the Asheville public, that we h'lve completed contracts with the two lending electrical eompnnte of the world, to wit: The Tnninn-lloiitton and the liilison C.enrrnl electrical com pnnict, for the inslullnlion ot ma chinery cnpnlile of supplying two thousand inciindrment lauis, pecul iarly adopted tor rrsideneet, store, ehuahes, hunks, or ollicet. That we have ordered nml will toon have erected a complete system ol wiring for each set ot dynamos, and that we proxc after installation iscompleled, loturnihtiiniMi ol niiycmiuir powei lover 10 c. p. I lor nil night, or shorter service, measured bv meter or otherwise at our pntroni mnv prefer, at 10 per cent. Iet than any other bona fide company will oiler to render similar service, Very Kctprct fully, AsllKVII.LR LlllllT HC I'OWKN Co. How to Travel, It it often hard to decide what route to take when Hurting on a trip. In order to travel with rne, eomlort, in style and tafetv, always take the Inmnu lutein- nnti, Hamilton N Dayton K. K. They have the finest roiid lied in the world. Run 4H passenger trains a day between Cincinnati, Iniliannpolit, Lnirago, Day ton, Toledo and Detroit. The Pullman tr-i . 1 . :t...i 1 : 1. 1. 11 I vcivcfc eiiuuiv biiic, Wi,n rsimi snu billing Cart, and Pullman Velvet Vetti bule Sleepers. When going North, North- west or West, be ture your tkketa read via tlie C. H. tt U. K. K. Any agent can II you, or write to Wm. A. WmoiN. Southern Past. Agt. P, 0. Box 3(l, Chattanooga, Tenn Indeat lo Mew Advertlaetmetiia WiKTun "0." NuTim-W, H. MatnM. CAtls Dr. A. Crawlunl. Pi.ont awwtwtter Mill Co. Wiitino BCMOoL I, Vt. Orayao Uriu I Huuia Balilwll TketUr Co. PROHINENT ARRIVALS. la There Anv One Here That Von Know 7 Sivammaoa : -Geo. M. Adams, Ivy,; II. R. Jonrt, Cincinnati; G. Halloway, Louisville: M. II. Cbulkley, Richmond; . C. Mayfield, Richmond; L. F, Solo mon, New York; J. w. Aiwerton, Kien mond ; T. C, Fry, Boston ; T. C. Hicks, Richmond, Glen Rock : F. S. Culver, St. Louis; J. L, Grnham, Chattanooga ; J no. Linly, S. C; O. II. Blocker and wife. Old Fort, N. C; Mrs, Miller, Marion, N. C; F. S. Chewning, Winston, N. C; F.M. Steams, Ilerco, II.; A. Bonnet, Louisville, .; C. A. Lowry, Knoxvillc; H. M. Rogers, Philadelphia; B. E. Hamlin, Scrntou, Pa.; C. A. I lege, Winston, N. C; J. M. Hyde, Bushncll, N. C. (artery Par Itaoc A. Hopier, An drew A. Henderson, Jns. I. Barr and wife, Geo. S. Miller, E. Wolfe. K. Dunone, New York; Mrs. M. E, Burkhardt, Miss Ferris, Benj. Miller, H. J. Greer, Phila delphia; Chat. Whitticr. Boston; P. 0. Wcsttcldt, New Orleans; B. E. Tomblin. Mcxi.., Tex.; ;T. B. Allen and wife, ltrooklvn; Jno. T. Patrick, Raleigh; C. P. Allston, Flat Rock; Horace S. Os borne, Newark, N. J., Jot. Pettijohn nml vile, Augusta, Gn.: P. M. II. Youii, Georgia; J. R. Barton, Cincinnati; C. G. Ilowiis, Chicago. (.'raw Central: G. II. Gallnher, Sweetwater, Tenn.; Dr. Reynolds. N. C; W. W. Stiiiigfield, Waynetville; Mrs. B. P. Buslmell, Danville, N. V.; II. E.Jacob, Knoxvillc; A D. Smith, Charlotte, N. C; . C. Link, II. C. Latta, Hickory; P. i. Edmunds, Savnnnnh; T. C. Williams, Raleigh; L. F. Sunells. Biltmore; F. S. Chewning, Winston, N. C; no. Hurt, Greenville, S. C; J110. L. Davis, Wavnes ville; James Hlvthc, Cherokee, N. C.i N. L. MeCamlliss, Mossy Creek, Tenn.; Jno. l.oohev, Boston; R.' F. Price, Greens boro; J. F. Jewitt, Richmond ; J. W. Reed. Greensboro; Geo, Young, Coopers; . li. White, N. C. HI IIHCHIPTION LINT OPKSIKU. Nones lor Mr. Hunnlcutt May be Left With The CUIxen. T. C. Startles and N. P. Chedester. realizing the verv great need of Mr. E. L. Iluuiiieutt who i in New York with his daughter, having her treated for a mad dog bite, have each contributed one dol lar toward pnying the necessary ex I icusi. Mr. Iluumcutt has no money ami is so closely confined with hi little girl that lie has no time to earn anything. All who led disputed to aid in this very worthy cntise may leave their contribu tion lit Tun Citukn office. No. 0 north court iunre. Baldwin Theatre Company, On Monday evening next the Baldwin Theatre company willcommenccn week's engagement nt the Grand opera house. A rcerloirc consisting of the following plays will tie presented: ii.'incv Mine. "Two (Indians," "Oueen' Eviiieuee,' "Monte Criio." "The Dnnile" and "A Celebrated Case." Particular a lieu lion is paid to cost nines, special scrncrv. und proKrlics. The prices will lie 15, l!."i. 35 ami ."n eenis and the bill will be changed nightly. J. F, uratea Wlna the Medal. Mr. J. F. Grave won the Rcvnolds medal at the weekly content ol the Ashe ville Rifle team. The score made were as follows: I. P. Graves. Kl; f. L. ohn stl : C. V. Mnlonp. HO: ll. I.. Kev. Hold. Mil; G. W. Cannon, 7:1; II. U. Weaver, i J. (erTGui Reynolds will be obliged to the gentleman who borrowed his limiting coat mid leggint, if he will return them to hit house, No. a J, noodhn street. The Cnlrnrfsr eommltlrr mrris lo mnrrttw I 4 p. m. W. II MAI UNH, Ch't Calrnilttri-utniiilllce. yRITINii HCIKHII., I W. llniua, of Marlon. N. C . will b-iin h wnunt M-I10..I i Nrwlon'i Aeailrniv. Hllt- morr. ix. 1.., ptorrmmr 1 f, imwu. terms. i ti.r trn tlaya. ,VKHKA I'air lllrarh tnd IWp'lorT on A-'snlr. lmitip.Milni tnd vli trrntmeflt uotu xnr yo, ml jxu. v. orin Mnin hi. nuviaillw MMU I.ANhhALR. FURNITURE AT AUCTION ! on rtntunUv nrit, Nn, lAth, at 11 o'clntk n. m m thr l.yon brick hnuar, im Ortivr Ntn-rt. ii mrnr lot of furnitur. cmUt(oit in purl f iMtrrnut, Imlitrnda, m hti imli, m trtMinrtlfo, rrtM1i. mattrciwif , bolntrr. ntloMri ir.nii. tuilrt aria. tllr. a !. numltrr of rhalra, lamp and man? otlur nutl3ilut l.WV.N ft WliHT. Atfrnta. DR. A. CRAWFORD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ROOMS S AND . M'AFEI lUILDINa RESIDENCE, M OROVE STREET. novWilif ANK VOI R GROCKR FOR UZEIJ VANCK' "Sweetwater Valley" FLOURS. EVERY SACK IS 6UARANTEE0 I msiiricTi-asD v tii Awectwater mill Company mivl k ila A One Solid Week. COMMKNCINU MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, SATURDAY MATINEE, t P. , THE BALDWIN THEATRE COMPANY, In tht following ft t pert o! rat Onlky IMnvr, Two Orvn, Unm't dencv, MnnU Cliato, Cffrtttrl4 Caat, Ttw DaattM, Wtlta-Farfio. Meaaragpf , CHANQC OP BILL NIGHTLY. AdmlMlo, 16, M, 8 aad 50 cmta rata on sale al J P. Rawrer't, N.l PaU tot Avraat. NEW ADDITIONS BARGAINS INNUMERABLE. -o- THOUSANDS OF ARTICLES CUT DOWN IN PRICE. STOCK TOO LARGE. Many dt'pnrtiiH'iitH too full, honce tho Hlu-UKlitor. Now isthetimo to invlinso. A feast for shoppers; the most elegant and coinplcte stock to select from. No off style, shopworn, auction house trash here. Look at the bar Rains we offer, the prices we nann: Ten thousand yards 40 inch Tricot Flannel Dress (Soods. worth OOc, for 'J.'m'. a yard ; 5,000 yards (HnRhanis, worth Hc. anywhere, "c; 2,000 yards Semper Idem Blenched Muslin, 8c; 5 cases prints, cost )c, at ."e.; all our cotton checks at 4c; 1H4 dozen Towels at l.SO a dozen, worth :f:i.00; T"i cent. Linen for 50c; 5 cases Ked Flan nel, twilled or plain, a little comb Quilts at 75c, see them ; 5)8 dozen Napkins, bij' value at 1.25; 100 dozen unlaundered dollar Shirts for 50c; 200 dozen Ked Flannel Shirts for !J7!4c Cut rates on Handkerchiefs, Hose, Gloves and Corsets. Bargains in Kmbroidcries, Torchon ami other Laces. Immense value in Furs. Muffs, Boas and Ciims. Our Clonk and Wrap de partment immense. We are alarmed about the quantity, hence the prices almost cut in two. If low prices will do it we intend to reduce our stock fast. Monday morning the sale commences, 'tis now in progress rend this und run to No. 11 Tat ton avenue. What you want maybe gone be fore you get there, for prices make things move. Mim naugh is in his glory when he sells goods cheap. Our Mil linery department still booming; more work than we can do; not soliciting any trade for it at present, but will try and fill urgent orders for our regular customers. A cyclone has struck our stock; prices take a tumble Hurrah for the cut rate sale at MIMNAUGH'S, No. 11 Patton Avenue. Mr DltY GOODS. MILLINKItY AND UAKI'KTS. PICTURE JRAMES, Oold. HIItct, IvorT, link. OUt and Combt. nation Mouldtnua. Ainu Room MnuhlinK. PrCturm Matted. Mounted and Prnmrd at lowrat pricta and work Kunrantred. KngraT hiffa. Painting and Loval View alwaya on band at ESTAH ROOK'S, a S. Main St., Aafaevllle. anriad A CARD. IMItor Aakeellle CltlMt: That oar aor Mrnils nir hnuw huw we are avttlna ot we will atatc that we touk la la Haul aad ttort f 9,000 In vive Week. Took la laat Haianlar orrr 7iM). 78 of that waa houl, balanrr aton. Houi mrls umj 28 that day. Had 6.000 arrival! In 5 aioatba. Oar tt k la mammoth 3iK Irti loai aad 16 Irrl wM. Tell thr balance of tat world to come and art "Old Chrd" anllc. aad bay goods of wa aad aara 10 to as per real. nnvlr) dtf . . CHRIIHTRR HON MME. Hi FRAC SMITH. late from New York. I now prepared to do Ihe very beat la antatlr millinery. Will make overall kmdi of baia and bonneta. Lateat material a aaed to tbr moat practical advant a llraac call at S7 aoutk Mata ttt . ore? taw'a at ore. Biv?d1 m TUB ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, ROOMS, M PATTON AVL, (T.M.C.A. N00NI. ) Open dally, etcapt daadaya, from 10 a. nnlil I p. and 6 aatll T p. Tht larma of tnhampttua art: One year ti.t aoa f I.AOi S tan., (1 1 1 mo., Anna, dally eta Omirrt for I NW- Hrewdeal, Chartet W. Wm.lace 1 Vkt-rmMnl, Thna. A. Jonra : Nrr aad Treaaarar, 0. . Wataoa 1 Uhrarlaa. Mia H. j. Hatch. Cltlaena and vlaltnra art cordially Invited tu In-pert Ihe rnialoana aad Inacrltw thrlr Him aa mrmnera. an iikm I EXCELLENT READING. The Atlantic Monthly, for Suvrmlirr, ha the following c tctllrnt tank? of con tra!: "The Honor of Martha," t. VIII., Prank R. Btorktnn; "Along the Fron tier of Proteus' Kenlm," lidith M. Thotnaa; "The Legend of Wlllinm Tell," W. D. McCrtkan, "The Bird of Autumn, To Annie Fklrft: "Ktihert Morrit." Prank lord Cook; "Champinnhiii" "Pelicin," X., Pannr N. U. Miirfree; "A Hue ceaaful HlKhwayman In the Mitlille Airra, ' Franrlt C. Lowell; "An Amerk-an lliKhwavmsn," kolirrt II. Puller; "The Fourth Canto ol the 'Inlemo,'" lohn J. Chimanj "Maryland Women and French Offiirrt," Kntt Mnton Knwlaml i "The Hidden Grave." A. R. (;niti "Oirtr tht Tea-coot." XII.. Oliver Wendell Molmet; "Relief of Rultort in Federal Cnurtt," Walter B. Hill) "The Pat of a lapnnete Reformer." I'errlval Lowell! "TbeChriat In Recent Fiction") " Virginia and New liniiland": "Htedman't Library of Amer ican Literature"! "Tht Contributor' Club"; "Book t of the Month." u I.tarj ?' eld Book tOWaMeCa JTrlc M CM. FOR THIS WEEK. over half price; .'100 Honey 8 CAR LOADS JIHT RIX'HIVHIK Morlur Color Red, Black Terra Cotta, by thcCapk or In any Quantity. C. E. MOODY. Office No. 30 Patton Avenue. TKLUI'HONH NU. U. Vanl and Wareituaaat near IMpot. Tele phoat 7A. COINO OUT ATA LIVELY RATE Men's PalU from to 8. floy'a tnlta from l .00 to lfl. Mea'a Overcoata from $ SO to .K. Hov't Overcoata from tl.Tt to 1 7. nil. HJKKTi FtrRNIBHINOa- Of aay tort for mea or boyt. HATt, TRUsKI, IHOEI AND UMBnELUt. C. 0. BLANTON & CO., Wholesale and Retail, No. Wett Court quart, ASHEVILLB, N. C, 39 aad 830 Weat BaltJmort treat, Baltl Kura, aaa. . J. 4 ,kiw..'j!at. pnn.'ilf.WiJC-r m C'jiaV.wtiLat'' I.SVfJ VILLI: AHVIiKl MKMW. ICE RATES FOR SEASON 1890. In qunntltirn not leaa than one ton at factory 0c. per hundred. In quimtltiea not Iciia than one hiilf ton at factory Ac. ' " .TOO pountla, ail tlcketa, 10 pounda each 6110 So " 10 " " f oo 700 2H 2ti " " B.oo 7B0 " lft " HO " 8 OO tooo " to too " a.oo Til-Hot in dollar incknKi-s and anv iiuunllty of Ice may be obtained from driven and at our office for caah or tickcta. Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 40. No. 30 Patton Avenue. THE JKLLICO AND BEST ANTHRACITE COAL or imic Mt whnlrMnlr nml Retail liy - ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL COMPANY, Telephone 36 and 40. UicluHivt- Avrnta 1 Domeatic unit Htcani i lor Wrutirn North Carolina IT NEVER RAINS, Hut it pourn, nnrl wlun It doc rnln remt-miwr thnt my nnwortmcnt of Umbrellua in the Inni Mt In Anhevillf. If you ilon't Iwllcve it just nt the manii (.cent dlnplay now on cshl bition In my window. 1 would nlno cull yuur attention to thr Co' lowing nc.v icoodi received lu.t wet-k : A new lot of ntrkweur In Hk'nt nlm i f r cvcnidK wtar; mo in but department a line of hiittt In three different nhadei in the "cveninK "tin," rttac that it to fanhionnlile juNt now. F. E. MITCHELL, Men's Outfitter. 28 Patton Ate. LBWI8 MAIIIIUX. I'rra I., r. McLUI'U, Vlce-Prca. U. RANKIN, Caahier HlBlCToaa: Lcwia Maddui, M.I. Brnrden, M.J. Pa for. J. E. K.mkln, J. B. Hay, J. K. Ker,, 8. II. Reed, Geo. 8. Powell, C. M. McLoud. -E WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, ilricaniird Mnr lat. lxah, CAPITAL. $50,000. SU RPLUS.S2(),(XK) State, County and City Depository, Uoeii m (ieneral Han kins Bnilnen IreptMltH rrceiTett. Uichangc bouxht and sold. Co-, lection made on all aceeMiblr points. The Saving feature will reeelTC pedal attention, Onall sums in thia department, deposited for four month! or looser, Intereai at the r 01 4 per eent. per annum will be paid. Special attention liivcu to loan oa real eatatc. which will he placed for long time on rem tunable term. Open from tt a m. to S p. m On Saturdays thr ttaeinK Uepanmrut will hrnpentiil Q t.r, Janldly ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, 217 Haywood Street. All WATER THOROI GHLY FILTERED on the Prcmlltc. Twenty-nve year of praetleal experience, combined witb riti.aoNaL attention to all rtc tilli of the huainc and ienect arrauKcmenta iar clkanlinr&s and Pi'NlTV of all good manutartured. enable the proprietoi to present to hi nnmeroup patrons a superior eta of Carbonated Bereragra Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphons, Ginger Ale aad allthe varlona davora nf HOPAIW ATBR ready for ehlnment aad drtfvrn-,1 free In City limit. Out nf town nrdera mnal hare ttaroNainL reference, V. H. CaMPKr-IJ., On the A. tk H. Railroad, KlKht Mllen South of Aahevllle and Adjolnlui; Vandcrbllt Park. If you nrr InnkiiiK for a place why don't you ace aliout SKYLAND The Ir-hI mineral water and In great variety. I a eel hit, iirnnd view, g-'od umit u If ou think of bnvlng why not buy NOW t Prices wilt gi. up find go KAI'IOI.V. OTIS A. Take Train Out 9.10 A. M. Fare I'KHIi. RI TMilKlH. City HOTEL? ARMOND-HOTEL BONNYCREST AND COTTAGES, SKYLAND MINERAL, SPRINGS, N. C. Klght Miles South of Aahevllle, on the A. A 8. Railroad. New hotel., flew cottaara, new furniture, beautiful arovee.ncat tenaia and croquet lawna, tuod livery. 48 MINERAL SPRINGS. White Sulphur. Alum, Munnia. Iron and Rieom. Thoae aeeking health and anil aeleet aociety will not fall to tain plraaant retort and drink of Ita healina water. Term, reaaonalile. E. At LeVENE. aprs dtf nanagrcr. AahcTllle, N. C. P. A. DEMENS WOOD WORKING GO,, Maaafactnrera aad Dealera la all klada f Dretttd LUMBER. Ooor, Saah, Blind, Moulding;, Btalrwork, Mautcla, Bank and Bar Fixtures, and all kinds of Building Material. Hard Wood Lumber Work a Specialty. aovltdly Telephone No. a. SCHLIT'S MILWAUKEE BEER. Celebrated the World Over for Ita Purity. We deliver to ail parta of the city our owa Bottlla Baport Beer al ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN. ."timer HkyvAlllTtf7K.o-sl'T Bd wt ,"""te, " THE "BONANZA" Till! LKADIMti ' V WINE AND LIQUOR . STORE IN TUB STATU. I INK HAMFLli AND UILXIAKO ROOM. I NO. I. 4. at A not) A t ivr. H'ar'r. BRICK. BRICK. -FOK BALK BV BUNCOMBE BRICK & TILE COMPANY, Asheville, N. C. NOT,c" Ouarrilana, admlniatratort aad caeculora ait hereby aotilWd to appear at tht clerk'. ofllct tt one. aad taak. tettlcmMtt and tavt eoaU at aotleat art already la tht aherlfr. hand.. Aay ent comlnc la betor. beint; notl ned by tkt laeriir will not bt charged any tttra toat. That falling to call at one. will certainly be dealt with awnrdlna to law, aovmuu W, T. KBYNOLU. Clerk. for n home or an Investment SPRINGS. MILLER, PROPIIIKTUII as C'enta-Or Drive avoatb Mile Airnt. UH Patton Ave. Near Pasacncer Depot. 43 S. MAIN ST.. ASHEVILLE. N. C BRICK. P. O. Box am6. lllr. n.'V. Arrfnnnn. ' IVROKOM BXRTIIT. ftlllnaj teatk a apeelalty, akw treatln rilf eaard uma, and all dlaram perlainlns to the dental atractnrt. Office room, oa lat to areata, over Mayaof a Smlth't draa ttort.

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