Asheville Daily Citizen o VOLUME VI. NO. 186. ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1890. PRICES CENTS. 1 0 -ELIHVILLE.E A place planned ami devel oping ut u GREAT RESORT. Situated in the. MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, A region noted for health lulneHH and beauty of SCENERY. An elevation of 3,800 feet, with cool Invigorating Climate It is being ltiid out with taste and Hkill, with well graded roads and extensive FOREST PARKS. A desirable place for fine residences and BUATHFVL HO 91 KM. A good opiortuiiity for profitable investments. For illustrated pamphlet, -address, LINYILLE IMPROVEMENT CO,, MarlUc, Mitchell Co., M. C. BOH MARGIIE. the roruun ihoppins puce. Novelties for the Holidays. Makes a specialty of Mlk, Wool, Unea and Cottoa Ma terials for Art Bssbroldery. Wnpt for Ladles, MUM. and CMMna. t'oderwear for La dles, Minn, Mca and Buy.. A fall Um of oprrtor Dr Good. BOli MARGIIE, 30 -aowtli Wain gtr t.-ao H.T.ESTABROOK'S 82 . MAIN IT. AftHBVILLB, I00KS. STATIONERY, FANCY 600DS AND TOYS. LOCAL. Views and Sketches. aerial REAL ESTATB. Waitss B, Owes, w. W, Win, ! GVYHMVEST, Htmawi to Walter B.Owya) ESTABLISHED 1881 (tlFt. TO MM Of MNEVtUL REAL ESTATE. LMBt ttecurclj riaccl at lcr Cent. Notary Pubtk. CeaMlsaloaara ofUcsda. FIRE INSURANCE. orr ICK-aVMlBMMuM Caart Bajaara. "THE SUN DO MOVE," Aad m dot Aahevlllr The great battling a't H) aow being performed by all genuine bmlMN mm of tat PARADISE CITY " TMB aollTH. Brwy aiaa baa hi. acheme aad to relalea It la moat caara to aot big can, W. doo't ailad telling yoa that oat arbna k) to aril all th laad aad hieura all tat property wff raa, before "Th. KnWn; Nrat Agala." Wt liar, joat been annotated ageata for th. Old Reliable Pennsylvania Fit laaaraae Co aad w. waat yoa to wita aa, JKMKS at JKNKfl, REM. ESTATE AND WIUMNCE. Rmmi a A 10, McAfee Block a fauna Art., Aahtvln. N C. F. A. GRACEf DKCOBATOat AND DBMCtNEat IN FatESCO. Hfef "u imms WE THANK YOU For jour liberal patronage In the paat.attd are trying to aiake oundYcf more worthy lo the ftiturt. Nerer before have we had each an excellent atock to eelevt from, harltiK In created It wonderfully, eepedally In Pine Goods, and we always make prices low. In fact this is characteristic with us, and we have found some trouble with the better class of trade on account of low prices. We admit this is a treat Incentive to raise prices, yet we rely upon the good Judgment of the masses to sustain us. Remember, we guar an tee every article sold, and if not as rcpie tented, or does not jrive you entl e satisfac tloa, we kindly ask you to return It and we will cheerfully give you back your money or anything we bare In exchange. We keep most everything in the Oroccry and Provis ion line. Including Grain and Feed, and would be glad to have your trade We dell vet good free of charge to any part of the city, and keep a twohorae wagon for delivering Oro- ceriei In large lots and for our Grain and Peed trade. A. D. COOPER. North Court Square, corner Main nnd Co lege streets. While our stock is largely composed of the useful arti cles needed in Housekeeping, yet we have some very pretty goods suitable for Holiday and Wedding Presents, such as Japanese Crumb Trays, Fancy Match Safes, Brass Fire Ser, Brass Andirons, Fancy Hearth and Dust Brushes, &c. We would like you to see them. We have also a large assortment of Fine Table Lamps, that we are offering at vkuy low khi- ckes to make room for other goods more in our line. If you want these goods, price ours before buying. Very truly yours, Taylor, Bouts Jfc Brothcr-toii. a Pattern Art., under ('.rand (icra llouac. ZEB VANCE will art then. We lict on Old Zcb aa bring the brat Flour la town. Wc have Juat rrrcto- cd a frrah lot of KEG AND BOTTLE PICKLES Com. and give them a trial, at HARE BROTHERS, 17 South Main Street, CORTLAND BROS., Real Estate Brokers, And Inveattnent Agent. NOTARY PUBLIC. Loaas a, urrly placed at per rent. Of!) era: 34 SO Pattoa Arena. Bceond Boor. ftbSdlv TTwLUt ARTHUR J. WILLS. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, aa ration Areolae. Neat V M C A holM'g. novl d3m P (I lluaSO. JOHN CHILD, ( Formerly of Lymaa Child . Ofllce No. 1 Les:al Block. REAL ESTATE LOAN BROKER atrlctljr a Brokerage BnalncM Loan, areartly placed at per cent. J. V. BOUUNEAU, (Bawl. Block.) Choice Beef, Mutton, Veal And Pork. EXTRA FINE IAUIAQE A IPECIALTY. orddnmo . FOR SALE! a . I a I . I- iluullla A Weil estaminnro ouiinnw in nain,, centrally located, doing a nrnt class trade .... . m Tkl. la A Um tmm itmuiplu. WHO tarn iininu,. a-,---- - - nlty now .'in-red In thla city. Maat be wild becau, Ot owner, ill nemm. Alao, a Hrallaa. new realdenee, centrally located If taken now caa be had cheap. we oner a .pwnmu imv. w ., oak and backeye. . kinara oalr a fcw oilnutea from Coarl njJaarao-Two large realdrniw, with ry eonvenKnce, o rem lumi.nm. . a.k..llu. Fall of latent ataUatlca. Call for aaopjr. BlttKLOW A JONKS, BBAL MTATB AND INVWITMBNTB. Booa, M.A. Block, M Pattoa Ataaas. aorlTdla iiuiaaaviwi.aa.M .W ! NO. 41 PATTON AVENlTBi It Is the place to buy your nice China, Lamp. Ho tine Pur n Innings, (fin. ware. See. Our stock of this claHs of poods surpasses any in the state. A visit will convince you A fa rgr Invoice en route of the handsomest Christmas goods erer exhibited in Asheville, which we hope to have open by Iec. I, Come rnrly anil itct flrat arlrctlnna. An extra In ret atock of Alter Dinner Coffece, Pudding- Halml. llerry and Ice Cream Seta All eultniiie lor preaenta. All mnil order, will receive prompt and quick attention, Oooda .hipped to any part of t e United Htatea. Vlalt ua and gnie upon an almoat cndleaa Ma of China and Ola... Respectfully, THAD W. THRASH & CO., ' CNDliK : (iKANI) : OPERA : Ilor.SB. T. C. SMITH & CO., DRUGGISTS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. PUBLIC HQl'ARl'., Atrlieville, N. C. Our Mr. Ilwlwood's recent purchiiriea in New York show Home excellent values, tlie re Mult of boHtconhcliHcounts on goodn already low bnaUHO of a dull market. Bi'Hides u lot of Bansonable things to wear, we have a much larger stock of Fancy Goods, Toys and Holiday Goods generally, than ever before. For a lim ited period a largo discount on Clothing. H. REDWOOD & CO. 7 ft 9 PATTON AYK. Clothing, Dry GoodH, Hats, Shoes, Cariet and Fancy Goods. WE AKE DAILY ItKCKIVINII TDK CMOICKHTCAMKOUMA AMI KOU KION FRUITS, ' KL0HIIIA Olt- ANdKH, FKKHII KKIH, i.V. KlltEWOHKH, I'LAIN A Nil KAN CY CANDIKH, HILVICIt HOOK AND HUd.VIl TOYS, rilACKEItH, CHKW- IN0(IIIMH,M!., WIOAHKHKLUNd TO TH K WH0LKSALK THADE AT KAtTOUY IMtll'EM. CALL KAItLY AND SELECT YOl'U ST(HK lE- EOltE THE Itt'HIl 1 1 E I INK. Tnuaa, WILK1E & ATKINS, 111 PATTIIM AVg., AailNVILLK, N. C hail oaixa. will aacaiva raiiai'r amii caaari'L ATxaxTiua. BURNETTS HOUSE FORMERLY THE IA0LI HOTEL No. 66 Houth main Htrcct. Larue rooms, well ventilated, warmed bjr beaten, and open Arc places l table supplied with the beat lb market affords. Maua, (I. BO iter ilaj, to SK.OO per week, tuo.ou to lan uu per month. MRS. L J. BIIHNBTTE. novilHdlim Proprltreaa. gyiNT8R BOARD. Warm romftirlahle rooma, Sonne newly far al'hrd good labia. Terms reaaoaabM. Ua atr-tcar..-.. MM. J. L. RMATHBRR. JalylMaa M Pattoa An. m... .wt w .wJiU r.,,,..-..- THE NEWS BY ASSOCIATED PRESS THE CITIZEN TO TH K AU.IANCB FORMfl.ATKB IT DEHANOB. SUB-TREASURY BILL RE-ADOPT ED AS IT NOW STANDS. Ocai.a, Kin., Dec. 8. In tlie alliance the financial policy of the order came up for (liwunion under tbe report of the committee on legislation. This report at to the financial policy contained the following amended demand: First We demand the hnl'J-i'X.f na tinnnl bank. Wc demand that the ov ernment ahnll establish sub-treasuries, or departments in the several stutea. which shall loan money direct to the people .it a low rate of interest, not to exceed 2 tier cent, per annum, on non-perislinble (arm uroducta. and a so unon rcalcstote witn proper limitations uxn the nunntity of land and amount nt money, w etleniiuin that the circulatiiie medium be speedily increased to not less than $50 percapita "Second We demand that congress shall pass such laws ns shall effectually prevent araiina in lutures on an n;ricui t urn I and mechanical productions. "Third We demand the free and unlim ited coinage nf silver. "Fourth We demand the pnssnce of laws prohibiting the alien ownership of mnn. "Fifth We demand that our national lefrislntion shall lie so framed in the future as not to build nil one industry ut the expense of another. We further demand a removal of the existing heavy tariff tax from the necessaries nf life that the poor of our land must have. We further de mand a Just and equitable system of graduated tnx on incomes." A spirited debute followed the introduc tion of this rcKirt. The resolution was adopted. The convention adopted the billowing resolution amid tremendous applause: "Kcsolved, Thnt we are opposed to the Conger bill and that we favor the pass age of the I'aildnck pure fond bill." Just beiore tbe noon adjournment a resolution passed indorsing the sub- treasury bill and calling on congress to pass it promptly. Astheliill now stands it does not include n nrovision for loans an land, but this npenrs in the formal drmnnds ns adopted. This is a seeming contradiction, bulbs explained to mean that tlie passage ol tbe present suii trenstry bill would give partial relief, and later on the land load Icntur would lie mure easily secured than at present. Wnrdull, of South Dakota, moved to reconsider the vote by which the alliance protested against tlie passage of the elec tion bill. Hall, ol Missouri, move I to lay the motion on the table. Agreed to 60 to UX Of the thirty-two there were five miiii hern republicans. Of the remaining Iweiity-sevcu nearly all say thnt their vutimi to reconsider wus prompted bv a desire to lire the alliance trom the charge ot partisanship. If roo are interested in the wellnre m Asheviire attend the eititent' ntcetinff ut the court house at 7:30 to night. KCEIVKR FOR THREE CM. The Company Hald to Owe About 9lloa,ooo lo Contractors). Ionksiioro, Tenn , Dec. 0. McDonald, Shea & Co. have filed a bill in tlie chan cery court nt lonesboro, against the Three C't railroad company. Sam Tate, jr., has been by judge snmn appointed receiver, witn iKinn nxen at t GO.tlOO. They also committed a suit for $.'i(M),000 ugninst said railroad com pany in the circuit court here, in which they seek to set up ami enforce a builders lien against the road. There are thirty miles nf track laid in Tennessee from the North Carolina line north. It issnid that the company owes a'xiut $800,00 to contractors and engi neers. PARNELL CRAXV. Hl Aaaoclalea Think Him No, at Any Rate. London, Dec. 0. Anent the sensa tional disclosures recently made concerning Charles Stewart rnr- nell, It is now stnted that as long ngn ns six months since quite a niinilier ol Mr. Parncirsparliamenturycollengiics took tne ground that nis actions even at thnt time could lie accounted for in no other way than that be was mentally de ranged. UKOROIA CYCLONE. several Uvea I.oal and Property Deatroyed. Atlanta, Dec. 0. Yesterday near Mon roe, Walton county, cyclone cleared a space several miles long and about 100 yards wide, lack Henderson and wile were buried benenth the ruins of their home. Henderson was killed, but his wife wns nut bndlv hurt. Their buby was carried .100 vurds and to badly in jured thnt it died soon after being found. A RACETRAUEOY. One While Man Killed and Nine Nea-roea Noma Wounded. Himminiiiiam, Ala,, Dec. 0. A bloody fight between negroes and while men is reported to have taken place near Little ton, resulting In the dent h of one white mnn, and the serious wounding of an other. Two negroes were rcKrted wounded and nine killed. THE TOBACCO REBATE. The wenale will Probably soon paa the Honae Hill. Washington, Dec. 0. The sennte com' mittee nn finance to-day authorised 8en a lor Aldrich to report favorably, and en denvnr to secure s?cdy action upon the bill passed by the house yesterday pro vidii.g for the pnyment ol a rebate upon tobacco in stock. Rsormosa penalon Oedclency. Washington, Dec. 0. The secretary of the treasury has sent to the bouse an es timate aggregating $34,S0O,0O0 sub mitted bv the secretary of the Interior to supply tbe deficiency for tbe payment of army and navy pensions for tbe current year. CITIZF.N'HKETINnTO.NinHT Everybody Will be Welcome and All are Vrged to Attend. There will be another meeting of the committee having in charge the arrange ments for the reception and entertain ment of delegates to the southern inter state immigration convention at the court house to-night. The meeting will not be for the com mittee alone, but will be open to ull the citizens of Asheville. Everybody in terested in the prosierity and welfare ol tins section ol western rtortn i-nroimn should give the committee encourage ment by being present to-night. The ladies of Asheville are also ear nestly invited bv the committee to come nut nnd help in tnis undertaking. Half past seven o'clock is the Tiour. AN EDITOR IS IXDICTED. HE VIOLATKH THE l.OTTKRV LAW, He Does It Knowlnirlv, Too, and Altera Warning That It Would Criminate HHu. Mkmpiiis, Tcnn., Dec. tl. Frank W. Gregory, manager and editor of the live ning Democrat, has been indicted by the federal grand jury for violating the lot tery law. After the last drawing oft he Louisiana lottery, the Democrat's New Orl .nns cor resjiondcnt wired that puier the winning numbers held hv Memphis peo ple. A proof slip was submitted to postmaster Patterson, who wired the attorney general at Washington. His decision was that its publication would criminnte the publisher. The Democrat published not only its experience with the postoliice department, but also the objectionable list ; hence the action of the grand jury. If yoa are interested in the welfare of Asheville atteml the citizens' meeting ut the court house ut ":.'(' to-night. THE TRACK 1'I.KAR. A paasenier's Miory, aa Uathered Ycaterday, of the Wreck. Passengers from west bound train No. 52, due here at 4:fi2 o'clock yesterday af ternoon, were transferred at the scene of the wrecked freight train, 111 miles cast of here, and reached Asheville about H o'clock last night. The mail, baggagc nnd express, however, ilid not arrive un til this morning's train reached here. The track was cleared this morning mid that train reached Asheville about 11:1.1 o'clock, liusl hound train 51, due to leave here at 12.10 o'clock Inst night. wns held here and went through this morning about 7 o'clock. A iHisscngcr wlm wns on west hoimd irnin No, 52 yesterday afternoon, in con- Ycraitllfill Willi Jim vinr.n una iii-.irn- ing, gave an account ol the wreck as gathered while waiting yesterday. He snys that the freight train, which was very heavy, began to run awny hecnusr ol tlie brakes not holding nnd that a brake beam brake. 1 Ins caused seven teen of the cars to be patted from the en gine, leaving but two or three connected with it. The rear part then plunged down a bank, which the passenger snys must lie ion leet nignana the engine with the two or three cars kept on for some distance and the loco motive was derailed. It turned over, but did not go down a bank. The cars that firt left the track, he says, were badly demolished nnd their contents, consisting of cotton, cotton seed meal, coal and wngons, were scattered promiscuously. Some nf the cotton bales were, according to his story, hurled two or three hundred vnrtls. (IROVKR'S I'OI HIN. Rev. W. H. I.ellh la Here With Hla Family. Kev. W. II. Lcith, who has been sta tioned at Franklin nnd who was ap pointed pastor of the Mcthodiat church at Salisbury, by the recent conference is in the city with his family, en route to his new charge. They nre at the Grand Cen tral. The Chnrlottcllironiclcspcnkilbus of Mrs. Lcith: "Mrs. Lcith. the wife of the new pastor of the Methodist church nt Salisbury, is a cousin of ex-President Grover Cleve land. She is rather to be noted, how ever, for h.r own mcntnl acquirements nnd intellectual graces, than for her kin ship to the cx-presidrnt. She writes ex ceptionally well, with grace, force nnd logic arr uivnpiu'ini kimiii m.. ... her church paper are universally pruised for their finish nnd style." Mr. and Mrs. Leith leave to-morrow for their new home. The weather In Aaheyllle. At 7 o'clock this morning the thermoni etcr nt the signal service station at the Wiiiyah house recorded a lcmr rat urc ol ii" above rro,8" Mow freeiing. Ice wns nlitindiint. The mountninsaroiiml Ashe ville nrescntcd n beautiful nnncnrnnce, The trees were covered with frost and stood out in bold relief when the sun hone on them. The effect wns very striking. It seems thnt the cold wave of the north has struck Asheville, but today has liecn bright nnd pleasant. STATU SEWS. It is stnted thnt Hkhsrd A. Dough ton, of Alleghany county, has the most strength lor lheswnkership ol tne house. Ilia principal opponents lire i.w. mmii ncr. T. H. Sultou. and K. U. Peebles, Mersrs. nonunion. '.Mifflin & Co. tiuhiishcrs. of lioston, have issued a vol lime entitled - nepreseutniive sonnets oi American Poets," in which Mr. II. J. StiH'knrd, ol (irnliain, has been accorded liberal space. At Putecas! to-day (Tuesday) t In state grange met In nnniinl session. The alliance has drawn away nearly all its membership, leaving now barely l.noo, where two years ago there were 12.0110, The grunge will, however, maintain Its organisation. The state bnnrd of agriculture hn adopted a resolution urging upon tlie Iruialnture the need nf a state com missioner of immigration and asking lor A Sieviiic nppropnnuon to nicci mc ex pense Its maintenance. Josinh Btnncill, ex-postmaster at Selins, who was arrested one year ago for e mbexalina the contents ot registered letters at the Selmn postoffice, has been convicted in the United Htatea court for tbe eastern district of North Carolina. WORK IX CONGRESS TO-DAY INFORMATION WANTED AH TO ELECTION Ht'PERVIMORH. Tne Attorney General Cannot Far nlah It Mr. Plumb on the .Ureal Opportunity Coiiitresm Huh Now, Washington, Dec. 0. In the senate to day communications were presented from the nttorney general in response to u res olution of the senate calling for informal tinn ns to voting places and as to elec tion supervisors. The attorney general states that his department has not the means of supplying the information asked. Mr. McPhersnn offered a resolution which wns agreed to) calling on the sec retary of the treasury for certified copies of the accounts of ohn 1. Davenport, chief, supervisor of elections for the southern district of New York for the elections nf 1HH, lKHIi nnd 1HHK to gether with reports of the corrcspond- nce, etc. Mr. Plumb introduced n lull to mince the amount of I'nitcd States bonds to lie required nf national bunks nnd to replace their surrendered notes, and to provide ir the tree couuiue ol silver. Kelcrred to the committee on finance. He also offered n amendment ( in the same terms I to the bill now on the calendar so that the mat ter can lie brought before the sennte in- dcendcntly of any report from the hnancc committee. In doinir so he unve notice that if the elections bill were not tlisxscd of nt nn early day he should move to lay it aside for the time being in order that the bill just introduced by him, nnd all other measures relating to the financial condi tion of the committee should be consid ered. 'Something, he said, "ought to lie one. Congress has on it a responsibility Inch, in mv ludgmcnt, it can not void for nnv grent iteriod of time with out letting go by a very great oppor tunity lor helping the country lind one which will notoccurngiiin in a very great innnv years. If something is not done within the next two or three weeks it might us well be post(oncd indefi nitely. DOME IN THE HOl'HEi Philadelphia Petition -A New MeuiberHworn lu. Washington, Dec. 0. In the house Mr. O'Neill, if Pennsylvania, presented peti tions from the bankers, commission merchants, and inimrlcrs of Philadel phia, proving for congress to amend he tnrin act ny extending me nine irom ebrunry 1 to lulv 1. 1H91, for the with drawal nt imiiortcd merchandise in bond October 1, 1H0O. Kelcrred. Mr. Morrow, of Cnhfornia, presented he credentials of Thos. J. (lenry ns rcii- rcscntiitive-elccl from the first congres sional district of Cnlilornin, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation ol I. llehnven. Icnrv appear ut the bar of the house and took the oath of fficc. If you art interested in the welfare ol shcx ille ntlcml the citizens' nuvtinj! lit the court houte at T.:tO to-night. AFTER THE INDIANS, The "Htarvlng" Reds Hurnlng Foad-KlllInK Reported. Kaimii City, lcc. 0. A band of Indians from Little Wound's camp camped about ten miles enst of the Cheyenne river bc- ween the mouths ol the I-reach and Hat- tie creeks. Thcv have been raiding de serted ranches, killing nnd running oft the stock, burning hay and grain and teahng household goods. Vesterdnv twenty well armed men led rupidly for the Indian camp. They will lie joined ny a numner ol rnnciimen nnu if they nre not intercepted by troops will attack the Indians. A specinl from Custer snys thnt not Inr from Iluffalo I'.ag T. M. Warren, a ranchmnn, with four of his men attacked the raiding party of Indians and killed four. This is not verified. For Butchera and Hucksters. The attention of the butchers and huck sters of Asheville Is called to the necessity lor Invinu in full nnd ample supplies in order to meet the demands which will be made uoon tliem during the session ot the intrr-stnte immigration convention which begins on the 17th, and continues till the UHh. There will lie ninny to iceii and those men who have the forethought to make preparation will reap the Unr est. The Eniclne In Place. The engine of the Pcopks' light, hciil and power company has been put upnnd the roof of the budding is being com ileted to-diiy. Secretary I Mekcrson sa s that the plant will lie ready for a truua tcrof the iower from Dcmcn's factory lo the new engine to-morrow nun nun n better service mnv then be exiicctcd. The engine just nut in is one of the largest in Asheville. Its weight is eight tons nnd its actual horse Miwrr is loo. Marrlane l.leennea. Marriage licenses have been Issued to Joe Clianiliers nnd Vcnin Wluttcmorc, J C. Gentry nml Mollie Stnrnrs. M. L. Kob- . M...II ,..,.1 tn ! 17 l.i,.. .. hm.I I Inutl'iitluu l.'.l,,r.l I I., ML ton nnd Lula Ivdwnrda and las. Mavs ....j tl....:. ii .1. lllltl .IIIIIIV I.IWOT II, WI, IIM, For All the Ntmbcrs, All men 1 1 arrs of the Y. M. C. A., nsso cinte as well us active, arc Invited to ut tend the monthly meeting nnd social nt the moms of the association to-night nt N o'clock. The retreanieiits will Iw turn islied by the Indies committee. UTAIKS OF COSSIiuhi.Wli. I'OHHION. Tlii UHl l.Pnrnrllilea Ima lilliilliinntlMlv niitliorurd McCarthy to prepare mi ad dress to tne man people. Piirncll will send n mission to the Dili' ted Stntes Inr the purpose of placing be fore the American iicoplr his side of the controversy thnt has arisen in the mi' tionnllst party. IIIIMK, The total amount nf money, put Inl circulation by the treasury oicriitloiis Monday is niKitit f !i,;ui,;hhi. Tl luminal"" IIIVIAHII, l"l inei IT II'PII- etor of the Cincinnati l'.ti(ulrerdied In w i.: ..... at.., .. - r.. i.. . Wnsnlngtun last night, aged 7. Fsyerwenther, the millionaire lent her dealer of New York, gives $!I,I00,(HM) to fliltcrcnt colleges and vuo,ouu to nospi tail. ANTIMIGRAINE. THJ NEVER FAILING CURE FOR HEADACHE. TRADB MARK RBOI8TBRBD. ABSOLUTELY SAFE, PERFECTLY SURE ANi ALWAYS SPEEDY. Curea Every Varlaty.of Headache AND NOTHING BL8B. NTIMIGRAINE T enra" ,or ,t"" VU IUUIC ICIU,Ae tion of being the finest, most effective and reliable article ib (he murket for tlie speedy relief and cure of every variety of that common trouble, Huaoaciib. Tbe immense favor which has greeted it from all quarters, proves its true merits and acceptability to the public. It is some- tiling which almost everyone needs, and those who have once tried it, will never he without. For its curative powers it docs not de pend upon the subtle influences of such poisonous drugs as ANTIPYR1NE, MORPHINE, CHLORAL AND COCAINE. Since it does not contain an atom ol cither ol these. It is absolutely free from injurious chemicals, and can betaken by young nnd old without (ear or serious results. It it m i Cathartic, does not disarrange the stomach, and contains no noxious or sickening ingredients. The peculiar advantages of Antimi graine consist in its being thoroughly reliable as a cure for any kind of bead ache without respect to ennac leaving no unpleasant or annoying after-effects, as in the cusc of other so-culled "barm- less" remedies. These qualities make it the most popular and saleable article in tbe market, wherever known. lllKKlfiONB FOR t'8B. The duae for aa adnlt la two teaapooofula la a wine xlaaa of water. Doac for ehildrea la proportion, accordlnR to axe. la either caac tbe doae eaa be repeated eerrjr thirty mlooca an III a care Is effected. Ooaaoatwlll alwajra drive away aa attack of Headache, lakco when Ural folia the prcmoaitory rmutoma; but a the attack la well oa, aad aufferlng la intenae, the arroad or third doac may be required. Uaaalljr a arcatcr aamber f doaea la required to affect the Aral cure than la needed for aay sacceedlag time there after, abowlna; that the medicine Is accumu lative in lu effects, trading toward an event ual permanent cure For sale at GrfANT'B PHARMACY. WUITLOCK'S, I'Olt.NKIt KAULK IILIH'K. 46 SOl'TH MAIM BTR11KT, Chrlatiiiaa Preaenta and Bol Iday Good. Junt oiM'iiod, coiiiii'iHiiii; novt'lticH, botli uwjful nnd or- nauipiitnl. SHoial attontioii m called to our Iju'rh tttock of fiiibi'oidory, nilkH, zcpliyrs ant wooIh of ull kindn, fclU ant inatcrinlK for fancy work. utcHt dt'HigiiM in 'liina HilkH, new Htock of Ii'chh trinitniiipt, velvet, iIuhIich, nilkH, &v. Wo nro ngi'iit for tlio celehratetl On- tcmei'i kill rIovoh; iiIho a completo lino of gpimiiio I-'oh- UtkIovoh. Our aHHoilincnt of liandkercliiefH and ii)roiiM for tlioliolidnyHtiro Iiiiiiioiiho. OurdiHplnyof winter wraps for liulii'H, initweH and cliil Own in the largest intho city. A complete Htock oi under wear for ladieH, niiHWrt nnd children, blanket, comfort, HliawlH.curtain goodH.hoiiHO hold linen. Call onus. Cor nor Eagle Block, 40 B. Mali Street. SillUM

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