At ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 12, 1890. r t I ! THE LIGHT feet." "Tender-feet" were the new, One Year. Six Moatha Three Montha.. One Month........ One Week.. OP ADVERTISING, limping arrivals; "self-risers" the same I men after donning a Hour wick. Down In Charlotte these clnys every body ii speaking with a German brogue. The cause of the disturbance is the lact that Herman Damn Von M.iltznlin, ol Berlin, has married Miss Margaret Mc Dowell, of that town. We pulilith else where some particulars of the affair which we are glud to say passed oft" hap pily. There waiauoticeablvdraggingnut of family trees, but in this case they are of a kind that will bear insiK-ction and if of no great use still possess some interest and perhaps an incentive to right living Anv way Charlotte appeurs to have ac quitted hcrolf with credit aside from the fnct that the Chronicle uiisticlled the Baron's name and her mother tongue will probable be resumed in a few day Okn. WHY PILL A STORB WITH OOODS AND THUS KBBP DARK AHOUT IT f IT COSTS MONEY BVBRY DAY AND BVBKY HOUR TO CARRY A STOCK OF OOODS. LBT TUB PVUUC KNOW WHAT YOU BAYS TO SELL. INTEREST THB PEOPLE-ATTRACT THEM DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO FORGET YOU OR YOVR CROWDED SHELVES. TVRN ON- TUB LIGHTS, BSPKC ALLY TUB BRILLIANT. STEADY AND FAR-REACHING LIGHT OF AD VERTISING. CrncnanCf Commtnttil Qiuttte. SOME NEW J'VBUCATIOXS. THE DAILY CITIZEN. By RANDOLPH-KERR PRINTING CO. Thi Paut CmsBN. Democratic, le published every aiterneon (except Hnnilay) at the fal lowing; rates strictly ca.h: te.on 3.00 so THE DAII-Y CITIXKM ta on sale at the following placca in A.hevllle: CITIZBN OPFICK. BATTBKV PARK NEWSSTAND. OLKN ROCK NHWN STAND. MODBL CIGAR bTOKU, Patton Ave. FRIDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1H0. A correspondent t liken exception to the Clakkson is reiHirtcd by the New York World ns "enthusiastic about is the people and climate of Asheville who he has recently recovered his health." N wonder. Mr. Clurkson came here with bronciul tulies about the size of a starved knitting needle and went away with the same highly necessary parts of one physical equipment enlarged to the d mensions 01 tne nore ol a modern war gun. ('.rent is Asheville and grcuter its climate. I'arski.l, we are bound to note, has following sentence in some resolutions ol so far lieen received in Ireland with respect published bv the school commit- mnrkable and, to the moral observer. lee- depressing ei.thusinsm. In Dublin the Whereas, t.od in his wisdom has seen horses attached to the carriage he wns in were unhitched and the crowd proceeded fit to take unto himself we omit the name as having no benriug on the question brought up. J n teacher in our city schools, and desiring to pay this, our last tribute of respect to her 'mem ory; therefore be it resolved." The correspondent goes on to say : "I will venture the best steel pen in Morgan's bookstore there is not a mem ber in the whole grammar class whoean, with his teacher and Superintendent Claxton to help him, parse the word "de siring" in that sentence." Well, what of it? It is true the words, "and we desire," if substituted for "and desiring," would' have made the sentence unobjectionable, but is there any mistak ing the meaning of the sentence criticised by the correspondent? The necessity in Asheville to-day is not for school committee members who can give their lives to the Latin dative and then, dying, regret that their time was not spent on the alilative las an old joke has it I, but for men of atfairs who can make a dollar go as far in the schools as two do in other industries; almost literally, to make asses of them selves by drawing Parnell nbout thecitv Hut we should have to know the compo sition of the shouters for Parnell before commenting on the significance of their action. If you did not read in yeserdav's Cm zkn of General Vance's exicrience in Flor ida do so utonce. And then moveupnnd help the committees who are trying to prepare the town for the coming con veil tion. (KoKiilA lias lynched another man white this time. N one knows the cause of the deed except Judge Lynch, und hi court Holds secret sessions and kccs no record. THAT'S THK TALK. The lroBrcHHlve rarneiHimPro KresMd, It SecmH, The new editor of the Progressive Far merit lie alliance organ), Kcv. H.ivlus who can give us more school houses and Cade, says in nn editorial in reply to a letter ones; who can devise wav and query as to wnetiier he advise means to secure the liest tu.-hrra: u-li.. the memlx-rs of the legislature w in t ill -, ,., ,f ,,. . ., are pledged to vote lor Senator Vance t " r a.- .",-- disregard their neilees cnun in Asneviue to iiiteuo Tlie Progressive Farmer does not never mo, una never win advise nnv meinlicrof the legislature, or anvlxxlv else, to disregard a pledge to do nnr thing. II any man pledges lumsell to vote for Senator Vance and violates his plcrlge he will show himself unworthy of This is our ideu mg every child in Asheville to school nt least six months every year; and who will push the manual training idea to successful fruition. Those are the men we want nnd we don't cure whether thev can write a sentence that will "parse" or not. Now, to show how easy it is to find fault: hy does the correspondent sieak I Tltnt'Nlto. of the "whole grammar class?" lhes From the KpriuKneld kcpuiillcuu he know of a Iractured grammar cilia I We cant gel an always and trior somewhere. I'nless he dues his "whole" I ouchly resKetnble theatre in any com- is suiierHuous. I "luimy wttnout getting a universally rc , , , , i spccinn e conimi n tv. Tllr Iflfn thut mi-nilu-ra nf u..Iu,I....n. I 1 I nnv man's confidence. I ol pohtuul morality.' niiltee must be able to write sentences that will "parse" is absurd. AV'.U c'f h'h'ITI'CK T CltliKOKEI-. The Colored Masonic Fraternity. This society which assembled here on Thursday, contused of delegates from all parts of the stale, for the annual mcet- At least n hundred dogs have died from what is called the "grip" in Wake county. Mr. tleorge Watts did not proposi to Iiil. ..I tlui rnlnrt r.rnA lwi r .1,. ser ine i ai . v . . go oown in Kurnnni . , . T and accordingly stands good for $1,500, state, was noted for the imuosinir exter-1 nul order and decorum of tbe body. It . uTL. ..JlLi! .fLT . um,cr ... j i - , i vi if, KfiiDHiiure luur vcuru iio .".)i"..,u,i,1ii.,.v,MM "cici)niiniiri,iiioiii;n not so many entries advancement 01 tne colored race. it a are made mis year as in ihku. tne legality of the order, whether it is ac -The forest fires in the mountains this cording to Masonic rule, a legitimate year have covered large area and done or a stiurious order, we have nothimr mort damage than for years past. Mil- ... ,l. it ;. .HVi,t , . .. i l,on of of valuable timber have been , . , .. , T destroyed. nals. it chullenifed comDuruuin with the I .!,;,-....:...:.. c; i i i.. Recent telegrams from Wilkes and Surry counties state that there it supeared in procession in the stieets, I ,,uite a heavv storm of snow prevailing and no where else, we could not tail to be along the Hlue Ridge and Alleghnniea impressed with that love of display, that on'! ,l,,,t tne w"olt nBe " perfectly exultation in "pomp and circumstance" which characterises their race; but obove A Scotland Neck telegram says: A sad II .;ih ,li hiuh -...u;,. marriage occurred in this section recent- all, with tlie high respectability which ly, The groom wni cihtv.five ycar. ... v, M vt wvh- i uiu umi ine onnc whs aeventy-nvc, una sion. InthatweoUervedmenwIioseposi-lneitlierone could see the other. They tion In life was signal proof of tbe enpac nno lo 10 t,w olln''' ties of the race for elevation. There was I The Rnkigh chnmber of commerce the solicitor for tbe second judicial dis- has deaded to take,te to hold agrand ... , u ,L.. state exuoMlion there in 1M01, and an- tnct of North Carolina. forgeH. White, p,,,,,,. committee to take stei in of New Berne, once a member of our bouse the matter and bring it before thecoming ol representatives; there was Stewart session 01 tne general asseminy. 1 1 1 : r o 1 J .. 1. i . ' I ... . ... . umaun, 01 nuiK.u, nm.i umn a i I'nstmnster A. w. scunner, who is member of the same body, and for a one ol I pehurch s bondsmen, savs he ex long time member of the city coun- lltcu t0 h?r.' '? P? 3.000. the full m i- 1.. 1 .1. 1 ui-i amount 01 tne Dona, tie nas taken pos ed of Raleigh ; and there was Jams Wil- .),, of t-K.hurch', residence, which is Hums, 01 w osningion, a man of one of the handsomest in Kaleigb, but line presence ana 01 nn intelligence, and wnicn is nenvuy mortgagee. there were others without doubt who re-1 The sum of $25,000 ia asked for as a fleeted honor upon their race. siiecial annual appropriation for the agri It was altogether a hopeful and grati- -"lurl mechanical college. Then exhibition, and at the tame t.mean th,t t septemlier this numlr will Ik ciHueniinouici.ui.neiaimraa,jusiKcnna iiounieil. I nere IS not (iillicienl room gotid will of the dominant race of the and dormntorics must he built. south. Tlie board of agriculture has ad- Mourned. It wns great I v hnmiiered by elf-ltlMnt," the luck of funds. The ofticers of the de- Tlvre ia a delicious bit ol I'acinY niii.i nsrtment of agriculture consented to alung thnt bas never reached here n draw only two-thirds of theirsnlaries for print. They not only cull an eastern eeemler so aa to leave some margin of man who goea tnere a "tenoertoot," as un ! i urgmning 01 me we know, but they dub themselves "self- new year. risers." The waaon why a native or old -Arrangements are making for one of mmcm w riacr ia the greatest foa hunts on record in North peculiar. Ong nnlly, when mining ap- Carolina. The Arllngton-tir-uorv mick cratiou began in (.aiitorma an.) Nevada, of aft, ,nd will lie taken from Golds when the new .comers ran out of bread boro and so will Mr, Green's pack from tncy nan Doming o uixe tne pmce 01 it ranklinton, while Mr. L. II. Fetch, of except nonr ana wicr uasea into eases ReB(,ng, Pa., will have part of his "red o the density o. .ynite, wnerens every pnck," The scene of the hunt will be oin rcsiucni t.m in. nour, pre- Wrightsville. The hunt will come off in pareo wild ya. si mn grew the next three weeks. h fliviainn ail each new eamn intn turn I classes the tenderfcet nnd the self-risers. P"' "" Te"r negroes near N. Y. Sun. I Croft, in 1-ong Lreek township, have Ittaarldo-tUBun., .,!!. . real., pr good thing. "Belr-naing" 8our was put oa the land of William Caldwell. Whisky up tor the V-aiuornians in uags calculated has oeen freely used, it seems that Airy to stand a good deal gf travel. Cloth, bad the whisky shipped to him at Croft , ., ij. u. In kegs concealed in tightly nailed boxes, lit tbe early days among the miners, was .nd ,oold retar thf kea , the Mme scares, asd what was more nataral than wt, until last Saturday, when be round to make trowsers of flour-sacking? Thus that his illicit dealing was being vtntila- It happened that when miner was at fd. Hethea tnade good bis escape to T .j ,1,. .l Georgia. It ia estimated that not Iras work, coat and wst off, the person who tbma Bundred ,, o) ,i(UOI. approached bim oot from tbe front, fre- been told by this negro within the last qnently saw this . legend coaspicOniMly twelve months. Charlotte Chronicle. prasentest F,rom V Take I Take I Take WmmonsUverReg. etusM tbe trrai. "talMSers." It wasaoX ulator for dyspepsia, constipation and a) any way tbe cum pic meat of " ten der-t heartburn. Tennyson, whom Walt Whitman calls "the poetic cream-skimmer of our age's melody," is par txcellcnce the poet of love and fair women. There could be nothing better adapted to charm and de light the modern Mauds, Marianas, airy fairy Lilians and "rare pule Margarets" than the holiday edition published bv Frederick Stokes and Brother New York. The one hundred illustrations by Charles Howard lohuson might almost lie descrilied by the title of one ol the IHieiiis: "A dream ol fair women." They arc nearly as beautiful as the exquisite lines thev illustrate. The volume contains, "The Princess," ' a lyric collection' under the heading Juvt nitm, harly Sonnets und other short poems. A "Loyal Little Redcoat" hv Ruth Ogdcn, a story of 11 child's lite in New itricn nunoren years ugo, with over sixty illustrations by 11. A. Ogdcn, isjimt the kind of book that thoughtful fathers and mothers are always 011 the lookout lor. It is a fresh wholesome story with a historical setting that will furnish in struction as well ns entertainment to youthful readers. No child will forget Alexander Hamilton and his place in history ulter reading little Hazel's inter esting interview with the great lawyer and statesman. The McVickar calendar, twelve fac similes of water color designs by II, W. McVickar, well known for his work in the leading magazines, is an artistic sc ries of pictures of "Indies fair." The col oring, ns well as the drawing, is ex tremely beautiful. A unique calendar is the cupid calendar with facsimiles of designs by Mrs J. Pau line Sunter. The lines accompanying the pictures tell the tale of the little lovers who sim;"wilhouttheirniistre8ses door." Charming Christmas gifts arc the wa ter color facsimiles "Little Folk Witlc Awake" and "Four Little Women" by Maud Humphrey, nnd "Mayday" nail" A Tenant on the Beach," bv )'. Pauline Sun ter. These beautiful pictures framed in tinted mats are all ready to adorn the walls of any ladv's boudoir or his lord ship's library or may if preferred he framed id p oiected I, r more lasting decoration. All of these gilts are for sale at H. T. 1 $&rs- m m s GLEN ROCK HOTEL. In xoo Feet of Central PaHnenjfcr Depot. ASHEVILLE, N. C. csTLgsaMEaa- a STnieTiT rieevasis SMIITISSS AMIl.tJptBllial 'IBIklf.'0, OAtaa. sa. PHILADELPHIA, Price, ONEDollir .ssar Th. majority of the Ills of tha hunaa kod7 arise from a diseased livar. Him. mons Llf.r Regulator has been th. means of restoring more people to health and happiness by giving them Liver than any other agency on earth. V. A. IIlaiii. J. V. Hkown. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. Hstabrook's, Siiitli Main street. HEAD Hln OFF! No, on He-cotid Triough, Let Him Comei He Can Learn tsoiuelliliiu;. from the liurhatn Ololie. The C.lolie continues to insist that the Asheville Citizkn isbright mid saucy anil lively. The Citii-n is one of our most valuable exchanges, and when we go to Asheville next week we cxcct to whip its editor. Aahevllle Air nid II All. Prmn the Washington font. The bracing atmosphere ol the North Carolina hills bent, all the patent mcdi- vines ever compounded for putting the physical man in perfect trim. nsCien. I. S. Clarlvson is u liying witness, lorstandiiig ast night 111 the lobby of the Arlington with ruddy cheeks and clear eyes, he ooked the picture of health. No. 39 Patton Avenue, M'AFEE BLOCK, OPPOSITE BLAIR'S OLD STAND We are now ready, and in vito our IriendH and the pul lie jreniTnll.v to enll and ex amine our well seleetiil Htoek of FUltNITUltE, Wln'cli we are offerinjeat roek liottom priceH. Undertakii) a special leature. ( iiIIh at tended day r niiiht. Telephone, day 7". night (55. HLAIR&15ROWN. SPKCIAL, ANNOUNCEMENT ! 1'i r a Hhort time wo are utile to offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to iiiii'"Iiiihii'h. e navo a few HATS a little" off Htyle" at extreme ly low rateH. Wow ih your opportunity for a great nar gain. WEAVER I MYERS. THIC SHOE STORE 39 Patton Avenue K, COFFIN, . Real Estate Agent. AND LOAN ItKOKBR, 3 NORTH MAIN ST., (MORGAN'S BOOK STORE Money loaned nri well Mctitrd at N per cent. imrTTai. Real Hut nte bonRht and aold at pidillc and private nalr Hintu colltctrd. I comhictrd a Kt-al l-ntnte and Auction uuim'ft m Charlm- tnn, 8 C, tin yrnrti, and will nive prompt ottrntion tn an nuuinrnw put in my cnnrifv. fulvWdtm GRAND MONDAY. OPENING I DECEMBER 8. TO CONTINUE UNTIL DECEM'K You are invited to call every day at the leading Jewelry Store and examine our Ktock of If LOCKS, WATCHES, Ff Silver NoveUiet, Diamonds. Jewelry. ARTISTIC POTTER H MILTER WARE NOVEL,TES, RRIC A BRAC, Vc. Some people Hay thnt it i beautiful, some wiy that it i finer than ever ttefore. YOUR OPINION Ih reiue8ted. ARTHUR M. FIELD, LEADING JKWKLKH. AdvcrtlHlnsi Is) McccimIIv. From the ll.ltlniort Hun. The distiiiKuisliinx frnturr of tlir pres ent ne in a business sense is the close nd insepnrnble connection between printer's ink and succcess. Advertising is the business motto of the times, publicity its foundation prin- 'luirs. The ndvertismir columns of a irrent newspaier form a mirror of tlie iiennd. All tlie civilised countries of the earth are converted bv the uress into one vnst exrhanKC, in which millions of readers are brought together. Advertising lias, therelore, bc-ome a necessity. 8. L. K. means Simmons Liver Kcuulu- inr sure. POVDER Absolutely Pure. A rrram of tartar hahlntr nowdsr. Hlvlirat of all In leavenlnir atrenKth U. Oovern mcnt Meporc, avum 17. inhw, ni"'vaijr TRY THE '.10DEL STEAM LAUNDRY 17 ration Atcbhc HOLIDALNEWS! That we hnve the LarRfwt and .sent Helecteu Htoek of HOLIDAY BOOKS in hindinRH from the chea pent to tree calf. Hijc line Popular AuthorH in Ketw for the Chil dren, older Children, and ev erybody elHe. NICE LINE BIBLES, all fcnuleH. I'rayerH und Hymnals, (Jold I'eiiH, &c Can't tie beat for DoIIh. To.vh, Etc. '1 ho new Souvenir of AhIio ville. New work by Druinmond, rax v obiru-um,' juHtin Jjoc. J. N. Morgan & Co., HooKHellerH, Stationers, &e. Public Suure. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General i Inaurance i Accnt Kenr Nu. ill) South Main street. Ilstaullahed IHI10. anS dtv A.hevlllt, N. C THIt MODKI, i . Cigar More and New Stand PATTON AVBNUI4. Notice to the Public! All Iraillna New.nan.ra tn .uliaprlli.r. h. th. week, at 'Jfic pvr week, delivered to aov part of i he clljr. Sandajf editions, 6c ore a aim PROP. J. BAKER, (PROM LONDON, BNO.) PIANOS TUNEO REGULATED. $3. New aetlona ttmt In old dIum. All fcfaaa of mui.ciil InatrvmcnU tantd and repairrd atlfactloa vuaranlced. ltaviordcra at ST ractM ATenM, ammviim, n. w.. UTIUIIAsI- ' Knipllsh nud French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES AND UTTLE GIRLS. No. 0 Prmrti Broad Arcnur. MRS. BURGWYN MAITLAND, - PRINCIPAL l For many year Associate Pr)nciinl of Mt Vernon Inittitntr. (lattifnttrc.l Aititrtl by a corj n( conieiil-ni traihrr inn ii i.t 4 -H- I Try Mil! MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR If jrou hnve any Nine, Thrum ur l.una iti-nws. in ailk-nllun I will m nil a imniphlet " rirKiiillve nl A.hrvtllr anil also the In- ' hnllnx trratment m with ll.t ul quea- tinna lo lie anawtrcd liy the allent hen onlrriiiK Hume Treatment. Thia tn-almcnt I. a. rnrvtltc a. the olHn T In-atnu-nt. Ol'I'ICIt NO. 1-ATrilN A VKNI'B) f Ash- vlllr, N. C. T. J. HARCAN. M. D. t STATION INN BILTM0RE. RESTAURANT A LA CARTL ELEGANT APARTMENTS. UNCLE OR EN IEUTE. Visit irs and Residents will nnd this a moat charming; and attnictiv. .toppin( plav. MBNAI1H ANII CI'InlNIt HUI'AL TO TUB BKHT. E. H. NIES, LATK WITH DELIMONICO. decBdtf ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, ROOMS, 26 PATTON AVE., ( Y. M. C. A. ROOMS. ) Opto dally, cirept Saarlajrs, from 10 a. ontil t p. m., and 8 aatil T p. The term, of sabserlptloa arsi On. rear 2; 6 mo.., tl BO; S mos., II 1 1 mo.. Aneta.l dully II eu. OAcers for I NWI-Prealdeat. t'h.rin W Wonlarv: Vlc.Pr.ii1rnt. Thn.. A. Imim - a. and Treaavrer, D. S. WaUon: Uhrarlnn.MIrs tt. j. naicn. Cltlien. and visitor, art enrtltallv iiivilrrf tf In.uect the catalogue and InarrllH. ihri. nnm- a. nemli-r. an'Mhltr J. W PBTII RI.CH, m. una. aoc. w. is. ,1 a. L- ..'it u Kna'r Corps, b.S.Ni PETHARD & KING, CIVIL AND MINING ENGINEERS, And Csvucral Contractors). Ptltert. In CitV arnrk.. InmwMnlilMl mmA plain .nrvrv. of ritlea and n,wn. deda-na, n.. .nrnnratlna. and Hllm.lM kntiakwl rnilwaja. watcraaunlyand acareraar Hio'laltles : The lx alio i and rnnatrartlon or rallwajrs and concnu pavement.. Anhcvllle, N. C. P. O. Bos 9H. oilln : Second floor Is Urand Opera llouae. nov ilam W FRESH II AND OYSTERS, CONSTANTLY ON HA NO. WECATERTOFAMILYTRADE J. E. REED & CO., ta5,dVwCwttrtlM-r' A modrrn flmt claw hotel. Hot and cold water an rip hn the and toilet on trery HtHi rtlrctrlc ItrlU In every room. 0rn Arc In office and watr In hed roonm. Officv, dining room, lunch counter, dicar ant new stand and bar and billiard roni on flmt floor. Hire, trie Mreet car pan door every 20 minute. Klcnmond and Panvllle railroad rating honac. 30 m Inn ten for meal. RATlifl, s.oo PER DAY A. G. HALLYBURTON. Prop J. 0. BRYAN and WALTER GRF.EN, Clerk). FARMERS' WAREHOUSE. FOR THE SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO, SMITH & ROLLINS, Proprietors Wr nrll all tohtirrof. at 3 per cent, committal on, while other market! art cbanrlna trow ltV4 to H percent- ctimmlMlon. To (he Tobacco rinnter of Wralem North Carolina and Kat Tmnmee ; Our market ha Hill ornid and I trior arc stood, eie.-tallT on cimmon Kradea. and we advie rarly ahipmrnt on all common Hrailca. HavinR the larnrat, hrt Ittrhttd warehouae In WeaUrn North Carol! , and rtrnit rtrnt employca. we auaTMntec aatlafactlon. Thnnklna you for tout pairunnic and honinic by bard work and fair dea Inica, we arc, youra truly. SMITH & ROLLINS. novSOd&wAra SCHLIT'S MILWAUKEE BEER. Celebrated the World Over for its Purity, We ildtter to all parts of the rltjr our own Bottling Export Beer at ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN. THE "BONANZA," WINE .. AND .. LIQUOR .. STORE IN THK STATU. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARD ROOM. I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST.. ASHEVILLE, N. t I. a. s Astui'ass rvr. asar. BRICK. BRICK. BRICK. FOR SALK BY BUNCOMBE BRICK & TILE COMPANY, Asheville, N. C. P. O. Box 426. THE WIN YAH HOUSE. Special Sanitarians Tor Dlacaaca of tbe Langa and Throat. Hnoae sept riw, iwrr i.nn.ina; wairr irooi aionntain nnnnir.. ana eonnectiona ror Domeatle nnr. run vi.T mam. i-cnct'i .y.irm 01 iiyatcne, no Kieiratora. Blertrlc Llahu aad Hells, Opea Plrca.' ntiM-a w atrlctlv n. ink inr ana nrxam nam. ana iioucitca amliln aad bmiu.. Hot Water Healing Hv.trtn and Thorough Ventilation. Hot, Cald, Ulec. FIRST-CLASS TABLE. NORTHERN COOKING. HHBCI AL IIIBT WHBN NBBUBD, frofeaalonal atrvkrs optional with patients, and at moderate rate. rices for Board and Room .. 9vl Bu to SIM per week. I'or particular., addreaa KARL VON RUCK, M. D., A.bevilla. North Carolina. STRAUSS EUROPEAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. ROOM ALL NEWLY FURNISHES. Also. taht. hoarder, can he uramtaod.trd. otiocs a. m. until III nr-oca d. m. )riA pieparrd tor caurlna at ahorteal aotlc for Horn Partks, Balls, ct. MARD IT THE MONTH, VKIC OR OAr, atrstt cars pass the dor Opra froaa All I aaa ta My Celebrated Philadelphia Fries An well known. No onr ran nrpats them. Am proud to sa I haw tha a.rat. larae.t . Can aery, order, in from a to S minute., such a. Pl.h, Oarae, Oyatcrs Polite and attentive wallers. I'leaard to arnra all. Meapeclfullr, B. STRAVSS, Prop. rlrc 4 rtl. OAKLAND HEIGHTS SANATORIUM. IPOKMBKLV OAKLAND INN.) ' Is located na a rommandlna tmlnrnes OTrrlooklna Aahcrilk and a surrounding country ol rare ocaut jr for a radlaa of thirty mile. The appointments of the bouse are conduct. to health and comfort. Elevator. Klectrlclty. Steam Heat. Por the aricntlfic treatment of Nervous and Chronic dlataaes It la thorouahlr snalupnl with all modrrn appliances Turkish, Roman and N aulas Baths, Blectrldlr, Maaaan, Mwedi.h Movements, all Included la price of room. The Slallcml Manwrmrni will be under the direction of Dr. P. W. Ncerl, nciatly v f th, HnnMtortum, at lan.vlllt N. V. ' or lunnrr partKulara addreaa, Dlisa EHILIE V ATJOBPf , Aahevllle, Pf . C ' ;i89i.; NEW. EW YORK .7EEKLY ORK YY EEKLY HER AMI ERALD tUFFERUt Of TOUTHFUL EIIIUWI.. I Lost manhood, sarlr decay, ate. Jrtc.Jcaa as. can a horn. treaUai fms, bj addmslai a M tow aulkrar, CW. LBBK. P. 0. Bos'llS, Boaaoks, Va. aorlOdaiwam ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. . Ia the BeHt und Cheapen Family Paper in the United Statca. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. an 1 1 ' ' ' f MiHiy IKiveltii'H will ha nldrxl tn thn vnriitlv of Uu i.mi. l4MltH ilurillir tlie veur lHOl.aiul nothinir will ho h.ff (Ioiiw to pjwirw und fjratify its Hubwriborg. nn HNN-iaiuuH lor ltwi will be orijfinal article on pnicti 11I faniiinir and irardeninir. Seriala and Hhurt, atnriou liv- the bent authurH. Womnu'ii work and woinun'a Inimiro. ' (JMnn of litoiature and art. Original flobheii of wit and humor. . . . ANIWERI TO C0RREIP0NDUIT1 rHOMPTLY AND FULLY MADE. THE s LATEST i NEWS I FROM : EVERY : SECTK.W : OF ! THE i CLOSE. AddrcM,JAni (JORDON BKNNBTT, ' . . New York Herald, New Yrfc City." C'LYCrtE POtliR A YEAR. , . -..-trjuw adLthlrl 't ualMMaL

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