ASHEVIIiIjE DAILY, CITIZEN; FRIDAY EVENING DECEMBER 12, 1890. Judgement should be displayed la baying stsfnVv sine above All things, (n aaleotiag remedy lor nny disennn, jrou should be SoslUve that Itcon'nlnii notMnif lnj lions to the health Many remedial oa the market leave the patient In S saneh worse comll.lon. than before taking them. S i s. In purely veterh1e, and perfectly kannlees; the moot rifltrato child eaa mtolt with absolute safely. Itoontnlos an mercury or minerals of any kind, and yet it never (all to cure the Ua iiihi It I renommunded for. Bsok on Moos' and Skin iliaenscs free. 8 wilt bpnolilo Co., Atlanta, Oa octiMdawiv PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. J. H. WILLIAMM, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, 63 HAYWOOD ST. Hour. 10 A. M to s 1. M. Kt:iodflm Dr. W. Stuart Leech. OBIcc R.ome 8 and , McAfee Building. Hour 10 a. in. to 1 p. in. and to 8 p. in. Telepone No. 47. KptlR d6m DR. A. CRAWFORD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ROOMS S ANO 6, M'AFEE BUILDING. RESIDENCE, M GROVE STREET. miTl4iltr .Years' Kxperleiice.34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BI'IUKBR I'romptnoa guaranteed. Office No. 8. arc nnd door. Heudrv block, directly over port ulMcc. Reeldcnce No. 98 Bailey (treet. A. H. COBB, STENOGRAPHER. LEUAt BLOCK. jum-7dAtn "X 9. GRAHAM, DENTIST. tMhcc-Over J. H. Law". More. South Main treet. Balracting Ms. 80c. wun no... Plllln with .liver or amolgnm.. .Itoc. io7flc. gold...... $1.00 and upward, t of teeth." ;; Beat eet of teeth a.uo, No better made, no matter what yon pay. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. J. H. Crawford. Room. 8 and 0, McAfee Building, I'atlon Avenue, Aaney He, N. C. rnacTici uhitkii to rim Kye, Ear, Thiaat and Nose. auiadtf , ' I'huo. H. lUTinaoM, Thii. A. Raleigh. I.e. O. Mastk. Aal. villi'. A.hevllle. JJAVIDWIN. MARTIN JONIS. Attornev. and Councilor, nt Law. A.hrvlllc, N. C. Will prai tier In the 11th and lath Judicial District., and In the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and In the Federal Court, of the Writer. District of North Carolina. Refer to Bank of A.hevllle. . dIMl J A. TBNNBNT. Architect and Contractor. Plana, epedSceUone and climate, fur. al.hed. All work in my line eo.tracted for, and 00 charge, for drawing, on contract, awarded me. Reference, when del red. Office: No. 13 Hendry Block, North Court nnuarc. A.hevllle. N. C fcMBdly P. RAMSAY. D. D.8. Dental 1 Office 1 Over the National Bank of A.hevllle, Bnr. uarri Building. Kcldence, 69 Charlotte at. trlrjftrilv R. H. REEVES, D. D. DKNTAt. OFFICE in Connelly Bunoing, uvr Redwood', fttore, Patton Avenue. Realrience, 88 Spruce .treet. MOTHERS rKixiiu .i tin M a At - a. iNS ABOR 1XS 0 LrFE 0p. dimini: BRWFiODRtMqRcamrlTrtt MtsnAUMiei aipas dAiwiv RAILROAD TICKETS 1 BOUGHT, SOLO AND EXCHANGED. , , Rcal.Katate. Houses m Rent. C. F. RAY, Member American Ticket Broken' Aaaoc'a, HO SOUTH MAIN tTRBBT. , GREER BROS., , (nucerMor. to Balrd tt Rector.) . . Mo. sS North Main Street, "Unaka," A BUI'BKIOR Pl.OUR M ANUFACTURBD ROR OUR TRAUB, ALL 'HIXKS, E SEU FOR SJ.40 PER HUNDRED. FOR SAJJfi CHEAP. THB 1'INKBT UNMPROVBD rKOl'UKTV 1.0I. 88 and 84, TRpMt far II- Moan- tain and river, sukami that eaaaot ki. celled. Fin. lawa, wall .haded with thrifty yoang oaks. Only on. squara from stmt sarllae. convenient to water, gal and ilea trie light llaes NrighbrrrhoouV.OM of, the last la Aanenna. van or aoom. r t. TfH.BOMAR, ' Or R. V. POSTHi I , , , , 4seSW . f .adD 0"e" A MOUNTAIN OF FIRE. ONK OF THK UHANOKiT OF AI.I.ORAND WIflHTH. The Cvuplw Bee n alnntitoln 1,000 Fort lilicti All In Flame "vise i-,-t I.I011 or the H011II1 Moun tain Rhiiiic Outlined In Red AkhIiihI the BnckHround of the Night. From Ihc Morganlon Herald, One of the finest mountains m the stntc is '-UiKh Penk," a piirt 01 me South Mountuin range lying four mile siiuthenst of Morgnnton. From tlieCu tnwhn hns the nppenrnncc of a huge coiirhnnt Hon with ita head turned toward the rising sun. For years wherever the sunlight glinted through the trees the tull gruse bus grown in profusion, nnd briars nnd wild Tine. hnT run riot over the rich soil. Lnves thnt hnve fallen for a score of au tumns hnve been blown into deep drifts by the winter winds, Hiiil the drv skele tons of emit fallen trees arc half sunken into beds of moss and arbutus. Add to this the tact thut for nix weeks no rain hna fallen nud that the Novvmlicr suit and the November air have driven awav nil the moisture from thismnssofcombiis- tiblc material, and you hnve the setting lor the bonfire thnt lor tne past three nights hns been looked upon bv thousands in the Catawba valley. I In lit, Ki.nrlnv Vfflinr. whether liv accident or design is unknown, the torch was applied to the dry leaves in a deep forge on tne snutn sine 01 111c mounimn. he flumes, like hounds loosed from the leash, rushed uo the mountain sitles, and the ulnre of the conflagration lit the country fur miles around. As night fl- piouched the flames brokeoverthe range, and as darkness enme on the iieople of Morgnnton beheld suth a spectacle as thev hnd never witnessed lielorc. nigu in the air. two thousand Icetnbovethem, and stretching lor more than mile along the ridge the unbroken columns 01 flume devoured the mountain lorest, while on the eastern end of the mountain another wave of hrc rolled brum the high est point ol the range sheer down to the valley below. It was a sight never to be lorirottrn. The errent mountain lion, three miles long Iruui tail to muulc. was outlined 111 tire under the dark Heavens, its mime vivid flume unil its breulb of luritl smoke. The mountain is in tull view Irom evei v nart of Morgunton. nnd Iieople snt for hours looking from their windows on such a cctnclc as can be seen nowhere else 1111 earth outside of the mountain forests ol North Carolina. Ort iIiik Turkey. 100 Mile, Pram the Urccnaboro Workman. . ' The present generation is peculiarly nervous und impatient, and it is not un likely thut the great speed of travel to which men hnve now attained contri billed siiinrlly toward producing thin impatience. On this line ol thought rend the following news item. "A drove of 100 turkevs reached here to-dnv. hiiviui! been driven on foot bv two liien Irom Patrick county, 11 distance of one hundred miles. they were ten days making the trip. The above represents the patient und ixTScrcriim suirit of fifty yeurs ago. It is n (location nt all times open for discus sion whether the man who goes 1 hrough the world ut a moderate voce, docs not gather for hiinscll more ol the fruit found y the way than one who goes through innhurrv. Ufa niece with the driving ol the turkeys one hundred miles is the old time practice of driving hogs across the Hlue Kidge into central Virginia Irom nwny up in Tennessee and Kentucky. What a siuht it wns to behold when three or four men on loot, with their muddv boots and long whit, walked behind a drove of five hundred Int hogs, putting up for the night here and yonder ann selling at so per nunuieu. The owner or owners of the hogs In such cuses rude on horse back and were enabled to go before both to sell nnil ar range tor entertainment. Old Coffee. Saees" la Springfield Republican Physicians are often asked tlieqiicstion, "Is coffee a bealthlul drink?" Answers are as varied as are the individuals ol whom it is asked. From chemical nnnly is and long observation i do not heat tnte to suy that well ripened nnd care lully prepared coffee is the most healthful beverage we enn ulace on our ta'jles. Then in reply I hnve often heard the querv, "Why does coffee give me henrl ache?" and from nnother. "What makes mi doctor advise me to stop its use, 1 am so bilious?" while a third nsks. "If hrnlthlul. whv when 1 drink it in the evening am I troubled witn insomnia r The answer to nil these comnlninta is easy: It you will use only wen ripeneu coffee that hna lain from three to four years in its natural state without being roasted, you will have none of these discomforts. Should you visit the home of one of those proverbially hospitable old Hollanders In his own country, you would find he neither drank nor ottered to hi. miest coffee that bud been less thnn five vears from the coffee held. He would as soon offer you wine from the snme season vintage. Nor win you nna mm comulnininif that the coffee gnve him headache or kept mm irom sleeping, Americans ore proverbially a bilious na tion. Much of thisdisorder. I doubt not. is tracable to drinking unnie cottee, coupled witn milK, wnicn uiuki iiiiukvbi."ji. Does the reader of this uk, "What are we to do? Coffee I must have, or my brenkfnst is very incomplete and unsatis factory. " I reply. Buy your coffee in its green state in sntflcient supply to enable yos to give it full age and ripeness before it is roasted or1 "browned. ' You will then have a smooth, rich and nutritious bevernuc. fit tor the gods, and, as well sale and nnrmicss lor even nn in vhiiu. The Very worm, From the Boatos Courier. Dnpiier "What is the greutcst tic, Snnpper, that ever Impressed itself on vour exDtricnce?" Siinoner "Well by all odds, the worst lie I 'ever heard was the one your auartette perpetrated last night when they rnme around to the house and sang,- 'There's music in the uir. Preparing; lor an Kntersrency, From I'uek, Mrs. Bingo "My ileur, why did you fet two brishes for this bottle of inucl uge ?" Mr. BingcrV' I gnt one to dip in the Ink-well." The Ulrl of the Period. Prom llaroer'e Baiar. Isuliel "What an awfully shoddy girl Genevieve Flyawny Is? Everything about her has the air of being marked down."'! Mny ''Ves, even ner age. ! AllaBiaah. ..'.; Prom Puck. "Is the humor of McAllister's book dragged in?" "If it Isn't, it might be . u s. entirely ancousciuu., , . . . . - Chills and fever years standing cored by Simmons Liver Regulator-n. Watktps Wntkins Mouse, uptonvine, .y, JF.HVH HADE KNOWN. international Leauton XI Fourth ituarter, Dec, 14. Cnmplliil f nun Ion H,-lpr Quarterly by par- miwion or u. s. ituuaiuii, puuuauer, ruuauai llllU. UH. "A nd they drew ulgh unto the village, hither they went; and He made as though He would have gone further." The threescore furlongs had been parsed over and pmlmlily the two disciple were sur prlwMl tli-'t tliey hiwl renehed the end or their wnlk an quickly, for with plenaant company and mich iuHtmctlve conversa tion aa they had enjoyed a long walk would seem a very abort one. Ann now they have, reached the end of their wnlk, and Hu will not further thrust IIlniKelf iinnn tliem unless they desire it. He has enllslitened them, and instructed them. and mode them glnd; and now it is for them to any If He shall continue wit h them or puns on. Hnw often hns He by His Spirit given us ugnr. upon nis worn, 00m in public and In private, hut have we always felt grateful and dmlred to detain Ulm, or huvo we willingly allowed mm to paaa on. He will not tarry when tie is not wiuueii. SO. "Hut they constrained Him, saying, Abide with us; for It Is tnwnrd evening, and the dny Ik fur spent. And He went In to tarry tvllh them." Fooliah and slow to believe I. ' oU'iU they were, yet ne is easily constrained mid goes in to abide with them. Hnw much t hey would have missed if they hiul ullowed Him to pass on. 80. "And It mine to piuw, as lie sat as meat with them He took bread, and blessed It, and brake, and gave to them." It may not be necewmry to see here that which He Instituted on the night of His betrayal us a memorial of His death till He come again; but the action and the words are so similar (I.uke xxii, In) that wa can- uot help thiiikiugof It, andaa they after ward rehrmpHid the matter thnt same uight to the disciples ut Jerusalem they told bow He u-na kuown to them in breaking of bread (veine 85). 81. "And their eye. were opened ana they knew Him: and He vanished out of their sight." In a moment they under stood, why they had been so intercntcd: they knew whose company they bod cu joyed; the report of the women was In deed true: their own eyes had seen Him. But He wns gone; aa mysteriously aa He had joined them (which perhaps they had not thought nfi wi Ho left them; gone in a moment. So ahnll it lie with us when in Indie made like unto Hi. (Phil, ill, 90, 21) we shall reign with Him over the earth ( Hev. v, 0, 10). We shall go here aud there as He may send 11a, appearing and disappearing at pleasure, manifest to and ooniimniotis of those on the earth, in HU service, but no longer or the earth. Ana t hey said one to auother, Did not our heart burn within na while He talked with us by the way, und while He oiieued to us the Hcrlptureiir" II was a nrccinua heart burn which thoy enjoyed by the way; the burning of holy peace and lov and delight, because of Hi. presence; that ulewml presence wnicn minis out aen and olu. and Hie world, and sell rluiiteous- neaa and aelf pleasing, and lays and keen. us low at His feet for ills service and pleas ure. 88. "And they rose np the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and fouud the eleven gtithcreu together, anil tuem that were with tliem." What u contrast n tween the sad hearts of a few hours before when they left the city an, I I be joyful hearta which they now laiiaess as. unmind ful of threescore weary furlongs, tbey eDcedily retrace their atens. 84. "Saying, The ixinl la risen lnnera, and hath npiiciired to eWinon." Paul also mentions Ibis appearance to t'eter utor. xv, 8), How like our lxvrd Jesus to ap twnr specially to that poor, self confident dlscipio w I10111 Satan so severely sifted, but for whom Jesus prayed. r ijouime, oui so unlike what uiun would 00. - 85. "Aud they told what things were done In tbe way, nnd how Hu wan known of them in breaking of bread." Thoy told of their and hearta aa they left the city, of the stninuer who joined them, of His que tioua as if He knew not anything of the events which hnd baieiifd, bow they in their simplicity told Him everything, aud how lie then took nu the many refer en cos to Himaolf In Moaea und tbe nrophuta and made tbem see and under stand them as they never did before; how, having arrived at Emma us, Ha made as though lie would nave gone lartner, out tbey constrained Him and He went fn to tarry with tbem; how lie tnen took Dread and blessed It aud brake it and gave it to them, and all at once tbey recognised Ulm; but instantly He was gone tbey knew not where. They probably also told how It seemed that theyoould not get back to Jerusalem quickly enough to tell tni glad tidliiu. 80. "And aa they time spake, Jesus Him self stood in the midst of them, and snitb unto tbem, Peace be unto you." As tbey again talk of Him again He Is in their midst. This ia lib tilth appearance on that day on which He arose from tbe dead. 87. "Uut they were ternned andanngnt- ed. and aumxmed that they had seen a spirit." How strange s reoaptioni ue bring, peace and proclaims peace, but tbey ara lUlod with agitation, ear, doubt, an- belief. Is It nut so stlilr K "And He sold unto than), Why are ye IrvaMetif and why do thoughut ariae In your heartar" Much of our trouble arises from thought, or, aa in tne n. v reason Inm." HI. "Behold My bands sod My feet that It la Myself; handle Me and see; for a spirit hath uut tleah und bones aa ye see Me bars." If In the things which make ua afraid we would nn ly see Josus HimseU, that would aurvlv dispel uur feitra. 4U "Aud wueu lie naa inns spoxen rie showed them His bands aud His feet. There were the wounds; tbey could doubt no longer. 41. "And while tbey yet believed not ror Joy, and wondered, He said unto them, Have ye here any meatr" John xx, 80, savsi "Thvu were the disciple glad when they saw the lord." They would have been more blessed bail tbey believed the report of Mary and the other women in the moruing. Si, 48. "And they gave Him a piece of s broiled nan, nnd of an honeycomb, and lie took It and did eat before them." Uure la another feature of tbe powers of the glori fied body. Nut that we conclude from this that the resurrection body will need food as these mortal bodies now do, but aa the Lord aud the angels at Abraham's food, and a. our liiinl now actually ate this food, so when we are like Jesus, and with Hlra reigning over the earth, we shall be able to Sat with people aa socially as now if neoes- aarr. anil we shall also eat and nnnx witn Him at tils table In 111s Kingdom (lux xxa,laJ). Brnln-workers keep your heuds elenr and bowels open. Take Simmons Liver Regulator. Toil's Pills Tkta tweeler t Off eeMeflr aare ,eay never fells e Dyspepsia. Constipation, Sick , . , Headache, Biliousness And all dlMoaea rlslnsr from a Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion. Tke aetarel seault hi raff opposite leva opposite Malll.lwaa mm eelM rioaa, tf aaar eeaiae asa eas se awauew BOLD ETXBYWHXaS. JJUOMI WITH BOARD. tiealrable room, on 1.t and 9d floor., at 08 CS Ilea etreet, wita comiortaoi. poarn. decSdlw MRS. M. K. BR WIN. for Infants and Children. ''Caaaarl.UaoweD adapted tochlMron that I Oaatorla eurea Ootid, Ooeatlratl"". Irclt.r-rio,to.n,prcripUo Ktop.'S'Pol dl kaowasem.." H. A. Aaonia, M. D., I reatlonT Ul 80. Oxford Bt, Brooklyn, N, T, Wluioul Injurious medkatloa. Tas Osmucb Cobhkt, 77 Kurraj Street, H. Y. aentSSdawlv ASHEVILLE MARKETS. rm4nl h POWI'l.l. Ut KNIIH R. wholeaalc and retail groicra. These price, are being paid by the merchant, to day. Batter.... 163". Apple. SOMIIMI r!lckena!'.!!!!!!!!!VKiaii Apple., nncn o Pumpkin., each SfriSft Turkey. .....70M100I Rorgum 3(l(,l.'in uucaa iotn.uui neeawaa, per 111 m otatoea,ew't..8n(iliaoHoney 11 otatoea. IrUjh.tMMtf 7rt Wheat... Corn Meul Dal. 100 70 HO BO IIS Turnip.. sow 0 Onl na. 1()0tlun abbaae. per rr 1 w neana, pr ba-iooemso Rye t-ea. ...fiv?7S Hay. ton m-'0 hcatnuta ,.1 ouicelery. aoi xoiiio Then Baby was sick, we gave her Caatorla. When she waa a Child, she cried for Caaloria. When she became Mlas, she clung to Caatorla, When she bad Children, she gave tbem Castor! TEH PGUSOS IX TWO WEEKS THINK OF IT! A; Flesh Producer there can be ne f nestiea bat that SCOTT'S 11ULSI0U Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Hfpopliosvhite. Of Lime and Soda la without a rival. Many hay gaiueda sound day by tbe use of it. It cores CONSUMPTION, trpnFUL. BRONCHITIS, COUAHt AND CHIOS. AND ALL FORKS OF WASTING. DIS f ISIS. .1 I'AI.AHIU.K AH MII.K. it. .nr. aH get aalaeraare poor linrififtoHa, WANT COLUMN. WANTED.'" -aANTIili. f vnewritcr nnd atcnugriiptier wishes em ployment 'vhitectn, .tweilictttions a .h.-c uty. work done in oitice or ul nome lie, I a at' Adm. I.. M. H. Care Citlien. yANTHIl. Rv nn cincrirnccd woman, nn rngngemenl aa profcMlonal nuriu. M K8. KI.I.KN C'NKItl.l.. Care II. II. 1'atter.on, cor. Hillside and i:t treet.. iiceiuou LOST, STKAl'EO OR STOLEN. L08T. tvtraf hltrh. tan atid A-hite. named Blink ley, aeven vcar old. Recent y nucklrd htt r ol pupa, ritane return to me at i. n j wood trret. Will pav $ reward. J, A. I'lIK I UK. Hunch of A keva and 9 button hooka on round ring, Liberal reward hy leaving at devH dtl mo ,'rriVH, FOR SALE. pOH 8ALB. A handeone Poldlng Bed. at MM!!. M. PAt'lt HMITH. deell d3t 87 8. Main HI. A R2 Inch Victor bicycle. In eirrllent eondl Hon. Can he aeen at the eture of H. K. Mlu-b- ell. No. UH I'atlon Auenu. Price, snn.oo. decmiiw' JPOK HAI.B. Fine driving horse, ante and aonnd, ai year., aland. 10 hand.. Knciulreof decHdlw 118 Cbcatnut'etrret. city. 7(IK SAI.B Cow and calf; three quarters Jcrwy i .plen. dhlmlker. Apply at CITIZHN tll'I'ICH. dci-Hilir . . JWJKENT P()K HUNT. One nice Rve room cottnge. Apply tn II. S. WATMIIN, Meal ll.lim- Agvllt. , .M RUNT. Tsnn hniisea fin with o miimi. the other . with pantry and Bcrvnnt rooiiia In good rrpnir appiy i " 7. ""i. I lev 1 1 U 1 w -...j ?OH HUNT. A. .V m mnnltl a .ninll oWce room Oh court square, two door, rail of mniofflvs, Aririrraa. l.--ri lX NO. 8111. accttiuw poR MBNT, Two -roon, housra on Mi-nowrii atrrci. Apylv to J. A. Teiinent or II. I', llravea. aeen aiw JJOH KKNT, Two nliTnionn.fiirnlshed, No. no iiuiirv.t, drill (I. U. I- McllUNAI.U. 10 HUNT. Two new n-room collngea on Warnea ave. IK. Apply to l" C. TA H NHS, nuc. Apply to deed lllf 114 Cherry at. p()H KBNT Purnlshi-d hoii, Central l.ocatlon All Imnroveintinla, l , nna on app "'"' n All Ply Iva l'ATluN AVIiNI'U. mwinu K. H.BR ITT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUP.DER. Alao grading of all klnda done. All order. promptly II I led and work guaranteed. Can bt found at all tlmea at Oraham'e Cotton Factory. auglVdtl JAMBS FRANK, FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reams Creek Woolen Mllla. North Mala Aabevllle, N. C aeiodiy I.ADIF.r Needing atonic, or children who want build ing up, stimuli take DBOWN'K IKON B1TTKIW. It la pleasant to take. cure. Malaria, Indl (ettlon, lilliouaneaa aud Uver Complaints. Mie aufflered for so Yearn. Mv wife has suffered for fifteen years from congestion nnd painful menstrua tion. After using three bottles 01 nrnn ficld's Kema e Kcgulntor she is now able to do her house work and go where she pleases. J. W. Davis, Mnraviun Fulls, N. C. Write Bradfield Regulator Company, Atlanta, Oa., foi particulars. By ull ruggists. Okficr op AsllKVII.l.K t.lRMT ANU PtlWKR Co., Aslieville, N. C, Nov. 13, 1HU0. liditor The Citiien: Will you please L'ive notice to the Athevillc public, that we h'tve completed contrncts with the two lending electrical companies of the world, to wit: The Tompson-iiouston und the Edison General electrical com panies, for the instaltntion of ma chinery cnpnble of supplying two thousand inenndeseent Inmps, pecul iarly adopted for residences, stores, churches, luinks, or offices. Thnt we have ordered and will soon have erected 11 cinmilcie svstem of wiring for each set of dynamos, and thnt we propose after installation incompleted, to furnish lamps of any candle powcrtovcr 10 c. p.) lor an night, or shorter service, measured by meter or otherwise us our pntrons mnv prefer, nt 10 percent. Ies thnn any other honn fide company will offer to render similar service. Very Kcsicctfully, AHHKVII.I.K L'ioht & PowbR Co, AdvertlnlnK CKIi.XTHS many a new hisiness; li.L. MiliS ninny an old business ; tiliVIVES nmiir a dull business ; HliSCriiS manjr '"' business; SA 'I-S many a fnllins business ; I'h'liSliltVliS many a Inrne business; SliL I Min success in any Dustiness. To advertise imliciouslr, use tne col umns ol" The Citizen." Everybody reads it: mm in vromution to the returns it yields advertisers, ilsiates uretbe cheap est in the country. AMCSEMENTS. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. TWO NIGHTS AND MATINEE, WEDNESDAY ani.THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17 AND 18. MATINKIi Tlll'KHIIAV. R. D. BIARIK ii niT ...nnn H AND jILj Hupiiorteil by thiir own Compaoy, la three Ureal I'laya. WedneMlayf Dec. 17 CLEOPATI A, lly II. Kidcr Haggard, author of "She,1 "Win. Molomttn'. Mine.." Ate. Ate. Magnllicent Coatutnc. and Efleet.. I'ro- nounced hy prcee and public the greateat hit ol tne acaaon. Thursday Matinee. 8 p. m. aharp. flee. IS THRNERCHANTOPTENICR. Mr Maclean aa Rhylork Miaa rnK'ott., ..Portia Thundny Night tPARTACl'S The great priie Trag, dy by llr Montgomery llirtl, made famous hy 1'orre.t and Me- Cullough, now the sole property or Mr. MacLcan. KtavnIAcent fnaluffln HiMH-lal Acmerv liv Voeffhtlln A auperb production of the'noat thrilling 'lay on tn atage. JOHN WIIITHI.BY Manager, NoT -Children In arm. po.ltlvely not ad milled GRAND OPERA HOUSE, FRIDAY, DEC. IS. THE : MONARCHS : OF : COMEDY, THE MERRY UUOHTER MAKERS. Till! IRISH-GERMAN COMEDIANS HERBERT & JOE CAWTHORN, N THK FI NMHUT, IIKIOIITKHT, IIKHT III' COMIIIllllH, LITTLE NUGGET. Cntchy Songe, Siwrkllng kluaic, I'ar-Ks celled Concertina Holoa, Unicult I'ancea. THt FAMOUS NUGOET QUARTETTE. Wonderful StTnlc nnd .Mechanical Bflccla t'aual prices. I harl mwna Wedneaday a' a a. m ahani at Hawyer'a, IS I'atlon Ave. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Monday, Dec. 15. THE MUSICAL EVENT OF THE SEASON. MME. FRY CONCERT CO DP HUSTON, Cunaiallng of the following Artists: MA PA MB PHY, Violunirlllat, Contralto and t'ianlat. MIHH BIKIIINIBPRV, Prima llonna Soprano and Vlollnl.t. MIMH l.l'Ht PRY, I'lute Sololat and Contralto, MIBA ALTA PRV. Hole Vlollnlat aad Soprano, MIHS BHHTHA CIIIINBV, Reader. la a Select Program of MUSIC AND HEADING. Do not ailaa this opportunity. Heats oa asle Prldav, Dee. 19, at Hawyer'., No. IS Piatton avenue, U.ual nria. HE NESTOR OF THE MAGAZINES, "ArYnrHintT in Hnmer. Neat or. the old war rior nnd the wine counselor of the Jrcck, had ruled over three generations of men, ana wiac m tne immortal goui.- HE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. hai been In the run of An.erlcanthought for more than three quurteri of a century, rank ing alwaya with the heat and roont liirlm-n-tial periodical in the world. It is the mouth piece of the men who know moit about the great topic on which Americans require to be Iniormra nom moncn to montn, it con tributor belnv tbe leader of .thought and action in every field. Thoie who would take couuiei 01 tne nigncat unowicage on tne atl'silrti nf the time, and learn whut 1 to be aid regarding them by tde recognised au- thurltie on uoin sine-, must tnfrciore rcua TUB NORTH AMliKICAiN KUVlliW, the Nestor of the magHtine. "The North American Review I ahead of any maguine this country has ever een in the importance of the topic it diicuiH. and the eminence of it con tributor. "Albany Argus II aa become, a It were, the intelligent American citizen' band-book on great ques tion of the hour." Butlulu Uxprcss. The North American Review touche Amer ni un almoit cfcrv uoint in which they are Interested." lloston Herald. A moulder of Intelllaent oui n Inn bv the Impartial prtsventation of both side of Ira port ant subjccU." Thiladelpbia Public Lrctigcr. The Hat of recent contributors to the Re view form a roll of representative men and women or tne time, including w, n. oiaa- stonc, J. G. liluine, Cardinal Gibbon, Speaker Reed, Kx-Hakcr Carliile, W. Mc- Kiniey.jr., ouiun, xunie. aain, ut ncrai oner- mun Admiral rorter, aime. tuavataky, t. a. hili ion, Itishop II. C. I'ottcr liluaueth . ('help, Chas 8. Parnell, A.J. Pa Hour, John Morlcy, Col. R. G. Ingeraoll, Henry George, Chaunccy M. lie pew, Udward Bellamy, Pro feasor )umeliryce, Gail Jlamiltun.ctc, etc. OU CENTS A M'MUEK; $5 A YBAR. NOW II THK TtMK TO aUIISCMIIIK. The North American Review 8 Bast 14th -treet. New York. OFFICE OF THE LLUSTRATED AMERICAN PUBaLISHINCOnPANV. BIBLE HOUSE, A8T0R PLACE, NEW YORK. RUSOLI'TION Op"tHB BOARD OK 1URBC- TORS OK TUB ILLUSTRATED AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY Pauetl Oct. St, 1iftO. Whrrrafl. It la our desire to Increaac the cir culation ol our Weekly Ncwa Maicaslne amiiriK the cinMea to whom we cater, ana Whereaa. Manv of our natrons have re UC'tt-d ua to arranfre our HubHcription lft o tnat tne commisiun uauauy auowea nun ftcrliitlon Aircnta may directly benefit local charitira. It ia Kmolvcd. That we donate the sum 01 1,4M in cn b to the Church ol any denumi natiun In each and every tttntc actinic a our Subscription Agent, that may arnd na the largest nutnlier u( suliaciilrera. Thia dona tion la made to tne ucccaafui comnettK.r lor the pur,H oi p.iying off debta on their wnurcn, lor purcnasinK new aitur furniture, for Sunday School and other Pariah pur- Provided, tat. All rabacriptlon to the lu- Li'HTRaTKii AaiKBit ah oe ior one year, pam tor in advance, and handed In between N I, 1HUO, and Jan. 31, 1HU1. Und There uat lie at leant ten comoctinir church ca in each atnr, and should there not be at least ten coniietinKchurcheain a state, the money paid in fur subscriptions hy residenta of that state win iw returnru to tne panics iu way inn It. And it is further Rraalvrd, Thnt a apcclnt clerk he detailed to kkd tne recurus 01 auiiacnunana u tne arrive, and that the atanilinir of each churcl and parish be published in our column every era. lino, i nat an monicc. so rcccivtu iw icpusited in the Chemical National bank. New York citv. 3rd. Puvmcnt of the 1. (MM! to be made to any designated pttrty aa soon alter jun. i, as tne count can ie mane. nicn win not ne later tnan rcu, iu. . II ntacca of lA.tHHi inbnlii'nnts or over, on he basis of the censua of 1NHU. are excluded from the comiietitiim. hum pic copies will tic stent iree to an pnr- tiea on application, ann niiMucsiionapcriain inn to the aliove offer chccriully anawcrvd. onicroi tne in.ani. WALKICUM M I NTON, secretary kHHU;Nltl'SSALB. On the 10th day of Hcvcmhcr, In the town if llurnavll e. Vnnciv count v. N. C. tne ua rrsiimi.'d. assinnee of 1. A Abernathv. will aril at public auction lor cash all the stock oi goods conalatlnit of a iceiicrnl line or mer chandiac conveyed in a certain deed nf assign ment to the nnileraiirned bv the aald J. A, Aiwroatny, and reKiterra in tne onicc oi inr Hricistcr oi I tceus oi sntTj county, aisu nn the accounts, note, murtKQK c. All will oc sold a a whole. K. L. GRAHAM. deceit w Asaijrnee. REVCL.L, & 'WAGNER, Biwceeeora to Kopp & Mchtenherger, FANCY GROCERS. SUGAR AT REFINERS' PRICES. Coffees roaated oa the premiers daily, and ground for every customer. Fall Line of Table Supplies. Pree delivery. A full line of Peed, furnished at wnoicaaic pneea. 8)8 PATTON AVENUK. Telcr one No. 60. septtsdtf FALK S 3 35 N. Main Street, ASHEVILLE. N. C. INSTRUMENTIPIANOS, ORGANS, GUITARS, VIOLINS, BANJOS, ETC. Buy from an Immenae stock or huvc It hlptied direct to you from (hctory. I AM AGENT FOR NO ONE, I buy lor cnah whatever la Ix-at In the mar- t. laelloa your own ternia. I rcpnacnt STEIN WAY A LSI l A. B. Chase, KvereU New KiiKlaud Piano. WILSON Ai WlllTBOKItANS, K1MI1A1.L, t'NITBtl STATUS tiROANH, "The Finest In the Land." SEE ME BEFORE YOU BUY C. FALK. dec 3 dim Hi THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY,;. Curi'S Uonorliiaa aiu OlMtln ItnaUnr. without Pain. rmvnnta rtricturo. uontain no fwrid or pot ann nun nhatanro. and t vnaranintMi nnaniutaiT narmmts. prosnribrHl hy physician, ltaat y rtngftfrfva) wrthanohbottln. rrlonfl Pnlil b druaistlat. Hewara of Snlv 0 nfltnlr-s, ApnioQhatw.Ci.Mt1.,W.O.Ial RAYSOa A tWTti ASiiCVliU, H 0. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO, PasasNOaa Obpastnrnt, Western North Carolina IHvlaloa. PA88BNOBR TRAIN 8CHBUULB flN Bpracr Nov. 3(11 7fith Meridian time uaed when not otherwise Indicated. ""ASTBOUHoV-! ' No."or ' No. 83 I Dally. Daily. Lv. Knoxville, (DOthmer.) SBOpm 74Ram " A.hevllle, 12 40am 1 30pm Ar. Saliabury, ssaam 84Uim " Danville, lim loaopm " Richmond, 31Spm SOOare 1; Roliigh, I 1 OApm 7 snam " Goldaboro, 2USpm 13Opm " Wilmington SOOpm " Lynchburg, 112 28pm 12fi5am " Washington 7 10pm 6 83am " Baltimore, 8SOpm 8 25am " Phlla., 800am 1047am " New York, I 6 2Qam 1 20im "waaTBOUNO, K6T8oTNo"."fl2I Dallyj DalljN Lv. New York, 131am 30pm " Phila., 720am 6S7pm " Baltimore, 94Aam SSOpm " Waahingt'n 1124am HOOpm " Lynchburg. 84Qpm 8 07am " Richmond. 800pm 1 4flaml " Danville. 8 40pm I 8 08am I " Wlltningt'n BOOara " Goldaboro, 2 40pm 800pm " Raleigh. 445pm 1 8Uam "5J Saliabury, la 20 am 1119am Ar. A.hevllle, 7 85am 453pm " Knoxville, f 90th mer.J 84Som 826pm i No. S8 T" A- A 8. R. Rl No. B4 Dally. I I Dally. tr at a saUl Aw fiBucviire, da lO 19 amiAr. Henderaonvlllc. " 7 00 pro 607 p m 840 p m 1245 pm " BpartanburK, Lt. Ml'RPHY liHANCH. " No. 18 (Daily except Sunday.) 7 30 a in I Lv. Ashcville, Ar. No.J7 405 p m 305 p m 945 a m 5 50 a m 935 amiAr. Waynesville. 343 pml Bryaon City, Andrews. o ou pmi Lt.I Nn. SO and 81. Pullman Slceuer between Greensboro and Monintown. No. 53 and 53 Pullman Buffet Sleeping: Car between Hut Spring and Washington. w. a. winuuan, i. t A., Aahevtllc. N. C. J AS. L. TAYLOR. O. P. A., . 'vaaningtoa u NEW TRANS-CONTINENTAL ROUTE. VIA CHICAGO, MILWAIIKBB ft 8T. PAUL AND NOHTHERN PACIFIC R. R'8. Through Pullman Sleeping Car teavea Chi cago dnlly at fi.30 p. m. ror t. faui ano Aiinneapoiis. " Fargo, North Dakola. " Helena and Butte, Montana. ' The Yellowatone Pnrk. " Spokane Palla and Tacot ia. " Portlund, Oregon Beat Route to Seattle and all North I'antic Coaat pointa. The Scolc line to California, 'la Portland and the 8haata Route. Ticketa on Bale everywhere. For Informatlr-n apply to any Agent, or addrena A. V. II. CANPBKTgu, fenerul Pus Knger Agent, Chicago, III., or '. C. UR.ur, Southern Paasengcr Agent, Louisville. Ky. Chicago & Alton R.R. PA8TBBT ROUTB TO KANSAS CITY AND THE WEST Aaheville to Kanaaa City In 87 hours. Aahrvllle to Ilenver In 51 hours. Aaheville to Han Pranciaeo. California, and Portland, Oregon, In 8 dava. Holld Vestibuled Trains St. I-ouia to Kan aaa City. Kecllning chair car free. For full Information can on or write to B. A. Ncwland, District Paaaenger Agent, No. 10 Patton Ave., Aaheville, N.C. J. CHARLTON. O. P. A., Chicago, III. TLANTIC COAST LINB On and after thia date the following ached- ulea will be run over Ita "Columbia Diviaion." No. 03 Leavee Columbia- O.JO p. m. Arrlvea atCharleaton 9.311 p. m. No. 82 Leave Cnarlcaton......... 7.10 a. m. Arrives atColumbia 11.55 a. m. Connecting with traina to and from all nointa on the Charlotte. Columbia Ac Aul guata and Columbia a Greenville Kallroada, LMUiy. T. M. EMERSON, Oca. Paaa. Agt. t. P. TIKVINR. nru Sunt. TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. RAuec Stiamsss. Low Ratis Four Trip. p.r Wa. Beiwtwn DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND raioaaaj Osiili flta ifpia, and Laka Hufoa Wsvy Forta. vary Weak Day aWtwaan DETROIT ANO CLEVELAND SKil SmhUj Trtyi asq J.M,Jr,AH.u4lMal. DeukU Dally lau Hiwua CHICAGO ANDJST. JOSEPH, MICH. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLrTS aalaa and SsmieRlnn Tleknta will bnfu-nl.hwl b. your Tlakc, era hl..t E. 8. WHITCOMB. 0. P. A., Diraoo. alien. . Detroit and Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. riTTnjrrnw w. i n.u Iraiftai MhfM ran . bds t.frr talr ataaaa-pa am ttattaaie vauiivn warr.aie, aa aia aame ana price W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE OINTLKMKN. Flaa Calf aad tamos WMereranuT Orals Tn. .acltonn. .na wearing qualltwi Of mvm annu i o. Dnier anowu vnmn hi tn nrona . of IU laouaaad. of ooaalanl WMnrs. St .fMtk tin O abno, at a popular iwtoa. a IQJO PallramaTa9 MIim la spfial7 1 O for ilntad tmii, farmers, atc All aiada ia Onnarssa buttoa and LM $3&$2GHOEStf?.3!j tvava naaat moat favorably tvcativMl at spa tetroduoM m uta raraat 1 sn prTiTwnan m m a mtmy r any ahnaa sold ai thtaa nrtoea. . . Ask vour Paaiar. and It b oannnl aitmly TM aaa dltWt to faetorv aactoalasi MftwrtlMd nrtoa. v a) w. aa www.kH FOR SALB BY WEAVER MYERS. K8TABL18HBU 1HA8. B. H. COSBY, (Bucceaaor to C. Cowan.) JEWELER, Bannoi wata StZtOO Oaaalaa llaa4-wa, aa atant j at t I tab draaa Ihoa whlci W'ttirnsjOfl" It aaM If a-awe4 Wall.. A flna eaU aVM am untxiualFrxl (r stvLa And durability. iW4tvaa.r Welt ia Uaa ataadaftl aVaai 7 PATTON AVENVB, NBXT DOOR TO ORAND CENTRAL 110 TBL, ASHBVILLB, N. C. aeiitSdlv A NBW DBBD, eararully prepared by krad A Ing memlam of the A.hcvlll. bar. (oa Ineat parchment and heavy Sat paper), eov. ertng all aeexaaary point, juat out and aow oa aal at the oatee of th KsnDOLrn-Kaas Paauaauaa Co , Mo. Mart Court Square,