Asheville Daily Citizen VOLUMK VI.NO. 192. ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1890. PRICK J5 CENTS. LINVILLE.- A place planned mid devel oping; m 11 tiRICAT RESORT. Situated in the MOCNTAINH OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, A region noted for henlth tllllH'HH lllltl beiuit.v of SCENERY. An elevation of 'i.HOO fc"et, with eool Invigoratinjc Climate It is bciiin laid out wit li tiiKtt mid wkill, with well jjraded roads ami extensive FOREST PARKS. A ilesirnMe ph" for Him icsiilriict'K ami HK4THFVL HOMKH. A n'ood opportunity for protitnlile invi'stmi'iits. For illustrated pamphlet, nd-iIi-chm LINVILLE IMPROVEMENT CO., I.lnOlle. Mitchell Co., N. C. BON MARCHE. THE POPULAR SHOPPING PLACE. Novelties for the ll.illilava. .Unites apei'lallT f Wmil, l.lncn nnd Cult"0 Ma tcriiila for Art Kmlirnldrry Wraps for l.aillra. Mlsaes noil Chllilrra. fmlrrwcar for I. a 1lca, Mlin, Mm anil ny A full Hoe of Hiiiicrtor Hr llooda. BON MARCHE. jo Houlh win. Wtrcct. 30 HOLIDAY DISPLAY NOW RKIHV. LAR6EST VARIETY, BEST GOODS AMI THE LOWEST PRICES. 22 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE. N. C. Irlwd REAL BSTATH. VI.Ta BjOWYI, Lw-W".?t cmrr & WEST, ( Auci-raat.ra In Waller ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loan Securely Placed at 6 Per Cent. Mtiiar.v I'uhlH. 1'ommlMlnnrni oHtrrt.ii, FIRE INSURANCE. OCFICK-ltoailhcawt Court SVqtiare. "THE SUtTOO MOVE." Anil midia-a Aatwvllle The ii-rnt hiiatllmi art I. now brlns: isrrfiirincfl hy all Hrnnlnr liualm-aa men of thr PARADISE CITY III' THI1 tMit'TII. Bvit) man him hi. achrmr nail he rclntrs It In mult i" In mil mm Ml tail ran. We don't mlnil lellinic vim that our Si-Seme Ik to Mil all the land anil Inaiirr nil Ihc iriMrty we enn, la-fore "The Nnlilna Nr.! Again." We have Jual Ihtii apiMilnted latent r,if the Old Mrllahle 1'rnna.vlviiniii I'm Insurance Co., ami we wnnt yinl In Insure with ua. JKNKN JKNKH, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Rnonm 9 A 10, McAfee Mock, UN ration Ate.. A.hrvlllr, N C. f.aTgrace, UKCORATOR ANII DICHK.NKR IN FRESCO. aaarddam INTER-STATE CONVENTION. MtH!t here on Wednesdny and we take pleasure in in forming our customers and friends that, we are full.v pre pared for the occasion. Ho tels, hoarding houseH and families will have no trouble in supplying themselves with (Jrowries and Provisions at our store at. reasonable prires. We are confident Asheville will providefornnd feed all who may come. We ha ve on hand and to arrive 1 ,000 dozen clt's mid 1 ,."00 pounds fresh butter also .".000 pounds Mountain Buck when t Flour. A. D. COOPER. North Court Hiiuirc. corner Mtiin m ' Co IrKe street. While our stock is largely composed of tin useful o it i clcs needed in Housekeeping, yet we have some very pret ty goods suitable for Holiday and Wedding ('resents, such as Japanese Crumb Trays, Fancy Match Safes, Mrass Fin Sets, llrass Andirons, Fancy Hearth and Dust Brushes, iVc. We would like you to see them We have also a large assortment of Fine Table Lumps, that we are offering ait vkuv i.ow nii i iti:s to make room for other iroods more in our li. e. If you want these goods, price ours before buying Very truly yours, Tavlor, HouU & Brotherlon. I.'l I'ntton Ave., timlcr Crnna liK-rn lluuae. ZEB VANCE will jfrt there. Ve liel on Olil Xrh I ten lit Ihc liest Flour in town. VVr have ul rrtviv r1 a frrh lot of KEG AND BOTTLE PICKLES Come nml uivc thnn a triiil. at HARE BROTHERS, 17 South Main Htrect, CORTLAND BROS., Real Entitle Brokers, And liiventmcnt AkciiIm. NOTARY rt'BLIC. Luiina ar urrly placed at a irr cent 1 llltcra : J A nil I'attnn Avenue Heennd Mnnr. fehudle C. Wll.l.a. AkTllt'K J WII.I.H. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, im I'ntton Avrnnc. Nrtt V M C A tnttlrl u I'M ln..",A. tttiv I l:im JOHN "CHILD," H'ortnrrlv of Lyman A Child I. Office No 1 Icft;iil Block HEAL ESTATE AND LOAN lUtOKEK Htrlctly a HrokerHKC HumIiicm Loan nrriin-lv IhtiI nt lrf irnt. J. V. BOULINEAU, iMl.wla IIIihIi.i Choice Itccf, Mutton, VcmI And I'ork. EXTRA FINE SAUSAGE A SPECIALTY. niiv.lilM.nn FOR SALE t A wrll vfilnhllailiril ItiinlnrM In Ahi tilt-. iTitirnllv liiciitt'd, iliilnit n firt tlitM (rmlt AHh liiiKV prMlttrt. Tlitii In I lie trrttl iitHrlii nllv now fU-rrtl In tltWclly. Mum In-lil lHtnur of Hwnrr'n ill hriilth Aim. 1 tlrl vlti nt w rrnttlinif, tTtitrnll) lot iilrn If Iriki'ii now I'tin lie hitclvhrnit Wc oflt-r a uplt ntHtl lrmt or ito (H-rldiitl. fitr nlr nr n nn mvmtmrnl on nhnnn. rnlnr, oak nml hiit iifyr , , . I'oh Hks r 1'urtt "hnl nml iiMMirtiUltrit hiMiMPH only n Irw ttitmilr Otim Lutirt Htitmrr. amtmiTwo hifr rrHlilcniin, with vxvry itmv iiit-ntT, In rrnt hirnlnhiMl rnT Pt'in ,111 hi our nrw tnrtMitilil itn Aihrvtllr. I'ull of Intrnt mnlinin Call lor a rtiy. MOFXCm Sc JONlvM, RKAL KMTATU ANII IN VUTMIlNTH Kooni N McAfr lilovk, ilU I'm 1 1 oil Avcnttt, DovI7tllm CHRISTMAS PRESENTS -AT Til II ChrisUtniin oK-itiii( It an I urn koIiik 11 nln tlH llrtii. and will i n inuc up to the cnmlnft til' Smitii Claim. Wv do not Intern! to Im nut in thin wntitiK tluit we excrl tiny Httirt' In tlit world, hut will klttdlv auk 7011 to pny una vlult nnd ev the dUpluy of Anr KoimIk in ounhhiii pnlme, nnd ihi-n we nrv Nurr you will ny that nny aoiilh'm city inlKht I'wl proud of muh tin rturrpriMe. Thr mont cmu't couroiHrum hnvv prouounfed it ttl lw UHT, dur mRclnl lirundrt of ihinn tire Ilavilund tSt Co., l.lmtiKfN K; CiirlHluttl. Wr append a IV v prl't-n. li to ..(. piiveM. Tea nvtw 4-.yn tn $'.M no 111 to i:ih h- Ilium r wn...l2.oo to In to 1'.' pt Toilet M't U.7A to $Lo.oo MuuMtat lie cMpw ami mim-rrM ii.'ic to 92. AO each. I nrue Pttak linr art it dinner eolfeeM($1 HO to S15.iMidi In natin lined ene i t low priiMii M di'ilrrd. I'iiu Jiip I'laU'H. nleelv deeorated 011U no tint. I'ine Jnp I'rram I'iteherw. only I.V citeh. rtpatt in r bid mm inriitiioiini: many mlier tiiiruaiim whirli we will ki'nll y nlmw you win 11 von vinlt un our dolU are the cheap et in the eitv. All we Hk in a vlnit KeNlHreUlllly. THAD W. THRASH & CO., I NUI-H : I'.K.WIi : on:N. : II" H si:. WE WANT Fverybody to sih our stock of Holiday (ioods.-Tlie like has never before been on ex hibition in Asheville. Quali ty par exci'lleiiii' the best. Assortment large and va-rinl.-T. V.. SMITH & CO., Druggists, Fublie Sipiare, opposite Court House. Our Mr. Redwood's iiwnt purchase8 in New York show sonieexii'lleiit vahim, the re sult of lMstcash discoinits on goods already low liccnnse of a dull market Itesides a lot of s'liHoiiable things to wear. we have a much la rgw st ock of Fancy (loods. Toys and Holiday (ioods generally, than ever before. For a lim- ited ieriod a large discount 011 Clothing. II. REDWOOD & CO. 7 ft 9 PATTON AVI'. Clothing. Dry (Soods, Hats, Shoes, Cai Hts ami Fancy (Soods. WK AUK II.MI.V KKCKIVIXUTIIK I IIOH DHTr.VI.IKIIIMA AND l oll- KIliN I'lil ITS, KI.OUIIIA OU- A.iii:s, Kitiisn mis, r. I IIIKWOKKH, I'l.AIN AMI I AN CY I'AMUKH, KII.VKIt HOOK A Mi SI'liAII TinH, I'llAI KKKH, CIIKW IMIIil MS.A.C, K AUKSKI.MMi TO I'll 1: UIIOI.CS Al,i: TIIAHK AT KAlTOItV I'llH KH. r.M. KAIH.Y AMI SKI. KIT M'll STtM'K IIK- 10 UK Tin: iirsii iikiii.ns. Vol Ma TMI'I.V. WII.KIi: & ATKINS, I J I'tTtllR V H., tllll.l,, . (. II vil. ixmmi. w .1.1. inivii iniimit Ann , tNliPI'l. ATrKKIIItft. IHJRNICTTE HOUSE FORMERLY THE EAGLE HOTEL No. 66 Mouth MhIii Htrcet. l.nrir mnnia, well vi-nlllMrd. anrniril liv hratrre nnd npen lire plaveai tahle aniillnl with Ihr lieat the matkrl nltiinla. Nana, I mi r da.;. ft iki In fN.nn r tvnk. a-Jii ihi In :i.i ini per month. MRS. L. J. BI RNKTTK. nnviliiiltfm rroprictrgaa. INTKR hllAKIf. Warm eomforlNhle roontR. hottur newl fiir nlhrdi iinoil tahlt. Term reaaunalile. on Irret car line. MUM. J. L. HMATHHKM, jMlIUdU SIN ralloa Avt THE NEWS ! BY ASSOCIATED PRESS TO THE CITIZEN JOHN I. DAVENPORT WILLING TO BE INVESTIGATED. HD-AI'POHTIONMKKT llll.l. I I' IM THIC HOl -F. Wasmim.kin, live. Hi. Tlic ilo.cii mil iitiim prtiK'nl yi-stenliiy nmrnhiK dwin illvil clown tu t'ijjllt whin tlit'iri'Hiiliiii,riif ficrr'a ljnvel IHI this morning nt in nVlni'k. He Inid Inlnre the wnntc the Morgan rcaoliitiuu vailing un the iircrt' tnry fit' the tmiaury for inforniatinn rt-la-tivc tn the payment nf the eluiiiia nl john S. laveiiinrt jih MuH.'iviaoi ot eltvtiuns nnd un circuit court commissioner. In this votmcction Mr. Ilonrlaiil iHlorc the Mimic 11 communication ..huh u .1 chainuun ol'tlic coinniittec oil privileges anil clectiona, hail rm-ived from John I. Ilavvnport. ealliiiK nlleiilion lo i-etiain t'hnrt:eN niuile nniiist Inm in the Senate ami oHeriiiK himm lf as 11 witness nailer oalh to nnv coinmillcc ilesiiiii); lo i-x limine him. Mr. (lor man trusted that the senator from Massachusetts would offer a rcso lution lo invcHliijMlc the conduct of Mr. Havenporl as rciiiesteil liy thai gentle- IIUIII. Mr. Hoar replied that he had not eon sidered the matter; he merely piesenled the letter lor 1 he information of the sen ile. Mr. I'lorman lalivved when Mvcnport desired an in vest iea I ion il shiiulil Ik- accorded him in the interest ol the country as well as in jiislilicntion ol hiniscll if he had nuy iletense. Mr. Cuilisle thought the senator from Mnrvliind lia.l mistaken the terms ol I hi leiteis. Ii.ivenoort did not reouest that his conduct lie iuvesliuated. hut siunilv expresM-d his willingness toifohimsell lic- lore 11 committee ami make a statement. Il iavenHirt's otlicial conduct was to he iuvcstiuntcd it should lie invesiiuated in Ihc usual wnv. The communication was rctci rril and the resolution adopted. .Mr. Moruan pieseuted the credential- ol the election ol his colleague, I'lilLaud thev were laid on the talile. The ta-ndinu hiisiuess was stated lo la consideration of the llolph resolution providing for ml iiivt-stialiou as whether the nuhl to vote was denied 01 alirii'.Ked in nnv stale, with Mr. Vest's amendment extending the investigation to an inquiry as to whether liy slate Ux islntion nnv man had lat-n denied the nuht to work on nulilic works liv reason of his color. Mr. Moruan then took tin lliMir. In the house todiiv Mr. Mills, as a privileged question, ollcrcd a eoncurreul n-solutiou providing torn holiday recess Irom IKvciiiIht 1!!!, IH',10, to January o. IN'.H. Mr. Ihuuley moved its rclcrcncc to the wnvs and means committee. On a standing vote I which was strictly par tisan I the result wns li!) to b'.l nnd tlic sienker enst his vote in the ntrinnntivv, whcreuiHin vens nnd nnvs were ordereil nnd Mr. Hiugley's motion to refer it was agreed tn, yens 1 I'll ; nays 1 1 T. .Mr. Huunell, ol .Minnesota, then called up nt It plivileged question the nppor tioninenl hill nnd lirntly explained its iirovisions. The hill imiih-iiiviI, he said, in resiNinse lo the reqnirenieiits of thc coiiHlitution nnd wnt based tqiou thi ll til census wliicll showed n gtiitilymg increase in the popululiou ol the I'uited Maun. I Here wns 01 oinniou nnioni the niemla-rs ol Ihc house as lo whet her the present representation slioulil slnnd nr w net her it should Iw increased. Till- CONSKRV.VTIVKS WIN. NO CAM. FOR THIS t'INl'IN- NATI I'OMVI-Xl'IIIX. An Itiiporlanl Mectlnic nf Alllnnce leaders Itrclde lo Ho Mlow sa lo Ike Third Prlv Noveniriil. TAi.l..tii.ssi-:K, I'll... iKr. HI. At 11 meeting in Jacksonville last night at tended liy General Master Work ma 11 I'owdcrly and John I lav is. memlHT elect I congress, from Kansas, 011 Uliall ol the knights ol Inlnir. rresiileul I'olk, Na tional Ixvlllrer Willi Its, MiniU r ol the lincelllive Hoard Wardwell, of North Dakota, and others of Ihc farmers' al liance, it was divided lo have no conven tion til Cincinnati. I-V1.riii.rr '.','lrd, as had Ihtii nrrningi-d. Il was decided that a call for the t in- eiiiuati convention should not Is- lonnallv issued, hut thai in its sn ail 11 coiili rciiec ol voinmil tees ol live Irom each ol the nrgnniiitions iiiHiiulcd should Ih' held some lime in l-'eliruary, which should go over the ground can-lully and without taking lormal action, practically decide hat course ol in lion should In piiiunl. 1 us is 11 divided V H toiv lor Ihc con servative clement among the third party men. r.Xft AOHItlMAK V. rraldt-l.t MfiwMrrl ol Ihr Vlruli.lH Mlovk i:ai-hHitr ArrrMfd. K 11 11 mono. Va., Ikfr. III. I'rrsideul llovvatil, ol Ihc Virginia slock r- ehaiige. ol Summon. Va., has Urn ar rested nil 11 warrant dunging him with enilsvlcuunt id the liiiuls ol the exchange and on 1. seeouii war runt lor the larceny of (All. lie locked the door ol thr exchange nnd reluscil the stockholder admit lamv. nnd keiil the crowd ill hay Willi n pistol. He nil it - ward lelt Ihe exchange nnd was arrested while ehcekiug inouev nut ol Ihr allev mink. He was I1111I11I nnd a hearing post Hined until S.ilunlav. noHit hi iihi:hhios. The New l ulled IrelHiid CnlU-d IMms t Ihe t'nurl. Hi 111. in, IXv. 10. I'pon applieatioti ol counsel acting In Ishall of I'nrnell's ad herents thr court here has granted an in trrliH'iilnrv injunction restraining the pulillculinu ot the new t'nileil In-hind, the lirat eiiition ot wnicii was issued liy Ihe Mct'nrthyltes yestcrilay, J. . Polln Dend. CIIAHI.OTTK, N. C IkX". Ill.-I- Polls, nt ntir time 11 prominent figure in htiHtiriiil circles nl Charlotte, committed suicide litis morning nt his residence In this city. I'iiiiincial trouble is thought to have caused It.'hom-: i:xiimm;i:, The HubHa.-rlli-ra a Heller Hervlee 011 ti 1115-. A petition has Ihtii signed liy a ma jority of the suhscri'iirs to the telephone exchange in Asheville, and torwardci to C. li. McClucr, supci inteudeut . Kich moud, Vn., in which he is itotilicd that no further payments will he made for the service until ii has In-en niade perteet ac cording to agreeiiieul. The difficulty coniplained'ot hy the suliscriliers is that for lack of ground w ires the uiiise occa sioned hy the running of the street cars so inlerleres with the service that nt times it is iiupoi-sililc to use the phones with any salisfa. lion. Il is claimed that a very small expenditure ot money would remedy the deteal, anil make the service first class, nml this is what the siiliscrilieiK demand. OkTS J I STICK AT LAST. HITTIMIi lll l.l. Kll.l.i;i) II V IN. DUN I'Ol.lllv. The Old t'lilel Nliut Dawn While HIn KllowerN Were Tri lu to Rl-seiie III... I ron, the I'uliee. Wasiiixo cox, Hee. Ill Indian Com missioner has received IV0111 Indian Agent McLaughlin the following dispatch: "I-'okt aii;s, X. i I'cc. 1.1. The In dian poliiv arresied Sitting Hull at his camp, t( miles northwest of the agency, this morning at daylight ; his lollovvcis allcmpU-d his rescue and eight Indians were killed, including Silting Hull, and his sou, Crowfoot. The police were sui rouudeil tor a time, hut m.-iitil.-iiucil theii ground until relieved liv I'liited States troops who now have possession ol Sit ting Hull's camp." A TWO HI HIKi:. The Indiana I' In, len. Wo men and 4'hililren. I 'INK Kim. I- A1.1 xiv, hie. ii -Two Strike is within live mills of this .igeucv with 1st lodges, ptincipallv old uieii, women ami children, lie has senl in word I hat h will arrive to-1l.1v ami do whatever I .en. Hioohc says. ITns oilei ol Two Strike has stopisil iht-iiiiivciuiiil ol the troops lor awhile. I hcv are, how ever, having everything in rt-ailitiess to start at a moment's notice. OVi:M TWtl MII.I.H liK.IIll. What llaa llen Hone on Hie New Kallroad. The snow ol to-day eaii"ed wink on the Asheville and Craugv moiiutain rail road to Ik- siishiiiIciI. Work on this mull was U-gun Wednesdav, Nov, ."1, at the end ol Charlotte strccl. Tin-grading has Isn-u eoinpteted to the top of Sunset Kidgf, n rtistaitci', of I!1, milea and with two weeks ol good weather il is thought the top ol Sunset mountain, the Ii iiiki. rary tcrmiiiusol the line. could U-re-iched. This point is live miles trout the court house liv rail, nnd oiilv two miles in an nil line direction. It is son led higher than llatteiy I'ark. The timla-rs for the lew shoit trestles that lire to Ik-constructed have fee 11 cut aud arc ill place, ready lor use. A huge numla-r of the cross-tics hnvc nlso Ihcii cut The tiinlK-r comes from the laud ol the Suustt Mouulaiii I. ami couipauv, which the road is Is-ing liuilt to develop. The pnv roll has reached ns high us 'Jim men nt limes during the work. I.IIHII.I.AKII IIHH K WORKS. lueed In Ihe Hunan nf It He celer. Xl W Vokk, I Kv. 111. The l.orillanl lirick works has Iktu placed in the hands f n receiver. The lialulitiis of the company are not gcuvially known. hut tire reported lo iiiuntiul to upwards ol $1.1 mi 1,0011, which in cludes mortgages on proH-rtv ol $iis,- niKI. Assignie Senller says the assets amount to SI ,."ii 111,01 Ml, which is enough to ui v all di Ins w ith mien-si on claim .-itiil leave a large supple lor l.nrillurd- Tlie Imsincss w ill he coutiuueil liv the as- siutiie. In the Ir.-ule it issaul that llie company has endorsed hiulilcis' paicr to the mnoiiiil ol s 0110,1 11 111. TIIIH IM NOT NI-'.WH. lul ll'a Mlitl.t Inlerealluii Meatl- 1 1" at J "hi Ihe Haine. I.asmm., Mich., U-c. III. The olhcial canvass olthc vole 111 the renal 1lecli1.11 has just Ihvii completed. It shows the follnwiug results: I'm governor. I-Idwiu II. Winan-. iit-iu-oeaal, rivvived IMI.TJo volis, J, lines M. Tinner, rcpulilicaii. IT'J.L'iio, r.-otrnlui', priiluliilioii, l!s,Hl , Heiilcii, l.-ilun, I, HIS. The ileniiKiiils 1 kclcd nine congress men mid the lepiililicans two. The en tire ilcmiHTiilic stale ticket isalsoelieteil t l.IISI.ll HANK IMIIIHS. a I50,om 1 AaMetn Near. I- T lee hn Mui'ti, Cl hah I'll I n, I'a.. lice. Id. Ihc Clear In Id count v hank closed its doors tins morning. The depositors arc niade anil ity u mortage on real istalc lor three limes Ihe nnioiinl ol the deposit. The oil 111 r ol Ihe lunik, ex I'liited Slules Sen ntor Wilt. A. Wallace, has appointed I S. M. McConnall, ol llnrtislniig ; W. I'. Wallace nnd A. O. Smith, ol Clrailiclil, assiiMiivs. I.iuliilities $:l.""l, asxlsl $il.-ii,i mil. Hi:Hvi:noN hotii mihi-.m. All Ka'ntifederale ('tin llri.w it 'eiiMton, II MeeniM. Wasiiimiton, lce. III. Assist nil Sec retnrv id the Interior llnsscv hasieiulereil 11 decision upon the ih-iisioh cum- ol a mini who alter serving In Ihc l oiiluli rate . I . , 1 lirmy; enlisted .1 he not, uiiiiy. Ill rll'evl lluswy rulrs Hint Ihc previous sit vice 111 the Loiilederatc arrtiv docs 110I cuter into the question nl ih iisiiiii. I le is on exactly the smile looting as nil other Union soldiers. .... , Killed His) Nelithlior. i'V. : .viiii'i'iaiiii.' J V , I ..... l.l I I, ... reneli 11 ,. ttletnent in trgaid Ml,,., tear's crops, iH'Cu.rtr i'i.Kytl .11 Imhl. Nr - risiiu over the head, killing hint iiiiini li nlely. Healiineil. Komk, Hiv. 10. The iliinislcr nf war lins resigned. PKIIISIS IN TIIK IICIIT I A .NI.I.I. ANI.NTI-1'AK Ni;i.I toMi; i iii.ow . Ilavltl Mrcelvt-H a Hrt wound on tlit lli iiil Aii Oplii on Thai lHritll'M C'au Hi In I.omI, In 111 in, Iht. Hi. Tlit' Hplil Ijilwirnllu Pnnifllitis nml MiVuri h.vilcs n-sultfil in 1 ('nr lilit m H.ill nahill tu-ilny. A iiiitttii aas lulil lliuv in l lit intrr i't ol Si'tilly, llu- r.-u iH llilc cmnliiliiti' Mr. 1'iii in'll wns tun-nl 1 1n siK-nkfrK nml when hi m:iur Ins aiK;intiK-r In wns vukrunslv rlitrml hy his huimu Uth, While l Ins inn 1 11114 watt Ikiiil; held, limit Iht iuic in the imm'Kt ol Sii hti I'niH' lUnmssv, Hit1 Mrl'arlhyitts nniiitttti. as lakuiji laa a short tlis 'niiiTawav, at whu'h aililirsst'S werr 11 1 ;i tie In h.iviu ami Ir. Tatiiu-r. Aii'iv wniils w re 1I1 liviTt il on Imth sidis nnd 1 Ik iinsMoiis i ihe amlitiHt- rutisttl tn ihe highest nileli hy the l.inytiae used hy the sjnalver. I'inallv the I'arni Ititt s made an al laek iipi'M the ipHisitim ineetiii'R- Tin M- Curl liyiu-H niaile a spirited di leiu -e. l. Imviu, ity. J atiiKi, and a mini Ih-i nt the priests whn weie at I lit meet ing. In the nielte that liilluwed many ersiins 1111 Ik it h sides were ini iiied. It.ivitt reeeived a severe wound on tin head at the hands nt miu nt the I'ariiell ites. Tin- attack nl the I'armlliteH was tiuallv n H-llt t. l'iHM.1,1, HAH I.OMT. Hit TIiIiiUh a CorreKnoiiriviil, ami Tfllf Why. l.nviiitN, Hee. Hi. The Haily News en r lepnndi lit at Kilkeunv deelareH ltit U' liel that I'arneH's caue is lust. Ilesays: It was a raee lsrl ween I'at neililes and the hOit tlivites to reaili Katlidowiiey where il was antioutired that I'ariiell wmilii steak. The lit must inthusiasin was ihspl;ied lor Miehael Havitt. whilt there was hunting and manin Im' I 'a 1 in II. I'u in t hmisanil pt i sons at inuUd l;iitfs iitietini; and iily 1 1 u 1 nl 1 ! hslimd tn I'aintll. T. inner, at I he Im yiiniinu ut lus xjntrli made an alitiHmi tn the l ieeman's Jour nal, whit h was tti il wit li ei us nt "Hnwii with il " A iriest shunted, "In hlaes with il." Tanner Inirul a iup llu- pajM t. Alter Paruell's departure Havitt eon tinueil his ntnarks, saying. "I'a null lias tlnl as he will llie Irnni Kilkinnv next Miiiiilay . hut 1 will meet In in taee to laet I nit ite this euiiUsl is nver and ask him tn reieal the arehhisltups and priests and Sex inn, I iti iin and I'ilhni are 'tin sin tn nl the earth.' This is the Parnrll wluMhil ii-.i hesit.ttc to aeiTpt L'm,immi Irum the 'scum nt Ireland. I am a son tit a Ireasatit hut. thank nnl, 1 never ilis uraeed inv humlile n.iiue. Wlnelt will mti hae, hel.iiid or I'aruell? iShtmts nl 'lnlainl "l Who is Scully ? Whv tin sun nl a laiidlnnl who evicted two hioi wtniun ton knew and kicked one U death." Havitt then euluiied llailtnne. "who," lie said, "woikeil lor Ireland while I'aruell was inactive." trim ol "htavn, Havilt," At the ciiuclusiniint the meet itia iiuiu lier nl sturdy taruicis diajict! a wiii-n, with I'avitt and utheisun il ilimuli the .illae in liiiuiiph, I'arnill, atter iiilortuiu the reporters thai lie would return to kilkiuny, ahhttd at H.illviaycu. This nniim ted a rumor thai he had dis.ipK(ired. His movements are still iiilcrnim, Holiday ICxcurMlon Kntvn. The Kichmotiil nml hauvillr railroad .iiiumimc the sale nl round trip tickets to all (minis oil itn line in North nnd Stint h C arolina at rale ol lour cents iter mile Inr the round trio. Tickets will In nil sale Hit 'Jot h, to ITith. inclusive, ood ntunniiK Jan. '-'ml., IM'.M, ami ay a in I'te. J'.lh tn Mist, khm returitinih Jan. .'oh. I'.i1. rarticsat thisiMiiiit who de sire tn sh ud the holiday imrt h can pur- eli.ise rttiiuil trip tickets at the r.ame kt mile late trntu Salishun to points in Vir ginia or Washington, H. C., oil the same lates. I. tn. Tfrrt IH'iid. W iiin.ii. I. C. IVc. Hi. Mtevet Maim l.cii'.ial Allitil II. lertv, I mud Si lies arm, i ntnn! t this uiuraiiiL- hid at New Haven t' I AN m ('(I.W.Vf .A i . I om ... Mat). iiiii larl kuO. a weah h nicmU'i nt the most iiriMm rati clicks m Si. I'eUiHhmu, w.s Inmid miuile'ed lit liet itsttUiicc in that citv. liichl paliciil- dud in I'atis stmn nltei the imcctiuti nl Km h'. I mpli into idem, and as a emi pu iu c t hi re is a strong puhlit Icehui nppuM'd tn lurlliei ehpeii imnts. A la iuc unci mi: at Tip's-niiy. Iirlaml, ili-cl.iicd auaiiisl Ml. I'.uiiell, The tpks li. u nt his 1 adv rship hascatised iiitenst heliums ol hittcrnesn U lwceti Ins li lends and I how w ho oppose, A I 'ans uewspaiHT, the Malm, mi nmimvs the Intinalinti nl u hank to he c-illid l.e Credit in that eit. under t hi a imphcs nt the Vatican, wit h a capital nl one hundred milium trams ot which the Jesuits w ill siitmeriltc one hall. Thw iMopiiHid (anil hill nf Prance, as sliaiHil hv the committer ol the ehamU'i cniiittry, iiuthidn the Mi Kmlev 1 in protectionism, t 1m aiuciidiui ills laisiiin the duties mi hurley, malt, laiminu niaihiiieiv, mwiuu ma dams, pin, ueeillis, (Kits, and othct si cil 4ind iron pirnls. I in Mli. Ihe cruiser Newaik develoiird ,t,.itHl horse iNiWei on het I rial, hul htoke lew hnlts, which will ueiTssitiilc auol hci trial ! Il is now said liitvcrunr Hill will tun 'lllllll MM U'H'IH'M HUM II ll"l in II IV- i ,,1V, jIM1 ,,, mv,. ih, meded illeel oil the .i.;iiiii loi uoMinur and tnisi lo a re i ualioiiiil convetilion ol Istl'.' Cholera is repot led in I'.liati lllala i Twelve huiidied dentils ihi 111 nil in t'.un ,11111. da eit in sivcu weeks, Twelve thousand ensis me repot led in Ihe sliilc. I . 1 lie it'ccziug 01 tile gt'otiiul III lliicngii : -! m : i V " Z , ,tljm Wl7rt 'unlllk. , nm, Moses II. Iicvcv, a riveter nl Koiuh's ship) mil, nt Chester, I'll,, is one ol three w ho is heir to ml estate in Kliilliirilshirc, valued nl something over J.'i.tMHI, ntiil, tie has received notice that his chances hit good. lit' tin. I'liilinli-lpliiii CnlliKrol I'lllirnuii-v, APOTIIKCARV, 4 Noutli Main Street. 24 lli'tutt,iiurchniiin your Christ 11ms 'res en! fa-xiri'm cull lit .7i'.l."".S' I'll.Xti A.IC'I' nml hisurl the limut nml must cmiiifrir lim- nl Tniht rtklc in this niv. We titiihiiihtetllv have lust CICAHS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ( is our desire in tin- future In cunlim uurselves strictly lo the lnig Imsincss. He will then-tin ilispnsc n'niir entire Nfoi A nt L'i:irs tit enst. Sulil hy the i.oh7i. r.'A'.l.Vr.S' l-ll.h-.l.CV. Till' limst nml must cimiplcie utm-k iliifliies. Toilet ll'.-inis. Ii tract, l ine I'mvilers nml ftg'i K'n-lc Simps nt tiK.i.XTS l ll.H.l.CY. I'l't SI I If It lulls Illicit lit llll limit tmntls Ichvcrcil Im- nl chiirc tn nny mi I l iheeite. t:h:.TS IIHK.I.CV. il yim mint H hiuulsnnic iwir nt cut In-ts lu n lies tiiru t'lircititiHa firescnt cull hi i.K.WTS I'll lA'.W It I . :..( sraio,'- nif; in iner Hum 'He tn ittuxn .i a ;n. row i.-"'t n tirst-etuss ll;iirl!iuslilnt small 111111, nut nl n, ..1 -, tih'.WTS 'AA''l isf At--luce tn yn tn f;ct it. Ml kimltnt Hushes. Iluth l:riishes. Until liltiu-s. Sinuses, etc. W'lien ynur 'leseriilons me mm nmlcilnt 'iHWTS VII lAW.ll T.i 1.U11 jiusiiiccly ileiK-iitl iiioii it that nuly the parent nml lu st I'mys nml C In nu lls 1,11c Ihvii they Hire imptiuntleil hy thnrmifihly cpci tenet il 'arii.-n j(n mul tltttt the i-tne i-nul XMIS lint IIIUCMslllllllllc. Grant'H Phariiiacy. J4 Houth Main HI. WHITLOCK'S, t OIISKU KAlil.i: HUM K. 46 WH'TH MAIN HTRKl'.T, Clirlatmas) Prcni'iiln miicI Ho. iday VoocIm. lust oM'in'il, i-iiinH'isiiiLr novi'ltii's. liotli nsi'fiil nml r- Hllllll'lltlll. SHM'illl llttl'lltillll isnilli'il to 1 111 1 laiLti' stcu k H I'liiliriinli'i v. silks, zi-nhv is nml 1 m ils of all kinds, felts nml niiiti'i'iiils fur f.nicv wink. Lnti'st tli'siuns in Cliiiiii silks, new si (it-k of lri'ss tiiiiniiiiin's, vi-lvfls. pIuslii'M, silks. v. Wc nn iiU'i'iil for tln ti li'liriiti'il (V11- icini'ii kid gloves; nlso n ('oniii'tc line of p'liniiic I'os- tcr n'lovcs. Our nssiiil ini'iil of liiiiitlki'i'i liii ls nml iiH'oiis for tliclioliiliiAsiirc iiiiniciisc. ()iii ilisilii,vtif vt inter w rn im for Indies, misses nnd rliil dren in tliclnrp-st in the city. A complete ntork ol tindei'. wene for ladies, iniHsrs nnd cliiltlrcn. ItliiiikctH.ctiiiiforts, HliiLwIrM'iirtniii fodH,lioiiHv hold linen. Cull on uh. Cor tier IOnRle Ulock, 40 8. Mail Street.