ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 5, 1801. EVEN THE SMALLEST AD VERTISE ME NTS, PROPERLY DIS PLAYED, YIELD GOOD RE TURNS IN PRO PORTION TOTIIEIRCOST A. N. Kellogg Newspaper Co. tIie dailv Citizen rW' ft ANDOT,PH-KERR PRINTING CO, ' t"HK u.sur CiTizlR, Democratic, is published every Httrraoon (et cept Kuauay i at tne ni t 'wwv rata scnocr casn. , t 1 : dm- Year $6.0(1 Six Months 3.0 Three Month 1.80 on." Month itnf Week ... 1 ' "THK DAII V CITIZEN Is on (tale at the following places In Asheville: . C1TIZKN OKI1CH. MATTRRY PARK NEWS STANII lll.KN ROCK NKWS STAND MODEL CIGAR STORK. Patton Ave. MONDAY. JANUARY 5. IS'tl. , Knilway ConiiuiHNloii. The Kalcijjh News and Observer snyi that "with regard to our railroad rates. since they npuear to lie substantially tin same as the rates fixed by the Georgi; commission, the thought presented itseW if these rates are reasonable for Georgia why ain't they reasonable in North Carolina?" If the Raleigh News and Observer can sliowthat therates actually in force on the Richmond and Danville railway in Nortl Carolina about the same as those set by the Georgia commission it will per form a public service. Tub Citizen ha been shown, and published the fact some time ago. a schedule of Richmond and Danville freight rates that averaged lower than the Georgia rates a very re- markable circumstance considering the heavy grades on some parts of the Rich, mond and Danville. But we have been forced to the conclusion that the Rich mond and Danville does not always follow its published schedule of rates; and it is to this fiict that we understand the Clinton Caucasian to endeavor to direct the attention of the News ami Observer without much success so far as we have observed. The supposition, torso we regard it mat a railway commission, once m power, will proceed to make war indis criminately on the railroads, lowering rates and inflicting penalties right ami left on the complaint of the shippers and others, is unlikely to be realized. Very great harm might be done North Caro lina by any such course, and no railroad commission of intelligent men could but realize this fact in full force and act ac cordingly. But with a railroad commis sion in existence the people who have dealings with the railways will feel that they have a chance for appeal in a quar ter wholly friendly and whence, whether rates are lowered or not, n satisfactory explanation of the situation will lie forth coming. No "Defence" Needed, The Chicago Inter-Ocean, which has never been known to entertain a gener ous sentiment towards the jieople ot the south, speaks in a recent article of the tnugs and murderers who 1o the bid ding of the stupid and cruel oligarchy which keeps the south poor and stagnan t amid the prosperity and rush of theother parts ot the union." And vet we are told that sectionalism is dying out! inarieston .cws anil Lourier. Alter (Uting the Inter-Ocean's deliver ance the News and Courier, innocently as a child, presents statistics to prove that the South is not "poor and stagnant;" usif the Inter-Ocean did not know the fact as well as the News and Courier! Sectionalism is dyingout; and it would have been living long ago, we verily be lieve, if the News and Courier and a few other of our Southern papers could re strain themselves; if they would not allow themselves continually to be put in the attitude of defending the south, The south needs no delence these days, iiurn oi an against sucn accusations as the Inter Ocean brings. They ore obvi ously untrue; obviously intended to pot some too zealous editor on the defensive in the hope that he will say something which u northern republican organ can use to help the party. The south can afford to ignore such attacks. It cannot afford to dignify them by paying them serious attention The great body of the people of the Uni ted States is slowly coming to under stand the south, and to believe in her as right more times than wrong. She is not arraigned by any respectable author ity, she is not in court, is not charged with any crime, and she needs no more "defense" than would a pure woman from the slander of a strumpet. The Isolation or Consumptives, An Albany, New York, dispatch says that "health bourds and sanitary ' ex perts are seriously considering the ad visability of putting all those afflicted by the 'Great White Plaeue' in the strictest of quarantines, as is now done with small pox patients, and not a tew sani tarians favor the complete isolation of consumptives. The cause of this is the now accepted belief among' physician that consumption is more contagious than hereditary, and is directlvcommuni- cable from one person to another through the active agency of its disease germs, the diminutive, rod-like bacilli." The time will undoubtedly come when 4 & j&a9fed xt. door ; to a crime to allow consumptives to circulate promiscuously among well persons. This may seem like very harsh language, but what is tar harsher is the result of such 1 1 unhindered scattering of thegermsof this terrible disease. .... r n : " t R. G. Dunn & Co's review of business for the year 1890 has this: "The south - i rejoices in great crap l and wonderful manufacturing growth, and for the mo ment notes less financial pressure, good holiday trade and bright hopes." There is nothing threatening the south from ,Jiny quarter but.tlie foce ijl aijd, that " will never be a living law. ' Gov. WATBRJf Aj,of olorado, in the last forty-six days of his terra pardoned sixty-two convicts, including murderers, robbers and others, most of whom, it it aid, fully deserved the sentences which they received. Among those free was a murderer named Colton, who received a life term for killing a husband in order that he might secure his wife. The woman aided him in 'the crime.- There can be no question that this is a terrible abuse of the pardoning power. It is im possible that these torty-six criminals should nil deserve freedom. ITS THIEVED AND LIARS. The Republican Party Does Not Waul to be Rid of Them. t-'rom the N. Y. Post. There are many objections to the law which enables the old congress to sit and legislate, after the election of the new one, bui it has one merit. It enables the pary in power, if it has turn de limited at the polls, to show that it has profited bv the lesson of the election. Has the republican p.-irtv given any sign that it has urotitcd by the lesson ot the last election Not the smallest. (Jiiay is not simply the Penn sylvania boss. He is chairman of the national republican committee. Has the party taken unv stei's to oust him from this position which he disgraces? None whatever. Has he lost any ot his influence with the majority in the senate, or abated any of his activity there? None that is apparent. Is there any sign of repentance in the party over Sieakcr Reed's coarse tyranny? None whatever. Has lngnlls, twice el-cted president ot the senate, been mndc to make any amends for the gross insult to the conscience and in telligence ot the party the repudia tion of the ten commandments and the golden rule ? Not the least; in tact, he sticks to it bravely, and is seek ing re-election on this devil's platform. We are omitting all reference to the tariff. We do not nsk, has the party shown tiny sign of regarding the McKinlcy bill? We simply nsk, is it showing any desire to get rid of its thieves and liars ? SHE HAD NO HONE, In That Wav the Tax Collector Was Awarded. Prom the Knleigh Chronicle. He a lawyer said that he knew a wealthy widow who paid taxes nowhere. Most of her property was in stocks and bonds. In the winter she would go to Florida, spend the enrlv spring and fall in North Carolina, and go off early in the summer (before the time to list taxes) and never call any place home. She took no earl h she was not examined she paid no tax any where, though her fortune was large; and the amount she would have to pay, if her proerty were taxed, was enough to pay all her travelling expenses and her trip to a fashionable watering place. The is a highly respectable lady and would be shocked if told that she systematically defrauded the state. She claims no place as her home and the lawyer who gave us this information said that he believed that her object in not having a fixed abode was to escape paying taxes. If she had a home and gave in her taxes she would doubtless be scrupuously exact and pay to the last farthing," was the opinion of the lawyer. This is an extreme case, und is not half so dishonest as the continued and syste matic swearing and evasions which men practice to escape taxation. Nothing; TooGood for the Cherub. From The Hrooklyn Life. Mrs. Belgrave (on the Bermuda boat I "Are you one of the stewards?" Bill Roling "No, niarm, I'm cap'n o' tlf top." Mrs. Itelgrave "How nice. Bring it and spin it for little Chauncy, won't you? He's almost bored to death." Too Olten, From Puck. Ignorant Child (to his fathercrl "Papa, what is a Christmas gift ?" Fath er ( sadly I "A Christinas gift, my son, is something you do not want, returned by sonictmng you cannot attord. Convenient. Prom The Flicgcnede Blatter. "1 am perfectly delighted with my dwelling at present. I have a dining room, a. reception room, a working room, a smoking room, and a sleeping room, and just think ho w con vcnient.all in one." M. A. Dauphin A Blank Ticket. From the Franklin Press. Death claimed him as a prize in his De cember drawing. PERSONS AND PLACES. Col. Bi'SSEY, who succeeds "Joe" Can non in congress, has never been known to leave bis house utter nightfall. Waldo Story, son of the American seulptor, is to design the marble decora tions tor Baron Kothscmld s house. Gen. John H. Rice, who has come prominently to the front as a member of the farmers alliance, weighs about 260 pounds. He is tall, raw-boned and deep- lungea. tie a r esses in gray Homespun. The funeral ot the late lames L. Hub- bnrd, the owner of the Hubbard paper mills in Greenville, Conn., was held yes terday, tie leaves an estate ot $.000.- 000, which is left entirely to his wile and only son. The Rev. C. Loveiov. who wants to DC cnapinin ot the next Kansas house, was chaplain of the famous "Tooeka legislature," and in his opening prayer set forth the free-state side of the ques tion at such length that Col. H. H. Miles Moore said it "was the first complete statement of Kansas affairs that had ever been made to the Almighty." You don't have to continue dosing with Simmons Liver Regulator. Often a nine cures cncciuaiiy. Many Persons bmiea down from overwork or household cares. Brown's Iron Bitters Rebuilds th system, aids digestion, removes excess of bile, aud guns malaria, Gat the ganulus, . Swear OfT Going to the Chinamen with vour launary worn aud oegin the new year by uatronizini? vour own neonle. Thrmnnn you spend for laundry work should be spent where you know it will do yourself ana your town -most good. Uont you think the Model Steam Laundry a ereat convenience and ought to be patronized Dv all requiring laundry work done? In stead of helping to pave the streets of tnina witn American gold Datromze your own people. Let the almond-eyed rl.: '.L ii . i . V.U1HUU1CU wiiu vneir piK tun nair ana woo'len shoes slide and get vour work done at the Model Steam Laundry,' 17 ration avenue. Advertlslnar CREATES many new business ; ENLARGES many an old business ; -. REVIVES manr a dull business : . RESCUES many a lost business ; SA VES many a falling business ; 1 PRESERVES many a large business; SECURES fueress in any business. TV mtl-Vmrftimm JftrfftfvVimfv : L. MAr umnsot"TbeCit)ren.' Erery body reads it - ormA MnMinnlltnM 'M Ifu Ik i mm f .... iDfiviviHVII r .uv ,nIM ft r"" r UHifl, it.xcw wpuir Knxup est m the countrr. : w ;m r'i A COARSE, BRUTAL. INSI I.T, That Is About What Ih Force ItllllH. From the New York Hcrulil. Then came the Force bill, the last rancorous relic of ancient hatred. It is a course, brutal insult to a people who are doing all that could be expivted with a race problem so serious ami grave that we ninv well thank God we are not our selves called upon to handle it. I'nder the plea of fair elections it hides nn inor- mnate greed ot party, which wonl I en danger the republic for the sake of an other lease nt xwer. If that bill is pushed ihrouuli (In- sen ate the republicans may gain a small nri wintnge, lait the country will stilT r in calculable loss. Bitterness will n turn, the gulf of sonnrnlMin will be i 'ened, business will be injured fu casual is shy in the prescniT of unieri lin and the hands on the cluck of progress will be set hack. That bill represents a malignant pur pose and its enactment would In- little sin iri of a ci iine. The common si.ise of the country is against it. It is urged by surly, frantic, frenzied flimngogues. who would imperil the government rather thnn lose a personal advantage. X NORTH CAROLINA FOLKS. Very active efforts are now in pro gress at Raleigh to secure the pardon of Cross mid White, the ex-president cashier of the wrecked State National bank of Raleigh. t Dr. J. A. Hodges, of Fayettevillc, was married Snturdav at Greensboro to Miss Mary Gray, daughter of Col. J, A. Gray, president of the Cape Fear and Vadkin alley railroad. Charlote News: Mrj. . W. Wilson well-known in this state as a civil engin eer and projector of the famous engineer ing teat nt Round Knob, on the Western North Carolina railroad, and who has been superintendent of the Louisville railroad for some years, has resigned and returned to Ins native state. Mr. Chas. Mathenson, of Chicago, and Mr. Thos. II. Smith, Eau Clair, Wis., are here inspecting the timlier intcrestsof the county. Mr. Mathenson is of the firm of Mathenson & White, wholesale dealers and manufacturers of lumlwr, operating in Grand Rapids, Bay City. Sault Ste. Mane, Mich., and Antigo, is. Murphv Bulletin. General I'hilenmn B, Hawkins died recently at his home at Louisburg, rrnnklin county ; aged sixty-live years He was before the war n prominent gov ernment contractor, a member of a well- known and very influential family. Since the war he had been a republican in poli tics, and served several terms as a senn tor. If you fell all broke up and out of sorts agitate vour liver with Simmons Liver Regulator. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tnrtar hakinir nowiler. Hiuhettt oi nn tn leavening HtrniRtn. V. !v linvt-m ment Report, Anguat 17, 1MX9. iul""!ri y ESTABLISHED 1KS8. B. II. COSBY, (SutXTsnor to C. Cowan.) JEWELER 7 PATTON AVKNl'K, NEXT IMH1K TO (VIAND CENTRAL HO TEL, ASHEVILLB. N. C. septSdlv E. COFFIN, AUCTIONEER. REAL ESTATE AGENTam. LOAN IIKOKEK No. 3 North Main street. Had 10 years' cxpcrlenee in thi ImsincMin Charleston, S. C. Reier to Kinit National Bank; National Bank ot Aaheville, and Western Carolina nana. JAMES FRANK, FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reem Creek Woolen Mills North Main AshCTflle, N. C English and French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR Y0UM LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. 0 French Broad Arrant MRS. BURGWYN MAITLAND, . PRINCIPAL (For many year Asaoclate Principal of Mt. Vernon Inititntc, Baltimore.) A Minted by a corps of com pen tent teacher. decA dlv Winter Residence to Lease. A party desiring to eitabll.h a WINTER RESIDENCE on the Northern aubnrb. of A.hivllle can make an advantageous ar rangement, for term of years, with owner of home. Completely farnlahed and equipped and occupied in summer only. Apply to derSO dtf CORTLAND BROS. 17. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE Mhr nMctal- tie. fnr (tontlemea, IjMli etc., are war- ranted, ana abwrnnmail an Imttnm. AiMmmm W. I JbMtUttJLAli. JtraaktMM Haas. , Sold ay WEAVER & MYERS. am wfuir c'rv lit ;.i Restlessness. a svaiCTiv ioTaii aauuiiii raMiur mtoiciat. OilON, SA. PHILADELPHIA. Price. ONE Dollar Th majority of the Ilia of the human body arise from a dlaeaaed Liver. Blm moiiB Liver Regulator baa been the means of restoring more people to health and happiness by Riving, them a healthy Liver than any othergehcy on earth. W. A. Rlaik. J. V. Brown. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. No. A Patton Aycnuc, M AFEE BLOCK. OPPOSITE BLAIR'S OLD STAND We a iv now ready, and in vite our friends and the pul lic jivnernll.v to call and ex amine our well selected stock of FURNITURE. Which we are offering at rock bottom prices. Undertaking; a special feature, ('alls at tended day or night. Telephone, day 75, night H5. BLAIR & BROWN. ARTHUR M. FIELD, Leading Jeweler. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Watches, Diamond, CIockM, Jewelry, Artistic Pottery. Watch, Clock und Jewelry repairing. MountinK made to order. All work guar anteed. High grade good, a specialty. Thanking the public for our rousing Holi day Trade, we ahull oiler some odd stock at a good diacount lor the next few duva, and ahull clo.e some act. of Book, at a good dis count to make room for other goods. We beg to .ay to our numerous patrons and friends that we shall Sell Only for Cash from thi. date. Please do not ask us to make tickets or charge. We shall sell cheaper by the strictly cash system, and with a greater satisfaction to customers and ounKlvte. J. N. Morgan & Co., Booksellers, Stationers and Newsdealer., Barnard Block. THE ASHEVILLE LIDRARY ASSOCIATION, ROOMS, 26 PATTON AVE., (Y.HC.A. ROOMS. ) Open daily, except 8undays, from 10 a. tn. until 1 p. m and 8 an til 7 p. The terms of subscription arc: One year $3; 6 mo.., S 1.50: 8 mo.., SI : 1 mo., BOcta.: daily 3 eta. Officer, for 18BO President. Charles W. Wookwyi Vice-President, Thos. A. Jones ; Sec. and Treasurer, D. 8. Wateou i Librarian, Misa b. j. natcn. Citisens and visitors are cordlallT m Tiled to Inspect the catalogue and inscribe then names nm member. anflodtf- ANEW DBBt), carefully prepared by lead ing members of the Asheville bar, (on finest parchment and heavr flat naner). env. ering all necessary points, just out and now un saie at inc omcv oi tnc rahiolpk-mis rTTBLlSHlNA Co , No. 8 North Conrt Square. To Advertisers- Ta inanr phnnm t( .HifM-liMnlMlil running on refrulnr contract,1 copy must i . . . . . uc Bunnea in ot iu o ciocs a. m. 1 1 vlr llvrn A 11 T H K X fcU-Avif,- r,3"v u iiiiL-nu, ' "; -''sli1asn?"y ' THE SIIOi; STORE 39 Patton Avenue. ASHEVII.LIi. - - - N. C. i'S IS 25 N. main (Street, ASHEVILLE, K. C. Ctll KT Sut'AKIi, SI'AKTA.NIII'Klt. S. C. Five iind n half vears ngo I stnrteil In the music business. The people of Asheville and Western North Carolina have been kind to me and 1 wish to make grateful niluiow - edgrment ot it 1 sturtcd bv tnking an age- cy. I beenme soon sn'islu-d thnt ihe peotde nre entitled to lirtt- r instruments Bid laircr trentment thnn 1 would get acting n erelv in that wav Hence I started out in dependent t" give i he very best instruments for the money they hud paid previ -usl, lor their instrumtius. For o eontinunnee of the liistorv of the Asheville Music House sec the Citizen of n few dnys Inter. Meanwhile conic anl see my stock and get prices, at 35 North Main Street. C. FALK. NATION INN, BILTMORK. RESTAURANT A LA CARTE. ELEGANT APARTMENTS. -SINGLE OR EN SEUTE. Visit irs und KesiilcntH will Mini this a most charming und attractive stopping place. MBNAC.K AND CC1SINP. l-:ut!AL TO THK BEST. E. H. NIES, LATE WITH DKLMONICO. decttdtf FRESH W CONSTANTLY ON HAND. WECATERTOFAMILYTRADE J. E. REED & CO., No. io Court Square. oct22 d rr THE ATLANTIC Por 1801 will contain The House of Martha, Frank It. Stockton's Serial. Contributions from Dr. Holmes, Mr. Lowpll and Mr. Whittier. Home heretofore unpublished Letters by Charles and Mary Lamb. Mr. Perclval Lowell will write a narrative of his adventures under the title of Noto : An Unexplored Corner of Japan. The Capture of Loulsbourg will be treated in A Series of Papers by ITran cis Parkman. There will be Short 8torlea and Sketches by Itudyard Kipling, Henry James, Sarah Orne lewett, Octave Tbanet, and others Untechnlcal papers - on Questions in r: Modern Science I will be contributed by Profrasnr Oshorn, of mnceton, and otners j tonics in university. Secondary, and Primary Education will be a feature Mr. Richard Watson Glider, Dr. Parsons, Mrs. Fields, Graham R. Tomson, and others will be among the contributors of Poetry. THE ATLANTIC for 1891. - Terms: 84.00 year In advance, postage free ; 38 cents a number, w ith new liftt-si portrait of Lowell, and also portrait of Haw thorne, Hmerson, Longfellow, Bryant, Whit tier, or Holmes, 88.00 ; each additional por trait. 81.00. The November and December numbers sent free to new sub-diners whose subscription, for 1891 are received before December 20th. Postal Notes and Money are at the risk of the sender, and therelore remittances should be made by money-order, draft, or registered letter, to Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 4 Park Street, Boston, Mass. 4l hi.. FISH AND OYSTERS. iGLEN ROCK HOTEL. ilia i;.o Feet of Ct-turui ;J:;sHenger K i:o(. asiikvtlij:, x. c. A modern first clam hotel. Hot and cold water and' baths and toilets on every floor Blectric bells in every room. Open tire in office and grates in bed rooms. Office, dining room, lunch counter, cigar and news stand and liar and billiard mdi on first floor. Klec tric street cars pass dooi i very 20 minute-. Richmond and Hanvllk rnilrnnd eating house. l'p minutes for meals. RATES, fta.oo PER DAY. A. G. IIALLYBURTON, Prop. J. 8. BKVAN and WAI.T10R UREEM, Clerkn. FARMERS' WAREHOUSE. FOR THE SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO. SMITH & ROLLINS, Proprietors. We sell nil tobaccos at 'J per cent commission, whili oth r markets are charging from t'vi to -l per cent, commission. To the Tobacco Planters ol Wesum North I arolina and Kast Tennessee: Our market has lull oemd and prices are good, especially on emmon grades, anil we advise early shipments on nil o mmon grades. Having the liirge.t, lust lightnl warehouse in Western Nonh enroll n, and com etent employes. e guarantee satisliu tion. Thanking you for past rummage and hoping by hard work and fair dea Ings, we are, yours truly. SMITH & ROLLINS. no, 2d&wAm BRICK. KKICK. FOR SALE BY-- BUNCOMBE BRICK & TILE COMPANY, Asheville N. C. P. O. Box 426. THE WIN YAH HOUSE. Special Sanitarium for Dieates of the Lungs and Throat. I'lne. purr Drinking water from Mu"tain Springs, and connections for Dome-tic pur poses with cltv mains Perfect svitcro of II vgice, Plumbing and Sewerage. Honse kept strictly aseptic. Hot Water Heating System and Thorough Ventilnt'on Hot. Cold, Klec tric and Stenm lia'hs and Douches Elevators, lihetric Lights anil Uells. Oiien Pires. FIRST-CLASS TABLE. NORTHERN COOKING. SPHC1AL DlIiT WHKN NliEDKD. Professional services optional with patients, and at modernte rates Prices for Hoard and Room SiaJio to $18 per week. For particulars, address STRAUSS' EUROPEAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. ROOMS ALL NEWLY FURNISHED. Also, tuble bourdcrs can be accommodated. Strict cars pass the door. Open from tl o'clock u. m. until 12 o'clock p. m. Am prepared lor catering at shortest notice for Home Parties. Hulls, etc AIM ask is trial. My Celebrated Philadelphia i-'rlct Arc well ki own. No one can srrput-s tlu-ni. Am proud to say I have the fi-rt. large Kuiikc in Asheville. Can Kcrvc on'ers in fi in :i to r n iuutes. "such as Pish, liauit-, Ovstcr on tin- Hall Shell. Polite and ntti ntivc warers Pleased to serve all. Kesp ctl'ully, ' K. STRAINS, Prop. OAKLAND HEIGHTS SANATORIUM. (I'OKMURLV OAKLAND INN.) IT in NOW OPUM Located on a commanding eminence. It overlooks Asheville anil is un surpassed aa scenic point. The appointment of the house are CONDUCIVE TO HEALTH AND COMFORT. Hlrvators. Klectrieity, Steam Heat Por the scientific treatment of Nervous and Chronic diseases it is thoroughly equipped with all modirn appliauo a Turkish, ; Konian and husxiun Paths. Kl-ctni ity, Mussagc, Swedish Movements, all included in price of room. The .tfcfi'ca Miinitvvmvnt will Iw under the direction of Dr. P. W. Xeerii.. mvail. .f he Jui kson Sitnntitrium. nt Dnnsvtlle. N. Y. l-or lurthcr particulars addnss, 9IISS KMILIE VAUGHN, Aaheville, N. C. SCHLIT'S MILWAUKEE BEER. Celebrated the World Over, for its Purity. We deliver to all p:rts of the city our own Bottling Bxport Beer at ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN. ."timer ThStRAUB TSS " 'MnaU 'OU tn'h "rlfc,r " THE "BONANZA," ' THE LEADING - ' v WINE .. AND .. LIQUOR si S1XRE . IN THE STATE. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARD ROOM. ' i. ax. a.o, AHnr, .r. I NO. 43 S. .MAH SIMiSHEVIUi, N. C HOTEL ARMOND-HOTEL iBOHNYGREST ; ' 1 '; ' r 1and' cottages, ' skteand Miner a l springs, n. c Eight Miles SoutV of Aaheville, on the. A. St S. RallrOHd. New hotels, aew cottages, new rurnitnre, beautiful groves, neat tennis and croquet lawns, good livery. . , 48 MINERAL SPRINGS.' White Sulphur, Alum, Magnesia. Iron and Bpsom. Those seeking tealta and pleasure and select society will not fail to visit this pleasant resort and drink of Its healing waters Terras reasonable. -J ' V ' t '. , ' E. A. LeVENE. aprsdu ; " ' Manager. BURNETTE HOUSE FORMERLY THE EAGLE HOTEL No. 66 South Main Street. Large rooms, well ventilated, warmed by heaters and open fireplaces; table supplied with the best the market affords. Rates, 11.80 per da, 88.00 to 88.00 per week, 130.00 to 830 00 per month. , '.' HRS.!L.'j, BURNETTE, - ov3dam 1 i rroprletrcM. BRICK. KARL VON RUCK, HI. D.. Asheville. North Carolina. BOARD BY THE MONTH, WEEK OR DAY. TRYTHE MODEL; STEAM . 7 Pattoni Aveuue.

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