ASHEVILLE X)AILY CITIZEN : MOyDAYsEVENING, JANUARY 5, 1891. 'V 4. 1 Judgement should be riisphyeti la bnying merV einnitbove all lliinirs. Id fi UHnj. remedy for any ilisi- sc, vou should he poslllvc that II ion' 'in- mil'. In-: Inju rious to the Miui.v remedies M Hip m:irkct li'uvi t-lic n'irnl In miK-li wurHe riin.ii inn lli.:u before taking them. A NEW YEAR'S SERMON. PRKAIHKD BV UH. MI.IWACE 4, 1891- He OeHcrlbeH a ForwarU Move ueul-Coulllct lltiwuii sciiclil and Wronic Christian Slu'Uld Nut I,onc Couraitu. Iiu Wliouul . Pr ens on o Victory; - 1 s. s. vegetable. s. nd perfectly : !ir ito ohllil can niy. Tt contain! ; ,i , .m of ,iny kind, ; ; to cure ths die uloil for., tf) Skin diseases tie. Co.. At! una, ie If puri ty bnnnli hs: tin t talo-il wltli il o murcury oi Mi'l yet it ni'vi UK' S It Is I I'M Book on I I flwiil PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. J. H. WILLIAMS, OFFICE NI RESIDENCE, S3 HAYWOOD ST. , ' 6 '- ' '.'5 Hours to A. M. to a P. M. octaodflin power, not bmm power, but powor day as well ss Black Friday, wmnlbdi ..,ow in 1..10 w.t-k than with- Tlita nation in Its extremity fell help from on high. With it wo could an- Ibw before the LorJ and cried for par out it in a hu:i Ired years. And lam '1cm and peace, and upon musters and going w got it, if m answer to prayer, j kvmen the power trout, on high de, iarneM and lone, eonihmod. ml will tended. , Engine:m. , warooms, grant it inc. his unworthy servant. Men j hotel museums, factories from and wo-noti w'.io htiow how to pray, 12 to 1 o'clock while t ie operative, whenvou i.nv for. oui.lf nruv for resting, were opened for prayers me that I mav hp endued wlt'i ix.wer I 'sermons and inquiry rooms, and fwun iim liiirli I wnnM IMII'I- ii:iViMt! Itlirtoll S r. W. Stuart Leech. Office Rooms 5 and B, McAfee Building, ltouni 1 0 a. m. to 1 p. in. and to 6 u. m. Tclcpo .e No. 7. septts dflm DR. A. CRAWFORD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,. ROOMS S AND 6, M'AFEE BUILDING. RESIDENCE, 58 GROVE STREET. niivl-tdtf 34-Year"' Experle.icc-34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BITILDBR Promptness guaranteed, office No. 3, sec ond Hoor, Hendrv block, directly over tioiit office. Residence No 93 Bulky street. A. II. COBB, STUN OG R A PM E R. LEtiAL BLO.K. luncTclflm Dr. J. H. Crawford, Boom. (I and 6, McAfee Building, I'alton Avenue. Asnev lie. N. C. PKACTICK UMITBII TO TICK Eye, Ear, Throat and None. anlBdlf I'nio. P. Davidson, Thos. A. Ionks Raleigh. Jas. O. Mavtin. As'-rHllr Asheville. )AVIDSON. MARTIN l JONES. At tome v. and Counsellors at Law. Asheville, N. C. Will prsitlcein thellthand ll!th Judicial lii.tricti. and In the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and in the Federal Court, of the dtael Western District of North Carolina. Refer to Hank ol Annevine. J A. TENNBNT. Architect and Contractor. Plans, specifications and entiniatcs fur. .i.hMt All work in mv line contracted for. nadnacnanrrs for drnwtnir. on contracts swarded nic. Reference, when desired. Office: No. 12 Hendry Block. North Court Square. Ashevillc. N. C lehlddty I'. RAMSAY, n. tl.B. tUllcc Ucntal Over the Nntlnnnl Bank of Anheville, Bar nurd Huililing. Residence, (10 Chiirlottc St. feM'nillr R. H. RKEVKS, . . m DKNTAt. OFKICK n Connally uiioin,u:r Kcdwood's Store, Patton Avenue. Residence, 35 Spruce street. . W, M. Bn ftoc.C. B. W. R. KINC, C. B. BnK'r ('orW, U S N. PETHARD & KING, CIVIL AND MINING ENGINEERS, And General Contractors. Bspcrts In city work, topournphicnl and plain surveys of cities and towns; designs, plan., specifications and estimates furnished for rail way., watersupply and sewerage sys- ''Specialties : The locatio i and construction of railways and concrete pavements. c. Otlicc no- Third S ilM Atthevllle, N. P. O. Box 0H. floor In Grand Opera Hit I 1 0A5 PAI 3SADFIELDS r IT a. REGULATOR TRUAT10N MEM SOMTHLV SilCKNtll iv , , . u. niiBiua. nuiHDi .RLTrKHBa4WtftRHemntAu jiOOK TO'WOMANXw" BfADFiaD RE6UUTM CO. ATLANTA BA muarAUUumm, ep28d&wl.v INSURE YQUR PROPERTY WITH , E. i J.i ASTON, i General t Inanrancc i ARent. Rear No. 30 South Main street. Established 1866. auS dlv Aaheviue. N. C. RAILROAD TICKETS BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED. Aeal Estate. Houaea to Rent. C. . F. RAY, ! Wcmber Araerlciin Ticket Brokers' Assoc'n iHtBOlJTH MAIN STRBBT. CTTHE' BEST Wil Ri,ltPy Si'l 'Bi.C.r''&ili tiwiorliii a:. ' 't OlMt in 1 tiift Ihv, wlihoiil rnlii. I'rovimts etrleturo. t'ontui:). m ncrldor nolsonimiisnlistiiiic'is. iiih: Is imnrnn"" 'l'itol linnnl. 1 nni rlhMl hv nllV.lftlllllA. ltCilt Ay- rtMM ttf w fill wwh onltlu. I'tlce H Pofil liy ifrngglsts. Ilowarei of 8utv Ht)itts.Awn''"h'1w.f'o.l4il..W.)M msn a f n IV RAYSOR i SMJThV ASHEVlU,,i C, Bkooki.VN. .Ian. 4. Dr Tlmai?cys New Year's sermon is a rintriiur battle cry to uiinistrR and Christians every where; calling upon thorn to join in u conihiued eliarfjo on tlio Intrenehiiicnts of sin and Satan. It mudo a deep im pi-eanion on the vast crowds who heard it in t!ii city this morning, and at The Christian llerald aorvico to-niht in New York. The enthusiasm at the lat ter service wan y t- oCoct tve aid renderod by n larpe volunteer choir which has been organized from the audiences, who sting with a volume and fervor seldom equaled. . After the singing of the hymn commending, Oom Hoty Spirit, baavsnly 4o, : With all thy quickening powers. Dr. Tannage preached the following sermon from the text Luke xxiv, 49, Tarry ye In the eity of Jemsalem un til ye be endued with power from on high:" For a few months, in the providence of God, I have two pulpits, one in Brook lyn and the other in New York, and through the kindnosa of the printing press an ever widening opportunity. To all such hearers and readers I eonie with an esiiecial message. The time has arrived for a forward movement such as the church and the world have never seen. That there is a need for such a religious movement is evident from the fact that never since our world was swung out among the planets baa there been such on organized and determined effort to overthrow right eousness and make the Ten Command ments obsolete and t he whole Bible a derision. Meanwhile alcoholism is tak tne down its victims by the hundreds of thousands, and the political parties get down ou their knees, practically saying: "0 thou almighty rum jug! we bow down before thee. (Jive us the of&oes. city, suite and national. Oh, give us the offices and we will worship thee for ever apd ever, Amen." The Christian Sabbath meanwhile, appointed for physical, mental and spiritual rest, Is being secularized and abolished. As if the bad publishing houses of our own country had ex haunted their literary tilth, the French and Russian sewers have been invited to poor their scurrility and moral Blush into the trough where our American swine are now wallowing. Meanwhile there are enough houses of infamy in all our cities, open and unmolested of the law, to Invoke the omnipotent wrath which buried Sodom under a deluge of brimstone. The pandemo niac world. I think, has massed its troops, and they are this moment ply lug their batteries upon family circlet, church circles, social circles, political circles and national circles. Apollyon is in the saddle, and, riding at the head of hit myrmidons, would capture this world for darkness and woe. THK CHRISTIAN SIDE OP THK KIQHT. Thai is one side of the conflict now raging. On the other side we have the most magnificent gospel machinery that the world ever saw or heaven ever in vented. In the first place, there are in this country more than 80,000 ministers of religion, and, take them as a class, more consecrated, holier, more consist ent, more self denving, more faitliful men never lived. I know them by the thousands. I have met them in every city I am told, not by them, but by people outside our profession, people engaged in Christian and reformatory work, that the olergy of America are at the head of all good enterprises, and whoover else fail they may be depend ed on. The truth of this is demonstrat ed by the fact that when a minister of religion does fad. it is so exceptional that the newspapers report it as some thing startling, whilo a hundred men In other callings umy go down without the matter being considered as espe cially worth mentioning. In addition to their equipment in moral character the clergy of tliis country have all that the Bchools can give. All arclnoological, rhetorical, scientific, scholastic, literary attain meut. So inuuh for the Christian lain Istry of all denominations. In the next nlace. on our side; of the conflict we have the eniudent churches of all time, and higher style of membership and more of them, and a host without num ber of splendid men and women who are doing their best to have this world mirined. elevated, cospelized. But we all feel that something is wanting. Enough hearty songs have been sung and enough earnest sermons preached within the lntai months to save all the cities of America : and saving tbe eities you "avi the world, for they over flow all the land either with their re ligion or tlwir infamy. st.MK STAUTUHO FACTS, But look at some of the startling tacit. It; is nourly nineteen hundred years since Jesus Christ came by the way of Bethlehem caravansary to save this world, yet the most of the world has been no more touched by tills most stupendous fiu't of all eternity than If on the first Christinas night tbe beasts of tbe stall, amid the bleating of their own young, had not hsard the bloating of the Lamb that was to be slain. Out of the eighteen hundred million of the human nice, fourteen hundred million are without Hod and without hope in the word, the camel driver of Arabia, Mahomet, with his nine wives, having half as iiifmy ilisciplea as our blessed Christ, ami im nv people are worship ing .chunks of painted wood and earned stone than are worshiping the living and eternal God. Meanwhile, the most of us who are engaged in Christian work I speak for myself as well as others -art toiling up to our full oapadty of body, mind and soul, harnessed np to the last buokle, not able to draw a pound mora than we are drawing. r lift an ounce more than we are liftiug. What is the matter? My text lets out the secret. We all need more of ' the power from on high.' Not muscular J Bower, not lagioal power, not scientific ...powsfi not social power, not financial than all the diamond fields of Holconda, and all the pearls of tim scm. ami all the gold in the mountains. the mightiest intellects never touch of it, and many of the less than i ordinary intellects have bean sur j cliarged wii li it. And every man audi ! woman on earth has a right to !is;ire' to it, aright to pray forit, and, properly persistent, will obtain it. Power from on the level is a good thing such power as I may give you or yon may give me by encouraging words and actions. Powor from on the level when we stand by each other in any Christian uudertakiug. Vower from on the level when other pulpits are in accord with ocm Power from on the level when the religions mid secular pn-ss forward our Christian undertak ings. But power from on the level is not sufficient. Power from on high is what we need to take possession of us. Power straight from God. Supernat ural power, omnipotent power, all con- Id theatre on Chambers street, wl.ore our ancestors used to as seinhle to lauiih at the comedies, and Many of! n" "P and down the streets, and out had a 1 011 1110 "ouivs aim on mo ueca. oi snips lying at the wharf, people sang, "All hail the power of Jesus' name," while others cried for morcy. A groat mass mooting of Christians on a week day, in Jay lie's hall, . Philadelphia, tele graphed to Fulton street prayer meet ing in Now York, saying, "What hath (rod wrought " and a telegram went buck, saying, "Two hundred souls saved at our meeting today." A ship came through the Narrows into our harbor, the captain reporting that himself and all the crew had been converted to God between New Or leans and New York. In the busiest marts of our busiest American cities, where the worshipers of Mammon had been counting their golden beads, men began to calculate, "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his sou If The waiters in res taurants after the closing of their day's the tables where Policemen asked ouorniL' Dower. Not more than one out of a thousand of the ministers has j work knelt among It contiiiiKiiislv Not more than one they had served. out of ten thousand Christians has it ' consent of the commissioners of police all the time, (riven in abundance, : to be permitted to attend religious thiwe hurt ton veai-M of the Nineteenth meetings. eei.turv would' neeoinolish more for At Albany members of the New York f,i c.rl tim ..hiiml, mirl tha w,.rld luKislature ansoiiiblod in the room of than the previous ninety years of this century. POWKK KKOM OS HIHH. A few men and women in each age of the world have possessed it. Caro line Fry, the immortal Quakeress, had it, and throe hundred of the depraved and suffering of Newgate prison under her exhortation repented and believed Jonathan 13d wards had it, and North auiptou meeting house heard the out burst of religious emotion as he spake the court of appeals at half past 8 o'clock in the morning forprayorand praise Printed invitations were sent out to the firemen of New York saying, 'Come n suits your convenience best, whether in lire or citizens' dress, bat iiie ! come !" Quarry men knelt among the rocks. Fishermen knolt in their boats. Weaverskiieltatnongthe looms. Sailors knelt among the hammocks. Schoolmasters kneltamong their classes. A gentleman traveling said there was 8 conventionalities of the church, ft were earnestly and with strong faith pre sented to them. In the brilliant assemblies there are hundreds who are not frequenters of Churches, aud who do nut believe much if at all in ministers of religion or eccle siastical organizations. But God knows you have struggles in which you need help and bereavements in which you want solace, and persecutions in winch you ought to have defense, and per plexities in which you need guidance, and with a profound thonghtfulness you stand by the grave of the old year, and the cradle of the young year, won dering where you will be and what you will be when "rolling years shall cease to move. Power from on high descend upon them I Men of New York and Brook lyn, I offer you God and heaven! From the day you came to these cities what a .struggle you have had I I can tell from your careworn countenances, and the tears in your eyes, and the deep sigh you have just breathed that you want re-enforcement, and here it is, greater tli.ui Blucher when he re- enforced Wellington, greater than the Bank of Kngland when last month it re-enforced the Barings namely, the God who through Jesus Christ is ready to pardon all your sin, comfort all your sorrows, scatter all your doubts, and swing all the shining gates of heaven wide open before your redeemed spirit. Come into the kingdom of God! With out a half second of delay come in! Many of my hearers today are what the world calls and what I would call splendid fellows, and they seem happy enougli, and are jolly and obliging, and If I wero in trouble I would go to them l fZ rf-v i i-" f - -i I 1 ii T'?IMl .1 i 11 ilaa 1 li muM n V1 1 1 1 III lllism in J for Infants and Children. "Castoria Is so well adapted to chDdren that I CastoHa cures Colic, Constipation, I recommend ItMsuporiortosnJ prescription I 1 Hr?oeW sp.prZote. dl known to me." H. A. Archse, H. D., I nmioiT 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. Widloiit injurious medication. Tu Csstaub CoarAirr, 77 Murray Street, K. Y. sept 29 dStwlv with as much confidence as 1 would to my father if he were yet alive. But when they go to their rooms at night, or when the excitements of social and business life are off, they are not con tent, and they want something better than this world can offer. I under stand them so well I wotdd, without any fear of bping thought rough, put Oh, unanswered prayers, rise in a mist of many tears Into a cloud, and then break in a shower which shall soften the heart of that man who is so hard he cannot cry, or that woman who is ashamed to pray ! Oh, armchair of the aged, now empty and in the garret among the ninnish, speak out Un, staff of the pilgrim who lias ended bis weary journey, tell of the parental anx ieties that bent over thee. Oh, family Bible, witli story of births and deaths, rustle some of thy time worn leaves, and let us know of the wrinkled hands that once turned thy pages, and ei- plain that spot where a tear fell upon the passage: "O, Absalom, my son, my son, would God I had died for thee?" Wli MUST ALL I'HAY. Good mid gracious God! what will become of us, if after having such a de vout and praying parentage, we never pray for ourselves? We will pray. We will begin now. Oh, for the power from on high, powor to move this as semblage, power to save Brooklyn and New York, power of evangelism that ASHEVILLE MARKETS. Corrected dally by POWBLL & 8NIDHR, wholesale and retail (frocers. These prices are being paid by the merchants to-day. Apples 1000160 Apples, dried 6 cumpains, eacn.oin'xe Sorgum 30C&3S Beeswax, per id in Honev 11 Wheat 100 Corn 75 Meal SO Oats 0 Rye 86 Hav, ton $1sa$ao Celery, doi 2Bi;40 Butter IOCS! 2(1 Kkks .' IS Chickens 2 Turkeys 70KV100 Ducks 1 6(820 Potatoes, Bw't BR I'otatoas, Irish Oil Turnips 30(u4O Oni ns 100(0,1251 Cabbage, per lb 1 Beans, pr bu.lOOciTilRO Peas 65(d75 Chestnuts 1 50 my right hand on their one shoulder shall sweep across this continent like and my left hand on their other shoul- an ocean surge, power to girdle the der, and push them into the kingdom round earth with a red girdle dipped in 'Worked I.llte a Charm. Bradfic-ld's Female Regulator worked like g charm ; improvement been wonder ful ; cannot ecjpress my gratitude. Wish every lady afflicted would try it. I know it would cure them. Mrs. Ltu.A A. Lono, Spring Grove, Fla. Write Bradfield Regulator Company, Atlanta, Ga., foi particulars. By all ruggi8ts. NOTIC.'B OP MEETING OP STOCKHOLDERS. The regular annual mt-eting of the stock holders of the Ashi ville Street Railway Com pany will he held at the offices of the compa ny in the city of Asheville, North Carolina, on the 14th day of January, 18H1, at 11 o'clock a. m. for the election of a board of di rectors and transaction of such other busi ness as may be brought before it. B. M. IONES. dec26 diot Sec. and Trcas. of riglitcoiisucNsaiid judgment to come. Samuel Budget!, the Christian mer- chant, hail it, and his benefactions ' showered the world. John Newton had it. Bishop I.atimer had it. Isabella Graham had it. Andrew Fuller had it. The great evangelists. Daniel Raker and Dr. Nettletnn and Truman Osbom and Charles (i. Pinney, had it. In my boyhood 1 saw Truman Osbom rise to preach in file village church at Somer viile, N. J., and before he had given out his text or uttered a word people if the audience sobbed aloud with rehg ious emotion. It was the power from on high. All may have it. Once get it and nothing can stand before you. Satan goes down. Caricature goes down. Infi delity goes dvn. W'orldliness goes down. All opposition goes down. Several times in the history of the church and the world has this power from on high been demonstrated. In the Seventeenth ceutury, after a great season of moral depression, this power from on high came down upon John Tillotson and Owen and Flavel and Baxter and Bunyan, and there was a deluge of mercy lugher than the tops of the highest mountains of sin. In the Eighteenth century, in England and America, religion was at a low water mark. William Cowper, writing of the clergy of those days, said : Except a IW with Eli's suii-it hlest, HopUni and lMiiiiciis may ilcsci ilie the rest. The inlldel writings of Shaftesbury and Hobbes ,-iml Chubb had done their work. But power from on high came upon both the Wesleys and Lady Hunt ington on the other side the Atlantic, and upon William Tonnant and Gilbert Tennant and David Brainerd on tins side the Atlantic, and both hemispheres felt the tread of a pardoning God. Coming to later date there may be here utid there m this audience an aged man or woman who can remember New York in 1S31, when this power from on high descended most won- drously. It came upon pastors and congregations and theatres and com mercial establishments. Chatham Street theatre. New York, was the scene of a most tremendous religious awakening. A committee of Cliristiau gentlemen called Uxm the lessee of the theatre and said they would like to buy the lease of the theatre. He said, "What do vou want it for?" They replied, "For a church." "For wh-a-o-tf said the owner. "For a church," was the reply. The owner said, "You may have it, and I will give you a thousand dollars to help you on with your work." Arthur Tappan, a man might ily persecuted iu his time, but a man. as I saw him in his lost days, as houost and pure and good as any man I ever knew, stepped ou the stage of old Chatham theatre as the actors were dosing their morning rehearsal, and aid, "There will be preacliing here to night on this stage," and then gave out and wing with such people as wore there the old hymn: .he voice of nw graco crow, wcape U the mount ain. Tor all that bMli've Christ lias oiiem-d a fountain A BAKUOOM MM1K A PKATKH KOoM, rhe barroom of the theatre was turned Into a prayer nsim, ami eight hundred persons were present at the first meeting. For seventy successive niilhts religious nervines were held in that fieatre, and such scenes of mercv anil salvation as will be subjects of xiuversatlon and congratulation among the ransomed in glory as long as heaven lasts. But I enme to a later time 1857 remembered by many who are here. I rcinenilior it especially a I hud just entered the oirtee of the nun istry. It was a vear of hard times. s-reat nanic had Hung hundreds of thousands of people penniless. Starva tion entered habitations that had never before known a want. Domestic) life, In many eases, became a tragedy. Sul- oido, garrottn, buniary, assassination were rampant. What an awful day that was wlteti tlw banks went down I There has been nothing like it in thirty years, and I pray God there may not be anything like it In the next thirty centuries. Talk abdnt your Black Fn- j days'. It was Black Saturday, Blacb Sunday, Blank Monday, Black Tue j day. Black Wednesday, Black Thurs- line of praver meetings from Omaha to of God. But I cannot. Power from Washington oily, and he might have on high, lav hold of them! added a hue of prayer meetings from Years ago, at the close of a religious the Atlantic to the 1'aeinc coast, ana service in Brooklyn Tatiernacle. a tren- from the St. Lawrence to the Gulf of tlemaii, most distinguished in appear Mexiw. I once and with remarkable cerebral de- the UKViVAi. OP lu7. velopmcnt, came forward with his wife In those days what songs, what ser- and daughter, and said to me in a most mons, what turnings vo uoa, wnai re- courteous and elegant way, "liet ma citalsof thrilliiigepericnces,whot prod- Introduce you to my wife and daughter, igals brought home, what burning tid- who wish some counsel in regard to re- ings of souls saved, what serfdom of hjgious matters," and the three sat sin emancipated, what wild rout of the down. After I liad conversed with the forces of darkness, what victories for wife and daughter I turned to the peu- the truth I What millions on earth tleman and said, "Perhaps you have in greater or less degree 1 and hi heaven are now thanking God I some interest yourself in these matters?' for 1857, whirl), though the year of worst fluancial calamity, was the year it Amnrl.n'u must-. o-liiriniiH hlftsiriir! How do you account for 1857, its spirit ual triumphs ou the heels of its worldly 'None whatever," was the reply, polite yet firm. But before the meeting bad closed I saw his hand lifted to his fore head and his eyes closed, and I said, 'Sir, have you not changed your mind, misfortune 1 It was what lny teit calls and are you not thoughtful on this sub file power from ou high. Ject?" He said: "I am. Since coming That was thirty-three years ago, and to this seat I have sought and found though there have been in various Christ as mv Saviour, and I have but parts of the land many stirrings of the one desire more, and tliat is, before 1 Holy Ghost there has been no general leave this house to join my wife and awakening. Does it not seem to you daughter in making profession of the that we ought to have and may have Christian religion. I have been known the scenes of power in 1857 eclipsed by as on the wrong side long enough." the scenes of power in 1891! The cir- What was it tliat had come upon himl cumstancos are somewhat similar. It was the power from high. While we have not had national panic At the first coiumunion after the and universal prostration as in 1857, dedication of our former church, three there has bee a a stringeney m the hundred and twenty-eight souls stood otoney market that has put many of op in the aisles and publicly espoused the families of the earth to their wits the cause of Christ. At another time end. Ijirge commercial interests col 'insing have left multitudes of etn- nloves without means of support. The racked brains of business men have al most or entirely given way. New illus trations all over the laud of the fact that riches have not only feet, on which thev walk slowly as they come, the blood of the cross ! If this forward movement is to begin at all, there must be some place for it to begin, and why not this place? And there must be some time for it to begin, and why not this time? And so I sound for your ears a rhvthmie invitation, which, un til a few days ago, never came under my eye, but it is so sweet, so sobbing with pathos, so triumphant with joy, that whoever chimed it. Instead of be ing anonymous, ought to be immortal: Tliy fins I Imre on Calvary's tree; The stripes, thy due, were laid on me, peace and pardon might be free O wretched sinner, cornel Runlened wilb guilt, wouldst thou he blest! Trust not the world; It gives no rent; I bring relief to hearts opprest 0 weary sinner, come I Come, leave thy burden at the cross; fount all thy gains but empty UrcMn, My rraoe repays all earthly low 0 needy sinner, cornel Come, hither bring thy boding fears. Thy aching heart, thy bursting tears, Ti-1 mercy's voice salutes thine ears 0 trembling sinner, come! odel Cigar Stor PATTONAVENDE, E Hon received a fine aMortmetit of real Meer schaum and French Brier Pijic. Also Cipar and Cigarette Holders, cignr ana cigarette Canes; a new lot of imported and domestic Cigars; a fine lot of Walking Canes. .....Try When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorls. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When the became Miss, she clung to Castoria- When (be had Children, she gave them Castorl f MEDICATED BALSAM VAPOR J If you have any Nose, Throat or Lung" T diseases. T On application I will send a pamphlet T descriptive of Asheville and also the in- jj j haling treatment free with list of quea- " T answered by the patient" This T tions to be T when ordering Home Treatment. treatment is as effective as the office J treatment. OPPICE NO. 25 PATTON AVENUB, Asheville, N. C. f T. J. HARGAN, M. D. t ?$ but wings on which they speed when njgh. four hundred souls; at another time five hundred. And our fonr tliousand five hundred membership were but a small part of those who within those sacred walls took upon themselves the vows of the Christian. What turned them? What saved them? Power from the level! No; power from ou WANT COLUMN. WANTED. w ANTED. Two Oernmn girls Ifl to is yenrs of age, wnnt situations in private family, with a view to Icurning housework anil cooking, will expect to be treated a. one of the family Apply to CITIZEN OI'PICE. they co. Eternal God ! thou knowest how cramped and severe and solemn a time it is with many. And as the business ruin of 1867 was followed by the glorious triumphs of grace, let the awful struggles of 1800 be followed by the hallelujahs of a nation saved in 1891. Brethren in the Gospel ministry ! il we spent half as much time in prayer as we do in the preparation of our ser mons nothing could stand before us. We would have the power from on high as we never had it Pnvato mem bership of all Christendom! if we spent Vnlf as much time in positive prayer tor this influence as wo do in thinking sliout it and talking about it, there would not be secretaries enough to take down the names of those who would want to give in their names for enlistment. We would have hundreds of cases like those recently reported when a man said to an evangelist: "I am a lust sinner. Prav for me. My wife has boon a professor of religion for years, but I knew she did not enjoy religion, and I said if that was all there was in religion 1 did not want it. But for the last few davs she lias looked and acted in such an elevated and glorious spirit that I cannot stand it away from God, I want the same religion that Inspires her." Comic! Ooine! all through the United States, and all through Christen dom, and all around the world, let mi all join hands in holy pledge tliat we will call ui)oii God for the power. Oh, for the power from on high, the power tliat came ou Pentecost, yea, for teu thousand Pentecost! Such timet) will come, and tliey will come in our day If we have the faith, and the prayez, and the consecration. WHY. NOT THK KUV IVAXi OK 18911 As the power from on high in 185' was more remarkable in academies of music and lyccuiu halls and theatres than In churches, why not this winter of 1891 in these two academies of music, places of secular entertainment where we are during tha rebuilding of our Brooklyn Tabernacle, so grandly and graciously treated by the owners and lessors and lessees; why not ex yANTBD Piftv tmuad. leaf snee. for which I will Div IB cents per pound; 25 pounds red pepper, CtH.. 25 cents iier pound necaoniw C. W. PAC 3d South Mnin Street. FOR SALE. fOR SALE. Furniture and complete outtit for light housekeeping nil nearly new. Apply to is. ft. jiii-iisMum. jnnld3t K8 North Main strict. p()R SALE Cow and calf; three ounrtcrs Jersey; splen did milker. Apply at CITIZEN OFFICE. dccSdtf FOR SALE. GREATKB THVSUS MAI BK RKBN. But greater thaigs are to lie seen if ever these cities nd ever this world is to be taken for (rod. There is one doss of men and women In all these as semblages in whom 1 liave especial in tercet, and that is those who had good fathers and mothers once, bot they are dead. What multitudes of us are or phans! We may be forty, fifty, eighty vears old. but we never get nsed to having father and mother gone. Oh, how often we have had troubles that we would like to have told them, and we always felt us long as father and mother were alive we had some one to whom we could go. Now, I would like Tw0 sllKK farms on lohn's Island. Wharf to ask if you think that all their prayers for ..Bl.nt- MR8. eastwood, m your behalf have been answered 'No," you say, "but it is too late, the old folks are gone now. I must courteously contradict you. It is not too lute. I have a fnond in the ministry who was attending the last hours of an aged Christian, and my friend said to the old Christian, "Is there no trouble on your mind P The old man turned hi face to tbe wail for a few moments, and then said: "Only one thing. I hope for the salvation of my ten cluldren, but not one of them Is yet saved; yet I am sure they will be. God means to wait until I am Done." So be died. When my friend told the circumstances eight of tha ten had found the Lord, and I have no doubt the other two before this have found him. Oh, that tlie long post noned answers to prayer for you, my brother, for you, my sister, might this hour descend in power from on high. The history of these unanswered Enstwood's Landing. Scono, Berkley county, 8. C. Jan2dlmo jFORJENT JJOTEL FOR RENT. Mnrnhall Hotel, at Marshall. N. C, cen trally located, convenient both for commer cial travelers and hical custom ; containing 14 good sued rooms, newiy paiutea. ror terms, etc., apply to J. A NICHOLS, collector s onicc, ahiicviiic, is. v.. dec31dlm. Jf OR RENT. House, in best nortion of city, of 0 rooms, with stable; new furniture, linen etc; heated hv furnace and onen tirenlnccs. Plumbing in house all new. This property can he had for a short term In every particular itisamost desirable rcs.dence. JOHN CHILD. Agt., dec27 dtf 1 i-egai uioca. JfOR RENT. t'nfurnhihed rooms suitable for light house keeping. Street cars pass the door, 213 Patton avenue. janldlw FOR RENT. LAND SALE. A VALUABLE ESTATE OFFERED, Pursuant to a tiecrec of Ihe Superior Court of Buncombe County, I will ofler for sale at public outcry, on the 14-th day of February, 1H91, at the court huiiic door in the city of Asheville, a portion of the real estate of which the late Capt. A. M. Alexander, died, seized and posftessed, containing about eight hundred and fifty acres. The sale is made for partition among the heirs of said Alexander. LOCATION. The lauds arc situated on the French Broad river having a river front of a mile and a half ten miles north of Asheville. imme diately on the Western North Carolina Rail way, a station, equipped with punsrngvr. freight, express, telegraph and postofficeB, be ing on the premises. Several daily passenger trains connect with Asheville which is reached within 30 minutes. At this point the river is passed on a substantial iron bridge, from which well established roads diverge into the surrounding countrr, mak ing the pi nee the most important business centre in the county, except AsneviUe. The celebrated ALEXANDER INN. Kstabllflhcd more than a half century ago, is included in the property. It is immediately on the bank of the river, very near the rail way station, and ban about forty rooms for guests There are also a new and commo dious burn, stables, cribs, tobacco barns, etc. etc,, on the premises. THE LAND Is peculiarly adopted to the production of tobacco, grass nnd clover. Some of the fin est tobacco ever grown in the "bright to bacco belt" of Western North Carolina was raised on this plantation There are now two or three hundred acres in grass and clover. I'p to the death of the proprietor It was successfully operated as a stock farm, THE WATER POWER Is abundant and has always been regarded as very valuable. There are between two and three hundred acres of excellent timber, consisting chiefly of large white oak, poplar and pine. The climate and magnificent ecenerv of this region are already famous throughout the Union. This place has long been one of the most popular resorts in the region. The tract has on it several most beautiful building sites, affording extensive views of near and distant mountain ranges, and of the beautiful French Broad. The tract has been cleared into several par cels, containing from three to one hundred acres, so arranged as to suit the convenience of purchasers. TERMS Ten ner cent, of the trarchaae money will be required at the sale, and the . remainder In four equal Instalments, payable k nnu, anil (ntiifnrtnhle dwelling house. prayers for yon God only knows. They I containing eight rooms, with servants' house may hve been offered in the solemn attached, situated on Bailey street, in the ciryof ABhcvme Appiy to unu. a. emu FORD, at office S. W. corner public square. dec27 dtf birth hour. They may have been offered when you were down with scar let fever or diphtheria or membranous croup. They may have been offered some night when you were sound asleep in the trundle bed, and your mother came In to see if you were rightly covered in the cold winter night They may have been offered at that time which comes at least once in almost every one's life, when your father and mother had hard work to make a liv- peot and why not have the power ing, and they feared that want would from on high, comforting nower. axons- 1 eome to them ami you. They may have Ing nower. convicting power, convert- been offered when the lips could no ing power, saving power, omnipotent power? My opinion is that in this clus tat of cities by the Atlantic coast there 1 are 500,000 people now ready to aooopt the gospel call, if, freed from all the ' longer move and the eyes were closed for the long sleep. Oh, unanswered prayers of father end mother, where are you? In what room of the old homestead have they hidden t 'i LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN. LOST." A registered letter package addressed to S. W. McCall, 8 School street, Boston. The papers contained In the package can only be of value to the owners, but as some trouble can be avoided in obtaining duplicates the finder will be sulinblv rewarded by returning them to Frank Chapman, ratton avenue, or ss Nortn Main street jhiihuiw m.TOTl('K IIP MRET1NO lr OF STOCKHOLDERS. The annual mcetlna of the stockholders of the Anheville Light and PowerCompany will be held at the ollice ol the company In the cit of Asheville, North Carolina, on the 14th day of January, IBM, at 111 o'clock a. m. lor the election of the board of directors and the transaction ol such business as may be brought before it. B. M.JONE! dccliii diot Secretary and at one, two, three four years from date with interest from date at eight per centum per annum title retained until all the purchase money Is paid. Possession will be given on confirmation of sale. The nronerty will first be offered in lots. then as a whole, then m lots together, the highest bid being tbe one to be reported to the court. Por further Information apply to the un dersigned on the premise or at his othce in Asheville, N. v. T. 8. MORRISON, Jan. 3, 1891. . Commissioner. Iltfehl3 EE I Treasurer. Just Received. One Thousand Pounds Xmaa Candy. 78 Boxes Telekatharos, perfectly clean. Currants, the finest quality In the world, Layer Raisins, Sultana Raisins, Citron, Flavoring Extracts, of all kinds la large quantities. 200 notinds mixed nut.' The best lot of Pin Crackers ever brought to Ashevllls. . Call at . GREER BROS., No. 8 Nortn , Slain Street. IT

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