"C Asheville Daily Citizen VOLUME VI. NO. 218. ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY, TANUARY 14, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. 7 r ailMLLE A place l:i lined and devel oping as a GREAT RESORT. Situated in Mil- MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, A region notwl for hwalth fiiliieHH and btmut.v of SCENEUY. An elevation of :J,H(() feet,, wit h cool Invigorating; Climate It h Iieinj;' laid out with tawte and skill, with well graded roads and extensive FOREST PARKS. A desirable plav for fine residences and HKATHFVL HOMES. A good opportunity for profitable' investments. For illustrated pamphlet, ad dress LINVILLE IMPROVEMENT CO., LlnTille, Mitchell Co., N. C. BON MARCHE. Tilt genuine Broknw waiter jackets Deeidrdlt large reduetions In l.ndies' and Misses' wrapa. t'nderwcnr nt half price.. New white Rood, anil embroideries. BON MARCHE. 30 South Main Street. -30 ESTABROOK'S HOLIDAY DISPLAY NOW READY. LARGEST VARIETY, BEST GOODS THE LOWEST PRICES. 22 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. REAL ESTATE. WlLTlH B. GWVN. W. W. WksT GVVYN & WEST, (Successors to Walter R.Gwyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Ptibtli. CommiMlonera of Wed.. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICR Southeast Court Hquare, "THE SUN DO WOVE." And in doe. A.hevhle The great hurtling act In now belnn performed hjr all genuine business men ot tne PARADISE CITY OF THR BOOTH. BTery man ha. hl scheme mmA h ivI.tM It In mint case, to not unwill ing ear.. We don't mind telling you that our arneme t. to aeu an tne iann inn innurc mi the property we enn, before "The Robin. Nmt Aln " We have lu.t been appointed agent, for the Old Reliable Pennsylvania Fire In.uranee Co., and we want you to in.ure witn u.. JENKS ft JENKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Room 9 ft 10, McAfee Block, 3S Patton Ave.. Asheville. N C. Private Boarding, By Mrs. M. C. Stockton. COMPORTABLB ROOMS. GOOD TABLB DESIRABLY LOCATED. No. B Pilot Street. A.hevillc, N. C decao dim BEGIN THE NEW YEAR HY TRADING WITH A. D. COOPER. Start riht and Tour troubles will row IcHtt an the your advances; he keeps his "Even Peeled" on the Grocery Market and his stock in full and complete In nil de partment and his goods will stand com par Ison and hia PRICES WILL SELL THEM. North Court Square, comer Muin and Col kite streets. REDUCTION IN HEATING STOVES. Owinji- tothelalenessof the season we are selling lieal inu' stoves at creatly reduced irices to prevent carrying in.y stock over into the next season. II you want a stove now is t he time to buy one eap. A few FINE LAMPS yet left at a bargain. They are going rapnll.v and your lance will soon be gone. See our Hargain Counter for odds and ends useful and or namental. Taylor, Houis & Ilrotlicrtoii. No 4."5 Patton Avenue, l'n- iler Opera House. ZEB VANCE will get there. We bet on Old Zeli ns being the best Flour in town. Wc have juat receiv ed a fresh lot of KEG AND BOTTLE PICKLES Come and pivc them o trial, at HARE BROTHERS, 17 South Main Street, CORTLAND BROS. Real Estate Brokers, And Investment Agents. NOTARY PUBLIC. Loans sc urely placed at 8 per cent. Offices: 2 & 20 Patton Avenue Second floor febtUllv U. WILLS. ARTHURJ. WILLS. WILLS BROS., AKCIIITECTS, 28 Patton Avenue. Not V M C A huild'R. novl dam IM) llox 5.1-1. JOHN CHILD, ( Formerly of Lyman & Child I, Office No. 1 Lfcal Block. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER Strictly a Brokerage Business Loan, ircnrely placed at per cent. J. V. BOULINEAU, (Rawl. Mock.) Choice Beef, Mutton, Veal And Pork. EXTRA FINE SAUSAGE A SPECIALTY. nov3d3mo FOR SALE! First class new residence, cheapest home in ARneviue, loeaiion central. FOR RENT. Finely furnished residence in be.t part of cltv. A au room nouse just tne tmnK lor a Inthionnmc houruinK house, other housi. nlso We hnve nome choice building .ite. that are worth your attention. I'lm st lot of .tandinit tlmiier and timber land, in the nnuth. Mineral nrom-rtiea. Wantiii Suit, of room, for liRht housc- keciiinir. I.l.t vour property wlthu. and have It .old and rented. IONKY TO I.UNI. lu.T IH'm.isiikii Our new pamphlet on Aahevllle. Full of latc.t .tati.ttc. Call for a copy. BH.KLOW & JONES, RBAL B8TATB AND INVBSTMHNTS Room 8 McAfee Block, 82 Patton Avenue. norl7dlm ANNOUNCEMENT. To make room for heavy import spring orders, the Crystal Palace will for the nest 00 days offer the stock of line goods at greatly reduced prices on our Bargain Counters. We have put out many articles at prime cost. Come early and Ictus replenish your dining room and kitchen, before tlicslaiiLjhter of prices is ended. The wonderful little Jewel Lamps, we hnve just received another large invoice of these useful and cheap lamps. We warrant (hem 30 en, utile power and to burn over 8 hours without refilling, prices same as before, Special prices in quantities, no home com plete without one, THAD W. THRASH & CO., No. 41 Patton Avenue. Crnchcj-y, Lamps, Cutlery, Tinware, House furnishings, Ittc. T. C. SMITH & CO. DISPENSING DRUGGISTS, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE, Asheville, N. C. A large Miscount on Ladies' and Misses wraps and clothing for Men and Hovs. Among the former ore about twenty wraps not bought this reason at about one-third of original prices. Children's Worn ted and Plush caps half price and less. Mnny other important reductimift. H. REDWOOD & CO. ClothiiiK. I'ry Good., Fancy (loud, Shoes, Huts and CariietN. 7 & 9 PATTON AVE The Menl iMHHtiooit ns Any. no Try a Box of TENNY'S FINE CANDIES Ami be Convinced. WILKIE & ATKINS, Wholesale and Retail Confectioners, NO. I PATTON AVF.NI'K. ThePninou. OCCONHKC1 1 Kli (Binifhnm Cadet) SmokinK Tobacco. OAKLAND HEIGHTS SANATORIUM. (I'OKMKKLY OAKLAND INN.I ASHEVILLE, N. C. MOST COMPLETE HEALTH RESORT IX THE SOUTH. Appointments nnvurpnoHed. All modem thcraputic appliance, and bath, for the re lief and i ure ol nervou. and chronic ditt ca.c. Turkish, Roman and Russian baths, Itclcc trtcity. Massage. Swedish Movements, all in cluded in price of room. The Medical ManaKement under the direc tion of Dr. P. . Neefu., rvcentlv of the Jnck- .on sanatorium, at imnsvme, N. v. Fortur thcr particular, address, Miss Emily Vauohn. ASHBVILLB, N. C. INGALLS MAKES A SPEECH. HE EXPLAINS AM IKRLVKK- KNT REMARK, He AIho Make Another One An Impure Suffrage The Will of the People Not Repressed In Presi dentlal Elections. Washington, Jan. 14. In tlic senate to-rlay, according to the arrangement made yesterday, the senate proceeded to consideration of the financial hill. Immediately after reading the journal Mr. Ingalls took the (loot and snid that there were two portentous evils which menaced the safety, if they did not en danger the existence, of the republic. The first was an ignorant, debased, degraded, spurious suffrage, a festered suffrage, a suffrage contaminated by the sewerage o' decayed nntions; a suffrage intimidated and suppressed in the south; a suffrage impure and corrupt, apathetic and in different in the great cities of the north, so that it was doubtful to his mind whether for half a century there had liccn a presidential election in this coun try that expressed the dclilierate and in telligent judgment of the whole body of the American people. Mr. Ingalls then referred to a news paer interview had with him several months ago in which he had said that the golden rule and the decalogue had no place in the American campaign. It seemed suerfluous to explain that in that utterance he was not inculcating a doctrine, but describing a condition. His statement was a statement of fact, not an announcement of the faith. But many reverend editors, many iugeniousorators perverted this utterance into personal advocacy ol impurity in politics. He did not complain. It was, ns the world went legitimate political warlarc, but it was an illustration of the truth that the golden rule and decalogue ought to have a place in political campaigns. "If thy enemy smile thee on one check, turn the other," was good precept to follow, said Mr. Ingalls. Ilui he would observe that, un.il that precept was more generally observed than it had been or was likely to Ik, if his political enemy smote him on one cheek, instead of turning him the other he would smite him under the butt end of his left ear it he could. I daughter I. If that be politi cal immorality, he must lie included among the uiiregcnerated. The election hill was intended to deal with one part of the great evil to which he had alluded, but it was an im perfect, partial Jand incomplete remedy. Violence was bad but fraud was no bet ter, and it was more dangerous, because it was more insidious. Burke had said, in one ol his. immortal orations which emptied the house of commons, but which would be read as long as the En glish tongue could endure, that when the laws of Great Britain were not strong enough to protect the youngest Hindoo on the banks of the Ganges, a nobleman was not sale in his castle on the banks ol the Thames. That lofty sentiment was pregnant with admonition to us. There could be no safety and no stable and iK-rmanent place in this country and under this govern ment until it was just as sale for a black republican to vote in Mississippi, as it was lor a white democrat to vote in Kansas. The second evil to which Mr. Ingalls udverted was the tyrrnnny of the com bined, concentrated, centralized, con scienceless and incorporated capital ; and the ieople were considering that great problem now. The conscience of the nation was shocked at the injustice ol modern society. TWO LKUIHLATVRICH. ComproiiilHe In Montana-Went Virginia Denounces the Force Bill. Hki.hna, Mont., Jan. 1. The republi can house of representatives has adopted the following plan as a basis ol a com promise for settling the existing difficul ties in the legislature: That twen tv-live republicans and twenty live democrats, whose election is undis puted meet as a house ot representatives that the details of organization to bear ranged by a committee of an equal nmn her of each partv, such arrangement to lie upproved and signed by all claimants to seats from Silver How eountv and that in the organization offices lie dis tributcd equally between the two par ties. Charleston, W. Va., Jan. 1. The West Virginia legislature convened at noon to-day. It consists of sixty demo. crats and thirty-one republicans. The democratic caucus was held last night and J. M. McCrcery, ol Kaleigli county named tor president. A resolution wag adooted bv the house caucus denouncing the tcdcral election bill. l.l-CISLATIVIi A'()77;S'. A bill to amend the constitution has been introduced in the senate. In votinu on the resolution of instruc tions to senators Knnsom and Vance State Senator Bellamy said: "I vote avc for the resolution, as it docs not ab solutely bind the senators to any partic ular measure. The resolution (in the honsel in regard to the investigation ol the public schoi system in onlcr that it may lie seen whether money can be saved in a reduc tion of salaries or bv .1 reduction ot th number of officials, was adopted. A hill to make the acknowledgment of deeds lawful in any county ol the state, and to lecnhze the acknowledgment atv registration ot an deetis neretoiorc made and registered, whether such acknowl edgment was taken in the county where the land lies or not, nas passed its second and thud readings m the senate The resolution (in tlichouselrcqucsthig information of the attorney general as to why the honds given !v the Kichmon and Danville railroad company lor con vict laboron the Western North Carolina railroad should not lie held by the state. asks whether any money has been paid the state for the work. Adopted. Amonir the bills introduced are the fo lowing: To lucilitate the cancellation of mortgages and deeds of trust ; to pro hibit the sale of lituor in Macon county to create n railway commission; to lm nose n $ Til 10 license tax on dealers deadly weapons; to allow wine and cider to lie sold m Tyrrell county ; to relieve mortgaged property from taxation to the amount of such mortgage, and to provide for prompt payment ol all money collected by law. NOT POLITICS. r. Denver says Him Backers are Mr. Blantou'H Friends. W. H. Denver, whose suit against the city has caused so much talk, was shown this morning the printed report of Ashevillc's receipts and expenditures, is- ued July 1, 1800, and covering a ieriod of one year. "I know," said Mr. Dcavcr, "every thing is itemized there. We do not charge crookedness in the city government, but arclessness. Money has been siient al most lavishly without any apparent in vestigation as to the good that would result to the city by such expenditure. The report says, for instance, that $30,- 000 were spent up to July 1, for street improvement. Now, where has it Ixren used .' I he streets are very little lietter ow than thev were two years ago. The city has, it is true, put in perhaps a half mile of curbing, und that is about II that can lie notice 1, "All wc exiieet to do is to restrain the ity from borrowing money and in this way nut n stop to the indiscriminate ex- prnditurenf the taxpayers' money. All wc have to tear is thut the present session ol the legislature may legalize this bor rowing by the aldermen by an amend ment to the charter. In that event we in do nothing. The niavor is now in Raleigh, and he mnv perhaps be looking into that matter now." As to the political asiiect of the case, Mr. I leaver said that the gentlemen as sociated with him in bringing the suit were personal friends of Mavor Wanton and had voted for him at the time of his election. "There is nothini; political in it," con- luded Mr. Denver, "and we only want to stop the apparent waste of the peo ple's money," TIMRF.R OPTIONS, ANhevllle Parties May Take Them Nprluu Creek Railway. Hot Si'KiNos, N. C. Jan. 14-. In un in- crview to-day the lion. Beverly W. Hill, mayor ot this place, snid that Asheville parties would visit Hot Springs during the week to "negotiating lor options on timlier along the proposed route of the Spring Lreek railway. 1 here arc aout 100,000 acres ot excellent oak, pine and poplar tunner in in tne region adjacent to the railway route and if the present owners ol this timber property manifest disposition to encourage tne capital ists, the railway will speedily be built. -Mavor Hill said lurtner, thai I resi- lent johnsott, ol the Greenville anil Paint Kock railway had talked with him dur- ng the last week concerning the advisa bility of making the terminus of the new road at Hot Sp iiigs instead of al I'aint Hock, approaching tile Springs through he laurel country. President Johnson, n consequence of this proposed change n the route of his road has instructed his Nashville agents to apph to the legis- aturc for an amendment of the compa ny's charter which will allow ot the hanges being mads. TKI.F.fiRAPHF.RH' HTRIKlv, Haid to be Promised no,ooo a Month For Their ttupport. CniCAcio, Jan. 1. Nearly 500 station agents and railway telegraph oicrators on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway will quit work to-day or to-night, throughout Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Nebrnsks. Grand Chief Thurston, of the International Order of Railway Telegraphers, is in charge to direct and enforce the strike. He claims the strikers will direct and en force the strike. He claims the strikers will be backed by the entire order in the United Slates and morally aided by the Hlier labor federations. The trouble is the result of the recent Iinnge in the wages ol agents and oper ators. It is said by the olhcials ol the company that the change is an attempt to equalize the wages paid m the cities and smaller towns along the road. A committee had a three days' conference with General Manager Hurling which ended vesterdav with a refusal on the part of the company to concede the de mands ol the men. Unci Thurston asserts that stio.ooo n month has been pledged to the men until they hnve won or lost the hgnt. Baltimore Prices. Bai.timork, (an. 14-. Flour quiet. 95c Wheat southern, firm: Fultz 1.03: 1.ongbcrrv J)Sf.1.03; western firm. No. 'J winter red, spot and lanunrv, 1)7 1)7' jc. Corn, southern, firm; white ROW 61c; yellow GHnG'Jc; western steady Farmers are Democrats. SrmNOKiiii.n, III., Jan, 1. In the lower house of the legislature a resolu lution was passed endorsing free coinage ot silver. 1 he republicans retrained from voting and the farmers voted with the democrats. S7M77i .Visits'. Twenty children arc cared for at the colored orphan asylum of Oxford. -If the will of Mrs. Mary Morchcad Smith is carried out the State university will get a sum variously estimated at from $75.1.00 to $100,000. Greensboro Record : Dr. R. K. (irego ry.of this city, hassold a one-hall interest in all his IvuroiK-au patents tor his anti septic fluids, etc., to Cnpl. B.J. Fisher. Col. R. V. Webb, who lived through two wars; was born in Maryland, April 13, 18125, and came to Norlh Carolina before he was twenty-one years of age, is dead nt Durham. Oxford Ledger : New lite is being in fused into the mining interest of Kakcr City in the northern pnrt of the county. Immense quantities of copper and iron ore hnve been discovered and u 40-ton water jacket will lie erected at once. The ense of Haltzcr & Tacks, of New York, against the state of North Caro lina will lie apcaled to the supreme court of the United States, In this case the New York firm sties this state for $140,000 for iron furnished in 18(S-70 to what was then the Chatham railway company. Before United States Commissioner I.. M. Totten at Hickory, in Cnt-iwha county, Mr. W. U. Wakefield, a I-enoir attorney ; Dr. J. V. Stewart, his client in Caldwell county siqicrior court; and W. M. Andrews, of Caldwell county, were bound over to the federal court on the charge of conspiracy to impede Mr. S. Wortman, postmaster at Uracg, Cald well county, in the discharge of the con duct of the postoffice at that point. JUST A LITTLE RATTLED. WHAT AN ALLIANCE LKOISLA TURF, LOOKS LIKE. Intelligent and Responsible but Not very Well up In Parliament ary WayS-Hilk Hals at a Dis count. Topeka, an. 14. Promptly at 12 o'clock the organization of the legisla ture began. Kvery available space for spectators was crowded. Jn the senate adjournment till 7 o'clock in the evening was taken, In the house the apjiearancc of the granger legislators was a surprise to all. They are a most responsible set of men with much intelligence expressed in their laces. Ninety per cent, of them wear turn-down collars. Three-fourths of the senators wear silk hats, but the closest search would not discover one in the house. J,. B. Coons, of Miami county, was elected temporary-chairman. Teuiorary organization was in accordance with the alliance caucus. The chairman labored under great embarrassment and was "rattled" at every motion. He said, "we arc from the rural districts, gentlemen, mid may make a few mistakes at first. Out we will come out all right by and by." The candidates agreed upon in the tanners' alliance caucus were elected without opposition. AHHF.-VII.LE HHOII.D GET IT. Cap. Natt Atkinson Talks About Hl.iicliam's School. liniToK Tub Citizkn: I was a little surprised on yesterday afternoon to no tice an article in your piqicr copied from the Charlotte Chronicle relative to the Hingham School soon to be established nt this place, and that the same was K-rmitted to go without comment or ex planation. ou will pardon me lor explaining that Asheville does not propose to give Maj. Hingham a site or anything on which to build his school without just and proper eomiensatioii for all he receives in this regard The proposition from Maj. Bingham is that he will pay in the educa tion of our boys who arc seeking a higher or classical education at his usual rates, dollar for dollar, for every thing paid on the bonds w propose to issue to aid in his building until he is able to assume and pay off the bonds himself. So that we, in tact and in truth, give nothing to Major Bingham for the many mid great advantages wc will re ceive Iwcause of the location of his most excellent school in our midst. The proposition means, for these ad vantages, (and I wish 1 hud time and space to enumerate them to the people of tins citv I wc simply loan thecity scredit, pay the interest on the bonds and re ceive payment from Maj. Bingham in a direction and kind more valuable than in dollars to carry out this most laudable and praiseworthy scheme. Charlotte and Durham may not feel themselves able to do such a thing, but I am glad that there is one live, wide-awake pluee in the state tliat can Aslicville, the grcnt metropo lis of the Southern mountains. Natt Atkinson. To Take I'p Delsarte. Miss Curtis, of New York, delivered a lecture on the Delsarte and Checkley sys tems of physical culture, in the lecture roo.n of the Y. M. C. A. yesterday aftei noon. An audience of perhaps 100 Indies and gentlemen was present. Miss Curtis gave an exhibition of club swinging as taugnt uy the Lhcckley system. L lasses are to be organized and taught in Ashe- dle bv Miss Curtis. A teachers class. primarily lor teachers, but any person can join, will lie taught in the Orange street school three evenings a week. A drawing room class and private classes will also lie orgnnized. The course ol in struction consists of ten lessons. "The Roomer." The Oshkosh, Wis., Democrat says "Christopher Snap, 'The Roomer' ns in tcrprctcd bv Dan Packard, is a piece of character comedy as legitimate and as fascinating as the Captain Cuttle of V I. Morence, or the Kip Van Winkle of Joe Jefferson. There is a place, and that a high one, tor such true comedians as Dan Packard, 'The Boomer," Dan Packard and "The Boomer" will lie at the Grand Thursday and Friday nights. A 150,000 Light House. Wasiiikcton, Jan. I t-. The housecom nierce committee has authorized a favor able report on the bill lor the establish ment of a light station nt Cape Kenr, N. N., at a cost of $150,000. Will Continue the Htrlke. HniNm-RO, Jan. 13. At a meeting of the railroad strikers in this city, it was resolved to continue the strike. AFFAIRS OF CONSEOUENCE. iiomi:. The Duke of Marlborough lias $60,000 into Glasgow, Va, put The amount of taxes levied in New York city is $050,753 more than last year. Justice Newourgcr, ot New York, an orthodox Hebrew, has taken a stand against holding court 011 Saturday. St. Mary's Roman Catholic Cathedral, San Francisco, the largest and finest church edifice on the Pacific coast, was dedicated huidnv. The Cathe dral cost $300,000. 1'ORKItiN. The Duke of Somerset is dead. Cardinal Gibbons has written a letter to the Poue on the political U-arings of the school question in the United States. The French government has decided to accept territorial condensation only for the cession to L?reat Britain 01 tne trench shore of Newfoundland. Intensely cold weather continues to prevail throughout linglnnd and Hun gary, in tne nortnern part ot tne latter country wolves hnve invaded villages in search ot lood. A Paris newspa)er states that France has not vet received the official invito tion from the United States government to be represented at the World's fair, to 1.- 1 1 .1 :.. I. : ot 111-iu iu Give your pet dogs or cats Simmons Liver Regulator, when sick it will cure them. PH. Gn j 1 111 Ut) Of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, APOTHECARY, 24 South main Street. 34 Wife "My dear, why is it that so many good people bare to suffer 60m that terrible neuralgia." Husband "llecause they forget that they can go to GRANT'S DRUG STORE and get m bottle ofKephnline for 25 cents, which will relieve thcii suffering." CIGARS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. It is our desire in the Aiturt to confine ourselves strictly to the Drug business. We will therefore dispose of our entire stock of Cigars at cost. Sold by the box only. GRANTS PHARMACY. The finest und most complete stock 01 Colognes, Toilet Waters, Extracts, Face Powders and high grade Soaps at GRANTS PHARMACY. Prescriptions filled at all hours. Goods delivered free ol charge to any part ot thecitv. GRANTS PHARMACY. If you want a handsome pair of cut glass Bottks for a Christmas present call at GRANTS PHARMACY. Bottksrang ing in price from One to Fifteen dollars per pair. II you want a first-class HairBrushibr a small amount of money, GRANTS PHARMACY istbe place to gotogetit. All kinds of Tooth Bt ushes, Bath Brushes, Bath Gloves, Sponges, etc. When your Prescriptions ate com pounded at GRANTS PHARMACY you can positively depend upon it that only the purest and best Drugs and Chemi cals hare been usedthat they were compounded by thoroughly experienced Pharmacists and that the price paid was not unreasonable. Grant's Pharmacy. 34 South Main St. J. M. CAMPBELL, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND ACiENT F0H THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION -ANIi- 1MPROVEMENT COMPANY Buys, Rents and Sells Hoimes und lots bold 011 the installment plan. Op tions bought and wold. No tary Public. NO. SOUTH MAIN ST., Up Stairs. J. Si Mtr.Mi r mi .l.il !-afASs4''