ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 16, 1891. BRING BINGHAM'S HERE. A COMMUNICATION INTEREST. INC TO AI.I. What the Blnitham School Would be Worth to Anhevllte Another Wav of Celling the School With out Bonding- the City. Editor The Citizhn: Permit me to say a few words in rejanl to locating Binghnm's school nt Aslicville. Tliat the location here of this famous school which for many vears has held the first place atrom; schools of its kind in the entire south, wo'ild result in great eood to Asheville, no one can doubt. That Aslic ville is by far the best point in the south ern states for such a school admits of as little question. Should Bingham's school be removed to this place, 1 feel (piiti sure that the attendance, already larjje, would immediately increase ."0 per cent. Not Only would it retain its laiite south era and southwestern patronauc, but it would vrey soon jjain an cquallv large patronage in the north and northwest. Many lamilics from all parts of tin union would come here that they niiglu be with their sous, and would make l licit homes temporarily or permanently in our city, thus tending irreatly to increase our population. It would lie superflu ous to say that the lamilics thus at traeted would be all of that enterprising kind which we most need to co-opcrau in building up our various interests Again, the annual expenses of such a school are between $r0,0(U) anil $100, 000. Almost all of this money wmih! pass through the hands ol our ltisiucs men. Hut the greatest advantage of al1 would be in this, tha' l lie boys ol Aslic ville, buncombe eountv and Western .Norm Larolma would nave a school ol the vetv highest character at their owt doors, ami the hoys ol Aslicville al least, would be enabled to attend with out tic additional expense ami nuin disadvantages of going away Irom h. nu With the school in our citv ten times a many boys as now do will receive the ail vantages ef such training as it gives. In view of the many advauiiigesol hav iug such a school in the midst ol us, I an vcrv desirous that no mistake shall lt made, and that such nic.'ins be aduptci as will most certainly succeed in accom plishing the desired result. Now, I di not believe the plan proposed, mat oi bonding the city, will so S'iccccd. Should the proposition come before t!je people I for one will vote lor it ami do what cist I can to have it adopteo. Hut 1 ;1m ipiite sure the sentiment ol the people as a who. will he against it, and that the result will be a failure. Should this be fie case, we shall lose more than we can now esti mate. Should the city issue these bom) Major llinghani oilers to give a scholar ship of the value ofjilOO for each 100 ol interest paitl by the city, and finally to redeem the bonds. It is suggested that the boys to whom the scholarships are to lie awarded be selected aaiiu.dlv b the committee and the siipi-riuleiidcut the public schools ot this citv. Tin is all vcrv well, despite the tact that t ti city would in this wav pay lor the higl school training ol nitecii Itovs an amount sufficient to give a training, vet little interior, to fifty, and despite the further lact that our gitls would be It it without any opportunity w hatever ten such training. 1 understand from a trentiemati who talked with Major Hingham on the sub ject, that he would be perfectly willing to make the same oiler to a stock com pany tiirnishing him an anioiiat not le-ss $l!f,ooo. That is, to such a com pane. he wotiltl give one scholarship in his school for each -Sloo of interest due at the rate of six per e'cnt. per annum on the moiiev advani'cd. 1 Ic would is rapidlv as pos sible buv up the stock at its par value; the property to revert to the stockholders should it at anv time cease to be used for school purposes. Now, such a proposi tion is very reasonable, and our business men and other men of means should ac cept it at once. It docs not a-k for a dollar as a gift. Those advancing their money would receive regularly interest at six per cent, as surely as it thev hail invested the same amount in the hands of the citv; for a scholarship in Bing ham's school will not soon be below par. Hy this means the city would receive all the indirect benefits arising from the presence of such a school, those most able to do so would pay for it (not necessarily our own citizens alone, but men ol means living m the county or elsewhere, and having sons to educate, might contribute as well I. and those ad vancing the money would ne'eive in re turn the direct benefits. Hut most ol all by sue h means we may, I think, suc ceed in securing the school, while by any other, ipiite certainly we shall not. I trust the committee having the matter in charge will at least give this plan a trial before submitting to the vole of the peopletliefuestiouofissuing bonds. That this should be done is advisable lor the reasem that its failure would not tend to cause a failure in any other plan, while a failure before the people would. 1 fear, lie accepted as final and no further effort made. usta word and I shall have done. It is, frequently asked why we should do anything at all. If Hingham wishes to come to Asheville, seeing this is a better place for his school than any other, then let him come. Hut let him buy grounds, build on them, mid begin his school with his own money, just as he would do in any other business. The answer is sim ple enough. Schools are not, as a rule, established in this way. Teaching is not a money-making; business. As a rule schools lire not self-supporting. Few schools of any value are ever esa brisked without much outside help. The assist ance niked for bv Maj. Hingham to en able him to remove his school to Ashe ville is not onlv not extravagant, but it is the very least that could possibly be expected. I doubt very much if another such opportunity will be ottered us within the next quarter of a century. Hence the need ot well considered action now. Bingham's School for Asiikvili.f. Asheville, Ian. 15, 1801. "THK BOOMER," A Fair Audience Out I.iihI Night to See Dan Packard. Dan Packard and "The Boomer" drew a fair audience to the Grand last night, eicspuc mc wctuncr. i ne noomer is a farce-comedv, with lots of tun. nmrinir nnd dancing. Dan Packard, as Christo pher A. snap, the Boomer, did good work, nnd was encored frequently. Miss Ella Gardiner, the Capital Prize, was splendid in her character. But the interest of the audience seemed to centre in W. H.Sloan, as Timothy Me. Ginniss, and Miss Maud Harris, as Dollie rubbs, whose songs and dances kept the crowd in Rood humor all the time. Wallace Jacksan, as the huyseed, came in for his share ot applause, while Miss Sadie btnngliam, as the hiysei wife, did a couple of songs and dancaa in an arristic manner. The comedy is Weraiy snrinklcd with sonus, dances and trood music. Th girls are pretty and the kirt dance was excellently done. Mr. Packard and Miss Gardiner in their one, "It'i the Same Thing Over Again," received several encores. The company appear at the Grand again to-night. AROUND TOWN. ForecaHt till 8 a. tu. Saturday Rain i easterly wIimIhi u Mltilit change In temperature. There was no mayor's court this morn ing. Mr. I. C. Martin has returned from Raleigh. Dan Packard and "The Boomer' again to-night. The Lvccum did not meet last night, the weather preventing. The board of aldermen will hold their regular weekly meeting ttMiight. The internal revenue collections vester- terday amounted to $3,4-U.:i:i. This is pav day with the Western North Carolina railroad, and the "boys" are in goeid humor. Mai. Win, A. Holland, of Asheville, who has been in San Francisco, Oil., tor a vear or two, has returned to the citv. Superintendent Claxtou, of the city hools, gives notice that after next Monday no impils will be enrolled in the public schools dining the present term. The S. I'. C A. is distributing free of barge to drivers, liverymen and others copies ol the (anions hook, lilacs Bcatttv" l the store of a horse I ami also a tract on the care of Ileu ses. A letter has been rcce ivcd in t nisei tv from Key. W. A. Nelson. Ir. and Mrs. Nil son arc at Jacksonville, Fla., w here thee evdl spend several days. The letter speaks ol Mr. Nelson's health as being diglulv improved. Manager Sawver received yesterday the lollowing telegram Irom J. H. l.iles. manager ol ihctipcra house at Spartan burg: "The Hootncr company gave big atisfae tion, Nothing objectionable for ladies. Advise cvervbodv to to see it." The entertainment committee of the V. M.C.A. have engaged the Memlcls- sohn Uiiintette Club of Hostou to give a concert at the I iranrl opera house under the auspiecs of the association, Monthly. I'd niarv 'J. 1 he .Mendelssohn dull is well known thioiighout the south and the music hiving public may expect treat. The public anniversary exercises ol the Young Men's Christian Association will be held ,t the Methodist church next Tue-sdav evening tit S o'clock. iHterest- iug reports ol the work of the association for last ecar will be given and addresses will be made. Arrangements are also be ing made for especially good music. La dles and gentlemen are cordially invited Mr. 11. A. I'ttidger. of this citv, who at tended the meeting ol the grand lodge ol Masons at Kaleigh, this week, has be elected grand master of the order. The meeting was the largest ever held in the state. Mr. t'liidgcr's election wasnlniost unanimous, lie having received two thirds ot the votes cast on first billot Mr. liiidger will return to Asheville in few ilavs. The funeral ol Mrs. W. (',. Terry, who dieel ycsu-niay, took place at the Central 1. H. church, south, this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Key. C. V. llvrd. assisted bv Kcv. J. 1. Arnold, otllciatcel. The re mains were interred at Kivcrside ccme tcry. Tnc pall bearers were: W. 1. Shope, . A. Hrookshire, W. F. Touilin- son, J. II. Weaver. I-. K. Brown. Dr. M II. Fletcher. IW,""Tlie coming question, real estate page third, Atkinson eV Son. Chicken eliole-ra ami pips prevented anil cured u Simmons Liver Kcgitlator, III SI. M. MM NOTRIS, China, ;iass, Nllvcr, t-iitlcry, I., 'imps, lloiisi'tiiruishiiig gooels. Prices will compare favorably with those in large cities. . II. Law, o7, .")- and 01 S. Main St. To ArtvertlHiT.s' To insure change of ailvertisenicnt running on regular contract, copy mils be handed in bv 10 o'clock a. in. Wanted. A origin lioy, wlui lias Had alionl on year s experience as a tviie-settcr. Such a one can get steady employment by a plying at 1 lie Citizen olhce with retci enccs, or by addressing m. P. Business Manager, Asheville, N. C. To Whom 11 iav Concern. Now as Christinas and New Year over and but lew came forwuid and pa intir little pills, and 1 was not alter eon for what you owe me, 1 take tin method of informing you each and ever one that owes mc that 1 give you Irom this date to the .'11 si inst , to settle and if not sctllcel by that time yom will hear irom me through quarters not pleasant to you, regardless of jierson. Kesicctliillv. i'HANK O'UoNSI-.l I. t-iTM. L. Kud.isill, who was for a long time with the linn ol Brevard .V Blanton of this city, has returned Iron) II Springs, Ark., and taken a position with . 0. Brevard, on North Court Placcand will be pleased to sec his old friends and customers. janl t-d.'tt Index to New AdvertiHenieulH. Wastkii Hox ".02. N..TICU P. M Mi'lir. For S.u.b II . Cilut'H. NoTICK Carter At XoTici; Ceilili : Merriimm. j?OK SAI.K. A lot lor sale, noun nnusc on itmne. vcrv 'ow on three ys.irs time in part. II. janitielat Cnre Citizen. JJOTICIS. Nutlet i hereliy given tliat app'icatiop will lie made at the present terra eif the .etiirn! Assembly of North Carolina to incorpoTait ene nti A-neviue-anu uipn'tr springs Kail- wav e-nmpneiy. eUB rtt Al tin K I Mi )N, Jan. lei. 18111. Attorneys, janl6.lone-eaiA tfcl10 N OTICB. Notice id htrehv Riven that ftpplkntion will be made at the present r?ion of the One. As mbly of North Curolina to ornenrl the enurtcr i tne city oi Ancviie in reicrt-nce to Itavidff Btreew, etc t. M. MILI.KR, Jan 10, 1H1. City Clerk jnn 1 Bdonceaw Ifcbl B OTICE. Purstiant to the laws of North Carolina, notice ii hereby jriven to the public that an application win uc made at the present sea si on of the General Asnembtv of North Care Una for a corporation charter to supply the cuy oi ncvi'ic ann xne town oi vtctonn, w., una vicinity witn water, jan l a, 1891, XU , U WAK I nn k a, H KEF. I), Janl6d30t. Attorney NOTICE Is hereby givm that an application will he made to present session of the General As sembly of North Carolina to incorporate the ticDiiwortn inn lompanv. WALTER C. BROWN.NO, JanlOd.'lod Pres. Kcnllworth Inn Co. $ 10.000 TO LOAN. I have $10,000 to loan on real estate mort gages In the city of Arheville. Apply at once lu 1 ticfa. A. Ji mils, janlOtf Room 7, Legal Block A NEW DEBt), carefully prepared by lead XV inn members at the Asheville bar, (on finest parchment and heavy fiat oancr). cov. erinaT all necessary points, just ont and now on sale at the office of the Kandol,ph-K brs Publishiko CO . No. o North Court Bquart. SOJoftlNKKS. uople In the MldHt ol Atthevllle for a Seanon Only. Hattcry Park: H. Fulen wider, citv; E. A. Sanborn anil wife, Miss M L. San born, Augusta, Me; J. S. L. Alexander, Charleston ; Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Briedswnld, knoxville: C. S. Colhngs, Louisville, kv.: Charles Henry, Ohio; Win. Thomson and wile, K. Webster and wite, Boston; E. W. Mason, Charles Morris, N. Y., 12. S. Bowers, Chicago ; A. I, Marcus. Philadel- pnia. ('rand Central: S. H. Deney, Char leston; John H. Harding, Marshal; Thomas C. Allen, California ; Col. f. B. Nelson, Marshal; 11. S. Bowers, Chicago; . A. Atwater. ().: S. W. 1'avsen. N. C: W. S. Payne, im Payne, Charlotte; S. W. Caudle, II. C. Foutz, N. C; John Hart, Greenville; H. F. Elliott, Hickory; Capt. Price, Kv.; S. H. Oalliher, Tenn.; J. W. Stanley, Ohio.; J. K. Lowe, Ala. Swuiiminoa: Thomas Turner, New York; E. E. Stone, Louisville; F. A. Cook, Gladstone, Mich.; Miss Mary E. Miles, Bristol, Tenn.; M. 11. Movuihar, Cleveland, O.; 11. S. Warner, wife, boy mil nurse, C. 1. . Schmidt, Collinsvillc. Cl.; Fred W. Habel, Raleigh; H. E. ones, Baltimore; Chas. B. kernev. Brad- head, Wis.; J. S. Mckcy, W. T. Hancock, kichmond; M. II. Iviclibcig, Atlanta; Isidor Bchrinds, Kichmond; 11. 1 1 liter. Philadelphia. To IMrenls and tiuardlaiiM. Parents and ''iiardians are hcicbv no tified that titter next Monday, Jan. Ill, no more pupils will be enrolled in the public schools of the city during the pres ent term. All children tlesirim; admis sion should make application on or Ik- lorc tins date I his, ol course, does not apply where children have neen pieventcd Irom entei mir by sick ness or other providential cause'. Such liildrcn may lie admitted at any time. hut will, as a rule, lie assigned to" a class lower l linn the one they might have en tei ed at the fust ol the school year. Kesnvt fully, P. I' Cl A tun. Snpt. Take Simmons Liver Regulator in youth and you will enjoy a green old tge. RAYSOR&SMITH'S stock or Is the nmst varieil and in uplett ol itity hutist in Asheville. No. HI Pat ton Avuuic. OI K HOT SODA WATKI! Ami oilier Pmintnin Prink nre itHKetltd the hent. Tin only t'liKC where W II ITKS al ne ire Hervetl. RAYSOR&SMITH 31 IUTTON AVlCNt K. Vou wi I never regret DecominK a nutomer at KASoR - SMITH S lruf Store. :u Put ton Avenue. YOUR TRADE APPRECIATED. YOUR INTEREST S , UDIEO. Our Mitttn- I'uritv ol (looiK, I'o'iu-nesH to Customers ami 1'rnmptness with onli-r ami Prescriptions. HAYSOR & S3IITII, No. ji ration Avenue. e. I.. IIAIH'.UK, K. W.KOHISeiN BADGER & ROBISON i Successors to II, p. Wooihvanl I No. 67 North Ulaiu St. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, Hour of all Kiailts, selected l eas, pure Co). lees, and Spice. Mutter nnd Cheese. Choice Syrup nnd Molasses, Pomn nnd Itomestic Fruits, Canned fruits in variety. In fu everything to he found in n first class xro eery store. We wilt receive a lurjic lot of Sweet nnd Irish Potatoes, CahluiKc, Hntter, Ityg an Apples this week. We will la- pleased to wait upon our friends nnd patrons. Sntis faction Kuarunteed. Ask for our MXRI COW FEED. Very Ke'spvctlullv, C. I.. HAIM'.liK, K. V. KU1IISON. de-e-21! ell J POK RUNT. One new store on WoiHltin street, nnd one new four-room cottage on Mem ,ion avenue Apply f. CrM INTIKU. Junl4dlw 10 RENT. New 8 room house on Prospect Park, near street ear line, bnijuire ot H. r. uKANT, janlStllw JfOR RENT. Three unfurnished rooms suitnhle for light noeiseieeeping. aia f A I TON AVU. janlSdlw FOR SALE. The Old Advance Newspaper and Job Office Outfit. I offer this property for sale as a whole or by the piece. Ifnotsoldat private sale, 1 shall expose the property for sale at public auction at the court house dooi u the city of Asheville at 12 o'clock meridian, on Monefay, February 3, 1801. I am prepared to face with resignation, a frig-hVul loss upon the original cost vi mc mai-nincry ana nxiures which are in good running order, and can be started to work in six hours. The property could not be purchased new for f4,000. I expect to see It go at $l,AO0. A rare oppor tunity to make a profitable and fascinating investment. Terms one-third cash, balance in two equal Instalments, six and twelve months. Property can be Inspected at any time in the McLoud building on public square. Ap ply to RICHMOND PBARSON, or JOHN A. WILLIAMS. janSdtfebS But Undaey'a Guide Book toW.N.C Price 5Ct. THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION & IMPROVEMENT CO. PAID UP CAPITAL, 8300,000. (5K0. S. POWELL, lMwident and Gen. Manager. ?oard of Directors : Hicliiiitmtl Pearson, J. K. Rankin, T. II. Cobb, J. K. Adams, (!w. S. Powell. .The company owns about .Minding and manufacturing hmi beautifully laid out, into lots, maps of which can e had on application. Special inducements are being offered to a limited number of lass residences at once. The las been unprecedented in the ate, and its success as the popular residence part of the ity has already been assured. This property is now being laid out with broad avenues, with pn veil gutters and shade sewer and electric street railway running through theprop- rty. Park and lake sites ha ve been left at convenient , dis ances through the property and a complete water and sewer plan has been adopted sanitary results. Some of the on this property are Unsurpassed in Western North Carolina, ind that almost means the world. Plie property is reached from the best grades leading out of just decided on, and running Mulberry streets, a distance of maximum grade of seven per ibout four hundred feet. So. taken altogether, there in the South that promise better returns than these. For other information apply to Geo. S. Powell, Pres., ASHKV1XLK, N. C. Otliceat Powell tfc Snider's, ( ourt Squareand Patton Ave. KENILWORTH INN. NOTICK The kcnllworth Inn Conumnv. to correct an unfotiiulnl rumor. nnnmim-rN thai U has never been the intention to make it n Sanatorium. To the contrary, it will he conducted strictly u n tirst-cla hotel nnd ideal resort. A mile and a half from the Asheville emirt hoiiic, out Mit'n street, and directly nt Biltmore Station. A Houthcm ex posure and the most extensive view near Asheville. Overlooks both the French Hrond and Swanniinofi Valleys, and the park ot" Mr. Vnnderhilt. Rooms nre of unusual tiie, nirv and liht, with Inrjsv clou ts. Thirty tive suites of n.onis with private baths. Perfect nysU-ni ol miiiiMiig, iiiiuiii, ii , viiinnviwii, iii n. Coke! Coke! Coke! 1 have arrrniifjed to keep a nupplv ol iood COM., suitable for ImrninK in 1'1'KNACBS, j STOVIW, KANC.liS, tc., either nlonr or mix- j ed with hard cnal. l it mielei's Ml SMnkli. (iives INTKNSHl UliAT. Price $7.50 per ton OcHvcrccI FIREWOOD, Ctit and Split for Stnve-H tend l-'ireplae-es, KINUiaNUN, CHARCOAL. A T ASllEVILFiK WOOD YAU), C. E. MOODY, Proprietor. Office No. 30 Patton Avenue. TBLBPHONB NO. 40. Yard near Freight Depot. Telephone No. 73. RETELL & WAGNER, Successor to Kopp & Iichtenbrgtr( FANCY GROCERS. SUGAR AT REFINERS' PRICES. Coffers masted oa the premises dally, and ground for every customer. Full Line of Table Supplies. Free delivery. A full line of Peed, furnished at wholesale price.. a8 PATTON AVENUE. Teler one No. 69. septlUdtf AT: THE: MODEL: CIGAR : STORE And Ncwi Stand The following newspaper, at 23 cents per week, Including Sunday editions: New Yorie World. New York Herald. New York Tribune. New York Times. New York Sun. Philadelnhla Time.. Philadelphia Press, Louisville Courier-Journal. Cincinnati Commercial-OaietU. Knoxville Journal. Charleston New and Courier, Cbarlestoa World. janlidlm W. W. IiAHNARl), Tnwuivr. six hundred acres of the finest wites n (M-fy, Tjs U1H persons who will erect first- demand for this property history of Asheville real es- trees on each side. Water, so as to give the very best views to be had from point the center of Asheville by the city. The street car lint out Haywood, Academy and one and a half miles, has a cent., and that for only are probably no investments iivinti ttti iv iii in in i iiuiiiiK iciirunr.v, 1 nn i . WAl.TKR C. BRUWKINU, M. !., rKHSIUHNT. s i If vou do you will be aware of the;fact, we keep the best goods for the leat money. C. D. BLANTON & CO. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Dr. B. F. Arrington, HIROKON DENTIST. -UK wtid a specially, also irraiina; ois' eased gums, and all diseases pertaining to the dental structure. Office rooms on Pat ton avenue, over Raysor Ik Smith's drug mill a . i- - . 1 . . . . Are you aware that II. T. Esta brook has more pictures, a finer line of books, does more framing than all the firms in Western North Caro lina together. We do not spread out our entire stock. but can always show you clean, iresn poods in (rood variety and latest styles at the lowest prices. Call for proof at 22 South Main St., a a m Asnevme. ASHEVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. coal.; Celebrated Jcllico and Best Anthracite Coal. WH0LKSALE AM) UKTAIL. COKK IN CAH LOAD LOTS. MANUFACTURERS AND DKALKKS IN ICK. Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 40. No. 30 Patton Avenue. SOUTHERN HOTEL. HENDERSON VILLE, N. C. Ilcnelersnni illc is situated twenty-one miles mornings blight nnd ilnir ; no fogs ; splendid water; bcnutilul drives; good medical attend nnce. Malaria nnd lung trouble cnunol exist he-re. The Southern opened October 1st under Northern management, Northern cooking, etc Tnble seeonel to none. Large anil well heitled rates, etc., address LKVYIS MADDUX, 1'res L. P. Me'LOUIS, Vice-I'res. , B. RANKIN, Cashier DiHRCTons:-Lewis Maddux, M.J. Hearden, M.J. Pagg.J. B. Rankin,. B. Ray.J. B. Hei.'; 8. H. Reed. Ceo. 8. Powell. C. M. Mcl.ond. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, t)rganiied May 1st, 188H. C A P I T A L, S50,000. S U R P L U S, S25,(K K) State, County and City Depository, lees a General llienking Business Deposits received. Kxehange bosght and snld. Cut lections made on all arccsaihlc points. The Raving Feature will receive special attention. On nil sums in this department, deposited for four months or longer, interest at the ran of 4 per cent, per annum will he paid. Special attention given to loans on real estate, which will be placed! 'or long time on rra sonablt terms. Open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. On Saturdays the Saving Department will be open till (I p.m innldlv ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, 3x7 Haywood Street. All WATER THOROUGHLY FMLTERED on the PreniUen. Twenty-live years of practical experience, combined with pbsonal attention to all de tails of the business and perfect arrangements far clkislinbss ami ptkitt of all goods manufactured, enable the proprietor to present to hi. numerous patron, a superior das o. Carbonated Beverages. Yichy and Seltzer Water in Siphons. Oinger Ale and alllthe various flavors of 8ODAIWATBR ready for shipment and delivered free In City limits. Out of town order.:must have iHsroNsmi.x reference. C. n. CAMPBELL. THE HEALTHIEST PLAGE IN AMERICA, HOT SPRINGS, N. C. In a peaceful, reHtlul vale, anrrouiided with pine cove-red mountains), aparkllnic Ktrcamo nnd beauti ful Hcencrv, with ItH dry, nra Ing, he .Ith-laden air, frrvdoiti from duNl, mala-in or dcbllltatlnK elTecl, the bent of Fall and Winter climates), with Its) ther mal waters) flowing Into marble pools), the raontlux. urlouaaiid curative bnths) lu the world, lender to the debilitated, rheumatic, malarious) or souty aufr rerer, an well asihe recreation aseekcr, Health, Real, - Pleasure, Home Comforls a' d I'nexcelled Table al THE MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. Distiimc from Asheville to Hot rlprings, 37 mile.. Time of trip. 1 hour und .'17 minutes. SCHEDULE UF TRAINS. Leave Asheville for Hot Springs at 7:30 a m, :39 p ni, and 7pm Returning leave Hot Springs for Asheville at 7:37 a m, 13;1! noon, mid 1 1:10 p m. Pullman Palace Cars on all trains. Round trip tickets Including one day's hoard at the Mountain Park Hotel, 94.30. A TON OF GOAL FOR $1.00 Is iu nHtoiririhiiitfly low ju ice, but no more so than the prices at which I propose to slaughter a big portion of mv htock for the NEXT 30 DAYS. Beginning Monday, January 5th, I will sell my stock of MEN'S WINTER UNDERWEAR at actual cost. MEN'S HEAVY HOSIERY at actual cost. SILK MUFFLERS at actual cost. NECKWEAR at a discount of 25 per cent. II ATS ! HATS ! A large assortment at actual cost. MEN'S, BOYS AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS below cost. MEN'S BR0GANS AND HEAVY SHOES below cost. LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, a few left at cost. The above is no humbug, but a bonafide slaughter sale and somebody will be benefitted thereby. Why not you? TERMS SPOT CASH. NOTHING CHARGED. F. E. MITCHELL, The Men'. Outfitter. septSltdam AshevlMe, N. C. P. A, DEB WOOD WORKINGS - ..u wmwKww im mu una f vraata LUMBER, . Door, Bath, Bliuda, Mouldings, Stalrwork, Mantel. Bank and Bar Fixtures, and all kinds of Building Material. nard Wood Lumber Work a Specialty. OT14 41J TclephOM HO. a. J a south of Asheville, on the R. A r. railroad; rooms. For further information regarding II I' NT tt MMITH, Proprietors!. sS Patton Ave. Near Passenger Depot.

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