fJVl i 7 eville zen 0 VOLUME VI. NO. 22i. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY, TANUARY it, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. Ash Daily Qti 1 lUMii 1 r Lift til L L Li A pliicc iliiiiin'i! and iIpvhI- GREAT RESORT. Situated iu lln' MOl'N'i'AINf OF WESTERN NORTH A n'tfion nott'd ftr liPiilth I'llltlPKM and lifjiuly of SCEXEKY. All olcvtlt ion of Jl.HOO I'ert wil li cool Invigorating Climate It. is Ix'iiiir laid out with tiisto and skill, with well oTsidcd roads and extensive FOREST PARKS. A di'HiruMe phur for fiiio esidencw and HKATHFIJL HOMES. A for For ad- good opportunity profitable investments, illustrated pamphlet, dress LINYILLE IMPROVEMENT CO., Llnvllle, Mitchell Co., N. C. BEGIN THE NEW YEAR HY TRADING WITH A. D. COOPER. Stint rixht and vour troubles will urow less as the year advuuecs; he keeps his "liyt'n tclcd" on the Grocery Market and hlii stock in lull nml complete In nil dr- pnrtmi nt and his Roods will stand compar ison nml hiH pkbcics wim.hi:li thkm. North Court Square, corner Main imhI C1 Ickc streets. ANNOUNCEMENT. AN ALL NIGHT SESSION. THE SKNATK LACKS A (JIO. HIM. Tomakc room fur heavy immirt sprint; orders, the Crystal I'alnee will fur the (next (II) days offer the stuek of fine goods at greatly rcdueed priees, On our Bargain Counters wc have put out many articles at prime cost. Come cnrly mid let us replenish your dining room nml kitchen, before IhctilaiiKhtcr of prices is ended. .-The wonderful Utile Jew el Lumps. Wclinvc .iiist received another lur?e invoice of these ttm fill and cheap lampH. Wc warrant Hum 30 candle power and to burn over H linns without refillir-K. Prices same lis before Special prlccfl in ntiantiti's. No home com plete without one. THAD W. THRASH & CO., No. 41 Pallon Avenue. (.'r- ekery, Lamps, Cutlery, Tinware, Mousy. furtiHiiiif;s, lite. II Could Neither Do lluhlncHH Nor Adjourn Faulkner1 I.oiijj Speech F.artH Ilrought In to Fill thetiap. Washington. Yesterday evening Mr. Faulkner gut the floor in the senate to debate the force bill. He continued to speak till 12:30 this morning when Mr. Pasco directed the attention ol the chair to the ubsenee of n (juortitii. A list of ab sentees was then Itirnislicd the scrgcant- it-arms, who sent messengers lo bring in absent senators. The first of the absentees to conic in was Mr. Call, who npiicnrcd nt 2:-W. He was followed soon alter by Mr. Daniel. Mr. Hvarts came in at 3:15 and reduced the deficiency to one. In the course ol mother waiting period it was stated that Messrs. Sherman and Wilson, ol Maryland, were too ill to lie present. At four o'clock the senate was still waiting for a quorum and there seemed no prosK'ct ol cither an adjournment or doing business. At :12l t-nulkncr continued lus speech, closing at 1 (::!(. Mr. Daniel then took the lloor. BON MARGHE. The genuine llroknw waiter jackets Decidedly iurtsc redlietiiins In Ladies' and Misses' wraps. I'nderwenr at hull priees. New white goods "lid cinlirolderies. BON MARGHE. 30 South Main Street. 30 ESTABROOK'S HOLIDAY DISPLAY NOW RKADV. LARGEST VARIETY, BEST GOODS THE LOWEST PRICES. 22 80UTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. apr 18 d REDUCTION IN HEATING STOVES. Owing to the lateness of llir sen sou we are Helling' healing stoves at greatly reduced priees to prevent carrying any stock over into the next season. If you want a stove now is the time to buy one cheap. A few FINE LAMPS yet left at u bargain. They are going rapidly and your chance will hood be gone. See our Bargain ('ounter for odds and ends useful and or namental. Tavlor, llouis & lirotliertoii. No 4'l Pattern Avenue, l'n der Opera House. ZEB VANCE will net there. We liet on Old Zel) as lieiiiK the liest Flour in town. Wc have just receiv ed a fresh 1 t of KEG AND BOTTLE PICKLES Cntiic and give them a trial, at HARE BROTHERS, 17 South Main Street, CORTLAND BROS., Real Itslate Brokers, And investment Agents). NOTARY PCIILIC. Loans se urely placed at M ikt cent, unices: 24, Ht 20 Patton Avenue Second Hoor fehprilv T. C. SMITH & CO. DISPENSING DRUGGISTS, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE, Asheville, N. C. AND THIN IS POI.ITICH? ill ";rf.f.n ;oods.' A Hloux Kind of I.eiciHlalure Colorado. I)i-:nvi'.k, Cm.., Jan. 17. Wednesday Speaker Hanua, theduly elected presiding ofliccr of the legislature, gained the en mity ol a minorityof the republicans win with the aid of the democrats endeavor ed to dictate the policy of the house. They held a rump meeting and selected Jesse It. White speaker. Speaker Ilaiina, by advice, secured a number of deputy slur ill's to guard his seat and protect the offi cial records. Speaker White followed his example bv securing the assistance ol many toughs and liullics, who were sworn in ag doorkeepers. About 11 o'clock Sieaker Hanna, upon seeking admission to the house, was shot by one of White's guards, the Inillcl grazing his left cheek. Police lnspuetoi Ilawlcy rushed into the hall, only lo be shot in the head by Ilarlcv McCoy, one of White's hcirlings. The insK.ctoi- was immediately eared for, but will die. Policeman Andrew Norris, upon hearing the report, rushed to the rescue ol his su perior, only to be shot through the nb domen bv McCoy, who escaped, but wa later captured. A few minutes later the Assembly build ing was surrounded by a cordon f po lice, who, with drawn revolvers wcie prepared to kill anybody at the least provocation. Business meetings are beiiiu arranged all over Colorado for the purpose ol re questing the resignations of the rioting mem hers. HTARVINti i'i:oiM.i;. 1'roiiil.iei.t iiimiiieHH Man Ahked to Ileal in Them. That old swindler, the "green goods" man, has been sending his circulars to Asheville. One of these circulars has been received by a prominent businessman in this city, who has turned it over to Tun Crn zi!N. It is theold swindle, that has been cxpwscd by the press hundreds of times, and yet almost every week cases arc heard of in the northern cities where some monev-lovingrcsidentof thestnallcr towns has been llccced out of hundreds of dollars and all he has to show for it is saw dust. The circular is a long one, type writ ten, and signed "You Know." Alter setting forth the many advantages of the riches, which the person addressed can have for hall u trial, he gets down to business. The rates arc given: $4 yets $1,000, and so on. Concluding, the circular says: "Don't write letters nothing but telegrams. Act square! He true and honorable!" There is also what purports to be n newspaper clip ping, relating how the bank notes which are lor sale are made from plates that had been taken from the engraving de partment at Washington, and notes could not be distinguished from the gen uine money. The whole business looks very flatter ing and might perhaps catch the lancv of some who are wishing to attain wealth, no matter in what way. In I he end the would-be wealthy man has his good money taken Irom him and the only return is n package of saw dust or paper, that is entirely worthless. ASIII'.VH.M". HAM (iHOWN. HELPS INGALLS' CHANCES. a ni:w cai era ki i.rc made iiv ai.i.ianck mi-:miii;kh. A Senatorial Candidate to be a Caucus Nominee, MuHt Have 8,j I.eiclHlatorH Heady to Vote For Hliu A Head Lock Probably. Toi'iCKA, Kas,, Nov. 17 A new eaiiBus rule has been adopted by the alliance members of the legislature, whereby no senatorial candidate shall be considered as a caucus nominee until eighty-three legislators or n joint ballot, a majority, unite on him. This has, in n measure, restored to confidence to the republican leaders and greatly improved Senator Ingalls' chances. It is now believed the jcaloiiscs that exists between the senatorial aspirants belore the peoples' partv will prevent my one of them from securing the requi site joint ballot majority and that n dead lock will ensue which will probably result in the election ot a republican un less this new caucus rule is broken. ;i-:n. jonkh mcati-.i. MiAL ESTATE. Waltb. B, Owvn W. W. WHST. I'. WILLS. ARTHUR J. WILLS. (Successors to Walter B.Gwyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loam Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public. Commissioners of Deed.. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICE Bouttoeaat Court Square. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, . larne discount on Ladies' mid Miss nps anil elothinu for Men nml Dovs. Anions the former lire aliout twenty wraps not IioukIH this season at aliout one-third ol riKinal prices. Children's Worsted and I'lusli cups hall price and less. Many other important reductions. II. REDWOOD & CO. CloihltiK, Dry I'.oods, Fancy t'.oods, Shoes, Hats and Carets. 7 tk 9 PATTON AVK 2H Patton Avenue. Next Y M C A build if. novl d3m P O Box 55. "THE SUN DO MOVE." And so doe. A.hevllle The (treat hustllnR act Is now beinn performed by all nenuine business men of the PARADISE CITY OP THB SOUTH. Rvery man has his scheme he relittrs It In moat cases to not unwill ing nr. We don't mind telling you that our scheme It to tell all the land and Insure all th property we can. before "The Robins Nest Again." We have .lust been appointed agents for the Old Reliable Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Co., and we want you to insure with us. JUNKS & JENKS, REAL ESTATE AND. INSURANCE. Roointj 9 A io, McAfee Block SO Ptton Aw- Asheville. N C. JOHN CHILD, ( Formerly of Lyman & Child I, Office No. i Legal Block. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER Strictly a Brokerage BusineM Loan, securely placed at 8 per cent. J. V. BOULINEAU, (Raw). Block.) Choice Beef, Mutton, Veal And Pork. EXTRA FINE SAUSAGE A SPECIALTY. - nov3d3mo Private Boarding, By Mrs. M. C. Stockton. COMFORTABLE ROOMS. GOOD TABI.H. DESIRABLY LOCATED. No. 5 Flint Street. decaO dim A.hevllle, N. C. FOR SALE! First clnss new residence, cheapest home in Asheville, location central. FOR RENT. Finely furnished residence In best part of City. A r"uin iiuusi iusl tnc minx nir u lashloniible boarding house, other houses also We have some chok-c building sites Oint nn worth vour attention. 1'ini st lot of standing timber and timber lands in the south. Mineral properties. Wantko Suits of room, for light house Ir.wMiinf - List vour property with us and havelt .old and rented. NtuNliY T 1.F.ND. Idst Pmii.isiiKii Our new pamphlet on Asheville. Full of latest statistics Call tor a copy. BIGKLOW & JONES, RBAL BSTATB AND INVESTMENTS Room 8 McAfee Block, 8!i Patton Avenue. novl7dlra IllHtrcHHliiK Condition of Ireland's) Poor-Help KefuHed. lU ni.iN, Jan. 17. It is stated that tin poor people of the providences of l ister, Connought and Minister have now reached the extreme limit ol destitution. Cokk, Ian. 1(5. A dispatch from Mil- chcllstown says that n crowd ol poverty stricken )ople called upon the board ol guardians of that town asking lor relict. 1 he board, however, reluscil to do anv thing for the applicants, even refusing them assistance from Zctte and llallour lund. KF.l'OKItlCK FOR AHHl'.VIl.I.i;. ThelleHt iHastiood an Any, ho Try a Box of TENNY'S FINE CANDIES And lie Convinced. W ILK IE & ATKINS, Wholesale and Retail Confectioners. NO. MM PATTON AVKNIE, The Famous OCCONKtiCllUli (Dlnghum Cndct) Smoking Tobacco. Tile Kill Hun Panned llotlt IIotiHeH and Ih a Law. Mayor Itlantou, who returned from Raleigh this morning, tells Tim; Citizkx that the billcreating thcotlicc ol recorder for the city of Asheville has passed third reading in both houses ol the state legis lature and is now a law. A He fa u Her. Ctii.l MtiiA, S. C, Jan. 16. I.usl night Governor Tillman summoned a nutnl r of newspaper reporters to his office and laid lielore them a communication Irom Adjutant General Hugh L. Farley, dis closini: that his predecessor, General Milledge I.. Bonham, son of cx-Gov. Hon ham, was defaulter to the amount ot about $.1,000. Excited Ilrevard, Hri:vari), N. C, Jan. 10,1 8111, S o'clock a. m. Snow ten inches deep and snowing like the devil. Many Rahiht IIi'xtkks Form a Stock Company. HnrroK Tm; : The one that wrote "Hinglinm's School for Asheville in Till! ClTiZHNof to-day, is"talking with the bark on. I lense pnhlisli lus com mmucation forn w eek and ask the Jour- ual to do likewise. 1 am a friend to Bingham and admire his school. 1 have four bovs and noth ing to pay for their education. Yet know;lliugliam 8 seliool will never conic to Asheville it lelt to a voteot the citizens Form it stock company and you can make it a success. Yours truly, VOTIIK. AsiiKvu.i.ii, Jan. lfi. SOUTH CAKOUXA I'OLKS. What Mr. Alfred Hunter, an Old lli.iiicoiiibelte, Hhvh. Mr. Alfred Hunter, formerly ol Hun combe county, but now of New Mexico, is in the city on a visit of some lime to his relatives and triends, Mr. Hunter left Iltincombe in 1K5I5. He located in Texas, where he engaged in the stock business. About six years ago lie left Texas and went to Lincoln county, New Mexico, where there are lew people, and where he can carry on his stock business on as large a scale as he wishes. Mr. Hunter is about ;",S years old, and his long lilc on the frontier lias imbued him with a spirit of restlessness that will scarci lv allow him to be lor a short time, lie is dialing under the restraint mat is thrown aronii i him by the city hie, anil longs for his free hie on the jilains. Mr. Hunter is an uncle ol A. II. liaird. Ashcville's chid ol polue, who Kpenl sev eral veins in Texas with him. Asiicvillt, Mr. Hunter says, since he last saw it has chaimcd from a little vil- il'c of a few houses on either side of the s.atc road to her present magnificent state. And he is of tlie opinion that the Ficnch llroad river has grown smaller in some unknown wav. While lie recog uzul the body of water, yet he IS strong his belief that the river has become irroweil, aniline vonimcoi water uuico ess than when he last saw it Mr. Hunter will spend several weeks in hcville. THE HFECIAt. HERVICEH. Rev, Mr. Hinitli'H Voru in Asne- vilie May clone To-morrow, The services which have been in pro gress at tne rust i resoyicriau eiiurcn will probably close to-morrow. Rev Mr. Smith will preach morning and evcnini'. It is a matter oi universal re- cret that the severe old lie took lias prevented mm Irom preaching lor tne past few davs; but it is an evidence of the substantial interest awakened by his preaching that the congrega tions have contmucil iinditniiiishcn ind even through the bad weather. ive been excellent. Mr. Smith ill leave early next week to continue his evangelistic work at lluutcrsville. The M. . C. A The nctiiiL' secretary ol the North Car- lina society for the prevention of cruelty to animals urges all those who intend to join the society to apply for niembcrshi A Contented Election Case of In terest lo AHlievllliaiiH. Some time ago Tnii Citizen contained an item concerning; the election of Gen. Johnstone Jones as district attorney ol San Diego county, Cal. The election was contested by Gen. Jones' opponent, nnd the result was that the ollue has been given to Gen. Jones. (If this gentleman. who loralongwhile lived in Asheville, tne Sail Diego, Cal., I'nion says: 'The new district attorney is ;cntleman in every implication ol the word. He has no favors to ask nor enemies to punish. He is nn honest and a fearless man, and, although he is a democ at, this paper will accord him fair treatment in every respect, and bespeaks for him public confidence." The Uible Hll.tly. The subject of the evangelistic Ilible study at the Young Men's Christian As sociation to-morrow afternoon will lie: Christ tests men who would follow Him." Luke U : .r7-ti.". Preceding the stil ly a song service will be held which will commence at 1:. 10 o clock. All men arc cordially invited to attend these ser vices. CIICKCI1 KtmCtiS. I S. CHANT, PH. G, Of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, APOTHECARY, a4 South Main Street. 24 Wife "My dcur, why is it that so many good people have to suffer fioax that terrible neuralgia." Husband "Because they forget that they can go to GKASrS DRVG STORE and get a bottle ofKephnline for 25 cents, which will relieve theit suffering." CIGARS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. It is our desire in the future to confine ourselves strictly to the Drug business. We will therefore dispose of our entire stotk of Cigurs at cost. Sold by the box only. GRANTS PHARMACY. The finest and most complete stock 01 Colognes, Toilet Waters, Extracts, Face Powders and high grade Soups at GRANTS PHARMACY. Prescriptions filled at all hours. Goods delivered free ol charge to any part 01 thecitv. GRANT'S PHARMACY. If you want a handsome pair of cut glass Bottles for a Christmas present call at GRANTS PHARMACY. Bottlcsrang- ing in price from One to Fifteen dollars per pair. Haywood street Suudav school ut Catholic Church, Services at 1 1 a. m ; 10 a. in. French Hroad Ilaptist church Prench- iiiL'at 11 a. m. and 7:110 p. in. bv the pas tor, Rev. J. L. Carroll. Ilailev street Mission Sunday school at o'clock; night services at 7M). All are cordially invited to these services. Sunday school at the Methodist Chapel on College street beginning promptly at 4 p. m. Claude Miller, superintendent 1-list Ilaptist church Preaching nt 1 1 a. m. and 7:110 p. in. bv C. Durham I). D., of Raleigh, N. C. Sunday school !l:;i(l a. m. West lvnd Ilaptist Mission Rev. VY. I Southern. Nimlay school at d:.(0 p. m., Suudav. Services at i:M every Satur day evening. First Methodist Iipiscopal Church corncrol Haywood and Huttrick streets Preaching nt 1 1 a. m. and I'.'M p. m. bv Rev. J. I). Robcrson. Trinity P. H. I church Morning scry ice and holv communion, 1 1 n. m. lv veil ing service 7:110 a. m. Sundi'.v school and Ilible class'.): 30 a. in Central Methndift Fpiseopal Church South Rev. C. VY. Bvrd, pastor. Divine service at 11 a. m.. and 7 :Iti p. m. Sun day school nt 0:30 a. m. North Asheville M. E. church, South- Rev. C. M. Campbell, pastor. Divine Service at 1 1 a. in. and 7:110 p. in. Sal bath school at i:30 a. ni. liverybody invited to attend. Riverside M. U. church, South Divine service 1 1 a. in. and i p. m. bv the pas tor. Rev. I. C. Troy. Sunday school before the annual meeting of the society at ;i p. tn. All are cordially invited to m next 1 ucsnay aiternooii. i ue inciios ntteiul these services. you want a first-class Hair Brush lor small amount of money, GRANTS PHARMACY is the place to go to get it. Ml kinds of Tooth Bt ushes, Bath Brushes, Bath Gloves, Sponges, etc. The portrait of Dr. much resembles Mr. John Franklin Franklin Press. Koch very llarbec, of OAKLAND HEIGHTS SANATORIUM. (FORMKRKY OAKLAND INN.) ASHEVILLE, N. C. i MOST COMPLETE HEALTH RESORT IN THE SOUTH. Appointment unurpnnf.. AH modern theruputtc appliances and tmtha for the re lief nnd ture ol nervous and chronic dis eases Turkish, Roman nnd Kwssian baths, .'elec tricity, MnMSBKt. Swedish Movementa, all in cluded in price of room. The Medical Management under the direc tion of In. P. n . Niefus, rrcently of the jack son Sanatorium, nt Dannv.lle, N. Y. Frfur ther particulars address, Miss Emily Vaughn. ASUUVILLE, N. C. Mr. Martin Similiter, of Shiloh town ship, lives within six miles of Statcsville but has not been to town in J i years Durinc these 27 vears he hits rarely been further from home than Watt's mill which is about two miles distant. Mr. e umpter is a man of character and intel ligence. He is a republican in politics, but has not been to the pons nut once since the war, in 1S72, and then he voted the democratic ticket. - W, H. Rice prints the following in the Wnvncsville Courier: "It has been noised abroad that I, V. II. Rice, of tin countv of Haywood, have been crazy for some length of time. Now I don t know why people have been so little as to start such an inlnmous lie unless it was to down me in my agency. Now if thnt is your motive. I will sny right here thnt vou had just a well quit for you will never get it done, nnd another thing I wish to speak of, nnd thnt is this; if the one that started this report will come up and own the corn 1 will go down to the state asylum and sec which one will be left in there. So nothing more n present and I remain yours truly. When your Prescriptions ate com pounded at GRANTS PHARMACY you can positively depend upon it that only the purest and best Drugs and Chemi cals have been used that they were compounded by thoroughly experienced Pharmacists and that the price paid was not unreasonable. Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South Main St. 1 the cause should act at once. The fee only one dollar. Applications lor mem bership and membership fees may be lelt it Carnncliacl s drug store. V. M. C. A. Aiuiivernary. The public anniversary if the Young Men's Christian Association which will lie held in ti c Central Methodist church next Tuesday evening promises to be an vent ot unusual interest. It is cxiicctcu that addresses will be made by Rev. C. W. Bvrd, ol the Central church, and Mr. I.. C. Shuev, ol New York Citv. The Mendelssohn quartette will sing. LEGISLATIVE NOTES. A bill abolishing the December term of Davidson county lias passed its fund read ing in the house. The senate has passed a lull giving solicitors a salary, the amount being $1,S00 )K-r annum. A bill repealing the act of 1SS9, regard ing the sale of seed cotton, was taken up and passed in tne House. The bill to Itvv n tax of twenty-five cents cr ton on commercial Icrtilizcrs has been lntrodueeu in tne nottse aim win pass. The Farmers' alliance memliers and ithers who mvor n railway commission have held another caucus and again dis cussed tne inn, First I'risbvtcrian church Rev. V P. llryan, pastor. Divine worship at 11 a. in. ami n p. m. kcv. l-.. w. miiiiii of Greensboro, will preach. Sabbath school at !):M0 a. m. Young iK'ople prayer meeting at l!.5 p. m. AFFAIRS OF COSSEori-SCE. The population of St. Petersburg, ac cording to an official census, is Uoli,l!li0. Timothy Ilcalv savs William O'llrien is a determined opponent ol Mr. I'arncll leadership. A terrible scourge known as "black death" is killing thousands of er sons m Asiatic Russia. The Russian ministry has decided to begin building a railway across Siberia to the Pacihc ocean tins year. The mayor and municipal officers of Southampton,, presented to I'nited Stales Minister Lincoln on his return to his post in England, an address ol welcome. Austin Corbin has resigned the prcsi dency of the Reading company. The republicans have refused to admit women to the riiiladclplna school boards. Representatives of eight large oatmeal .:il.. M...,Dn..tlH.r nit.,. U-t ...... n,l t . ..... . . , ., . I IIIIII3, iciiimiiiiut: ii u ... , bill lias passed m tne nouse allowing ,,, u;.,. ;,, rr,,r ., , ci,;, guardians to rent i inns o, i warns at pri- , , to collsoH(utCi J. M. CAMPBELL, DHALEU IX REAL ESTATE AND AIjENT FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION -ANtl- I IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Buys, Rents and Sells Houaea nnd lots sold . on vate as well us public renting, upon au thorization of the clerk of the court, who is to approve such renting. Several Orange county farmers write the State Chronicle from tlillsboro, as follows: "One ol the wisest, fairest and most helpful acts of legislation ever com ing Irom our general nssctnbly will octlie passage of the bill introduced in the house by Mr. Henry, relieving mortgaged land from taxation to the amount of the mortgage." A resolution has been adopted in the senate urging North Carolina senators and representatives in congress to secure ! the repeal of the tax on state banks. This passed the house sonic days ngo. A resolution was also adopted urging them to oppose the Conger lard bill and use every endeavor to secure the passage of the Paddock pure food bill. Doth of tlicse resolutions were pressed by the Alliance. Mrs. Cleveland has declined n check for $.100, which was inclosed in a note from a leading magazine requesting nn article on "Pcreonul reminiscences of the white house." The New IlnmpsNre republican caucus chose Dr. Jacob,!!. Oallingci as the succcs sor of Hon. Henry W. Ulair in the United States senate. hx-Gov. Uglesby wus nominated by the Illinois republicans for United Senutor senator to succeed Chus. II. Farwcll. Leonard Perrin, the wealthy New Lon don banker, has been convicted at Osh- kosh, Wis., ot complicity in the Hurley bank robberv ot September, 1889. Mr, Perrin was charged with receiving and disposing of a part of the $0,000 stolen from the bank. His son, Phelps Pen-in, the bank bookkeetier, and E. W, Baker, of lronwood, Mich., arc serving a five- year term for the robbery. the installment plan. Op tions bought and sold. No tary Public. NO. 5. SOUTH MAIN ST.-, Up Stairs.

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