ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 24, 1891. HOW IS YOUR CHILD? Swift's Specific is the great developer, of delicate child ren. It regulates the secre tions; it stimulates the skin to healthy action, and assist nature in development. There is no tonic for child- S- S. ren equal to 3 Bend for oar treatise on Blood tad Skin Disensnu. Bwutt Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. net 2SdrVwlv P'r6fESSIONAC CARDS.' Jt A. TENNBNT, Architect and Contractor. Plum, specifications and estimate fnr nlthed. All work In my line contracted for, and no charge! for drawings on contracts awarded me. References when desired. Office: No. 12 Hendry Block, North Court square, Asheville, N. C. feblOdly P. RAMSAY, D. U.8. Dental Office Over the National Bank of Asheville, Bni oard Building. Residence, 69 Charlotte st. fchiiudlT R. H. REEVES, D. D. S., DENTAL OFFICE In Connally Building, over Redwood's Store, Patton Avenue. Residence, 36 Spruce street. . W PBTHARD.CB, M. Hog. Boc. C. K. W. R. KINO, C. E. Kng'r Corps, U.S.N. PETIIARD & KING. CIVIL AND MINING ENGINEERS, And General Contractors). Experts In city work, topographical and plain surreys of cities and towns: designs, Jilans, specifications ami estimates furnished or railways, wotcrsupplynnd sewerage sys tems. Specialties: The location and construction of railways and concrete pavements. Asheville, N. C. P. O. Box 498. Unlcc : Third floor in C.rnnd Opera House, nov 2U d.'lm INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General i Insurance i Agent, Reur No. 20 South Muin street. Established 1885. auA dlv Asheville. N. C. JAMES FRANK. -DK1LBB IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reems Creek Woolen Mills. North Main Asheville. N. C. feblOdly DR. J. H. WILLIAMS, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, 53 HAYWOOD ST, Houraio A. M. to a P. SI. oct30dGm NO RECORDER ELECTED. THE AI.DF.RMANIC MEETING LAST NIGHT. A CoiiHlderable Amount of Work none, nut Not the Slticlilerit Ref erence to the important Record- em hi p. The board of aldermen met in icynliir session last night. Hut they didn't elect u recorder for the city of Asheville. Mayor Wanton presided over the meet ing and all the aldermen were present. TAX RELEASE, Col. Reuben McBrayer appeared be fore the board and asked that Dr. W. P. Whittinjjton be released from the pay ment of $30.60, tax on property which at listing time was the projierty of the First Buptist church. His request was complied with. STREET CROSSINGS. J. M. Gilder, in behalf of the children attending Montford avenue school and the citizens oi the avenue, asked the board to put down crossings at the cor ner of Havwood street and Montford avenue, and at the corner of Monttord avenue and Cherry street. The street superintendent was instructed to do the work. THE CHURCH STREET SIDEWALK. F. Stikeleather complained to the board of the obstructions that are on the side walk on Church street, at the sondlcy Imiklmir. I he street committee was in structed to look after the matter. SCHOOL COMMITTEE COMMl'NICATION, W. F. Randolph, secretary of the city schools committee, sent a letter to the board, stating that "for the first four months of the present school year the committee had to borrow $,100, to pa v touchers' salaries; ami this amount was procured by the individual notes of the members of the committee. Only about $2,000 had been deposited to the credit of the schools by the city. The teachers' salaries lor January arc about due, and the notes given for construction of Ornnire street school arc past due; in addition there arc bills for necessary sm- plies Irom merchants to the amount ol $500." The committee asked that an amount sufficient to liquidate the indebtedness be placed at their disposal as soon as nossi ble. This the board agreed to do, with the emphasis on the last three words. WANT CREDIT ON TAX ACCOUNTS. Richmond Pearson asked that he be redited on his tax account with $S7.7" for grading of Market street. The mat ter was laid over for a week and the city ngincer instructed to measure the work done and estimate the cost. Thus. D. Johnston asked that he be edited on his tax account with $2, p.iid for work on Water street. Deterred. A PLANK SIDEWALK. I'rof. Claxton asked the board to put down a plank sidewalk on Bridge and Orange streets, near the Orange street school, to enable the school children to get to school without getting lost in the mud. Keterreil to tne street superintend ent. OTHER MATTERS, The clerk was instructed to correspond with the Oumewell fire alarm company and ask an extension of sixty days on the debt of $1,000 owed them by the citv. P. C. Orpin request for a permit to erect a steam engine and mill in rear of of Woodbury s stable was reinsert. Two bills were ordered paid : Joe Car ter, for blacksmithine. $2.20: rrank O'Donnell, for repairs to hook and lad r truck, $9.00. At 0:0 the board adjourned. STATE NEVs7 Dr. W. Stuart Leech. Office Rooms S and 6, McAfee Duilding. Hours 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. and 4 to 6 p. m. Tclepone No. 47. sept 18 dOm DR. A.CRAWFORD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ROOMS 5 AND 6, M'AFEE BUILDING. RESIDENCE, 58 GROVE STREET. novl4dtf 34-Yeara Experleuce-34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Promptness guaranteed. Office No. 3, sec ond floor, Hendrv block, directly over post office. Residence No. 03 Bailey street. A. H. COBB, STENOGRAPHER LEGAL BLOCK. jtraeTdem Dr. T. II. Crawford Rooms 5 and 0, McAfee Duilding, I'atton Avenue, Ashev'llc, N. C PRACTICE LIUITBI) TO TUB Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose aul8 dtf RICHMOND & DANYILLE R. R. CO. I Passbnobr department, Western North Carolina Division. PASSENGER TRAIN 8CHEDULB Mm Haunter Inn. fit I 75th Meridian time used when not otherwise inuicatea. Atkin son s BASTBOUND. NO. 10 Daily. for Infants and Children. Lv. Knoxvllle, (90th mer.) Asheville, Ar. Salisbury, uanvuie, Richmond, Castoria enrol Colic, Constipation, Bour Stomach, DlarrlMBa, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes ol- TMtorlahsoweuadptedtochfldrenthat I I recommend itos superior to any prescription lrnnwn to mft" H. A. ARCHER. H. D.. I MatL.iL 111 So. Oxford 8t Brooklyn, N.T. WltLou. injurious medication. The Oextaub Commit, 77 Hurray Strwt, H. Y. Raleigh, 1 Goldsuoro, Wilmington Lynchburg, 1 Wa Vanhlnuton " Baltimore, mil New ila.. w York. WESTBOUND. 7 20pm 101am 6 20am 1001am No. 12 Daily. 7 20am 2111pm 7 25pm 1286am 8 30pm 6 00am 132pm 310pm 660pm 1266pm 760pm 860pm 800am 620am 7 35am I 100pm I 3 20am 1026am 1200 n 2 20pm 460pm No. 9 Dally. sept 29 dAwlT Lv New York, Fhlla., Baltimore, Washingt'n Lynchburg, Richmond, J raM6iI T ( ImaW ml 3 Initio fi GAIN ONE POUND A Day. ar ) A GAIN OF A TotlNn A DAY IN TIIR ) CASE OF A MAN WHO HAS 1IKCOMK "ALL ). RUN DOWN, AMI HAS IIROt'N TO TAKB J THAT KKMAKKAIII.K FLUSH PRODUCER, ! SCOTT'S nuision OF PURE COD LIVER OIL WITH Hypophosphites of Lime 4-Soda IS NOTHING UNUSl'AL. THIS FKAT HAS M'.KN I'KKFORMI'.b OVER AND OVKR A1IAIN. PAI.ATAIIl.K AS MILK. En- lxmsF.D nv Physicians. Sold my all Dm r.ciivrs. Avoid substitutions and IMITATIONS. ASHEVILLEJV1 ARRETS. Corrected dally by POWELL & SNIDER, wholesale and retail grocers, rhese pr are being paid by the merchants to-day. Danville, Wllmingt'n Goldsboro, Raleigh, 830am 316pm No. 11 Dally. 600pm 70pm 966pm 11 20pm 640am 1 00pm I 316am I 616pm 846am I 900am 121Rpm 416pm Butter 1626 Eggs 16 Chickens 20 Turkeys 700)100 Ducks 16201 Potatoes, sw't 66 Potatoes, Irish ....100 Turnips 30(fl!40 15o Cabbage, per Tt) 2Vt Beans, or bu.l0O6tl5( Peas 66(a)7Bi Chestnuts 1 60 A Planters Experience. "My plantation lain a malarial 4lt trlet, v) hero fever and anno prvlleo. I employ ISO bamlftl frequently hair of them ware alek. I si nearly 41a coaragou wnen 1 oegan ins qm us -Durham Baptist Female college lias opened under nattering auspices. Lumberton Robesonian : According to the census report there are over 11,000 children ot school age in Koucsoucoiiiitv. One Prof. Nott, a dancing master, struck the town a ("ew weeks ago and trot un a large class of voung men. He collected for the first half of the season in advance and last Friday night collected in advance tor the second hall. Saturday he sloped. btatcsville Landmark. -The Standard, in lieu of a pass, will accept sonic "refused" cross ties from the Richmond & Danville railroad company of America, with the boss headquarters of the North Carolina part in Raleigh, as payment for advertising, since wood is scurce. This proposition is good as long as cold weather lasts. Concord Stan dard. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried (or Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castor. Ton's nils Tli. result was maryellon., IS pram, siron-a n..nj,.u had no f artlmr Iron ble. with thee Kills. I would not fear to live In any swsinp." K. RIVAL, Bayou Sara, La. Sold Everywhere. Office, 39 & 41 Park Place, New York. IPVi Cfcl.he.ter'. F.nsll.h Hlaawd BraaaL PENNYROYAL PILLS W -4k. ungual ana tinij tannine. 1'riitfirlHt for (WrhMtiri Knqtith 'la-. momt Bfaiui In 'Hed ami Void mriallW )xtm, itall with blue rihhon. Take no other. R'fu$e danarou lubnitu- tion and imitaliont. At DruKtmt.or imil 4a. In Ntktupi far nt.rttau.kri, tritlmoDltli ftnd Itallef fnr I,dlf, in Utter, b rctsra f MIL HUMtO Ti-t.nionlali. Anm livtr. liliMtepUhfl(!altJHllknfi M.lmu Bold bj til Uxl UrugnUU. I'hUadk i'lb janlOdcodly Apples loorrtiieo Annies, dried 6 I'umi, kins. each. S(?l25 Sorgum 3036 Beeswax, per lb 18 Honcr 11 Wheat 100 Corn 75 Meal HO Oats 00 Rve 8B Hiv. too $lRct$20 ICelcry, doi 25(a,40 Salisbury, , Asheville, Knoxvllle. (90th mcr.) 1 1100am 1246am 665am 400pm 126am REAL ESTATE CORNER. HOME : SEEKERS : AND : INVESTORS Will certainly be interested in reading and carefully not ing the inducements offered in the list of valuable real es tate hereunto appended. Drop in and let us show you and tell you more about them. You will make money by bo doing. 12;i0pm 6 38pm 866pm "SbT'ii A. & 8. R. R. I No. 13 Dally, I Dally. 1010amLT Asheville, Arr. 800pm 1104nmAr. Hendersonvllle, " 707 pm 130pm" Spartanburg, Lv. 440 pm MUitf HY BRANCH. No. 16 (Dally csccpt Sunday.) WANT COLUMN, 740 amjLv. 940 amlAr. 127 pml " QUO pm Asheville. Waynesville, Bryson City, Tomotla, Ar. Lv. No. 17 405 p m 206 pm 920 am 450 a m ffAnTTEft -WyiNTBR BOARD. Worm comfortable rooms, house newly fur- niohed : nood table. Terms reasonable, un street car line. MR8. J. L. 8MATHKK8, Julyl2d6m 318 Patton Ave. yANTBD. Furnished room for man and wife and one child, with or without board. Convenient to court square. Must ie reasonable. janaat v-. . inisvmcc. ALESMAN. Salary and expenses. Permanent place. I1RUWN HKOS. CO., Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. .Innl3d&w2w w ANTED. A white female cook, must licsatisractorily Wukcs 16 iK-r month. AU- Noi. 0 and 10. Pullman Sleeper, between Greensboro and Morristown. Nos. 11 and 12 Pullman Bnnet Bleeping Cars between Hot Springs Bnd New York W. A. W1NBUKN, U. r A., Aihevllle, N. C. JA8. L. TAYLOR, O. P. A., wasnintfion u v. THE ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, ROOMS, 26 PATTON AVE.,(Y.M.C. A.R00MS.) Open daily, except Sundays, from 10 a. m. until 1 p. m., and 6 until 7 p. The terms of subscription are: One year $2 ; 0 mos., $1 .60 ; 3 mos., f 1 ; 1 mo., SOcts.; dally 2 cts. Officers for 1 H90 President, Charles W. Woolm-v: Vice-PreBident. Thos. A. Jones; Sec. and Treasurer, D. S. Watson ; Librarian, Miss B. J. Hatch. Citizens and visitors are cordially Invited inscribe tneir recommended dress jan22dtf P. O. BOX 6!2. to insiiect the catalogue and names as members. anSOdtf B OARIIERS WANTBD. A gentleman and his wife, or two Indies, or two gentlemen, will be accommodated fct No. 136 Haywood street. A comfortable room and nice table. an23d3t GOOD BOARD Can be secured, with oi without rooms, one minute's walk from postoflice, nt SHROI'SHIKK'R anSdlm 63 College St. cor Spruce. FO R S AL.11. POR SALE. An elegnnt ten room house, furnished, sit uated In the most beautiful nnrt of the city. This propertv is otlered low and upon moat reasuniiuiC'ieriiiB. . ..nt. ...... jun24dlm AKent. F OR SALE. REYELL & WAGNEB, Successors to Kopp & Lichtenherger, FANCY GROCERS. SUGAR AT REFINERS' PRICES. Colfecs roasted on the premises duily, and ground for every customer. Full Line of Table Supplies. Free delivery. A full line of Feed, furnished at wholesale prices. a8 PATTON AVENUE. Tclep one No. 69. scptl8 dtf E. H. BRITT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUI'.DER. Also grndlnR of all kinds done. All orders promptly filled and work guaranteed. Can be found at all times at Graham's Cotton Fnctory. aueludtl A good second hand top buggy nt BIIRNPTT & HOWARD'S Blacksmith Shop, College Street. Jan21dlw ?OR SALE Cow and calf: three quarters Jersey; splen did milker. Apply at CITIZEN OH' IC Ii. decSdtf FOR SALE. Two stock (arms on lobn's Island. Wharf for ocean yacht. MRS. EASTWOOD, Eastwood's Landing. Stono, Berkley county, S. C. jan2dlmo FORENT JJOTEL FOR RENT. Mnrshall Hotel, at Marshall, N. C, cen trally located, convenient both for commer cial travelers and local custom; coataining 14 sood sized rooms, n.wly painted. For ...rma ftf nnnlvtn 1. A. NICHOLS. Collector's office, Asheville, N. C, decSldlm. Just Received. One Thousand Pounds Xmas Candy. 75 Boxes Telckatharos, perfectly clean. Currants, the finest quality In the world. Layer Kaisins, suitnnu Kaisins, I Citron Klnvnrtntr Itktrnctfl. of all kinds in lurgc quanuues. 200 pounds mixed nuts. The best lot of Fire i-raciicrs ever iirouKi to nus,nia vw GREER BROS., So. 28 North Main Street. TLANTIC COAST L1NR On and after this date the following sched ules will be run over Its "Columbia Division." So. 63 leaves Columbia 6.20 p. m. Arrives atCharleston B.30 p. m. No. 52 Leaves Charleston 7.10 a. m. Arrive. atColnmbla 11.65 a. m. Connecting with trains to and from all points on the Charlotte, Columbia Aug gusta and Columbia & Greenville Railroads. Daily. T. M. EMERSON, Gen. Pass. Act. I. F. DBVINB. Gen. Bunt. MAGNOLIA HOUSE (FormerlylCarollna House,) 79 NORTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Bp.nnintr4 re-nAnererl. re-carteted. A 6 rut I class boarding house, with all home comfort. I Tfihle annulled with the bent tne maricet ai-1 fordi. Tcrmt reasonable and given oaap-l plication. mks. w. a. jamiks, janioaiy nuiimwi. RAILROAD TICKETS BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED. Real Estate. Houses to Rent. C. F. RAY, Member American Ticket Brokers' Assoc'n, 80 SOUTH MAIN STREET. CITY PROPERTY . No 2 tu .ere. In West rjart of city, sua ceptlble of being divided into 26 lots $3,500 No. 3 3 lots on prencn aroaa avenue $1,000 each. No. 4 House and lot on Phillip street, 4 rooms 1 1,200. No. 6 Lot on extension of Grove street 00' . . Nn. 7 AOO feet on Havwood street, house with 10 roams only 40 per front foot. No. 8400 feet on Patton avenue, beauti ful grove ay, acres rice on application. No. 9 House and !. on Spring street, rooms $2,000. No. 1022 acre. ju.t across th. river, mag nificent view, tenement houses $16,0O0. No. 11 24 acres on street leading to Sul phur Springs, brick house, only $1,000 per acre. No. 134 lot. on west side Charlotte street $760 each. , , . , No. 13 Lot with beautiful groTe and view on Haywood street $3,500. No. 142 lot. on Charlotte street (east side) $1,000 each. ,. No. 151 lot on Charlotte street, east side $1,100. , vjt . a o lets ...r street car. nrlce $776. No. 17 House and lot on South Main, 7 rooms, price $3,000. No. 18 House and one acre lot in Wea vervllle, price $400. No. 19 Lot on Woodfln street near street car, price $1,600. . ., , . No. 20 Lot on Woodfln and adjoining above, price $1,800 No, ai t lota adjoining the above $680 No'. 23 House and lot on McDowell street, price $700. . ... r u oa u.aUuwi nlat till, acres, on u., nrlce 118.600. There is not a more desirable piece of residence prop erty in Asheville tnan me soon, uu very cheap at the price. No. 34 18W acres adjoining the magnifi. cent home "Witchwood" of C. E. Woolsey, This splendid propertylscovered with abeau tlful groye of native oaks, and cannot be ex celled in the dty or surrounding country for a splendid home. No. 36 A fine grove lot on Merrimon ave nue price, $1,800. No. 27 2 choice lots adjoining the above, fine grove native oaks a bargain at $3,600 "So. 28 "Riverside Park," containing 40 acres overlooking the French Broad river and Western mountains. The view from this property is magnificent. This Is probably the most desirable plat of suburban property in the dty or vicinity for subdivision. A bar- fain can be nao in in 40,000 on easy terms. FARMS. No. 1 A beautiful place of 96 acre on the Sulphur 8prings drive, two mile, from corpo rate limits of city. Cottage of 8 room., 200 fruit : trees, 30 acres in virgin forest. This 1. a choice piece of property, price on appli cation. No. 2180 acres, 1 mile from Black Moun tain depot, 4-room house, .table, well and orchard, price $1,600. wo. a lou acres, s mm. oui on ciw mma- noa, o-room bouse, staoies, nc urcnaru bearing, price S3.000. No. 4 A splendid little farm of 47tt acres, with all necessary improvements, mile from Black Mountain depot, price $2,00O. No. 6600 acres about 3 mile, from Black Mountain depot, good timber, price $1,600. No. 61700 acres fine timber land In Tran sylvania county, about 35 mile, from Ashe ville, price $2.60 per acre. No. 7 300 acres, 4 miles out, good timber, and water, 76 acres cleared, price on appli cation. . . No. 8 Black Mountain hotel, containing 66 sleeping rooms and all the appointments of a first-class summer resort, price $16,000. No. 9 Good saw and grist mill with 13 acres of land, V mile from Cooper.' station, price $3,000. , No. 1016,000 acres fine tlmaer land In Jackson county, N. C. Railroad runs through the tract. There Is the finest ol timber on this, including some walnut, price $3.26 per "So. 11100 acres, 2 miles out n. build ing sites, price $250 per acre No. 12 A fine form of 876 acres mile from Cooper's station on W. N. C. railroad 10 miles from Asheville, liO acres of first and second bottom land. A moat beautiful place and desirable farm, price $10,000. i!u-Th. t.nurtiHps fnrm. one of the finest In the state on the upper French Broad 26 miles from Asheville, contains 830 acres with splendid dwellings, barns, etc. No. 14110 acres 11 miles out near Hom iny depot, 16 acres bottom, 78 acrss cleared, 5 room cottage, price $2,800. No. 16 A line farm wita necessary im irovements. 6Vi miles from Murphy, N, 'his place contains 600 acres, price $25. No. 16 Farm 130 acres on the North Fork of Swannanoa river. Twa room house, good orchard, good timber, price $2,000. No. 17 The famous Junaluska farm of , 200 acres in Graham county, N. C, adjoin ing the town of Robbinsvllle. There is sev eral hundred acres of bottom land. This property can be bought at $26,000, worth twice the money. No. 18100,000 acrestof fine timber land In Kwalfl rmintv nri, S2.2S WT aCTC. No. 19. A splendid place con tain g 167 acre, adjoining Richmond Pearson's mag nificent home 4 miles Northwest of city, well watered. One half natural forest. Price $106.00 per acre. For price-list, descriptive catalogue and other iniorma tion, call on or address NATT ATKINSON & SON, No. 5 North Main St., Ashe-rtUe, N. C. NOTICE. Thro. P. DiyinsoM, Thos. A.Jonk. Raleigh. Ja. O. Matin, Asteville. Asheville. IJAVIDSON, MARTIN t JONR8, , Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, ; Asheville, N. C. WIM practice in the 11th and 12th Judicial Districts, and In the Supreme Court of North Carolina, and In the Federal Courts of the Western District of North Carolina. Refer to Bank of Asheville. dtsel J. B. BOSTIC. Real Estate Agent. Over Mlmnaugh'a Store. No. ii Patton Avenue. JanOdtf ASHEVILLE, N. C. A Warnlutr. for Western North Carolina. From the Rlliahcth City Economist. Twenty years ngo the cry in Eastern North Carolinu was that our supply of timber hud been exhausted, the fathers had used it all up, and only scattering trees could be found tit lor tne oiiuuers use. Now there arc, it mny be, thou sands of saw mills busily at work in the state, operated principally by straimers, manufacturing millions, nny billions of feet of good lumber annually and carry ing it out ol the state, is it not a utile strange that we, to the manner born, born and raised here, and laiuiliar with the surroundings from birth, should have been ignorant of the fact that we were surrounded by the grand forests of mar ketable timber ? and that we should not make the discovery until utter strangers came and bought these forests for a mere song and possessed themselves ol tne vast lortunes tnat were our oiruingni t I.KHON EUXIR. H, 0 THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY.;." Ciirvs wnnnrhoin an.; Gleotin 1 to 6 Days, without Pain. prevents stricture, uontning nn acrid or poisonous substances, nnil is gnarnnt"l absolutely hnriiiliws. prmwrltHjd by physicians. Myst 8y rlngefnt with each bottle. Prloe $1 Sold by druggists. of Sub stltntm. Ai-mpOhom.Oo.l-td.,N.O.I-a FOR SALE BY RAY80R SMITH, ASHEVILLE. N. C NOTICE. Notice I. hereby given, pursuant to the re. aulRtmntaof the constitution and statues 'JJ'iErlYi?: .hiTMIss Annie B. Pease, Mrs. Harriett R. Collins, Mr.. Mary C. Woody r." c n.rrrtt. M u Annie C. As ton and others vettl make application to the General Assembly of North Carolina. . H j the orient, session thereof, on or after the 10th dy of February next, ior me ... act to incorporate the Boathcni W. C. T. U. AVemrVth the power., privilege, and lm munltles Incident to such corporations Thi. the 10th da, "J-y5J&ltf i-HOFOHD. JanlOdaOd , Attorney.. plenHHiil, Kleitatil, Reliable. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness, nervousness and pal- nitntion of the heart, take Lemon Elixir. r !,: a: i 1. ...1... for innigcsuun unu iuui suiiutu.ii .urn Lemon Elixir. For all sick and nervous headaches take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for nuturnl and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Moilev's Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the alxve named dis eases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys or bowels. Prepared only by Dr.Muzi.BT, Atlanta, Ca 50c and $1.00 per bottle, at drug gists. LEMON HOT DROP. Cures all Couchs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases. Ele gant, reliable. 25 cents at druggists! Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozlcy, Atlanta, Ga. janl7eod LAND SALE. A VALUABLE ESTATE OFFERED. Pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court of lluncombc County, I will oiler for sale at public outcry, on the 14th day of February, 1 Kin, at the court house door in the city of Asheville, a portion of the real estate of which the late Capt. A.M. Alexander, died, seised and possessed, contnlnlng about eight hundred and fifty acres. The sale is made for partition among the heirs of said Alexander. LOCATION. The lands nre situated on the French Ilrond river having a river front of a mile and a nail ten nine, nmiii u, mu.,'.i """".v diatcly on the Western North Carolinn Kali- way, a siaiion, eqmpiicu wuu ihi.b. .... ireiuht. rxiiress. telcgrauh and postorficcs, be ing on the premises. Several daily pnsnenger trains connect wun Asncviuc wmi-ii o reached within 30 minutes. At this point !, 4vi- i. t,nu.l nn a substantial Iron bridge, from which well established roads diverge Into the surrounding country, mak ing the place the most important business centre in the county, except Asneviue. The alcuratcti ALEXANDER INN, Established more than a half century ngo, is included in the property. It is immcdlatelj ,, th. hank nf the river, very near the rail .. - ---- ---- - . s . c way station, nun lias about lorty rooms ior guests There arc also a new and commo dious burn, stables, cribs, tobacco burns, etc. etc,, n the premises. THE LAND la oeeullarlv adopted to the production of totiueeo. grass and clover. Some of the fin- rat (cil.Miio ever grown in the "bright to. hneeo belt ' ol western worxn lhuiiuh wnt miion nn this nlantatlon There arc now tu.n nr ihrf. hundred acres In grass and clover. I'p to the death of the proprietor It was successiuiiy opcraicu as a block .urm. JfOR RENT. Five or more rooms in good location. Ap olv at 1B3 Havwood street, or to W . L. Brotherton, 43 I'atton Avenue. nn22d3t JfOR RENT. Furnished house No. 11 Hinwnsscc riace. Centrnl location. Terms reasonable, posse.- Inn Inlin.ilintt'lv. Anillv to ..... - ' ' " n . nrvt I'd RENT. Furnished rooms, 20 Flint street. JnnlOdlw THE WATER POWER Is ihundant and has always been regarded as very valuable, n-hn. nn- ttrturpcn two mid three hundred acres of excellent timber, consisting chiefly of large white oak, poplar and pine. The climate and mngnilic.nt scenery of this region are already famous throughout the Union. This place has long been one of the moil nooular resorts in the region. The tract ... nn It several moat beautiful buililingaites atlordiiig extensive views oi near ami iniwiu mountain ranges, and of the beautiful French Broad. . ... , Th trnri has heen clenred Into several par . rnntnlnlmr from three to one hundred acres, so nrrnngea as 10 sun mc cuuvcmcim of purchasers. TERMS Ten per cent, of the purchase money will be reaulred at the sale, and the remainder In four equal instalments, &n nnnilrntlnn will be made to the next I General Assembly of North Carolina to in-1 corporate a town known as Kenilworth I Park Including tne territory oounueo u? .us Swannanoa river, the Hendersonvllle Turn-1 pike, the Newton Acaaemy roaa ana a line from prolongations of said road to a point I on Swannanoa river at or near Cheesboro's I line. Also to incorporate a company and se cure a charter for a street railway line, to be I operated by electricity, steam or other motor power, iroro niiimorc iu ine piium- iudi, and other points in Asheville, N. C, with 1 such branch roads within a radius of five miles as may lie desired. Also to repeal the 1 charter of the Buncombe Turnpme company. Gl'IKiliK, LAK 1 Kit Ot MAK1IN, Jan. 7,181)1. Attorneys for Applicant.. Ian7d30d ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF RACKET STORE, FOR RENT. A new and comfortable dwelling house, ontalning eight rooms, with servants' house attached, situated on Bailey street. In the ritv of Asheville. Anolv to GEO. A. SHU- FORD, at office S. W. corner public square. dec27 dtf LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN. OST. One setter dog about six months old, lemon ears. Suitable reward by returning to Jan22d3t uiiisurm., OST DOG $5 REWARD. Lost on 17th Inst., white setter with large black spots Leather collar. Answers to name of Frits. Return to fill French Broad avenue, or to Citlien cilice. Janl!4dlw AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. THURSDAY, JANUARY ajw The management take pleasure in announc ing the appearance of the MARIE GREENWOOD NOTICE. Kivtir Is hereby given Bursnsnt to the re quirements of the constitution and statutesl ofthe state, that The Asheville Light and I ',iui., rnmnunv will make atioiication to the C.eneral Assembly of North Carolina, at I the present session thereof, on or after the loin oay or reuruary, n. l. .ob., .v. ." fiassageoi an act amenoinK wcvmbiict, i etters of incorporation, of the said The I Asheville Light and Power company, i nisi the 15th dnv of January, A. I) , 1891. THOS. A. JONES. Attorney For the Asheville Light and Power Co. Jan lfid30d NOTICE. Mnti,. I. hereby iriven nursuant to the re- Mirm..,,t. nf the constitution and statutesl of the state that The Asheville Street Rail way Company will make application to the I General Assembly of North Carolina at the 1 present session tnereoi, on or aucr me ioiu day of February next, for the passage of an 1 act amending the charter of the said Ashe- v e Street Railway company, ims inc mth day of Innuarv, A !., 1801. THOS. A. IONBS. for the Asheville St. Railway Co. JanlSdSOd Attorney NOTICE Is hereby given that an application will be I made to present session of the General As-1 emlily of North Carolina to incorporate the I Kenilworth Inn Company. WALTER C. BROWN.'NO, Ianl0d30d Pres. Kenilworth Inn Co. JIOTICB. By virtue of an order of the SuperiorCourt, I ranting in the matter of H. B. Rhea admin-1 Everybody knows the Rack et Store and the goods on hand, the low price at which they have been selling, but all these goods are to be closed out as soon as possi ble, not at Racket prices, but almost at your own price. Expenses too heavy to keep this store going any length of time, so I have decided to sell goods regardless of cost. Only a little cash will make you happy if you buy now. Come quick before stock is picked. W. R. WIIITSON, Assignee. 36-SELECT ARTISTS-36 payable Ac with at one. two. three four years from dn interest from date at eight per centum per annum title retained until an tne purcnasc money I. paid. Possession will be given on conrlrmation of sale. The property will first be offered In lots, then as a whole, then in lots together, the highest bid being the one to be reported to the court. For further Information apply to the un dersigned on the premise, or at hi. office In Asheville, N. C. T. 8. MORRISON, Jnn. 3, 1891, Commissioner. dtfcblS And their own Superb Orchestra. They will present on this occasion von Suppe's famous opera "BOCCACCIO," Stilendid Company. Catchy Music. Strong Chorus. HnndsomeCostumes. Clever Comedians. Refined Ballet. Brilliant Marches. The fineat voice, on the comic opera stage Reserved seats on sale at Th.U V. Throah's .him. .tnt. Prices: Dress Circle and Par quet $1 00 ; Two Front Rows of Balcony 7B cents; Balance of Balcony 60 cent.; Gallery 88 cent., Sale open Monusy u a. m. ranting in the n tt. i lav nl nil. H nf V.hmnrv. 1801. at the COUrt house door In the city of Asheville, sell tp the I highest bidder lor casn, iweniy-inrcc of stocks iu the Asheville Tobacco Warehouse I nt th. rar value of one hundred I dollars per share, belonging to the estate of I H. K. Knea aeceasea. oaiuawv. ., u. , t. make assets to nny the aeots 01 lac es tate of said Intestate. H. E. RHBA, jan'odoa i.trotri. nf H. K. Rhea deceased, exparte, on I ih. l Rth dav of anuary, iai, i win on me bn H. B. KMBA, Administratrix. -JOTICB. Pnranant to the laws of North Carolina, notice Is hereby given to tne pnonc mai an i annlication win be mnoe ai xne c-i slon ofthe General Assembly of North Caro-I Una for a corporation charter to supply the I citvtof Asheville and the town of Victoria, N. C, and vicinity with water. Jan. la, 18H1. M , D. Janl0d30t. . CARTKR & S. H. RBBD, Attorneys. To Advcrtlscra To insure change of adTertiteirientil running on reular contract, copy must I be handed in by 10 o'clock a. m. i

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