'' Ji-y, .nyy - e.K- 7 V' , -- Ashevi Citizen Itne of newspaper advertising baa become ao I catabllihcd (act. It ! no longer a matter of I , "doubt, and should not be treated aa each. T T I Advertising not only bring trade, It dl- I recta trade, It creates trade. Reading (Pa.) I Eagle. . Kellogg Newspaper Co. O 1 hi- -t -M IVOLUME'VI. NO. 231. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, TANUARY 29, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. Daily e LINVILLE, J A place planned and devel- 4 nninn nu 11 GREAT RESORT. 1 Situated in the MOUNTAINS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, A region noted for health fulness and beauty of SCENERY. An elevation of 3,800 feet, with cool Invigorating Climate It is being laid out with taste and skill, with well graded roads and extensive FOREST PARKS. A desirable plaf for fine residences and HEATHFtL HOMES. A good opportunity for profitable investments. For illustrated pamphlet, ad dress, LINVILLE IMPROVEMENT CO,, LinvlUe, Mitchell Co., N. C. BON MARGHE. The genuine Hrukuw waiter jacket. Decidedly large reduction. In I.udki' y v and Miam .pa. l'nilerwcar at half price.. New white gooda and cmbruldenee. BON MARGHE. 30 South Main Street.jo 1 VALENTINES j AT ESTABROOK'S, The Bookseller, Stationer and Art Dealer. tZ SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. apr 18 d REAL ESTATE. WiLTSI B. OWTM. W. W. WK8T. GWYII & WEST, (qccenor. to Walter B.Qwrn) ESTABLISHED 1881 ' REFER TO BANK OF AIHfVILLE. REAL ESTATE, Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Publk. CommlHioner of Deed. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICII toatheaal Court Bqnare. JAY GOULD SAYS That M a man can aave one dollar ont of ever five dollar, he earn., anch a man will be rich Inalde of twenty jreara. Call on n. ad w. will ten yon now m an n. ,wcuy Jo.t reorlTed private advice, from Jay on the aunjeci. Oaf bnalne. haa been rery pro.peron.. I il. - Ma- 1m anltl. nf t 1111 M H rtl tlmea. and we take thin opportunity to tnana onr rnenn. anv cn.iuinci, uu w njnu f pen ai rang uic ana nappinc... JKNK8 JENKS, RpAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Room o Jtio. ncAtee oiock. US Pnttoa Are., A.hcTllle, N. C. English and French BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, FOR YOUNS LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS, No. 40 Preach Broad Arcane. . MRS. MIRGWYN MAITLANO, . PRINCIPAL (Par many J Aaaoctatt Principal of Mt. Aariirted by corps mt compenteat tcachtn 4cc0 if f BEGIN THE liEW YEAR BY TRADING WITH A. D. COOPER. Start riKhtand your troublca will grow leea a. the year advances; he keepa hi. "Hyes Peeled" on the Grocery Market and hi. stock 1. full and complete In all de partment and hi. good, will .tand compar ison and hla PRICES WILL, SELL, THEM. North Court Square, corner Mala and Col lege atrccta. REDUCTION IN HEATING STOVES. Owing to the lateness of the season we are selling heating stoves at greatly reduced prices to prevent carrying any stock over into the next season. If you want a stove now is the time to buy one cheap. A few FINE LAMPS yet left at a bargain. They are going rapidly and your chance will soon be gone. See our Bargain Counter for odds and ends useful and or namental. Taylor, Boulg & nrothcrton. No. 43 Patton Avenue, Un der Opera House. ZEB VANCE will get there. We bet on Old Zcb aa being the beat Klonr in town. We have Ju.t receiv ed a fresh lot of KEG AND BOTTLE PICKLES Come and give them a trial, at HARE BROTHERS, 17 South Main Street, CORTLAND BROS,, Real Estate Brokers, And Investment Agents. NOTARY PUBLIC. Lonna ae. urely placed at 8 per cent. Office.: 24 & 26 Patton Avenue Second floor. feb9dlT U. WILLS. ARTHUR J. WILLS. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, 28 Patton Avenue. Next Y M C A build's;. novl d3m PO Box 064. JOHN CHILD, (Formerly of Lyman & Child), Office No. i Legal Block. REAL ESTATE -AND- LOAN BROKER Strictly a Brokerage Business Loans securely placed at 8 per cent. "Rapidly to the Front!" DEAL & BARBF.E, Franklin, N. C. K1VAU DOI ftl D In all iti forms, In the richest portion uf wcnT.cn nonii -Hruim. 11 win imv u H. r,. tUm luat l.lMAm.nta anil arrtt. i. 1 I. ..I-, a Q.,tlnM nf 4 tm South," or apply personally to our Asheville A Unu. uuinir Diiwi Dlul o jano-im o nuun aycuus. FOR SALE first clas. new residence cheapest home in Aaheylle, locution central. FOR RENT. Finely furnished residence In beat part of City. A ZU room nuuic juni inc iiiiiik iii m tnshionable lioardlna; house, other house, alio. We have some choice building sites that re worth vour attention. Finest lot of standing timber and timber land. In the outh. Mineral propertica. Wanthu Suits of rooms for light houK- Llst your property with us and have It .old and rented. MONKY TO LKNL). itisv Piini.tsiiKn Our new namohlet oa Asheville. Full of latest .tatl.tic. Call for copy. BIGELOW & JONES, RBAL B8TATB AND INVB8TMBNT8. Room 8 McAfee Block, 83 Patton Arenac. OTl7dlaa ANNOUNCEMENT. To make room for heavy import spring orders, the Crystal I'nlncc will for the next 00 days offer the stock of fine goods at greatly reduced prices. On our Bargain Counters wc have put out many articlca at prime cost. Come early and let u. replenish your dining room and kitchen, before the slaughter of prices la ended. The wonderful Little Jewel Lumpa. Wc have just received another large Invoice of these useful and cheap lamp.. We warrant them 30 candle power and to burn over 8 hours without refilling. Prices same aa bclore. Special price, in quantities. No home com plete without one. THAD W. THRASH & CO,, No. 41 Patton Avenue. Crockery, Lampa, Cutlery, Tinware, Houac- furnishlnga, Ete. GEORGE SCIICEN, Mineral Water Bottled and on Drught. RICHMOND, VA. Mr. F. W. Lawrence, Saratoga Springs, N. 1 . Dear Sir: I have dis pensed the Excelsior Water continually at my counter for tne past twenty years, and I take pleasure in saying that amoner the many mineral wa ters that I handle there is none that surpasses the "Excelsior." For its medical qualities it is all that is claimed for it. and as a refreshing and pleasant everaire it ha s a decided non- ularitv with mv ciiHtouievH. The apparatus with little at tention works perfectly satis- lacton v and dispenses the water with all its natural gas ireciselv the same as when Irunk at the Spring. UKOlMHSSUIiUSN. The irenuine Excelsior wa ter can now be had at T. (J. Smith & Co's. Drug Store, Asheville, at 5 cents a glass. The firm ol II. Kcdwood K Co., Asheville, N. C, ia thia dav dissolved (January 2'1, 18UI.) HliNRY RlvDWOOn, JOHN II. M'llOWBLL, I'HILIP IRVING I.OVB, ANNIBC. PRESSLY. The undersigned have thia day (January 32, lRODformcd a copartnership under style of H. Redwood It Co., for the transaction of a buaincaa In general merchandlae in the town of Asheville, N. C. HBNRY RISDWOOD, JOHN H. M'DOWELL, ANNIBC. J'RESSLY. TENNEYS FINE CANDIES FLORIDA ORANGES, FRESH FIGS, RAISINS, DATES, NUTS, ETC. We conftueourselvcs strictly to this class of good., and always carry the best on the market. WILKIE & ATKINS, NO. ia PATTON AVKNt'B, OAKLAND HEIGHTS SANATORIUM. (FORMERLY OAKLAND INN.) ASHEVILLE, N. C. MOST COMPLETE HRALTH RESORT IN TUB SOUTH. Appointments unsurpassed. All modern theranutlc aupllances and baths for the re lief and cure of nervous and chronic dia eaaea. Turkish, Roman and Russian baths, Belec- ttictty. Massage, Swedish Movements, all in cluded In price of room. The Medical Management under the direc tion of I)r. P. W. Neefus. recently of the Inek. aon Sanatorium, at Danaville, N. V, For fur. tner particular, auuress, Miss Emily Vaughn. A8HBVILLB, N. C. TIIEA1T0RTI0NMENT BILL THE SliNATB AT IT. WORK ON IncreaHe of Democratic Repretiea tatlon Ocfeated New York Oeta no More Representative An Amendment Offered. Washington, Jun. 29. On motion of Mr. Sawyer the senate bill creating the office of fourth assistant postmaster lienerul with a salary of $4,000 a year was taken from the calendar and passed. . - At the close of the morning hour the senate proceeded to consideration of the apportionment bill as unfinished business, and Mr. Edmunds addressed the senate, calling its attention to the fact that the bill took no cognizance whatever of the provisions of the fourteenth amend ment to to the constitution, that, in case the right of suffrage be denied or ubridged in any state, the representation of that state shall be diminished accord ingly. The senate then proceeded to a vote on the amendments proposed by the minori tythe first being to increase the repre sentation of Arkansas from 6 to 7. The amendment was rejected yeas, 32; nays, 33. All the democratic sena tors voted for the amendment and were reinforced by five republican senators Davis, McMillan, Paddock, Stewart and Washburn. The next amendment was to increase the representation of Minnesota from seven to eight. It was also rejected veas 31, nays 32. In this vote Casey voted with the democrats, of whom two less voted than on the preceding vote. The next amendment was to increase the representation of Missouri from 15 to IS. Rejected yeas 30, nays 38. The only republicans voting aye on this amend ment were Davis.I'addock and Washburn. Casey, McMillin and Stewart voted no. The next amendment was to increase the representation of New York from 34 to 35. Rejected yeas, 21); nays, 38; Davis and Paddock being the only re publicans voting in the athrmative. Mr. Davis then withdrew his amendment, fixing the total number of representa tives at 3G0. Mr. Berry offered an amendment fixing the total amount nt 359 and giving an additional member to Arkansas, Minne sota and New York, and desired to have it voted on as an amendment. A divis ion of it was, however, insisted on by Mr. Hale. THK RItiHT TO VOTE, Not All ManHachUHelts) and MIkhIh Hlppl CitlzenH Have It. Washington, Jan. 29. Representative Baswcll, the chairman of the suli com mittce of the house judiciary committee to which was referred the resolution in troduced in the house by KeprcKiualivc Honk, of Tennessee, instructing the committee to inquire whether in mis state the citizens thereof arc deprived of the right of sullrngc, etc., has made a report to the full committee to the effect that in the states of Massachu setts and Mississippi certain citizens were deprived of their privilege of voting by provisions in their state-constitutions. It also called attention to n provision in the South Carolina election law which re quires registration as a prerequisite to voting. 1 Ins, the report niltl, was a de nial of the riiilit to vote, and the sub committee recommended that an investi gation be had in each case, with a view, of reducing the representation of these three states in tne House ot representa tives. Representative Oates, the minority member of the sub-committee, dissented from the opinions expressed in the re port. THK MAMMOTH TRAUtCDV. Tbe I.lHt of Oead FoolH up 107 The IuqueHt. Pittshcrg, Pa., Jan. 27. A special from Mammoth mines says: It is now thought the 107 bodies recovered about comprises the list of dead. The nineteen bodies buried in the Catholic cemetery hist night were followed by another in stallment to-dav. The remainder of the bodies will le interred privately with ser vices at the craves, wine 11 was the case yesterday. A call tor assistance has been issued av ail the Pittsburg labor organizationsand newspaper and business officers are re ceiving subscriptions. It is thought by exwrts that the torce of the explosion was augmented by the tine drv coal dust in the mine, which ignited when the fire damp exploded. lien the bodies Had been prepared tor burial Coroner K. B. Wakefield, ol Jcan nettc, empaneled a jury. The bodies were viewed and after a briel consulta tion with thejurv the coroner continued the inquest until Feb. 5. ;avk the heirh ai.ooo. The KndliiK ol an Important suit at ReldHvllle. The suit of Robert Drunimond, of this city, against Mrs. D. E. Morris at Reids ville, was settled last Saturday night at KOCKingnnm court. Mrs. Morns was tried aud acquitted about a year ago ol the murder of her husband, D. U. Morris. The suit was instigated by the heirs of Mr, Morris lor the recovery ot his oron- erty, the heirs claiming that Mrs Morris vvas not entitled to the property, from the fact that there was some doubt as to the genuineness of the will, and also the in surance policy in the Mutual iienctit com pany ol Newark, N. I. The court gave the heirs $2,000 and ordered that they should pay the ex pen8e of the suit. Ihe insurance company cave $1,000. claimini; that Mr. Morris had made false statements to secure the policy. lUHfalln) Defeated. Toi-KKA, Kas.. Ian. 29. The vote for United States senator in joint session of the legislature vestcrday resulted: Pcffcr, 101; Ingnlls, 58; Blair, 3; Baker, 1; Mor icll, 1; Kelly, 1. Thcchairmnn thereupon declared William A. PelTcr senator-elect to succeed John J. Ingnlls, Kyraud.Haa Another Chance. 1'aris, Jan. ill. A newspnper an- nounccsto-dny that the committee on pardons has pronounced in favor of commuting the sentence of death passed upon Michael Eyraud, the stranglcr of Uoufle, to imprironment for life. 100 Lives LohI. Paris, Jan. 29. Advice from Massa woh, on the Red Sea, state that a terri ble storm, followed by floods, caused enormous damage throughout the island of Mnssawnh. Over one hundred per sons lost their lives. ICE FACTORY KXPLOHION. A I.ohb of 41100,000 by a Big- Chi' caito Firm. Chicago, 111., Jan. 29. The six-story building ol the Western refrigerator com pany, 223 to 239 Kilgore street, was partially destroyed early this morn ing by fire caused by an explo sion of the ammonia gas used in the ice machine. The building and contents are owned by S. P. Baker & Co., who conduct one of the largest ice manufacturing and cold-storage en terprises in Chicago. The company will suller a loss of $200,000. The first explosion was followed quickly by three others, shaking the building to its foundation. THE CHILIAN REVOLUTION THE IN8l-RICNTB 8TEADIL.V OAININO. Government TroopHUIve VP, With HuHplctouit Keadiiic-HU, a Fine Harbor and Uood Bane or Sup. pi I OH. BiKNos Aykhs, Jan. 29. Advices re ceived here from Chili show that the in surgents are steadily gaining ground. Soon after the bombardment of the Port ofCoquimbia the rebel forces occupied La Zoi ina, the city of Coquimbia, with out any opposition on the part of the government troops, though thelntter oc cupied Ln Zorina in force, being quar tered in the hospitals, schools and other public buildings. The government troops, upon the ap proach of the rebel forces from the Port of Coquimbia, evacuated La Zorina and retreated inland, thus placing a fine har bor and a most advantageous base of supplies in the hands of the insurgents. NATIONAL lCni'CATORH. Reduced Rates) to the Meeting at Toronto, Can. Supt. Claxton, director of the National education association for the state of North Carolina, informs The Citizen that the next meeting of the association will be held in Toronto, Canada, luly 14-17. The council will meet at the same place July 10-14. The railroad rate for the round trip, tickets good to return within ninety days, will be one first-class fare about $23.50, from Greensboro, and about $27.50 from Asheville. To this must be added $2 membership fee, which will admit to nil the privileges of the association, reduced rates at the hotels, and a copy of the hound volume of the proceedings of the association. From Toronto very low excuniion rates will be made to all parts of the dominion, the great lakes, aud points of interest in the United States. This olfers an opportunity for a most pleasant and prohtable summer excur sion and it is thought that the attend ance from North Carolina will be very large. Any one desiring further information can obtain the same by applying to Mr. v-inxton or to insicctor Jnmcs L. Hughes of Toronto, Canada. Mr. Claxton will take pleasure in eiv- ng information ns to the meetimr of the Southern education association at Look out mountain. This meeting will lie the first general meeting of Southern educa tors, and will for that reason be doubly interesting. The special rates irivcn to those attend ing will be such that the total cost from nay point in Western North Carolina will be onlv a tnlle. CRIMINAL COt RT. The Canes That Have Been Heard By the Body. The following cases have been disposed of in the criminal court: State vs. Luin Lytic, assault with deadly weapon; guilty. State vs. Andrew Smith, afirny; not guilty. State vs. E. Cunninghum, affray; judg ment suspended on payment of cost. Mate vs. Jno. lleatherly, altrav; sent to jail for six months and fined $50, Mate vs. Win. Anderson, assault with deadly weapon; sent to jail three months and to pay costs. Mate vs. Kulus lirecnlcc, retailing with out license; sent to jail three months, and to pay costs. State vs. Alice Pritcharu, assault with deadly weapon; not guilty. Mate vs. b. J I. Nies, steward Cosmo politan club, retailing without license; siccinl verdict not yet filed. bamuel Aldruige, larceny; guilty, sen tence withheld. Thad. Stroup, forecry; euiltv and sen tenced to the cnitentinry for four years. Of Fraudulent Divorce Fame. Nuw York, lan. 28. Mrs. Flack, for merly the wife of lames A. Flack, ex- shcriffof New York, died yesterdny of paralysis, at her home, STATU SEWS. Hereafter the partridge shooting sea son will begin November 1, and end March 1. There ore about two hundred board ing students at Oak Ridge institute this term about 30 per cent more than nt this time. Charlotte News: The new iron bridge being built across the Yadkin river in place of the bridge destroyed in the great freight wreck last November is nearly finished. Monday night a fire occurred at Elon college, a station near Burlington, Ala mance ;ounty, burning the stock of merchandise of W. L. Smith & son, of the Oossipce cotton null. Insured. i lie alliances will make nenvy pur chases through their state business agency this spring. The snlcs of fertil izer will l)c particularly Inrgc. Last sea son there were ordered 30,000 tons of one brand alone. W. W. Vn8S, ttensurer of the Raleiuh and Gaston railway, hns been directed by the president to pay the state tax on the shares of that road without further legal contest. The tax is 25 cents on each share unuually. The Concord Daily Standard had its R. Si D. passes taken away, presumably liecause that pajicr criticised the road. Now, in the column where the R. & I), time table was, npears this and nothing more; "In memory of R. &. D, schedule." WT'Lots of Lots" dirt cheap. See Atkinson's Corner (Real Estate) third page. AN ALDERMANIC TICKET. A GOOD ONE SUGGESTED TO "THE CITIZEN." A Local Politician Gives Hl Opin ion 011 the Matter and Names Four Gentlemen Who, He Thinks, Should be Nominated. W. T. Reynolds. M. . Beardkn. Geo. S. Powell. R. P. Foster. It may be early for municipal politics, but the above is a ticket which has been mentioned to The Citizen. The election for the city of Asheville oc curs on the first Monday in May next. At that election a mayor must be chosen together with four aldermen. The aldermanic board is composed of six members, who Hold othce lour years. Three of the members are elected at each municipal election, Some months ago one of the board, elected two years ago, Mr. Lawrence Pulliam, resigned, and his place was never filled by the board. So at the next election the people must choose four councilmen, to succeed Aldermen Wolfe, Fitzpatrick and Miller and to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Pulliam. It is generally understood that Mayor Blanton will be the nominee of the demo crats to be his own successor. As to the aldermen. A lending local politician in talking of the situation said: "It is somewhat early to talk politics, but the importance of selecting good men to fill the municipal offices is something that cannot l)e overestimated. Mayor Blanton should, I think, receive a renora ination and election. "But the board of aldermen, in my opinion, cannot be too carefully chosen. At this point in Asheville's history no steps backward should be taken or thought of. The city needs cool, level headed, business men, who will work in sympathy with the mayor, and while keeping an eve on the city's financial betterment, always enact such laws as will build up the city, keep it built up and in its proper place as the most im portant city of North Carolina. "While the retiring members of the board arc conscientious, good men, I think the needs of the city demand a change and these men I have mentioned are, in my mind, tbe best men the demo cratic Party can put out. 1 refer to Messrs. W. T. Reynolds, M. J. Bearden, Geo. S. Powell and R. P. Foster. "Every one of these gentlemen is well known in Asheville, and without a doubt are as good material as there is in the ranks of the party. "With this board the westward would be represented by Mrs. Bearden. Powell and Leonard, while the east ward would have Messrs. Reynolds, Foster and McDowell, "Mr. Reynolds is known, and known favorably, by almost every voter in the citv. He is closely identified with Ashe ville's interests, and is lor the city's good first, lust and all the time. "Of Mr. Bearden little need lie said, for he is one of the most popular men the citv has, and a man who would fill the ofhee in a manner that would be greatly to Asheville 8 advantage, tie has been in business here for a number of years and has made himself so popular that there could lc no doubt of his election. "Mr. Powell, who is alwavs first in every movement for the good of Ashe ville, would lie another wise selection. With his calm deliberation and wise councils the board would be a power for the building up of the citv and the ad vancement of every line of industry. "Mr. Foster, although not haying been in Asheville as long as the other gen tlemen mentioned, is none the less popu lar. He is SuiK'rintendent McBce's pri vate secretary, is red-headed and a demo crat dved in the wool, lie will 'do to count on' when any question affecting Asheville is brought up. "That completes the list and I don't believe Asheville could find four men bet ter suited to steer the city for the next two years. 1 would like very much to see them nominuted by the convention or primary, and am sure the nomination would result in their election by a hand some majority." Baltimore Prices. Baltimore, Ian. 29, Flour quiet Howard street and western super $;(.10 M3.50; extra $3.70( 4.50; family $4.60 (11 5.10; city mills, rio brands, extra $5.10 ft5.25. Wheat Southern, firm; Fultz, and LongK-rry, $1.0l('H.OG; western, firmer; No. 2 winter red spot, and Janu ary, 1.02. Corn Southern, scarce but firm; white and yellow, 5ttV4n61.c; west ern, firmer. AFFAIRS OF COSSUQUESCE. KOKE1CN. hxtrcmc partisans ot revolution in Paris were so disorderly during the sec ond performance of Sardou's drama, "Thermidor," Monday night, that they were ejected irom tne building. A band of masked strikers, armed with sticks and stones, attacked and drove awnv a number of men at work in and about the locomotive shed of the Caledo nian railroad, at Stratlmvon, Scotland. The Dublin Express says that the con ferences between the Irish leaders at I.loulogne, Fance, nre simply attempts to discover a pathway for a decent re treat of the followers of Mr. Justin Mc- t-artny. HOME. During 1890 the flour receipts at Phil adelphia were more than doubled, and the exports increased over 300,000 bar rels ns compared with the preceding year. The democratic convention in the eighth ward of Philadelphia indorsed the repub lican candidates, including a colored man, and nominated two women for school directors. Both houses of th Wisconsin legisla ture have elected William F. Vilas to suc ceed John C. Spooncr ns United States senator by a strict party vote. The re publican members voted lor Senator Spooner. The wife of Captain Wallace, the cal lant seventh cavalry officer, who recent ly lost his life in a ficht with the Sioux, is dangerously ill nt rort Kilev. Kan. Mrs Wallace is a daughter ol Judge Otis, of Atcmson, Kan. United States Senator Leland Stanford who was injured in a driving accident in New York, keening him from the senate announced that he is opposed to the closure rule as it stands, and in favor of going on with the public business in the senate. We have the largest (sup ply of CARRIAGE SPONGES in the city, and they are be in g sold at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. Sponges that usually retail for 25 and 35 cents, we can sell for 10 and 15 cents, and make a reasonable profit. Cull and examine for your self. GRANT'S PHARMACY. KEPHALINE will relieve neuralgia, head ache, or toothache. 25 cents a bottle at Grant's Pharmacy. The finest and most complete atoct 01 Colognes, Toilet Waters, Extracts, Face Powders and high grade Soaps at UHAXTS 1'UAKMALY. Prescriptions filled at all hours. Goods delivered free ol charge to any part 01 tne CUV. UKAfil H ritAKMsli.X. If you want a handsome vair of cut glass Bottles call at GRANT'S PIIAR- MAL Y. Bottles ranging m price from One to Fifteen dollars per pair. II you want a Urst-class Hair Brash for small amount of money. GRANTS PHARMACY is the place to go to get it. All kinds of Tooth Biushcs,Bath Brushes, uatn uioves, sponges, etc. When your Prescriptions aic com pounded at GRANTS PHARMACY you can positively depend upon it that only tne purest ana Dest Drugs and Lhem cols have been used that they were compounded by thoroughly experienced rimrtnacistsaiM tnat the price paid was not unreasonable. Grant's Pharmacy, 4 South Mailt St. J. M. CAMPBELL, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND AGENT FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION -AND- 1 IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Buys, Rents and Sells Houses and lots sold on the installment plan. Op tions bought and sold. No tary Public. 1 have some cheap lots worth $300 each, upon these ots 1 will build some cheap cottages, from $300 to $400 each and sell to parties on the installment plan. Apply soon. I have customers for houses of all kinds and have no va cant houses. Persons -desir ing renters will do well by placing their houses in my hands. I have a cash customer for a large farm. Must be near railroad, must have good water power and at least 300 acres of level land. Will buy from 1,000 to 10,000 acres in this iarm. The more land the better. For Sale Finest lot on French Broad avenue, 150x 240 feet. Price $3,600. NO. 5. SOUTH MAIN ST., Up Stairs. I 4 ! M