ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 1G, 1891. I Judgement tlionld be displayed In buying mcrTt cino nhove nil tlilnc. ,In selecting remedy for any dlseasn, ynn should be positive, thai It contains nothing inju rious to the health. Many romedloa on the market leave the patient in much worso condition, than befoi taking them. S- s. s. la purely vegetable, nnd perfectly harmless; the most Hii:itu child can take it with absolute safety. It contain no mercury or minerals of any kind, and yet it never falls to euro the die eases it is recommended for. Book on Iilnod nnd iSkin diseases free. Swift Spocillo Co., Atlanta, G oct 2.'difcwl . AT THKHOTIilA pkoi-ixsioxal cakds. Insure yourproperty' with E. J. ASTON, General t Insurance t Agent. Kcnr No. -0 South Main street. lislnbllshcd ln.-. unf", dlv Asheville. N. C. R. J. II. WILLIAMS, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, 53 HAYWOOD ST. MOUTH IO A. M. to M I. .11. octoOdlini Dr. V. Stuart I.cccSi. Office Rooms .r and It, McAfee llllililinK Hunts 10 n. in. to 1 p. in. anil 4 to 0 p.m. Telcponc No. 47. scptltl dlim 34-Y ears' ifx perleiiee34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR ASH IllTLI'liR.' Proniplnrss KUiiriintccd. Oll'icc No. 3, see mill flour, Hclldiv block, dilielly over post office. Residence No !i:l Pulley street. A7fr7conn," STK N OG It A PII K R. McAfee llilildinE, Pntli.n Amine. JnncTiinni . N. C Dr. J. II. Crawford, Room ,r. mill ('.. McAl.c 1 1 ii i I . I i 1 1 Palloll Avenue, Aslicv'llc 1'Iis.ctick i.ihitkii to tiih live. ICar. Throat nntl Nose. nn 1 r. ilif X lS. JX)ST1C. Real Estate Agent. Over Mininiiue,h's Stint. No. ii Pat ton Avenue. jnnlldtf ASHEV1I.I.I!. N. C. A. THNNliNT, J. CiiHiml VlHllnrH to the City, mid Where Thcv Come From. ('rami Central: M. I., Hume, N. C; M. Mevcr. N. Y.: Prank P. Unc, N. C; II. A. Muliiehcr, Winchester, Vn.; J. C. Adcrholt, Pallas, N. C; W. I'. Drewry, Baltimore: Ino. .Wotiilrutl. Last l.ivcr- ponl, Ohio; A. B. Mealcn, Charleston, S. C.;.. C. IlrcescJ. II. Wolff. N. C. llmnctte House: I. W. Creech, 0. W. Bright, L. C. Cochin, Russcllvillc, Tcnn.; Chiis. N. Monday, City ; A. V. Sliiiitnan, Avcrv's Creek, N. C: Clins. !. Wilson, Yadkin R. R.; Kolicrt Rhen, Whitcalwvg, Tcnn.; W. H. Crawford, Johnson Citv, Tcnn.; Mrs. Tucker nml clnltl, inston, N.C. Swnnimnon :l'. . Hyde, Richmond; Ii. Dinslcy, Chicago; W. Madison Scolt, Richmond ; V. I. Dixon, X. Y.;C. II. His- sell, Lexington, Ky.; Joseph Cnrr, I'liila- dclnhin; J. SK'cd Smith, Washington; J. r. lllmik. New York; n. Mcriincnrcr, citv; C. Ii. Oplcr, St. I.onis; T. V. A. Por ker, N. C; I-. A. I-rnnciKco, in. v .; w . I . loncs, Cnrthfiifc, N. I .; pis. Wnsner, city; T. I Kick, Savnnnnl'. f Hen Rock :(). M. Richardson, High roint.N. C; M. M.I. Fortune, Mnnon; W. A. Calloway, Snow Hill. N. C; Ccpli lllauton, N. C; W. M. Wanton, Marion Dr. Knicst Decker nnd family, llcrlin T. Ii. Winsh.w, N. C; Ceo. W. Aslihnngh, Hast Liverpool, ).; W. I'. ToniMltins Webster; W. M. Ktiss, N. C; A. II. Wood, Detroit; I.. II. Hush, Athens, Co.; livcrct Prank, Huropc; I. II. Ilrooks, Ninctv-Siv, S. C; P. O. Herbert, Chnttaiinoa; (.. S. I'ergiison, Waynesvillc, .. C; V N. I'crKtison, I'icdinoiit, Alnliamn: W. M. Rush, Charleston, S. C; W, W. l.cinlc, Richmond. Yn.; . M: Rogers. Piecon River; I.nwrencc Connellv, I ily; Dr. M. D. Kimhoiigh, Hon. John I!. Peebles, Davie countv, N. C: I'. P. Alhn, N. C; 7.. Taylor, I'lidcrivood, Ohio; I". N. Cnrrincton. City; J. 1'. Rubers, N. V ; Dr. I'. M.IIurd,lcluwat'catcit.ap, I'm ; C. Scott, Richmond, Ya.; K. O. Kiiu;, Iln' timorc;J.ll. Danish, Portsmouth. Vn.; J. W. Hrunson, New Oilcans; I. M. Never. Orccnslioro, N. C; J. II. Wood, Salis bury, N. C. linlury Park:-). K. Martin. ll,.t Springs; J. W, Malone, . S. Malone, Clcvclaml, O.; R. A. Hancock, Atlanta ; I. I'. Ostroui. W. II. Kcon, Pbilailelpliia: Ceo. Ii. Waring and wife, Newport, R. I.; II. I.. I'.vnns, Wilmington, Del.; John II. Morse, (Inston, Mass.; Nat. I'axon, W. O. Faxon nnd wile. John I'licnisy, Mrs. J. it. I'hcmsv. Moughton, Mass.; A. .M. I icld, ll.C. Macdona, J. S. I niiinuns, llugli (. Ciiant, IC. Murphy, jr., New York; II. I. I'arbcr, Chicago; Mrs. I'. Camp, MuiL'.-inton ; W. I;. Messier and wile, Allcnlown, l a.: I'.. I. Wnie, Win ston ; W. P. Sullivan, S. J. Iluylic.-, .Mr-. (',. Hamilton and maid, II. W.iiiik-i li. l. , A. S. Hell, P. Ii. Hell, Miss Ciirt'cntcr, Mrs. M. II. Carpenter, Howard Hopping and wile, Mrs. S.J. Mills, Mrs. J. I.. Sc inour, P. J. I.alv, Isaac Harris, Huston; S. Callcrt, (mlilen, X. C: M. ('..illei l. lills worth; D. Call rt. Watcrville, Me.; II. A. Dcark, Chicago: C. II. Pierce. Louisville, Kv.: Miss Uracil, Mrs. I.. Ii. He.uh, New Icrscv ; A. Child, llaltimore ; C. J. Harris, Dillshoro, N. C: I'. M. Stearns, llcrca.O ; Mrs. Fox, Chas. I'ox, Crnnil Rapids: ll. S. Weed, Plattslnirgh; II. D. Stephens, C. I.. Stcgal, Philadelphia; W. D.Magrn dcr, Yn.; J. M. Ilillrtps, jr., Ala. No Help 1 "or Hill in This Ouartir, Prom the Hu-kory I'rcs. Stimc friend has blue marked for our SOUND TOOTII CHEWING TOBACCO for Infants and Children. "Cwitorla Is so well adapted to elitlilren that I CwtorU rami Colic, Constliwllon, I,Won,.ndaa..lri0rlony,1reScrii1tiUO glZ AV' kuowu tu ino." II. A. Arciiko, M. I)., I ceHtlon, 111 So. OxXord St., Brouklju, N. Y. WIUioul Injurious medication. Till CEKTiBB Compaxt, 77 Murray Btrent, M. Y. scut 211 iKkwlv Architect ami Contractor. Plana, snerificatliinl nnd rotinintc fur- .1-1... I ill w..rk mv Itnr ill 1 1 Mt'tt'll I'llf and mi chnrReii for driiwiimii on rnnirnon I speeinl benefit a communication in Till ALLSKINBLOOD DISEASES. The Best HouBehold Medicine. Onco or twice each year tbo sys tcm needs purging of the Impuri ties which clo-; the blood. From childhood to old age, no remedy meets all cases with the same cer tainty of Rood results as BOTANIC PJ.Onn BAI.M. W. C. Mif'.Jiilicy. VYbb City, Arlt., writ. "It. H, It. h:iH tone me more k"1 ft'f money lh;,n any otlit r hlood piirifnT i Wtit used, lowc ilie comfort of mv t" it." I'. A. Slit-phcnl, N.-rlolk, Vn Aiinsl w. iRRS, writcn: " I di-ptml cm II. U. It. furtlie pri'sprvntion of my hciltb. I li;ne Imd it in my family now nearly two yc-iit, mid in nil tlut time have nut Lad to have a ilmlor." IVWritr- for flliiPtrntcil wPoort of Wnuiert" UliUOU DAl.M CO., Atluutu, (.a. Kt iiltn-u. ASHEVILLEJVIARKETS. I'lit-ri-i'tprl d;ii1vliv I'OWICI.I- Se SNIltUK whotcs.ile am) ri ttiil Kroct m. Thtfie prk-iK nre hciiiK Pl '' tc icrcant tu-tiuy. Ittitur..,. Kills". (.'Ilil'til'llrt. Turkfvs.. Itmks'..... rol.-lttH'H.tiW't t'otnluvH, Tiirtiijis... Olli t)!4..., lU-.-iiiH, pr I'rnH (, hvHtnutu . nu.i'jijAppicH mnfrUfit l7lAin)U. drift! ft yJl'iMiipkiim,fUch rrt.fc'5 iidf KM) orKum ;hmim; IfWu'jO (Ktin wax, per Hi IK HdlllOIU'V 1 1 Irish ....1 15'YVhcat 100 'M)((i lOiCorn 7 ir.ujMt-nl HO per lb 'JVj (IhIh 70 tin i(iof,i .inn rive n .ii"(fi7ri Ilnv, Un iir.Otjn 1 nolCrlerv, d 25(cio WANT COLUMN. ir.i.vr;'. ANTUI). The finest and moat popular chewinx to bacco ever oflered to the trade. The formu la has the endorsement of ninny prominent ami lending dentists, who pronounce it not only harmless, dut positively lienelieinl to t lie teeth and kiuii. The use of Sound Tooth hewing tulineco will prevent tartnr from fonninKon the teeth It will hnrdell and henutify the enamel and prevent found tectli from decaying. It will cure ulcerated (junis, and restore Hum to a healthy condition, purities anil sweetens the lircnth and leave, u pleasant twite in the mouth, is delientc In lluvor anil is a most excellent chew. Try Sound Tooth chcwiun tolincco nnd you will use no other. I'or sale liy the fol lowing leafliUK firms of Asheville : KAVSOK & SMITH, IMlWIil.l. ! SNIIIliU, A. K. COdl.HY, T. P. HAMILTON i L'( 1IARI-: HKOS., MODIM. CIOAH STOKlv. (S, W.JUNKISSfc m-to.. HAMPTON S: I'HATIIl'.KSTON. jnn''.iil 1 in SMOKE THE C EL EBRATED Marphal I r 5 Cent tiRar, HOI.Il ON V AT Till-: diodi:i. CI AR STOKH, 9? B i5fg B log u-ia-rtBVctS 3 o OrunkenKess Liquor Habit. UAunre woitio mRESBiroit cure D?HMrfES G0L0EI3 SFECiFiC. Itran ho irl vtn in cut.', c, ti'iv. nr in nrtirlnl fnmt, Without lh Uliuuh'di'O i.f pn'l' lit if tn'ivs'ury ; It in ahNniii4-ly luu nilc; :itii fllVcl a pernm ncnt and npfily cnrr, v inr tin puiit m w ;i Kit I'AILS. It iiM-r-ilci hii .jiih-ily itiiil with wn-h crL; inly thrvl tin- pnlirnt i)iilt ii:s Tn nicm vfiihMice, nnd wion Inn rmtipl' tt rcfnrmaiKifi la i1 filleted. 4H kih! hiH)k Iri-i'. Tu lie had uf KAVSOK SMITH. 1 tu (l; s, Ahrvi.h-. V C ;iir'.T v: 1 v iMiiti "V'i i'i TO J'Mrl.r .f. rV Ft.fflt.ti Olnmo.i.1 llrnnd. I EMfeYROYAL PILLS .Mi-iir. i'ltlcl ifii Mi. iim-u. TaleHf i, tjt- fi-i-M ini1 tmtt-it n. Al liruticlii, nr .scnil4r, m 2Jr In totiin rr jtartiftiiiirn. l fuimttliil ti1 5 B "HrlUT Ttr l,in)lm" in .n,r, hv return if Mllil. IM.tMMl l-liiholHulv ,Vn !,,, "" Chli'liinltTi lit.'U)k'ult'u,..MuilUiiit H.i I. un.. PoM br All I.ocl I'ro..U. I'bllHUn., l' i.Hitt!r(i(I I v LOOK HERE! SivrclnrirH ni-d ori:;oiiiTs liy an mucus mi ni inili r paving $loo oo in six inonlhsnt 1111 eslillliiteil i"'l nl H-.oo. Kt'putnlili nun ml w nni' ii e;ul s -eurc hlierul cnnipensiuiiui. No. 17 Pntton Avenue. All.OV MIL' id: i M. M'INTIKI'.. Supreine MnniiKcr, Auh Street, I'hiluiU'lphia, I'll. w INTliU HOAHli. Wnrm rt'iiiinrtalilc mums, lntuc newly fnr-lii-lu'i , yii'ii) liilde. Tei ius ichjujIIIiIiIc, On street e:tr line. .MKS. J. I.. SMATHIiKS, hi'vl 'J.Hiin .ilH I'otton Ave, Mi -w. M. C. Stockton, E'UlVATi: ROAKDING. CI Nl'K.M. I.l it ATION. CUMrilll KllllMS. laillli ,.. r. I'l.INT ST.,, N. C. j.ttt'J I'll 111 N'oliie is heri'liv (liven, pursunnt to (he re- nuirenients of the constitution una slitlm-s nl' the suite, that Miss Annie It. I'cnxe, Mrs. Harriett K. Collins, Mrs. .Mary C. Hooilv, VI,-. Cnrnline C . linrrelt. Mini Annie C, Ah- tun anil others will make npplicntinn to t lie t'.cncmt AnHCinlily of North Carolina, at the present session tiiereof, on or alter the loth lay 01 rcnruiiry mxi, n im .n,; .. . net to incorporate the soutnern u . c . i.i. AiSl 111 I II V W 11 11 I nr 1 him. n, ,.. i . H' " iiinoitit-s incident to such eorporations 'I his the loth ln ol JanuarT. 1M1M. J( l.Mis K Mil I" 1 1 u 1 1, JanlOil.Uld Altomryi. i, t.-nr.l.'il mr Lrrfrrrnt'e when desired (lllice: No. 12 Hendry Hloek, North Court Square, Asheville. N.C. leuitiiiy I'. 1AMSAY, D. 11.8. Dental $80 onicc 1 ihe K-i.iinnnl llnnk of Asheville, llnr- nard HnilriiiiK. KesiUence, fit) Charlotte si. rebuild lv R. II. RIii:IiS, D. u. s., IK!HTAI. Ki OFFIC1C (n Connolly nunninK. over Kedwood's Store, Putton .Avenue. Wrsidence, a.r Spruce street. JAMES FRANK, IIBAI.RS IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Anent for Keems Creek Woolen Mills. Until, Main Asheville, N.C. feblOdlT STATION INN BILTMORK. RESTAURANT A LA CARTE. ELEGANT APARTMENTS. SINGLE OR EN SUITE. Asiikv 11.1.1; Citizi-n, licailcil. "Mill or L'lcvclanil." We solcuilv ilcclaie we will take no Hill in ours. Wc will not discuss the chances of Mr. Cleveland's nomina tion anil election now. Wc know llierc arc ililTcrenccs nl opinion there, that will have to be set tled next year. II it lie ilcctilcil as our friend insists is the case, we say t urn our backs to the whole state of New York and co west for the candidate. 1'iovci nor Hill and his admirers tuny succeed in deleatiuK' Cleveland, us tlievilidiu 1SSS, but II ill will never be president by our help. Taking Millionaire. roin the Webster llernlil. Jay Could was in Asheville a lew hours, last week, lont; cnoiioh to be w ined anil dined, to make a hit ol a spcccli ami lie awful funny. Is it tlictnoncy or the man that makes the millionaire so taking ? l.n. I WANTliM, I I ish to Inn lor ensh a eoltiiv:c with cilil I or It'll ionium 11I moiliTU liuilil. ivnlritl loeil- I1011. nrni I lie street curs, .Noitliinsirru pari ol III! I it V nicli lull. I'lll tics ik'sii iim to sell will inliliess Hiiver. earc of Cilien olliee. st.itini: locution iiml iiricc. uivinc name, lo nl istnle nyi'tils iieeil not n, plv. fclilmltu' VOK S.-Xl.l!. j Ji i l lll. I'llU SA1.IJ. Thi'St. iriuonil Motel nt Skylnml Sprinn is otli n il lor sale nl a 1 Hirudin either in ruishrd or not. I he site inelu-lis nlioiit eiclil neres ol slmil.v 1:10 ve, jind live springs, one nt them t he Itnesl uiiui rii water in the south. .More ittusts fissiirid lor next summer than cm lie .'t.'coiNinoi.iitcil. The hotel iM ricllt liv the de pot. Tlietcitnsnf saletuuile losuil ptirehnser tll lS A. MII.I.I'.K, lilitlillt Skvlltllil Springs, N. C H.'tili S.M.Ii. AT tine of Hie most eler;illt cottage in the city tor s;i e at a inritmn. Sttuutiil witlnil 1 minillis walk nl'tlleeitv suilnre. This house contains till of the modern conveniences. Ap ply 10 IL S. WATSON, leMCiiim yiKene. V have honlil out tlic interest of our fit t 1mm, .laincs P. Si-iwyer.iiiliiselotliiii'j.'iUiil iuri.isliiiiji' o(iils(leiiirliiieiit at a coiisiilei'i'ihle discount , I illltl 1 mill DH!ITIWCIV PI IKE (HIT1 hill ruoum-Li uluol uui An ,.,,., tl. ,, ,,., (urnished, s,t loittil ill tin- most lieiiutittil Diirt of the citv tin; entire stock, iiiioimtiii;r s;'n"t'1 'li'wATs".0"1 t()i?l l.i'l'.iit New lorU cost.; w W( lire nt iiresent located i "li SAI-; .1 11 e II ..ti:.... V.. 1 Cow anil call : three ouarters Jerney: splen. OVer lllIt. l 1. oillie, .', ( t.lkir. Apply at C 1T1.HN ol-l 1C1 li) Soulh Main Street, vlierL""h,,lf . . "?OI( SAI.I5. The CIlUcn'K" Trmpoiiiry lilrKineiit. Prom the Wilmington MessenKir. The Aslll'.v 11.1.1; ClTIl: is enlnru. il il sienis tons. It is a very lirtjiiit nni' nntnisiiiiie ournal, and is n credit Hie Krov.ini; eilv ot P.uneouilie. TlieCroHM (iiicl White- Mailer. l-'roui the Iiilrhnm C.lolie. Tin: Asiikvii.i.k Cii ii:n hcadcil, and until sensible. usually level this irs! .nice always where we would 1! jiiad for, vou to call and examine oiir'T,,1i:NT stock and priceH, and he con vinced that we mean what we say. SAWYKK I'd OS. r;. 11. MAYCR CONSULTING : OPTICIAN 61 Houtli .ilain Hi. i Law's China Hall, i 'OA' A7;'.T. IS room house suitiilile for boarders in the most ilesiriilile in'rl ol the eitv. The house 1. lull, rooms besides parlor, tlinini; tnom. kitehtn, servant's room, nnd bath room iiiitl isnieelv furnished with new furiii ino- siiiiiitiil on nice elevntinti nlTorilini; iKiiut till views troitl evi rv roinu. Apply to NATT ATKINSON .V SON let.'.Mlf ft 1 KlvNT. III! Visitors ami licsiilcnls will linil this a most chnrminK and attractive slnppliiK place. MliNAOH ANH CCISlNIi Kgl'AI. TO iu;sT. E. H. N1ES, LATi: WITH WKLBIONICO ilre'.liltf Jf-OO Il (Vf ! r Waller DritlHcs, At b us. Tenn , w rites: 'I'or si x years I had Urn atlliclcd w ith nuin'mn sores anil an cnlat ocnu nl ul the lioucs 111 niv Icj;. 1 Ini'd everyinnm I hcartl l without anv pci in.incut bcutlit until Itotauic lllood Italm was renin- nieiuletl to inc. Alter iisiiik six bollt s the sores healed, anil 1 am now in better health than I have ever liceii. I scntl this testimonial unsolicitcil, because 1 want others to be benefitted. Ilriitlit llopt's CruNhcrt t l-'rum the C'harlotle Chrimiele. iK-mocrnls in thc'soiitli anil west arc both delimited anil ehanriiied because of the ex-presidciil's last act deliKhlcd til his fortitude nntl consistency, anil ehaerinctl that a ureal reformer has crushed liti.ylit hopes lor the prcsitleiicy When Paby was sick, e Rave her CasUiria, When she was a Child, sha cried for Castorla. When she heeeino Miss, she, clung tn CasUiria. When the bad Cliildrco, she gave Uiuiu Castort i Niee brick cot lane wiih " rooms anil mi'ii-u l.'iml iino out of town. It ovcrloi ilit- litv anil ullorils a beautiful view of th sittrotiniline: mount iliiis. Splctlilid walvr Purns .'iturotlicr conveniences. A plv I,, NATT ATKINSON .V SON jiiul'lidtf or. i;i:nt leb'.ldlin NOTICE. oB!Sv3 5'5' 5 2 2.(5 2,3 Mo s yd g S'3pSH.'.ii2.2.ooO' $ Z? 5si'JH5'pob'??oo -S2 ."3 Et tl Z 3 5!? Z S 2 8 aa 2 rvlSs.M J So'''! 3 - IS? 1 r O ffl Sj t p c 1 K 7?a 9 s 2 2 i Ka-i.?' Jvo O 2." :L. S X w . r H CD kBd rs 5 7 ? CI : B L J 73 I" I rr C in S , - a i P 3 2 S't 3 s rt- rt fro p a rr rr L. 'J i - - T iv -j 2 L 1 rr C 5 1 , rt e. 'j. X h C 3: "3 - . ? T- V C 7. NOTICE. v,,tl.... Ii, liei-ebr iriven nursuwnt to the re- nlirement. of the eonstitution nnd statutes nl the slate, that The Asheville I. mhl anil Power Company will iniike .pimeiiuoii in Hie General Assembly of North Carolina, at the present seHsion thereof, on or alter the irithdav of I'ebruniy, A. II. 1 , for the piissiiKeof an net iimeniliuK the charter, or letters of incorporation, of the snitl The Asheville l.iKht nml rower loliipnny. inn the 15111 day ol liiuunrv, A 1 , I mil. 1 1IOS A. OM'.ei. Aliornry for the Asheville l.l'itht nml Cower Co. jliul'iiClod NOTICE. 5 TZxZ 1 5 , .J. ,y.'P 2 C?' rtTs-tt-1 '? 4 r. c s:-5"5 ZZT- rt ! S E2o-i; r2.r.;2- ma cb. pe B.y: W jS C ".5" -0 8S b a 7a ... 5 ass' b-vP-"8 ' c - z- a c- r fip S 5 i S2-2 -'oc2; ? W - i. - sir." wri5,o? 1Z 5 r S S is herebv iriven pursuant to the rt luirenients of the constitution and .tututes ol the state that The Asheville Street Knil- wnv Comiinnv will niase application m me t'.enernl Assembly ol North Carolina at the present session therein, on or niter tne ioui lay oi renruiiry iicri. no ... .... net iiuicnihiiK lite charter ol tne sum anne- viile Street Knilwny company, inn ne loth day of Jiinunry, A p., IH01. I II i in, ft. iim ci" Attorney for the Asheville St. Knilway Co. jiiniril30d JOTICP. N'otieeis hereby civen. pursuant to the laws of the state, that W. I.. Hume, K. II. Zncharv. J. K. Zaelinrv anil otners win mint application to the General Assembly of North Carolina, at the nrrsent session thereof, on or after the U'Hlh day of February next, for the passaue ol nil net incorporating tne As hev e nni southern Ktiurouu com iiiny for the purpose of constructing a railroad irom a poi',1 on me .irfomu n nIH,li line by way of the city of Asheville, N. C, tnrouKn tne county oi iniujniiiiui m Some point oil tne ?.oulll x-aroiunt or Georgia line, with the powers and privileKCs Inelilent to suen ineurpui. ntiotis. This the '.'nth day of Jnnuarv, INlll. JONHS ec Sltl l'OKU, ian'-".)d:t(lt Attorneys. 'n o c -4:.-rr rt " x t la - ;. i ii2V S. ri O B B S g P ,Ji a it b c i c 7 1 P 0 Z M 33 HOTICB. lie it orilniueil by the Mayor nnd Hoard of Aldermen of the citv of Asheville, thntitshall he unlawful for anv person or persnnsto tear up the pnvinK on any street in said city ol Asl,. -via,, nnrl all ncli oersons iloitu: so shnll mum conviction thereof, be lined the sum of tw-entv-flve dollars. Provided, however, that whenever it may become nceessnry to tear up said pnvuiK on any street, application i-hnll he made to the street superintendent to have the slime done, and the costs thereot sltllll be paid by the person or persons for whose ben etit said work shall be done. C. 1. lll.ANTON, P. M. MII.LICK, Muyor City Clerk. febldt OFFICE OF THE ILLUSTRATED AMERICAN PIHXISHIXG COMPANY. BIBLE HOUSE, ASTOR PLACE, NEW YORK. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R, R. CO. I'ASSRSI'.KR riKI'ARTMKNT. Western North Carolina Division. PASSHNGKK TRAIN SCIIBDULB (In Epfbct Ian. 6) 7rth Meridian time used wheo not otherwise indicated. I I'lirnislic.l lion e N . II lliiiwilssee I'lnce. ! Ccllllill lociltiiiil. Terms rc.'Ciolllll'le. Posse.,- lott iuimi ill. Hi 1 v. Applv to i.inJo.l'f P. P. CI.AXTllN. l.AUGKST STOCK OI' dl.NSKS - AND - fi;ami:s, or the cotlTilion of nil kinds ol ilifcclive ision I hill can be improvcil with the pioper Klnsses. liX AM 1 NATION ol- TIMS Ol- CIIAKl W. L. DOUGLAS sD W fi 1 Ijullea.ele.,ani rlntwl, nnd so ststniwl on l,;,"1-,,l,'rt's W.Iji luollULAS.llrocklon.Maaa. sou WEAVER & RIVERS THE REST KNOWN REMEDY. The Milliter Alirontl Aicnlii. Prom the Statesvllle Landmark. A freak of nature in the way of lamb's bead, with the eyes runninj! into encli other ami n tail cjrowint; out of the forehead was sent to this tiltice this week by Mr. S. II. Kllis. of Alexander county Attention to the dailv habits of the voiinc tirevcnts snflcrini;. Tnke Rim "mons Liver Kecjulntor. 0 "11.I..C" twites loinoi'lnca nu 1 r.lentlll lliiollnvs. wllbonl ruin. Prevonts Stricture Cnntnins no nerldor nnlsonous stlbsl unci's, a"" la ...nnitt.wnt nh4.,llit.V lllirillle prcscrlbnd by pliyslclnns. U l Sy- rinmitniH wiiiifiaen inriu,.. . - - - uni.i i.u . la,., tinware- of Hub- ntltiile's. ..ini.eheili.Co.l.til. N 1)1 " THE LIGHT OF ADVERTISING I'OR SALB IIY RAYSOR Ii SMITH, ASHEVILLE, N. To Adertlerif To insure fliiingc of ndvertisements running on regular contract, copy must iv; v fii.i. a sronii with nouns AN71 TIIKN KUKP PAKK A HOW IT f IT t'OMTS AMNNY HYKKY MY AXl F.VIiKY lldVK TO CAKKV A STOCK Ol' GOODS. i.i:t Tim vvm.ic kkow what Vol) IIAYI! TO SHU.. IXTHNiSr TllliriiOI'Ui-ATTRACT rili;Ml NOt ALLOW VllliM TO IdKOHT YOU OH VOVK CKOWDUU Slllil.VliS. TPKN O.V Tim LIGHTS, nSPRCL ALLY TIIH HKIU.IAST. STHAKY A'l FAK HliACUINO LIGHT Ol' AI YHKTlSINIt. CiiuhiiiMi Coinuicrcia Gaiettc. F' )H Ul i.S T 'I'hree iiitl'in in -hid r n. nl -alj Main sliccl. Api'lv lo Icblililat' ' W Ii. IIAI.VI1I K Sotth ION i:viis is PKiii! it Siltisf.iction Kiiaranlceil. Iclllists' prcscliptioll Work It Specially. UbOl:ltn 1RN05 AND ORGANS. ON I'.ASV INSTALLMENTS without inti:ri:jt. lintels, llonrilinK houses, schools and in- lividuala supplied direct Irom the ni..tiulae. lurcrs. All frt-iulit paid- 1.1 days tist trial ill your own home Stool nml instructor lurinsiied with each instrument. Ueliable instruments, one '.in ice oiil , and that the lowest know ti." Por calaloKties, terms, etc., call on or ad dress K. IC. PERKY, No. 41 1'attoti Avtiitic, AhIivvIIIc, N. V. KAII.ROAII TICKETS BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED. cnl ICntatc. IIohsch toRcnt. C. F. RAY, Member American Ticket Prokers- Assoe'll, HO SOPTH MAIN STKLliT. JfoK HI-NT. Mv live room cotl.i! ipposite l inks llolcl. e on Wiinillitl street, Api'lj to S. II. KlT'll. JOTICH. Pursunnt to the Inws of North Carolina, notice is herebv uivell to the public Unit an application will be made nt the present ses sion of the General Assembly of North Caro lina for a corporation dinner to supply the city ol Asheville and the town ot Victoria, N. , nnd vicinttv with water. Jan. i-. iwi. M. Ii. CAKTIIK S. 11. RliHIl, nlliilaot. Attorneys JOTICIi. Kiillce in herebv liiveil tinrsu.oit to the re- piiren.ellts of the law s of the slate. Unit The isiievi le mission iiosiuiiii win .. .- ntion to the Generul Assembly of North car- linn, at the present session tnereoi. on or iii.r !,.. -'Mil, ilnv ill l-'ebrunrv next, lor tne isnai:e ot an net ninenoitiB lite dinner oi said corporation. This Hie "Mh ilnv ol Jail uury IS'.lt. JONtiS As Sill l'OKl jatl.'Uil.ioa I'OR UICNT. A new and comfortable dwuttiiiK house, intaiiiiiiK eiulil ruonis, with servants' house iillaehed, siluated on lliiilcy street, in the ,-itvi.f Asheville. Aonlv to Gl-O. A. SIIC- PoKli, lit olliec S. V. corner public Kipiarc dec" 7 dtl' N' I'mnninl, ivUI be re.-civeil lit UlC OllicC Ol the nrchileets until Miirch L'l . for the build- ini; ol a lirtek eliuren. oir sneeessun c,,,i,- u-tilor will lie rriiiiren 10 pivr sinisno ., mid tor proier eoniplelion oi ins euin-raci. Inns, detnils. s: eeilicalions and all other in formutioii inav be had by callinK at the of tire of " WILLS IlKOS., Architects II to 11, a to !, a.i ration, nve. Ichiodl w JSO LOAN. $o"i.ootl, nl H H-r cent , first umiiKAKc on Asheville real estate, in lots of not less than ami on Irom one to ten yenrs' time. lo I'. P. I.OVH, L'M liaviilsoil Street, Asheville, N. C. lebl -till ill Jf STATU OP UK. V. I.. 1 1 1 1 .1,1 AM K. Olivine ipinlilied ns nilinitiistratrix ol the estate of the lute Hr. W. I.. Illllint.l, il be come necessarv for me to collect elnims due said estate. Por this purpose I have deposited sll the notes and nceounls due said estate with A. T. Sniniiiev. Hsi , w here they may be paid, ami all reiiialniiiK unpaid on 1st ol Mny 1 Mill will be bnlilllccil lo .iu.lKinent. This 111 I'eb. 1HUI. M. IL III I.I.I AKH, fcblOd-iu Administrnliix. THi: NW FIRM RUTLEDGE I EWBANK. HEAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKERS, A LSI) I ire. I.iic snitl Accident In surance Written. Pest I'ire Cotnpaiiics represenleil. Northwestern Mutual Life, of Milwaukee Wis., ussels $l'.,,.'l.r. t,oi)ll. Pnleireil Mulual Accident, of New Vork. Kiriuiitcrs welcollic lit our ollicc. Kefcr lo all the city bunks. Ol'I'ICIi MN PATTON AV1CNCH. , feb"idllll MAGNOLIA IIOUS1 (I'tii tiicrly Cnrolina IIoiih',) 79 NORTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C Uir imiutM. n-imncrid, rc-tnvpo(id. A lirst i-1 ii m hoiinliiiK ImuHc. with nil liomciMHiifortn. TniU !tiiiidin. with the -tict the ninrkrt nf Itirt.M Termii rtantniiilile nml nircn on np nli.nlioil. MKS. W. A. JAMltfi, janlOdly rropriitor, TICIt TU IM'll.HIiKS. RKSOU'TION OT TIIH ItoAKl) Olf IHKliC TOKS OK T1IU ILLUSTRATED AMERICAN I'l'liUSlUNO CUM PAN V Pnssctl tht. -i. IS'JO. Wliirtas. It is (iur iksirc t iinuaf-c the cir iiilalioa ttl our Witklv Ntvvx Majiaziin mnoiiK the clnssrs to whom wc cuter, and Wlii-rrriH. Mimv oi' our natrons have re- niii'Rti'il ti tn firrimue tmr s'lliHt-rintinii list ho that the cmtiiiMitn ustially alUwcd Slib- smplion Agi'iitH muy uireclly nciutit locui rlifirilim. it in KrHolveri. That wr donate the sum of $1.(100 iu cnh to the Churrh of any demmii mitiiin iii t-iiL-h nnd t-vtrv State actitii: iih mil' SulmiTiiHion Auent. tliat may wmi us tne larireiit numher of Mibserihers. This dona timi ii made to the Mii-eessltd competitor tor the purpose of pavinti otV debts on their Church, for pnrchnsiiiK new altar luriiiture, for SuuUay Silitioi tuni oiner rarifu pur- piiCS. Prtvii1H. 1st. All subnerititions to the It. l.t'HTHATKP Amkhicas be for one year, paid for in advance, ami handed m between .Nov. 1. isuo. and Ian. .11, 1MH. I'ml. 1 here must lie nt least ten cotupetinir churches eneh stiue. anil should there not be at least i. n mmuctini! churches in astate, the inomy paid in for suliscriptions by rcsiilents of that stale will be returned to the partus so pay ing U. And it is lurtlicr Uesvlved, That a special clerk be detailed i to keep the rreords of subscriptions as they j arrive, and that the sluinlitiu of each church and parish be published in our columns every week. ibid. Thai all moniees so received Ik deposited in the Chemical National bank. New Vork city. :trd. Payment of the $1, OOO to be maile ttt any designated party at snou alter an. 31, ns the eouutcanbe uiadu. which will not be later than I'eb. 10. 4th. AH places of l."i,oou inhabitants or over, on the basis of the census of, are excluded from the competition. Sample copies will be sent free lo nil par tita on application, and nil questions pcrlniu- iiik lo the aiiovc oner enccnuuy answeicu. Hy ottlcr ol the lionru. AlAl KICIi M MINTON. secretary. THE SUN. POH KASTIIOUND. No.'lU No. Ill Daily. Ilaily. Lv. Knoxville, t'.ioth mer.) 7o0pm 7 20nm ' Asheville, 1 o-lam Ulilpm Ar. Salisbury, G 20am 7 20pm ' Dunvilie. loolnm12 3fiam " Richmond, I 3 :i0pm I OUCam l " KulriKh, 132pm 7'3.riainl " Goldsboro, :!10im luopml " WilminKton Bfitlpm " i.vnehburi;, lUfifipni 3 20uml " Washington 7fi0pm 1025am " llaltimore, H.Mipm 12 00 ul " 1'lnlu., 300am n20pm " Now Vork, 620am I 4fi0pml WKSTIIOCNU. No. U lmily. Lv New Vork, " I'hila., " llaltimore. " WnshinKt'n M30am " LyueliburK.I 3 1opm Klehmond, J innpml Hanville, 0 IS pin "" WilminKt'n I UOOam I " Goldsboro, 12 lopmj " Kaleicjll, I 4ir,im " Salisbury, 112-triam Ar. Asheville, I 055utn ' Knoxvllle, tuothiner.) 1 1 1 OOam No. 11 Ilaily noopm 740pm 1 5fipm 11 2llpm ft 40am 3 1.1am H!iaml 400pm I 1 2oamj 12;ionm 0 38pm 8 ftfipm No. 14 I Iinlly. I 101 0 nmll.v 11 ol nmAr 1 :io pm " A. i S. K. K. Asheville, Hendersonville, SpartanburK, I No. 13 I Ilaily. Arr.l SOO pint " 1707 pm I.v.l 440 pjn JoTICIi. Is herebv uiven that the uudersiKned will apply lo the Gttieral Assembly of North Car man ill us prcscui session n.i i. vui..... corporaliiifi ' The Coiumereial emu oi asue- le. ' t- i . "vn - . V. II. GWVN, T. II.CU1IU. jau:iod:iod tiotici;. Is heiebv Kiveu Hint nil application w 111 lie maile to the present session ol the l.enrlal Assembly ol Norm cnrolina to iiiii'ii'iimiv the "Montford park Assyeintion. lll.ll, l. , v ' ...... )an3lil:lod JOTICIi. An application will be tiiiulc to the General Assembly of North Cnrolinn nt us present session for nn net ineoipol atom tne i rcm.i llroad Lumber company. . lie n 1 1 1, in ', ;id President. 1801. K.,,11.- oi iinle neree witli The Sun's iiiiiini about nun nnd things, anil smne jiei'l'li don't : bill evervboilv likes lo tfet hold ol the nevvsnamr which is never dull and never afraid to speak its mind. Ilemoerntt, know that for twenty venrs The Sun has foiiKht in the front line for Hem ni-mtie oritifitilcs. never wnverini: or weak cnitiR in its Invnlt v to the true interests of the parte it serves with fearless intelliuence nnd flisinleresled villor. At tltlM'S OlillllOllS Oil (loi..r.-.l ns lo l he best means of accomplish ini? the common purpose: it is not The Sun's fault II it has seen further into the mill IviRhteetl hundred and ninety-niic will bell Kreal year in American poiiucs, mm no.i lilwtiilil rend The Sun. Pailv, per month .50, ier year o.i Sunilny, per year 2' Paily and Sututnv, per yenr e..t. Ilaily ami Sunday, per month 0.70 Weekly, one year 1.00 MI KPI1V BRANCH. ir I I lmily except Sun. lay.) No. 17 Ni 740 anrLv. '.Mo nnilAr. 1247 pin " lion pml " Asheville, Waynesvillc, llryson City, Toinoliu, Lv, 40S p m 2Mptn 9211 a m 4 60 a m Nos. U nml 10. I'tillinaii Sleeiicra between Greensboro ami Morrislown. Nos. 1 I anil 12 Pullman nulfet SleepinK Cars between Hot Springs nnd New ork W. A. WTNUUKN, U. 1' A., Asheville, N. C. IAS. I.. TAYI.OK.G. P. A., vtnsntnKiun 11 c. Chicago & Alton U.K. FASTUST KOUTlt TO KANSAS CITY AND THE WEST Asheville to Kansas City In 37 houro. Asheville to lenver in 51 turnr. Asheville to Sun Kraiicisco, California, and Portland, orcKou, in f davn. Solid Vestibuled TraiiiH St. I.nitia to Kan) sns City. KucliniiiK chair ear free. For full information cull on or write to II. A. Newlatid. IHstriet rnssenser Ascnt, No. 10 Putton Ave, Aftheville, N.C. J. CIIAHI.TDN. 0. V. A., ChlcaKO. III. NEW TRANS-CONTINENTA ROUTE. VIA ClIlCAlill, MILWAPKHIi t ST. PAUL ANU NORTH liRN PAC11TC R. K'S. Tni! ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, ROOMS, 26 PATTON AVE., ( Y. M. C. A. ROOMS. ) Open daily, except Sundays, from 10 a. m. until 1 p. m., and 5 until 7 p. The terms of subscription arc: One year J2; (1 mo... Jl.BO; 3 mos., $1 i 1 mo., 00 cts. daily 2 cts. Officers for 1 Klio President, Charles W ie..l... Viee. President. Thos. A, lones ; Sec nml Treasurer. 1). 8. Watson ; Librarian, Miss U. J. Hatch. ,ui.nna nml wl.ltorii nn eordinllv Invited to insiwct the cntalOKUC and inscribe their names as members. auouuu The Itaily Clll.t'll. Is always alive to tlic intercstsof Aslic illc nnd ils people. Is the most popular advertising medi um in North Carolina. Is rcatl liv n trreatcr numlicr of people I him nnv other secular nancr in the slate. Is always hllcil with the choicest rcau- ino mutter of the till V. lloariline; Houses till t licit- rooms uy no vel tisinc; in Tin- CrnzKN. News, and nil the news, makes Till! t'n izi-N a emend favorite. No retail merchant ever made n frrcnt success without iiilvcrtisini'. ivy 1 n I- Citizkk. An ndvertisemciil in Tins Citizun pays the udvcrtiser nu liuiidretl-iold. ThrotiKh Pullman Sleeping Car leaves Chi nuo dnilv nt Ti.30 p. m. l-'or St. Paul nnd Minnenpolis. " I'nrRo, North Iiakotn. " llelenn and liutte, Montana. " 'file Vellowstunc Pnrk. 11 Spokane Falls nnd Tacot to. " Portland. oreKon. ltrst Home to Seattle and all Sorth Pacific Const points. I lie scenic une to caiuorniu, "in i-oruana and the Shasta Route. rickets on snie everywnere. l-'or informntie-n apply to any Agent, or address A. V. 11. Cakciintkk, Cencral Fa sellRer Anent, ChienRO, HI., or ll.C. IlRADY, Southern PusseiiKer AKent, Louisville, Kj. A TLANTIC COAST LINB; On nnd after this dnte the foUnwIni sched ules will be mn over lts"ColunlblaIHylBlon.,, No. B3 leaves Columbia" p. m. Arrives atChnrlestoa 9.30 p. m. No. 62 leaves Charleston 7.10 a. m. Arrives at Columbia 11.R5 a. m. Connecting with trains to and from all points on the Charlotte, Columbia & Au Kiistn and Columbia t Greeuville Railroad.. Ually. T. M. BMRRSON, Oen. Pall. Act. J. P. DBV1NB, Oen. Bupi be banded in dy iu o cioca n. in.