Maxor tiraut Has Had a Pleasant and Heueflclal Trip. Mayor Hugh J. Grant, the chief execu tive of New York city went for an early morning ride from the llattcry Park hotel yeitcrduy. He did not, however, continue his ride for any length of time, owing to tlie condition of Ashevillc's streets. Mr. Grant returned to the hotel and at 2:19 p. m., started on his journey to his home. Mayor Grant was hurried back to New York because of Gen. W. T. Sherman's death, and is to lie present at the funeral. When seen by Till! Citizen yesterday morning in the office of the Battery Park Mayor Grant courteously but firmly de clined to discussed politics lor the public prints, ile emitted very Dlcasantly on the trip I luough the South which he has been taking, and stated that there was an improvement in his health. His eves, also, with which he had suffered for .some time, are much better. "I have had a most delightful trip," said the mayor, "but owing to this weath er can say nothing of mvopiuion ot'Aslic villc." The distinguished party, in addition to Mayor Grant, was composed of John I. Oimmius, Geo. S. Weed, a son of Smith M. Weed, Hurry l. Macdoiia and lid ward Murphy, jr., ami Ihcv traveled in their private ear, which was attached to the regular east-bound passenger train yesterday afternoon. "POI'HI.Y I'l.tMSASli." I'l t'Nldciit Julin H. Hunan Writc'H to Mai. Win, I-:. llri't-Hc. The following letter lias just been re ceived by Maj. Win. li. Hreesc limn President Inmaii. of the K'iilimiiinl audi Pauvillc railroad : "Mr. milium h lirccse, . I . illc. A. C. "My Pi'AK Sik ; I wish to uial.c linal aeknowledgment of the obligation iimler which you and the oilier citizens of Aslie villc have placed our party, by your gen erous and hospitable reception on the oc casion of our recent visit there. "We will long remember the courtesies extended us, and speaking lor the entire party, 1 can assure you thai our Slav was rendered doubly pleasant by the kind attentions showered on us while there. With best wishes, believe me yours sin cerely, John H.Hnman." I. l'ATTOM'S I'l Kl ll ANl:. IlelluyHC. I.. tiraliiim'H Maiiiiili cent Home on I'ark i-lace. Keal estate matters in Ashevillc are getting a move on ! The magnificent residence of C. li. Gra ham on I'ark place, in Western Ashevillc, has been sold to P. I'. Pat ton, for .1", 01 II I. Mr. Graham will at once commence t'nc erection of an elegant residence, to cost $lli,iMI0 or 1."i,l ion on a beautiful plat near this properly. T lie sale was made by Natl Atkin son ,t Son. This makes ,i total of $7:1. 01 Ml worth of real estate that this tirtn has sold since Thursday of last week. Ashevillc dirt verily goes. I.O; XI.AHI.Y LOST. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 16, 1891. ForccaHt till 8 a. in. TueNdav KreHli and brisk westerly wIii.Ihs wuruicr, ciouay weameri ruin. Uuiiiiiitc Done at DillNlioro Iitirinu tlic neltiue. Cumuiings iV lliilTiim, of the JUills boro band mills, recently escaped w might have been a serious accident and loss. A small section of the railroad ad joining their dam was washed out by the heavy rains, making a channel between the railroad and their dam, taking out several hundred logs, all of which, how ever, were caught below the works. The dam is to be rebuilt to solid stone across the railroad. Their boom and dam held solid throughout the freshet and caught most of their logs safely. The works will be in operation shortly. "JI MB" JKWKTT Ii:I. The Champion Fat Man Passes Away at Ills Hume. "Jumbo" Jewett is dead. A. F. Stevenson, of this city, has re ceived a letter from Mrs. C. I', lewctt, of Polo Station, Iowa, which stated that her son Guv Jewett, more widely known as "Jumbo" Jewett, died at his" home in that town Feb. S. He died suddenly and without a struggle. "Jumbo" Jewett was in Ashevillc about a mouth, and when he left here about Feb. 1, went direct to his home, where he died as stated. A Seminary Humeri. White Hall Female Seminary is in aslics; the furniture, books and all the private and school property are in ashes. Miss Morrison, a Northern lady and one of the teachers, had a very narrow escaoe The building together with the furniture lielongmg to it, was worth at least $,'!, ooo. The students 50 in number lost nearly all of their clothing, some money and quite a lot of jewelry were burned. When out, the students began to wonder if nil were saved. At that poii.t Miss blla Gibson, an heroic and noble girl of South Carolina, lorced herself into dan gerous places, making an investigation of every room to sec that none of her school-mates were yet in the burning building. Ilcreonduct wasdaring, brave, noble a young girl of heart, nerve, she is! Concord Standard. "Kiimiliiit Wild." The St. I.ouis Globe-Democrat says: "The popular comedy, 'Running Wild,' drew an immense audience at the Grand Inst night. The play is funny and laugh able in the extreme and the music is of that catchy character which makes an nudience demand frequent repetitions. Individually and severally the cast is a very good one, and especially must be mentioned Mr. Frank Ilammons, who, as 'Fritz,' kept the audience busy laugh ing. Miss Gypsy Warde brought down the house by tier pleasing singing and dancing, whilst all the rest did charm ingly." "Running Wild" comes to the Grand next Tuesday night, Feb 17th. Brlnic on the Fair. Fcom the llryaun City Ilcralil. The Ashkville Citizkn deserves pruise for its systematic and persistent efforts in securing a Western North Carolina fair. This is n matter that should address itself to the consider ation of every intelligent citizen ol the irogrcssive west. Ix-t us have the fair y all means, and Swain will not be "counted least" of the exhibitors. The Herald recommends the example of the isuncomoo alliance in passing resolutions ol endorsement, to our alliance. That New Slate. From the Wayneaville Courier. The Ashevillr Citizen asks, why not have ft State ot VVestern North Carolina? Will, not, why not? There are several favors and objections. We would object to it because it would cost so much to pa; office holders. But on the other hand, we would derive a great deal of good from steering clear of the negroes of the East. Mayor Wanton has gone to Raleigh. "Running Wild" at the Grand to-nior row night. Mr. J. VV. Schartlc h is returned from a trip to Ohm. Internal revenue collections Saturday were $5,.ri0.i!;-. Henry C Smith returned from liing- liam school Saturday. Three cases in the mayor's court this morning. The lines amounted to $1-. Key. W. A. Nelson, pastor of the First llaptist church of this city, is now hold ing a series ol meetings m Savannah, Ga. A. Sondlcy. of Ashevillc, has an able article in the American Law Review, ol St. bonis, for January-February, upon An bllect ol Ratihcalion. J. P. Sawyer returned fro;n Moigaulon Saturday night where he went to at tend a meeting ol the board of directois ol the Western Insane asylum. Manager Sawyer has booked Russell's comedians, with Fay Tcinplcton, for March II, at the Gland! Frank Mayo, in "Davy Crockett" conies March I 1 . Mr. II. P. Andersen, general secretary of the Ashevillc V. M.' L". A. left this niorniiu lor ,i visit to Trvon. lie will be absent until the latter part of the week. Chic.igo National Hotel Ucporui : Tie Swannauoa hotel, Ashevillc, has a new proprietor in the person of. Mr. Howell Cobb, late of Rock 1 1 ill. S C. lie has en gaged Mr. J.N Stewart, late ol I he Ho le! Cliiiiiola, ndcrson, S. C, as pnni i pal clerk. Mr. . II. H it ii ird, ol Ashevillc, ami Mr. II. I. Croley, ol Atlanta, arrived in the eitv yeslciihiv and in, ale a tour ol inspection of the Wilmington strict iail way preliminary to the proposed p'.u chase ol the road and its change lo an electric railway. Wilmington Star. A w.iou loaded witli hardwaie bloke down in crossing the car line on Paltou avenue near tin1 Rolieitsliiuisi'thisini'i n ing. Thecals could go no furl her on t hat line and I wo trips were lost. The obstruction was teuiovcd ab iut hall twelve. Rev. C. I'm ham. who is Idling ilie pul pit of I he First I'.aptist church during Key. w . A. Nelsons .ihsciice. did not preach at that chinch yesterday. Ile in Havana, where lie went to lie iniscnt at the dedication of a huge H.ipiit church in thai cilv. Rev. . P. Arnold preached at the Firsl Baptist yesterday morning. There were no services al night. i f t he I larval .1 1 Juaru tie Coucei I coin pauv, the Minneapolis Tribune sas " flic success oi the evening was priiui pally due to the exipiislie singing ol tin quartette. All lour ol the gentlemen hav remarkably musical yoicis, trained ti something very mar pcrleelion. Whil their selections were nut classic, ihc were delightfully interpreted, and wilh nicety ol expression." This company appear here nest Sa' unlay night inula the auspices of the V. M. C. A. il R STA TU l.ljllSI. 1 777,7.'. 1 he interest lull was made the special oriler lor cilnesila v at , o clock, la the senate the lull to csempt dained ministers of the gospel Iroin work on the public roads was laid on the ta ble. in t nc senate l lie House nnicuiliirn.s to the railroad commission bill were made the special onler lor net Wednesday at IU o'clock. The bill to amend the constitution so that solicitors shall lie elected by the vote ol the people of the state is a special or der lor next Thursday noon in the house. The bill requiring the trustees ol the university and the agricultural and me chanical college to report the conduct ol prolessorsat stated tiuies was tabled in the senate. The house has passed a bill making it a misdemeanor to sell or give pistols or pistol cartridges to minors save by eon sent ol their parents or giKini'ans. Tin bill to impose a tax ol Sooo a i.illv on dealers in pistols, etc.. was tabled. In the house the bill to increase tin school tax to L'o cents on propcilv ami 7 f cents on the poll was tabled', as were also a lull providing for payment ol weekly wages of operatives in factories; a bill in regard to croppers and ti aunts; a bill amending the law in regard lo working public roads; a bill to prevent gambling. The lull to establish a noiinal and in dustrial school lor white girls has be come a law. Six thousand dollars is an niially appropriated from t lit- public fund ;md $t,ono froni the county insti tute fund. Students to receive lice tui tion must signify their intention to be come public school teachers. The col lege will receive large aid Itoni the yatc funds. AFFAIRS OF CONSEQUENCE. Free silver democrats in the West aic disappointed at Mr. Cleveland's letter, liut still eons'dcr hint the best candidate lor the l resiliency. Govtrnor Hill was invited bv the I. form Club lo attend the anti-free coinage meeting in New York eitv last Tuesday night, but it is supposed the letter failed to reach mm ny mail. roui;n;.. The Catholic Church in Ireland wage a vigorous crusade against Mr I'aruell. t: .... 1 1 , l ive i isami jhthoiis were run ovi ami two hundred and filty killed by hides in London in 1SP0.' The linglish press holds that the M Mnley t.inll law in the 1 micd Sates icspousiiiie lor iue reciprocity discussion and situation in Canada. A dose of Simmons taken daily, will rclicvi digestion. Liver Regulator ami prevent RAYSOR & SMITH WHITE TAR CAMPHORETTE. A Mlll.Jtllllt, ,, - ,-,l,,- , - ,k- .Uslliu nun in imitlis ami iillur tmiels White Tui caiiTiii,,n Cli i v aii.i;ilf eompli-l, I) l.a,s iia sunns li js iiii.n i-ilitli,, Ol in . ulier i i 1 1 1 1 1 il I . . ,u- I. u j ami is ah., ,lut, I, ,, ,m IT IS INI VI. Mill. i; anil ami pel Uli'tll lll.'IMk. Tar L :l III li appto.ulus aw ay, , .ll! a el, S.,1,1 I., in mm , . on i ,-s, i , an. mi Mi , tti li'llur iiimi'I! ol ainu-IHS, Pit ' ill" Is. runs, tcatlins, el. W hit has ti l It lias I). -1 1 1 1 il I As spt "'I v, nip a Is itiiu.t In- ,lll I i tannin llits unit, htti, utti pn- AlVections of the bowels, so prevalent ill children, cured by Simmons l.ner Regulator. WrXrw List Special kinson ei Son; third page. baigaius At- 1H SINICSH OTICl.S. Specially Low. See prices quoted in large ads oil 1st and kh pages. New goods are coming in now. . II. ..uv, ."T and ii'.l S. Main St. Hif lir. Gibson, who arrived some days ago from the east, has decided to open dental parlors at No. oV South Main street. The doctor is very skillful, mak ing a specialty ot gold work and treating diseases of the gums and mouth. His stay in the eitv will be sonic eight or ten weeks, which will give our citizensan opportunity to avail themselves of his skill. Remember the place, No. ."i" South Main street. KAYSOR& SMITH nui .(.is rs, No. ,i Ptitton Avenue. BADGER &R0BIS0N Wholesale Grocers, No. 67 North Main St. Sl ii k C'.inilj s : ,1,1 lYmiv Omuls I per I'm i .i ni Mi.Uurc lo:iti't I le X X Snila C'raekirs lie 1 i.vstir O .-i. kers 7e. X X N liny, r Snaps si . Iihyr Waters lo,. Scallop Cakes -e, SpuMKi- fake 1 II..0 anilla L'rip In, . VV Int.- lliaise Snap ,S.'. o ile. : il I y GRAND OPERA HOUSE. ENGAGEMENT EXTRAOKDINAKV. r r k sin v, 1 1 it k r it v 7 nil laiK.igiineiit iif the , n V, lilK SiH-ei-ss, ii nours, SuhIi, and IlllncI at ConI. In order to make room lor our large stock of furniture we are selling our stock ot doors, sash and blinds at cost. W. H. Williamson .V Co. Fine Fresh Candies at Kro- ger's. l ine Hon Hon Chocolates, Cara mels. Iloston Chip and NutCandiesevery Tuesday and Friday by express. M College street. tf&Xndics, clean your kid gloves with Mather's glove cleaner. For sale onlv at Cnrmichacl's Drug Store, 1!0 S. Main" St. Index to New AdvertlHenientn. Noticr C. II. Blflnton. 1'im Kbnt W. K. IlHlvlmrton. Pun Sai.k Lintlnu, Hough Co. OI'Kra HnrsK Harvard yunrtettc Co. liSTATH OK OR. IIII.I.UKII M. IJ llilharil. J?0R One ncre of land In West Ashevillc. Two cottugcH on property. Good well and young; orchard. Oood locality. feblKdlw" LINDAN, HOP01I ft CO. WILD." u Clias. T. Vincent, Author ..I "A tlrnos VViilmv. I lie 1; , Lie , as plaieil in till Hie leading eitus "I the l'iiip-,1 Stiiliis. STARTLING CLIMAXES, UNEQUALLED SPECIALTIES. New 1'iTUitl llirls. I'trttiisl CoNtiiiitrs Sours. MriKht Musu. Scius 1,11 stile Motuliiy nt 1 Innsh's Cliina Store, t rnttoll Avenue. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. SATI KDAV, 1KB. ji. S;ail I'. M. SH AM I'. HARVARD QUARTETTE GONCERT CO. -(IP IKISTciN.- UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE Y. M. C. A. MALE (2UARTETTE. THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION & IMPROVEMENT CO. PAID UP CAPITAL, $800,000. fiEO. S. POWELL, l'lvsitlfiitiuitl Gen. Miuuif-or. W. W. IJAKXAIU), Tn'siHiirer. of Directors: Kicliiiioiid IVnrson, .. E. Kankin, T. II. Cobb, J. S. Adams, (i.o. S. Towi-Il. TIio con i puny owns about six hundred acres of the linest building and manufacturing sites in the city. This has bvn beautifully laid out into lots, map of which can be had on application. Special inducements are being ollered to a. limited number of persons who will erect firstr class residences at once. The demand for this property 1ms been unprecedented in the history of Ashevillc real en title, and its nucccss as the popular residence part of th city has already been assured. I Ins property in now being laid out with broad avenues with paved gutters and shade trees on each side. Water seuvr ami electric street railway running through the prop erty. I'ark and lake sites have been left at convenient din llli'.iw ( li I'j 41... i 1 . i i ....... i in wun i ur uujH'n ami n rouiuM( wnuT am . . i t s, ",'1l"i .is leen adopted so as to give the very best sanitary results. Some of the views to be had from points on this iiroiiert v are Unsurpassed in Western North Carolina, and that almost means the world. 'Ml . - i ne property is reached from the center of Ashevillc by ebest grades leading out of the city. The street car line IIISl decided OH. JHK 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 !' Ollf I iivivnml i!i. ..... r-i ) mi' inj ci... Mulberry s reels, a distance of one ;iml m IimII" iniu li..u . maximum tirade ol seven ner cenf mul flint f(... ...a.. ibout four hundred feet. so. taken altogether, there are probably no investments n the South that promise better returns than these. For other information apply to Geo. S. Powell, Pres., ASIIISYILLi:, n. c. Olliceat I Well .x Snider's, Court Squareand 1'at ton Ave ASHEVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. coal,; Celebrated Jelllco and Best Anthracite Coal. WHOLESALE AND KETA1L. COKE IN CAR LOAD LOTS. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ICE. Ashevillc Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 4o. Ko, 30 Patton Avenue. KENILWORTH INN. .- ! II. 1-. 1 hi- Krni worth Inn Clm,,nv I., ....... ...c I.., - that it has never ihr hhii. io UT, V-' ;r U . " ..'. ,' i,, ' ." """"r'nnn"un'-T" ui'rVl.'hA'.Vi 'l',;,-t"V!, h.utd ;! i,lc'." r""n- d "nti ,'h" P..,.,,,. ,. t he m..t ;i.;ns,vc view m'r A,h;vmry "(Wr oX .o.hVh "l-r. oh'T.road'.'nd" ... i., limn iMt-muu-iiui ninin wttn nrtvntr hulhu. Thr ..... IU'11 1 IflL' 11 1H I l I'll t ilil ) 1 . in iu 1... 1 t...l n.i.l u. ........... ..r ..... . .. T. wi k. iniu nnh 1 . ; r.V.V. 11.. . ' - n 1 any noiei in titc rmtcd Statn, "i "'"ri vwuii-ivinni. i-uc nourt' Ol lite OIK-nini: will he irivrn w " WAI.T1CR C. BROWNING, M. D., l'RUSIDIi.NT. Kindlings and Wood I'AT I'lNlv KINDI.INliS Lpauilih liumllia of louvcuiint sut nml flin; from ASHEVILLE W(M)I) YARD. Tor Sale Hy s. k. ki;i'i.i;i,', A. K cniil.i; V, IIAKi; HK11S., I . I'. IIAMH.T11N LU. A. II. L'llOI'ltK, , CKHlik .S: JilllNSli, II. II. W HII II, W.M. KKOill.k, Anil Other KtOK'tv HtoH'S. Ihi5lirH ItOltl Ihc 1-aii.Urii tmi t ul the Nlate anil itl-i-clUnt lul' i.iarriN; ii kiomi:h. I now Itnvi- n cooil mnuilv ofonk jimlollir. k inils ol tin-wood. Itoth tjrtin 1111U drv ml mil split I'or stuvi-n nml tirrpluu'N. C. E. MOODY, Offiec No. 30 Patton Avenue. Tl'.I.KPIIUNIi NO. (). Ynnl mnr I'rclKht Hi'iuit. Tclrphoiu No. 7.1. JOHNSON & JAlIi;S, KKAI. liSTATB AOUNTS. Wc havr n .Uh nhlL' lot rtf nroncrtv Unit out on the mnrkvt. l-or prtCfR nnd loiaition wr refer von to the bulletin tiuitrd, No. ;ill South Main ittreet. ornee uo nlnira. AIno ttrotH'rtv fer rant, and nKenti. for the Bowline; Green, .entueky, iiuikiiiik and Loan Asiouauon. jantliltf 51 ok If von do you will Ik nwnrc of Ihelfnel, we keen the hest coocln for the leant money. C. D. BLANTON & CO. ASHKVILLE, N. C. Dr. B. F. Arrington, Hl'RUKON ffcffS DENTIST. MISS GliRTKUllli Ll'I'KIN, nml rianiat. Cornctist Buy Lindsey's Guide Book toW.N.C. Price as eta. M1?S IDA PLORBNCli, Glocutloulit. I SUAI. TRICES. AclvcrtlHlntr C'A7;.l TICS many a new business ; li.L.K(.E! many an old business ; xn 1 von innny n dull business ; ( many a lost business; SA VES many a falling business ; PRESERVES many a large business; SECURES success in any business. To advertise judiciously, use the col umns of" The Citizen." Everybody reads it; and inpropoition to the returns it yields advertisers, its tates ttretltt cheap est in the country. V'lllinc teeth a irwrinltv .kn .n.. ended Kiinn., and nil dlwaiei pertaining to ,..,, ,i,miuic. iiiniT rooms on rnt ton nrenue, over Kuvaor & Smith', rim. tore. Are you aware that II. T. Estabrook has more pictures, a finer line of books, does more framing than all the firms in Western North Caro lina together. We do not spread out our entire stock, but can always show you clean, fresh goods in good variety and latest styles at the lowest prices. Call for proof at 22 South Main St., Asheville. SOUTHERN HOTEL. HENDERSONVIIXE, N. C. Ilemlemonville is ultunted twenty-one mile noutli of Anheville, on the R. n. r.llronrf ; morning bright nnd elenr; no rg, ; .plrndlcl water; henullful drive.; (rood medical attend nnce. Mnlnrla and lunp trouble ennnot exlul here. The Southern opened ()ct..lWr lt untler Norlhern mBnnKement, Northern cooklne. elc Table .econd to none. I-nrgc and well heated room.. I'or further Information r,..rHl HUNT A HMITH, Proprietors. rate., etc., aililrcm -tiib-GAROLINA SALOON TO THE FRONT. Wliilo (ilhei's ,110 Hitting a bug in your our, listen to me! ela.1 SnVoon 'rhncr.,',,i.r,'!'r"1 ?'.rr '" f"rni,h TnM wilh anylhlnn nauallj kept in a flr.t ... .a u h"" 1 h '"T"' nml ""' k ,n "'"tern North Carolina; If not in th. world nart.n:h'!','''. WM'"": Wine, nnd Hrandie. known n hr ?',. . hreestnr Irl.h Whl.key. beyond a doul.t the net in the world. Trv It ""d !.? eonvinml tbnt I ama.vrrti.inK nothins but laet. J kev Wi?h sv ,.h.a"""".'ur "f ,HV"' 1 nm1' rrana.n.ent.for the above Whl.. e?'l-ontet ii..1'.' '.'""' ,1V'"1,"H nrv" hronght to A.herllle Imported tlar e , I ontet t ane, MarKaui. Chateau lleltnont very fine In French Drantlir. I have a larre o'':. V.,leUA,';,5.,1,,n Hrn,,c".T CS ' Thr''' nnd other brannV Sa" nili tS!Xrn Sl"Ul' ,n ,nrt' m' ,m "1-or. fil'.?!1!-' K.yr w.Vl"ki'" '-"braee. ome of the (Incut nnd olde.t brand, known. CO Wh.V ? vSS ZJ'Z nir,Hn'B'k't fn'"v "T- Thr '' '-rand, of CIC.AR8 and TOBAC nnii he nZ nL ?, i i '''''h'',K m mr li.n ,fo' oiall ''. come and Ire me a"aeVo;rdVi:"ralpurp:,h'"k,t'" rClmm'U ",,CteVV"";funy, " m""t "" th' FRANK O'DONNELL, PROPRIETOR. THE CAROLINA SALOON, l'.t NORTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, 117 Haywood Street. All WATER THOROUGHLY FILTERED on the Premise. Twentv-flv. year, of practical experience, combined with pbhohal attention to all de tail, of the bu.inei. and perfect arrangement, f.r CLlmuiiiii and rcaiTT of all good, manufactured, enable the proprietor to pment to hit numerou. patron, a perlor daM of Carbonated Dcveraifr.. Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphons. Olniter Ale and all the variou. flavor, of SODA WATBR rendj for .klpment and deUvcred free In Cltj limit.. Ont of town order, mmt have iRpoK.iat.a mnn. C. H. CABIPBELL. OAKLAND HEIGHTS SANATORIUM, IPiiI.'MH.LY OAKLAND INN.) ASHEVILLE, N. C. 1li MohI Complete Health Rcaort In the Month. 1 now open and readv forRuenU. Thi houe i Ihc mo.t dnirable In the South for per. on. who need re it and medical attention. No hotel in Asheville haa a. well furnished room, and lt ruiiMnr in unequnlletl. (inly in the raw of pntirnls m the diet reflated. The table i. an Important fenture of the (anato riu in. The water ia pure nnd plentiful, coming from n Inrge limpid prinir nenr by. The an itarv arrannementa are a. erfect a. care antl money can make them. Tenon, aunerini: with thront nnd lung trouble, are greatly lienefltted by a .lay at this place. The metl. ical management ia under the direction of lr. I". W. Neefna. recently of the Jnckaon Hnna tortnm, at llanaville. N. Y The Knuatorium ia thoronghly equipped with modern applinncea for the arientinc re. lief and . ore of all nervnu. and chronic ni. . enaea. The bath department, are new throughont nnd are under the aunerviaion of competent and akilled attendant.. The method, of treatment include nil forma of hatha, the Medicated Vapor., Turkiah, Klec trlc, Hu.ainn, Roman, Moliere, Thermo-Slce-trie, Blectro-Chemical, Mnaange, Hleetricity in all it. forma, ulao 5wediah Movements. Medical attendance and every form of treat ment included in price of room. Although the comfort and welfare of tne .iek are the firat conaiderationfl. every oppor tunity ia given to thoae who deaire to spend a pleaannt and profitable M.aon here. Addresa for further pnrticulnr. fflltts Etullle VauKhn, ASIIIiVII.LI!, N. C. J. H. LAW, NOS. 57, 50 AND Gl SOUTH MAIN ST. BARGAINS In every line after taking the Annual Inventory, to Feb ruary 1 5th, for cnnli only. All the remnants and lines not to be kept in future will be closed out, and many new goods to make the sale attractive. All are now moved into Store No. 01 and are offered at ONE HALF to TWO THIRDS regular price. 8ILVKRWARB. 00 ert. Triple Plated knlvea. ..m.u best make. Regular price $2.23 per act. $1.(10 per aet. lHOaet. Tea Snoona.,l d. Standard plate. 1.1st price $.75 per doi. a i.xu per Kt. 40 sets Table Snoona. .., n.iii. above. Lilt price 0.50 per do.. $2.35 per HgMt. Medium fori ...lit. .. above. Ll.t price $0 00 per doi. $3.88 per set. Quadrnple Plate caster., cat g-laa. bottle.. List price $4 SO to S.SO each. $2.05 and CHINA. 80 sets Real China cup. and saucers, old price $1.2R act, now 70c p r art. 90 nt. China Dinner plate., nsual price $1.80 per set. Rc per set. Tea plate., same grade. Old price $1.00 per set (18c per act. A large lot of old piece., white and deco rated china at half to clone out. JapancK and ChlncK good, at altout half price to clone oat. 300 Bamboo 8p aaher. and Scroll, at 30c. worth 50 to 7fl cent. each. $l'?80)rmtl Wnner sets at $8.90, worth $w&t7'd80Ch'na Di"" "h J?$z?;mu To,l,t s 88 r aoceach.f plctMre rttyP)ocloK,t

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