S-V-" i -------- 1 t I Ashei!lc improved $010,000 wortli. X I Write Tiik Citizen what you think of Asheville Daily Citizen $(0,000! Slinll you vote for it? J Write Tim Citizen, f T the plan. VOLUME VI. NO. 249. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. -iLINVILLE.i A place planned ami devel opliitf us tt GREAT RESORT. Situated in t lie MOl'NTAINS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, A region noted for heulth .fulness and beauty of SCENERY. An elevation of .1,800 feet, with cool Invigorating Climate It iB being laid out with taKte and Hkill, with well uraded roadn and exteimive FOREST PARKS. A deniral'le plaee for fine remdeneeK and HEATHFVL HOMKH. ul oDitortuniiV for profitable investments. For illustrated pamphlet, ad dress. JLINVILLE IMPROVEMENT CO., w in.nio. Mitchell Co., N. C. IkWYnchling and oilier cups, tock. linn Marchc. tHfr'New Ginghams, new Eaccs, Embroideries. Hon Marchc. New IBTSiiellmnn's Spring Derbies, shape, kst ciinlity, lens price. Marehe. latest Hon VALENTINES at ESTAJUIOOK'S, The Bookseller, Htatloncr and Art Dealer tt SOUTH HUN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. aprlSd .. HEAL ESTATE. WAIT., n c.wvu. w. W. WllST. GVYN & WEST, (Succesaora to WalUr B.Owyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 ftEFER TO BANK OF ASHFVILLE. REAL ESTATE Loan Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Nntarj Publk. CommiHtonera ol Deeds, FIRE INSURANCE OFFICK-aontheant Court Square JAY GOULD SAYS That II a man ean aave one dollar out ,v.rv five dollars he enrna. ftnch a man w be rich innldr of twenty jrean- Call on na and we will tell tou how to do It, ai wehnve jut received private advicea from Jay on the auhjrct. Onr linnlneia has been very prorrou, daring the lat year. In anite ot the hnrd tlmen and we take this opportaulty to thank our frlenda and cuitomera, and to wish them all long life ana nappmen. JENK8 & JENKS, HEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Keoin 9 &10, McAfee Block 28 Patton Ave.. Athevllle, N. C. Mrs. Burjcwyn Maltland HOME AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, No. 40 French Broad Avenue. Thorough Instruction In Bngllah. French And LAtin. Alto Music and other accom plishments. Special attention (Wen to the training of little girls. deed 41? JOIN THAT LARGE ARMY Of srntlhlt cconomU-al people wlio from ex I crience have learned that COOPER'S In the Oeat Place to buy Groceries, Grain, Feed, Etc. Yon can trade with us with the perfect us' I surance that our prices arc "Rock Bottom-1 Wc are still sellinff Magnolia Hams at 12c tt I retail. I 3 2 Br tt H 1 ETR a o ft w 3 v O! ? n5 m ."So e North Court Square, Corner Main and College Ht. REDUCTION IN HEATING STOVES. Owing to the lateness of the I ii- . season we ure seinng Hearing )(.!ir Sir:-l have dis stoves at greatly reduced ensed the Excelsior Water l.ru-es ui jiMrvfiiu .1U1.VHIH any stock over into the next season. n you waiu a nrove now is the time to buy one cheap. A few FINE LAMPS yet left at a bargain. They mi. imin.r rni.idlv and vour chance will soon be gone. ..in- Hm-iriiiii Counter for odds ami ends usemi ami f, Taylor, Boul & Brotlicrton. No : Patton Avenue, Un- der Opera House. ZEB VANCE III Kit there. We hit un (lid Zth as King Hit nf jt I'lnur in town. We have Jut rcctiv- I a fri'utt l t of KEG AND BOTTLE PICKLES ome and uive them a trial, at I ARE BROTHERS, 17 South Main Street, CORTLAND BROS. Real Estate Brokers, And IiiYCHtmeiit Agents. NOTARY PVBLIC. Loans se urely placed at 8 per cent. Offices: : & 2R Patton Avenue. Second floor. fcb9dlv U. WILLS. ARTHUR J. WILLS. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, 38 Patton Avenue. Neat Y M C A bulld'g. novt d3m PO Uoi5S4. JOHN CHILD, ( Formerly of Lyman Child I, Office No. I Legal Block. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER Strictly a Brokerage BuulneM Loans aecurely placed at 8 per cant. "Rapidlv to the Prontl" DEAL BARHEK, FSANKI.IN, N. C. D K A I. HSiTATR In all its forma, In the richest portion af Western North Carolina. It will pav you to write u for the best inducements nnd great eat harvnlna In the "Coming Section of the South," or apply personally to our Asheville repreaentntlve, raaoKKica kuti.kim.i, lanG-lm 118 Patton Avenue. FOR SALE I Pi tut clnM new rv-w.et.ee, chenjwst humc In Ashcvine, location central. FOR RENT Finely furnished residence In best part of cltr. A 20 ream house iust the thing for a iHshlonable boarding house, olhw house. that are worth your attention. Finest nt ..,. .tin I. tin,!.- Bn. ,,.r I.m.Ib In south. Mineral properties. Vntki Suits of rooms for light house- Vceoinx. t lal vmir tirnn.rtv with n. And hv. I .(ilil nnrf i.nled. M c I N l! V Ti I I.HNll. jpsT l'uni.isiiKii Our new pamphlet Lhvlllr Full of latest statistic Call a'copy, BIGKLOW & JONES, RKAL HSTATB AND 1NVK8TMBNT8. Room 8 McAfee Block, 32 Fatton Avenue. uoelTdlm DO YOU WANT A fine China iHiincr Tea or Chamlwr Set Cheap? If no now li vour chance to ct It. As we are needing money and space we will offer you for the neit in day the following acts: ofl pieces llavlland Ten wt $15 worth $UO. in piece llovltand Dinner set for $2 no worth $50.00. 120 pieces CnrlKhad net for $40 nlun worth $50. Two 112 piece Apaueaetti for only $1M worth $25. Five hand decorated 12 pieces linn.lierscu worth " ' " cers worth $.1dox. now $2 dot. and thousands of other articles reduced In same proportion. This Is no "eaten penny" ad. hut we mean business. Olnnce at our bargain show win dow and he convinced. We will this spring how you a much larger and handsomer line than ever before. Hotels and boarding houses wishing to replenish should hmpcvt our line and prices, before buying. THAD, W. THRASH & CO. Crytttal Palace, No, 4i latton Avenue Crockery, ('.Ins ware, Lamps, Jlousclurnish- ings. IUc. GEORGE SCIICEN, Mineral Water Bottled and on Drught. RICHMOND, VA. Mr. F. W. Lawrence, Sin tn rrwci tim! twiu rV r h hi i ri vximli Kiwi iit i eontmually at my counter for the past twenty years, and tk pleasure in saying that among the many mineral wa- t,-s that 1 ham e there M1: none that surpasses "Excelsior." For its i in- medical qualities it is all that is claimed for it, and as a refreshing and pleasant leverage it has adeemed pop ularity with my customers The apparatus with little at ri.ntioTi wnrL-u norfiw'tl v Hiitis. fa.roriiy and dispenses the water with all itsnaturalgas precisely the same as when or-drunk at the Spring (iFOKUE 8CIKKN 1 he irenuine hxeelsior wa U(l,. ,. ))W H, na( at T. V Y- I)r" storo. Asnevuie, ai o cents u glass A large dieount on l.adlea' and Mien, wrapt and clothing for Men and Uuvs. Among the former are ahout twenty wraps not bought thin iwafon.at about one-third of I original prices. Children's Wonted and I'luah cnpn, half price and I cat. Some prime value In New Honda lust in. Many other Important reductlonR If. REDWOOD & t. Clothing, nry Goods, Fancy Oood, Shoea, Hats nnd Carcts. 7 & 9 PATTON AVIS I IIHKIIIN . WILKIB. . CtKTKB WALK WILKIE & WALKE (Successors to Wllkie i Atklns.l NO. IS PATTON AVEM'E We have commenced the manufacture of plain and lam ; candies and are prepared supply the wholesale trade at the lowest pos slhle prices. FRESH GOODS DAILY ON RETAIL We have also the exclusive agency for Tennev'a kVlite Candle. OAKLAND HEI6HTS SANATORIUM. (FORMBRLV OAKLAND INN.) ASHEVILLE, N. C. UfOflT COMPLETE HEALTH KES0KT lot ''V THE SOL TH, t V, . I Aiiolntmentt unsurpassed. All modern tncrapuuc appliances ann natns nir ine re- I u.l nna rurc Ul ninuui snu varomv u' I eases. Turkish, Roman and Russian baths, Kelee. oa I tricitjr, Massage, Swedish Msvtmcntt, all in for I eluded In Drier of room. I The Medical Management under the direc- tlon of Dr. P. w. Neefus, recently of the Jack- tntlv or the iac Ison Sanatorium, at nana ther particulars address, son sanatorium, at Dan.vlllc, N. Y. Forfur- Miss Emily Vauuhn. ASHBVILLB, N. C. ETTED BY FOOL WHITES. THERE WILL BK AN INDIAN WAR THItsBPHINtt. The Honllle IurtlniiH Were ; really Flattered In Philadelphia, While I lie Friendlier) Were Iicnored and are Therefore Anicry. CiiiCAiiO, III , Feb. 19.-The band of Sioux which arrived here Tuesday on their return jmirncy from Washington to itie Rige, left for their destination last iclit. Ilefore leavings Aincriciin Horse mailc this significnntdeclnrntion: "I Burned the Sioux reservation-ceding treaty, bt when I saw how the mouths I mv people were closed in Washington, told Little Chiel Noble that 1 would no longer be n lender af my people, but ould minule with them as a warrior in the ranks rather than lilt my voice again behalf of the white man. Louis Prima, of the Standing Koek agency and one of the interpreters wih the party, said : "In view of this visiC and the excitement las' fall. 1 know and am no alarmist that in the spring there will le trouble. At the Horticul tural hnll in Philadelphia, where crowds were present to see the Indians the only hief that received anr marked attention as Two Strike, who is hostile and al ways has been hostile. The people rowded around him, shook his hand, showered cigarettes on him un and made the old fellow weary with demands for a sieech. The men who have stood bv the government for years saw this and knew that they were ig nored because they were friendless. The effect was bad and not onlv bad, but lasting. They scnk ot it to-day among themselves and wonder why the whites show no appreciation of the men who have practically ostra cized themselves from their kin dred for the good of the whites and what they believed wns for the good of their own race. I honestly believe thnt the at tention shown the actual hostiles in the enst, to the ignoring of the friendliis, will work as much harm as the little at tention shown to both bodies by the of ficials at Washington. Neither friendly r hostile are sntishcd by this treat ment. I IHI HI AI. HEAT, paralleled Heretofore In the I.ocalltleH Named Herewith. Washington, Feb. ID. The siKiinl of fice furnishes the followiii siivcial bulle tin: Wcntlier reports from Mnrylanil, the District of Columbia, the western por tion of Virginia mill the Cnroliu.is uml northern Georgia, show that Weilnesilnv as the warmest on record over these sections for this season ol the year. Fol lowing are some of the maximum tem peratures with their relation to the high est previously recorded dunlin the second decade ol fehruary, viz. : Baltimore 7,2 above the hu'hcst here tofore recorded ; Washington 7, 1 above; I.vnchliurK 7. 1 above; Raleigh 7(1, above: ChnttanooKn 7o, i above; At lanta 76, 1 nbove. The temperature has been over 20 de crees above the average over these dis tricts lor the past two (lavs, and Wednes day morning from '20 to .'10 degrees bove, the greatest departure being at Washington city, where at (i a. m., the temperature was fili, or 'M above mean. TIMKTO MOVK. What About That Dummy Line to Weavervlllef Wkavkkvii.i.h, N. C, I'eb. 17. The fieoplc here arc much enthuseil over the prosiect of a dummy line from Ashcvillt to this town, owing to the fact that the leuislnture lias passed a bill to incorpor- te one. The iieople here will subscrilK' -'5,000 nnd are ready nnd willing to put own the cash. We suggest that the company lie organized at once and elect Dr. J. A. Kiagnn, of this place president. Don. ;hou Ulvea Hall. Chicago, Feb. 19. lix-Sccrctary (oh- son, of the whisky trust, win arrived irom reoria last night, walked into ludgc hheppnrd s court to-dnv and gave $25,000 bail for his apiearance in April. AT WASHINGTON. The cruiser Baltimore bus started for France on her yovatre to Chili. The house has adopted the conference report on the army appropriation bill. The President hns nominated Edear Aldrich Tnited States district judge for New Hampshire. The Gamcwcll company has been awarded the contract for their telegraph system in Washington. The diplomatic nnd consular appro priation bill was passed, yeas 33, nays lb, by the senate yesterday. Republican congressmen are trying to avoid an extra session by pushing through! the appropriation bills. Mrs. Harrison, wife of the president, exhibits some of her paintings with the art class to which she belongs. It is considered thnt the democrats have a very bright prospect ol enptur; ing the I'nitcd States senate alter Nlarcb 4, 1803. Mr. Brewer presented and after brief debute, the house iiRivcd yesterday to the conference rcixirt on the fortification ap propriation bill An adverse report on Mr. Stanford's bill to hase currency upon government loans on real estate has ljeeu made by the senate committee. Hon. Icrrv Simpson, of Kansas, known as the "sockless statesman," wns a visi tor on the floor ol the house ol reprcscii tntives in Wnshington Monday. It is said in Washington that the Cleveland silver letter dclcatctl a com promise measure looking to the free coinage nf American silver nnd the mintage charge lor the coinage oi torcigii stiver. In the United States senate, Senator lngnlls presented the credentials of his successor, Mr. William A. I'eiier. 1 lie diplomatic and consular bill was passed after n debate on the Hawaiian cable and a tilt between Messrs. Hoar nnd Plumb on the snlnries and standing of American ministers to foreign countries. In the house n resolution was reported for the impeachment of Alexander Boar man, iudue of the United States district court for the Western distiict of Louis- - r ... n i.m inna. 1 ne inoi. in approiirmuon oni wi.s reported to the house Irom committee of the whole nnd the previous nucstion was ordered on its passage. The genernl de ficiency bill was reported to the house. AN AWt'l'l, FIGHT, Paddy Ryan It nock a out Need, ham In 76 Rounds. Minnkai'OLIS, l-'eb. 18. In tbe Rvan Needham fight vesterdny in which Kyan won in the 7(ith round, the men fought like demons, Rvan securing first blood. Perfect pandemonium reigned among the spectators at times. Suddenly Ryan gave Necdhnm an awful blow in the neck and both men got excited, clinching sav agely. Cries of "foul" were raised aad not allowed. Desperate in-lighting fol lowed, in which both men struck a num ber of foul blows. With the 7fith round each man came up for blood, Ryan land ing effectively with his left nnd knocking Mcedhnm down. They clinched and Ncedham was knocked down again, and only the call of time saved him from being knocked out. As it was, he was earned to his corner in a tlnzed condi tion nnd before time was called his sec onds ;hrew up the sponge. 1 he tight is universally considered one of the greatest ever lought in this coun try, the lighting lieing liv the rules in almost every round. The exact time of the fight was five hours and five min utes. Jt'MI'KIlTHK TRI'.HTI.K. Further particulars) of the Acci dent Near Newton. Sai.isiu kv, Feb. 17. Further particu ars from the railroad wreck at Same's trestle, two miles from Newton, are that fifteen s?rsons, including the train crew, were on board. Three were killed on the spot and three more died to-day. Tin ex others are supposed to lie fatally injured. 1 he trestle wns thirty teet high. The wounded are C. I.. Dunlop, con luctnr, bruised, internal injuries ; C. M. Shannon, only slightly hurt, and one brnkeman. The train wns behind time and it is said that the engineer was under the in fluence of whiskv. Passengers who escam'd death state that several spoke of jumping liefore the trestle was reached, as they saw that the train was running at a tearful rate ami that an accident was inevitable. Kev. M. I.. Little, principal of Dallas high school, was one of the three that died to-day. Richmond Dispatch. IT WAN CORRI PT. Mr. Ouay'H DeulaiH llnn'l Carry the Weltclit He Could Wlnli. I'liil.AiiKl.i'lllA, Feb. 1'.). Mr. (Juay lenied that he had attempted to cor ruptly influence Mr. A I'. Tutton in the lischargeof his dtiticsas internal revenue ttisiector twenty-two years ago. .Mr. Tutton savs emphatically : "In lSli'J M. S. Ijna'y, now United Stales senator, did make a most dishon- ralile unci corrupt proposition to me, rs suiKTvisnr ol internal revenue, in the in terest 01 certain iraiiduimr. oisiiuers 111 the city of Philadelphia." TWO niU FIKKH, Opera House In Roch eater Hunted Round Houaie lleNlroyed. Kociii:sti:k,N. V., Feb. 1'.). The ('rand o)crn house was totally destroyed by lire this morning from nil explosion of some kind in the interior. The Windsor hotel adjoining wns also damaged. The oiH'ra house cost !out $75,000. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 1'.). Last night the round house of the Missouri Pacific in Kansas City, Kan., was burned with eighteen engines. Loss $1 75,000. lien. T, Drayton Dead. Ciiaki.ottb, N. C, Feb. 19. -Ceil. T. F. Drayton, u class-mate of Jefferson Davis at West Point, died at Florence, S. C, to-day. Prof. Wlncliell Dead. Ann Akiiok, Mich., I'eb. 19. Prof. Alexander Wiuchcll, the distinguished geologist, died tit 9 o'clock. ST A 77; SEWS. A move is on foot in Charlotte to form a stock company for the purpose of pur chasing the Charlotte temnle seminary. Winston Daily; Mr. R.J. Petrec, o I iermnnton, Stokes county, sold a load of tobacco at the rarnicrs warehouse for $.rii3.17. (ioldsboro Argus: The first pen bloom ot tbe season was laid upon our table last week by Mr. W. II. Collins, of Eastern Goldsboro. A Berlin paper savs that "Vice-Consul (eiiernl Murphv has lie promoted to be U. S. Consular agent at Hanover. Mr. Murphy is a North Carolinian. Charles M. Stedtnnn, representing a land syndicate, has purchased tiltccn thousand acres ot land in Jones county trom the state board of education. Dr. Smith, oi.e of the ablest Presbv tcrion ministers in the state, savs that he ndheres to King James' translation of the Bible nnd not the new version. The ease of T. K. Sammonds for the killing of l.igc Moore, colored, occupied the criminal court at Charlotte tor twe days. The jury gave a verdict of not guniy. Mr. D. Bnrnes Plvlcr, "who had the reputation of lieing the largest man v North Carolina, ins weicnt oemg ti' pounds, died at his home in Union county a lew nays ago oi in gnpic. Concord Standard: Mr. lim B. Wine- coff. of No. , brought in an egg. The hen is just starting out, but she numbers her eggs. The one wc have has a figure "5" on it in such a manner that a blind man cotdd reatl it it is a raised hgurc News has reached Wcldon that lob Carlisle, n well-known farmer living in this county, committed an outrageous assault uon the person ot hisstcp-tlatigh ter. Lizzie Keeter, I uestlnv ot last wee lie was committed to jail without on A number of citizens of Moore countv have formed a syndicate and pro pose to develop the line brown stone deposits in Moore county, which is cele brated tor its stienor quality, notn in texture, shade nud softness in working. A Charlotte Dispatch says: "Mrs. Martha Morris, of this countv, widow of Col. Zcbulon Morris, will celebrate her ninetv-ninth birthdnv at her home, ten miles east of Charlotte, on the L'Oth of this month. She is rcmarkcblc for the accuracy and extent of her memory. Mrs. Morris tells of seeing the grandmother of James K. Polk standing on the steps ol the old stone House, six miles from Charlotte, selling whiskey to groups men. A MILLION DOLLAR LOSS. l'.Fl- F.CT OF THF. RIMI: OF THIi AI.I.KtiHANV, Houses Overwhelmed and peo ple Driven to Drv I.ancl-riie Damage Ih Ureal Hotel tiuc-HU iet In at the Windows). Pittsiiikc, Pa., Feb. 19. At one o'clock this afternoon the water in the Alleghany river reached .'1'J feet and 11 inches and began to recede. The great damage inflicted in this city is due more to carelessness in removing goods than to the very high water. With the New lierry iron mill flooded and closed down, tailroad tracks washed away, cars, squares or ipiarters of streets Hooded and thousands of cellars II led, the loss can not fall less thnn $1 ,000,0110. The poor all along the river have sul fercd so greatly that appeals foraid have been issued. At Wheeling the damage has been very great, but it is impossible to estimate the amount at present. In South Wheeling hundreds of houses of workiuguien arc under water. The Stanini and Windsor hotels have both water on their first lloors and the guests are obliged to go in and out the win dows. In spite of the general destruction ol proerty, not a single case of loss of life can be directly traced to the Hood. NHF.RM AN'H I I NI.HAI,. It Occurred In New York To-Day The AliHeui Hon Arrive. Nkw Yokk, Feb. 19. New York to-day payed every possible tribute of respect ti the memory of Gen. Sherman. General business wns brought almost to a stand still and all who could do so ceased their daily occupations to do honor to tin dead soldier. At an early hour the people began to assemble in West 71st street opposite the late residence ol Gen. Sherman. From almost every house along the street the American tlag floated, the greater numlier being in deep mourning. Rev. Thomas Sherman, the son whose arrival has been so anxiously awaited, ai rived at the house at 1:110 this morn ing. The casket remained open during the forenoon for any distinguished visitors that might arrive from the hotels. At 10::il none but some intimate friends and old veterans had come in to take a last look at their old commander. IH Kyle F:iected? 1'ilinm;, S. D., Feb. 19. The (iicstio:i has been raised over the legality of Mr. Kyle's election to the Failed States sen ate. The claim is made that the consti tutional requirements provides a major ity of all the members of the legislature necessary, which would necessitate Kyle's receiving 85 voles; he received nly 7o. naltlmore pi li es). RAl.TlMnRK, Feb. 11). I-'Idto fairly netivr. WHivl street utitl weati-rll, super., JM.iniu o; eitrii, $3.70(i4.rio ; Ininil v. ii((.5 oo;citT ills, inn lir.'.nils.) extra. $. l-w ;17. Wheat southern, cniict fold caxitT. lilts, $1 IHidil on; Loi'itlierr.v, l.n.'l('ll ok. cstcru, ensy; No. i: Wltltrr rt(l, spul uml bruarv. 1 n'-i-V" 1 .0:1. Corn S 'in lieni. irly aetive ami tirni; white uml yellow, (l(i; 'i western, slroiiK New York Market. Nkw Yokk. Feb. It) stocks, Hull but eaily. Money, easy ul li'-..; Kxchatmc lonR. l.; short, a.s,. ; slate Iu ihIr. iir 'Cteil: Kovcrilineiil liomls, dull but steaily. otton, steadier sales, "H hales; I'p nils. We: Orleans. It l-lr.e: lutiires I'pcneil ad eloseil firm; February, S Sti; Marell. s; April, K.II3: May, U IB; June, II; July, ll l'.l. l-'l.'i r timet anil easy Whrnt active hut weak. Cora active ami nil. Cork Hull but sle ulv. at $'.i..rnii. 1 1 .IT.. nnl uuiet but sternly, at !" HO. spirit uriieiitine ipiiel hut steailT, at 4lHii.-l.iil jC sin null, ut 1 4-J':Htl l ieiK.lls asy. a n:ins or coxsEoncxcE. i'oKi:ir,N. The insurgent forces in Chili dele.ited the government troops m two engage mcnts. ohn Dillon has been removed from bis ell in Clcniel prison, Ireland, to the m urinary of the institution. A woman whodislilicdSii Ciorilen-Ciiin ming first told ol the baccarat scandal with which Ins name has ami coiincctcil The rumor that the I'nitcd States and English government have agreed to sul mil the Ucring sea question to ihearliili a tion of King Humbert of Italy is with out Inundation. Kev. Dr. Pope was lined I' J at Newtoi Abbott, Devonshire, Kimlniid, for brawl ing in church, he having wrested a chnlice from the hands ol a clergyman who was lieiatiug at the time. hum i:. Miss Winnie Davis is visiting New Vork city. Mayor Grant has returned to New- York from his southern visit. The general verdict on Mr. 1'nav sieech is that his denials came too lal 1. 1.. Sargeant was sentenced nt East Cambridge, Mass., to lotirlcen years in the state prison lor stealing liens. In Philadelphia the republicans clcctc Edwin S. Stuart mayor and an ovc whelming majority ol city cotincilmcn. It now comes out that a spv in tl bear interest lollowed Jay Gould through out his southern trip to report on health. The recent rains in Pennsylvania, Wcs Virginia and Ohio have caused grci freshets in the rivers ol those stale doing great damage James Bnmrignn, of Woonsocket. K. 1 has, bv securing the unilev ring Works, effected the organization of the1 American Wringer company, with a cap ital of $2,00(1,(100. It is reported that the combination of several Chicago breweries and the Platz brewery, of Milwnukcc, with a capital of $12,000,000, has been effected under the name of the I nitcd States brewing com pnny. Delegate Ed. B. Dver, of the West Vir ginia house of delegates, charges that George Howard, the representative ofn publishing house, tried to linlic bun lo vote for the school books furnished by his firm. A dispatch from Nacogdoches, Tel., says: News has just been received here the lynching at the village ot Douglas ol n negro nnmed lorn Kolnn on general principles. He wns a notoriouscharactcr, who somehow succeeded in getting ol of tight places in the law's meshes, nnd had uccn guuiy oi numerous crimes. Wo luivo tlio liirycHt sup ply uf CARRIAGE SPONGES in tlio city, aiul tlit'y are bo iii&' sold ut REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. Sponges that usually retail tor 25 and cents, we can .sell for 10 and 15 cents, and make a reasonable profit, ('all and examine for your self. (i HANTS rilAUMACY. KKI'HALINE will relieve neuralgia, head ache, or toothache. 25 cent a bottle at Grant's Pharmacy. The finest uml most complete stock ni ilofwcs. Toilet It'.'ilcrs, Extracts, 'ace 'owilei s uml hifih Krmlc Soups lit OA'.l.W .S i'HAKMALY. 1'icscriiitions filled lit all hours. Goods lelivvred free ot cluirtfe to any part ui lie dir. UKA.Yl S riJAKMAUY. If yon want a hiimlsome pnir ol cut luss Hollies cull at OKASTS 1'llAU- UAL V, Hut ties ranging in price Irom tic to riltceu uollurs per pair. 11 you want a fimt-cluss Ihiirllruslilor .iniill amount of money, UKAST'S IIAhlMACY is i lie place to iro toL'ct it. Ml kimltiol Tooth lliushes, liuthllruslics, nth lilovcs, Sponges, etc. H'ftcn vour Prescriptions aic com- oundednt CKASTS PHARMACY you an positively ikpeml upon it that only lie purest uml best Drill's anil Cham ois have been used that they were impounded by thoroughly experienced 'liar mncisls and that the price paid us not unreasonable. Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South Main St. J. CAMPBELL ii:ali:r in real estate AM) AdlLNT FOIl THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY Buys, Rents and Sells Houses and lots sold on tin; installment plan. Op tions bought and sold. No tarv Public NO. 5. SOUTH MAIN ST., Up Stairs. jpiiu 8AI.lt. lt'boui;lu at once, I can se.l one of the most .-.ui vuiicnl ,'iiul the prettiest little house in Asheville. It is located within uvo minutes' alk ol'eourl house, has cillt rooms, all umtlct-ti coti vcliienccs. on one ol best streets, lust at street ear line. I'ricc too low. but mist sell tot cash. Apply to J. M. CAMl'lllil.I.. O X S r M 0 PS 9) 0 p 8 3; C P n C v. C c rl- v. X B B 3 o CD of P out

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