i if m THE DAILY CITIZEN. By RANDOLPH-KERR PRINTING CO EThk Paii.t Citurn, Democratic, in published every afternoon (except Sunday) at the fol lowing rates strictly cuah : One Year 0 .00 Sii Montha ? Three Montha '-J' One Month J" One Week lr' THE DAIE.Y CITIZKN. la on ale at the followlngplacea in Aahevllle: CITIZKN OFl'ICB. BATTKR V PARK NHW8 STAND. Ol.BN NOCK NKWS STAND. MODKL C1GAK STORK, l'atton Ave. MONDAY. MARCH 9. 1891. It is not larc business, itrrcstini: nicmlxTS of tlic Salvation army. l)iit Captain Sawyer unH his followers are not wholly blameless. If his preaching and sinning draw a crowd that obstructs the streets he should be perfectly willing to no elsewhere. The most of his beet work cannot lie done on a public siiian given up frequently to rat-baiting and in view of sidewalks continually obstructed against the ordinances of the city. Tin Captain should, rather, get out into the byways leaving the public square to other law breakers. To say that he is "called" to sjicak at a particular spot i nonsense, lie is "called" to conform to the law of the community in which hi is. so long ns they do not conlliet with his views of what is moral according to the dictates of his conscience. "North Carolina will be at the World's Fair with a novel display. The dans have Iwen approved. The exhibit will In an artificial hill of iron, covered with terraced soil, and it will show the pro gress of North Carolina from the time 01 its lirst settlement." On uiokinc; over the foregoing.'! second time we observe that a serious mistake has leen made. The original item U from the New York Herald and where the words North Carolina are should be the word Mexico. That is to say, far off, half civilized Mexico bids lair to out shine North Carolina with her $-'",-0011 appropriation at the World's Fair. Is that what our alliance legislature was elected for that and the state priming contract ? Tim republican party was rcumlintcd at the polls last November. Then il went into congress and with the voles 01 many members whom the people bail announced it had no use for, created a deficit ill the treasury. Consequently there will probably Ik? an increase of tax ation. These facts ought to be enough to keep the republican partyjout of power lor a genera t ion; they ought also lo change our present illogical way ol allowing repudiated legislators to legislate. Tin people having elected a man he oughl not to be conqielled to stand around ani: see his defeated rival mukiag laws. North Carolina'!. Colored I'opu- li&Uou. Plum tile Cliurli'Stnn Now anil Conner The white population of North Cnroli na has gained materially on the colored population in the last ten years, but a further comparison of figures will show that the colored population of thcstaU has sustained itself rcmarkablv well, nevertheless. In lStio the number of the colored population was ."i7. percent, ol the number of the white population. In IS'.iotht proportion had fallen only to "1 ier cent. which shows a loss ol but 3. per cent, in thirty years. He Thinks He Kiiowh, l-'rom the lilirlium r.luhe. The weather will I all right the fourth of next )ulv. This is authentic. S7.177; .Vt'M S. Alamance could not stand $300 lor the state chemist's analvsis of a dead negro's stomach, and the coroner's jury concluded that he was bitten bv a mad dog. Cherokee Scout : A man who claims to know savs the big laud deal about to be closed on Valley River involves the vast sum of $'.100,000. The bulk ot thr projierty is in Cherokee county. It is estimated that the sixteen min isters in Cleveland county receive tor their salaries a total ol $('1,-100. This in cludes $1!,6T0 total paid in Shelby by the cnurcnes. 1 nc glorious gosei in Llcvc land county costs less than this one dis tiller receives from dramdrinkcrs in this san.j county ! ! Shelby Aurora. The failure of the three C.'s K. R. is a great calamity to the people of this county. Not to the public at large, but to the individuals whom it owes. They will never get a cent. It is estimated that the company owes over $."i0,()0(l in this county alone. Other counties, both in North and South Carolina arc simi larly served. Ruthcrtordton correspond ence IHirhnm Globe. On Mr. E. A. Yates' farm two miles from Carv, gold has lieen found. Prof. Mann, oi High Point, an expert in min eralogy, made a thorough examination and analysis and reported that it was Bold embedded in pyrites and was worth $70,000 a hundred feet. The rock in which it is embedded goes across his farm nnd is several hundred leet. The cost of getting it out will lie $ll),00Mor ?ir,000 a hundred leet. Mr. atcs pro poses to sell the mine. Raleigh Chroni cle. Wc learned what we had never heard licforc that Jackson countT can boast a natural stone bridgorspunning the Tuck- astegee river where its width is about sixty feet. The width of the bridge is thirty-two feet, nnd it hangs so low to the water that when the river is very much swollen the water runs over the top of it. It is composed of one solid rock, both ends of which arc firnilv and immovably planted in the cliffs on cither side. 1 uckaseegee Democrat. The Uwharrie river section of Mont gomery county is fast coming to the front as a gold producer. In n strip of country cxi.-naing not more innn ten miles in length and two miles in width, with the Uwharrie river running throuch the centre, not less than $50,000 has been taken out in the last fifteen months, by the natives, with only the crudest kind of washing machinery, such as the hand rocker and pan, The latest nnd largest find was made last week on the Martha Hall place, on Bunnell Mountain being an 11 pound nugget, found by Mr. Nelson Russell. A great ninny 6ne nug get have been found in the creeks and hollows. Salisbury Watchman. - Julia E. Johnson, Stafford's P. 0.,S. C, writes: "I had suffered thirteen years with eczema and was at times confined to my bed. The itching was terrible. My son-in-law got me one half dozen bottles of Botanic Blood Balm, which entirely cored me, and I ask you to pub lish this for the benefit of other suffering in like manner." THE PKKSUNT CRISIS. Editor Thk Citizkn: The great issue in the coming municipal campaign is whether or not we shall vote $60,000 for street improvements, etc. Of course it is essential in order to curry this, that we have a ticket for mayor and alder men that are capable of handling this amount to an advantage, ami a ticket thnt the people can trust. If we have such a ticket the proposi tion of street paving will carry; other wise, in my opinion, it will not. I will here say that every democrat in the city of Ashcvillc is individually responsible for the men wc have on our ticket. Ha man absents himself from the primar ies and allows the "lingsters" to put in their men, then every such man is just as responsible as the nun who compose the ring. Let every democrat come to the primaries ami do his whole duty toward giving us a good ticket. The question of paving is not simply paving or mud, but is also AsheviHy or 110 .xlwvilh: I am proud of Ashcvillc's lame as a health resort, hut if our street are not put in a condition so that visi tors can lake out-doo- cxeicisc, Aslu ville as a health resort is no more. ""Allow me 10 uuotc from the Dietetic t'.nzcttc, ot ccbruarv, lN'.ll : "China tic influences are to-day regardeil as the most effective weapon in the treat ment of tuliciculosis. especially ol the lungs. And the chief reason given for this therapeutic pre-eminence of climate is that the patient is enabled to live in tiie open air without detriment to his general or local condition. Here. then, is the kernel ol a rational therapy ot phthisis an abundant supply ol fresh air. When contending climates have exhausted their arguments, the cardinal pi incqilc ol treatment will stand out in lioldrelicfaiidit willappcarlhat it is not this or that particular climate, or ibis or that particular altitude, which is most conducive to recovery, but the condi lion which affords to the patient the best opportunity lor out-door life, in the aii that is free Irom dust and other delete lious matter." There is no doubt ill my mind, nnd I may add in the minds ol the medical pro Irssion ol this city, that had we the ad vantage ol good streets so that our inva lids could have the benefit ol outdoor ex ercise, we would have a larger percent age of ciui s ol consumption than thev have in Oci .naii.v. which is M7 per cent o! all cases, r.iii how is it litis winter '. Visitors i.i'i- 't lake outdoor exer cise with am :..jreeol eonilort on loot. 111 a carriage ot r.n liorscUick. 1 asked a livery man one 1 J 1 y this win ter il be were doing a good business, lbs reply was that he had not let a horse out ol his stable thai day on account of the terrible condition ol our streets, although lie had numerous applications. And every citieu of Ashevillc knows ilul the dust is as bad in summer, coin paratively, as the mini is as present. And 1 he dust is wo: se lor a consumptive than the imul, because tile constant inhala tions ol dust and lliepoisouoiismaterials thai are constantly mixed with it provi a source ot ureat irritation to the lungs and bronchial tubes, and aggravate, rather than allay the cough. Wc have the benefit ot I'rof. Koch's lymph, which may be used now ill private as well as hospital practice. We have physicians ot known skill and ability. We have the grandest climate for con suinplives and kmdted troubles, known to Micntilie men ol the world. We have commodious and well conduct ed saiiit 11 iunis. lire long we will have plenty ol hotel accommodations, and had wc only the advantage of streets free Irom until, dust and tilth Ashevillc as a heailii cesoi i would be imequaleil m the world. Hut unless something is done tor our stuets wccaii not expect our city to hold Ut own with olbcr cities, that look alter these things. There is not a business or proiession in Aslieville but what has been either di icct Iv 01 indirectly mimed bv the condi tion ot our streets this winter And not only that, but lo mv certain knowledge there arc numbers ol families, w ho ordi narily have plenty to live upon, but de pend upon their labor lora support, who are now really in want. Whv '. Itecaiisc we have had so uiueli cold weather they could do no wotk ' No, because there has been no work to do? No. but he cause our streets have liccn in such a condition that tniitcnal could not begot ten to the place. I asked Mr. Hardy l.ce il he was selling any brick now . He re plied "1 have plenty ol orders, but caji'l belivcr on account ol the bad streets." Can these men leven if il should increase t heir taxes a little I in the face ot what they and their families have suffered, and others who would have suffered had they not had something laid by, vote against the proposition to pave our slreets? Can the prolessional man, the real estate dealer, the real estate owner, the merchant, the liverv man, all of whom expect to reap a direct lieticfit from the visitor and invalid, vote against the proposition to pavcoiir streets ? No; not one of these classes mentioned I which include most of Ashcvillc's population) can afford to vote against the proposi tions provided we have men on our mu nicipal ticket lor mayor and aldermen that wc can afford to trust with the affairs ol this city, which I luqie will in clude the handling ol $(IKl,000 in street improvements, etc. Democrats, let every one ol us see lo it that we have 1111 h men on onr tickei. Trulv, I.. II. McIIraykk, M. 1. March (i, l.'-'Jl. Real Kntnte TranMlern. t.. F. Lewis and wile to J, 1'. Bishop, 7 'i acreson llominv $ M. li. Carter and wife to 1'. A. Cummings, lots Nos. 14 and fill, 100 on Senev strci t R. I,. Graham and wile to M. S. Howell, lots No. Vi and V., on Seney street 0. F. I'enland and wife to S. I'. Chapman, oOO acres on Reein's 2,-O0 7"0 Creek . t),000 C. A. Nichols nnd wife to T. S. Morrison, house and lot on Chestnut street, lot NOxlHO feet 4,l!.-0 Simmons Liver Regulator cured 111c of general debility nnd loss of npetite. Mrs. Edmund Fitton, Frankford, Pa. If you feel weak and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS The Dally citizen. Is ulwavs alive to the interests of Aslie ville and its jieople. Is the most popular advertising medi um in North Carolina. Is rend by a greater number of people thnn any other secular paper in tlie state. Is always filled with the choicest read ing matter of the day. Boarding houses fill their rooms by ad vertising in Thk Citizen. News, and all the news, makes Tim Citizkn a general favorite. No retail merchant ever made a great success without advertising. Try Tim Citizkn. An advertisement in Thr Citizen pays tbe advertiser an hundred-fold. 1 ASHEVILLE DAILY! CITIZEN: MONDAY EVENING, MARCH A Dltracefal Distinction. Prom the Raleigh Capital. Our contemporary, the Progressive Farmer, can indisputably claim t he merit ol being the hrst newspaper edited by a white man in North Carolina to impugn the motives nnd call into question the sincerity of Senator Vhncc. (The foregoing was printed in Thk Citizkn lately, erroneously credited to ti-e Progressive Farmer; hence it is here ic printed.) Take Simmons b.ver Regulator nlo your dinner. It p,c cents dyspepsia and indigestion. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A iMvani nt' tartar linking powder, ol' all in lenvt r.inn Htrctinth ('. S mi-nt Kenort, Augnm 17, 1SHU, Jul- (Wivcrn "Hilly V v u m z s T. S e r e 4 1 WHITLOCK'S Corner Kuglc Illock, 46 and 48 S. Main St. Wc ;ii'p si'!!i;io- tin( )p (iiidils lit li'ssiu'ici'tliiilis.'iiiM1: U'Odtls Dili il'1 linlllillt elisr : whorl'. W n!i. w il ciiiiili'li' stock of lloii-' liolil fiirni' !-! inji's. Dress (hmmIs, Fair y (iooiIs ;lll(l HI.'ltiTblls ::ip fjiiicv work. i WINTlvK COODHAT COST. Mlailkets. (,;: misses' wrap now sold a' Call ami see ivntl the in' ,ls. ladies of all kint lllll are cost ami i. the I test situ k :'-t COlllfoftallli stun for shopping in Ashe villc. The lies? slock of gloves. The largest stock of emlipi iii er.v silk. The greatest ari et.V of white goods. The tin est goods in Ashevillc at low prices. No. l and -IN South Main St reel . SALT, SODA, (irahiim Wafers. Oat Meal Wafers. Vanilla Wafers. Taffy Wafers. Cafe Wafers. Milk Crackers. Soda Crackers. Oyster Cracker and ROM Always Fresh, Fine Goods Received hy Kxpraw. SPRING FEVER. At this time of thr year the 'blood changes, its circulation is sluggish and the system is not proK'rlv nourished. The result is loss of appetite, weakness, nn op pressive feeling of iullness, too hot, nnd till! so tired. To cure and prevent Spring Fever take Simmons layer Regulator. All nature is now waking and every body should inviolate the liver, kidneys and bowels with Sim mons l.ivcr Kegulator and they would not have so much bilious ness, headache, dysicpsin and malaria II the rest of the year. You would not expect a plant to work oil a w inter's decav and bloom as gooil as ever without attention in the Spring, lion't rxK.vt it of your system. Take Simmons I.ivcr Regulator, lilnprli 1 NS H FURNITURE 181)1 Wiiliiut, Oiik. Clii'iTY, Syc ;iinoi'c. Ash nnd Klin suits, without liuinlicr; our l(5th cciiiiir.v onk ciin't lc licit, either quality or pi ice. Wc .'lino li.iYt one of the best upholsterers in tliecoun try, iiinl will give our special attention to that lincof busi ness, rinlertakinp: promptly attended to niitl satisfaction gun: anteed at ,i l'atton Avenue ISLAIR & CROWN. i:sr.iii.isiiuii isr,r It. II. COSIEV, (Smvt'smr to 0. 1'owiin.' JEWFLER VJ PATTdN tVKNl'i:, NKXT IMIDK TI5I-. kc ptrili v TO C.'iANIi t'HNTKAI. ASM 1: VI N c. TRY TIIE MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY 7 Patton Avenue. WAFERETTES. (ierinan Honey Nuts. Cierninn I'bkuchen. Mushroom Craekers. Iced Honey Cakes, (linger Snaps. Molasses Cookies. I 'in on Crackers. Bent's Water Cracker VM. KROGER, No. 41 College Street, Near Spruce. JUST ARRIVED AND OPENED UP, 11 V K ADVANCE SHIPMENT of Tin-; LATEST SPRING STYLES OF HATS. Plcaac Drop in Them. and Sec WEAVER i MYERS. OPERA HOCSi: BLOCK, ANhcylllc, N. C. ,5 N. main Street, ASHEVILEE, N. C. Ot'K I A KK, Sl'AKTANIH'Ki;, S, C, I'ui- Hurl 11 half vt Hm no 1 ntnrtctl in tin itnisu- hiitnr.. Thr people o AhrviHv nnd WtHtriti Ninth Cmi'linu hnvr hrcn kintl tn tin- unit I tv inuki- crutftiil mknow - 'Hffoinrnt M it. I wt.n led v tiikltiu nn intent v. 1 lii.-Htni' n,,n Kiititthti) that the pi'opit- nn cntitlnl to Ur ttt r in'trnnirntr ami Nurrr In-iiltm-nt thnn I woulil uit mtini- rt-lv in t Hut wjiv Mt iui' 1 mnimkI mil in. li 1 t-niirnt to irivc thf vrtv hrnt itnttriinitiit t'"t thr munry tin, v hiiil paid prt'viuHl, lor tht ir inlrnim nt. I'nr a ffMUiiniittut nf thr limtorv tf the i!u-villr Xdimi- llnuic Hit tilt C'itUtil til n Uw day Liter, Mt.uiw hili- tunic and we mv tlni'k und net priien, nt Ntutli Main Slnit. C. FALK. IMPORTANT Thnt .vim know thai wr havr just iri-t-ivrd aituttitT l"t ol 1rtininiond'f "I'm I'mhitt- 1U111" am) "The '.mitet Thiii hi the World " We hnvr rtlleil in ntink Unit w ns In okrn by the htilidav itmle, nnd now wc are utU-iin-4 n eontpletc itnc of STATIONARY, HOOKS, &C, Ht vrry lu priiTn. Call on uk fur the nrw Sottvi-nlr uf Anlicvillr, il afi cents. J. N. Morgan & Co., HonksellerM, Stnttonen, lite, Cnh Ktore. To take the place of a corset-if you won't wear one-try the Ball waist. That's, just what you can do. You can try it, and even wear it for two or three weeks, if you wish. Then, if you're not satisfied, you can return it, and get your money. V, P. MinmauKh. Chicago & Alton lt.lt PASTK8T ROUTB TO KANSAS CIIY AND THE WECT AMirvjllc to K annua City in .17 hanra. A.hcvlllt to Denver in 51 hour.. Ashe, lilt to Son Prnnciaeo, California, and Portland. Oregon. n 5 dnva. Solid Ventllmlrd Train Ht. I.ouia to Kan acitr. Hacunina eharr car rrn . 1'or full InformaUon call oi or write ta p. 4. Newland, IH.trfct PaatenKtr Aaent, No. to l'atton Ave., Aihcville, N.C. I. CHARLTON, 0. P. A.. Chicaira, 111. K. COFFIN, AUCTIONEER. REAL BRTATB AOBNT AND LOAN BKOKBR No. 8 North Main ttreet. If not In oAee when to call, write mm. and residence oa Mate, and I will viait yon. Refer to Pint National flank; National Dank af A.heville. and Wei tern Carolina paok. - HELP WjgfD 1..... 9, 18JU. GLEN ROCK HOTEL. In ioo Feet of Central Passenger Depot. ASHEVILLE, N. C. i;i.I?.? i T i lnii hotel. Hot ami cold water nnrilHmths nnd toilet, on every door. J o,. . I ' I" ,r '""' J'I'en nre l nht and Krnte In bed room.. (Milee, .lining ,X Li. . aufcrr. cigar ic! new. .Innil and Imr and l.ininrd room on nr.t floor, lilci M mfimei r m" "'fV minuu- ''-'hriion( and Unnvillc n.llroad eating ho,,!,, R A.THH, $ j,oo PKR DAV. A. Ci. IIAlXYBURTON.Prop., J. H. IIHVAN and WAI.T1H liRKI-N, CIcrhH. RItlCk. IIRICK. --FOR BUNCOMBE BRICK Ashevillc, N. C. STRAUSS' SCUROPEAN HOTEL ANI1 RESTAURANT. ROOMS ALL NEWLY FURNISHED. Alvi. tnlile hoiirii. rp inn Ik lu'tonnlKiilauil o'clock a. ni. nr-l l 'J o'clock ). m. A,n pn':irc(l caU'iing nt shortcut notice trial. rty Celehraled Af i ki o N irraii iriiilliiiii. KMIluc in AmIicviIIc 1'itn -rive nnlctf in I',., ........ fiun. 1 ome HUH UlltllltVC WUtiCIH dee I 11 v T'S MILWAUKEE BEER. .elelraietl the World Over for its lnrlty. Wc ilcliicr to nil n n I. of the citv our o a IliittliiiK Kiport Hecr at ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN. all limlT mill MI'fSSrwlM8'"" """ tmnat't " '"' THE "BONANZA," THK l.l-:AI)INli ' WINE .-. AND .. LIQUOR .. STORE IN THF MTATK. FINK S VMI'I.i; ANII 1UM.I ARI K(M), NO. I. . I"I RI1T, M'u'r. AshcvilU-, N. C. P. A. DEMENS WOGO WORKING CO., Munuftu'ttirem nnd ItealrrH in all ktmln uf Oresned L U M IS E It, Iloor, hhxIi, BHndM, Mould'tiKH, HtalrworU, nnnteis, Hank and Bar Fixtures, and all kinds of HuildiiiK material. Hard Wood Lumber Work a Specialty. Tf'ltrl,.nr o. wf. Chase &. Sanborn's Fine Cod'ees. Anheville, N. C, Jauunry 21, luttl. Thl. in loccrlilv thai Mr. S. K. Keplti, of Anheville, N. C, ho. the e clUMive itKcni-T for thctialc ot'Clmw A: Sanliorn'n Colfce. nncl Te n. (. HASH - SANIIOKN. Per J. II. Randolph, Snle.mnn. I'ndcr the nhove contract 1 nm now oflerinR Chnae tk 8anl rn'i Weill llrand .Invunnd ,1Io-Iih In itlli. I I na. Olil 4.o-i'iiiii-iil .In, it in Hulk. I'uro Jinn In bulk, I'iiim'.V Kin In bulk. 4'-Utii or McxIi iim In bulk, -Amliliiu norhn in hulk. McHrn ChaRe & Sanhoro, of Boiton, Mhk... referring to the ahov Hhtpuicnt, .ny: "We lieluve e nre importing nnd pnrkitiK the Uncut Ten. nnd Concc. on the narkct a"d lendin? c enleri thrum ln-ut the rnltcd St te nrefnir cnntiKli to ad" it that the uH'Horu ilit.v oi our uooilit ha. larKrly Increnwd their trade. What we have done for then, wc can do .or yon." I'lvw kooiIh rout ciioiikIi to lie firm ipm ity i i even- particular. If thev nre not of Mipcrior cmelleine hi;y mi l not nit mv tinde, n.ir will 1 want to ell or continue to . ff r them. My riiMonicrs and the people of A.hcville are linked to f.'(vc thcni u tricl iU-pccllully. K. H. KBPLIiH, No. M South Main Street. HAILKUAD TICKETS BOUGHT, Sot 0 AND EXCHANGED. rtcul lCMalc. 1Iouh- to Rent. C. V. RAY, McihIkt Amerh'nn HO SH"i . fictv.-t Itroker.' AaHoc'n, AIA1N STRIiKT. E. H. BR ITT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUP.OER. Al.i (trading of all kind. done. All order, promptly filled nnrl work guaranteed. Cnn be found at all time, at Crnhani'i Ootton Paetory. DUglDiItt TH3 ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, ROOMS, 26 PATTON AV,(Y.M.C.JU00M8.) Open dally, eicept Snndaya, fronj 10 a. m. until 1 p. m., nnd until 7 p. The term a of ubaerlptina antt Que year $3:6 moa., tl.SO; 3 mo., li ma., BOrti.; daily V cU, Offieera tnr lulO- Pncaldent. Charlra W. Woolary ; Vicr-Prefldrnt, I'hua. A. Jone. ; See, and Treaaarer, I). 8. Wat.on ; Ubrariao, Mi.. B. J. Match, , Cltiaena and Tlaltor arc cordially Invited to Inapect tha catalogue and Inacrlhe their aca aa aHaioara, anaoutl , CT - iy - iiw - w'', - - '-"! mil. minrfT itRICK, NALK BV - & TILE COMPANY, p. o. Box 4.26. BOARD BY THE MONTH, WftK Off OUr Street cnr pass the don,-, kien froi (, for Home I'll r tic. llnIN All ) a.k 1. lhiladelplila Frle An, proud to nav I have the .. n 'u....i. nu i.'i-u finc.t, largeA (lame. Ov.tet IcuKfd to nerve all Ke.p-ctfullv. K. STHAl'SS, Prop. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE. If. P Nffir PHHHeiiKer Icpot:- NEW TRANS-CONTINENTA ROUTE, VIA CIIICAOl),MII.WAtIKKI8T. PAUI. AND NORTH BKN -PACIFIC It. R'8. Through Pullman SleerHng Car leave. Chi. cago daily at 5.3U p. in. Por St. Paul and Minneapolis " Pnrgo, North Imkota. " Helena nnd Hutte. Montana " The Vellow.tone Park. " Spokane PallD and Tacot l a. " Portlnad, Oregon Beat Route to Seattle and all Sorth I'acihe Coant point.. The Scenic line to California, in Portland and the Shaata Route. Ticket, on aale everywhere. Por informal!! n njilv to ant Agent, or nddrcaa A. V. II. Caui'icntkm, fe era! Paa. .enger Agent, Chicago, III., or . C. Haut, Southern PnaMngrr Agent. LoalaviUe, Ky. The ANhevllle Cltlgen Give The latest local newt. The beat Kcneral news. The trealiest atnte neVs. General and tiiecinl commetila. The largest auliarriptinn list of any sec. alar paper in the state. The best advertising medium in the stat. ' . ' A full staff of able editors unil corrcn pnudentu. The neatest, ntwslcut and most entei prisitiR pnper in North Carolina. IU effort" are alwnvs devoted tn the upbuilding and development the re sources of the state, particularly th western section. Subscription, $6 per annum; $3 sis months: 50 cents per month, - ' - " -?- -' inimr" r m -hhiii n ,, Fil S if ufcwe;..-