Asheville Daily Citizen VOLUME VI.-NO. 272. - l.rT'WiMa L INVILLE INVITE INVBSTIGATION AS TO Climate, Water Supply, Drainage. Drives, THE FORCES. ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 18, 1891. LIVE AND LET LIVE. 1HInt8 to the Pep,c-1 with great loss of life AT MY STORE GROCERIES Are offered subject to these PRICE 5 CENTS. Double thick hotel eoods. prices compare with eastern. Thrash, 41 Patton Avenue. All una, Thad W. A UIBADTKUia COLLIRION IM THE BAVOVISIBRAUAR. A fine Japanese plate or cream pitcher J w buvv EiK i niinrvrrviwnnn gr three important qualifies- Thrash's- 1 Patton Avenue. WOIIS : Havilands dinner JUt nrvu nM nM QUALITY, which must be '1 "5 fl- J All . ... I. . r...ioi.i,ni,i. KOQ. UUAJNT1T1. which lonAvenue- A. 1 . . I iilUBSDeaemUCniOrtneBame Rogers' best triple plate and ivory monev an irivAn AlBoh. " "" 2nd fork: spoons, etc. rr uviiuuio, ViVln nriMl nHmA f a. a. uu i jHvuo, WHICH muBO-ai V. cnance. inrashs, 41 all times reflect the lowest " mnrlrof, niiAfnftAnn I Still keen it in vour minrl that n ..uaumio. hMHnor;.j; 'J ..I. o-.:-i. ..... I ,a x j I 1, . Miintijj luiriaunu Kiiviicn i B8,,ut "ii me opum.n consc. i juu wttlllj to eilQOW VOlir "tensns, lu granite, iron, tin atre and A- 1 n. J:. ... . . dollars with their gi PUrChaSlDC: POWer. an exami- wo.rld',n,tocl1 now and "ady totake Anson wai dnfting before the gale and "I" kiuuc. j nnu. i 111 " uifiu i uiTiinco me Utopia aoait her funnel. After ramming the Utooia down It is not necessarv to tell .n. I.t o lne Anson "versed her engines, thus glance at our mammoth stock will con- bacl"n8 away from the Utopia and vince you that we have the largest as- leaving open the great hole in WW'&?-t?tZ! ironclad. The 41 Patton Avenue. i topia almost immediately afterwards sank. The Anchor Line Steamer Utopia Run Into by a British Ironclad and Over 500 Passengers, itm. lans, nrowned. Gibraltar, March 18. The anchor line steamer Utopia, collided yesterday with the British ironclad Rodney while entering the bay here. It is calculated that of 700 Italian emigrants and the crew on board the steamer 570 persons were drowned Several bodies of those who lost their lives in the disaster have been washed Parks, 1 1 a . .... I U ut iur HttUOD OI OUr prices Will ShOW Thrash's. that they are ROCK BOTTOM. We have SOOttis broken ffrain rice which we offer until closed out at 5c per pound. A. D. COOPER, North Court Square, Corner I Main and College Sta. V ISltorS take notice. Wc hnvr iwriwi) Evervthincmiia.;i.1. J 1 . i . ... - . . , . j m t 1 " 1 L UUDC U V I It a ImP nl rilfr (villa. nnA n-U .. 1.: .111 ir . ' uVtakb .;,ft.nrrz. v'"j:"c!i:"nomceran(i f the British " ' - . -'i uuu kuiiui nun Asheville" painted on it. call and see them. Thrash's, 41 Patton Avenue. Dr. Henry's Second Lecture at the Grand Last Night. Dr. John Henry gave the second of a series of lectures on "Hypnotism and psychology" at the Grand last night, The Doctor expatiated on the thought and nerve forces of the human body showing how a person might, if he so desired, attain any object sought. He said that an office seeker, if he would but command his forces and declare em phatically that he would have the office desired, could procure whatever office he might ask for. It was the same war about borrowing money if the borrower would approach the lender with an daunted front and demand the loan, he would invariably get what he wanted. To thus command the force of the bodv is what Dr. Henry proposes to teach. Uutof a dozen or more vounir men and boys who went nnn th. .. three were selected, by whom the mfdl lence was entertained for an hour or more. The subject. n,-..ui j , . - " - - ...wiuuuiy UII- aer the mesmeric inllnem- id . ...u jected to tests which proved the power of One of the subjects, associate editor Kay, of the Countrv Hnmm .. no j. . .1 . " i.mut Ki mrougn a waltz, which he executed in great style, although he declared after- "u,u "c nua ncver aanced a figure in his A MAN OF HARD SENSE. PALMERWIUNOTBE A PRES. IDENTIAL, CANDIDATE. He says He Is Too Old and Be. I sides He Has Been Elected to I "ere in the Senate for six Vears. We have the largest sup ply of carriage; sponges in -4-1.- . CARUNVIU.E, iiis.. March i8.-s,nfn.. " Luw uVi ana tney are be- elect Palmer was given a warm reception Hip; Sold ft t, at hi. old home in Macoupin countv !. S &l REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. acoupin county Inst evening. He took occasion to sav em- HnucHiiy tnat he was not a candi.lntr lor either president or vies -president. I'Ook at my locks," be said: "they Snnnmx, . .. are too grey and thin. I expect to see tu1' UBUaiiy retail a democrat elected president in '02, and for 2S nnrl IK I expect him to be a young man I 8,11(1 J5 Cents, W6 Can pledged myself if elected senator to give 0i t 1 a j , the peoDle six vear. nt hnn.. ...j Sell lor 10 and 1. ti. j for. their welfare. That I shall do as . , "KZSK fl maKe a reasonable Gen. Palmer be presented to the national Call flnrl democratic conventint. . .i.. u:... r vu" Snu Scenery, STATION INN BILTMORE. RESTAURANT A LA CARTE, Plans, ELEGANT APARTMENTS.- -SINGLE OR EN SUITE. Building Sites, Investments. I.INVII.I.E IHPROVKHENT CO.. VUltor. anil Rfsidenti will find this a most manning and attractive mopping place. MBNAOB AND Cl'ISINB EQUAL TO THB BKBT. E. H. NIES, LATE WITH DELMONICO. decBdtf CORTLAND BROS, f Real Estate Llnvllle, N. c. Brokers, And Investment Agents. NOTARY PUBLIC. Luani sc. orely placed at S per cent. WE WILL PAY Cain for pound, of Pure Hniwai if delivered to ui at once. T. 0. SMITH CO., Wholmale and Hetail IlruKgi.u, Aiheville, N. C. ships in their efforts to save life and four lift. seamen were n.jioh.,1 .....l, j j I mi nicnt s entertainment ...... r- uiuuuflm HIlUIt,. r , ......u.v..k nuo i,ir urownea irom one of the wnr hin.' ",":au OI Monday nurht's. becauae th. steam launches while taking part ia the PPfato,i h ad better subjects to deal " c.ue. i mum put mem to severer test. i ine Ltonin. Cnnta in Mri-.. iu-niKn nr. nenrv w mni n... v.:. nu me snips doctor, boatswain, chief ,t"? al l"f urana. "king up thesvm s S-1a nnd ca"penter, were saved. pathetic and hypnotic conditions, and a The scene after the rlliinn hn. k I test of the doctor's hvnnotip r,r.,-,. ably never before been witnr.vH in h. t0 e made. A very entertain!.. ,vn. ' , ui inarinne ntnnmt n . " ut ojicin ht hi wnn m i .me was ine sinkmir nnswinr,r um.i,;. I I prnwrlrl - 1. , . " I I u kii a I . . ,,u"9'ea emigrants, I iuc air wun wild, horrible ap tieals for he o and with l,rb. nr . . Overhead the dark clouds rushed furi ously along, driven by the strong south west gale which bad been one nf tl causes of the calamity. Right and left of SAD DEATH. P. Office.: 24 26 Patton Avenue fcbBdlv Second loor. WYacbting and other stock. Bon Marche. caps. New pw new vnngnnms, new Laces, new emoroiaeries. Hon Marche. ISf-Bptllman's Spring Derbies, latest shape, bent quality, less price. Bon Marcnc. EASTER CARDS, Eaater Booklets, Easter Novelties, IN GRBAT VAR1RBTV AT ESTABROOK'S Book and Stationery Store, It SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. SSTlSd REAL ESTATE! THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME, The li brated Green Brier White Sulnhur "Pn"". oi Virginia, in offered for .ale. The property valued at $1,000,000, to be di vided into l.OOO ...rra 11IUI ...I. purch.wr of two ,h.r,. .... i.. . ! . the par value of the itm-k ..ri th. i A ...uauic improved property at a nominal price. A f'JSO.OOH hotel at B00. other improved proMrrtie at proportionate price, ray. menu monthly. For further particular, call JOHN CHILD, Agent. MSlROST ARCHITECTS, The Only Child of Rev. W. a, Bryan Dies In Norfolk. The folowing telegram was received in thiscity last night by C. K. Graham and the sinking vesarl mn th .k I. A. Conant. from Rev W s o n tJhet!mn!'in,ni?dneVanfd,An,Son, P0,,rin8 Pattrof the First Presbyterian church lue Sfe -t Quantinac, Va: 'ng up the agony of her nas-1. ,?n,lle d.ead at Norfolk. He will passengers and showing too clearly, l, the terrible position in which thev ,i,. V,' ... Br-va1' wlth Mr- and wers placed. Here and there were the tll'lr ll.ttl,e.n. '' ""ler, aged about two warsnips small boats manned bv sailors 7'Z T fi.' ASHev"'e last Mon who strained evcrv nnv. i, .u. "ay week. Mrs. Bryan and the rhild orowiiing passengers. lo "orioiK wnue Mr. Bryan went The rescued were mn.t lin,liu ,j t" Baltimore for a short visit. on the warships or were taken ashore "en they left Asheville the little boy and housed in the different government iT.'" rfect health- Last Saturday a "'"""( i . " 3 J sonant All the Italians were destined tor the ,tntln8 at M,r- Bryan and the child I nited States. I were 1att well. ne next news from tbem was the tele- !TII m from A- I) i A BREACH OF TRVST. way from 1'' death must h.nve hw. ...h.i... Chi.. - . i. ..v. uui no ..k,v laNninien i w& urn 10 an nnvr iv hMn mh. ..j . . - - .... '.. 'nimu in rc nraejuniaHUCare. 1 He little linv -v,i r,...ll.. u.: .... Charles Engle, a young German, who I h'"'.thJr and lovable, the only child .. been employed a. . bartender in ?efXParwa"dt h" dCatb wi" Mr. and Mrs. Brvan have th. sympathy of a host of friends in Ashe- TlllC, democratic convention as the choice of I, ,or Presiaent, in spite of the Gen eral s protest to the contrary, were adoptes with a hurrah in called to welcome him back. DEMAND REPARATION. profit. examine for your self. GRANT'S PHARMACY. KEPHALI1SE will relieve neuralgia, head ache, or toothache. 25 cent a bottle at Grant's Pharmacy. has Muller's saloon, corner of Colleire and water streets, is under arrest in Knox ville. Last Saturday R. R. Penland. of Hay wood county, went to the bar. called for a drink and tendered a twrntv-,inllnr payment, fcngle was rnakinn bill national Edncatlonal Assoclatinn The convention of the National Ed urn. tional Association for 1891 is to be held I the chance, when PenlnnH nnv him ,,., I at Toronto. Canada. Inn th. tux. I nr.,. i,:n. r . . "7 '-7 " .. . ' . ' v lu "7" '". u j1" denomination and tne 17th of July next. The meetine and asked him to k-n th.n f. I nmm;... i i.. .u. , . . ceiing until called for r T "rgesi and most im- untii tailed lor. portant yet held by the association as it Uncle afterward, n.t th. n, nmhohi .:n u. 1..:. J . . 'lon' a,.'.t fidIedhicare.-'pay fromnntii ,h- wa? not ward neaucational matters from all parts of irom Until this mnrnmcr n,h. k. , - th. I n;t. Ci. j r. . r""l , - ; -- --f.i " .mi u i i.vm oiuica unn v.aaada. dertoarr? try and sell a lot whlh h. V . LI." "U""C "f to Krant order tn th" " """5 "' . Z. lu 1 . '" ne fare, LOTS i and : LOTS P"!erriay the money squandered. k: waa agooa-iooKing Uerman.and ,us time employed at Strauss' ..uuiniu in nniievi le. AND 38 Patton Avenue. Neit V M C A build'g. novl d3m P O Rot 554. LOTS Handsome plus $2.00 the membershio fee to t f""1! lne railway tickets from distant points being good for return un til September. BUTCHERS COMBINE. IN THE PAST TEN YEARS NOW ARRIVING. Novelties 8ome of lr.'v.,."e.Mark,u " a- - mM IBjersi, What nre you payine for beef now? O s cKvcrai oi Ashevi e'a hnt.h. hv. II. REDWOOD & CO. NORTH CAROUSA HAI'PEMNGS. Mt. Airv rereivp. fln,... tr. c i Falls, Wash., shinned hv I r if...i. formerly of Surry. -S. W. Alexander, keeper of the Meek- WiLTa. B. Own, W. W. Wsrr. GWYN & WEST (BacoiMors to Walter B.Owya) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASWVULL REAL ESTATE. at 8 1 Loans Securely Placed Per Cent. Notary P.blk. CommMoners of Deed.. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFlCE-SoatkeaM Court Sqsusre. JAY GOULD SAYS Tiat M la ataa aaa save on. dollar oat of ...., inn aiaa will k. rlrt Indd of twenty urura. Call on S!l will Uflyoa how to do It, a. "ert PrtT" advice, from J on the Oar baalana haa bee. my Brocrwroaa. dortas the p..t war. In .trite ZttwT.h JJnw.. wi take till, opporta.lty to " whi nuui bsiiw CUSlUrlltTI, Una T.O WlH mi luiif III uti DappraeM. JBNKS A JBNK8, RIAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. OF OCR SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS LIFE la Aiheville, we have at nil time, made It aa oblect to pleaae our patron.. That w have succeeded atand. without que.tion, a. wc to day control the laigot trade of any houae vere.tabll.hed ia We.tern Carolina. Par. tlcularlv to the people of Aiheville dow.owe ounucce.., and to them we extend our heartint thank, with th. announcement that we will ever itrive to merit a contlnn- anc of their favor, by giving them PtIRB AND VYHOLR80MB GOODS At the very lowe.t price.. We make a ipeo ialty of FINE GROCERIES, and can alway. furnlih them freih and nlc. our .tock of ataplc good, is the target ever offered In Aiheville. W alio handle Field and Garden fteeds, Hay, Bran, Short! and Peed of all kind, in large quantities, and can make .pedal In ducement. to large buyers. Reipectfully, Powell & Snider. Grocers, Corner Patton Ave nue and Blaln St. price ol beef. This has been caused, they sav. bv the Clothing, Hat., 8hoea, Dry floods, Fanct scarcity of stock, and the cost nf tin- it to thiscity. " Good, and Carpet.. Those who hiive onn. .1. ,.:. u mc,1"1! Bro., G. W. Page and Hill & Shanks. A schedule of prices has been posted in the hn. r .h ,.r Liiiac urms. 1 ne new Dricea nr. n. fo . 79 PATTON AVE. formed a combine and advanced the ,enjurS county poor house, died suddenly " "."tievwuiy at o o clock Saturdav morning. ' The Greensboro Wnrltmnn sn. 1. a the automatic cigarettemachineinvented byj. B. Underwood, of Favetteville, is another Gntlmg gun made to kill boys wun. -Gnston county, throngh herrepresen lows: Choice cuts, 15 nt"s ;con drib ToVe of the"' Italians Bound to Make a Bad Matter Worse If Possible. Chicago, March 18,-The Italians in this city do not propase to "let up" in their efforts until reparation has been made for the New Orleans mob violence. Oscar Durant, of Litalia, out lined their intentions to-day. He said: If no agreement has been cnnrlnH. h. tWfen th,e governments by Sunday we shall call a grand mass-meeting Sunday evening. We will protest bitterly against the statement made by Mayor Shake speare, I'arkerson and WvckliftV w. The rW.e .... . . he nited Sta tes send us protests against fWders and high rradt SoaitMt the act. of the mob and ask reparation. MAWS PHARMACY We willoronose kn thnt .a..h i...i: rnAKMA.Y. Spsrss i s-sr s Est" &ast satar all the Italians in the United States. ffwn . T T We Will nrnv rlmt u- . . II YOU W&nt M honrlsnn t t hshed that someprominent Italians have Ifff'nv at OSAIO'S PHAR- approved the acts of the mob is a lie." n Y' nnW in price from iiHimn mass meetings were held at "ic uouart per pair. nuv IKIU tl L Detroit and San Francisco Inst evening denouncing the lynching and demanding reparation. you want a Bnt-claae Hair Bruth for PAXMACY is tie place to go to get H. All Wi of Tooth Bi asset , Bath Bnubei. A Story with a Moral. Thud. YY. Thrash & Co.,yesterday sold Batb Glore, Sponge; etc. ana snipped direct to California a Havi land China tea set, all of which was brought about directly through an ad vertisement in The Citizen. When your Pretcriptioat ate com pounded at GRANTS PHARMACY you can potitively depend upon it that only the purest and best Drags and Chtmi- Stock Quotation.. I 's nye been usedthat th, Nw Yo.a.M.rch, .,..,. ...... -AemP'"'dtd b7 thoroughly exoerieneed SrotUSf'y'CJEi 'hrero., C.!0"' J-4 tbt Price paid a. , u . t , Ricnaiona and I ""wnaoie. j a, uiu i. uiun Baltimore Prlres. Whe.t-uthern; quiet; Fui,., l.03ffll.09: Longlierry, $t.0.1tl.l0i No. 3 si os: weitern. .teadv. at . H...n.. i. A I r.H ur.-C -ZV"":"": winter i t, nV , " ' ""1.I91.0b: May. Corn .outhern. fu rlv activ.: white 7071Ci yellow. 67H(o;(a70c; we.u , New York Market. NRW I OB K. Mnrrh 1 O u..k. j.. .... heavy Money, eaiy at 2VsB3; lixch.nre long, .MS4.86. ihort. V8Kl'Ss?!! tat. bondi. neglected; government bond.; du I but iteady. Cotton, dull-.ale, 72 balei; Upland!. 9 1-lSr: nrlr.n. r... ' t ' , . " i-""" "icHay; M.rcll, 8 H3, April, 8.S1; Ma3, 88; June, 9.0; July 9. 1 S; Angnat, 8.1.1. Plour-quiet but firm nnui-mmt uo ea.v. Corn ,.t ..Jl ea.y. Pork firm and wanted, at HO.Kiia '-"rd quiet but firm, at $ 50 ?K',"i". TurP'n'ine-quiet but .teady, at 40t4t40i,jc. dull but atcadr at -icikhi ea.y. a)4 South Main St. J, Sl.SStf 1.00. AFFAIRS OF CONSEQUENCE. FORKIGN. l'riiicc Jerome Napolean is dead. A Marseilles saloonkeenrr i. rh.r..j I n..u ii,iuK inn.iineu nis wile, mother- "i"i Kinuuiiiuiucr. an imntir anH iricna. Arbitrators between Pnn Britain on the Newfoundland r,n..,in F0R SALI uaxc "cciincsignaiea.atinthecommission will sit in Brussels. OAiinnn i th UH i rDCLL. DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND AGENT FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION -AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. FOR SALE! Che.n. If .nn. . i ... tif.i h.m i . ,"". 'ne pret r:hIm.f A,vtlle, new, beaotlfiillv (In. icu, HOC location, flnmm . ' . . n . . Krtnil Ml,., a.. .i'T1 'sp aaooms t at IO, McAfee Block, your .ttration re worth 8 Pattoa Ave., A.hevllle, N. C. i w.. StSLS'iJ f Houiel to rent. Pine tract, of timber land and atandln. timber. Mineral propcrtln. "" MONKV TO LEND. List vour nron.rt with ... t. i. . . and rented. " Ji'rr runi.iiHiin Our new a copy. Mrs. Burartvyn Maitland'g HOME AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Ho. 40 Preach Broad Avenue. noroaaa unracuoa In Bngllih, French and Latin. Alao Mauc and other aaram pliihmrnt.. Special attention given to the training of utue (Ids. sees ste I A.h.vllle. Pall of l.te.t .taU.tlci; Call for BRUCE H. JONES. (Snceeaaor to Hlgelow A lone. ) RAUB8TATB AND INVMTUnuTi Rooni R .fee Block, aa P.. a Bt'HOIN A. WILKIB. A. CASTSS WALES WILKIE & WALKE, (SucccMor. to Wllkie A Atkin.,) cents; round steak, first cut, 12',i cents; scvifiiu um, iu cents. Mr. Mclntire said to Tim Citi7k thi. morning that the step was taken by the lU UIXUUI1L OI TH. ITH'rO'i m.,t cost of cattle, run ananks snid that th. r tucir supply came from Transylvania county, and that the stock cost them 9 cents net delivered here. AMERICAN LAWLESSNESS. New NO. IS PATTON AVKNt'R, That Was to Blame For the Orleans Killing;. London, March 18.-The Times to-day strongly delends the New Orleans citl zens mr tne action taken in the case of the Maha conspirator.. The Tim.. ..... that the blame should be placed on the chronic, abiding lawlessness tolerated by American usage. The jury trial of the Sicilians had been reriureH tn for. h. Tmney'. Pine Candlw in sealed the knowledge that the lile of any iurv- ...u i,ui, received rreah ever, week v"""'"!! Bmanauewasnotwortn ".iieitiraiTt agent, in Aiheville. . . iiuiuuk, Stroive ' Tenner'." a trial. If von wtah ttat finest. Superior Court, The case of Cushing & Chaomnn U..(T e. -: ! . ., nAITIAUn UCIOUTP Ciuirnnm.. ". .. "e superior court, re vnitutnu IILigniO OHnAIUrilUM, U,W("1 a mistrial. (PORMBRLY OAKLAND inn.) in tne case of G. W . Page vs. J. L. Kelt, In WlPH...f 1 J f . ASHEVILLE. N. C. m" ,aTor 01 the T f it .. .. MOSTCOMPTKTR tin T t it d,J .A'": ?r m V M,llcr T- tw tT of liTM7ZZZ." AincTiiie. was taken up this morn n v. I he suit is for damages amounting to Annointmpnta ttfiavMra.auJi thrrSDUtle annllinrs I a Ntf Hnrl pMrw nf --, - ""'' Mia- - v.v, fi mt; uiu ouiiLii iirnnerrv klS';' """ baths. Bel. r' "I'8"18 P'ain- c oh'i. JT "J; BWi" Movement., all in- , 7 -uuo raerrimon apiiear for cinoMtn price of room. thecitv. Th. . ...ill ........ .1. ... . j --- ifviu,j me entire bidden. m . . ..,ITOUUJ For fur-1 Miss Emily Vaughn. ASBBV1LLB, N. C. For biliousness and Liver Regulator is the best medicine the iwonaevcr saw. H. H lnn- MimM . - "wu, I UN A disastronit wrwlr uvvxi ivu Ml. better s trestle, on the Carolina Central luiiruau, at o o clock Saturday night. The through freight from Norfolk to Charlotte was wrecked at that point. There were twenty cars in the train, and all except seven went down. -Ex-President W. G. Tpchurch, of the state agricultural society, says that the weather has been very favorable to the crops of grass and small grain. It is uau on spring oats, and on corn and couon, so rar as tue preparations for planting are concerned. Winter small grain is hearty with a fine stand.-Char- ulic viiruuicic. It is understood that Jas. Young and Congressman Cheatham waited upon the president a day or two since and urged that Young be again appointed collector of customs at the port of Wil mington, which would have kept him in office till his nomination was acted upon by the senate. The president, however, declined to appoint him. It is conjec tured that that the president willaupoint a negro, and the name of John S. Leary has been mentioned in that connection. Kalcigh News and Observer. -Every one in the South interested in or knowing of the proposed starting of any new manufacturing or mining enterprise whether larce or small, or nf th. .t.n. sions of factories or mines, now in ooer- i.iuii, ui mt crctiiun 01 large windings, would benefit himself, as well as the south generally, by sending particulars to the Manufacturer's Record, of Balti more. In this way the wants of South ern manufacturers who wish to buy ma chinery are made public, and catalogues of all machinery in their line, with prices, etc., nre received, and thev are thus en abled to select the best machinery at the the lowest cost. Workmgmen cannot time, Simmons Liver keep you from it. afford to Regulator lose will Sir William Gordon Cumminc h. A,. nied on oath the charges made acainst him in the baccarat case, and an ample nimw " minic mm in ine court. Representatives of the Russian mi. ernment have been instructed not to vise passports ot Hebrews desiring to enter Russia until fully satisfied of the ol,;.i. of their jaurney. hour. Gen. Joseph E. Johnston has been seri ously ill at Washington for some days. Representative Springer, of Illinois, is seriously ill at his residence in Washine ton. New York is compelled to seek new H.. vices of taxation to meet the public ex- hcuuiiuic. iur onicc noiaers. hire in New York at the corner of niceiicr ano oreen streets did $2,000,000 worm 01 damage last night. H. B. Claflin & Co.'s drv goods house in New York was damaged by fire last cvcuiug 10 tue amount ol 100,000. I have for .ale for . r. A .i . . A.h?ib CAu'pl'i' cottag.. of S room, in A.h.vllle. All modern convenience., right near ".V;" I""', Mbe.old at oac?. Pri" $,80O. Apply to J. M. CAMPBELL. Beautiful lot on Grove .treet, 7Si300 with large oak .had. tree., mu.t ga. Apply to J. M. CAMI'IIBLL. Six room home corner Spruce and Wood An for sale low. Alio lot 70x108. Location splendid. Have for .ale 10 or 13 lot. of 30 acres more or le.. each, 3U mile, of court hoae at $S0 ocr acre. AnH ...... , poKd .treet railway. The timber on the land I. worth price a.ked. Apply at once 1 erm. ea.y, to .uit purchawr. Parti...... u mr wuou on tne la.n tn J. M Ket inous it within one year. iav for CAMPBBLL. LAMPS AT PRICES Rev. I. A. White, whn . 11.4 cZc,, INSURE QUICK SALES. .ini auit tor S5U.UUU against that body for unlawful expulsion and defamation ol character. A comparison of records shows that resident Harrison has made a far Kreaternumoerot removals in presiden tial postmasters in two years than Mr. v-icveiano did dunng the first twenty eight months of his administration. A mob went to the house of Mrs. Wig einton. at Mount Sterling. k' nusband and sons are charged with poi soning Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Watts and hanged her, nnd are now searching for Mr. Wigginton, who has fled. Two of the Wigginton boys are in jail, which is strongly guarded. The Dictures of Mr. PI.u.i.j . .l. , . ..i.muu NIC II1C basis of suit filed in the United ..(,,. court at Cincinnati by C. M. Bell a Washington city photographer, against io. Lre 5 Lithographing company for J4,000, or one dollar for each picture old, claiming that he had the exclusive right to sell Mrs. Cleveland's portraits You feel laint and weak in the stomach no appetite. Take Simmnn. l.i.r Regulator. RANGING LAMPS, I .as .89 1.15 2. SO 30 .S5 6 78 9.88 STAND LAMPS Reduced almo.t as much as above. Jewel as always $1.00 each. Odd. and end. In glass and chin, price to close them eut. Bach, Worth .80 Bach, Worth 1.05 Each, Worth 1.65 Bach, Worth 3:50 Bach, Worth 4.40 Each, Worth 5.58 Kach, Worth 8.35 Bach, Worth 11.35 Bach. Bach. Bach, Bach. Bach. Bach. Bach. Bach. Little at half J. H. LAW, No S7 59 and 61 S. Main St.