Citizen o VOLUME VI. NO. 282. ASHEVILLE, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 70, 1891. Asheville Daily L1NV1LLE 1NVITR8 INVESTIGATION AS TO Climate, Water Supply, Drainage. Drives, Parks, "LIVE AND LET LIVE." AT MY STORE GROCERIES Are offered subject to these three important qualifica tions : QUALITY, which must be Kwod. QUANTITY, which nuiBtbeas much for the same money as given elsewhere, and 1'IIICES, which must at all times reflect the lowest market quotations. If you want to endow your dollars with their greatest purchasing power, an exami nation of our prices will show that they art ROCK BOTTOM. We have fiOOlbs broken : grain rice which we offer until closed out at 5e per pound. A. D. COOPER, North Court Square, Corner Main and College Stg. Scenery. Plans, CORTLAND BROS., Real Estate' Brokers, THE LATEST FAD. ENGAGEMENT CUPS AND SAUCERS. Whenever your friend (either sex) be comes engaged, you may, iu congratula tion of their engagement, present them with a fine china cup and saucer. We have a large line suitable, at different prices to suit the purchaser. NEW GOODS. We arc receiving, and have in stock un doubtedly the largest and finest line of china and earthenware of every descrip tion ever shown in this city. You want to sec our big line of decorated dinner set, sccially the one we are offering ut $1 l.V.'i, it is Unglish and is n beauty. We are still giving you a nice Japanese bread plate with every two dollar purchase. Don't forget to call in and sec our lienu tifnl goods. THAI). W THRASH & CO. YESTERDAY'S SERVICES. HOW THE CMlRCHliM CECK I1HATKU icamti-:r. Crockery, ('la, Ilousi-furnishintfM, 4-1 Patton Ave. Buyers of Drugs Tell us they have 1 st money bv monkeying with And InveHtnicnt Agents. An Interesting Occasion at Trin ity KplMcopal Church Central MethodlHt Hundajr Bcliool Kxer cIhch other Services. The services at Trinity Episcopal church yesterday began with an early celebration of the holy communion nt half past seven. Quite a large number, for the early service, were present. At the 11 o'clock service the seats were all occupied some time before the service began, and by the hour for service every available space wus occupied. The serv- I ice was conducted bv the rector, Rev. McNccly Dultose, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Rice and the Rev. Geo. H. Bell. The altar and the chancel wete tastefully though not lavishly decorated -with flowers and a beautiful cross occupied the niche on the right of the chancel. The choir was increased by a number of additional voices and the special music was rendered with fine effect. As nn or gan prelude to the servia Dr. Garratt plaved Handel's "Worthy is the Lamb." Dr. Garratt played with his accustomed j skill and brilliancy not only in his solos but in the accompaniments as well sus taining and holding the choir in perfect 1 accord. The service ojicncd with a hvmn I followed after the owning sentences and prayer by the chnnt "Christ our Pass , over, &c," composed by Dr. Garratt. The Tc Deum and Jubilate after the les j sons were by Tours. Following the prayers, the choir sang ) as an anthem the Raster hymn "Alleluia, I Alleluia," as composed by Dr. Garratt. ! This was a very beautiful composition : nnd well rendered, i The communion service following was rendered doubly beautiful with sjiecial music, a numl)er of communicants uurtak : ing. At the close of the service Dr. Gnr. ratt played the "Halleluiah Chorus," of Building SilcH, Investments. I.INVll.l.K WPKOVHMKNT CO., I.lnvllle, N. C. NOTARY PUBLIC. l.oaitfi sc urely placed at ft per cent Office.: 24 A Uft f'ntton Avenue Second floor, fchudlv ;Knoxville and Richmond a treacherous memorv and the Handel importunity of drummers ' j'"noonthcci.iidrenof the s,.n i i.- i j ii. a (lay school held then usual service. Aftci Ntilllfl lIieNltJHUBUIblUHMini.V, a simple service, with several Faster 'bllt. tlieV invnriftblV find it hymiiB by thccliil(lren and a short address .... v 1,., tl i i.. 1 I THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME. Ttv cclrhrntrrt litem Brier White Sulphur Siirinp. of Virginin, i nffcrrd for buU prniwrty value., nt J 1, to lit ill vhIci! into l.iHMt nhnrm Bt $100 riu'li, Thr purchuwr of two nit art rcrcivrn a lot worth the par vnliii ol the Mtm-k, nnd the chnmx of itrt tiring vHhuihlc improved property nt a notninnl price A $2r0,noo hotel nt $.riOO, other improved pnprrtien at proportionate priors. Pay ments monthly, l-'or turther particulars call on JOHN cim.n. A Rent. WILLS BROS. ARCHITECTS, ,nys them to draw their nup- iiV lies Of 1 . ( .. hlllltn & l O., Ill . offerings for missions. The church wns Asheville tilt' largest I'l'tlir lomiortuuiv lined and it seemed a origin i!in,.,,in '(,. M..l. '..r UIH enjynble occasion lor the children store in Western North Uir- . nminii who were present, olinn-n suving of Freight ckntkal jirthowst. Charges, aild (lUiek time ill. Thcdnvwas verv ami.onrinlclv and The getting goods, are important impressively observed at the Central items, nnu fount up m a "kihooisi episcopal cnun-u, soutn. Vear's dealings making' stend of the regular service at 11 "large purchases in the pri- "'d"tk-the '" s'ven to the Sun- m-irv iii-u Lotu mmlilo tliin day school, mid nn Faster enntntn, "lh- maikets, enaoie tins IW. ri.niU.ra, under thc cn(,cl.8,ip ,- House to plaee Druggists J. Norrii Myers, musical director, artil'les into the hands of The pulpit and chancel were tastefully coriMiimoi-M mill de-llcl-H nt 2ee"riu1 w,,th evergreen and blooming (OnSlimeiS aild (K.IKIS. IIT flowers, and the effect produced was nrices never before enioved fresh and ulcasiim. West of the Ithie Hidce." HIS-' Thc si,,KinK w iiitcrsiK-rscd witli rexi toiners are served by pro fessional experts of large ex perience,, trustworthy and '1H ration Avenue . Not Y M C A huild'it. nurl d.lm ! tl HoiSf4. ; competent the stock carried i l v this firm covers two floors WBTYnchting and other caps, stock. Hon Marche. New H7"New Ginghams, new Laces, new ( Fmbroideries. Bon Marche. j InT-Spellman's Spring Derbies, latest shape, best quality, less price. Bon March. tations, reSHinscs, and a short address by the pastor upon the meaning of Eas ter, and thc hoies it inspired. Thc music, was simple, but lull of mel ody, and was rendered in a way that re flected credit upon thc school' and evi denced the painstaking instruction of of two hundred and forty Tnc d)r'us: -Let ug witB jovflt, , leet III tout! lIMIglll. aim nirv sound,- by tbe mlant class, and the rcc - IN THE PAST TEN YEARS wv,f 1 11t"1 '-"r SS'KlftK in l lir: .jiut I'lll ilflt- lo- ofor catt tl on the Public Sijuare in Asheviilt1 no trouble to successful business life ..find the place orders by i mail receive prompt and In AKhrville, we have at nil times mnde it an r i 4 f : ,,f,,,. If ,1,, ( C 1 I T ill. 111. Till l.fll 1 TH. 1 , .1 1(1" sired, to the Knttery Turk lin.ik. MO PRKSatRG Ital I'NION HKHVICEtt 11 Mot Trv to Make Trou- For the Vulted Htaten London, March 30. A Times corre spondent at Rome says: "The excite ment caused by the lynching at New Orleans has completely sub sided. The government fully ap preciates the difficulties under which the American government labors, and it is not likely that any pressure will be brought to hear upon the latter. It is I J. I convinced the American government will readily make compensation which justice demands." Public opinion goes to show that no sympathy for thc lynched Mafia is man ifested. Many Italians say that it would be well if other members of the Mulia were treated in the srme way. The correspondent adds: "There never has been the slightest pretext for nn ap peal to force in connection with the affair." IT IS REPUBLICAN WORK. THERE WII.I. BE HOHK DUN TROI RI.K. IN- It In HarrlHon'H Appointee Who are Reaping- the Plunder-A Pre diction That May be Verified. IRoviiKNCii, R. I., March 30. Mr. Eugene T. McAuhfle, of this city, yester day received a letter dated Tine Ridge Agency, March 23, from Rev. Father Held at the Central Church lMHi Night. At the Central Methodist church last night union services were held, under the auspices of i.hc Y. M. C. A. No night services were held nt somcof thechurch s on account of this meeting and the Cen trnl church was crowded and chairs filled the aisles. Itrief reports of the V. M. C. A. convention recently held nt Durham were made by Fitch Taylor and Kich, delegates 111 attendance. I.. A. Coulter, state secretary of thc V. M C. A., L. C. Shucy, . R. Mott, Interna tional college secretary, and 11. I1. Ander son, general secretary of the Aslicvillc association also spoke. Mr. Andersen announced that in the subscription lor the state work, nt Dur ham, thc Asheville association had Ik-cii put down for $L'50 thc largest amount given by uny associ-itionand a collection was then taken up. The amount rea lized wnB $20r.Hl. c IT IS A BITTER FIGHT. HTRIKKKS DO HOME DAMAGE TO PROPERTY. 1,000 Attack Prick's) Coke Works, Tear irp the Track and ttniaHh WlndowH-Heveral RIoIh. I'lTTsm ar,, Pa1 March 30.-Strikers to the number of nearly 1,000 attacked Frick's coke works at Moorewood nt 2 o'clock this morning. They destroyed i rancis ra.j. run., n.c luinuii mission-; some coke ovens nnd railway track and nry, who predicted the recent Indinn I broke the windows in several houses troubles and who himself wns shot nt Wounded Knee. In the communication Father Craft earnestly points out the Several raiders were arrested and tnken to Greensburg jail. Riots are also re- , - jit- , . .. puricu 111 ivciscnnug and ueiin, and con- danger of more serious trouble unless the j siderable proierty was destroyed. There Indians are placed under thc control of js Krent excitement throughout thc the war department. He says in part: j coke country and serious trouble is np- "As the case stands now, the causes of, prehended. the trouble still exist nnd the Indians and ; The coke troubles have assumed a new whites arc at the mercy of any rascal phase and now threaten to devclone into who finds it to his interest to annoy and endanger them. The only thing that stands in the way of a siiecdy and cr miinent settlement of all difficulties by the immediate transfer of the Indians to the war department, is the desire of poli ticians to retain their plunder. As these politicians arc our public servants and in our power, we American citizens should use that power to turn them out ol the offices they have abused to our loss and disgrace. With thc iniiplc rests the remedy, and on them will rest the blame if they will not In-stir themselves. "livery word that I have said for the prist year has Ik-cii verified, and more than verified, nnd I thii k it is now time for Aineiicaiis to say what theynrcgoing a war between the operators and the labor organizations. Mr, Frick stated today that heretofore he had not antag onized labor; in the future he did not pro pose to stand idly by and see his proier tv destroyed. He claims the men are satisfied with the scale ol wuges hi offried, but that the labor leaders will not permit them to work as their posi tions dcR-nd upon the success of the strike. The fight from this time 011 will Ik- bitter. THE CONFERENCE CI.OMICD. to do. Heaven grant that I mav not now Ik.-making aaot lu-r pie.lR-l.oii to ,e ; Stu.k-nts' Deputation conferene verified. It thc Indians are not to be transferred to the war department, but are to r luuher roblied and abused I.HHt MeetliiKM of the Houlliern Htucli-.UH' Deputation. Saturday alternoon's session of thc at the Y. M. C. A. rooms, was opened by n lec ture on "Finances, College and Ititerna- 1 tional," by J. C. White, followed by Mr. BOOKS & STAT10M PICTURES AND FRAMES, Artists' MaterlaiH, 1 TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, ALL AT j ESTABROOK'S1 22 SOUTN MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. , Apr 10 d ntiiri't to pleane our natrons. That we have ! nucccedctl it and without ijucttlion, as wc to- lny control thr Inigtrat tradr of itny Iiouhc ! rvtrr Mtah'ifthrd in Wrtrrn C'aro'ina. Par. ticularlv to the people of Aahtvitle do weowr j out nuccrnn, nnd to them we extend our 1 heartiest than tin with the announcement j that we will ever strive to merit a cimtinu 1 nnce of thc-r favor by Riving thtm j IM'KH AND WHOLKSOM K GOODS ' At 1 hi very lowest prlren. We nmVe a spee ialty of HEAL ESTATE. WiLTM B. OgTW, W. W. GVYN & WEST, (SucccMori to Walter B.Owju) ESTABLISHED x88i REFER TO lAMK OF AIHRY1LLE. REAL ESTATE. Loani Secwrely Placed at Per Cent. Notary Pnblk. Commisatoaera of Dds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICK Mouttaeaat Court Mqaarc. FINK(.ROCKRIKS, and enn always furnish them fresh and. nice. ! Our stock of atnple goods is thc largest ever offered in Asheville. We also handle Field and garden Heeds,' Hay, Bran, Shorts and Peed of all kinds in InrRe (junntitics, and can make special in dueements to large buyers. Respectfully, Powell & Snider. Oroccra, Corner Patton Ave nue and Main Nt. LOTS t and t LOTS and LOTS 01 Handsome Novelties me congregation, as ilirt also the recita tions bv six little girls, Misses Otidger, Hurnettc, I'cnland, Weaver, ohnston and Stikelcathcr. The instrumental part of the program was rendered by Miss Alice Smith. Prof Kneringcr and his choir of gentle men, gave valuable assistance, nnd all in all, it was a most olcasant service. The congregation was unusually large. AT KIVKKSIDK. The Kaster service at the Riverside church was verv interesting. Thc little building was comfortably filled. The sermon was preceded by some excellent music. Miss Maud McCollum presided at thc organ, and was accompanied by V. I. McCollum on the comet. The choir was composed ol four ladies anil the same nuinlK-r of gentlemen, under the leadership of . E.Clarke. The pastor, Kev. John C. Troy, preached on the Resurrection, ami the congregation suppose must p.epa.c or anotner ..- As,oci,.lti(m (,,,. of lead and steel which will . ,, .... . , . I hojK-, lie more effective than the last. I ,' Mr. lute closing witlm talk on am heartily sick and tired of witnessing '"Association Records," showing their miseries that 1 cannot correct, and shar- importance. ing sufferings of the unfortunate Indians Atu.r Uk a,j1)Urm,u.nt , thc nltcrllo()11 and brave soldiers who nrc forced into! . , conflict and then slandered by the cow-1 ;s'",, lK delegates repaired to the hos ardly politicians who slaughtered them." j pitable home of H. T. Collins, president T,vl,, . -i j of the Asheville association, where thev were entertained until the night session. ,,..,..,.. , There was a social reception and sii- h. ; . i J 'Kr' with ''J' ' Audemtn and me mi . c shui.v 01,Rt.crn llss)l.iatioll wor5. Treasurer Ham, asked for his opinion At So clock the night session of the concerning the general ipicstion ol" tux-1 -ciiil.-i-rncc was held, Mr. Mottoccupying ing incomes under the new revenue law, ' "K nn ur 0,1 " ' Missionary Department. s".v": l.nst nigiit thc closiuir session was FISHING FOR SUCKERS A BOGliH HPANIHH PRIEST Its THC ANUUvK. PreHldeut Harrison Waa the FlrBt Person Whom thla Hwl.idler Thought l.lfcvlv lonite-An Heir ewt lutlie Cane. SWasiiington, March 30. For several years past attempts have lieen made to victimize people of prominence in the United States by playing upon their cred ulity at thc expense of their purses. The victim, as a rule, is a person who has at some time had n slight acquaintance with Spain. He receives a letter from a Spanish priest telling him that a large sum of money hns been devised to him by this Spaniard on conditions that al ways involve advancements of agr.-iucr or less sum ol money to pay necessary charges. The first notice the department of state had of the trouble was a letter addressed to President Harrison soon alter he as sumed his ollice. In this letter, the writer, a Catholic priest, as he described himself, informed the president that a Spanish army officer, after undergoing incredible vicissitudes of fortune, had died in Spain. He had delivered to tin priest a sachel containing $200,000, which was to lie turned over to President Harrison on the sole condition that hi would assume charge of the officer' little, daughter. Incidentally, $5,000 was needed to pay necessary exienses. The matter was confidential, and the president was to direct his reply in Spanish to the priest and inclose it in a letter addressed to the Spanish lady. The next Krson selected as a victim was General Uartlelt, of the pension office, in Washington. In this case a great quantity of valuable plate was at stake, encumbered with the innocent, angelic child of a Spaniard, whom the general really recalled asan acquaintance of his early vcars. His suspicions were aroused and he escaped without loss. A member of the United States house of representatives last summer nlso came in for one of these prize packages, which were warranted to contain a fortune and a beautiful heiress. This letter is chiefly remarkable for the crafty manner in which thc priest seeks to prevent expos ure of thc swindle bv making it apear to be the recipient's interest to maintain silence. The priest's story is romantic, as is invariably in thc case. The illus trious prison had died iu the castle. Tilt charge upon which he was confined, em iH-y.zlcmcnt from the state, was cunningly staled with apparent innocence, a! 1 hough its suggestion indirectly ac counted for the great fortune ol about which the prisoner had secreted. He had selected the American congressman to act as his executor and would allow him a fifth part of his fortune. The priest had told, under seal ol confessional, that the treasure had beer seccrctly deposited by the illustrious prisoner iu the Bank of London. It wai necessary to pay $5,000 to obtain tin baggage which was detained by tin court and contained the certificate of de posit. I Iconise thc baggage would not lie surrendered if the secret wns known, and to prevent trouble with the power lul enemies sepulchral silence was en joined on the priest. AT THi: tiRAND, "The provisions in the former revenue held. Mr net. takinc iuconii-s derived from srilar- Ground ics nnd fees mid allowing thc taxpayer to deduct $1,000 as necessary excuses for conducting his business, or for sup porting his family, have been amended by striking out tliccauseallowing the de duction of $1,000. The machinery ol the act requires the taxpayer to list only his net income. It is necessary, there fore, to define thc words net income." "The 'word net' is allowed its ordinary meaning of free from expenses, or to pro duce as clear profit, namely, that which remains after the deduction of allchargcs or ouLlav. csocciallv following- the L'cn- cral course of legislation acted upon for White lectured oil "lliuher He was followed bv the final lecture by Mr. Mott on "The Work of the Iicputations," outlining thc work to lie done by thc students in attendance. The students for the most part have left for their homes. Mr. Molt nd Mr. White left this morning lor Chicago, where thev will conduct u conlcrciicc similar to this one. Thc field of that will cover the north western states and from Chicago thev go to Springfield, Mass., and conduct one for the east. Afterwards there will lie one at Pittsburg for the central states. There arc but four of thest conferences. wns deeply impressed with his eloquence I more -h" twenty yeuri in the previous nnd earnestness in the presentation of ! revenue statues. 1 1(C LI UC (ULlllJIClUlllIU VI LUC UCL U3 given by thc treasurer it to allow the taxpayer to deduct from his gross in come the actual necessary expenses of his business or ol supporting Ins family tl: 1 ...i.:u -..i TRINITY VICSTKV. ;iiy lli otlicrH' MlnMrelM Haturda Night. A small house greeted Guy Brothers, minstrels at the Grand Saturday night The company is a small one, nearly all of the work being done by five Guv brothers. The first part was rather prosy, many iu the audience regretting tlial tne mitisircis used nimosi entirety the same jokes used on their apiiearauci here a year ago. The dancing of George Guy, jr., was nn attractive feature, as was also the workot Cooper, the juggler The company has a very good orchestra but they need new jokes. "MAS AND MASTEK" TONICHT Tonight nt the Grand the New York theater company will ocn a week sen uagenicnt in "Man nnd Master," a sen sational drama, playing at popular prices, '.!", 3.", and 50 cents. The company closed a week s engagement at Hickory Satur day night. DKAU OK DVINli. JAY GOULD SAYS 1bt If a man ean sare one dollar out of CTerjr Ave dollars he earns, such a man will be rich inside of twenty jrears. Call nn us and wt will tsll ran how to do It, as we hare joat rsceWed private advices from Jay on the surjject. Oar business has been very prosperous, durinsr the nast rear, in spite of the hard time and we take this oppnrtaulty to thank oar friends and customers, and to wish them all long life and happiness. JENKS & JKNK8, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Room ? & 10, McAfee Block if PMton Ay. Asheville. M. C. FOR SALE! Chenn, f soon purchased. one of the pret tiest hmei in Aincville, new, beautifully fin lihrd, Ant location, close to street cdrs. Also several other fine properties that are worth your attention-. 1 wo oeanumi ouuaing sites. Lots in all parts of thc city. Hnusrs Uk rent. Pine tracts of timber land and otandini: timber. Mineral properties. MONEY TO LEND. t.lnt yaur property with us and have it sold and rented. Jt'sT Publish ffn Our new pamphlet on AshcTllle. Full of latest statistics Call for a copy. BRUCE H. JONES. (Successor to Uigelow & Jones.) RliAIBSTATE AND INVBSTMUNT8. Room M A fee Block, 32 Patton Avenue their subject under consideration, CATHOLIC CIll'KCll. I Easter services were conducted at the ' Catholic church on Haywood street. The altar was very handsomely decorated ' with cut flowers and caster lilies in pots. ' Early mass was celebrated at 7 o'clock . and the Easier service at 11 a. m. by j Father White. Miss Thackler, of Louis ville, wns the organist. NOW AKKtVINIS. PRUKH AWARDED. lis REDWOOD & COs 1 Kxerclnen al lite KlverHlde Hun- I day ttchool Yemerday. j At Riverside Methodist Sunday school j yesterday afternoon the regular lesson of review was dispensed with, and the ' school instead listened to a very able nnd Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Dry Guods, Pancy Goods and CnrHts. 7 & 9 PATTON AVE. G. II. MAYER C0NSULTIN6 : OPTICIAN 61 South Main St. (Law's China Hall.) ZEB VANCE will set there. We bet on Old Zeb as being the best Plour in town. We have just receiv ed fresh lot of KEG AND BOTTLE PICKLES Come and give them a trial, at HARE BROTHERS. 17 Boatb. Main Street, STATION INN B1LTMORE. RESTAURANT A LA CARTE, ELEGANT APARTMENTS. instructive missionary talk by Kev. J. C. Troy. A collection for foreign missions was taken up and a neat sum raised. At the close of the address the names I of the winners of three prizes were an I nounced. The prizes were offered several j months ago, two handsome Bibles by J. 1 Morris Myers, and "Talcs of the Orient" ' by Rev. Mr. Troy, to be given to those I three bringing the largest number of new scholars to the school during the I (iuirtcr. They were won by Misses Nan- nic Hampton, Mamie Carlisle and Maud Ik-an, and Mr. Myers presented the two first first prizes to the winners in a pleas ant, uffecting talk. The third prize will be presented next Sunday, W. C. T. V. Organization For the Year Next Following. There wns a meeting of thc congrega tion of Trinity Episcopal church at This construction, which has not been th! cl"vh 1,1,8 "'' reached without souie difficulty, calls The vestry for the year was elected as for a decision of the utmost care on the' follows: J. II. Law, S. K. Kepler, K. R. part of a taxpayer in listing the truelRnwl w u, Wolfe, Lewis Maddux, T. amount ol his net income. He can de-1 w ,,att( ,, Uwmire VlMum. duct only the actual expense of his busi-1 Mc u,g to Uk. .;,,;,,,.,, mnventon ness.or of supporting his family, f Nrll, Carolina, to be held in this city such expenses should lie allowed him by,; May, were elected. They are: T. W. tne iisi-taner.-KKMimona uispntcn. .lltt, L. I'ullinm, R. K. Rnwls, and nF.PF.NDIf ON THE WKATH1.R. UwisJMaildux; alternates, It. Arnng- i ton, II. I). Child, W. Ii. Wolfe, and J. H. Condition of a BrltlHh Hteainnlilp ashore on Onr Coast, Wilmington, N. C, March 30. A special to the Star from Beaufort, N. C, says: The British steamship Hnrinticn, under a Spnnish flag, went ashore on Ocracoke beach three miles south of thc Ocracoke life saving station Friday night. She is loaded with two thousand bales ol cotton, two hundred tons of cotton seed oil cake, from Galveston, Texas, to Newport News, for orders The crew were all saved. She had five feet of water in her hold when she stranded. The cargo and vessel will be saved if the weather continued favorable. Lee. The vestry was organized by thc elec tion of Lawrence Pulliain. senior Warden; J. H. Lnw, junior warden; S. R. Kepler, secretary and treasurer; H. I). Child, as sistant secretary and treasurer, Hhot In the I.eit. F. I'. Fleming and Lee Hamilton, col ored, were arrested yesterday by Deputy lr, Howard Cronby, Peter M. Dox and John PlHiikliiKtou. Nnv York, March 110. Dr. Howard Crosby died at his home here last evening. Birmingham, Ala., March 30. Ex- Congressman M. Dox is reported dying nt his home in Huntsvillc. He formerly represented the Eighth Alabama district. Mii.WAt'Ki-K, Wis., March 30. John rlaukiiitoii, Milwaukee s foremost citi zen, died last night. He built up a great lortunc in the oackmg business in which he was long associated with Armour, ol Chicago. tttock Quotation. Nnw York. March 30. lirie 10; Lake Shore 104'4; Chii-UKO nnd Northwestern HO1.; Norlolk nnd Weim-rn 54; Richmond and West Poiut Terminal 1M; Western tnion HI. Baltimore Prices). Bai.timorr, Mnrch30 Plonr.dull. Wheat Houthern, firm and strong; Fults, $1.0ft(it AJ; l.onuhirry, 1.0H(jU.12; western, strong; No J winter red, spot and March SI i(iiVa(,TJi.,-('v4;. torn souim-m, sironjt -SINGLE OR EN SUITE. E. COFFIN, AOCTIONEER. KRAL BSTATBAOHNTAltlil.OANIlROKBR No. S North Main street. If not trloflee when Tin car), write nam. aart eeeMeacc oa stac sad I wiH vlait xaa. Kefer to j, B. Hurts, manairr of Balterj Para HoWl.ot any Bank In Aehevuie. together DO YOB FIND Von cannot tead small print ; must hold vonr oilier at a distance; rest youreres frenuent- omeug blurred, dim or running VOUR EVES Become tired nnd smart white reading or ewinc; cannot stand a strong light; or water freely in a moderate wind t TROUBLING YOU With sick headaehe, either on the forehead or the nape of the neck, that medicine does not care ; Inflamed, swollen, stick v, or sandy lidsr If So. Have Yarar Even F.iamlned rrti oi l. Barge, Baiiaiawtloa iOauarantesMl. feh2d3m E. H. BR ITT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUI'.DER. Also grading of all kinds done. All orders promptly filled and wurk gaarantetd. Can nt fonad at all times at Graham's Cotton Factor. ' aagitdtt ' .. ' . '' ' -.:' -':-. '. Visit irs nnd Residents will find this a most nannlng nnd attractive stopping place. MI'.NAGK AND Ct'IRINB K(Jt'AL TO TUB BUST. E. H. NIES, LATE WITH DELMONICO. decSdtf OAKLAND HEIGHTS SANATORIUM. (FORMERLY OAKLAND INN.) ASHEVILLE, N. C. MOST COMPLETE HEALTH RESORT IN THE SOUTH. Appointments antarpaascd. AH modern theraimtic appliances and baths lor the re. lief and cure ot nervous -and cbrunic dis eases TnrMsh, Konian and Russian baths, tirlec tricitv, MaUKe, Swetliah Moremtnts, all In cluded in price of room. The Medical Management under the direc tion of Lr l'. w. Neefiis. rrcentlr of the lark- son Sanatorium, at Pansvlllc, N. V. Furfur ther particulars address, Mish Emilv Vaughn, Prominent Lecturer lo Vlalt AhIic. vllle Hoon, Mrs. Lathrop, of Michigan, one of thc most prominent lecturersof the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, is eapected to arrive in Asheville about Ajrril 7, and will give at least one and possibly more lectures at the Grand otiera house dur ing her stay here. Of this lecturer the Bclvidcre, 111.. Standard says: "It if simply impossible to put into print the magnificent address of Mrs. LathroD. delivered last night.1 Mrs. Lathrop excels in the kind of thinking nnd talking calculated to produce con viction like the Greeks of old, when listen ing to Demosthenes, they forget the speaker and see nothing but the foe and raise the cry, 'Let us go and fight against runup.'" Great Hrltaln'a Severe winter. Loniion, March 30. A heavy snow storm is sweeping over the northern part of Great Britain. All the horse car lines and railroads of Aberdeen are blocked by the snow. Cotton Mill Batnaited. Lancaster, Pa., March 30. H. S. Shirk & Sons' cotton mill wns damaged by fire this morning to the extent ol $4,- 000. Insured. NORTH CAROLINA FOLKS. Sheriff H. C. Jones, charged with being i and firm; white, 75c; yellow, 72i7!ac; west- :..i:.....j : .!.. !....:.,.. f v:.... tl """""' ((HIM11U11.M IU III.. BIIWUklMj , , IHWI .1. Justice, white, nt Itiltmorc, Saturday night. Tlios. Hamilton, who, it is sup posed by some, did the shooting, has not been arrested, luslice received a shot in thc leg, but was able to go to his home in Henderson county yesterday. Why Thla sliut Ilown ? Joi.ikt, III., March 30. Thc rod mill, the remaining department ot tlw rolling mills here, has been shut down, thus en: tirely closing the entire mill and leaving li.fiOO men without employment. The employes are nonplussed at this action, as they have acceeded to the demands of thc company. THIS MEANS WS1NESS. But Hlitnera Obtained. The petitions referred to in Saturday's Citizens asking for an election on .the Wenvcrvillc railroad project is tieiug cir culated nnd Inrgclv signed today. There is no doubt in thc minds of the friends of the measure that the matter will be in shape to present to thc board of commis sioners next Monday. It is intended to operate the portion of the road from Asheville to VYcaverville a dummy line, s soon as it ii completed. Hon. H. G. Hwart arrived home Sun day night. Henderson ville Times. Snnford Smith, postmaster at Orin oco, tinvidson county, commuted sui cide Friday by shooting himself. General Wiley D.Jones, who was for years assessor or the Kaieign intcrnnl revenue district, died Friday at his home near Wake Forest, aged 72. Years ago there were but now and th;n a man or women found in this county who weighed two hundred. Now you can find plenty of men who weigh over two hundred, and not a few wo men who weigh up to two hundred and several go over this. We would hate to to be fat like people. Watauga Demo crat Murfreslioro Index: Rev. Pr. 1. F. Cvowcll, president of Trinity College, Durham, was in town, a tew (lavs ago New York Market. Nrw York, March 80 Stocks, dull hut steady. Monev, ensr at 3guUV; itichanite, Iohk. 4.BSV4W HR-V. short, 4.HMt4.HMI4: state t,.nds, lu-iclecled; government bonds, dull but steady. Cotton, quiet sales, Dl bales; I'plands, Be; Orleans 9 7-1 He; Iu. turi-s 0K-m-d aad closed steady; March, : April. K.74; Mm. 8.7: lune. K.89 luly, .7: Auiiust, 9.02. Flour quiet but steady. . w heat active ana nrm. corn- active nnd firm. Pork quiet but firm, nt $11 2r!.13.50. Lard uuiet but firm at S7 oil's Spirits Turpentine quiet but ciisy, at 40n4l'C4.1c. KoMin quu-t but linn at SI crciKUts steady. AFFAIRS OF CONSEQUENCE. noMi-:. Ex-Governor John Mclvncry, of Louisi aim, is dead. Jake Kilrain, the pugilist, says he will accept hlavin s challenge. There were 1,004 deaths from grippe" in Chicago during last week. A sensation hns Ik-cii caused ut the treas ury department, Washington, by the dis covery of n counterfeit $2 silverccrtificnte so nearly perfect in all its parts as to be almost impossible ot detection. The proprietors of the job printing ofti ees in Washington have been notified by the officers of Columbia Typographical Union No. 101 that a higher rate of wages must be paid their employes for less number of hours work. Vice President Levi P. Morton and Gcorce Illiss. his partner, have sold six teen blocks on Tenth avenne nnd Kings- brulge road, north of lTitli street, New York, 40i) lots m nil. for $1,00,(H)0, to Henry Morgrntuau nnd others. Thr tlcmociut i.n!e central commit trc tnnnminethe nroorrtv of the Mctho-1 . , l,ni1,g lmH o.-ulul that De Witt l dist female college with the view of buv-l IW There is no tn dibit- to disiKisf of ; Cregicr is the regulai party nominee for ing it and establishing, under the dirco-1 nil the goods the kinston knit ting mills mayor of Chicago, hut Carter H. Ham tionof the trustees ol Trinity College enn muke. Lnt week 310 clown were son declares he will remain a cmididntc and the North Carolina Methodist con-1 sent to Toledo. Ohio. 12 dozen to Wil-lfor the avowed purpose ot nctt ttmt; fcrence, a grand school for girls. niiugton and 132 down to New York. lOrcgier. MSalisbury has voted iu favor of issuing bonds for street improvements. haT'Thc Wnkesboro brown stone com pany, which suspended work about two months ago, on account of the breaking of stone caused bv the cold weather, have again o(iened their quarries. (riTMr. S. S. Brown is oiening up a gold mine within ten miles of this city, which is showing tlic finest specimens of quartz gold we have examined iu quite a while. Greensboro Workmnn. HyA mining company from Matthews, N. C, has been examining the old Robin son gold mine about two and a half miles from Wakesboro, with a view to purchasing or leasing the mine. ICeVTherc are in Ml. Airv ii plug to- i bucco factories and four in tin ininicdintc vicinity. There are three cigar factories, three tohacvo warehouses and from thirty to thirty five business houses. tl( ply in tl , ing 1 Spoi for 2- HCll f make Call ., self. 0 will I in , ache, a bo1 ; i 1 Grunt The I. Oologm t'owdci Vresc dclivcn the city If yoi glass IS 1 MACY. One to f II yoi a small . l'HAK.' Ml kimi, UathU; When pouncici can pos the pur. cats Iu compou fharmi was no. J. I II AN SHEV 1MPF I have he mos. Ashevill trect ca . $4,800. Beaut lartfc oa Six ro An for si splendid Have more or $f0 per posed st nnd is i Terms c get mot it withu For si eiKht ro ments, i square. I THAT V $ .05 .89 1.13 2,ro 3.40 4.S5 6 78 9.US Hi li( Bl Reduced air Je Odds and v price to clot rl NoM. 57.