;-fyr,r vu - ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 1, 181)1. .--ipi-i5-,r3fyi ...i';VS l!ii,!'.Mtj,-'Yy' V-1!' GREAT ATTRACTIONS! Tbe "Whole Community In WERE YOU NOT FOOLED? if YOU WERE VOV ARE GOOD COMPANY. IN AROUND TOWN. Forecast till 8 m. m. Tbarnday fienerallv falri warmcrt ant;rty wludai rain Thamday. A Treat in store for the lov ers of Fashion. A Gorgeous Display of Rare Fabrics from nearly every quarter of the Globe. A Gigantic Stock. Superlative quality of goods. An unusual attraction, and Spocially Low Prices. Home of the Beat Cltlxena Farnlttta Fun tor Their Friend and, by Thin Publication, the Public Generally. This i the first ul April. But such a statement at this time is (wrlmps unnecessary, for many of Ashc ville's prominent people have on their faces to-day a look that bears testimony to the fact of their having found out what the above paragraph imparts be fore The Citizen lays it befo.-e the al ways eager public. The April joker was out in his glory enrly in the morning, anxious and glee ful in bis expectation of being able to get some one with heavier thoughts than he "on a string." That he succeeded in a majority of cases goes without announcing. Just why and where and how all the fooled ones were caught cannot be found out, but Tun Citizkn has got on to several whodrew blanks in the All Fools' lottery, and takes pleasure in presenting its information for the benefit of those who expect to be in it next year. J . Mackey, the always correct regis ter," received through the mail this morning a great big official looking en velope, and of course he thought it was in some way connected with the little trouble the register thought he had gol into several weeks niio bv issuing a license to a young lady under eighteen Mr. Mackey heaved a 1'7-pomul sigh of relief on oicnitig the envelop and finding "April 1" written on a piece of otherwise hlntik miner. Geo. S. I'owell, president of the Ashe- vil c Loan, construction and improve ment company, smiled when t he postman gave him a bundle 01 letters, ricsing out a very bulky one lie leaned buck in his easy chair, and proceeded to open it. It was simply a package of blank mKr, and in one comer ol the top sheet was written, "Compliments ol 'Objector' April 1." It took the combined ellorts ol partner Snider and the clerks in the store to restore Mr. I'owell to his usual state. ludge Aston, who prides himself on his size as well as his hustling insurance abil ities, smiled when he looked through his mail nnd saw an envcloie marked "very imiiortnnt." His smile of pleasure was AT THE HOTELS. April first. Look out for "fools." "Hazel Kirke" at the Grand tonight. The Social club meets tonight at As sembly hall, on Patton avenue. ' , The Y. M. C. A. it making arrange ments for a reception to be given some time next week. Sam Duncan, colored, was fined $15 for "totine a ruznh" and a pistol in the mayor's court this morning. 1. K. Rich, M. E. Roberts and W. M. Clarke were among the Newport excur sionists who left this morning. There was a meeting of the Knights of Labor last night. The nine-hour ques tion was discussed, but no further action was taken. Dr. C. A. Gnrratt, of Trinity Episcopal church with his choir will give a praise service at Riverside Methodist church tonight nt 8 o'clock. Hereafter reserved seuts for the New York theater company's npiiearances at the Grand may lie obtained at Thail W. Thrash & Co.'s without extra charge. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY are our opening days. We will exhibit Fifty Thousand Dollars' worth of the choicest goods that money and well trained judgment could pro cure. Encouraged by the very liberal patronage of visitors as well as residents during the year just passed, we determined to put in a stock which in quantity and quality would compare with n1,irr,-r, rl, 1 s. ro-or ,.ifw i changed to one of chagrin when hc..-ciic-l ""J '""6 " ...,.. v.v.. ... jt (Uu. ifiter, not the smile) anil saw Pebig thorough, trained dry goods men, with ample re sources, we acknowledge no superiors in our line any where. Millinery department In charge of son, who was trimmer and Miss D.iw the leading designer for years in the large and well . known house of Joel Gut man, Baltimore, ably assist ed by other artists in that line. Will display a rare collection of French Pattern Hats and the very latest shapes in un trimmed Goods, Novelties in Trimmings, Laces, Flowers, ' and Feathers. Miss Dawson, having attended all the lead ing openings in New York and Baltimore will be able to give the correct information in regard to "headgear" for the coming season. V.tr Blank's Anti-Fat April 1. The judge now tries to convince inquirers that lie diil not receive the letter. Walter 11. tlwyn. president of the Sun set mountain land company, who hob nolilied with Jav Gould a good (leal dur ing the "Wizard's" visit to Asheville.saw the postman leave on bis table, among other mail, a letter pustniaiked New York nnd with "Return to Jay Gould il not called lor, etc." Hut Mr. Gwyn was too fly lor the joker. He thought he knew a thing or two about April fools and left the letter alone. 1 his alternoon, . ))c rc.,chci ,y Saturday night However, Clirn'MlY K"- "vtm in mm, and opening the ietter found that it was one ol considerable importance from the great lay himself. But Mr. Gwyn wasn't fooled. Oh.no! Il C. Wnddell went by TllK Citui'N otlice early this morning. He was busy thinking about the loafers on couit place place and had a downward cast to his Cnucy Drymuu was stabbed in the left side, just below the urm-nit, last night while in a difficulty in the West lind. He says that James Lytic did the stabbing. The Aslieville and Spartanburg rail road is still in a condition to prevent its use. It is now thought at Superintend ent McBec's oflici that the track will be clear tomorrow night. A gentleman who went through the late wnr writing Ironi Hot Springs. Ark., says: "There .ire more of the crippled, lame and halt here than I ever snw at a general hospital iu the arm." Thos. Allison, formerly an engineer on the W. N. C. R. R. was in the city today with his bride, formerly Miss Lelia Brown, ol Waynesville. Mr. nnd Mrs. Allison left for Knoxvillc, their home, this afternoon. At 4 o'clock to-morrow afternoon there will he a Bible class for Indies and gentlemen at the Y. M. C. A. 20 Patton avenue. II. 1'. Andersen will conduct it and the Sunday school lesson for next Sunday will lie the subject. Pierre Lorillard, the New York sports man, has given a challenge lo some of the niemlicrs ol Hie Aslieville rule team lor a contest with a team of New Yorkers, headed by himself. It is thought that the match will come off in a few days. The Lyceum will hold its postponed imeting tomorrow night. "The perse cution of the Jews by the Russian gov ernment will I (liscussetl with W. II. M.tlone ns speaker. The questionof pro hibiting the discussion of religious sub jects, will also come up. Trains on the Murphy branch of the Western North Caiolina railroad now run through to J a rr, ill's, the damage done by the rains having been repaired to thai place It is hoped by the officials that Tomotla, the end ol the roan, can Casual Visitors to tbe city, and Where TbCT Come Front. Swanmaoa : S. F, Spotts.Indinnnpo lis;D. T. Chapman, Amherst, Can.; W. H. Johnston, Tenn.; T. K. Coiinallv, North Carolina; Fred A. Stem art, Prank Charlton, t'hUadelphm; L. Hvde, New York. European: Chas. R. Hunt, Gut War ner, W.J. Couch, 1. F, Armstrong, E. M. Leroy. F. B. Site., A. R. Taylor, Miss Kate Chester, Miss Helen Minkley, Miss Grace Girard. Mrs. E. M. Leroy, W. G, Stone, T. C. Bowen, New York Theatre company. Glen Rock:). M. Randall, Aslieville R. W. Lillard, Louisville; W. W. Rollins, N.C.; John Hart, Greenville; Mrs. E. R Stearns nnd children, Cincinnati; J. II. Valpey and wile, Miss Fannie Vnlpey Detroit; J. C. McDowell, N.C.; J. L. Perry Tenn.; J. M. Sward, New Castle, l'a.; W M. Rnmer, Newport, Tenn. Grand Central: tieo W. Okling, B Apel, New York; K. L. Goodpnster, Mt. Sterling: W P. Blanton, Ramoths, N. C; T. J. Jarrett, Wm. M Edwards, L A. Luck, N.C.; M. A. Patterson and wife. Intl.; Geo. K.Pritchard, W. 0. Bowman Bnkersville; W. M. Armstrong, Atlanta W. T. Lee. J. G. Barber, J. H. Pavne, Waynesville; I. 0. Harrison, Franklin A.C. Smith, Newport, Tenn.; I. H.Ripley Flat Rock ; G. 11. Gallahcr, Sweetwater, lenn. Spring stirs up the bile. Vou lose your appetite, feel weak, too hot, and Oh! so tired. Take Simmons Liver Regulator, MfLadies, clean your kid gloves with Mather s glove cleaner, b or sale only at Cnrmichael's Drug Store, 20 S. Main St. THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION & IMPROVEMENT CO. PAID UP CAPITAL, $300,000. - GEO. S. POWELL, President and Gen. Manager. W. W. 1UUNARI). Treasurer. Hoard of Directors: Richmond Pearson, J. E. Rankin, T. II. Cobb, J. S. Adams, Geo. S. Powell. ASHEVILLE Al) I 'ERTfSRM liX'TS. C O A L.: THE MILD POWER CURES. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS. Cures of Disease have been mailt, nnd nre Daily brine made all over the country by Humphrey '8 Specifics. Cures of Asthma, of llvnrt itlscae, of Hen'lnclies. of Catnrrh. of Neural gia, ut Sore Throat, of llronch tis, of Croup, of Whooping Coi'jjh, of I.uiik IHtaM. of liysprp.ta, ol nrk'ht's Kid- nry and Urinary liincose.of Diarrhirn, X of Dysentery, of Chronic riles, of Con- stipntion, o"t varied form of Women's K Complaints, of Infant's Discuses, of Nervous dehiliti, of Chronic sk n Eruptions, of Nhrumntism and l.nin n linu, nnd of lnnnminai.'iisandoth r formidable nnd oft-tmicsfiitiil diseases. The evidences ol the w oiiderful cura PS tire effects of these Mild, I'lcn-aut, fi Harmless nnd vet Iteniiw lll'MI'tl r: khy'S si i'.l ii'i There has lieennchangf in the program of the Thursday night meetings at the Y. M. C. A. -Beginning to-morrow night there will lie a bible study from H to 8:30, coialuctcd by H. P. Anderson, and fol lowed by n half-hour prayer meeting. The alter meeting tomorrow night will be conducted bv K. Iv. F.ugnn, and his subject will lie "What a Christian may know about his Savior." Our Dress Goods, I hell ing a specialty of our ! house the collection is unus- t ually large. All the new i s weaves and colorings are , represented here. Trimmings and Laciugs to match each f shade. Our Linens and White t Goods' department is im ' mense and a small sized store m itself enough stuff to fur-riiish- all the hotels in West ?. ern North Carolina, the Ken yilwortIi Inn included. Kid l- : , Gloves, Hosiery and Notions complete in every detail. All Gloves warranted to fit and ; neither rip nor tear; an im mense line in all the new shades buttoned, lacing or Musqaten,dre88 or undressed, a long or short. A complete t stock throughout. Space prevents further comment, but will pay that it will repay all to call, as there will be t tinusually low prices for open fUng days. Many things at half price, which cannot be bought again from us this V.' i" m8on at :the same money. bn't forget the dates WEOriESOAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, y at " ' . :. ;, : :IIugii's, . ITTOM AirBKVfC. cyci. Ilia tact1 smnicniv ungmcnni wnni immediately in trout ol the otlice and lie j (Illicitly stM)rCd. Just then, however, I the HitiJill boy who worked the string' tnm aenss the street ;nve a jerk and; Mr. Waddell's niekel had flown. lie looked around to &c who taw him and . an uproarious lauyh went u I'ruin ihi j passers by. The (iinilied banker forgot to k to the postotlice. Chief of Police Haird. familiarly called "All.," also fell into a trap in great style. Janitor Oudgcr, of the city hall,' came running up tu the chief this morn-j ing nnd told him that half a dozen can-1 didates for a test in justice's crucible had broken out n window in the lockup nnd made their escuc. The chief started in ... .i... ..: m i i i - i.u h Hirmt u nit jug, Him imu gum: iihh Wanted, wav to the scene when he was reminded i of the day of the month. Hut he didn't j A first-class milliner and dressmaker, Pet anirrv. He looked at the matter in i No other need apply. Address at mice. every lc. The hKhtc t inquiry nmmiK actjuiuntancr or friend will reveal en ten of currsof which vou hnvc lw n icnornnt Thounnndn ute them, even for yenrs, without the fact hfiiiK known except to one's family or most intimate friend. People are often content to be cured hut pre er to keep tlie I'ttct of their innrmity or treatment and cure to themselves, ekerit for lome adecjuntc reason Tens of thousands of unsolicited tes timonial of cures have been received in the course of over thirty odd venrs 7m, business Volumes could be filled with , them. Some few we occasionally pub lish, tint we prefer that ench should make the simple trint for one's self and lie convinced rather than from the tes timony of others. Axcnts: RAYSOR & SMITH, Prtwcrlptlon OruKKlHtH, ji Patlon Ave. The company owns about six hundred acres of the finest building and manufacturing sites in the city. This has been beautifully laid out into lots, maps of which can be had on application. Spial inducements are being offered to a limited number of persons who will erect first class residences at once. The demand for this property has been unprecedented in the history of Asheville real es tate, and its success as the popular residence part of the city has already been assured. i nis property is now being laid out witn lroal a venues, with paved gutters and shade trees on eah side. Water, sewer and electric street railway running through the prop erty. Park and lake sites have been left at convenient dis tances through the property and a complete water and Hewer plan has been adopted so as to give the very best sanitary results. Some of the views to be had from points on this property are Unsurpassed in Western North Carolina, and that almost means tho world. The property is reached from I he center of Aslieville by the best grades leading out of the city. The street car line just decided on, and running out Iinywood. Academy and Mulberry streets, a distance of one nnd a, half miles, has a maximum grade of seven per cent., and that for only about four hundred feet. So, taken altogether, there me probably no investments iu the South that promise better returns than these. For othor information apply to Geo. S. Powell, Pres., ASHEVILLE, N. C. Office at I'owell & Stridor's, Court Square and Patton Ave. Celebrated Jelllco and Best Anthracite Coal. WH0LK8A IjK AND HtiTAIL. COKE IN CAR LOAD LOTS. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ICE. Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 40. No. 30 Patton Avenue SOUTHERN HOTEL. IIENDERSONVILXE, If. C. Hendenonvllle is altunted twenty-one mile, south of A.hevllle, on the R. ft I), r.irm.ril mornlniia bright and clear; no fug.; uplendid water; beautiful driven; good medkal attend, ance. Malaria nnd lung trouble cannot exUt here. The Southern opened October l.t under Northern management, Northern cooking. He. Table lecond to none. Large and well heated room.. Por further information regarding ratea, etc., addrem HUNT ft HHITH, Proprietor. -TI1E- CAROLINA SALOON TO THE FHONT. While othorn an; putting a hug in your ear. Itaten to me! I am now twtter prrinml than ever to furnish you wtth ttnythiriR umially krpt in Ural class RAliM-n. I have the 1 urgent and tu-it Mock In We tern North Carolina, If not in th. Wtntf. anl U ronlstH of thr iincst brnnils of Whl-fcin, WinF and Brand leu known In the. world. Dnrk ThraeStnr Irirm Whinkry. heyoiid h douht the fincat in the world. Trj it and ra wtll he ronrinced that I u. anvertinin nothing hut acta Vhllvin Kurotie, during the aninmcr of lHlio, I made arranetnenta for the nhove Whit, key, Spaniah Sherry and Port Wlnea, the equal never hrouKht to Aaheville Imftortcd Clar eta. Pontet (Janet. MarVaui. Chateau Uelmont very fine. In French brand leu I hnvc a larjre. atock, includhiK John iTennefmy ib C V Three 8tnr and other standard brand: Haaa At Co 'a Pale Ale, a d t.oliintui Hxtra Porvitcn Stout. In Inct, my atovk of imported liquor nnd wlnea arc too nnmerout to mention. My atnek of Kyc whinklea nibraci- noun of the ftneat nnd oldeat hranda known. Ileer. the fmeit on the market for fa mily uae. The he.it brands ofClOAKS and Tf)BAC t'O. When you nre in need ol anythitiK in my line, before (oing elsewhere, eome nnd see ina nod he convinced. My whtakici are recommended by aotne of the moat eminent men of the Juli;i H. Johnson. StalToni'B l 0..S. C, writttt: "I iiml suOrrcd thirteen years wii h etzeniit and was at times contiiu'il t't my 1k'1. The itching was terrible. My pon-in Ifiw Knt mr nor linli dozen boUlc8 ot Hutanie Itlnod Halm, whieh entirely eured me, and 1 ask you to pulr lish this for the U'lictit of others sutTcrin in like inaniKr.' age for medicinal purposea. KeaiKCtfully, FRANK O'DONNELL, PROPRIETOR. TUB CAROLINA SALOON, 1!) NORTH UAIN STRIMT, ASHUV1LLE, X. C. HI HINKHM NOTICF.H. Lump Hale at I.aw'n. See tlic I-ilirarv lamp (fli-rel nt I See the Ijnigniii table now. the lieht of a iihilosnplicr, Himplv s.-ivuil': "By guinea. I'll tell you lillows, lie eaiieht me that time, sure, didn't lie?" Anil everybody nyieecl with him. The noiiliv conductor on the Camp I'nt ton street ear tmirie nn April fool of him self, too. On a trip out he spied a very neat pnckimc lyiti iu the street near the comer of dak and College. I'p went his huiul to the bell cord, and the mottirm in obediently stopx'd the ear. The gallant conductor got oll nnd picked up the pack age. Uecaiefully unwrapied three or lour fold and was busy getting into the heart of the package when a chorus of yells assailed his ears, coming from a group of boys who had Iwcn watching the sport from Hon. II. A.Gudger'syard. Angry and disgusted he Hung the pack age into the street and signaled the motorn.un to go alieail. It i feared he will resign. Nor was Mayor Blanton forgotten. Among his letters he found one daintily tied up with a bit of blue ribbon, and ad dressed to "The Hon. Chas. 1). Illanton." Breaking the seal, he discovered a beau tiful little book with a handsomely em bossed cover and these words engraved thereon; "We, true democrats, urge vou to enter the contest for mayor nnd promise to slick to you to the last. lJor names see inside." liagerly the mayor turned the lenf, when he beheld "April 1." It was un unkind cut, but his honor laughed it off, remarking that as an April fool he wus in it, by a large ma jority. I'luin Levi, the colored bnrlier, whose chief reputation lies iu the fact that he shaved Bill Nye, received a coy and delu sive April fool, written by Bill himself It wm so good Plum kept it to himself and no consideration would cause him to divulge the character of it. But Plum was fooled. And so it went all around the ring. Men jrked who never joked before, and it might also be said, that some who joked will joke no more. The cotton pie and the sawdust bis cuit were employed to catch their share of "fools," and of course furnished lots of fun. But it was noticed that the person fooled wouldn't admit the fact, and would simplv remark, "Humph! I knew all the time what it was but wanted to see vou laugh." Of course they laushed. A word or two of theoriginof All Fool's day would perhaps not be amiss. Tint Citizkn is informed on Rood authority that so long ago as the time of Pharaoh the dar was devoted to practicnl joking. Certain it is that Buncombe has been ob serving it for quite a while. One ol the county's oldest inhabitants is sure he heard Benedict Arnold "catch" George Washington in the regular April way, while crossing the French Broad In one of Fulton's steamboats. That was all long before the new amendment to the city charter was drawn up, nnd, of course, on account ol the length, was omitted in the bill. Nevertheless, Edgar William, who is now Nye, will soon adjust this matter ol the -origin of All Fools day, and until then let all run along smoothly, and be assured thnt you cannot be an April lool again for a year. March Weather. C. P Amhler, M. D.. metcrological ob server at the Winyak Sanitarium, fur nishes a weather report for March which shows that tbe number of days on which .01 inch or more rain fell was 10 and the number of days of snowfall of .1 inch or more was 2, tbe total rainfall and melted snow being 6.64 and the now bill two inches. Tbe report also shows that there were 12 clear, 7 fair, 12 cloudy days and 2 days without sun shine. ... ,. Ions A Fink, Johnson City, Tenn. . Kefrliteratortt. have received our stuck of rctrigcr- W ntors and ice chests. The liest market. W. B. Williamson & Co nn the I'renh Butter. F.lgin Creamery, Kentucky Creamery, nnd Country but ter. Kroger, No. 1 College street. Index to New AdverltHementn. I.iikt-M. I. Ratclift" C. H. Mnnnv Pressed B'lck. il Nitnwoun K Co ClotliinK I. N Morc.an A Co. See !' r Yoursrlf. li. II. UllM'll & Co. The I'lnee tu lluv. V. It. William on Ac Co HefriKfrStum. Sumvkr Goon. Taylor, liouii & brother-tun. JUST RECEIVED, HVMAN'S FINt MIXED SWEET PICKLES, Bulk or Bottle. ALSO A I't'l.L LINK OP BOTTI.B GOODS. THY 1'IWALILLY, VKUY KINK WITH MKATH. RuaHted CofTee. Murray Hill Java, Ideal Itlciid Moclia, MARACA1B0. ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, ai7 Haywood Street. AU WATER THOROUGHLY FILTER Kl on the rrcnilacss KENILWORTH INN. NOTICK The kenilworth Tnn Compnnr. to correct an mifounrlcd rumor, announces that It tin. never been the intention to make it a Sanatorium. To the contrary, it will he conducted strictly a a nrRt-ctnsn hotel anil iilcnl rewirt. A mil and a half from the Asheville court houtr. ont Ma4n ntreet, nnd ilireetlv nt Htltmore K. tlnn. A .crathem n- Sosiire anil the most extensive view near Asheville. Ovrrlooks botl. the French Hroari an! wnnnanoa Vnllcys, nnd the nark of Mr. Vnnderliilt RonniR are of amtftunt ixe, airv and HkM', with IflrK" closet. Thirty-five suites of ri-oins with private hath.. The system ol homing and ventilation Is perfect and surpasses that of any hotel in the Tnited States. Kenilworth Inn is r:,pidly nrnrinx cumplction. Otic notice of the opening will lie Kiven. WAI.TKR C. HRIIWNINU, M. I., PKBMIMiNT. tirecn Coflee. I.AGI'AYRA, Ol.l) GOVBRNMKNT AND RIOS. SARATOGA CHIPS AT X U 0 S JAVA MM Spring stirs op the bile. Yon lose your appetite, feel weak, too hot, and Oh! So tired. Take Simmons Liver Regulator. JOST. On March loth, either in or In front of the First National Rank of Aslieville, a note for $.10.00 ulven by .1 P Gillespie to M. I. Rat cliff Finder will lie r-warded by leaving same at the Citizen office, or by communi cntinn with me. M. I.KATCt.lFK, Leicester, N. C. ffl. H. CAHILL & CO.'S ALMA POLISH IS TUB BEST DRESSING IN THE WORLD FOR LADIES' FINE SHOES. Sold by all shoe dealers, marodrod'lin mo we fti LESSONS IN SINGING AND FRENGH. A New York tvactier of tocaI manic, Hrsj-Ir to give instruction in sltiuinK. also French lensonti In cxchanKC for room (furninhed orun luruUhcrt) and hoard, for herself and mother, in or near Asheville. Adilresi LILLIAN RBKD, CarcG. Schlrmr-, Music Publisher, mar30oncraw4w New York Citjr. Are you aware that II. T. Estabi ouk has more pictures, a tiller line of books, does more framing than all the firms in Western North Caro lina together. We do not spread out our entire stock, but can always show you clean, fresh goods in good variety and latest styles at the lowest prices. Hall for proof at 22 South Main St., Asheville. Badger & Robison's, No. 30 Patton Avenue, Telephone 69. V REFRIGERATORS. KDDY, (11,0 UK, ICE KIN(1, UOY.H, AND ALASKA, FOK HOME, BOARDING HOl'SKOU HOTEL I'SE. W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., NO. 16 PATTON AVE. 0' BP ft Twenty-8ve years of practical experience, combined with prbsonal attention to all de tails of the business and perfect arrangements far clhahlinkss and wkitv of all goods, manufactured, enable the proprietor to present to his numerous pultuns a superior elass r.,. Carbonated Beverages. Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphons OlnutT Ale and all the various flavors of SODA WATRR read; for shipment and drHreml fre. in CHj llmiu Oat of town orders must have isspohsiblb reference. C. H. CAMPBELL. OAKLAND HEIGHTS SANATORIUM. (PORMBRLV OAKLAND INN.) ASHEVILLE, N. C. The Mont complete Health Rcnorl In the South. In now open nnd ready forgueatw. Thin hottue in the most drnirahle in the South for pt-r-Aon who need rest and medical attention. Nohotelin Asheville ha as well famished rot mi- and itn cuisine ih untqutilled Only io the ede of fmtienta In the diet rejrulnted. The table ' an important feature of the nanato rium. The water I pure and plentiful, eomtnif from a larar II mold tiin-inir near bv. The san itary arrruigemcnti are at ixrfrct an care and money tan make them. Per ion ufTcrlng WALKING CAN EH WALKING CANES. ATTRACTIVE LINK. Jl'ST KBCB1VBO. StcrliiiK Silver Heads. Also Oiydized Silver Heads. Natural Wood Crooki. Orange and Cherry. RIDING WHIl'S A 8PRCIALTY. THEMODKLCIGARJiTORK, 17 Patton Ave reb19dlm G. II. MAYER CONSULTING : OPTICIAN 61 Sontta Main St. (Law's China Hall.) DO VOV FIND You cannot read small print; nMurthold your f la per at a distance; rest your eyea frequent y; print becoming blurred, dim or running tontharf OlIH EYES Become tired and .mart while reariinK or sawlns;; eanaot aland a atmna hght; or water freely la a saodcrata wind t , ' TROUBLING VOV " Wltkttck headaab. either oa tha forehead or the nape of the neck, that medicine doea at eursi Inflamed, swollen, sticky, or saadr Udar Iffto, Hat to Vowr ByM Ksxatnlstcal rrcorcbaira:i, Satlaracttois VauuratntsMMla ntbSdam ; . V... Dr. B. F. Arrington, SVRQKON DENTIftT. PillinR teeth a specialty, also treating 'dls ensed frums, and all diseases pertaining to the dental structure, office rooms on Pat ton avenue, over Kaysor ft Smith's drug store. TRY THE MODEL LAUNDRY 17 Patton Avenue. STATION INN, BILTMORE. RESTAURANT A LA CARTE. ELEGANT APARTMENTS. -SINGLE OR EN SUITE. Visitors and "Resident will And this n moat cnarinlng and attractive stopping place. MBNAGB AND CUIBINB BQUAL TO THB . BB8T. " E. H. NIES, LATE WITH DEI.MONICO. " daelldtf ' J0 LOAM. ; ,B00 to loan oa city real tstata. Apply by letter, locate property nnd -Itat If clear of other mortgages. r. Ot BOA 504. nraSdlw Asiikvii.lk, N. C, April 1st, 1891. TUB WKATIIUR. t.cnerally fair; warmer; easterly v.ind; rniu Thursday. (Jet your Clotliinji' nt K. 15. HAKMJM & CO.'S. (Jet your Fuinishings at E. B. BAHNI M & CO.'S. with throat and lung trouolen are im-atlr benerlttad by a tay at this place. The med ical management in under the direction of lr. P. W. Neetim, recently of the Jack Hon Sana torium, nt Dnnftrillc, N. Y The Sanatorium in thoroughly equipped with modem appliance for the neientinc re lief and en re of nil nervous and chronic din-eiite-. The bath department are new thnuixhout and nre under thr nuiwrvimon of competent and killed attendant. The method of treatment Include all form of tnth, Lhc Medicated Vatnir, Turkish, Blec trie, Nuvalan, Konian. Molicre, Thfrroo-'rkc-trie, IUectro-Chralcul, MaaKC, KtettrMty in all it forms, alo Bwedih Movement. Medical attend unce aud every form of tnmt meat indnded in price of room. Althnugh the comfort and welfare of trie nick are the flrt consideration, every oppor tunity i given to those who denire to spend a pltaannt and profitable eaon here. Add re for further particular ltlltis Etnllie Vaughn A811EV1LLU, N.C. (iet your Hate at E. 15. KAKM'M & (OS. THE WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. 48 South Alain St., Asheville. New Store. New Goods. ONK PRICE STRICTLY. 1 We respectfully announce to our patrons and the pub New Styles, lie generally that we have disposed of our stock of dry iroodrt, nnd will in future devote our entire attention to the clothing and gents' furnishing department. We are now prepared t show a complete line of ORNAMENTAL PRESSED BRICK, Persons about to build, architects and builders are Invited to call at my office and eiamine samples of the Finest Qualfty PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL HYDRRULIC PRESSED BRICK, As I have the agency of some of the best Northern lirlck manufactories. Also For SmIc FRHBH I.IMi;, PRBSH CBMBNT, CALCINBD AND LAND rLABTBR. Wood, Coke, Charcoal and Hay. C. E. MOODY, ' OflBce No. 30 Pattoy A-vcuhc : TBLBPBONB NO. . Yard aear Freigkt Dpot tetopkopt Mo. It. PIANOS MD ORGANS, ON BASY INSTALLMBNTS WITHOUT INTEREST. Hotels, Boarding houses, schools and In dividuals suuplicd direct from the mnufac turers. All freight paid 15 days teat trial In your own home Stool nnd Instructor furnished with each instrument. "Reliable Instruments, one price only, and that the lowest known." For catalogues, terms, etc., call on or ad dress F, B. PERRY, No. 41 Patton Aveuue, Aabevllle, N. C. JOHNSON JAMES, RBAL B8TATB AOBNTS. We hsre a dairahl lot of proinTty Just pat on the market. Por prices and location w. refer yon to the ballet hi board, No. 3 Bontb Main strict. olHos np atalrs. Also prrtiiertr for rsnt. and aarnta for the Bowling Green, Kentucky, Building and Lou Asaociatioa. jana-ldtf . SPRING GOODS FOIt Men, Boys antl Children. It is our aim to make our establishment "the place" to buy Fine Ready made Clothing. Underwear. Hats And Everj thing Usually Kept in a COMPLETE CLOTHING STORE. We have facilities and advantages superior to any other clothing house. Our experience in the clothing busi ness is far above the average clothing sellers, and the gen erous support received in the past, warrants the belief that our efforts to please the public are appreciated. It will be our purpose to make THE WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE a credit to us and the city of Asheville, and a di rect benefit to all purchasers. This season the stock will be larger in all lines, and the class of our merchandise will always be the best. Our salesmen are polite and attentive and will be pleased to show you the new Btock at THE WHITLOCK CLOTIlllIG HOUSE.