ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 13 1891 $8 FOR $3. Thk Citizkn has purchased the exclusive rivlit to sell the superb views of Aslieville, sin gle copies of which have been bringiiif? , and now offers them at ft greatly red need rate on thick or thin paper to subscribers. Anyone pay ing f.J in advance for -six months' subscription to Thk Daily Citizkx will receive FItKK a copy of this engrav ing of Aslieville. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZKX. By RANDOl.Pll-KURR PR1STISC, CO. Tun Daily Citukn. Pemocratit', is published fTcry afternoon lexi-ept Sunday i at the lol lowing rale strivtl.r cash ; Osh Yfak .... 8ix Month TiikKit Mont (INK MuNTH .. (INK VV KBK ,.$VIM .. :t.ii .. t nc MONDAY, Al'Kll. 13, 1SU1. Tiikke: h;i been .mm her attempt " the eziu's lite. Tlire.ileuecl men live Imij Tiihkk is mi reason why there shuul ever lie any dust riyini; in the Inisims unrt of Aslieville. I'.et nut the street sprinkler. Now wunlil lie a unm! time to ele;in our paved streets around the sipi.ire, r ' move some aneient and tiresome piles o earth from olV the sipiare. and clean ti the siiuare itself. Let us have some si le about us. It is prettv hard to escape thinking that some of the legislators must have known that the act j;iviii; niayistrates jurisdiction ol 'assaults with deadly wea pons was unconstitutional. I ii they keep t lite l, knowing what the lesult would he? We said recently that Sir Waller Ral eigh "never set loot on the American continent." We oui;ht to have sail North American, for that was in our mind .is the context showed. The Ahc ville ClTIZKS supposes we wrote in ignor ance ol the tacts. Wilmington Mcscn er. Oil, No, we (lidn't. Weipioted i'itiiui simily to stimulate impiirv ; and succeeded. A Cnkkokkk Indian eoiresj deal 'f the Swain eountv Herald s.usof the re publican ticket here : "Nah-uh e-io-ke-nah-dali-liih 1-nc-ch.i-lali-kee Kau-lah nuh-vi i-iu hi duli-na- duh-nuh-ee-sla-ne oo-nah le-sia-vu'n-tc-ye 1 stale i-ue vo-ih-ste-skuii-e dah-i:ali da-lo-.iia- j l.u ye skuh-e Nuh-ki-ua-e-kan e. 1-ne eaa-ial:-! kee ka-suh oo-eha-lo oo-tiau le-siau s'.ul; j he-ke i-la ila ke lo u-vu-il.iu-uli nah-uah ! i-nah-le-stali-vuh-skiih-e l'-you cc-sk.iu j uau-ijuo yc-dc-oo-wa-ir.ih." These arc no doubt the laeisin thecasi , but they are rather harshly pin. tenth ol lieu, John M. I noke. Survivors of the ti.hiiin; Tweniy-s-v-enth North Carolina regiment will be pained to hear ot the death of their old colonel and brigade commander which occurred recently. lien. Cooke was a na tive ot Missouri, and luring the war had command of the Twcn'.v-sevemh Ni.rili Carolina regiment, which was consolnia ted with some oilier North Carolina reg iments to form a brigade ot which Col. Cooke was made general. 1 bs Nort h Cai oliua contingent was devotedly attached to him. He was a line tactician, a ill. in of splendid courage, and made his com mand one of the most (anions in the war for its gnllanlrv. den. Cooke boie upon his pcrsuti the scars of several severe wounds received in battle, lie sealed in Richmond alter the war, and engaged in business ill that city. He was a s ncere nnri active Christian ami gave much time to Similar school work. He died in Richmond. what will become, if started aright and managed aright, a permanent attraction at Aslieville every fall. The liest advice, the most experienced men, should be at hand to draw on in making these first moves towards the fair. Mr. Ray, if we understand him, suggested having not more than three managers. We believe that to be two too many. No great enterprise succeeds that has more than one head. Now lor that head, it will be, we believe, poor economy not to get really first-class talent the licst that is going. Seek Hu man who has made a success of fairs elsewhere, in the state or out ol it, pay him well and give him full swing. That done the rest is but a matter of money and of detail. Such a head should lie se cured early, even before the site is finally decided on, lor that is a matter of very great importance. Tin; Citizen has now lor a half year talked fair in, and perhapsout, of season. We have aroused interest in the project all through Wesiern North Carolina, and have been the means of proving that the lime seems ripe lor it. that the people nrc anxious for a fair ami will give it hearty support. Let the good work, so auspiciously be gun, go on without a hitch or hindrance. Make tilt loutiihilions broad and deep. building lor mil selves and lor lutiire gen erations. A OAT CR('l.l FOLKS. Mr. Hill File, the celebrated evange list, is lo heal Salisbury on the L'liili ol this ui' nit h. Mr. V.. F. Case, late editor and pro pi ictor ot the Miiiphy Seoul, accompan ied by Ins family. Ins gone to Yiiginia. wh re he will probabh locate. Capi . M. Thrash having sold his (arm in this county lor twenty-live thousand dollars, is moving lus laini T to Tr.insvlvania county wheie he pui chased the cilc'uaicd I.owiks laini. which is said o be one ol ihe best mi- proved and eipiippeo pl.i mat .mis in tin siaic. M urp'iy 1'ailk " in. Tarboro South', i ue . M nd.iv .in in l int ol Joseph Kiitiin, living about seven miles from this place, w as lett lot a shoil tone sitting in front ot t lit- tire. When the parents returned thev louial Ihechair overturned and I lie head of the child Iving against ; tie hand lion, one side ol l!ic tace and lop ol the head t hoivughlv, baked. Strange lo sav, the brain ot the child does not seem to Ik alleeled. Willi the ii dhalives aiuilied, it has rested well 1 wo nighls and takes an interest in wh.n is g: ing on. J7.S' .W;M.V.s- i:rsi.xi-:ss. LWE IS NORTH CAROLINA. At Stanly court last week only one case went to the jurv, not a conviction and the jail is empty. The merchants of Raleigh report that they sold about $600 worth of material to be used fordraping purposes in mourn ing for Gov. I'owle. The first train on the Yadkin railroad entered Albemarle, the county seat of Stanly, on Saturday last, and John R. Drake, was the only passenger. John C. Dancv, the negro who was appointed Collector ol Customs ol the port ol Wilmington by the president is from Salisbury, and has several times Ix-en secretary of the "republican state convention here. News and Observer. "Dedicated to the man who docs not believe in planting in the dark of the moon." These words accompany an Irish ootato vine twenty inches linir," "which is confirmation, strong as proof from Holv W rit, that the potatoes were planted in the light of the moon. It went to vine instead ol roots. Greensboro Record. Tlilrty Yearn A no. l-'rntn the New York Sun At half past 4 o'clock on the morning of April 1-, ISIil, a bombshell rose from the mm tar battery at Fort Johnson on lames Island, in Charles harbor, anil burst over Fort Sumter. It was thesig nal gun of a w ar that was to last four ears, involving millions ol combatants md costing hundreds ol thousands ol lives. Now, alter thirty years, the .sixth Massachusetts is to visit Itallimore igain on the Kith of apiil, this time wel- onied by the people ol that city in token it the peace and concord that prevail hioughout toe union. As lor Fori Sumter, it is Iclt without anv garrison odav, and so is 1'art Moultrie. Troops re stationed in the liarbois of Huston. New York, ami San Francisco, and ma e louiid manning Fort Mcl'liersoii in e r'n, Jackson bin ia ks in Louisiana, mil Fort Uarrancas in Florida; mil nom re kept ill Charleston barber, drcal hanges have come m ihiity years. Siuine slirs up the bile. You lose vour ippetite. (eel weak, too hot, and lh! so tired. Take Simmons Liver Regulator sales W Two logs went down the tivcr last vi !, t' r si u p uicii I to lairojie. containing over T.oon itei ol lumber. Hrvson (.uv llciald. HKf'The Mc-sts. Puke, ol Durham, this nave iiit.1 t loed tile purchase ol a lodv ot limber lands located jointly in tins ami Clay. Murphy Bulletin. t j T.xtcusivc ami valuable discoveries ol .asper liavt jus' been made in Moore count-!, and as a csull sum large ot land there have been made. (.-.'' A eh. onbi r el coiunie n e has licen iir;.uiied at Wnvucsv ilk , and not sa'i lieo w illi t his. a pid'hc libiaiy and tirsl ela-s water works system ate certainties there. fi!'"''.olilsboro Argus: The Crescent cntimiing lacton, with Messrs A Westbrook, D.J. 'Aaron. Dr I W." I'.n si n . '.. V.. Unitonaud K. Koinegay ai incorporators, Has been orgauueiiai Mi Olive. At Hie Mt- Vrk Trllxmr'x stcmi 1 t-iiu-nttlal. I-1 . T 1 1 t tic s; w "I K Snil Mr. Dana t"ld how lien. James Wat sou etili tiail ei itniscil in a ii('r that tretdoni ot un ss and bearing which Mr. (ucclev earned alui' Sl to the eMeiit ot ecceulru'itv. "Mi. tirrclcv," sod Mr. I'.ina gravely "was ihe optiosile ot a dude." lien Webb had recently been pardoned out aate s pus le i , o v . Seward. Mr SPRING FEVER. At tbit time of the year the blood changes, its circulation is sluggish and the system is not properly nourished. The result is loss of appetite, weakness, an op prcssive feeling of fullness, too hot, and Oh! so tired. To cure and prevent Spring Ferer tnke Simmons Liver Regulator. All nature is now waking and every body should invigorate the liver, kidneys and bowels with Sim mons Liver Regulator and they would not have so much bilious ness, headache, dyspepsia and malaria all the rest of the year. You would not exjiect a plant to work off a w inter's decay and bloom as good as ever without attention in the Spring. Don't expect it of your system. Take Simmons Liver Regulntor. Iltoprl i WR CALL KPKHAL ATTEN TION TO Ol'H CUSTOM AND RE PAIR DEPARTMENT, WHICH IS NDER THE SUPERVISION OF MR. W. A. TOWN8END, LATE OF THE FIRM OF TOWNSEND & HYNDM AN. FINK WORK A SPEC IALTY, AND SATISFACTION flVARANTKKD. HIDING HOOTS, RIDINO LEGGINGS, ETC., A FEATURE. WEAVER A MYERS, THE SHOE STORE, NO 39 PAT- TON AVENUE. " rillPl POWDER Absolutely Pure. A crrntij of tnrter hakintc tiowilcr. Hijfih t of all in Iriivrninp ttrtrneth . -Latest V. . lovcniment Fnud Kcprt inlftdlr w a m U m s Z u A 3 m m 1 ) FURNITURE 1 SO 1 Walnut, Oiik, Cherry, S.yc- ?nnor', Ash iuxl Kim suit, without huhiImt; our lfith ct'iitur.Y oak ran't hi' limit t'itlii'r nuality or ji ice. Wt' also have oni of Mm host upholsterers in thi'coun tr.v. and will Rivi1 our spfM'inl nttfiition to that line of busi uess. rntlerfaking prompt l.v attended to and sntisfnrtion jjuaranted at Patton Avenue. BLAIR & BROWN. u a r s e x JAFANEf' CUR! A gnr.ranteeil Cure for Piles of whnto Kind or ( v Kitcrnnl, Intornsl, Bli or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Rewnt Iloreilitnry. oO a box; 6 boxen, $.! Frit by mail, prepaid, on receipt of pri Wo gunmntoo to eurs any case of Pil GnsranMied n"'1 f"H c "ly by T. C. Amitti A Co., whulrnsle and retail druKftixts. Falilic ffciusrr, Aflhcville. Mr, HurlHhonie'H I cIUr. With regard to Mr. 11 utslioi ne's let ter in this issue Thf Ci i Ui-.s has to say that it testilied only to what it had seen when stating that Mr. Spray was an "otlicious pai'lizaii." When Kwart and Crawford spoke at Cherokee during the lust congressional canvass, Mr. Spray met Mr. linarl at the depot in his own private bunav, with his horses decked out with waving dags,, and drove him to Cherokee, a distance ol ten miles. Mr. Spray's hand as out on the arrival of Mr. Kwart, and met him with n burst ol music. Mr. Kwart was the guest of Mr. Spray during the day and night. Mr. Spray was the busiest man at Cherokee th it day, and every movement, every act betokened the liveliest interest in Mr Hwart's success. The next day Mr. F.w art was driven back to Charleston by Mr. Spray, with the same banner Hy ing. This may not have lx-en intended for imrtisanrv, by Mr. Spray, in his in nocence he may have intended it only as a necessary mark of respect to a prom inent man, but, the fact remains, inten tionally or nintcntioniilly, Mr. Spray was an "ollicious partisan" that dny, and Tint Citizkn, with all due respect to Mr. Hartuhornc, and giving the most charitable interpretation possible to Mr. Spray's action, adheres to the opinion that a man who is unable to distinguish between being an officious partisan and exercising tae right of every citizen to vote and express his political convictions, is unfitted for such o position as Mr. Spray now fills. A Good Start. Well. Western North Carolina will bave a fair this coming fall. There can be no doubt about that now. The best men of Buncombe county hnve .become interested and that is a guarantee of at least a careful examination of the feasi bility of holding an exposition here that shall attract all North Carolina to see what we hare that is orth looking at Of coarse, just at this point the start ing point it the time to move most cautiously in building the foundation ol t'.re U,v,s ri ol( lo tlie at t.u k w as: "On lrcss ma v l.e 'ptret . lull it is tioihitig to what Webb's would haw hem it .Se.(id had not pai doiicd him." The annoyance of hrcakiiv' iainp-chimneys need not be borne. Get touh glass chimneys. Macbeth's " pearl top " and " pearl glass " are tough against heat; they do not break, except from accident. They are also clear, trans parent, not misty or milky; they fit and stand upright; shape and proportions are right to di rect the draft upon the flame. They cost a little more than rough and wrong chimneys of common glass that break con tinually. To A4vertlerH I To insure change of advertisements I running on regular contract, copy must he hnnrico in hv 1 n o clock a. m. TO BE WELL DKKXSRI) DO YOlUt MJYINti -AT E.B.BARNUM&CCS. THE FINE CLOTHIERS, HATTERS AND IK'S MUSIC HOUSE. 35 N. Main Htreet. ASHKVILLE, N. C. OI'RT SQI ARK, SPARTANIH'KC, a. l FURNISHERS. I J. P. RAWVP.R, PSRHIUKNT. OTISM. COXR, VlCK -rum 1 K. RASKIN. Cashirs CAPITAL $100,K)M0. (iRCANIZI'll M AI'CH 3, 1KB1. Battery Park Bank. 1 rntiHArt n K' ncrnl bMnkinu huinr!i CnniHirrrinl vnvrr rliKt'tmr lrd. iinn appro Trrt lol Htrml Culler tiitn itinrU' on nil HCtt snililr pt-in ij l.finn in mi) SAFE DEPOSIT. PWr an1 a half Tftm aim I ntnrtrd In tht ninftir tiunjnriM. Th pfnidr nf Ahrvillr nntl Hlwtprn North Carolina Iihtc Wrrx kinl to me am) 1 wih to make snitrful arknow rtjri'fnrnt of tt. 1 tnrtcrl hr tnklnu an tmrirv. 1 ntamc loon nittiKhni tnnt tnr :oine arr rntiiiru to nrttrr innininimtP ami fairer treatment than I would grt nrtinK mcrriv in mat wnv. iirnix I tarcu out in dependent te jeive the very hent inptrment ror the mone.v they hmi paid previ tinli lot tneir inKtrntnent For a continunm-e if the hitor of th AKheville Mimic Hotite nee the CHtien of R I'uwrix, few dayw lntrr. Mt iin while come and act m toik and set phien, at Ki nd Boxew In Its Tire Proof Vaultn at Reasonable Hatfi. Solicit account of IndlTidnaln, hanka, hankera, flrnin and corporation. DIRECTORS. T. 8. MonaijioN. K. 1.. I'.KAIt AM, T. KAWI, V. K. McBrr. ! H. ItnaTic, I'. S Cmir. , M. l.OKR, T. W. Patton, II. T. Cot.i.isa, H. S. PRURV, V. H. lUl.l.AHD. 3.r North Mnin StiiHt. C. FALK. THE HICKORY INN HICKORY, N. C. THE "GEM" HOTEL OF THE SOUTH. SEE FOR YOURSELF (H'R NRW I.INB LAWN TKISNI.S RACKKTH, From $l.(oto $I.'J."; nets, prilrn.ele. A lienu-1 tiful line Crniiurttr, Knur biilli mid MntR Our m w lin . HUHTVS CELEBRATED STATIONERY Slnplc mill Ihihv. Our -S eiul l-'diiiltaiii I 1'cn in Koine i - It L nlimi:--ilt lltv lefl. Hurl new Souvenir ol Aht villi- only IT, cntK. We nhnll cose the hnlntiec of mir I 'irtionnry I llolilrm at SO. worth $3.fi0. J. N. Morgan & Co., nookSUT.I.KRK ASP STATIONKKS, S Public Hqunrr. b 0 4 a b m s tt 2 m a 2 q .! M 3 b i 0 s e E cr n w X m sr titU)bur. GEO. A. Macuetu k Co. Not a HlateNlliaii. l-'rnm the New York World. To rank Mr. liilmiiiuls us a is n snil commeiuary on the IhmIv to which he lieions, or a ediifession of in aliilil v to e()tiiireheii(l what goes lo the making ot statxKinansliio. I.ICMON F.LIXIR. The Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Go, II.IMlTKl') IlaHant. ldcitant, Reliable. Fur liiliotisuess and constipation, take Lemon r.hxir. l'or levers, chills and malaria, take Lemon r.hxir, For sleeplessness, iiervoiisnesn nnri pal' pitation ol'the heart, take Lemon lilixir Tor indigestion and Ion I stomach take Lemon lilt x ir. I'or all sick and nervous headaches take Lemon Klixir. Ladies, lor natural snd tliorouj,'h or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Or. Mozlev's Lemon Klixir will not fail you in any of the above limned dis eases, all ol which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stjmach, kidneys or bowels. Prepared only by Dr. Mozi.kv, Atlanta, Ga.. GOc and $1.00 per bottle, at drug gists. I.KHON HOT DHOP, Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases, ble gant, reliable. 25 cents at druggists. Prepared onlr by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. janl7eod MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Wo luivo nppointod Win. Kropor our RHiit for tho niilo of our FILLSIJUUY'S BEST XXXX FLOUR. ThiH Klour iw Made From Tho ('hoicewt Hvlected Hard MlnneMOtn and Dnkota Sp'lnK Wheat, Ami iH nfknowlodncd ovorywhoro an the hwt. It makoH the Whitest nd Sweetewt Bread. A few facts in connection with PillHbury'sbostXXXX Hour: Mill A grinds 9,500,000 bus. wheat yearly and hn8 a capacity of 7,000 bbls. daily. The five railln owned by the Pillnbury-Waahburn Flourj Mill Co.. could feed two cities as lartre as New York. 300f cars are required every day to take wheat into and flour and offal out of our five great mills. If your want the best be sure and ask for , PIIXSBURY'S XXXX. Average Winter Temperature, 52 Degrees. The Hotel is, handsomely furnished throughout, has Electric Lights, Gas, Hot and Cold Water Hatha, and all the conveniences of a modern home. For terms, etc., ad- 1 uiross FRANK LOUGIIRAN, Owner andJProprletor. WOODBURY'S LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. College Street, Hear, of Court House. Telephone fio.'i. Listen to plain facts about the Kabo corset. You can't break the bones-for one tiling. If you do, within a year, you'll have your money back. Soft eye-lets-that's another thing that can't be had with other cor sets. And hear how it's sold : if you're not satisfied, after a few weeks' wear, you can return it and get your money. F. P. IMlmnaugh. rfi Landau, Victoria, Brette, Coupe, Coupelette, Drag, rabolctt, Phietoii, T Cart, Surrey, Vla-a-Vl, Rockaway. PbIIIiik Frnt Coupe, Comblnntion Engllnh T Carl. Bitrnilon Top Cnrriaut, Bxtcnilun Top l'hton, Village Cart, Tark WaKn, Pnrlt WaRonette, Party Wagom, Pour PnitenRer Buekboard. Saddle Horses a Specialty. Driver lu Full Livery. STRAUSS' EUROPEAN HOTEL, AND RESTAURANT. ROOMS ALL NEWLY FURNISHED. .. AlK, table boarrti r can be accommodated. BOARD BY THE MONTH, WEEK OR DAY. street car. pan the door. Open from 6 o'clock a. m until 12 o'clock p. m. ' ... , . . . Am prepared lor catering at anoncn boxkc ior nun. r"p ... - - trial. Por aal. only at BON MARCHE, My Celebrated Philadelphia Fries Are well knowu No one can mrp" tncm. Am irrouji -j Ran in Aaheylllc. Can trwt omen in -"" "J"" i the Half Shell. Pollt. ao aticnuTc -...... , .... v.K,v.,uj, 80 Soath Main it. dec idly B. STRAUSS, Prop.