ASHEVILLEflDAILY CITIZEN: MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 13, 1891. Advertising H la said will null anything, thin ll true In a mownir; out for staying qii.tlltiim, merit in the test. Kitcnsiv. Klvi'ilisinR friay sell anything where It in new or unknown, but after it tomcn into general use, It It judged acooiilinj; toita worth. Thn continued and steady (trnwth of Swift's Speclflo fa the beRt evidence of its uxcollence. It i most popular where It Is beak known. Every bottle sold, sells tea others. Every one that takes It be comes it friend, and recommends It to their acquaintances. Treatise on lilood and Skin Disease Bailed free. 8 wit Spkcimo Co., Atlanta, 0e net iiSd&wiT PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. H. RliliVKS, D. D. 8., IIKNTAI. OFFICE In Connelly nuiinuiK. over Keilwood's Store, Patton Avenue. Residence, 35 Spruce street. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, (intern! t Insurance i Ajteiit. Hear No. I'll Smith Main street. KstnliliHheil IKfiTi Asheville. N. C. nur di v 1K. J. H. WUJMAMS, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, S3 HAYWOOD ST. Mouth 10 A. M, to a '. in. ncttloilfftn 44-Yen.rH' Ixpcrieiico34 MILTON HARDING O INTR ACTON ANIl W'll.IIHK Promptness fciiririmtccu. ' Once No. .'t, nee nnd floor. Ilrnilrv hlwrk, ilireetly over post nthce. Resilience Nit It'l Hnilev I'lmt I' KAMSA V. !' i JHulal Over the National Rnnk of Ailicvlllc, Miir nard HuiMing. Residence, u Chnrlotte at lcl.:roiUe - FI11E! " l.NSl'KI! WITH Lawrence Pulliam. nflic' In National Hank of atievilltv (lid ft, Strongest :mil Best L'onipiinies. Losses promptly inct. J A TliNNHNT. Architect and Contractor. IMnns, s.iecifica lions and intimate fur nished. All work in my line contracted for, nnd no chnrires lor drawings on contracts awarded tne. K't'crenecs when desired. Oilice: No. 1 2 llcndrv Block, North Court Sipiorc. Ashrvllle. N. C elil9dl v A. II. COBB, STEN OGRA P1I ER. Mi A tec Building, Patton Avenue. unc7dtlm G. II. MAYER CONSULTING : OPTICIAN 6l .Houth Main St. (Lnw's I'hlna Hall.) DO NOT FORGICT Thnt the vnlur of scctftcles depends n the skill of the optician. Have your cyei exam ined free of cunrc, satisfaction guaranteed. Field JlnHHt-M, Telmcopes, Onrra WIumhfm, JHcroHetie, pvOIhhw, Maifnllierf, KeHfliiitf OlitNMt'N, t onipiiHHCN, UrawlMK HcltH, 1't doiuetern. All kinds o' scie tilie instruments ItSTAHI.ISHKH lN.',r It. II. COSBY, (Successor to C. Cowan.,' JEWELER 7 PATTON AVICNl'l':, NEXT HOUR TO OHAND CENTRAL .Ill Tl'.l.. N. C. srptSdlv . JAMICS FRANK, - - IIK.I.KH IN F AMILY GROCERIES AMD PROVISIONS Alient for Rectus Creek Woolen Mills. North Main Ashevllle. N. C. fehtortl- SUFFERERS OF YOUTHFUL ERH0RS l.ost manbood, early decay, etc., etc., Van M cure a home treatise fret, by addirwrinjc a frl lo ( sufferer, C. W LKKK, P. O. Bm .110, Itomoke. Va neet()dw6m W. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE tn1 other special ties for i.tlenien, Lai l les. etc nre w ar- runted, and no stamped on bottom. AduroR W. WUULUIM&lli-ockinii, Mhhm. sold by WEAVFW V MYKS, Hi F THE Bloi KHGVii REMEDY. H.O.tV Cure.- tlonorlm'il o; (licet hi 1 todllavs, wltlinnl I'nln. (rovonts Btrlctnru. Ciintulns n ncrid or nnlsonoiia nihil incs, mm in uiiariintned nlisolntcly hrinie--prescribed liy phyalolnns. ! sy rirnofroa with each liottlc. I'rlceJI Sold lv ilrnsfflstH. Ilcuaro of Snh. 0 " , POK IALB BY - RAYSOR ft IMI1H, ASHEVILLE, N. C JJcOj kt Ladies AN AMERICAN STEAMSHIP LINE. Something Abnnt the Famous Rteamers That Flourished Before the War. Tlio moat important American rival which foreign corporations have en countered in transatlantic steam iiavina tion whn tlic finuims Collinn lino. Mr. E. K. Collins had gmwii up in the freight and pjiHsenner lmHiness betwivn New iurit and Liverpixil, and in ml, lie Ix'an to int4-rt'Kt New York merchants in a plan U establish a new sUwuuihip line. Two years later comiaiiy which he hod oranizeil launched four venseln the At lantic, Pnciiic, Actio and Bnltin. They were liberttlly subsidized, the fjiiveniiuont paviiiK the romiiany H5S.(HK) yeurly for carrying the mails; conilitiotiH Impofed bi'inK that the vewels should niakti twenty-six voyttges every year, and tlmt the jiabsaKo from port tojmrl Klioiild be bettor in point of time than Mint made by the C'tiiiarders. The Collins lino met the conditions sticcessfiilly, it vessels niakinpf wentwaril t-rirB that aver!H?ed eleven days, teu hours ,uid twenty-one miimr-8, as coinpared with f waive dnyB, ninotoon lionrs and twenty-six minntes by the British stuamships. The viseis of the CoHins lino cct up ward of tTOO.UOOeivch. This was a preat du:il of money to put into a sleamsliip in tin iso days, and us the lnri;ent of the fleet was Ronsidorably smaller than the smallest of the steamships that now ply lietween New York and Kiiropeau port, there was naturally a good percmitnge of ecxst in the appointments for the com fort of thi" ptRsetiLfers. Many features that have since come to he regarded as indispensable on board .-hip wero intro dllcvd by tile Collins vessels. Anicnit? them none attracted more comment wIhmi ilie Atlantic arrived t Liverpool, at the eo I of Iter first voyage, May lt, I'M!), I han tli liarlier shop." Kn Klish visitor.! lo 1 1 v '!, a-i sle- lav at iinciior in the Mersey, saw for the tin t time the conifnitable chair, with its movable head rest :iii I mi .I rest, in w'u'eli AniericatiH are accustomed to iiK-lim while uii(cr;;.iiiu: shaviii;. Anothei novelty was a siineiini; n i i in a house on Ihe aflerpirt nf t'ne deck. John ll Ooiild in Scribtier's. In J'ivo t'ountrles In An. erica my m iirhbor can own a piece of I. ind a 'j ii liie; my lie ; iinil :'an, lifter Ion;! eaf... '. nJd oti in Ian ' in such a way as !o I i',-" Hie T -jr I i t awa rnun every window in my liniisc which overlooks hi i lot. In l'.n:(land, after a man has had the uninterrupted use of litfiit and a:r for -i xty years lie nc:iires in easement, which is one of Judye r.l.-M'kstoiie's "ineiirr i;eal heredita lllelits," and t'lis In be resiected In the oA'ncr of adjacent laud, who, ac cordion to English, and, fur the maltei if that, Itoiiian law. must so enjoy hi., nwti rights and property as not to inlet fere with the established riijht and prop erties of others. In Kimland if my neighbor sees tin Imildiiii,' a Iihiiso with windows over !ixkiiiLT his ir iperty, and in such a man ner oa to tend to pri-clmlc him from hnildimr himself jit sumu future time, he at onco sets to work to put npun iib.t ruc tion atrainst my windows, which forces me to come to terms with him. This nay lie arranged by iayment of a small, in fact, entirely nominal, annual rent of a few rents in roc tuition of his rih'lits. and this will prevent my acquiring an easement over his land. Which of the two systems is the nnue equitable. I will not venture an opinion, but leave the reader to judip-. Det roit News. Serving I'.arly Writs. It wan not the easiest thing in the world to bring malefactors to justice in ihc early administration ef the law in Virginia, as the fallowing returns, made lo executions, will illustrate. The ex iract is from Ihe "ilisiory of Augusta '.iitily," "Tn the case of .! Iinson vs. I'.mwn li'il), "Not executed 1 iv reason there is no road to the place where ho (Brown) ives.'" Again: "N'ot executed by reason of ei cess of weather." "NoVemlsT. I7.VJ 'Not executed by leason of an ax' (the ax being in the bauds of defendant, uplifted, no doubt, to cleave the ullicpr's skull). "Not executed liecause the defendant's liorse wits faster than mine." 'Not cxeciiu-d, by reason of a gun." "Ktnleii vs. Miller 'Kept oft from Miller with a club, etc.; Miller not found by Humphrey Marshall.'" "Not execuU'd, because the defendant got into deep wntur out of my reach." "November, 1 754 'Executed on the within, John Warwick, and he is not the man.' " "August, 173ft Forty-nine executions letiinied 'Not executed, by reason of the disturbance of tho Iodiitns.'" Electric Car Healers. In many places where electric rail ways are in oK'ration tho temperature :. ills .to low in winter as to render the cars qnitti iincomfortnble. Why not, under thin condition of affairs, devote a KU'tion of ihe current used tu propel the cars to healing them as well? Tho ordi nary car stove is open to so many objec tions that i!:i use is practically precluded from tho majority of ruads. F.lcctric licutecn, bowever, wtn be placed under neaih thecals so that a anifonn tem perature can be given to the entire car. Kleutric heal era have been uiado and have met with some adoption. Whether thuy would prove too expensive for the purpoeo is a Quaion yot to be solvisl. They certainly, howewr, offer advan tages over any method of car heating yet employed. New York Telegram A New Fat Cure. St. Agedoiu -It is the easiest thing in thn world. Do Mascus What, to reduce a man's weight? "Yes, to reduce a man's wait The one thing needful alwuys be punctual." St. Joseph News. If the pies eaten evei y day were heaped one on top of another they would make a tower thirty-seven miles high, If laid out in aline they would reach from New York to boston. iVben Baby was tick, we gave her (astniia. When she was a Child, she cried (or Castorla. Whan she bseam Wat, she cluof to Castorla When she had Cblldren, toe fars uiem Castori YOCAL INSTRUCTION, Miss B. Goerti, graduate ol the Htrass bnrg Conserratory desires to kItc vocal la trucUoa. Inqaire at NO. 130 HAYWOOD 8TRBBT. aprideodaw The Kdmunda Bnrcaaiu. From the New York World. Edmunds wns pressing n incisure which Conkling hojicd would licdcfeatcd, although he did not wish to go "ti record against it. "The Scnatar from Vermont," said Mr. Conkling, in closing his remarks in his most cxnicssivc niannci-, "is mistaken he is lighting a windmill." "I known, Mr. President. " responded Mr. Kdtmincls, with l lit- di vnes of Ver mont air in his voice, and his exes resting thoughtfully upon the big senator from New York. CHILD BIRTH MADE EASY! " Mothers' Friend " is a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of rctognizcJ value and in constnnt use hy the medical pro fession. These ingredients arc com. billed in a manner hitherto unknown MOTHERS' FRIEND Wll.l. DO ill that is claimed for it AND MORli. II Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Bunk to " Mothlks " mailed l-'RhE, con laining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Scuthv repress mi re;-i-iit '.t price fl.WI per bottle BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlsnta.Gs. BOLD BY ALL 1IIIU0018T8. ALLSKINnBL00D DISEASES. The Best Household Medicine. Once or twice each year the aya tern needs purginjr of the impart tie which clog the blood. From childhood to old age. no remedy meets all cases with the same oer talnty of good results as BOTANIC 1L0OP RAT.M. W. C. Mrfianher, Webb sy, ArV, writ fa. R. R. R. has done me more goed and fcr less money thun any other tfiod purifier I ever used. 1 owe the comfort of my life to iu" P. A. Shepherd, Norfolk, Ys., August to, iBflg, writes i " I depend on B, B. B. (or tin BreKrvatkia of my health. I have had It in my family now nearly two yean, and in all that time have not bad to have a doctor. Write for lllnatrstcd "Bonk of Wnnrieia." BLO01 ' BALM CO., Atlauta, Oa. Scut free. DOES CURE CONSUMPTION In its First Stages. Be sure you (of ihc genuine. Health is Wealth ! Ik K. C. West's Nhkvh anh Hha n Trkat mknt, n KUiirnnttT'l niK-rific for ll.vatertn, DizziurnA, CciviiUioi s, I-'itw, Nervous Nu rnlgin, Hrndnchc. Nitvouh 1'nistration cautt'H hv the ue of alcohol or tohiirco. Witkrt'iiltuufi, Mi-itliil rivprcssi-.n, Bnltcninpof tn - hrain rciiititiK in ni!Biiit' ami Ii-auuik to ntint-rv. (If'n mill ilt-alh, rrinuiturcOld ARt. HnrrrnnrjtM, l.oiift of I'nwcr in eithrr sf x. In voluntary l.tmnts ami Sircrnialorrtucn, iHiiscil hy t)viT-iitrtnin of the hra n, nclf ahtiftr ir over-indultH'ntT. Knrh hox vun tu inn nn month's trt-utnirnt. $t.(li)a 1 ox, or six boxes for $5.O0, ent by mnil, jirepniil, on rrccipt of price. We K'lftrantcc nix boxen, to cure any cftHe. With each tirlfr received by us for nix boxes, accotnpHnit fl with $5 On, vc will nend the purchaser our written puar antec to refund the money if the treatment Jnca not effect a cure, t'tuarnnteett itiHtied only by T. C. Stnith S: Co., nniKKixtr, Sule gentii, I'tt'ilie Siptare, Anhevdle, N. C. V Liquor Habit. mmnewoiiu) m&teSBWOMupe I! HMifES GOLDEN SPEGFIC Iien be irlven Incoiritt, tea, or in article of (mxl without tin knowhHlKn of pattvnt If tieetwiary It la absolutely harm lees ami will etrpct a Hrm oenl and ftH'rvly cure, whether the iiatlent In a nioderatdrlnkeror atialrtrfinllc wrtM-k. IT NKV RK FAILaS. IioispnupH Hostuletly and with flueh rertriutv Lhsal thn nuiletit umlsTiritp. nn Intui. vpnlence, and aoon his ctuuplt te refonnaltun U uuwuKrUa w im$v uuua i reu. i o utj uau ot KAYvSoR A SMITH, UruKiliHtR, ARheville, N. C, aui!5d&wlv mon wed fri n ratet.MiterM FnvlUli Pla-inil Braad." fENNYROYAL PILLS l?r !() (! Only (tonal. rt, aiWln n-llaMf, ladies mI DrugitAt thr tUkttert JWufc lh,i .tflrni flrnn-l In Ur4 anrj w-U mttalU.' FhOM. ealetl sailh t.lsfi rihhnn T.k. laO tBB HTt datUMnma Mshaf ila. 'lirraj amd imltfu4. At lrMlti, r awad 4a. in stamps for particular. latiBOtilali soti ' Ketlvf fhp Larflpa. in Istii. h Y 10.O00 Tt MliiiADlnli. Sam Aipt. SM By all Loui Uruuiits. klUta anlOdl jnion thur aat 00 for a Pair of Iff. (Custom-Made) from Manurn'Rnmnanta. Satlafatlon Kuanuktaed or money rafuDdw. SEND YOUR ADDRESS FOR. SAMPLES And I istr notions lor lall-Meaturtmanl. PIEDMONT PANTS COMPANY WINSTON, N. C. feb30d&w3m OPIULlH WewUttarllMdMuai lls'swsi Saras la OT SPRINGS U8ERS II AtriChirgtnoFu Vat urMMvi' fall tn Aura of wha.lsMafimen It cailad tha OPHIM HABIT, M which In ciuaes tne naoituai two ot upium. Horpnine, Uooalna, and other klndretl nareotfea. Addraaa MAPUW00D IHflTITUtB, HOT flfllHflB, AUK. Itblldeod30d fiiiPIuri and WhirteyHabita oared at home wliu- out pain. Book of par. Ucnlarsaent FREE. ' AUaata, Urn. Oflice M W kilauaU UU I fj l o fiaaammasaa iEElMLSlBta febSacodtswlr t ..i. . , ,M na-s-mairrMMini unii nr --''ir'-'- for Infants and Children "CastorlalsaoweUadaptedtochndrenthat I Caatorta enrea OoHa Omatlnatlon, I recommend it a superior to any preacripUon I H""r tHumacb, DiarrhcBa, Kruclatinn, known to me." II. A., M. D., KJi' " """P- "d P 111 80. Oxford Bt., Brooldjn, K. Y, WltWi injurious medicatioa. Taa Cumoa Coarrun, 7! Murrsy street, N. T. sent 2B;dwlv GRAND MILLINERY OPENING, MAY 7th, 8th AND 9th, AT MISS C. E. BURKE'S. Parlors, 55 College St. ..allies wishing a perfect match In headgear for co.tnmc will dowetl to leave orders before npeninK N. II. Will be prepured tu do inourninK work at short notice. ASHEVILLE MARKETS. Corrected dllily bv POWRM. Ai RNIDKR, whrilenale and retail grocers. These pi-ice. nre lieinu puiil tty the merchants to-day. flutter tlo'lApples iriOM'Jlll) 1,rilAiile, dried 6 Chickens.... ITill'itntiikins.eHch fiw.:.'S Turkeys 7o(iUOolSi.rKtim nO(a..'l.1 1 lucks llKU'L', per tti I 1'otntoeH, Hw't loolllnnry 1 1 1'otato.s, Irish ....I'JR Whent 100 Turnips 30vfi4.0il'orn HO Oni n IflolMrnl HO CnlihuRe, per tti.....,...3Outs 70 Krnns, pr bu loo 1 1'sl Kye 6 f'eas el(lf(t7SiHav, ton l.ri$ZO 1 hestnuts 1 no t'elerv. dos fifnO WANT COLUMN. UM.Y77;). ASTIil). Lady wishes position with Indy who keeps tirst-claHS private boarding houst toartsiit in return for board, tin d reference ex chaiiKfd Addriti A M., aprTdl w I'OHtotl'tee, AuguMn, la. W 1NTKR BOARD. Warm comfortable rooms, houxe newly fur niHc.l ; kooiJ table. '1'ermH reaMonable. On ttreet car line. MRS, J. L. SM ATM I!RS, JnlylUdtrtn Hlb I'atton Ave W ANTHh SALESMAN Liliei nl pav to pun hers ; none others need n-.plv. r te, L.LLW A N(IKR St BARRY. Ml. Hote Nurneries, mnii'eodir.t- RocheHter, N Y. W ANTKD. A iosititn wanted bv nn experienced salcs 111 an can do office work Iso. Hest of refer ence given Address H,." Cure Lilizt n. R OOMS WITH HOARh. A few l.trire line doubU and sintrh rooms for rent w th board. Apply tn L J. M'CAI'F.. aprl3d:U 'J 4 (frove Street. B (lARDINO. At l.rH Chestnut street. Sunny lorntn,,., bath room, cloaets, Kt- Terms reaHouable. dec.'iodeodtf W ANTED. To buy, cheap for cash, desirable residence lot north of College nnd eost of Main street Address ulving price, "1'URC II ASliR," aprtdlw Citien Othce. It OARDINO. Comfortable rooms, house newly furnished Koud ta 1c, Terms reasonable (in College street, No. n7. MRS. A. OTTINOUR. aprZldlm CHAFlNtS Pncl- y Heat to cure, costing J :iitre, Mother, to use U. ra cine Toilet Powder, a-ighlv per fumed, superior. 25c. all dni gists. Try tt. apritdtf W ANTKD. White man experienced in the grocery busi ness to deliver goods. K U ir.bK, 1 College Street. FOR RUST. T 'O KliNT. Furnished cottage, 4 roomf, with stable, good neighborhood. J. CHILI1, apriltf Real ICstute Agent. P(K RUNT. Nice brick cottage with 7 rooms nnd 24 acres lund just oat ol" town. It overl-ol.s the city and atlords a beautiful view of the surrounding mountains Splendid coid water. Harris and other con veuienceH. Ap plv tt NATT ATKINSON .St SON jauUf'idtf JV RKNT. A splendid eighteen room house suitable for keeping hoarders, nici l v fui n shed throughout. In best section ol th- city. Ap ply to NATT ATK.NSl.N St SUN. nmrltldtf OK RliNT Residence 44 Philip street, near h'rench Hoard avenue, ti rooms; excellent order, K t Ol'l- IN, api7dlw ll North Main trett, ptK RUNT. Three furnished ro tn- No f0 ltai lev street. HpiMtUw ti. l McDonald. FOR RENT. Mouse of 12 roms, water and acwer con nection;. Lx eel lent neighborhood, tine views good siilewalkN large grounds uml conven iently located as to street cra. Apply bv letter or in u.-rson to L. A. FARIVMOLT, Real Ivatatc broker, No, 11 McLoud building. mnrKdt( FOR KliNT. Nine room hou-e, not including baxement, 4'J l-'ituch Itioad avenue. All modern im provements. Just completed, never been oc cupied. Also H room h"iis, nil modrrn improve ments, 142 Mill street, near car tine Cnll at 40 Hill street or uddicss apr2dlw P. O. BoX 1HG. II t)TBL FOR SALU. The Sr. Armond Motel at Skyland Springs is off. n d for sale at a bargain tit her furnished or not. The site tnclud a about eight acres of shady grove, nnd five springs, one of them ihe tiiMrst mineral water in the south. More guests assured for next summer than cun be ucco-iiinoi.atcd. The hoiel is right by the de pot. The terms of sale made ostiit purchaser. OTIS A. MlLLIiR, I'ebUdtf Skvland Springa, N. C. FOR SALE. Hither furnished or un urnished, mv resi dence corner OakLtnd avenue, mar tilcn Rock hotel, convenient to streetcars, 8 rooms pantry, trunk room nnd Hnm closet For particulars rail at premises or my office at passenger depot. apr2dtf WALT BR CONNULLY. J0 RUNT FOR THRBB MON nn. To a small family without children a com fortably furniahed ail room house, carpeted throughout, pinno, tras, bath, etc.. wlti ser vanta quarters and stable for three horses. 1m the best residence portion of the citr. Price $56 Iter month. Best ot reference; re mit red Poarlon given about May lo Reliable servant's (urnished if desired. Apply tO JiiIHaVTV JttlNKTi, aprl3dtf 2H Pattoa Ave. DR. HENRY, THE HYPNOTIST, Wll.l. I.BCTt'KI! AT Till! GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Monday, April i,tli. CLAIRVOYANCE AND SPIRIT HAPPINti ll.l.rSTRATIIlNS IN TAIILU T.U'l'lNll. i'KicKs:ir., it. anu in chsts. mi hi;- SRkVlili SliATS. NOTIC'K Mrs. llnlyku'ton hits' returned from New Vork, roiil is now ready with her spring nnd summer DRESSMAKING. Mcr draper and trimmer conns highly re commended Irom one of the best houvrs of New York. Mrs. Malyburton is willing to nv she can eemipcte with any dressmaker in this country or abroad. She will open her millinery Momlnv. Her stock was selected by a lovely French trimmer and herscX CI Vli M ICR A CALL. Good Hliown With Pleasure. Any lady wishing to consult her about any suits will be given any information they wish as nothing has escaped her attention whilr away. No. 2;Da North Main Street. uprd:it PIANOS AND ORGANS, ON EASY INSTALLMENTS WITHOUT INTURIiST. Hotels, Boarding houses, schools and in dividuals supplied direct from the manufac turers. All freight paid 15 days test trial iu your own home Stool and instructor furnished with each instrument. " Reliable instruments, otic price only, and that the lowest knowu." For catalogues, terms, etc., call on or ad dress 15. E. PERRY, No. 41 I'atton Avenue, AHhevllle, N. C. TRY THE MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY 7 I'atton Avenue. K. H. BRITT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUP.DER. Also grading of nil kinds done. All orders promptly filled nnd work guaranteed. Can bt found at all times at Graham's Cotton Faetorv. aurlltdtf N OTICH. Hy virtue of nn execution issued by the Clerk of the Siicrior Court ot Henoerson Conntv and addressed to the Sherift of Bun combe County, 1 will sell to the bid der tor cash at the Court House door in the citv of Asheville, Buncombe County, N. C, on Monday, the 4th dnv of May 1K.1, the road bed, rights of way, franchise and nil oth-r privileges, nnd appurtenances with and belonging to the French Broad Vallev Railroad Compnny to satisfy said execution and the costs of sale. P. L. REYNOLDS. Sheriff of Buncombe County. apr2dtmnG JfMiCTlON NOTICE. The munteit il election for this cit.v will be held on Monr'ay, May 4, 1 sftl All per sons wishing to register for said ( lection nre hereby notified that Col. J M Israelis Reg ister tor the Bast Ward of this city, and can be found in the nftice ef J. L. Cut hey, clerk of tne superior ourt, in me loui x itouse. oi a. Hulow Brwln is Roister for the We-it Ward of the city nnd can be found in the of- ficeofA. T. Suinmey, hsq , over Powell Snidcr's store. C. D. BLANTON, F, M MILLER, Mayor. Citv Clerk. mar23d30d STATU OP DR. W. L MILLIARD. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate ofthe late Dr. W. L. Milliard, It be cimit s necessary for me to collect claims due said estate. For this purpose I have deposited nil the notes and accounts due said estate with A. T. txummcv. Ksn.. where they may be paid, and all remaining unpaid on 1st of May 1KH1 win oe renueea i juugmenv This 16 Feb. 1891. M. K. HILLIARD, fcbl6d2m Administratrix LOST. Last night at opera house or on cars be tween there nnd Chestnut street, one lady's solitaire ear drop. Suitable reward to nmier it terc at utizen i imcc or apr7dlw 1UU CHESTNUT ST. SGHLIT'S MILWAUKEE BEER. Celebrated the World Over for its Purity. Wc deliver to alt parts of the city our own Mottling Giport Beer at ONE HOLLAR PER DOZEN. ..per and wc y,,u fr THE "BONANZA," V WINE .. AND .. LIQUOR. . STORE . IK THE STATU. FINE SAMPLE AND BHXIAIII) ROOM. I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C BRICK. BRICK. -FOR SALK KV- BUNCOMBE BRICK Asheville, N. C. AHheville, N. C. P. A. DEMENS WOOD WORKING CO., Manufncturers and Healers in ull kinds of Dressed LUMBER. Door, ShhIi, BlinciM, Moulding), Slairwork, Mantels, Hank and liar Fixtures, and all kinds of IluildiuK Material. Hard Wood Lumber Work a Specialty. noT U illr Tottlione A LITTLE HIGH. 'I'lmt is tin' w.i.v Nome mi)ic liki'tlii'ir ainc However, few people w.'ilit even it I ift uro of Aslieville 1-liiit wn.v. Appreei iilin tlitit fact uml ever desirous of sav-iiifi-1 lie ieople money (while milking souk? for ourselves) Tin: Citizkn has purchas ed the exclusive right to Hell the VIEWS of Asheville (which have been sold at each) for a iiii(l-in-a(lviiiice subscription to Tin-: Daily Citizkn. That is, you 1 iay us f for ThV: Daily (VriZKX for six mouths, and wo will give you a superb picture of Asheville 1'RKK. That's a t'lling of lor or ought to be. You get Tin-: Citizkn at the usual rate and the picture besides, and we get tho inter est on your .f -'5 and the pleasure that comes of being liberal . If von want extra copies of THE ric TME to send away thatnuitterean prob able bo arranged at the business otlice of TiikCitizkx. But first wo must have tho paid-in-advance sub soription of $.'5. That's fair. X. H. You can take your choice of the pictures, those on thin or those 011 thick paper. The former are best to send away: the latter are the host to frame. THE CITIZEN. T. K. BURK'S CROWNING Sl'CCESS. Four United Shows. MAKVlil.tHSI.Y EDUCATED PONIES, ROYAL ROMAN HIPPODROME ANU Spectacular Cinderella WILL KXllllUT AT ASHEVILLE, X. (I, Friday, April 17th. LOT FRONTING DEPOT. AHMISSION 2" cents. CHU..IKHN (nlternooiil 15 cents. ZEB VANCE will get there. We bet on Old Zeb as being the beat Flour in town. We hnvc just receiv ed a fresh lot of KEG AND BOTTLE PICKLES Come and give them a trial, at HARE BROTHERS, 17 South Main Street, BRICK. & TILE COMPANY P. O. Box 426. Near Passenger IJepot. 10. r. RIGKMONO & DANVILLE R. R. CO. I'ASSKNrtt-K I ltt' A HTM It NT, WeNtcru North Carolina Division. PASSENf.l-K TRAIN SCH KDVLK (In Effkct March nr.) rith Meridian time used when not othcrwiwf indicated. liASIHol'NO. I Nu. HI No. 1 2 Daily, j Duily. Lv. Knoxville, ilMitti mcr.) " Aslit-villc, r. Salisbury, 7 Lf!pm I h 00nm I I 0 4-ani i 2 lPpm i -'(mm 7 4..ipin D)41am 1 1225aru j 4 1 tim tt'tarn I 1 lipm" 7 4.ainl '1 lopm J2rt)um I 1 4)pm j ii 1 5am I H ".apm Id -'5am 11 25pm n OOum I 3i)0amj 2 2()pm 61" him I 4fojnn Ko. U r.No7l 1 " Daily. Daily. I 1 2 15am 4 3Mpni a."oani 057i-m U45ain I 9 :Mtm H :tli:tni 1 1 tMH.m 3 ;i5pm I 5 25am I i run wile, j " Richniond, I " HuU'igti, I ' fioidhhoro, I Lv. Lynuiiburg, A r.Wariliintou " ia!iirmre, " Phila., " Nitw Vork, WlvSTtlOl'NO. j Lv New S'tjrk,- " Phila.. " Baltimore, " Wushitift'iti " LyTichbiirii, " Richmond, " Danville, " Cioblslieiro, " Raleigh, 1 I tMlpm l 2 55am I " j (.'15pm H45um, i .'Jioptnj 4:tO(im" I 4 ..7pm I 1 iMiuml 1 1 .Mpiil 1 210im I 5 G5am I 6 3Hpm Salisbury, Asheville, Knoxviile, I iitith ner.) r. 111 Olii.ra ' 1020pm A. bi S. K. R. No. 1 4 j Daily. J 1010 3111,1.?" 1 1 on ami;" 1 4ti pm.Ar. i Ko. 13 I Dailj. ArrTThOti p in Lv.f 7 07 p n " 14 40p m Asheville, Ilendersoiiviile, Sonrtanburg, - MVKPItV BRANCH. " "No. 05 (Daily ex'cejiV Sunday.) No. 6V 7 40 uniLv. Asheville, Ar. 940 aiutAr. Wayncsville, " 1247 pint " Bryson City, " io."i pm " Tomotla, Lv. 4 05 p m 2 05 pm t 20 a m 4 5e a m Nos. M and 1 o, I'ulltnaii k-e')Jers between G ri'L-nshoro and Knoxviile. Nos. 11 and 12 Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars between Hot Springs and New York VY. A. iNHI'RN, D. P A., Asheville, N. C. AS. L. TAYLOR.O. P. A., Washington D C. THE TOliUM. 'Tllli UKKMllST I'KKIOIIICAL I-'IIK TnocoirrrcL kuaubks." I s range is fairly indieutcd by the follow ing table of con ten is of the 1 icceniber nuinbrr : The I'.ovcniment of Aniericnn Cities. Andrew 1 1. White. Wherein liurojiean cities are bitter governed than ouis; the danger place in our political system and the rem edy. City Orowth and Party Politics. Villiam M Springer. The iiuTeme of urban over rural population as diowu by the census; how this increase ift aii vantageous to the deniocr; ts. The Stability of the French Republic. Jules Simon, of the Fren.'h Sfliatc. A review of domestic and foreign influences favorable and unfavorable to the Republic; a hopeful outlook, Fam.U Stocks in a Democracy. President C. W. L'liot, of Harvard Democratic Society tavorable to the perpetuation of families; a stud' of American conditions therefor Dots China br.ace the World? President V. A. P. Martin, of the Imperial Tung i Collvge, China Whv the tendency ol Chinese lilc forbids fear ol competition. The Humanities. MaiorJ. W. Powell The first of a series of articles to show that the theory ol biological evolution fails when ap plied to sociology. l-oimative influences. Archdeacon F. Purr.'ir An nutoiiiogmphical essay, follow ing tmnlar ones by I'mtessor lohn Tvndnll, W. 1). II. l.eekey, Frederick Harrison uud other noted n en. S i iced in Ra d w a v Tra vol . 1 lrof . H . 11. 'I liiirslon, Tin po si)iM:t of IMio miles nn hour .villi ste.un; why electricity is Hkciy to supersede steum. rnmr lor warships. Commnuder 1;. M. Barber, ol the I'nittd States nivy. Noies tut gliosis. Andrew Lang Pil y, gen miie and spurious. Frances Power i Oil lie. Among the ft attires of the Forum for IHiu will he: Result-- of thr Census. A series of articles by lieu Francis A. Wnlker: Results of the Latest Research and of the most recent Achievements in all Important Lines of Work, in Science an'' Industry, bv specialists; Political discussions, b the leaders of opin ions in the I n i ted States, and by foreign statesmen ; Shiboteths ot the time, h scries of critical examiuati ns of popular opinions, by V. S. Lilly, the British essayist ; Autobio graphical essays, u series to w hich some of the most noted men ot the time, American ami British, have already contributed; Di eussins tit social uml religious problems in the Timed Stales; literary articles, discuss ing the tendencies of literary work along all directions of activity, by the foremost critical writers. TIIK I OUI M, New York. 50c a Copy. $5 a Year. K. COFFIN, AUCTIONEER. RI2AI. liSTATEAOKNT ANU LOAN tlKOKHK No. 3 North Main street. II' not in ofEee when you call, write nnine ami resilience on slate, nnd I will vinit yon. h'efertoj. H. Steele, ninnilifer of Ilntttry Park Hotel, or any Honk in Anlicvillc. Ahlicvllle MattreM Fuctory. Mattresses Renovuteil and Repaired. ri'RNITl'rtK KKrAIltl'U, Vpliolstering n specialty. A full line of sam pled to select from. ALL Wi IKK Gt'ARANTHRD. I-'actorv corner of HaKleand Valley Streets. Telephone 84. oprtidlm" AdvertlHliiK CREATES ninny a eiv business; LSt.A Rl 1FS many an old business ; REVIVES many a dull business; RESCl'US many a lost business; SA YES many a tailing business ; PRESERVES many a large business; SECURES success in any business. To advertise judiciously, use the col um nsof'TbcCttiien." Everybody reads it; and inpropoition to the returns it yields advertisers, itsiates are t hex heap est in the country. -., a.-

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