Asheville Daily Citizen 0 ASHEVILLE, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 20, 1891. VOLUME VI. NO. 300. PRICE 5 CENTS. -L1NVILLE 1NV1THR INVR8TIOAT10N AS TO Climate, Water Supply, Drainage, Drives, Parks, Scenery. Plans, IIuilriiiiK Sites, Investments. I.INVIU.H IMPROVKMIWT CO. I.lltvlllc, 1H. f. JKSSli K. NTAKNKS, UNDERTAKER : AND : EMBALMER. BVKRV KPQI'IKITK 1F THH UHMNI'.hS EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. AatlMfactloii Guaranteed. frompt Attention I'.iTin NiKht. to Call, l'.i.v 01 Office and re.triinre No. Street. Telephone No. M. .7 North Main CORTLAND BROS M Real Estate Brokers, And Investment Agent. NOTARY PUBLIC. ' L.nan. e. orelv placed at a per cent. (HHcea: 34 A Ufl Fattoo Annuc Second foor. fehttdlf KEAL HSTATB. " WALTS! B Own, W. W. Wsrr, GVVYN & WEST, iSucotaiors to Walter B.Owyo) ESTABLISHED 1881 REPER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loan Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Pulilli Comml. .loner, of Deed.. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICK Moutfceatat Court Bqaaro. JAY GOULD SAYS That II . M.n .nn .ava. W itnllfir (Hit ni every Ave dnllnn he earn. (uth a man will ' be rich 1nt(1. or twenty .ytur Call on u and we will tell vou how to do It. n wehnvc jnat received private advice from Jnv on the uhj ct. , Onr btmlnnm hat been very tironcftufi, t dniinn the pant year, in pplte of the hard ! timen and wo take this oitnortimitv to thank onr frirnda nnd cnNtomern, and to wlah A In .it nil Inn D Ilia asH knnlnMaiai JKNKS ft JKNKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Ruonis 9 ft io, McAree Block, 3S Pattoa Ave, A.hcvillt, N. C "LIVE AND LET LIVE." AT HIV STORK GROCERIES Are offered subject to these thrtie important qiuilitica tioiiH : QUALITY, wliieh nmwt be pood. QUANTITY, which miiHthwiiH mueh for theHiime money an tfiven elHewhore, and PRICES, which must at nil times reflect the lowest market quotntionB. If you want to endow your dollars with their greatest purchiiHing power, an exami nation of our prices will show that they art ROCK BOTTOM. We hiive !" lhs hroken urain rice which we offer unt il closed out per pound. A. D. COOPER, North Court Sduarc, Corner Main and College St. THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME. Thi- celebrated Ureen Brier White Sulphur Surinus. of Viritinin. is nnrrril Tor sale. Ttir ihoikiIv VMlUCll lit fl.nnfi.oiio, to lie ill viriYil intn 1,0,10 .hares nt $HHl each. Thr ii,irrli!,Htr tit two shares reerivis a lot worth til,' Oar vailf il IIH' Willi'., anil int i-innin ,, c urini; vHlunlile Improved properly nt a n.iininal price A t ' hotel nt sroo, inner iniproveu proiertles nt proportionate price. I'ay meiit. monthly. For tiirther pnrtirular. call on j,iHN.uii.ii, AKem WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, JH I'attnn Avenue. Nnt Y M C A build'g. novl d.'lm P () lloxBSt. HIGH GRADE GROCERIES. Our i,im is to keep the best. We offer no baits, hut sell al Hie very lo.vest price con distant with the hiieli quality of our (food. We ijivc e.prcinl attention to the purity of our goods, anil en n1way guarantee them to lie tree from adulteration.. We have the largest and lie.t selected ttock of Pine and Staple Groccrii. ever offered to the people of Western North Carolina. Powell & Snider, WIKII.IiSAl.K A Nil RIST.MI. GROCHKS, Corner Pattoit Avenue aud Main Street. FOR SALE! Chcnp. if soon rtirchnil, one of thr prt tipi hinin in Aftltrrillt'. new, bfHtttifiilly fin ishnl, tint locution, clime to ntrrrt run. Ali scvrritl utlirr fine proiH-rtten thiit lire worth your intention. Two hi'fuitlfnl hiillilinft nitti. l.otH in nil jutrU oilhe city. HoiiNtH to rent Fine tract of tiniher land and tmlinK timber. Mineral prupertirg. NOIHHV TO LHNII. List vor proiwrty withua nd harctt old nnd rented. P'ht ri'ni.iMBir mt new fiamphirt Anheville. Full of latent tnti-tlcn. Call for a cojty. BRITCBH. JONtiS. (SucceMur to Biffelow A Jones.) REAI.WTATK AND INVMTMENT8. Room M A fee Block. 3 Pattoa ATrae. SUMMER GOODS. Leonard Dry Air J Refrigerators This is ( he refrigerator that ga ve our customers so mueh satisfaction last year. Full line at our store. I Hole Aatievllle AkciiIh. WHITE MOUNTAIN TKIPLB MOTION Ice Cream Freezers AKI! I'llli II lis r. WU HAVK Til KM. NO. 4t PATTON A VICNVK. ! i Prices Lowest of the Low. TAYLOR, BOUIS aprldeodlm & BROTHERTON. SPRING SEASON. THE TIME TO SCRUB. Our Patent Scrub Brush en. Hnnrl nnd with long handles, (110 ntnnpinf: required) are (he bent In the world. We aluo have a bifc utofk hi ml ltd wrcKT, window cleaner, duntcr, wliifkn, hroomi.etc. Prices right. SUMMERGOODS, Ice Cream l-'reerrn (While Mountain and Arctic! Krfrifrrratorx, lie ChmlH, Walrr Coolr m, 1'lv Trapt and Fly Fan Lower than anj other place In town. THAO. W, THRASH & CO. CIIINA.I '.I.ASS anil III M SP. I'lUNISIIINftS 41 l,ittoii Ave. Ruyers of Drug Tell us they have Inst money hy monKeyinc with Knoxyille nnd Richmond a treacherous memory nnd the importunity of drummers sometimes lends them jistray, hut they invnrinhly find it pnvs them to draw theirsup plil'sofT. ('. Smith &('., in Asheville. the Inrirest Drnif Store in Western North Car olina a saving of Freight Chnrijjes, nnd tpiick time in tfettinn oodsreimiiortant items, and count up in n year's dealings innkiiip; lare imnthases in the pri mary markets, enahlo this House to place Drujrtfists' articles into the hands of consumers and dealers, nt prices never before enjoyed west of the Illne Uidge, cus tomers are served by pro fessional experts of lar;'c ex perience, trustworthy and competent the st ock carried by this firm covers t wo Hours of two hundred and forty feet in total length, and fifty two feot of total width this is the only Diuj; Store lo cated on tin Public Square in Asheville no trouble to find the place orders by mail receive prompt and careful attention refer, if de sired, to the J lattery Park Hank. SPECIAL. An imm :n.c a.Roi ttnent of Straw lint, fur men, hoy., and children at frara fifteen to thirty percent, below councillor.' prices. The stock emhraee. atmoat every cnnceiva hle style nnd eolur in nil grade.. No parehnner can afTorr to mis. the oppor tunity. FINE TRUNKS JUST RECEIVED. II. REDWOOD & CO. ClothinK, Dry tiooris. Mat., Ktc, Btc. Hhue., CarH-ts, 7 & 9 PATTON AU BOOKS it STATIONEHY, PICTURES AND FRAMES, Artists' Materials, TOYS AND PANCY GOODS ALL AT ESTABROOK'S 22 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. apr ld J. W. SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR NO. 43 NORTH MAIN ST. Just received, a fall line of RaglLli and mc.tlc woolos for spring sod summer. fcb24dem KIDNAPPED THE CHILDREN ALMOST ANOTHKH 1'HtRI.II! KOHN CASi;. Two Children,! IIojm, ttptrlted A way, Their Hair wan Ityed and Then They Were ltreNHcd lu ilrlH clothe. Spkinufiri.I), 0., April 20. The mys tery surrounding probably the must sen satiniiiil case of child stealing since the Charlie Koss nlTair has jusl Ihtii sol veil by the arrest ol Miss Iillie Cutler, Miss llnincr, Miss llatchclcr and Ellen Talbot nil cliinee of stealing Ir. Niks' children, at the instigation of their lather, Dr. Xilei. The story of the stealing reads mure like a romance than like sober reality. Dr. and Mrs. Niles had liccii lighting in the courts for the custody ol (heir chil dren some time. Three weeks ago, on the eve ol the decision of the court, the children were stolen anil could nut lie found. Miss Kllcu Tallin!, dressmaker, liar confessed thai she lined a horse and l'"ggy stole the children al live o'clock in the morning fin in tht house where the shriill had plaerd them for sale keeping. She drove Ihein twenty miles to a lonelv country place, belong ing to Mr. and Mrs. Cullei . There they were kept in secret ami allowed to see no one. Miss Talbot further confessed that abniil n week afterward she again went into the country ami visited the house wherethc children were confined. They were taken into a room ami the curls ol the hoys Paul ami Louis, aged reflec tively 1 months anil 4 years, were cut off Some powerful hair dve was then applied and llieir hair became a deep black. They were then dressed in suits of girls' clothing completing the disguise. The children were then taken to Pitts burg aud liuallv to Howell, Michigan. The lather was arrested and lodged in jail on the cnarge ol child mealing, as lit is said to have planned tlic whole scheme. It is by the lawyers engaged on the case that the olVcncc is clearly com prehended under the ilhin slntule on kid napping or child stealing for which the punishment is from one to twenty years in the imiiunti.irv. Dr. Mills had the children stolen, be cause it wasgcnerallv thought the courts would give them lo his wife aud she threatened to put them in a convent, to which he was violently opposed. Mrs. ISruucr and Mrs. Kate Katchrlcr. were arrested last night for complicity in the kidnapping. Mis. lialc'neler is the hoarding housekeeper with whom the children were left for safe keeping. The shcrilf has received a telegram from Michigan saving that the children will oon be returued. AN ITALIAN W KI.COM K. Tbe PreMldenl Received One nt tialveHluii VchIi ila. CiAl.vr-sTiiN, Texas, April 2d. A note worthy feature of the grand demonstra tion of yesterday was the cordial recep tion given the president by the Italian colony of this city. All their local socie ties participated in the parade, acting as special escort to the Italian consul nt Galveston, and ft gentleman afterward on their behalf presented the president with a iH-autilul floral design symbolic of ience and fraternity. The American and I filiun flags were crossed at the top ol the piece with floral dove between them. The Italian sonsul also paid his respects to the president in company with other foreign consuls, resident here. l ostmaster General Muuamukcr re joined the party at Galveston last even nig. hhortly after midnight this morning the presidential party left here for San Antonio. lii.l'ASo, Tex., April l'J. Todav Grncr al Kanucl, ol the Mcxicun nruiv, arrived in luurcz with his full stall and with the escort of one company of artillery, eighty cavalrymen and a military baud ol lot I v- livc instruments to participate in there centum to iH lciKlcreil I resilient Harrison on his arrival here Tuesday. I'riMtlcnl Ilia, himscll wires he w ill be tumble loaf lend. kii.i.I'-.i hy i:i.i:ctkicitv. A I Irfinan Tniiehrs a 1. Ite Wire Willi A l-'iilal KeHiill. CiiAi'TANiiocA, Apiil SO. A most hoi riblc accident occurred in this city Inst night in the presence of several thousand persons who had gathered at the corner of Ninth and Georgia avenue to witness the lire department pulling out a small blaze in the F.uroxau hotel. Charles W'crncr.head hoscniiin ol Look out fue department, was al the tup of mg ladder playing the hose in the third story window, when his hand touched a live electric light wire nnd ne dropmi dead to the ground to the horror of the large crowd. CKIT'-.I.I.V Itll RIHCRI'.n. A WchIIIiy IMauler'a Henri Alnioat Hhot From HlH Body. Litti.k Rock, April 20.-Wilcv Whit tington, a wealthy planter living across the line in Columbia county, Ark otiisiaua, came into this stale to see a negro named Gus Frazier. lie wns on horseback and carried a shotgun. Prnzicr met him in front of his house mid alter some sharp words started away appa rentlv to get a gun. nitiingion loin him to h ilt, when the negro rushed nt Whittington, seized the gun he was car rying ami wrenched it from his hands fired both barrels at him, the contents almost tearing Whiltington's head from his bodv. Frazier lins disapieared in the woods. HTORINU COAL. ttettliilt Ready for u Hilt Htrlke Oat In Iowa. Ottuiiwa, la., A lil 20. It lias leaked ont here through the Ituilington officials that the road has been for the lust three weeks utilizing every coal car nnd bo ear possible for the purpose of hauling and storing an unusual supply of coal for the coming summer. I he company ha positive advices that the miners in this section in common wiiu an oiners miners ol the United States will go out Mat 1, . !. I. .11 ... I determined that the operators shall ac cede to their demands. The Milwaukee road litis been pursuing the same policy, which adds additional color to the report. MAVOR'M COURT. Aclluic Mayor Miller Has a (iood House Thin Mornlnir. The wheel ol justice spun merrily 'round this morning under the manipu lations of Acting Mayor Miller. The court room was crowded and the follow ing cases were considered: Andrew Allison, for carrying metallic "knuckles" was fined $5. Mark Lytic and Butler Rhelton, for trying to shoot each other, were bound over to criminal court in bonds of $100 em h. Joe Miller, for an assault, was fined $5. John llluck had carried n concealed weapon, but hiscaBC was continued for lack of witnesses. Ivliza limine, of Cripple Creek, was as sessed $Hir using unladylike language. Abe Forney and Sam lllll, affray ; con tinued Ben Kcdford, had lieen found drunk and down, nnd caught a line of $5. Addie Hawkins, lired olTa pistol in the restaurant in Cripple Creek and she was allowed to loosen her grip on a .$.") bill. I'M ward Bl ight, nlfray, fined $"i. Wm. lidney, drunk and down, was made to pay $.ri. I". K. Israel was assessed $110 for car rying n pistol. He was inlnrmeil by Mr. Miller that the new law of the state was very severe, and $:!0 was the minimum line allowed. lOHNliH STONi; I.AVINti, ;rHiiel IMiiHter Siiiilicer'M Add esn III WllllllllltlOII. On Wednesday, the loth, the Grand Lodge of Masons ol North Carolina laid the corner stone of the handsome Voting Men's Christian Association building now being erected in Wilmington. Alter the Masons had ierforraed their interest ing exercises Grand Master H. A. Gu Iger delivered the address which was a gem, and a model for such occasions. It was short, pointed, full ol sense, spoken from the heart, and enriched with eliiipunce. It was a most successful effort. M night Orient Lodge No. H'.lfi con ferred the master's degree, alter which lohn's Lodge No. 1, Wilmington No. till, and Orient No. ail.", tendered a ban- uet complimentary to Grand Master uilger and other visiting Masons, lini ng Ins stay in the city Mr. Gudger visi- d each ol t lie three lodges much to tlie lelight of the craft. Thursday he spent it the Hammocks as the guest of the V. M. C. A , and that night was screnadid t t lie Orton by the Second Regiment old. lie made many friends in Wil mington. ll'HI.NKH! TkANSI i:US. . H. MorrlHun OpeiiH u Two New lCMluliliHlinieiitM. As Tim; Citizen advertising columns inuoiiiicc, 1 . S. .Morrison lias purehaseil Irom V,. I''. Mines his stock of vehicles and machinery, and has added largely to it' mi! is offering a variety, both of goods mil style, in carriages, buggies, wagons mil agricultural machinery, uneiiialed in Western North Carolina. Mr .Ior-busi-none, estab rison, whose sagacity ns a ness man ranks second to has placed in charge of this lishment II. I). Child, a thoroughly com petent gentleman, anil under his inau- gemeut t tic business will be pushed along all Hues. Mr. Morrison has also purchased the stock of general merchan dise belonging to K, llaird, at fi'.l North Mam street, aud has placed in charge Messrs. . II. Osborne, T. li. Clayton and W. 1'. I'egram, all young business men ol fine character. That these ventures of Mr, Morrison will prove successful goes without say ing. WANT A "I'M.I."! AHlicville HoolhlackH Make Over- lurea to the Clilel of 1'olice. An attempt has I wen made to bribe Chief of Police Itaird! In Tin; Cnizi.N Saturday, Mav 11. was an Hem coutriliulcd liv 1 he rattler," which good huuioicdlv pro tested against the poor quality ol wink lone by some ol Asheville s bootblacks, mil suggested as n possible way out ol the dithctilty, that the city impose license lax on "shines." The article seems to have been taken in earnest by the knights of the daul At least, a number of them have firoachcd Chief of Police llaird ami the most solemn tones promised that gentleman as many lice slimes a day as he might desire m return lor which he was to protect them in case such au ordinance was passed. Hut the duel repelled their advances informing them that he had no "pulls to give out, nnd he will continue lo shine his shoes at the old stand. At-'TKK MAIL. Two Letter Boxen l-'onnd llroken Open TIiIn Maritime. Some thief in Asheville has gone to rob bing letter boxes. This morning Carrier J. C. llcniiingc on making ins rounds discovered that two of the letter boxes on his route hat' been broken open. One ol the boxes located on the corner of ration avenue and Grove street, and t he other is nt the corner of Bailey nnd Phillips streets. The doors of the boxes had been smashed in and whatever mail may have been in them wns gone. No collections are made from these boxes between li m. Saturday and Monday morning, and it is likely that the thief or thieves made quite a haul, especially from the box on I'atton avenue. No clue has yet been dis covered. An EnterprlHlnsr Finn Wingo, F.llett & Crump, of Richmond Virginia, have shown themselves entitled to the reputation they have of being the most enterprising boot and shoe house in the country by establishing a model sample room in Asheville in which to show the merchants of Western North Carolina their goods. The rooms ire lo cated over J. U. llrcvard'n store, north west corner of court square nnd the or rnngenieut of the samples is as perfect ns it is nniipie. The line of shoes kept in this room is lull and complete, much larger thnn could possibly be car ried around in sample trunks, and mer chants have the additional advantnge ol a comfortable place in which to take their time in selecting their purchases. The design of this sample room is the work of Mr. E. H. Wright, the pushing travcline man for Messrs. Winiro, Elicit & Crump, who will lie glad to show his stock to merchants. In his absence Mr. J. 1). Brevard will wait on customers. 200 LIVES IN GREAT PERIL JUM'.RS INPRHONEU CO I.I.I F.KY. Two Cars Collide In a Mine and Choke u Ihe Shaft An Auxloun Crowd. London, April L'0. A serious accident by which the lives of 'J00 miners were im jierilcd occurred near Longton, Stafford shire. Two large cars arc used for hoisting and lowering men nnd minerals in the colliery in the l.ougton conl district. While one was being hoisted and the other lowered they collided and smashed to pieces. The result o this smashup was that the shaft was choked up with debris, thus cutting off communication with two hundred miners whom the ac cident imprisoned in the mine helow. For fourteen hours the miners were shut up in the mine. This was a period of ter rible suspense for the families and friends who crowded about the mouth of the pit in a state of great distress, liveiitually a small hole was pierced through the mass of wreckage nnd fond was lowered by means of a rope to the imprisoned miners. Further work upon the passage through which the food supplies were passed, enabled the men engaged in the work of rescue to haul 2011 miners, out hy one, out of the mine. Tisiivvi.H akhi;s'h;ii, They Have Stolen Ali'u.l ioo, ooo worth of I'relshl. I'lusurm;, April lit). Detective Cook, of the Pittsburg and Lake F.ric road, made live arrests of a gang of railroad thieves who have gotten away willi ful ly $11)11,(1(10 worth of plunder during the last three or four years. Three of ihe leaders are in the Pittsburg jail and two others are in McKccsport. Informations have lieen made against 111 others who will soon be taken into custody. The gang have been operatini; on freight trainsoii the llaltimore and Ohio, the Pittsburg, McKccsport and Youghio- glieny, the Southwest Pennsylvania and Hie Pittsburg aud Lake hue lines. One I the men arrested confessed, giving a lull list ol the roblierics. May Kemnve. There is a strong probability that the Asheville Furniture and lumber company will remove their plant from this city to l.enoirs, Tenii. The Lcnoirs Town com pany lias made tins corporation a liberal oiler and the Furniture Co. has in turn made a proposition to thcTown company. II this latter is accepted the company will move to lemurs at an early day, re- inllcss ol tax or railroad rates in vogue here. Mayer Blantou'H Condition. The gratilving news is given out today that Mayor Wanton's condition is ma terially improved, niul that there is strong reason for iK-licving that the may or's early recovery is an assured lact 1 his mlormatioii will he received with gratitude by the many fiicuds of Mr. lilaiiton. Well, we Can itt Alonic. Paris, April UO. Karon Fnva, the Italian minister at Washington, has ar rived here on his way to Koine. A Paris laiier declares that the baron snid Italy would not have a diplomatic represent.! live at Washington until the .New Or leans affair was finally settled. llurlhert Not fiulllv. LoMioN, April 'JO. The action fi breach of promise brought bv Gladys ivelyn against William llenrv llitrllicrt formerly ol inc .New otk World, was concluded lo-dav. The jury, alter short consultation, brought in a verdict lor the defendant. A llrlKadler. Washington, April 1!0. Col. Koimlz, ol the Sih infantry, has Ucn appointed bt 'igadiei -general in place ol Gcu ihhoti, retired. Htock uuolatloiiH. New Viikk , April 'jo. l-:r.e uoi l.nLe Slior 101., I'hieuKii unit Xiirtltwesu-ril 1111. Niilfutk mill Western ; K ielinn mil anil t I'uitil Tcrniiiuil Wckutm I mull laltlinore Hrti eH. Mai 'i imumk. April o -I'loui, strong. Ilow ui.iiit1 iiiiiI v. I'wtt-rn, siiH-r., $ I-oi i jr, r.tin, rorn5 oil; family, $5 1 oi,f r, r, I eilv milU, l Km Inanilnl euru. $ii.OO(ali.lfr, winti'l wheat patent, ya -UH'l "i oil; spring Si; nii(ii", 'j.i, siraiglit. s., jr,(,i r, K.r; linkers l s.-M,i.-, Ill Wheal sintllirrn. strong, l-'ultj $1 lsi.ll g.",. t.migln-ri y, $1 .IO(,l 1 J,",; No. 2 ri d. $ i .-'J. sttanler No. g red, $1,111; west era, unsettled and higher; No winter red spnl -.lid April, $1 - 1 1 a C iirii--s,pnllierii mid white, lli.seliw. al c. villi. w, tinner, al Msi...(fi sue, weslern, dull, mixed, sn t, an.1 Apnl. .Tie askril. New York Market. Niv Yokk, April 'Jo Stork, nctivr ami stiotiK Moiii'T. iitv at .PL.f I-, I'.xihiiiik'c, Ions;, 4 v.(a I- Kl4; slioi I,; ttiitc It nU. niKlnttil; Kovrriiniriit bonds. dull Iwt slrnily. Cotton, i-ioty Knlrn, V1H Ixilrs; I'lilumis, 8:h; Oili-ann 9 lf-1uc: intuitu opcuul and cli'snl Klrnily and it t it ritTiinc; April, H 50; Ma;,, H fi.'l; unc, sill; Jul v, H 70; AtiKimt, H.77; S ptcmlif r. K HI. I'liur tpjift hut firm. V hent active ntul fttionn Corn ipnrt hut lirm. i'nrk dull hut str.iiiv. nt Si ii.Ui I oo. l.anl- u,uirt hut t-trntly, $715. Snirit- Turpentine quiri liui iiraiiT, hi .t'm .;n-. tmi piirL hut lirui, at $l.7!11.75. TrciuhtH cany. AFFAIRS OF COXSFOCl-XCli. hum 1:. The complete official canvass of the Chicago mayoralty election gives Hemp stead Wnshlmrne, republican, a plurality over DeWitl C.Cregier.dcmocrat.of Pjti. Some districts remain subject to revision. The Minnesota house of representa tives has concurred in the senate amend ments to the elections bill, aud it now goes to the governor for his signature. This net extends the Australian ballot system to the whole stale, A special cablegram from St. Picrree, Miquelon. says that the Newfoundland ers arc supplying the l'rench fishing ves cels with bait upon the payment of li cense tees and Americans are supplied as freely as t Hough they were iSewlottnd lnnd vessels, but that Canadians arc rig orously excluded tram obtaining bait. A wreck occurred on the Lake Shore railroad at Kipton station, about forty miles west of Clevelnnd, Saturday night, in which six postal clerks and two engineers were killed. Following is a list of dead: Kdwnrd Brown, engineer No 21, Toledo; Charles Tipton, engineer ol No. 1(5, Toledo; F.J. Nugent, postal clerk, Toledo; Charles Hammil, postal clerk, Elvria, Ohio; E. F. Clements, postal clerk, Cleveland; John J. Rowcrfind, postal clerk, Ulyrin, Ohio; , James McKinlcy, postnl clerk, Conneaut, Ohio; C. H. McDowell, postal clerk, Llyna, 0 We have the largest sup ly of CARRIAGE SPONGES in the city, and they are bo ing sold at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. Sponges that usually retail for 25 and 35 cents, we can sell for 10 and 15 cents, and make a reasonable urofit. A all and examine for your self. (WANT'S PHARMACY. KEPHALINE will relieve neiiraliria. head. iche, or toothache. 23 cent a bottle at Grant's Pharmacy. 77ie finest and must coinnlele stuck 01 Cnlofiiics, Toilet H 'atcrs, Extracts, l-'uce I fimlers iiml hif;lt grade Soaps at UKAMS I tlAK.MAL Y. ii 1'iescrmtions filled at all hours. Goods delivered free ol charge to any part 01 Uiecitr. GKAXrS I'llAKMACY. If yon want a handsome pair ol cut glass llotiles call at G HANTS PIIAH- V.1C1'. Unities ranging in vrice Irom One to Fifteen oollars per pair. II you want a first-class Hah Brush tor i small amount of money. GRANT'S I'llAKMACY is the place to go to get it. All kinds of Tooth Hi usbes, Bath Brushes, linth Gloves, Sponges, etc. When your Prescriptions ate com pounded at GRANTS PHARMACY you can positively depend upon it that only ine purest ana ocst Drugs and Chemi cals have lecn used that they were compounded by thoroughly experienced fliartnucistsand that the price paid was not unreasonable. South Main St J. M. CAMPBELL, DEALER IX REAL ESTATE AM) A(i EXT FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. pilR SAI.B I have for sale fur a few day. only, one of the must complete cnltnKcs of H room, in Asheville. All modem convenience., riKhtnrar treelcar line. Must he .old at once. Price $.1,HUU. Apply to J.M. CAMTBRU. neaiiliful lot on Crovestreet, 7.1x200 with large nak shade trees, niimt jto. Apply to J. M. L'AMl'Ulil.L. Six room house enrner Spruce nnrl Wuod mi fur sale low. Also lot 70n 105. Locution splrlldlll. Ilae fur sale to or 2 lot. of 20 acres, tiiiirt- or less cich, 21, miles ol court house at $.rtl ln-r aere, anil within one mile of pro posed street railway. The timlier on the In nil is worth priee askeil. Apply at oner. Terms easy, "In suit purehaser. Partie. can Li-t iiinugli lire miod off the laad to pay for it wiinin one year J. M. CA M rillil.l. 1'or sale C,.ri lots near Vaitilrrhill's estate. lioill $11)11 to $;.U0 each. Apply to J M. CAM I'BEI.l.. OK RUNT. Furnished house ol li rooms, elegant neiuh- horhood. I'ossession given Hhout Mat 1st, John m cam I'UHI.i.. House ofM rooms in I. iliertv street. C.onil Xtirdrn, water in yard, $VI0 H'f month. CHINA. Iu Dinner and Toilet 'Ware -WB OPFKR- SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS NOW, IN LOW PRICED GOODS, SUITABLE FOR FURNISHING COTTAGES. A good dinner set 100 pieces, a neat decoration on flood ware $ H.50 A splendid set 102 pieces, a very good . decoration 12.83 Carlsbad china dinner sets, rich deco rations on fine shapes, worth 933. 33.50 Toilet Sets complete In good decora tion 3.B Toilet set, with .lop jar, decorated in color and gold on Adamant china, the licit set for the money, see It.. 4.0S The largest stack China and Glass cutlery silver and plated ware and nsvcltiea and we 4 claim the lowest prices always. J. II. LAW, N08. 57, 59 and 61 S. Main St.

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