Asheville Daily Citizen. VOLUME VI. NO. 301, ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 21, i 1. PRICE 5 CENTS. LINVILLE- INVITHS INVESTIGATION AS TO Climate, Water Supply, Drainage. Drives, Parks, Scenery. Plans, Building Sites, Investments. i.invii.i.k ini'Kovi:ni.MT to. f.lntllU', N. c. JKSSIC R. STAKNIi.S, UNDERTAKER : AND ; EMBALMER. EVKKV Khyl'ISITH OH TUB HLSINKSS FURNISH HI). EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Frompt Attention C.ivrn ti Call, I'uy nt Night. Office and lesid-ncc Nn, 27 North Main Street. Telephone No. 51. CORTLAND BROS., Real Estate Brokers, And Investment Amenta. NOTARY ri'RLIC. Loans securely placed at R ficr cent. Otheea: 24 Ik 2 Patton Avenue Second floor. fehBdlr JtbAL JSSTATB. WALTIH B..OWTM, W. W. Win. GV7YN & WEST, (SueecHora to Walter B.Owya) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHFVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loan Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public. Commissioners of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICK-aoutheaat Court ttqaarc. JY GOULD SAYS Tbnt H n man rnn unvr one dollnr out .f every five Jnltnni he enrns, r-m h u man will be rich Intirt of twenty iyeam Call on and wr will tell you how lo tlo it. ns wchavc jut received private advice Irom lav on the ht. Onr himlnemi ha been vcrv i'rittKriu. riiirinR i)lc na-t war, in apltr nf the hurt time and we take this opportunity to thnnk oar friend and cimtnnirr. and to 'wth them all long lite and happine. JKNKS & JKNKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Rooms 9 Jfcio, McAfee Block 38 Pattoa At.. AihcTtUc, N. C. "LIVE AND LET LIVE." AT MY STORE GROCERIES Are offered subject to these three important qualifica tions : QUALITY, which must he good. QUANTITY, which muBtlwaH much for money as given elHewhere, and PKK'KS. which must at all times reflect the lowest market quotations. If you want to endow your dollars with their greatest purchasing power, an exami nation of our prices will show t hat they art ROCK BOTTOM. We have 500lbs broken grain rice which weofferuntil closed out at rc per pound. A. D. COOPER, North Court Square. Corner Main and College Sta. THE OPPORTUNITY, OF A LIFE TIME. The celebrated Oreen Brier White Sulphur SpriiiRn, of Virginia, i offered for flr. The property valued nt $1,00(1,0(10, to be dl vidrd into t.tMMi nil arc nt $100 enrh. Tin pim-luiser of two nlmren rcretvi a lot worth the par vnliK of the stock, nnd the chance nf nei uriiiK vnlmtlrle improved iroerty nt a nominal price A qt'JMLOiM hotel nt other improved properties nt proportion ut price. I'ay- imiita monthly. For further particular call oil JOHN lliii.n. Axent. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, 2H I'atton Avenue. Neat V M C A hulld'g. novl d.lm P 0 Hon r.54. HIGH GRADE GROCERIES. (Mir aim is to keep the bett. We offer no baits. Iml sell nt the very lowest price con distant with the hijih quality of our good We K've especial attention to the purity of onr Kondt, and can alway guarantee them to be free from adulteration. We hnv the argent untl bent selected stock of Fine nnd Staple Oroeerica ever offered to the people of Western North Carolina. Powell & Snider. WHOLKSAI.K AMI KISTWL GRtK'RRS. Comer Patton Avenue and Main street. FOR SALE! Cheap, if soon purchased, tine of the pret tiet haiiie in Asheville. new. beautlfullv fin tsht "l, fine location, close to street ear. Also several other fine properties that arc worth yottr attention. 1 wo heauutul building; lite. Inttt in all parts of the city. I Ioiihi n to rent. Fine tract of timber land and standine timber. Mineral properties. MONEY TO LEND. I.itit vuur property withui and have It .old nnd rented. Ti'.T I'nul.lsilKli Our new Bamuhlet mi Asheville. Full of latr.t statistics. Call for a copy. BRUCE H. JONES. (Succe.ior to Bigtlow & Jonea.) RBAL.BSTATB AND INVESTMENTS. Room M Afee Block. 32 Patton Avenae. A New Door Bell. TUB IaiiCHttcr Self Acting; Bell. SUPERCEDES ELECTRICITY. NO BATTliRHS TO NKHD ATTENTION Gall and hc them In operation at TAYLOR, BOUIS & BROTHERTON'S, 4.1 PATTON AVE., WcNtcrn North Carolina Agt. SPRING SEASON. THE TIME TO SCRUB. Our Patent Scrub Brushex, Tlnnd imil llh long hnndlis. Ino stooping rcauiridl are the hest In the world. We also hare a Itir; stock handled sweepers, wiii'low cleaners, duster, whisks, tiroonis.ctc. Friics right. SUMMER GOODS. Ice Cream Freezer. (White Mountain nncl Arctic) Refrigerators, Ice Chests, Water Cooler., FIt Trap, and Fly I'ana Lower thao any other place In town. THAO. W. THRASH & CB. CHINA, CLASS nnd IIOI SI? FI RNIS 1IINC.S 41 I'atton Ave. Buyers of Drujjs Toll us they have l ist money by monkeying with Knoxville and Rirhmond n trencheroiiH memory and the importunity of drummers sometimes lends them nstrn.y, lint they invarinhlv find it iiys them to draw t heir sup plies of T. ( Smith & Co., m Asneville, the lnrst Drmjr hton in Western North Car olinaa saving of Freight harges, and quick time 111 getting goods, are important irenis, and count up m year's dealings making large purchases in the tut mary markets, enable this Mouse to place Druggists' articles into the hands of consumers and dealers, at prices never before enjoyed west of the Blue Ridge, cus tomers are served by pro fessional experts of large ex perience, trustworthy and comtictent the stock'carried by this firm covers two floors of two hundred and forty feet in total length, and fifty t wo feet of total width this is the only Druu Store lo cated on the Public Square 111 Asneville no troutile to find the place orders by mail receive prompt anil careful attention refer, if de sired, to the Battery l'ark Hank. SPECIAL. An immne assortment of Straw Hats for men, boys, and children at frm fifteen to thirty percent, below cometitoiH' price. The stock embraces almost every conceiva ble style and colur in nil grade. No purchaser can afford to miss the oppor tunity. FINE TRUNKS JUST RECEIVED. II. REDWOOD & CO Clothing. Dry Goods, Hats, 8hoca, CarH-ts, Btc F.te. 7 & 9 PATTON AVE PICTURES ANP FRAMES, Artists' Materials. TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, ALL AT ESTABROOK'S 12 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, 11 C. aprlSd J. V. SCHAttTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR NO. 43 NORTH MAIN 8T. last reecived, a full line of English and do mestic woolens for spring and summer. fcb24dem ENGLISH ARMY MEETING. mscMi:xT at 1 11,1:1. hha ki:. alXTS IN TROl 111.1;. Tlie Soldiers Refne to Obey or. dcrsof ThvlrUllicerH and a Num. I.t-r of 'I'lieni are I'luvcd l udcr ArreHt. I.oNDfiN, April 21. For some vents pnsl there lins been a feeling nl growitij; discontent, real or inminnre, iu smiie portions of the Ilritisli urniy. Tiiis lirl hiK, it was supposed, came lu a licit) alioiita voir ao when the sin nut haltal ion nf the (Ireiiadier guards imiuinii il and were ordirtd to Heiinuda. IU11 this nioniinn there is a renewed and very Ricat cxciicmi'iit in military eireles, eaubed bv uiutinous denionsinaions, in almost every partieidar similar to that which caused tltc second battalion of the Grenadier guards to lie wilt to Bermuda in disgrace. This time il is the crack in lantry guardsmen of Unglaial, the fanioiis "Hrilisli Giciiadicis" who arc in revolt. The third batallion ol'grenadierguards, who are at present rpiai tereil at Chelsea barracks, in this cily, were ordered to parade in full marching order at So'eloek this morning. The men who have been in a sullen frame of mind lor some lime past refused to obey. The olliciTS of the bat talion held a hurried consultation. The leading non-commissioned oHicers in pur suance ol these order, nt tempted lo rea son with the mutineers and to persuade them to tin n out and parade and not to bring any more disgrace upon the dis tinguished corps to which they be longed. The arguments of I lie non-eonimis-sinned ollieers eventually had some effect upon the angry privates, and after a long period 01 waning lour compan ies nl the third battalion of I'leiiadieis straggled slowly and with every mark nl outward discontent upon the parade ground ol Chelsea bar racks. The remaining companies however refused lo leave their rooms in the barracks. 1 he men having the longest lenns nl service were placed under arrest ami an investigation into the cause nl the mutiny was commenced, in order Unit a preliminary report upon the subject may be placed before the commander in chin of forces. 1 he muiiiucrs iu explanation nl' their eoiiiliiel, sanl that the orders to naradc in lull inarching order were an iinprcee- nciimi sicp ior ineir commanding ollieer to take when the battalion is called 1111011 to mount guard at the palaces on the same day. The men also declare that they have bccii long subjected ton scriv-sol excessive and anuuyiiig (bills lor which there was Yin cause or reason. BTKIilCT CAK 8 I HIKi;, One Nan Hurl in Itelrolt IIiIh Morning. Ukthiiit, Mich., April 21. line hun dred and fifty conductors and drivers on the Consolidated sl-ict railroad have re fused to go to work. Some of the lines are completely tied up, while others are running veryirregularby under police protection. As the first car stal led mil this morning the crowd began to yell and jeer, and as the ear turned upon "the main track the strikers made a sudden rush. The first striker who mounted the plalform was seized by an allieer and placed under arrest. Iu the milee which followed Police Captain Ilurgor received a blow on the neck. Fifteen minutes later another ear with four patrolmen on the platlonu moved out and the crowd made no demonstra tion except to shout and jeer. UlSttATIMFIICIt IOIIM.OVI . ateriouH Act of DeHlructlou hi Hie Kentucky Union. Cincinnati, April 21. The discontent of the Kentucky Union employes who have, it is said, been unable to get their pay for some time, has culminated in a serious act of destruction. The unpaid employes of the road and many mountaineers in Breathitt county who have never been paid for their lini lier have wrecked the entire road in that county for a distance of 2" miles. Bridges were burned and culverts de stroyed. The road will be iiionled for weeks and the cost of rcpairiii" tile dam age will mumml to fully $0(1,000. A "JKNI HU. I.Ot klll r, I nion Men 1UI Nut Like the Non union Men. Pittsiii ro, April 21 A general lock- nut of sloneinasons was begun in Pitts burg and Allegheny this morning by the Master Masons' association. The trouble arose over a dispute of hod earners nt work on the Providence mission church in Allegheny City over noil-union men. The action of the master masons may result in precipitating a lockout of all the nieii engaged in the building trade. It is probable the men will retaliate by beginning their big strike for an eight hour day ten days ahead of the time. Another Texan Cyclone. PiTTSiifRC, Texas, April 21. A severe cyclone cut a wide swath through this place early yesterday morning com pletely destroying two residences and badly damaging half a dozen others. Mrs. I'owell was tatally niiured and her daughter, Mrs. Ibirni, was severely hurt. TO KVDISl. Perhaps the reason Italy cooled down so suddenly is to Ik' found In the fact that Tom Heed is in that country, and Hum bert didn't care to run up against him. (Juiucy Whig. If Italy wants indemnity Secretary Blaine could make a palpable hit by giv ing King llumlicrt all the hand organs and "monks" iu the I'nited States. Sioux City Tribune. Is Rudini nware that Secretary Illaine has the gout and Attorney General Mil ler is carrying a big, throbbing boil under his left arm ? This is a ticklish country to fool with just now. Minneapolis Tribune. Italy tuny bluster nnd refuse to tnke part in the Chicago Columbian fair, but her troubadours will he there all the sn me playing "McGinly," "Annie Rooney" and oilier rare antiques. Cincinnati F,n quirer. What a dark and deep anil deadly re venge upon the United Slates the Ital ian government could wreak by catch ing our erstwhile Czar Reed and setting him to pounding stone in the streets of Rome!--Savanimh News. CHAMIIICM CONCKKT. 11 will be Olvcu at Oakland HeiKlitM Hauatorluiu. The chamber concert to lie given to night at the Oakland llcightssanatorium promises to be n most enjoyable affair 1 tic program will be made up of vocal and instrumental selections, rendered bv 1 1... o... 1 1 , . 1111: uacuiicusoun male quartette and Philharmonic string quintette, assisted by Fraulein Ainelie Goertz, soprano. The Mendelssohn quartette iscom posed of 1). W. liissell, lsttcuor; G. K. Collins, 2d tenor; W. E.Collins, 1st bass; Herbert 1 rice, i;n nass. The Philharmonic quintette is com posed ol George R. Collins, 1st violin; V b. Collins, 2d violin; II. 0. Chandler, vioia; miss neien Collins, cello; Koy Den uisou, bass. An admission of 50 cents is to be charged. AN assistant, Why l'oHlman Hriininiter Is a lapi. Man. The long wet spell of the past winter has not borne more heavily 011 any of Ashcville's laborers than on the post men. One of the postmen, J. C. Ilenniiiger, the Adonis nf the force, has to tramp over a particularly long nnd tedious route. mil has a heavy mad. Recogniz ing this fact Mr. llenuingci has been al lowed an assistant. The assistant ar rived Sunday night in the shape of a bouncing bov, weighing about ten pounds Therefore it is that Postman Ilenniii ger is the happiest man in town. The assistant is, oi course, republican iu pol itics. A liOMD HOVE WCHt AHheville Wants to Ivmulale tlie Parent City. West Asheville is lient oil improving herself. At the meeting of the board of alder men of that town held last night, an election was ordered to lie held on June S, on the question of issuing $."i(l,(l0ll in bonds. Ol this sum $.'I;),IMI0 is for run ning a street railway throuuh the town and $1 "1,000 for improving the streets nun highways ol the place. 11 is conicmpi.-ucri to use the appro- it union to piirennse the construction bonds ol the Asheville Fast Line and Su burban railway. mo ki:waki. No New 14 From the Man Wlil Was Ho RccblesH Willi a liuu, Nothing further has been heard of the whereabouts of Oliver Sonicrs, who es caped from the mayor's office yesterday. Mr. Codnian, the gentleman who was shot by Sinners Satin (lav attcrnoon, is sull'ei ing little pain from his wound to day. Chief of Police llaird, bv instructions Irom Acting Mayor Miller, has issued a reward of $1(10 for the apprehension ol Sinners. "Kip." Robert MeWade and his company, who play "Rip Van Winkle" al the Grand tonight, came in from Tennessee this afternoon. Of the company tlie Kansas City Times savs: "The olav. as conceived by Mr. MeWade, is full oi pa thos ami beauty. The sentiments are pure and Mr. MeWnde's artistic concep tion of the remorsclul vagrant f tlie Catskills is strikingly original and emi nently pleasing. I he company in sup port is more than fair. The scolding wife and loving Slenic are ailiuii ablv acted." KcNumed IliiHineHH. Nasmvm.i.k, April 21. The Fanners' and merchants' bank in this city resinned business cslcrdav. The bank has abiin- lance of money to meet all claims that may be presented. No large depositors have withdrawn their money. This bank breaks the record, being the Iitst national bank thai ever resumed iltei having passed into the hands of a After the He nliitionlHlN. London, April 21. The Valparaiso correspondent of the Times says the Chilian men-of-war Imperial, Lynch and Condell, all of .vhich arc supplied with torpedo catchers, are starting for the north under orders to attack the revolu tionary squadron. No Manlier to the I'eac-e. Iti !KUN, April 21. The Post today savs assurance is given in the most au thoritative quarter that (hocc is less than ever endangered and that the re lations of Germany and Russia are now more friendly than for a long time. 77B .7:HrS .V A'OA'77 C'.-l ROUSA. The inter-state exposition nt Raleigh will lie held in a building 1,20 feet long. Fire in the dry goods house of II. Barueh, Charlotte, did $1,"i0(I worth of damage. H. M. Paul, wile and nine children, ar rived from Maine last Friday night. Mr. Paul is the purchaser ol ohn Hcacock's (arm. Highlands Star. A man of the name of Bill Sitton has been arrested at Knoiville, charged with murder. He is wanted at Cherokee, N. C, where it is alleged he killed a negro. Thirteen men, all colored except two. ure under indictment by the grand jury of the Mecklenburg crimi ml court for in citing or leading in the mobbing affair at the county jail last Sunday night week. At Chattooga Ford, on March 2!lth, Baxter Ridley nnd Will Winchester, two boys, quarreled over a pocket knife. Il resulted in a fight in which Baxter hit Will on the head and breast, knocking him senseless. Baxter then lied. The Winchester hoy now lies nt the point of death. Highlands btnr. The Charlotte Chronicle learns that Mr. Fife proposes to have an annual gathering some time in the fall or winter of each year, lo be composed of minis ters, aundnv school teachers, and all per sons interested in the study of the Bible. Hc also proposes to secure some six or eight ol the foremost Bible students and teachers in the t'nilcd States to di rect and lead in the studies, and to de liver addresses on various subjects of in terest In connection with the Bible. Mr. Fife proposes to bear the extienses ol these assemblies himself, and all the ex ercises will Ik free andocn to all. A HORRIBLE BUTCHERY. THIJ WORK OK NATIVES IN THK H MIIi;RI,AM)S. Twenty or Thirty Men, Armed Willi KllleH, ito Into a Tan Hark Camp From Which They Had Keen ItiNchariced 'and Kill Six Neif-roeH. Ciia ttanihiga, Tciui,, April 2 1 . A re port comes here from Koekwood, seven ty-six miles from Chattanooga, on the Cincinnati Southern road, that twenty- live miles from that place last Sunday a parly ol native mountaineers rode into the tan bark camp situated in the Cum lieiland mountains and without warning shot and skilled six negroes and wounded ten mountaineers. It is said they had been discharged for incompetency and took this method of revenge. Two of the wounded negroes reached Rock wood and took the train for Chattanooga, The trainmen report them as having boarded the traiu, but they cannot be found iu the city ; proba bly alighting iu some ol the" suburbs. The party who spoke lo them states thev asserted that the crowd numbered twenty or thirty and used nlles. ANOTIIKK III:AI. Hoarding House Luxuries Make I'arlakerM Hick. Loiisvn.i.i:, Ky April 21. -Another victim ol poison in food nt the wedding feast at Lindon, Kv., has been added to I he list. V. I). Snooks, father of the groom, died at his home at Iimiiienceyes teiday Win. Terry, at Anchorage, is ex wcted to die. Another poisoning is todav added to that of the wedding. Al tlie boarding house of J. C. lanes here yesterday, ice cream and strawberries were served. This morning Mrs Janes, Mrs. Lena lanes, Monroe Janes, Lafayette Janes, J. V. Davis, ol Pailucah, Russell Jones, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Ilaglcy, and Mr. and Mrs. line hhepiieril were all taken sick. Da vis was very seriously alleeleil for some hours. All are now belter. MI ST I.EAVIiT All the Jews In HI. I'eterHhuru Ordered lo io. Yiknna, April 21. A Jewish lawyer of St. Petersburg writes to a friend here that all Jews residing in St. Petersburg have been ordered to leave thai cilv bv May 3. " " This means, the lawyer adds, the ruin of many Jews, ultho'ugh they will be permitted to reside in provinces iu the east and south. Htock UuotatioiiN. Ni:w Yukk, April ill. ICrie una; Lake Shore 10!U; clneiiKo nnd NorOiwi-tm-rn 1 Norlnlk iiml Western fi.H: Richmond anil Wel Point Terminal 18; Western I nion Ilnltiiuore IrieeN. nM.TIMoHK, April LM -Flour, fairlv active and iiiichaiiKi il. Wheat sum hem, nominal! v stronger; l-'ultz, $i.h,ii ax; Lenislierry, $1. 2aiat. 'J l; western, seitlcil and en.j; No - winter red sput anil April, tl.lia'jmi.aa11,; May, $l.l."Ji.aiiskefl. Corn southern, easier; white, h..c; yellow, MiU'aSTc; western cusv. New York Market. Nsw Yokk, April 21 Storks, rpiiet hut stiiiily. Mune.v. easv at 3.'(i.j: Kiehnne, long, .H5 1 ,(ii I- ,S5 1 j; short, t .M iM ssi -j, tale h nils. w-Khclcil; Kovernn.ent bonds, ilith tint slenily. Cotton, easv suit s, i:a; hall's; I plaints, s:,e; Orleans 0 I. VI tie; ililiires opened uml closed sleuilv nnd nt a Ill-line; April. M.ItH; Ma-., "s.4.5; lime. r.:t; July, 8 fit; August, x.7o; Scptrmhcr, s.71'. l-'liair active an. I strong. Wheat -active hut u . -ilk Corn-active nnd irregu lar. Fork ijuict lint steady, nt $iv.nuu 1-l- on. l.aril--ipiit t hut stemlv, $7.1li I'int Tui (leutiuc ipiiet hut hrm, nt .'I'.li.. In toe. Kusiii quiet hut 1.7uuil.7.V l-icn;l)U--sle.'id.v. T;;i! .s'jcii.i'ii picture nl' Ashrvillc for ; m moiiiis' stuhscriiniun to "The Citi zen." See ailnrlisvmciu. .W'V'.WA'.s- (' COXSIiyCliXCli. I'OklMON. The British government is preparing a bill lo give Ireland local govei anient under a scheme of couiitvcouiicils similar in structure lo the Ltitjish county coun cils. A society ol prominent Indies in Lon don are aiming to introduce a new dress cniphinnlinn lor women, which consists of short skirts, a dually of undcrdress and shortness of upper drapery. The St. James Gazette, of Loudon, qiinting statistics, states that Italians arc eit;ht times more murderous than other I'.iiropeane; that in Italy ten iier sons are 'tried every day for murder and eight are convicted while a host of homi cides are never recorded. Socialist purity vigilauts are shadow ing members of the British parliament who arc suspected of immoral conduct for the purpose of exposing them pub licly, and as a result two members ol the house of commons will Ik' brought to trial for alleged serious offenses. HIIMB. Mr. James MeCreery, formerly of Balti more, has purchased the site o"t Booth's theatre, New York, for $1,000,000. Iliphthcrin, grip and measles have car ried off two hundred children in a radius of twenty miles ol Reading, Pa., within a a short time. Uneasiness is caused nt the treasury department iu Washington on account of the heavy cxendittires nnd low re ceipts, with resulting possibilities of the disappearance of the surplus. The largest mail ever sent at one time from the I'nited States to South Ameri can ports was delivered on board the steamship France, nt Newport News, Va last sailing day. There were three and three-quarter tons of matter. The mails are known to be mi infallible index ol the state of trade. uu April in, iniu, me oixtu Massa chusetts regiment in passing through Baltimore on its way to Washington in response to the call ol President Lincoln created a rot. Saturday the survivors of the Sixth Massachusetts came to Bal timore to pay a friendly visit and were welcomed with heartiness. Secretary Foster says the proposed changes in the system of transportation through the United States of goods shio- ped over Canadian roads under consular seals will be made siniplv to protect American revenues. The department will treat these goods precisely ns though they were entered nt an American port and destined for inland custom houses. The system of consular scaling of ;ars win ue aiioiisneu. Wo have the largest sup ply of CARRIAGE SPONGES in the city, and they are bo in; sold at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES, Sjioti",v.s that usually retail for 25 and 35 cents, we can sell for 10 and 15 cents, and make a reasonable profit. Call and examine for your self. ( J U A N T S I 1 J A I LM AC Y. KKPHALINE will relieve neuralgia, head ache, or toothache. 25 cent a bottle at Grant's Pharmacy. The finest ami most comnlcte xf.trt n. Colognes, Toilet Waters, Extracts, 1'ace i uwuers uml high grade Soups at OK AST S PHARMACY. Prescriptions filled at all hours. Goods delivered tree ol charge to any part oi tliecitv. CHANTS PHARMACY. If yon want a handsome pair of cut vluss ltottlcs call at GRANTS PIIAR. MACY. Unities ranging in price from One to I'ilieea dollars per pair. 11 you want a first-class Hair Brush lor a small amount of money, GRANT'S I'll A RMAC Y is the place to go to get it. A II kinds of Tooth lit ushes, Bath Brushes, Hath Gloves, Sponges, etc. When your Prt .1 -riurior.' a. . .- pounded at GRANT 5 PIIARMAt V you can positively depend upon it t.'iat on'.y the purest and Orugs and Chemi cals have been wed that th-y were compounded by tl 1 orjghlv tunii f Pharmacists and :':t: t: vvas not unreasonable. 24 Soutli Slain St J. M, CAMPBELL D HA LER IN REAL, ESTATE AM) A (J EXT FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. j?OK SM.I5 I have for sale for n fewr ilv nnlv r,. f the must complete coltaKes 'of x rooms in Ashevilli'. All modern convenience,!. rU'ht n,nr licet cur line. M list he srilil nt i.i $ t,XOO. Apply to J. M. CAMFUULI.. Reautifut lot on f.rove street. 7r.500 will. lursc oak shade trees, must no. Apply to J. M. CAMI'Illil.U. Six room house corner Snrnee nnd Wnml. tin lor sale low. Also lot 70x105. Location splendid. Have for sale in or 12 lots of an ion s more or less each, Xty miles of court house nt f.-.O per nere. nnd within one mile of pro posed street railway. The tiinher on the laud is worth price asked. Apply at once, l enns easy, to suit purchaser. Parties run Kcl viiouuh lire wood oft" the land to puv lor it within one year J. M. CAMPIIKLI.. For sale (i.r lots near Vnnderhiirs .kui. from $11111 to $500 each. Apply to J. M. CAMPulil.L. JV1K HUNT. Furnished house of 0 rooms, elrt.nnt nei,s. horhood. Fossession niven ahout Mae 1st. JOHN M. CAMI'BBI.l.. House of 8 rooms on I.iltertv str,.. t:,.nA Rarden, water in yard, $JO per month. CHINA. In I) imcr and Toilet Ware -VB OFFER- SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS NOW, IN LOW PRICED GOODS, SUITABLE FOR FURNISHING COTTAGES. A good dinner set 100 piccei, a neut decoration on good ware f 8.00 A splendid set 103 pieces, a very good decoration 12.80 Carlsbad china dinner sets, rich deco rations on fine shapes, worth $30. 23.00 Toilet Sets complete in good decora- t'"i 8.40 Toilet set, with slop Jar, decorated In color and gold on Adamantchina, the best set for the money, ice It.. 4.05 The largest stock China and Glass cutlery silver and plattd ware and navcltlca and we claim the lowest prices alwavs. 0 e J. II. LAW, Nos. 57, 59 and 61 S. Main St.

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