aaYiaalaaH.iiaMitjallTaMii.iarBaM mal ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : "WEDNESDAY EVENING, MA Y 61891. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. Bj RANDOLPH-KERR PRINTING CO. CTn Duly Cm, Democratic, I. published every ilUmoi (except Sunday) at the fol lowtng ntmttricttf caaa : 1S.00 V" 1 a ftn Sil Month f g THIII liOHTUI.. ' Ohb Month J" On Wasa 10 ' WEDNESDAY. MAY 6. 1891. It's Tonsli on Blaine When secretarr Blaine rets into tate o' mind about the Behrine sea aeal. he always falls back on the statement that our jurisdiction in that chilly neighbor hood is precisely what Russia's v as, ana that hers was jurisdiction over a large area in Behrine sea outside the three- mile limit. That has alwavs been one of secretary Blaine's strongest points. We bought all the title that Russia Baa in Behrine sea and she claimed, and the na tions did not deny her claim, all that we do now. But this chain of title is clouded, tolsay the least, by an extraordinary article that Haiuer's Weekly has had translated from the St. Petersburg Journal, which is described as the semi-official organ of the Russian foreign office. The Journal snvs Russia never had nor ver seriously claimed an exclusive jurisdiction oyer Bebring sea, beyond the three mile limit. "The ukase of 1821 vtas practically withdrawn in 1924, and had been aban doned before that time, and was again disclaimed in 1826; it was never in tended seriously and had never been so taken by Russia or England." The Journal adds: "At the time of the sale of Alaska to the United States the Russian privileges for exclusive fishing in Behring sea, a .,,u, th lrne nf 1S21. had long ago been abandoned and passed out f ;... Th United States, there fore, has no justification for basing its Behring sea claims on the alleged posses- ixf riirht. hv RllfUtifl &t the time IUU Mi W"V. J of the transfer of Alaska, for we did not at that time possess any ngnts or privi leges of this character." This of course is not official, but that England will make it so in some, form is almost certain. When it comes to her claims in foreign territory Queen Victoria is very wide awake daily. Al.L persons of northern birth now residing in North Carolina who are in terested in the development of the re sources of the state have been called to assemble in convention in the city of Raleigh on the 27th day of May, to take such steps as may be thought advisable toward co-operating with the southern inter-state immigration bureau in calling a convention of all the settlers in the southern states. Much of the present or Indiana or one of these two in addition to Connecticut and West Vir ginia. If perchance the tigm in io should center in tne uuuuuu. republicans would thus have many more obstacles to overcome than if the demo cratic Legislature in Mienigan nau pi tamuered with the method ol choosing electors. LIFE IN NORTH CAROLISA. r c....A. nrinHitnrm unroofed a WU v. portion of the large railroad shed at Weldon, and two men narrowly escaped with their lives. i m unffM,an former business North Carolina Intelli- eencer, of Raleigh, has become associate editor ol tne Winston wnj ..v..... i :a. TavW. of Wake Forest rii . A ,,tir from Mr. Host- wick, ot New vonc, mai iu ju..v , will send the college $io,uuu ror m uu, tional endowment tuna fim in the nine forests Sunday endangered lor many dours inc iu,u u ijd n u mh "vi r rnmi i v . nu iv avs pie turned out and fought the fire. Only one huiifling was euro. Tk.u mnmMt nu foot, and it has gained considerable progress among the Odd Fellows ot the state, to estab lish an orphanage for the children of de ceased meniDers oi tne urucr. A party of men in Currituck county :n... ..n.. ,.,... ,fi4 to arrest lames L. ,t " i......j ,..Lr. innlanrl wasshot and killed by Chas. Burgess, leader of the mob. The crime nas tnrown i m .r. . in,n n atfltf of intense cx- 01 llic tuuuv.T in." citement and anger. Burgess and his mob have tied to tne swampa. i'k.n;l' On Saturday the governor, upon application of State hen- n . , t . 1 .11 lln ator uavis, oi navwouu, viw. .,i.,rH who was sentenced nas wsii . . (nr three vears anon a charge of larceny. The pardon w.-is granted upon tne grunu mi . trial evidence had come to light showing the innocence ol Rogers. A special to the Chronicle from Max- :.. 1 1.. .A n,,t that nIH mittl ton snvs n u !"" , Conoly. who was recently called from . n;hi and murdered in the most brutal manner, was shot by his i,..- M A Mi'Ilniirnl. a oromi- nent merchant of Laiirinhurg. Conolv had his life insured tor S5.UHU m Dougal's favor and on the fatal night the latter was seen going to his uncle s house disguised with a coat of lamp black anil false side whiskers. CONTEMPORARY CWN. f r tUm tt'llniminn KtAr! It IS & JtlAA .t;nincr nf inatin when B DOT usvium ""'""ft r i i . A t Ofelcten years is neia in h uuuu inn aJ f n lutl hern use he csitldn t f luvi auu ovu j' - - " , give it, for the crime of stealing a pigeon But that's what a Wake county justice of the peace did last week. The pigeon, . ... 1.1.... U if worth anytning, was pnummv u, ten or fifteen cents, i nis may nave ucu . KoH Knv and he mav have had an uncontrollable inclination ti go fr other peoples pigeons, and tnere fore the Squire may have jiuiged him on general principles, but it seems to us that the Squire wno woum khu boy of eleven vears to jail for stealing a pigeon has certainly too strict a concep tion of justice for this age of enlighten ment and woum serve wuiiii i...;. Kt,.f l,v rrtirimT from office and letting somebody else run his ju tice mill. f ,k.t hn mtnif a w no p wut'on TtfWBl and was tried before that Squirt he would probahly senn nun to uic ikui tentiary for 400 years. vv;in.;tnn Mrsscnifer: There are oeo pie in every county in N'Tth Carolina wrhaps who nave uscn uniiiccu nmy i,.,vlio,t mid down to eighty r ., r. So mi- of the hnlest. most Hill- - - vigorous old men we have known, were tobacco users. I ne excess as prm-ni-cu bvmanv. of course, is in jurious. Excess '. .,,. luirts. F.-iiiii" too much kills its tens of thousands. Too much water even is injurious. The Popular Cocoa of Europe. Th Coming One of America. ; rtHB. SOLUBLE CltSAP. ! Richi Digestible. Stimu- lating. Nourishing. Havinp a oeculiarly delic ious flavor a food and drink combined at a half cent a cup and Jit for a prince. POWDER Absolutely Pure. . t . -r hitklno' n.twilri'. Hih est of all in lenvming stcnKthi- l.nt' t I' s. r. ivertimfnt mhhi nci'im i'- Mrs. Laura Hart, Beaulort, S. C, "4 lonthaome form of blood poison' was killing. My appetite was lost, mv bones ached, and part of my a u .. If i, wonlil rnme oft mv lltrsii awiw"i " - bones. A friend brought me a bottle ot dud Th mm hrimn healiiiL' at once, and when 1 had taken two bottles 1 surprised my ti tends at my rapi-i covery. Kill tne proofResder. Prom thr Charlotte Chronicle. On Sunday Mayor and Mrs. McDowell denied a number of visiting newspaper uuuiu ...... men, who are in tne city, writing m prosperity of North Carolina is due to naf of tlie 4 for their respect m tne enterpnic 01 nurvuci 11 uitu papciB. settled here since the war, and the fact fmosi f.i IXIR. that they are active in the work of bring- " ' ' ' . . .j..-j ..-t. t .1,. i;nn Pleasanl, Ktenant. Reliable. of immigrants shows that they are satis- . ' fied with their new homes. por fc'vf chiH and malaria, take United States Consul Ja Ew.no ' a1li nephew of Secretary James G. Blaine, at itatil)n J tK ncarti tI,kc ,,mon Klixir. the board of trade banquet at Vancou- por indigestion and foul stomach take ver, B. C, on Thursday night refused to Lemon blixir. ... , join in drinking to the toast "Her Ma- Jirall sick and nervousheadachesta-e jesty, the Queen." He said that, as an jies. 'f?,r natural and thorough or- official representative of the United ganjc regulation, take Lemon Elixir. States, he acknowledged no right of the Dr. Mozlev's Lemon Elixir will not Britishsovereignto tbiscourtesv Ewing is a new kind of ass. He evidently has a (,iseased ijveri stomach, kidneys or notion that a toast to a queen is a sort boWeiB. of oath of alleigance. Anyway, he's bad Prepared only by Dr. Mozi.RY, Atlanta, mannered and the Vancouverite, would Ga.. 50c and $1.00 per bottle, at drug- best cut him off their invitation list. s'9ts' LF!)IoN HOT drop. ... . . . - r..,j. oil fnnuhs Colds. Hoarseness. c:zr Tht: r inai inr and all throat and lung oiseases. i.iv . UHA nil lu.M U.,t At of till. . C-1.1. state, and none put into the city papers. 25 cents at druggists. Prepared only . u.. n- it V4ot1.v Atlanta. (,a. And the Chronicle is right. A home pa- V- ' per, run by enterprising men, and pat- ' ronized by enterprising people, in order Many i'wsojis re hmken that it may be a credit te the place, is overwork or housvhuld curi .... i-i I ll.nl Im ItittOTH Prhiill,1 th the Dest advertisement a town can bc iu jiunu --;.-- ,, .t . . . . aystem, Ms dhrestiun, remorn excess of bile, out. When a city has patronized and deure. auditi Get the genuine. built np its own papers so that they are a credit to it, then it can afford to go I nxiNTiNG and kalsominino. outside and advertise, and not before. ,n thc bMt ttT,e of art allo roof paintin (ire proof guarntetd. Pleaee leavt orders What did the Wilmington Star mean with ft bpp by the first head on the telegram from L Asbeville announcing that the appropri- E. COFFIN, ation had carried, and the whole demo- ATT PTT C) TM P R craiK u miwu . .. - i - drop your h's, esteemed contemporary, I rbxl estate agent and loan broker do so when it cannot De construea into I No 82 patton Avenue (3nd doorl Boom a reflection on anybody, particularly no. 4. Asheville. I rf . t , o(8ce whm you call, write name I and residence oo slate, and I will visit yo. I Refer to J. H. Steele, manager ui nctvt, j l rarlt tiotei.or mnj dd iu VanHouteh's1 Cocoa "BEST&60ES FARTHEST" VAN HOUTF.VS COCOA Cnee tried, .lw.il n.d' iTnted and n.t.ut.d Had I. aue In Holland. H Is acknoledKd by the mit eminoat dootow and nljta that by the .peelal ro-1 mrnlVAK Houthn s Co. nA h naderaone. tha lolubllUy of he eah-fcralna; J conXUnanla I. Iiifrfaicd Hfty pr( I Nat., whil. th whole of the ftbrea are .oftned and tndrd mora polaUble and Jietibl. T.nrno.H.le i the world. A . ..... U .mnH luIlM BO Other. W !() i An ii i . - - y WE OFFER At our b(H-gaitiriniitr'r8,"off st.yW of Hats. Caps,&c, at "SlaiiRlitor pviccH." Now your cluiiK-e. A tine linn of Straw Ilatw, very latent sty leu, junt open ed, and goiiiR' fast, ('all and wee us. Weaver & Myej-s, "THE SHOE STORE," No. 39 Patton Avenue. High ClaHH, Ready Made Mens', Youths' and Boys' nothing, Triees positively fascinating. Thestyles nbsolutely correct. The workmanship by master hands. Should your purchase be unsatisfactory, return the goods, and your money will be refunded. ONE PRICE TO ALL, NO FAVORITES. E. IS. 1VARNUM & CO. Fine Clothiers, Hatters and Cents' Furnishers, NO. 8 COURT 8QVAHK. FAI.K S I sir HOUSE. 35 N. Main Street, ASHEVILLE, N. C. l-Ot'RT SU' AKK. SPAKTANHURC, S. C Q H M V V u & S pe s E a 3 0 X 1800 FURNITURE 1801 Wiilmit, Oak, Cherry, Syc aniore. Ash and Elm suits, without number; our 10th centurv oiik can't be beat, either quality or pi ice. We also have one of the best upholsterers in tin-country, and will give our special attention to that line of busi ness. Undertaking promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed at j Patton Avenue. BLAIR & BROWN. as . a a f s - - i M'I-.-tTi VlveanilahalfveBrsaRoI .tnrtfd In thr The ,..lef A""''"n ieatrrn Norih Carolina hnvc- lievn kind to , .l I ih to luukc eratclul niknow re ,i"y- 1 "ci"ir j....... ............. - , fairer ir.-m men! than I would Ktt ncti nt merely in that wuv Hence I -tiirled out ln Je,nilent t.. give the very Heat in.lrornenta for the money they hnil puiil prevli.ualt fm their inntruunntH. K..r a eontinunnee of the hiatorv of thi Aahevillc Muaie Houm' ee the Cltnen ol a lew riiiva Inter Meanwhile eome ami aee my -itoik and net price", nt North Main Street, C. FALK. j. P. SAWYER. rF.l..T. OTIS M. COXB. VlCK-FaM. . B. CAPITAL $100,000.00. ORCANIZHD MARCH 8, Battery Park Bank. T,nn.,ctae.neral hankinK l.u.ine.. fommerelal paper rti.eoni.ttd. Loan, mad SAFE DEPOSIT. Rent Boxen In It Fire Proof Vault, at Reasonable Rate.. Solicit. ..count, of ln.livido.al.. hank., hanker., nm,. and corporation.. DIRECTORS. T 8. MoloN, K. 1.. I'.KAHAW, . T. KAW1, , s. row xi.i., TRY THE STEAM LAUNDRY 17 Patton Avenue. K. H. BRITT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUI'.DER. Al.o trrailinK of all kind. done. All order, promptly filled and work guaranteed. Can he found at all time, at C.raham'. Cotton Paetorv. anr19dtt JAMHf) FRANK, nilAI.KK IN FAMILY 6B0CER1ES AND PROVISIONS Anent for Reem Creek Woolen Mills. North Main A.heville. N. C. VI. in 11 r G. II. MAYER CONSULTING : OPTICIAN 6i South Main St. i (l.HW' China Hall. I SEE FOR YOURSELF om NEW LINK ICE! ICE! ICE! Mot a Safe Precedent. The death of Mr. John B. Cough, widow of the great temperance lecturer, brings out the fact tbat at the time she received his proposal of marriage, most of her own friends and some ol his ad- . , , ,... Trlp idherstronclT against accepting it, I W1HU tO aDUOUIH 6 to tne as grave doubts were entertained as tol , T mi v 4- his ability permanently to overcome his public that 1 Will be ready to drinking Bamts. one was a acnooii , , teacher at the time, accomplished ad deliver ice 1T1 any quantity D.V well sitnatea. uut sne iook ine ns, and Gough afterward declared that h Uay Jgt. Don t make 0011 was the malting of him. electoral vote tracts or buy tiokets unti tompnc-ti.n. Ari.mK iron, me you see my prieeH. I will not NewMlchlxanLsw. . j.ij Mrs. Burgwyn MaUland's HOME AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, No. French Broad Avenue. Thnronrh in.truction In Bniili.h. French and Latin. Al.o Music and other aecom- pli.hment.. Special attention given to the training of little girls. necB dtv WO NOT FORGET That the vnlue o! spc'ctncli' detend n thc skill of the optician. Have jour eye. cum ined free of chnrKC suli.lactl'.n giiarantceil Field (ilaHHen, Tele.copew, Opera lae. M lcrocope. Hnv OlaiMeH, ManninerH, ReadlnK iilaCH, Compaiie, nrawlng Hell. iedonietera. All kind, o' cie tilic Inatrument.. V. H. McBRK. I B. BO.TIC. F. a. Cms. O. M. Coia, T. W. PAWoa, H. T. COI.LINt, F. R. rv. W. H. fUl.i.ieo. UIW Tli.NIJ RAt'KKTfl Fron- $l.(Mlto St.'.'r.; neti., pnlrl.ete. A treau tilul line Cro(iictie. Huc hnll. and Bat. H)ur new line HURO S CELEBRATED STATIONERY ' St.-iplc nnd lancv- ur V.'. cent l ountnin l'rn is Klun riuhl ahmit-l'l "tv left. Our new Souvenir of Aahevillc. "''I' nt- We ahull close the Imlnii'f r i ictionnry llold.ru nt nu, 'I'h J. N. Morgan & Co., millKSKI.LRKS ANI STATION KKS, j Iulllc Hquar-. THE"HICKORYINN," HICKORY. N. C. THE "GEM" HOTEL OF THE SOUTH. Asheville Carriage and Wagon Repository. T. S. MORRISON, (Sucee.or to B. F.Hine..) College Street, Rear of Grain! Central Hotel. HEADQUARTERS FOU R. L. (SRAIIAM. Prop. Prom the Springfield (Man.) Republican. Michigan' new method of choo.int; presidential elector by congressional dis- cult for the republicans to secsre a ma- The CltlzeilH IcesitlU toal O. iority in the next electoral college, beven apri'Oltf of the fourteen electors would be secured by thc democrat!, even should -the state vote as in 1888. This will make it neces sary for the republicans to carry one or two mors . doubtful states to ' Win than they otherwise would have to carry, -:ll nna frnm rh fnllnwinir eati- niate based on the new apportionment: Whole tmtnber of electors, Kaceaaarv to a choice, 22 Ot which to-called republican start;. iBdudtag alt Michigan, " Democratic atates tlv 163 Doabtful atates give 63 Of the so-called doubtful states, Mew v..tM.ht HA kctorial votes. Indiana 15 West Viruinia sis and Connect!- cut sii. It will thw. bt teen that with all the MichiKau votes, the other I'ltdrci': S vzi ' -at. I, Vita r, ' , ,1 .(m mi aa nsnal. I m a. .u rm . wrrATtW 1 reublicau. wourd ne only. Wert W Virginia t ContUeOAt to carrjr them I For aa osdrat' 1 IIKIUI. W. ' . f , in. But lomng seven votes in Michigan they would have only 211 yotes, and must therefore carry either New York SO SMik Mala at. THE CELEBRATED OLDS FARM W'GONS FULLY GUARANTEED. Price From 10 to'ao per cent. Below Any Competition. The Bwslne Will be Conducted by H. . Child. T. S. MORRISON, NO. 50 N. MAIN ST. unAE,n,H an GENERAL MERCHANDISE, FLOUR, BACON, SALT, HAY, CORN AND FEED STUFF, FERTILIZER AND PLASTER. if o mv Friend, and Coatomera: . ...j,,. -..u I have recent y purchased the .tocx or B. Baira tat ene 010 and am prepared tiolter yon bargain. In Boot, and Shoe., Hat., Clothing. Drv Good. and Notion., oraeenea, nacon rionr ana ran. i ne nt.. m u v,"""rr th i"r'..?-,:".',rjr,;"t.. ;'..rr..r- .v.v, Th where to. wiu-i-ar. nni r.ii .-oow of Bacon. Floor. Halt. Httv. Corn and feed .toff Fertilier and Plater. I have moved my private offlce into the .tore at 89 North Main Street. Your., Btc. T. S. MORRISON. Down to a fine point that's where the making of corsets has been brought to. Kabo for the "bones" it can't break or kink. Loops of corset lace in stead of metal eyelets they can't rust or cut the laces. The Ball Corset for ease and comfort; the Kabo Cor- set for unyielding strength. Each is the best of it s kind If you don't think so, after wearinsr for two or three weeks, return it to us ami get your money back. F. P. Bliuiuaugh. ' FOR LADIES' S HOES AlmFoM Try aa bottl. aad yen will ms ata Mhar FolUh fat? your aha.. 'vadySJhtatBras. alaa vr award ada llmar M adal. a 9 'A 8 to m m - 3 ; y a BP A erage Winter Temperature, 52 Degree. The Hotel is handsomely furnished throughout, lias l.M-tri,. LitrhtH. (las, Hot nnd Cold Water Baths, and all the conveniences of a modem home. For terms, ete., ad- ress FRANK LOUGHRAN, Owner and Proprietor. WOODBURY'S LIVERY, PEED AND SALE STABLES. CoUckc tret,:Rertof Court; Hou-e. Telephone No. 1. " fl 1 sr 1.k - T ' H I ,-' "'c -'"''V LI I806s '5i-.-?.- marsodeodtm we mojn ZED VANCE' will get there. We bet on OW Zeb a. being the bert Floor la towa. We have Jnet recdv ed a frert Wt of . , KED AND BOTTLE PICKLES Come and ftve them a trial, at IIARE BROTHERS, 17 South Main Street, i"SJt-.-H, i- landau, corl, Brett.. fffSS Phietou, . Cart, Surrey, to--tl. Rckawa. Iln, lt Coupe. Comh.natl.Ht En.U.h T C.rt: B.ten.loa Top CarHne. Ba,e.lo r . ... o.rk wavnaette. Partv Wagon.. -l op Phictoa, Village -an, ""-. Fonr Pa.M!er Backboard. paddle Hone a Specialty. Driver.. FullLUery. OTBAIISS EUROPEAN lIOTEt AND RETAURAyTi "" """" .u auu.ru SrCM M D1Y ROOMS ALL HEWLf f URNIIHEO. " Ai.o. table, -arder. can be comodaed. c2k.f ."oetct tice .br Home Pa Balt, etc. .,.;. - tri1" jiy celebrated Philadelphia rrtea Mrnau them. Aa. prond to say I Mv ths Attest. J!? Are well know. ."SSr. hVrT.nl to 8 mln.te., sack a.h. game,, Oyief Kane in AWI, -pd .tttotiT. waller.. Plead to serve all. tapeatfaUy. on the HaM Shall.. ouw . - dec 4 417