ASHEVIIXi; pAILY CITIZEN; WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 6, 1891. Advertising H la Mid will Mil anything, this It kn la a measura; bat (or staying analitiea,- merit U the test. Kxteaaiva advertising mny tell anything where Ik is new or unknown, but after It mmm Into general uae, It la judfroa awarding tolia worth. The continue! tmi atewiT rrawth of Swiffi SpoeiOa ESS b) tHa beat evidence of iti ezoellenea. It la moat popular where It la beat bawwB. Every bottle aold, sella tea 4a en. Every one that takes It be wan Its friend, aad reoommenda H t their aoquatntanees. Treatise oa Blood sad Skin IMaeaasa sailed free. wirr SraxoFM C., Atlanta, Oa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. H. REEVES, D. D. 8. DENTAL OFFICE la ConaaQy Banding, ocr Redwood'. Store, Pattern Avenue. Residence, tS Spruce street. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General i Insurance : Agent. Rear No. 30 South Main street. tt.tabll.hed 186S. A.hcvilte. N. C. auS dlv 34Years Expcrlence-34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER PromptneM fnturaoteed. Office No. 3, tec nad floor, Hendrv block, directly over poit office. Eeatdence No 93 Bailey street. J." RAMSAY, D. D. 8. Dental Office i Over the National Bank of Asheville, Bar nard Building. Residence, 69 Charlotte at. fcbandlT EfTrei IN8URB WITH Lawrence Pulliam. MHee in National Bank of A.heville. Old t, Strongest and Beet Companies. I.oik pramptly met. A. TBNNBNT. Architect and Contractor. Plane, apedncatJon. and eatimatea fur alahad. An work in my line contracted for, and ao charge, for drawing on contract awarded m. Kentrence. when desired. Office: No. 12 Hendrv Block, North Court Aquarc. AaheTille, N. C" feblOdly A. H. COBB, STENOGRAPHER. McAfee Building, Patton Avenue. )uue7d8m Walter S. Cushmao, (Formerly of theMaanachusett. Bar,) ATTORNEV-AT'LAW, COMMISSIONKR .1" DBKPfl, AND NOTAKY Pl'BUC No. BO Patton Are.. McAfee block, room 4 A8HBVILI.E, N. C. IfiriALTIES: EMI PROrSETT M CO.WEV.JKIMJ. aprSSdtf Asheville Mattress) Factory Mattreaara Rmovatcd and Repaired. FURNITUAE REPAIRED, TJpholaterlng a specialty. A full line of tem ple to t-!ect from ALL WORK Gt'ARANTBHD Factory corner of Eagle end Vallcv Street.. Telephone 8. aprfld 1 in Mine. De l'leuree, LADIES' TAILOR AND DRESSMAKER, LATR OP WA8HI SOTOW, It. C., Ha. opened her dre.amaking parlnra at No. 54 South Main Strict, 2nd floor, aprlftdlm BSTABLI8HBD IBM. B. H. COSBY, (SuccrMor to C. Cowan.,' JEWELER 7 PATTON AVENUE, NBXT DOOR TO CfcAND CENTRAL HO TEL, ASHBV1LLK. N. C. septSdlv JESSE R. ST ARISES, UNDERTAKER: AND : EMBALMER. BVBRY REQUISITE- OF THB BI'BINimS FURNISH BD. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prompt Attention Given to Call, Day or Night. Office and residence No. 37 North Main 8treet. Telephone No. M. III A gnf.rsi.tecd Cpn for Piles of whatov klndor degree External, Internal, El':, or Bleeding, Itohiist,', Chronic, Recent c Hereditary, $ 1 fO n box) 6 boxes, $5.C0. Seat by mail, prpflid, on reeeipt of pr'n: We guarantee to tnn any oaso tjf I'll Guaranteed and sold enly by T. C. Smith ft Co., wholesale and retail draggtats. Public Square. AaheTille. THE. BEST KNOWN REMEDY. "1I.I..IL" IS lire. Uonorhnja an . CtWrnttnol GH lhya, without Pain, Pravnntg Stricture, . Contnlna nn aarld Or poisonous: srtbMimccs, anil Is gnaranteml absolutely harmless, proscribed by Dhvsielans. Heat 8r- 0 rtagefrM with each bottle. Price it said bjr dreawlttsi Pews ofanb aw 22 ' POVtA-wllV " 'I RAYSOR ft SMITH, MHEYIUE, N. C t A TALK WITH TILLMAN. WHAT HK MAYS ABOUT THE NEXT CAMPAIGN. He Thlnka the Isaacs) Will be Tar iff Reform, Free silver and r)tnte Control of Elections He Han no line for a Third Party and Doe. Not Relieve In the abTreaaar. Prom the Atlanta Journal. in response to a request tor an ex pression of his views an the third pitrty movement, Governor Tillman snirl : "This movement seems te have at tracted a great deal of attention through out the country, though, so far ns 1 know, very little notice has been given it in this state. It is true that some am big uoufl utterances of Col. Talbert.our state alliance lecturer, have been construed as declarations in favor of the third nnrtv scheme, but I don't believe anybody of influence here has come out squarely for it, or that 1 albert htmsell is in favor oht. "So far as I am concerned," continued the Governor, "and I believe I speak for the great body of thefarmers inthe State, I am a Democrat, pure and simple. 1 be lieve in fighting for reforms inside the party lines, but never outside of them, and I believe any attempt to organize a third party in this state or in the south would be an absolute failure. "So lot.g as the fear of negro domina tion hangs oyer ns we white people hire in South Carolina can never afford to split. That fear is always over us, like the sword of Damocles, to warn ns to fight ont our differences inside of party lines. To seek redress of grievances in a third party would be to wreck our whole political structure and bring upon us evils far worse than those we sought to escape. "It seems to me," added Governor Till man, " the independent movement in this State in the last campaign ought to show the futility of any movement outside the party ranks or of any npcal to the negro vote." "1 am convinced that the farmers of tins State are unalterably opposed to any and all third party schemes. So long as thev have negro rule and Federal interference staring them inthe face, t lie instinct of sell-preservation tells them to slick together and work oat their salva tion as Democrats and inside the ranks of the Democratic party. As to the cuuse of democratic success last fall. Governor Tillman said : "There were, it strikes me," he an swered, "three factors that contributed to that tidal wave the McKinley bill, the free coinage or financial issue and the force bill. And as tbey were the issues in the the last campaign, so they will be in the next. "In the south we are practically united on the three issues ol tariff reform, free silver and the retaining of state control of all elections, and those will be the is sues, in my view, in the next presidential campaign. "But," continued he, "the free coinage of silver is only one phase of the financial question. We want not only more silver, but more greenbacks, and I favor the di rect issue of greenbacks based on the government's credit. Speaking of the sub treasury bill, Gov ernor Tillman said: "I nm opposed to the measure, I wanl 'something better,' and that 'something better' I believe to be what I have al ready suggested the free coinage of sil ver combined with the issuance of green backs either on the government's own credit or on land. The sub-treasnrv bill violates the alliance doctrine of 'equal rights to all, special privileges to none.' I don't believe that two wrongs make a right, and because farmers have been sys tematically and outrageously imoosed on in tne past is no reason why they should demand class legislation for their own benefit now." Advice to Womeh If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR Cartuhsvillb, April , 18H8. This will certify that two member, of my Immediate family, after having Buffered for ran from menstrual Irregularity, being treatd withuut benefit by physician., were at length oompletoly cured by one bottle of Bradfleld's female Regulator. lu effect l truly wonderful. X w. Htrahos. Book to WOMAN " mailed FREK, which contain, valuable Information on .11 female dlieaiea. BRADFIEXD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, OA. FOB BALE BY ALL 1R UQQI8TM, aala-!-1 1 nd other nwcl.l- 4 f II f" tie. for Gentlemen, tat Wll W la. Udhweto., ntul ranted, and to a tamped oa bottom. AiMrea. W. jUDOUH-AeVBracktaa. Maaa. Bold hi WEAVER A MYERS. $2 'cLmf S!de)'P AHTQ frum Haaufra' Remnant. I fill I ll Sauafactlon nauJ or J, 1U X U money r funded. 8END YOUR ADDRESS FOR SAMPLES Awl laetratthtas ,,r SaH-Maaieransst. PIEDMONT PANTS COMPANY WINSTON, N. C. feb20dwSm PIANOS AND ORGANS, ON BA8V INSTALLMBNT8 WITHOVT INTEREST. Hotels, Boarding houee., school, and In. dividual, supplied direct from the manufac turer.. . . ... All freight paid IS day. test trial In yonr own home Stool and Instructor furaiahed with each Inatrament. "Reliable Instrument., one 'price only, and that the lowest know a." ' For catalogues, terms, etc., call on or ad- dtcw F, E. PERRY, No. 4i Patton Avenue, Aahevllle. M. C, Aaw B" - ,11 mm r 11 Why ahonld Aahevllle not Have iff Editor Tub Citizen: Our legislature at its last session authorized the estab lishment of n woman's industrial college and normal training school, at the same time making a liberal appropriation for the support of the same. There has for a long time been a great demand for such a school, and it will very soon be the most largely attended educational institution in, the slate. It is not in tended that the school shall in any way be a rival of our many "female colleges" already in existence, but it is intended in its academical department to be on a parwilh the university at Chapel Hill, while the normal department for the training of teachers will be made equal to any in the country. According to the provisions of the act establishing the school, it is to be located in some town offering to the trustees suitable grounds and buildings; and a number of places have made or will make such an otter. Why should not Asheville do the same? For many reasons this is the best place for the school, and the trustees would no doubt consider favor ably a suitable offer from us Let our business men consider this, and let's make an effort to add this to the many elements of progress in our city. A Citizen, Simmons Liver Regulator is invaluable in tne nursery, n is a gentle laxative, ann narmirss. r. scorn DULSIOU DOES CURE In Its First Stages. Jle tore you yet Iht genuine. Health is Wealth! Di B. C. Wkbt's Nkkvk ano Brain Trrat- b':t, a guaranteed cific for Hy.trrla, Dizzinea.. Convulaiora, Pita, Ncrvou. Neq ralKia. Headache. Nerroua Proatration cauaed br the uae of alcohol or tnhnrcn wakeiuincaa. Mental nepreaalon. aofteningof tn.- oraic reuniting in insanity ann lending to miaerv, decav nnddeath, PrcmaturcUld Age, Barrenniaa. Loaa of Power in either aex. In. voluntary Loasea and Ikpermntorrhoea, cauaed by over-cxertion of the brain, Klf abuae or over indulKcnce. Koch box con taina one m.mth'a treatment. SI. 00 a loz. or aii hoxc. for $.1.00, nent by mail, prepaid, un receipt oi price, we guarantee alx boxea to cure any case. With ench order received by us for six boxca, accompanied with $5 00, we will aend the purchaser our written sruar- nntee to refund the money if the treatment doea not effect a cure. Guarantee, iasueil only by T. C. Smith Ac Co., Druggists, Sale Agenta, Public Square. Asheville, N. C. EXCURSION RATES I ickels ;mmI fin' Five Days, III? Ml EYE ON OILWORTH, "THE CITY OF AVENUES." A Suburban Town Site of 450 AerfN, forming: the South ern Corporate Limits OP CHARLOTTE, N. G. The Qiicen City of the State. A lionli'mrd Kill feet wide, given a 3 mile, drive aronnd DILWORTH. and it avenues, running at ritjht angles, are BO feet wide, constructed with a view to sanitary admntages, for seimrage with water facilities. Over one hundred thousand dollars has already been spent on this pro pertyand many more thousands wilt be expended in the near future. The property contains the beautiful LATTA Park of 90 acres, a lovely feature of which is Forsyth lake, nearly 1300 feet long. Taken alto gether, this is the prettiest retort of its character in the ' 'Dime" country. At LATTA Park then an now tn course of construction, and will be completed by August 1, 1891, a pa vilion designed by the celebrated Norrman, " the architect of beauti ful designs, ' ' together with m keepers lodge, unique tn character and a conservatory after the English pat tern, at a cost for the building and furnishings of over $13,000, together with other attractive features, novo being arranged for by the Charlotte Consolidated Cons. Co. The company will offer at public sale on the premises on MAY 20, 21, 22, 1891, a number of valuable building lots, in the immediate vicinity of the pic turesque places above described Terms of sale : One-fourth cash, bal ance in 1, 8. and S years. The visi tor to Charlotte on that day, will be present also at the regular f ftual celebration of HAtnri DedariM of toMice. hl. ma da la a fumr. of Rot OaroUaa'. CJnesn City, anl 1. w.U worth th. trip rroai tk. ramotHt Motion of our surrounding otmntry. Th. of a lot, or lots, wills. Mwarlad with . nlara of th. coat of Ma Atr. to UM sals. Ir- will amply '? .U fi r tk. outlay. OstofcrM. Bualo wiu kaonkand to anliran the party. An al, aeooauaod.tioua for Tlaltora, tkrough Siar Eia Boooauaoa.iioua ror Tiattora, tarouga Siar nt.1. and . I.rg nntat of koardtng koai... A Snal MlniMd .iBnlrln Mtm ,..l- m.-wwm m nHinavr ui nannnf auaaaa. a naly alppd alactrlo etty railway to carry BHHDfm nnr Pk.rL.tta -..A hmr -nw. Maaangar. onr Okarlott. and kar ann runs, BOW bsoraied la Ualr keaatlful Spring .Mire. T!'lka a te of It, to vNIt Dili. WOH'I'H mm UHAKLwTI'C, Ida -A, Bl aad S Is, IH91. OC nr faruwr tnlorauUga, sMraM CHiBLOTTE CONSOLIDATED CONS, CO, CHAHLDTTS, N, C mayldStwSw, ,.C.rVf I '"AUi I Vl.liWkwiliT.ialiei alhaaaasaa T.. , . for Infants and Children. "Ca.torlaUswen.daptyltochlMraoUit I OaaUrla enrea Colin, Oor-ttpstlon, I recommend itaaniperiortoanypraacriptLon I Bour Btomach, Diarrnosa, Eructation, known torn." H. A. AaoH.a, M, D., I ertl'o' "d fIUUMl' (U" 111 So. Oxford 8k, Brooklyn, N. T. Without -Jurlorsi medlcaUoa. Taa CsmTAea Corr, 77 Murray Street, . T. aeot GRAND MILLINERY OPENING, MAY 7th, 8th AND 9th, AT MISS C. E. BURKE'S. Parlors, 35 College St. Ladle, wishing a perfect match in headgear opening. N M Will tU. IHWD.Mil tn Ha ASHEVILLEMARKETS. Corrected daily by POWELL A SNIDER, wholesale and retail grocer. These price, are being paid by the merchant, to-day. Butter 25'App1ea. 1600200 Bars lOIApple., dried 6 Chtrken. 2B Pumpkins, each. fifS Turkey. 7010Sorgum 30)35 Ducks 1620 Bee.wax, per lb IS't 10t)Honey 11 P.t.toaa, Iriah ....ISOiWheat 100 Turnip. 30(ill0 Onion. ISO Corn 100 Meal 100 Cabbage, per fb 3 Bean., pr bu.lOO0)12S Pea. 860575 '.'hctnuta 1 GO Oat. 70 Rye SB Hay, ton t1SA$20 Celery, do. 26W0 WANT COLUMN. WANTED. w ANTBD. A good second hand typewriter. Any per son having one for sale, miv find aBttrchaaer by applying at THB CIT1ZUN OPPICB. apr.SOdtf w ANTED. Hy a young lady, a poaition na house maid or nurse. Apply at 36 BUTTH1CK 8TRBBT. maySi!3t w INTER BOARD. Warm comfortable rooms, house newly fur nished ; good table. Term, reasonable. On street car line. MRS. J. L. SMATHERS, Julyiadflra 318 Patton Ave. ANTED. Three ladles wish to secure positions in hotel, boarding houac or private family, at aame place or separately. Enquire at may4dw THIS OFFICE. JfOR AWNINGS Leave your order, at No. 87 North Main Street, at Candy Kitchen window and .tore. Awnings, all. any style of tents. may4dlwft PR1'.SH MILLINERY. Mrs. Halyburton ha Just received a large and sel.ct line of mi llntry and tlresa tiim mings Invites the ladies to give her a cnll be fore buvine elsewhere, as she can sell cmnri. cheaper than any other house in the city. oy2 nuna main Buret, mayuaot CHAFING Pnck y Heat to cure, coaling no more. Mother, to uae B. ra. cine Toilet Powder, Highly per fumed, auperior, 25c. nil drug gist.. Try it. aprodif FOR RENT. J0 RENT FOR 3 OR 6 MON 1 HS. To a small family without children a com fortably furnished six room houac, ca-petrd throughout, piano, gns, bath, etc., wit aer vant. quarter, sua stable for three horse.. In the best residence portion of the city. Price S58 per month. Heat ol reference, re quired. Possession glvin about May 10 Reliable servant', lurnished if desired. Apply to JBNKS & JKNKS, aprl3dtf an Patton Ave ?IIR RENT. Nice brick cottaa with 7 rooms and 2 acres land just oat of town. It overlooks the city and afford, a beautiful view of the urrounding mountain.. Splendid cold water. Barn, anil other conveniences. Ap ply tt NATT ATKIN80N & SON lanznati r0 RENT. A .ntendid ! eighteen room house suitnhle for keeping boarders, nicely furn shed tnrougnout. in nest section ol the citv. Ap ply to NATT ATK..NSON & SON. marziati yOR RENT. Nicely furnished house in excellent neigh- hood. B. COFFIN, Rent estate Agt, 32 Patton Ave., room 4. mayldlw ?OR KB NT. 1 1 room furnished house, larare eroitnils. well shaded. 127 HAYWOOD STKliKT. may&d&t J?OR RBNT. A first clasa 7 roomrd houM, .tore room, water and sewer connection., on street car line. For particulars apply at ' TURNER'S STORB, Weat End Patton Avenue. ?OR RBNT. New houee all modern conveniencea. cen trally located, unfurnlahed, for long time. j. knu.u. pOR RBNT. Two house, to rent Apply to MRS. WAI.KRR. may2d3t R Bailey Str.'et. P OR RBNT Pleasant room, with board. Nil. t',5 N. FKBNCH BROAD AVE. mayd2w FOR RENT. House of 12 room., water and sewer con nections. Excellent neighborhood, fine view, good sidewalk, large ground, and conven iently located a. to .treet car.. Apply by tetter or in person to . A. rsKinnoi.1, Real Ret ate broker. No. 11 McLoud building. marludtr M. A. TILLER, PRACTICAL- WATCHMAKER :: AND :: JEWELER, NO. 1 NORTH COURT SQUARE. (Next door to po.toflice,) ASHBVILLB, N. C. PINB WORK A SPECIALTY. aprlSdtf ARDEN PARK HOTEL AND COTTAGES. Ten mile, from Asheville on A. ft S. Rail road, Board $2 per day; S12 per week; $40 per month of 28 day.. Parties to Dinner or Tea, $1. THOS. A. MORRIS, aprSOdtf Proprietor. WALL PAPER. I have the largest and hsnd.omert.toek o wall paper in Ashc ille, and am prepared to execute order, of any rise wilh promptne. and dispatch. In SWICEGOOD, WILLOW STREET, ASH B VILLI, M. C. aprMlm aB'dwlT for costume will do well to leave orders before . ... I . 1 . .1 FOR SALE. JJOTBLFOR 8ALB. The St. Armond Hotel at Skyland Spring, la offered for .ale at a baruain eitherfnmialiFrf or not. The site Includ. s about eight acre. ui snail grove, ana nve apnngs, one of them the fincat mineral water In the aouth. More guests assured for next summer than can he accommodated. The hotel is right by the de- uui. i ncicrm.oi saiemaae rosuit purcnuser OTIS A. MILLER, feb9dtf Skvland Spring., N. C. PORSALB Fine household furniture, Including piano, for sale eheap. Also crockery and cooking stove. Apply at 39 WOODKIN ST, apr22dtf Asheville. N. C. POR SAI.B. On. or two thoroughbred Collie pup., uistawiu'Wii. Auurcss DBVBREUX POLK, Asheville, N. C. mav2dsVt FORSALE. Either furnished or un'urni.hed, my reai dence corner Oakland avenue, near Glen Rock hotel, convenient to .treet car., S room, pantry, trunk room and linen closet Fur particular, call at premise, or my office at passenger depot. apr2dtf W LTBR CONNELLY. FOR SALE Exchange For City Property. Half interest in 1,600 acres valuable lands within two hour, drive of Asheville, in good neighborhood. Prom 3"0 to 600 acres well set in erjss. enclosed with mule proof rail fence; forest timber, sufficient to supply Ashe villc 10 years; abundant water supply from choice springs, corn and tobacco profitably grown without fertiliser. Piice $16 an acre. This ofT. r good Tor 30 days. Address P O. BOX 4.(14, apr20dlm Asheville, N. C, 'JRUSTBl!8' SALE. Notice Is hereby given that virtue of a deed in trust to me, made hy Jonathan Moonev and wife to secure a debt of five hundred dol lars due II. 1. Alexander. I will, nn Mnndsv June the 1st, 1H91, at the court house door in iuc viij ui nsiicvinc, sen iu inc niunest Dia dcr fur cash, th following lot of land to. wit. a lot situated at Pairview, in Buncombe county, n. C and tieint: lully described in said deed in trust, reco-ded in record of mort gages book 22. page 23B, in register's office fo Buncombe county, and for a full descrip tion of sai'i lot reference is hereby made to aaici recora. imsniay 1, ihui. W R. WHITSON, may2dltw4w Trustee. JOTICB. By virtue of an execution issued by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Henderson County and addressed to the Sheriff of Bun- comoe county, 1 will sell to tne highest bid der for cash at the Court House door in the city of Asheville, Buncombe County, N. C, on Monday, the 4th day of May 1891, the road bed, rights of way, franchise and all other privileges, and appurtenance, with and belonging to the French Broad Valley Railroad Company to satisfy said execution ana tne costs oi sale. D. L. REYNOLDS, Sheriff of Buncombe County. apr2dtmay6 "Rapidly to the Pr..nt!" DV.ALA BARBER, FRANKLIN, N. C. REAL ESTATE In all it. form.. In the richest portion of western Norm Carolina, it win pay you to write ns for the best inducements and Great est bargains in the "Coming Section ol the outn," or apply personally to our A.nevme representative, FREDERICK RUTLEDOR. janfidtf 28 Patton Avenue.K RESTAURANT,, Board and Lodging AT No. 71 N. Main St. NICE ROOMS. WELL FURNISHED. CHARGES REASONABLE. MRS. K. B. MACK, Prop. apr24dlm J. W. SCHARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR NO. 42 NORTH MAIN ST. Ju.t received, a full tine of English and do meatic woolen, for spring and summer. fch24d6m' GRAND SALE OF LOTS I May 14th, 1891, at 10 O'clock A. M. The North Statesville Land Company will sell without reserve, 130 BEAUTIFUL RESI DENCE LOTS. Their first addition to the CITY OF STATESVILLE, N. C. This Grand Old Town has taken a new lease of life and is making rapid strides to the front. Property is rapidly advancing and is being taken readily at 50 per cent, above E rices 60 days ago; new industries are being added and activity pervades all classes of usiness. Persons wishing a safe investment, with every chance of big profits in the near future, cannot do better than attend this sale and buy some lots. An elegant lunch will be served on the grounds. Excursion rates on all railroads. Terms of Sale One-third cash, one-third in six months, balance in twelve months. Col. P. B. Akers, of Knoxville, Tenn., Auctioneer. L. C. BURKE, Pres. SCHLIT'S MILWAUKEE BEER. Celebrated the World Over t for, ita Purity. We deliver to all parts of the city our own Bottling Bxport Boar at . ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN. ..PumeT THkI?TRADBmu?PuTU0Flt8M "tide THE "BONANZA," THE LEADIJCO ' V WINE AND , LIQUOR v. STORE J IN THE ST ATE. FINE SAMPLE AND BILLIARD ROOM. J. A. MARQVAKDT. Sf'sr'r. I NO. 43 S. MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C) BRICK. BRICK. -FOR SALE BY- IE BRICK Asheville, N. C. AaheTille, N. c. P. A. DEMENS WOOD WORKING CO,, Manufacturer, and Dealers la all kind, sf Dreswd LUMBER, Door, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Stalrwork, Mantels, Bank and Bar Fixtures, and all kinds of Building; Material. Hard Wood Lumber Work a Specialty. nov 1 dlv Telephone No, a. SOME POINTERS. Ve have 75 acres of land lyinpj just out side the corporate limits of Asheville, on the west side oi the French Broad river. Has a river frontage of nearly 1,700 feet, with heights commanding an unsurpassed view of the city, the valley of the French Broad, and the mountains east and west. Imme diately south of Richmond hill. The build ings for Bingham School, costing $35,000 on adjacent heights, are now being built. The street railway will be running within five minute's walk of any portion of the tract before the summer is over. A $2,000 depot on the Richmond and Danville rail road is to be constructed at once, within a few hundred yards of the property, at which all trains will stop. It is surrounded by property owned by a wealthy company, which will be speedily improved. Is almost the only piece of propertv within four or fivt miles of Asheville offered for sale, that is not owned by a corporation. Its valuewill double, treble and quadruple inside of two yea rs. 1 1 is n aturally susceptible of division into a number of villa sites unsurpassed for loveliness of view, or can be laid off in lots and sold for suburban residences. Will be sold in lots to suit purchasers at low fig ures, for one-third cash, balance on your own time at 8 per cent. A few minute's drive will bring you to the land, and show its rare beauty. For further particulars call on N. W. GIRDW00D, 17 Fatton Avenue. or J. P. KERR, Daily Citizen Office. Or Address GIRDW00D & KERR, Box 405 Asheville, N. C. W. C LEWIS, Sec'y Treas. BRICK. & TILE COMPANY P. O. Box 416. Near Pasaengfcr Depot. F. C. BEARD, Gen. Man