1 A Ih. 1 f eville Daily Citizen O VOLUME VII. NO. 6. ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 13, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. Ash -LINVILLE INVITH8 INVESTIGATION A8 TO Climate Water Supply, Drainage. Drives, Parks, Scenery, Plans Building Sites, Investments. I.INVII.I.K IHPROVKnENT CO.. I.luvllle, N. C. ANALYSIS OF WATER USBD ATTHB ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, 217 HAYWOOD ST. COMMOIfWBAl.TH OF MaSACHPSRTT., "1 1 at J CERTIFICATE OP ANALYSIS. State Imrrr'i OlUce, 297 Franklin BOSTON. MASS.. April 21. 1891. To ChM. H. Campbell, Aihevlllc, North Car olina. The sample ol water submitted for analy sts hat b en carefully examined, with the fol lowing results: The water .how. in part, per 100 000: Solldi. Tolatlle 3.00 ' hied 3 00 " total 6.00 Oraln. per one U. 8 gnll n 3. ho This water I. almost entirely free from or- franlc matter, showing Terr slight trace, of ron, sulphur and Hme. The water I. very eKcellent la all respect. It 1. Tery seldom we find water ao free from organic or mineral natter. H. L BOWKBR, State Auaycr. CORTLAND BROS,, Real Estate Brokers, Aud Iuvestment Agents. NOTARY PUBLIC. Loan, securely placed at 8 per cent. Office: 34 It 36 Patton Avenue. Second floor, frbftdly REAL ESTATE. WiLTai B. Ofw, W. W. Wbt. GVVYN & WEST, (BncocMora to Waiter B.Owyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHKVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loaus Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public. Commlatlonera of Deed.. FIRE INSURANCE. OVFICB ontkeaat Cobrt Square. JAY GOULD SAYS That H a man can .are one dollar oat of very fire dollar, he earn., auch a man will be rich inside of twenty jears Call on a. and we will tell yon how to do it, a. wehave Jnat received private ad rice, from lay on the abject. Oar bmrineat haa been Tery prosperous, dnrhw the past year, in .pile of the hard tjenej. and we take thla opportunity to thank our hi ad. and customers, and to wiah them all long lire and happinen. JENK8 ft JBNKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Rooms o 10, McAfee Block, 38 Patton At., AUktUW, M. C. SMOKED MEATS. A line lot Country Hams Just received, also a fresh lot ofMaKnolia, Baltimore and Bone leu Ham., all sixes. ENGLISH CURED BREAKFAST BACON DRIED BEEF. SALT FISH MACKBRBL, MULLETS, WHITE AND connsH CANNED MEATS. Ox and Lunch Tongues. Potted II nm, Tongue, Chicken, lite. Corned Beef, CANNED FIHII. Mackerel, Sulmon, Sardine., Oy.ters, Crnbs Etc., Btc. A. D. COOPER, North Court Square, Corner Main and Collcjfe Sta. WILLS BROS. ARCHITECTS, 38 Patton Avenue. Next Y M C A bultd'K. P O floxflo. novl d3m M. A. TILLER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER :: AND :: JEWELER, NO. 1" NORTH COURT SOJIARB, (Next door to pnstollice.) ASHEVILLE, N. C. I'INB WORK A SPECIALTY. aprlHdtf OUR POSITION In the grnecrv business enables in to Hive consumers advantages of great value. TEAS. Wc keep tlie Iest Formosa Oolonga, Japans, Gunpowder and English lirc.ik- last. COFFEE. The finest blends of Koasted Coffee in existence. SUGARS Arc cheap. We sell notning but tbe highest grade made. SYRUPS. Our Svritps and Molasses are pure and wholesome. RICE. The twst Carolina only offered. FLOUR. The Obelisk Flour stands unequalled bv any ever offered in this market. Hotels and boarding houses please hear in mind that wc are prepared to meet competition in this or any market. Respectfully, Powell & Snider, Here We Are Again. I have iust bourrht one of the finest Soda Fountains in the South, with nil morWn improvements, aud nm now prepared to serve soda water in the best stvie. I will cive the business my personal at tention and will guarantee satisfaction in everv resueot or money refunded. You can rest assured tnat tlie soda and mineral water sold at inv fountain are nure. T tin all the work and make All the syrups, and I feel I can truth- uiiy say tney are pure. (Syr- rup fresh made each day.) Itelow 1 give you a partial list of the svruns used, also a few of the mineral waters: Mineral waters on dramrht. Deep Rock, Vichy, Tate Springs, Congress, etc. booa water syrups: Lemon, Vanilla, Pineapple, Straw berry. Ilasnberrv. Teach. Sar- saparilla, Orange, Ginger, Nectar, Wood Urange, Blood Oranire with Phonnhnie Banana,Catawha, Chocolate, Oxycoccus, Cream and many others too numerous to men tion. Special new drinks of the season. Limeade with Phos phate. Pineapple Gum. Whin ped Cream Soda, Ice Cream Soda, Malto, etc. But for the richest drink ever drawn from a soda fountain I ad vise the use of uarmichael Daisy Cream. This cream can be added to any syrup desired, and makes the rich est soda water ever offered to the American people. Don't forget the place, Car micheal's Drug Store, No. 20 South Main Street. maySduT Fifty Dinner Set. , NEW STYLES FOR - SUMMER If yon buy a act from u and your servant break, a piece, wc can always match It at a very low price. This new feature will enahle you to alwaya hare a full act. 12 BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK. Twelve 112 pc. Dinner Set at $10.90. Bohemian Rose Bowls. Leeds Flower Pots. Japanese Flower Pots. Common Flower Pots. Fine Cups and Saucers. New Line, Bouquet Lamps OH Stoves (Florence.) Ice Cream Freezers, (White Mountain.) Water Coolers. Chllds' Bath Tubs. Fly Fans. Cake Boxes, Etc., lite. Our prices are alwavs the lowest. CRYSTAL PALACE. TH AD. W. THRASH & CO., NO. 41 PATTON AVB. Buyers of Drugs i Ml us thev have l.mr. money by monkeying with Knoxville and Richmond a treacherous memory and tlie importunitv of 1 sometimes leads them astray, ut tney mvarin h v fin,l t ays them to draw their sup- I V T VI M t J. Ill 11 11 it I it I III Asheville. the lni-irest l)i no L1 A !.. ll mV . . " oiurein y esrern Worth tar- ilina a. saving of Freight 'harges. and iinick timo in getting goods, n re important nems, ana count up in a year's dealings making large purchases in tlw nri. inary markets, enable this louse to pace DniouiHW articles into the hands of consumers and dealers, at nnces never bcfni-o fmmvnil west of the Blue Ridge, cus tomers are served bv nm. ressional experts of large ex perience, trustworthy and ompet.ent- -the stock carried y this firm covers two floors of two hundred and fortv 'eet in total lenrrth. nn.l fiffv two feet of total width this is the only Drug Store lo cated on the Public Square in Asheville no trouble to find the place orders by mail receive nromnt, nnH careful attention refer, if de sired, to the Battery Park Bank. ONE PRICE STORE, II. REDWOOD & CO. A VERY LA ROB AND ATTRACTI VB STOCK 01' ClothinK and Men' Furninhinj; Good., still and Soft Hnti, Pine Straw Ilatu, (uncclal bargain.) Shoes and Slipper., Tru..k, Uuk and I'nibrcllaa. I)rc8 (loud, and Trimming", White Good., Linen, and Domestics, OinKlinma, Ponsec. and Satinea, Bmliroidcriet, Lace, and Rlhuum, lioriery and Glove.. I'arn.oln, Corset, and I'nns, Slatlonrey and Jewelry, Sonps and rerfiimery, Ilraids, Buttons and General Small wares. 7 & 9 PATTON AVK. FOR SALE! --".'"-"" runi Tne nrci- ticst hames in Asheville, new, beautifully fin l.hi'd, fine location, clone to street curs. Also several other line propertied that are worth your attention. rhr.n lr.n ...... .A .-- -. 1 wo oeauttrul bullilinK .ilea. Lots in all part, of the city. Houses to rent. Pine tract, nf tlnihr Innrf u.u.it timber. Mineral orouertlrs. MONIJY TO LEND. Lldt TOUr firODertT Wlthlll and have It anl.l and rented. IltST rUHMMHRD Our new namnhM n Asheville. Full of Utcit lUUitics. Call for a coy. BRUCE H. JONES. (Successor to Blgclow Ac Jones.) REAL BSTATB AND INVESTMENTS. Room M Afee Block. 83 Patton Avenue. FOR RENT OR SALE. Bither house owned by T. Wilson 8h rp. lest, corner French Broad Avenue and Hay- wood Street. These house, are located near the center of town, commanding good views, high elevation. Por information apply to JOUN CHILD, PANIC STRICKEN PEOPLE. GREAT PART OF MICHIGAN ON FIRE. A Dozen Counties Filled with Fire Trains Abandoned to the Flames Piles of AHlieH Where Towns Once Stood. Detroit, Mich., May 13. Tlie hoped for security from the rectnt rnin did not materialize for the panic stricken inhabi tants of the burned district of this stnte, Some idea of the vastness of the fire dis trict can be gained from the fact that al most any two sf the dozen counties now tilled with fire is as large as the state of Rhode Island. The Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Michigan railroad iiave been obliged to abandon all attempts to run cars north of i ne uare county line. Freight trains and the crew had a narrow escape from cre mation yesterday, for the ties in many places were so badly burned that the rans spread wnen the tram went over. When near Moore's siding one of the cars in the middle of the train was derailed and the train crew were obliged to abandon the rear portion ot the train after working until the cars began to smoke. Heforc reaching I'arwell there was another derailment an J all but three out ot a train oi eighteen cars were left to their fate. Three of the trainmen were badly blustered. The winds drove the fire into Newayge, Mecosta and Oceana counties. Cook's Station and Barton, both in line of the fire, have not been heard from and are supposed to be destroyed. West Troy is uppnsea to oc in nsnrs. Keports Irom Cadillac. Wexford countv. state thnt the inhabitants of all the villages in the county nave been out lighting fire for the past three da vs. and mnnv of the smaller places are wiped off the face of me eartn. v Here ISivarna and Fremont. on the Flint and Cere Marquette roud, unci stood there is nothing now but piles of ashes. Millions upon millions of logs are burning all over the center of the state. WILL. CKT TOUETHER. TheltallanHof New Orleann Have a Meetinir. New Old. mass, Map 13. Signor Carte, the Italian consul here, is reported as saying that n meeting of the presidents of the various Italian associations ol this city, and the most prominent mem bers of the colony was held at the con sulate Mondavevcning aud that he ureed upon them the necessity of conciliation with their fellow townsmen. The sense of the meeting was that all tlinercnccs should lie amicably settled as soon as possible.. Tin-; i:n;i.ihh ini i.m;nza. Seventy Members of the Houxe ol Commons Down With It. London, May 13. There arc now sev enty members ol the house ot commons suffering from the influenza, T. V. Con nor being among the latest memticrs to suffer trom the disease. At Chesterfield. near Derby, the death rate, owinir to the spread of the influenza, has increased torty per thousand above the normal rate. BI.AINE'eJ CONDITION. He Will Stay In New York Thin Week Anyway. New York, May 13. Secretary lilaine was resting comfortably this forenoon at his daughter's residence here. Dr. Den nis, his physician, called at the house at 10 o'clock and had a consultation with Mr. lilaine wife, the result of which whs the decision that, it would be judicious for Mr. Hlnine to remain in this city for the remainder of the week. KILLED SIX. Collapse of a Barracks In India With Loss of l.lfe. Massawah, May 13. Purine a fierce storm which swept over this town yes terday a builditlir used am n tiurrnt'ke nml containing a number of soldiers suddenly -.1 i n: : i ,'. iuiuimcu, Killing six oi ine men ouii igni owiwumjf iiijuilll VCO UlllCr.. Wanantaker Spoke and the Porch Fell. Colorado Springs, Col.. May 13. At a reception given to President Harrison last night here the President had finished his Scech from the balcony ot the hotel and was followed br the n'ostmastort'rn- eral. While he was sncakim? a norti.m of the porch below, which was thronged with people, gave way and precipitated about thirty men into an aren below, a distance of eight feet. A Man ot tbe People. Bi'PPALo, May 13. Ex-president Cleveland shook hands with between 1, 500 and 2,000 people at the reception tendered him in the mayor's office yester day. It took him two hours to do it. The crush about the mnyor's office dur ing the first hour was very heavy. Re publicans as well as democrats took ad vantage of the occasion and paid their respects to Cleveland. North Carolina Gaining; Dally. Washington, May 13, In footing up the direct tax account of the state of North Carolina, the agent representing the state, Mr. Decut, has discovered errors amounting to $20,f()0, in favor of that state. This deficiency will have to be reported to congress and an addition al appropriation will have to be made to cover it. Will Arbitrate. Paris, May 13. The Siecle today says that, in spite of the rupture of negotia tions between President Bnlmnceda and the congressional pnrty of Chili, Prance. the United States and Brazil intend to fulfil the task of arbitrating matters in dispute between the contending factions. Indians Killed by Grip. Spragi'B, Wash., May 13. The In dians in Okaangan county are in a state of consternation owing to the prevalence of the grip. One hundred or more have died. The Indians are movine out rap idly for Idaho and other points. The largest stock of extra nanti in the city for men, boys and children, at the w hillock clothing house, 48 South Main street. THE SOLDIERS' HOME. Opened at Raleigh by Gov. and Others. Holt Raleigh, N.C., Mayl3.-The exercises here Monday in honor of Confederate Memorial dav and of the opening of the Soldiers' Home were unusually interest ing. Business was suspended: The me morial exercises were held nt Metropoli tan hall, where General William R. Cox delivered an address upon the life and military services of General Stenhen D. Rnmseur. The widow and daughter of uenerai Knmseur and his sister, Mrs. David Schenck, were present and a por trait of the gallunt officer was on the stage. At the conclusion of these ceremonies a procession was formed, in which were military from Raleigh and Oxford, and moved to the Soldiers' Home. Then Mr. F. H. Busbee introduced Gov. Holt, who officially opened the Home. Gov. Holt's speech concluded as fol lows: "We do no violence to the restored union of these states when we honor the soldier of the confederacy. He followed the standard of his state. Todav the standard of the union is the standard of tne state, and the stars and stripes can be home in no safer hands than in loyal grasp. "Welcome, prond citizen, to vourhame, and when the stranger pausing at vour threshold asks you of your fertile fields say: 'I was a soldier of the confedera cy. 1 lollowed where duty called.' Wel come, thrice welcome, honored guests, and from the hem of your garments may the virtue oi patriotism and devotion to your state go forth into the lives of all our people." At the conclusion of this address the state flag was hoisted. The procession then made its way to the confederate cemetery, where the graves were decor ated. CURRENCY OF THE COUNTRY. Is It Controlled Ily a Few Men, as Col. Polk Says 7 From the News and Observer. Kcicrnng to remarks ol col rolls we take occasion to say that there are some things stated that are hard to compre hend. For instance, the claim that the currency of the country is con trolled by a few men." In Texas the people ha vc on deposit $30,000 001) in their local banks. Those tieo- ple control that. In Louisiana the cople have on deposit $18,000,000, nud they control thnt. In Kansas thev have in deposit $17,000,000 and thev con trol that. In Minnesota thev have on lep'isit $U7,000,000, and thev control that; and an equal amount in Iowa: and so on more or less in all the slates. At the east, where there arc savings banks, rly every family has money on dc- nisit, which they control. II they want 1, all they have to do is to ask for it. "THK TOP OF THF. GI.OIIF,." Cbns. E. Bolton's Second Lecture al the ChrlHtian Church. There was a very fair audience at the Christian church last night to witness the second lecture of Charles B. Bolton. The subject was "The land of the mid night sun." The lecturer took the audi ence on a long tour and the lecture was brimlul ot interest to all present. The llustrations were magnificent, and everv one enjoyed the evening's entertainment to the greatest extent. 1 lie sulnect ot Mr. Bolton s lecture to night is "Reunited Germany, and Heroic Louise." 1 his is Mr. Bolton 8 last cntcr- ainmcnt before lenving for Danville. Ya. l'he lecturer promises his best this even ing as his farewtll. Historic castles, ro mantic Rhineland, art cities, a stroll through growing Berlin, and the statue of Von Moltkc and the eccentric Emperor iniam it, who says: "1 aloneam mas ter." In the ioth Century. Prom the Chicago Herald. Mr. Dukes, a wealthy plauter near Amcricus, Ga., is on trial by his church for resisting the will of God. 11c has committed the impious act tit erecting a ightning rod on the topof his new house. The parson and the members of the church to which he belongs regard this action in the light of a wicked opposition to divine providence, wnose intentions concerning the Duke mansion are not to be thwurted by any vain devises ol man. They have urged him with Icrvid praveis and exhortations to take lown ilis unholy lightuing rod, but he- has peristentlv refused, and in conse quence of his impious stubborness he has been brought bclorc his church lor trial. Science declares, to be sure, that bis rod offered no resistance to lightning what ever, but he put it up believing that it did, and the church will doubtless punish him properly lor Ins awlul impictv. New Books. The Library association extends its thanks to the donors of the following books: Little Venice, G. D. Litchfield; The Bird's Christmas Carol, Kate D. Wiggin; Donna Luz, translated by M, L, Serrano; The Demagogue, D. R. Locke; Dramas of Lite, Geo, K. Sims; Hester Hep worth, Kate T. Woods; A Fct,rfu! Responsibility, W. D. Howells; Wallord, E. G. Kirk; Ucdda Gabler, H. Ibsen; Las ses of Lcvcshouse, L. Fothergill; The Light that hailed, K. Kepbng; vivier of Vivier, Longman & Co., W. C. Hudson; Sweetbriar in Town, D, C. Murray; Hayne Home, A. 0. Wiggs. Real Estate Transfers. The following deeds have been filed in Register Mackcy's office for registration: 11. K. Look to 1 nomas Morns, lot on Pane street, SOxlOO feet $ 200 Delveehio and others to Kit Foster, l'.a acres in town ship 75 At Widow Polk's Residence. Nashville, Tenn., Mav 13. At the residence ol Mrs. Polk, widow of Presi dent James K. Polk last evening, theniip- tiulsof Mr. M. M. Gardner and Miss Sadie Polk Full were celebrated. The Baptist Convention. Birmingham, Ala., May 13. The Southern Baptist convention haa ad journed to meet next year in Atlanta, lieorgia. tlie delegates have all gone Home. Mackintosh coats, rubber conts and umbrellas at the W hillock Clothing tiouse, 49 aoutn Main street. FOLLOWING THE ITATA. THE CHARLESTON ON HER TRAIL NOW. If the Chilian Boat Puts Into a Nf utral Port the United States Can Only Stand by aud Whistle, San Diego, Cal., May 13. Passengers on the steamer Crescent City, which ar rived at Cedras Island last night, report that when about ten miles below Ensu ada Monday night the cruiser Charlts- ton was sighted far out to sea. As soon as the officers on the war ship caught sight of the Crescent city they made di rectly for her. As soomus the cruiser ap prouched the captain of the Crescent City raised the American flag and salu ted. The Charleston immediately turned at right angles and steamed away to the southwest and soon disappeared beyond me uonzou. v-rcseeni city olticers renort seeinc nothing of the Itata. 6an 1'Rancisco, May 13. The Call has an interview with A. K. Coney, the Mexican Lonsul General at this pert, in regard to the probable action of the Mexican government if the Itata enters the port of Aeapulco. He savs that Acapulco is a neutral Dart and he' is con- uiient tne Charleston will not be per mitted to seize the Itata there, but if the Itata enters there with contraband goods on uoara it is probable the Mexican officers will train the guns of the fort on ner and seize her themselves. The tort is not a very powerful one, but is strong cnougu to capture tlie itata. THE RAILROAD ELECTION. Four Townships In Buncombe to Vote Mar 25th. The voters of Asheville township should bear in mind the fact that there is to be another election held on Monday, May 25th. The townships of Recms' creek, Flat creek aud Ivy will also vote on the same clay. The question to be voted on is the proposition to subscribe to the capital stock of the Atlanta, Asheville and Baltimore railway company the sum ol two hundred thousand dollars, to aid in the building ol that road, Irom Asheville through Keems' Creek, Flat Creek and Ivy townships to the Madison county line. The conditions agreed to by the com pnny are that the bonds shall be ot the denomination of one hundred dollars and shall run twenty years; that they shull Dear interest Mom tbe date ot their de livery at the rate of six per cent, per an num, payable semi-annually; that none ol the bonds shall be paid or delivered to tne railroad company until the company shall have secured the townships againsl the payment oi anv and all interest and principal ou bonds that may be issued in payment for stock by giving a first mort gage lien on its road bed and franchise ami by the stockholders further agreeing aud obligating themselves to discharge the interest 011 the township bonds. On completion of each cousecutivemile, beginning at Asheville, bonds shall be is sued to the company to the amount ol iiintcy per cent, of a sum which shall bein the same proportion to the sum of two hundred thousand dollars us the cost ol constructing and ironing such mile (ac cording to the estimates ol'the eugineers ) snail be to tne cost ol constructing the whole line, trom Asheville to the Madison county line according to estimates. Tbe balance ol the bonds shull be delivered when the road is completed and cars run ning thereon from Ashcyillc to the Mad ison county line. oteis should remember the date, next Monday week, May 23, THE GUN CLUB. The Election ol officers Held Last Nlht. A meeting of the Asheville Gun club was held in Sheriff Reynolds' office last night for election of officers for the ensu ing year. The following were elected : 1 resident tv. H. Atkinson. Vice-president N. A. Reynolds. Secretary and treasurer W. A. Kepler. Captain V. S. Lusk. The i.'lub now has fifteen members aud its affairs are in a flourishing condition. Kegular weekly shoots will take place at the club's grounds near the passenger depot 011 Wednesday afternoons. No doctor's bills presented to the fam ilies who use Simmons Liver Regulator. Stock Quotations. NkwVork, May IS. Brie 20 I.nkcShnrc los; Chicago timi Northwcbtcrn 10U'a; Novtulk mill Western 5i.,7; Richmond and West poii t Terminal 10-V: Western Union MVj. Baltimore I'rl.es. Bai.tiuokk. Muv 13. -Flour, dull and un- chunKtd. Wllcut southern, dull; Kultz, $1.0nm1.13; LoiiKlicrry, $1.10(u:l.t4; No. rcil, irrt-Kuliir nnd hiKhcr: spot. Sl.l 4- -.: month, il.ia'jrtid.ia1. Corn southern, dull; while, T4(yi7.i: yellow, 7r& rt. New York Market. Nkw York, Mny 13. Stocks, oulet and steady to firm. Money, easy at (o; Ex change, lonK, -t.H-l.ia4.X4i4; short, 4.881413, 4 HhVV stutc b.-nu., dull but steady; govern ment bonus, auu but sternly ana weak, cot ton quiet; ank-a 1:14 bales; t'planils, H'.kc; Orleans, 9 5-llic; tuturcs oiiencd and closed very steady. Mj, n.bn; June, 8 H4; July, 8.76; AuKUHt, 8.HB; September, 8.89; Octo ber, 8.92. Flour dull and unsettled. Wheat -Btronif and tairlv uettve. Corn hrm. Pork dull but steady, at $11.75(1(14.25. Lard slow and easy at $ci.70. Spirits Turpentine nutet but steady at HlH.j(f&40c. Kosln dull but steady at $1.0S(jil.7O. Freights stcauy, AITAIKS OF CONSliQUISNCE. HOME Forest fires in the oil region of Penn sylvania have destroyed thirteen oil wells and four gas wells. Tremicr Fielding, of Nova Scotia, esti mates the government expenditures at $577,000, or $50,000 in excess of the re ceipts. Under the treaty which has been nego tinted with Spain, the American trade with Cuba will be largely increased , it is believed. Another Stewart will contest is about to commence in New York. The plaintiffs are the Irish heirs of A. T. Stewart, the dry goods millionaire. The supreme csurt of the United States has decided not to interfere in the cases of George Wood, colored, and Shibuya Jugiro, Japanese, Harris A. Smiler and James J. Slocum, sentenced to death by electricity in New tork. Unfailing in effects, always reliable, pure and harmless, is Simmons Liver Kcgulator. We have the largest sup ply of carriage: sponges in the city, and they are be ing sold at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. Sponges that usually retail for 25 and 35 cents, we can sell for 10 and 15 cents, and make a reasonable profit. Call and examine for your self. GRANT'S PHARMACY. KEPIIALIJNE will relieve neuralgia, head ache, or toothache. 25 cent a bottle at Grant's Pharmacy. The finest and most comnlet atnrU n Colognes, Toilet Waters, Extracts, Ftice Powders and high grade Soaps at UKAiVi i rtiAKMACY. Prescriotions filled at all hnnrm flnnttm delivered free ol charge to any part oi niccur. UKAM S F1IAKMALY. If you want a handsome nair nt cut qlass Bottles call at GRANTS PIIAK- iU.-lC 1 . Uottles ranging in price from One to Fifteen collars per pair. II you want a first-class llait Brush for a small amount of money, GRANTS PHARMACY is the place to go to get it. All kinds of Tooth Ik ushes, Bath Brushes, Bath Gloves, Sponges, etc. When your Prescriptions are com pounded at GRANTS PHARMACY you can positively aepena upon it that only the purest and best Drugs and Chemi cals have been used that they were compounded by thoroughly experienced ruarmacisisana that tlie price paid was not unreasonable. 24 South Main St. J. M. CAMPBELL, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND AGENT FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION -AND- 1MPROVEMENT COMPANY. ?OR SALB I have for sale for a few dava onlv nn. the moat complete cottnfc-ce of 8 rooms in Asheville. All modern conveniences, rightnear 'treetcar line. MuatlM.anla nn.- uri $4,8(10. Apply to J. M. CAMFBBLL. for sale Two homes of 7 rooms each with water closeta; well built. Convenient to street car Hue at $l,HO0 each; rent for $inoo per month. Will be sold ou install ment plan Other houses and lot. to be sold cheap on installment plan Have for sale 10 or 12 Iota of 20 acrea, more or leas each, miles of court house at $.10 per acre, and wlthi- one mile of pro posed street railwav. Tiie timlier on th land is worth price asked. Apply at once. Terms easy, to suit purchaser. Parties caa pet notiKh Bre wood off the laad to pay for it within one year J. M. CAMPBBLL i-orsnie os lots near V underwit's estate, from $100 to $500 each. Apply to J. M. CAMPBBLL. J. ILL AW, Nos. 57, 59 aud 61 S. Main St. ASHBVILLB, N. C. CHINA, GLASSWARE, CUTLERY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. CARRYING A VERY LARGE STOCK, WB OFFER GREAT. VARIETYI And can fill large ord r. promptly. A splendid new line of fine blown glassware Just reed-red. Lowest Prices Always. 3 i it ii - : -..J

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