( "X VI- .A. .4 ..I eville Daily Citizen VOLUME VII. NO. 31. ASH EVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, TUNE 11, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. Ash WHERE THE SNOWBIRDS NEST. For a cool place in summer, for health and recreation, visit Linville, Grandfather Mountain, and the beautiful region sur rounding them. Regular sates of real estate at Linville on and after Jane 1st. 1891. Business lots and residence sites sold nt private ale only. The Rsrcnln Inn was opened the 1st, of June, under the manugciinnt til Mr James T. Skiles. Rcguhar daily stage from Crnnhcrry. -LINVILLEz 1NVITB8 INVBSTIOATION AS TO Climate, Water Supply, Drainage. Drives, Parks. Scenery. Plans, Building Sites, Investments. LINTILLR MFBOVKHENT CO. Unvllle, N. C. ' ANALYSIS OP WATER USBDATTHB ASHEYILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, 217 HAYWOOD ST. COHMOW.I.TH Of M.aalCHI'aSTT. CHRTIFICATBOP ANALYSIS State Amyrr-s Offiet, 207 Franklin St BOSTON. MAMS. Anril 21. I HOI. T. Chas. H. Campbell, Asheville. North Car- ouaa. The earn pie of water arjhmitted for analy. at. ha. rem ratrrnlly eiamraed. with the M I ft win. remit.: The water .how la part per 100 OOO Solid, rolatlle , " flitd " total (train, tier one It. A a-atla a.oo 3 (HI ft.00 2. ll Th. water la almoat entirely free from or. file matter, allowing very alight trace of trow, aenpntir ... iirtie. Te water i. very .icerhnit In all rcaawets. It i. eery arldom we tid water ao free from organic or mineral aaattev. M. I- HOWKKK, Stat. A Mayer CORTLAND BROS., Real Estate Brokers, And. Investment Agents. NOTARY PUBLIC. Loans ae.ur.ly placed at per ceat. Offieea: 34 a 26 rattoa Arena Second Boor Md1v REAL ESTATE. W.t-Tw B. Owva, W. W. Waar. GVYfl & WEST, (Snceaaaoea to Walter B.Uwya) ESTABLISHED 1881 RIPER TO AM OF MHRVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loans Secnrclj Placed at Percent. . Notary Public Coatatiafaoacrs of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. orriCK-Saalheaat Court aVqtaare. -TAKE YOUR Broken Jewelry ' AND DISABLED WATCHES AND CLOCKS M. A. TILLEll, AN! MVI THEM HADE At GOOD AS NEW. No. ns M. Court aqtaar. KBIT DOOR TO POBTOFFICE. BUY YOUK ajf GROCERIES WB FROM Ax?Si v D- COOPEr 3U THAT IS WHAT MA TOLD ME TO DO. Shcsnyslt,. the beat place la town to trade No danger of being overcharged, and ever; thing la aa represented or money refunded. North Court Square, Corner Main and College 8t. B PRIESTLEY i CO.'S CELEBRATED SILK, SILK AND WOOL, AND WOOL NUN'S VEILS READY FOR USE ALSO Priestley's Nun's Yelling FOR DRESSES. Then, black good, are the very beat make and dye. BON M ARGUE." OUR POSITION In the groccrv business enables us to Ktvc consumers advantages of great value. TEAS. We keen the liest Formosa Oolongs, apnns, Gunpowder ami Loutish Urcnk- fast. COFFEE. The finest blends of Roasted Coffee in existence. SUGARS Are cheup. Wc sell highest grade mnde. nutuing but the SYRUPS. Our Syrups and Molasses arc Dure and wholesome. RICE. The best Carolina only offered. FLOUR. The Obelisk Flour stands tinciiuullcd by any ever offered in this market. Hotels and boarding houses please bear in mind that we arc prepared to meet comx-tition in this or any market. Kespecituiiy, Powell & Snider, HOW TO MAKE The way to uiakt money is to Htive it. And the way to Have it is to have your pre 8vritioim filled at Canni chael's drug store, und you will find by doing bo you will save from 25 to 30 iter cent, on every prescription. We do not take goods that the people know the price and mark down to cost, and then charge two prices for a pre scription to make up the loss. You know clerk hire and house rent must be paid and the profits must bo averaged someway. A hint to the wise is sufficient. A full line of De Vault Flavoring Extracts in stock. Mr. J. Taylor Amiss and Mr. Chas. W.lVvaulta're with me and will be pleased to meet their friends and cus tomers. Don't forget the place. Carmiehael's drug store, No. 20 South Muiu street, Asheville, N. C. BARGAINS ; IN : DINNER : SETS AT OUR STUCK lit Immense and Must Uo. See our MM piece seta a SI 0.8.1, ihey ore nnKllnh, and are of our on iniportatl The lieat act you ever .aw for the money Lome enilj anil ja t o e. Opaque China. Special nitration In called to another line of diiMiirvvnn , which w- imported ourse It is Opaque C 'iim, in a Itcnutiful decoration equal lo I'icnc'i China, nn.l t half the price We wi I mnkr up sets to suit you, uu'l wh you break a piece c e will well yon nnothcr to in itch t earl. This will enibl- you tool uats.have a full net; price from s 12 ut. warde. BETTER POSITION. W are In better position to furniah hotel. and boarding house, than ever. We carry large .tock and our price, throughout are the lowest: and will pay yon to ace ua before buying. In connection we carry a large atock of tinware and houae. furnishing.. Our alore I. the lurgcat. 41 Patton Ave. CHINA, GLASS, LAMP AMI HOl'Sli I'OKNISMiNCS. ONE PRICE STORE, II. REDWOOD & CO. we a.k attention this week to onr Cloth ing tor men, buy. and children, in which wc show eicclleut style, and the b at of value Also to aomc desirable thing, in seuaona- blc DreaA tiooda. A iiunilicr of attractive Items lu various line Just oKiicd. H. REDWOOD & CO. CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, ETC., ETC. SHOES, HATS, 7 & 9 PATTON AVE SEE FOR YOURSELF OUK NBW LINB LAWN TENNIS RACKETS, From f l.oo to $.2B; neta, pule., etc. A beau tiful line Croquette, Base ball, and flat. Our nt w line KURD'S CELEBRATEO STATIONERY Staple and fancy. Our 25 cent Fountain Pen Is going right along plenty left. Our new Soayenlr of A.heyilk, only 2fi cents. We ahull close the balance of oar Dictionary Holdcra at I2.S0, worth $3.50. J. N. Morgan & Co., BOOK8BLLBRS AND 8TATIONBR8, S Public ttqaare. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, 28 I'atton Ayenne, Next T M C A build'g. norl d3m PO Box 554. J. W. SCIIARTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR NO. 42 NORTH MAIN ST. Just received, a foil line of Bngll.k and do meatic woolen, for spring and summer, fch2dlm FOR RENT OR SALE. Hither house owned by T. Wilson Bh'iru leas, corner French Broad Avenue and Hay wood Street These house, are located near the center of town, commanding good view., high elevation. For information apply to . IOHN CHILD. JAMES. PRANK, Daaxm m ii FAMILY6R0CERIES AND PROVISIONS A Kent for Deems Creek Wooka MUla. North Mala Asheville N C MEETING THE PRESIDENT. AN t7NIO.iri'.l,Y KAS'TIFI.'L, IN VITATION BOOK. Full Account of the vialt ol tbc North Carolinians to the White Houae Wednesday, Washington, June 11. About seventy Ircr.sons representing ull the southern states com prised the committee that waited on the president yesterday und invited him lo attend the exposition to lie held nt Raleigh, N. C, in October and November. The party was headed by Senator Ransom, of North Carolina, and Mr. Patrick Walsh, of Augusta, Oa.. and included Mayor Badger, of Raleigh, Col. A. B. Anderson, of Richmond, M.ij. R. S Tucker, Col. Uurgerne and representa tives of nearly all the leading southern cities. Gov. Holt, of North Carolina, in. tended to lie with the- party, but was not able to come. The' president received them in the cabinet room. Senator Ransom made an eloquent address inviting the presi dent to Knleigh, und assured him of warm and hospitable welcome. The president in reply thanked them for the cordiality and impicssivcncss of their invitation untl said it was very gratify ing to him to feel that thet had conic so lar for sm li a purpose. Their invitation called for serious consideration on his part, hut he could not now tell what he would he able to do at the time of the exposition. He said lie kacw he would lie received with kindness as he had re cently had very conclusive evidence on that point. He rcurcttcd that it wn not his privilege to pass through Noith Carolina on his recent trip. He con tinued: No: I cannot promise at 'his time. In deed, 1 uni very chary about promises; public men Have occu severely criticised lor making promises thev could not tier. lorm, and I have made it a strict rule not to make promises. There is too much louhl about the luture state of the nub. ic business for me to anticipate what 1 may be able to do. You will bear in mind that October and Novcmlicrare aot to lie busy times with the president in connec tion with the assembling of congress, and in the discharge of my constitutional duty 1 must try to cnliuhlcu coiiltchs as to the uffairs of the country. So you ace, it win not oe very easy lor mc to gel uwny in i lie lan. t am in lull sympathy with every movement for the disolav ol our magnificent development anil mate rial prosierity in the arts ami sciences. 1 will bear votir invitation in mind and will try to arrange my affairs so as to accept it. the Trcsidcut 8 remarks were loudlv upplnuded. A presentation volume, silver hound and clasped, 14 bv2H inches, with cover. ol native North Carolina pine, paneled with natural curled pine was then eiven " itsmciii. viiiuin lairamco inc invi tation to come to Raleigh printed on a large tobacco leaf of far-famed North IU. II :.i , 1 1 r : . i . r Carolina golden leaf. On the leaf, 12 by it) in size, on the left, is Drintcd: "The citizens of the southern section nf the union extend ancarnest invitation to Keniamin Harrison, President ol the United .States and his cabinet" On another tobacco leaf, ol the same size is the following: "To visit them at the Capital City of the old North State during the Southern Exposition in October and November. 1HU1." Above and on each side of both arc bunches of rice, grown in Carolina. Below are bolls of cotton, representing agricultural products, llelow are sheets I mica representing the industrial urn. ducts of the south. The backgrounds were of black velvet, lined with gold card ua nnniisomeiy tritmed witlipiateglnss. Similar invitations in nort-folio form were presented to each member of the cabinet. Mr. Walsh then addressed the nrrai- Icnt on behalf of AucuHta. tin., and the president said his response to Hie other invitation applied equally to this. A RIOT. Hlrlkerr) Co Too Far and the Sword Is Uravru on Tliciu. rtRKMHN, June 11. Serious rioting oc curred here today upon the part of the firemen of the North German Lloyd Steamship company on strike nt this place. The rioters were eventually at tacked by the police with drawn swords and a desperate struggle took place. finally mc lire Di igatlc was summoned o the assistance of the notice and. thus reinforced, the officers of the law mun- ged to restore order. though thestrikers stubbornly resisted the combined on slaught of bolh the police and the fire Diigane. llunne the battle between the steam ship firemen and the authorities, some of the lormer were severely injured bv the? swords of the police. SKTKRAL KII.I.ED. A Hurricane noes Much Damute lu fcastefu ttallcla. Bl OA I'rstii, I one 11. A terrible hur ricane, causing much damage, has swept over eastern Galieia. During the storm an entire forest was partly uprooted and the towns of Podkamin and Prikwa suf fered considerably. Several churches were unroofed and a number of houses razed to the ground. Several people were killed onlright, and 11 11 111 Iters injured by fulling debris. The Harrisons In Loudon. London, June 11. Mrs. McKcc, daugh ter of President Harrison, and Mrs. Rus sell Harrison arrived here this morning. They were met at the tailroad station by United States Minister Robert T. Lin coln and by attaches of the United States legation. Mrs. Mch.ee and Mrs. Russell Harrison were immediately driven to Lincoln's residence, where the travelers remain as the United States minister's guests during their stay in London. Mozambique Excited Home. London, June 11. Dispatches received here from Mozambique announce that lecling of great excitement prevails there wine to the fact that Chief Gnnrveva. with 4000 followers, has re volted against Portuguese authority in favor of a Urirish protectorate. Chief Gourveya rules over the territory between Zambesi and Pun- give rivers, ike Portugese authorities arc hastily despatching troops to ouell the revolt. I.t'CKV ONE8. A Number of Appointments) Made by the President. Washington, June 11. The president has made the following appointments Leonard W. Colby, of Iowa, to be as sistant attorney general (as provided by an act approved March 3, 1 S!)l . loscnh R. Rcid. of town, in lu- a.;-f justice of the court of private land claims, milium I', htone, ol Colorado, Henry C. SIh.S. flf KnilKua Tliomna f KMll of North Carolina, and William W. Mnrl V' Tennessee, to ht SMOClate Jut- i.vii-i liic court oi nrivate laou i-oiii. Matthew (5. Reynolds, of Missouri, to lie attorney of the United States for the court oi private land claims. WILL THEY SETTLE HERE? BfVING UND FOR 50,000 Kl'H- 81 AN JKWs. Baron Hlrsch's Representative Also Nettollatliio; for Land Near Ureeusboro and Littleton as Well as luolr-Ulddlng; for the Hickory Iuu. Hickory, N. C, June ll.-Spccial. The representative of the llarou Hirsch immigration committee, now in this country, stopjicd here recently. So far us your correspondent was able to learn, the committee are negotiating lor 80,000 acres of land near Lenoir, as already stated in Tim Citizkn; 40,000 near Greensboro, and 120,000 acres near Littleton, N. C. The same committee are the prosiect' ivc purchasers ol the Hickory Inn ut $40,000 cash. Mr. Loughran bus not yet decided to sell. Baron Hirsch's representative cxpccls to put 00,000 Russian lews in this stale CONFEDERATE WOMEN. They Erccl a Monument at Fred. ericksburK, Va. 1'KKDKKlCKSIIl'KG, Va., June 11. The town was profusely decorated yesterday with bunting and Confederate and na tional Hags in honor of Memorial day and the unveiling of the Confederate statue. Thousands of visitors were in attendance, including a number of Con federate camps with their drum corps. iuc services ut. me cemetery were oiencd with prayer by tbc Rev. W. F. Carter, of the Methodist church, and then General liradley T. Minion, of Bal timore, orator of llic day, delivered the unveiling address. The monument was erected by the Ladies' Memorial Assembly, ltisoftrrav granite and stands on a mound of earth live Icet and six inches nidi. There is n column oncuchcorncr ol red granite with gtay granite niidplythbnsc. It contains the lollowing inscriptions: un east side: "South Carolina. Vir ginia and North Carolina." North: "Missouri, Kentucky. Tennes see and Arkansas." West: '.'Louisiana. Mississinni and Texas." South: "Georgia. Florida and Ala- bama." On the west side there are muskcts.and on the south a castle with battlement: on the north sabres, on the east cannon. with the words, "To the Confederate Dead." Almost every camp in Vircinin was represented at the uiivciliuir ceremonies. and the observance ol the day was with out a parallel in this historic town. TAX AItfE8fOR. The Increase of Valuation Will be Over 100 Per Cent. The tax assessors of the two wards of the city have done considerable work, but for the past day or two have lieen delayed by the weather. The east ward assessors, F. M. Miller, T. W. Patton and C. W. Malone, have very nearly com pleted their outside work. Assessor Miller this morning told Tbr Citizkn that so far as could be judged by the worn aonc, me increase ol property valu ation in the city would be at least 1(10 per cent, and doubtless would go above that figure. The assessors of the west ward, M. h. Roberts, J. M. Ingle and M.J. Hcardcn, will not have their out door work completed for a week or more )t. in Favor ol the Church. Nasiivii.i.k, June 11. Bishop K. K. Har grove has received a telegram from Pres ident Atkins, of Corvallis College Oregon, stating that the supreme court of Ore gon has decided the college suit in favor 1 tnc Methodist hpisconal Church. South. The suit referred to involved proiicrty valued nt over $3,000,000. The college proK'rty has lieen in litigation a iiiimlier of years, and the result has been awaited wilh much interest. Want Recognition. London, June 11. A long circular ad dressed to the Kuropcnu powers by the Chilian provisional junta or govern ment representing the insurgent party of Chili was published in Hngland and todnv. in tins note theClubau juntaap iieals to the iwwers to recognize the in surgents as belligerents. Uullty as a Rioter. UniontoWN, Pa., June 11. The jury in the case against John McSloy, Mike Dis mon and twenty-eight other strikers for conspiracy and riot at the I'rick com pany's works, found McSloy and Dismon guilty and acquitted the rest. The case of conspiracy and riot against John U. Kac, reter w ise ana others was begun. Reported Klllllnsr. The report reaches here that John For tune, of Broad River, McDowell county, who was engaged in the logging busi ness, in the employ of Locke Crnitr. eso.. of Asheville, was killed on last Tuesday night by Wesley Patton and Hicks Bur nett, of this county. Mirtle M. Tanner, lloonville, Ind., writes: "I had blood poison from birth. Knots on my limbs were as large as hen's eggs. Doctors said I would be a cripple, but II. u. B. has cured me sound and well. I shall ever praise the men who in vented Blood Balm were born." HE'S A-CATCIIING IT NOW. THE PRINCE OF WALEe) THE RACK. ON The English Newspapers Are Not Intimidated by Royalty, It Art- pears a Religious Weekly's Comment. London, June 11. The outspoken ucwspaiier press comments upon the par the Prince of Wales played in the bacca rat scandal continue to lie the sensation of the day in Knglautl. A ncwspaier reporter who was near the Prince ol Wales at Ascot today when the race for the gold cup was won by Lord Ilarling ton's Marion, telegraphs that the Prince of Wales, who witnessed the event, was in a very sulky frame of mind, caused, it would apiicar, by the storm of adverse newspaper criticisms winch has swept and is still sweeping, over the heir ap parent. The religious Dress, as niitrhl lie nnir. ico, is most severe in its comments upon the Prince's conduct. The Christian World, an influential itidcendfiit relig ions weekly reorcsenlint! all nmtcstuui denominations, says: "the throne rests upon the foundation of public opinion iinly a few more scandals like thut of IranbyLroft. would destroy thin fnun u.iiiuii mm uiiwiini vi 11. would never lie crowned." The British Weekly re marks: "ine revelations are enoin 1 to so'kt np the strongest supporters of monarchy." The News says: "Cuiiiiiiiiiu's siiMiini 01 ine pajier was damning. The pnbhc disappointment is due not to dissatisfac. tion. butto the iiiadeiiiatcncss of tlie vcrtncl to meet I lie varied asgiccls of the scandal. The Prince of Wales failed in the middle course he adopted, but it has vet to be proved that his attempt was more man a grave indiscretion. The pitv of il all is not there, but in the presence "of the ueir 10 me limine at the licado the bac carat table, The prince is bound lo lead 1 pure, simple and cleanly life, and to lie an example to bis luture subjects. Woe to a monarchy when it can no longer erfoim what may fairly liecallcd its last surviving use. It is grotesque to have a irincc carrying nlmut baccarat counters wherever lie govs as a Muliomincdaiicai ics Ins pra yum carpet." The Vienna correspondent of the Times ays mat tlie Daccaralscanil.il hascaused a sensation in army circles on the conti nent, esiiecially in countries where the Prince of Wales is honorary colonel of scvcrui regiments. Criminal Court. In the criminal court tbc follov ing ascB have been disposed of: State vs. Wm. Ward, assault; guilty, udgmcnt suspended ou payment of costs. Stute vs. lames Ilumimss. larceny : guilty, sent to chain gang for four years. Ctni. tl 11..11 r ,r iiiHii io. uni ii.iu, ior setting nrc to the old jail building, three years iu chain ang. Wilson Mart hee. indicted for atmltm. from Vanderbilt's store nt Itiltmorc, was found guilty and sent to the chain mini. for three years. Stock Quotations. NSWYo.K, June 11. Hrie : Lake Shore 05"4; Chieneo unci Northwestern llllllA: orlolk and Western : ulrhmi,a and West i'oiat Terminal 10"i: Weateni nion 8()'(. Baltimore Prices. BALTluo.n, June 1 l.Flonr.ateadv: western super $3.H5vM.sr; cxtrR, $ t..2r.uiVi;n; fam ily, f4.7rifnri.2n. When I, aouthern. dull. I'ulti t LOJltil lo; LonntH-rry, $1 o7a)l.ll). No. 2 red, lower; "pot, l.07du 1 .071 ,. Corn southern, firmer: white. 70i:7ic: v.n.,w fi7(!lliXC. New Vork Market. Nsw Yuan, June It. -Stocks, dull, nnrf nirnmit Money, easy; tixchitiiKc. lonn. x4i,ol.R iwt; short, .H7sl.H7H.; stale mt, dull: government bonds null imi steady. Cotton easy, snlca balca; Up- lanila, H 11-1B; Orleans, Ht.e: futures onrntil id closet! steady. Mai. M :io: lune. Nil- uly, K.S4; Auuuat. H 1.2: Senteinlier. M7I: tetotwr.H 80. I'lour- dull and weak. Wheat steady anil fuirlv aclive Ciint-wpnb ,,mt lull. Pork quiet anil sternly nt JlO.nod. Ii. no. I.nril iiuiet anil en.v nt Sd ao: slnir. its Turpentine quiet anil atirady; nt 314(11: 34'4c Rosin dull but easy at l.-UXtfl.Ou, I'rciguta irregular. AFFAIRS OF CONtilitJUtiNCE. HOMK. Wheat harvest has commenced and lav 011I1I says new wheat shipments will Kgin within a week. At the Kansas State university, nt awrenec, Mrs. 1.11a Brown, of llolton. received a diploma as a lawyer. She is he lirst woman to graduate from the Stale law school. She will practice law ith her husband nt llolton, Kansas. Gen. John McNeil, superintendent ul Station K of the St, Louis KistolHcc,died suddenly in his office on Monday. As 11 iloncl of union troops in lNliL' he or- lered ten prominent citizens of Palmyra. Mo to be shot without trial. For this act he was known as the " butcher of Palmyra." The secret service officers have notified the jewelers of Chicago that they will lie prosecuted for counterfeiting in case they are caught gold -plating silver or nickel coins for use as bangles. It has been dis covered thut some of these plated coins have been passed as the gold coins which they resemble in size. Port Au Prince advices say that Fred Donglass fears for his life, and on llnv 30 and for several days previous he reached his office by passing through the back yard of a hotel, then climbing a fence, going through several other yards and finally reaching the back stairway of the consulate. At night he makes an even more circuitous route to reach home, FOKKIGN. The Unglish government intends ex tending the advantages of its free educa tional bill lo Ireland. At a meeting of the cabinet of France it was decided to ask Parliament for the credit necessary in order to enable France to take part in tbcChicngo World's Fair. A letter from Acapulco, Mexico, quotes Silva Palma, captain of the Chilian cruiser Hsmcrnltla. as saying that on the appearance of the United States cruiser Charleston, off the harbor of Acapulco, the Esmeralda had her decks sanded for action, and that the Charleston had every man at the guns. "If a pistol shot had been fired on cither side," the captain is represested as saying, "it would have been the signal lor instant engagement. Health is wealth. Take Simmons Liver Regular for all sickness caused by diseased liver. f-nnnset Park In the cool orttte eveniuK. uei mere on the dummy ABOUT TWELVE MONTHS AGO WE SOLD In Asheville, N. C, OVER TWO HUNDRED PAIRS OF KNICKERBOCKER BlIOULDEK BUACES. FOR Men, Women and Children. OUT OF ALL THAT NUMBER Nut one K:rHon wan tHsujiiio'ntid in the tittc of them. They are .K-yond duubt the bent und moat durable brucc ever worn in fact they tire the ONLY RELIABLE contained brace und susietidcr in the market They urc simple In construction, easily ad justed and worn with perfect comfort. WE 1I4.V1: JUST RliCUIVliD 160 PAIRS -ALL SIZES FOR MEN, WOMEM, BOYS AND GIRLS. CALL AND IiXAMINli THEM. IRANT'S PHARMACY. 94 South Main St. J. OA linn r 1 1 !! UHllirDCLL. DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND AGENT FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION -AND- IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. JKl'STItIJ SAI.B. Dy virtue of a Deed nt Tnt ....-.i ... me ly i. A. Putnam on the 17th of May IH'.lO, to secure a note mentioned therein for $400. Said trust being duly icKistvd in hook No 71, nt vtLgt '.17 of Huncomliecounty 1 will sell for cash nt the curt house door In Asheville. N. C. on tile 80th lunc, lK'll, (,, Saturday) the lot mentioned in said trust situated ou Grove trcl, in the city of Aaliu ville, N. C, 18th Muy, ism. 11. F. PATTON, Truatea. J?OK KKNT. 8 nice rooms rn 11111 .in. w.. 1. house. $H per mouth. J?OK SALU Have for sale in or 12 lots nf -jo . more or less e ich, 21, miles of court house at $ra per acre, anil within one mile of pro. posed street railway. The timber 011 the land is worth price asked. Apply at once Icrmseusy, to suit purchaser. Partus can Ki t iiioukIi lire wood off the luad to pay for I'or side n lots near Vunilcrhllt'a estate, from $100 to J5U0 each. Apply to J. M. CAMl'BBLL. IN PRICKS TO CLOSE OUT CERTAIN LINES IN Crockery ami Glass. A GREAT REDUCTION IN Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Silverware, Btc 1 am in belter shape to till large orders for hotels than any house in Western North Car olina, as my stock ia the lurgcat and my prices tlie lowest. A large line ol" Mason s Fruit Jurs, Jelly Classes, etc., Date City Wuter I'll ten, the best filter 011 the murk.t. I'lcose call and sec ine before buying elac where. I will make it to your iutcrcat to call and price my got ds. J. II. LAW, Nm. 57, 59 and 61 . Main St. ; If . V ." 1""