s?wto'"i' V .- . '-. . ; '.v'-:: -'-I . :' ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 1. 1891. ifAs.iJiViMt: citizen. f. i. lGCO. tv !.'.. ,1.1 on ' lMf ' s hlX ,Vi.IH Tin- M'i-,1'11 OH ; M .' 'II ., ., INI1 W hlvk. iClTHl.N, I . .'I Ll I - ' ?(' .'!.. .!.) ! t H Hi J .Jell . ihtl.hed hi the fol- oo S.IM) . l.BO 60 18 WXl'NIiMnV. II'I.V I. 1s;l. ;;rl v I: i n n ut the Amunis i lie ii-i alliance biiIi t vinr" I '.'n. 'I'li IH-uuiic-t Qii.it, Or., w,: llii ',! 1,1 1 lu : . I I: I. til m-.i . Will. I it IVlllll .. : I'VI'Ilt his (''''; eiem y i - . si in ii.'i :nt ti ,.i i ij4 (.!- aIi iil ty in I ms aiuuiiu. wl.ui . I iVll'i i ll. l.'I'Ill l.i mis ul ' ess, of 1 itnte, Oun.v, ilrnwii K con party. ' Is con . ct hulls h Sen- ; nblic u i at this . i ' those . t trough .ni"l'.iilll, i i. ion recent 'u ' ' tleiicl .I. ;..oiiuj- . vinliii i .' i ' I itiliciin i 1 : pnst "lu. is it) J. -I'll. I'. I'll U, 1 1H L. SS. .ll-MIUli' cnii niaj'.r ii i' ul i-.in.v t.i.1,1' SH.U Wil-. . ',.4'lt. . ' 1.1 ,; I - jot it m k'i 'ilvvi: tl.' in i 1 h .r,i-".--.-..i; - . t . .ul tut! t' Is -v : , . . .. fi n .' i. . i n . i;i.i ! v i, j ' in, . P" - a. i , . . . i -i Wii.tt U-s ..-ii ici . . :. .( i ol H'J ' !;lk:Url ili'll'H" . ' "I , 3 illllj .sv.,l's I '.ll!sl;ll ;U ;: blc? ri.. v. iii. i- ( ,Uif,- ', S ti -li lv s I iiiHfr. I I'll I. , 1ii-y . I. . I 'I I !l , ; l.i. :: , . .' ' at -it . ti.iiiK tt, t!. t W.IK .. .. I . . H;, , I l(IK"if'i.', ' l.i ,-, 'is f : : ul- , .v Iliii' HIU I I' .. . , ,'il,,. ', ..j, , pUlllic Hilii Kill v A . . .in ... Wily, km ; .-iln ,i r n I , c'i'I'.ir m li.i: , i, . i vlu, ii vi i'., ii:,,:,. ,i , Ui!l;.i-, w. i:,... ' .. , ,, ,. Ami, . In.. . . ; tvh'ii ;,.;,t .. , t - "nr. ... ,. 16 rt u win I r i, 1 nir.ii . - , .i: n ... ' vc , .... a ,. , 'i"-ii.. '; il,. .. . , , ' ; . ' II, ... . ; ;.!il. . mi .... .i in in ! il of ii . i,i ,!,.', 'Lll'lllnlii .. i,,,. , ,.. i . H.i ' . n. V. ,i . t.h ' i-i i i , i . ,; .., '!. I v. M ,i. ., .,, , i-i . iil i,' ii .,, ; tar rvi .. .., U"l Dei 'nils, v ; .1. ; is iii'i utinii .hi : . . i ftme att.'i i,s 1 i ... , , uf it.lf. t'litt t: in mi itw !lillin.ii ,-Vjr lui t H4 1'Ih ll,. i JSoi ill ,11. v t ll ,i .!. i- inn t'f'ittl Ih.- L. i .tit , Mi. (, i , Tlw ' ' lie il.l.n : ... . v ,. " ' '-.,,' t' fill '. . ,i tion V. r' 1, ... ,, , ,, tin :'i .' , i '.l '.. ', . ;i ' 1 III C , : . iiiA.. ; fi ; - i , . . cinilili thou iv niii- 'i tnect-Mcilen- Mllili- . Tin- ' il,,uy KU1- liilcut. isilllils ill liiHl i llit'U- ncw- StillC it the in I ilk u hail il wan thiii. . now, uiniist other " lie iiisij; c Ke iiiun i silver I'.ISUll ol u ;nrc." uale ure" ill he ilclits : the I ilay. ; tlic II the TSCIlt every Ttiilvtt each with 't k ' j do, 'kilty c na ilc iti , the work lahly esciil who care LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. The Ner RallrMd. Editor Tub Citizkn. I heir to lm press uixm our people tlie gmt imMrt- ance of arousine even one to turn out on the 20th of this month to vote on tlw project to build a railroad front Aahe- Tille to the Maditsn county line. I am I'l hH In anv Hint tint am 'imihi. jn 1 .U. ville townahip liat yet eipresicd himself hi opHca 10 u. nvery one says the proposition is perfectly safe; that the people are absolutely secured against every contingency of loss or expense, hut i ne only iroume is in getting out a ma jority of the vote. Capt. M. U. Carter, the careful county attorney, in co-operation with Mr. J. S. Adams, have pre pared the proposition in such terms and language as to leave no Uouht as to what we are to exiiect it the vole is fuvornfilc to the mutter that the road will be built ami that it will be the iroicrty ol the township until we are relieved from our endorsement of the proposition Never in the history of this country hius mere ueen presented such a chance to rcI a road built for twenty miles without cipcnsc 10 me eopie. I llfHU WP will lir,v mnmm .,..l.lirt .....1. - 1 "s ..... ...... BI.UH' nil to the oennlt n ilmi ih,.v lu aroused to the importance of' this mnt- l". Jll.lA. I'l mk Citizkn wishes to second the sun k'estion that there should be some public Sieaking to attract the interest of the licople and (jet the matter proicrly Ik lore tiiem. liD. Utukn. Tax Payern Pay For It? Uihtuk Tttli Citizkn: tin Haywood street the city is having work done in widcmnir the street. Tax-iuivcrs. fi your pockcti; sake, just witness what is Roiilu on. Von will see, today, IN wau- ons stnnilinu there and 'M men to fill in loose dirt. The wngons are idle one-hall lllt'ir time. Whut a nhnniM !'.. I ... .... - -" - -s ,,. i.ini baturday; IHmen had to actually load ami seep two wauons or carls moviiic them. Ah SL'llriilile men if Aslii.,ll.. .. KoniK io siana liny y mill seeyourtaxen siiiandercd in this way? There is no system about the work. rivM- I ;... inc. Slut) will lie ouiil tor (.., I '..' ...i"i. on iiii.Twuou sireci, ami tnc teams not u wurH mnri' t inn niic hull ii...; You will all remember (icrhaps whnt n wasic oi money was ninile over a yea ano. Look nt i In. itn'i't roels; then look at the work done. Shall we run in the same old rut? Kick ami kick hard. Tupa ci. June 30, 1801. Twa none I.onn Ao. lilMTOK Tim Citihn: -1 noticed in Sal urdav's paK'r that the board of nlilei men bad authorized the water winks su prrintendent to lay pipes to connect the old reservoir with the punipiiii; station i ins wouiii cost several thousand ilol lars. Uul I learn since that the yen thill),' asked by the new siiicrintciii!cu has been done lonit auo. The troubli was. ht iliiln't Lmif if lvi... .i:.i..i. i... ascertain this U-I'orc he asked the Ixinrd to make an order lor the cxicnditurcof a large sum of money ? 1 hope it is not iHciiusc nc snows so much he cauuot at lord to go lo his predecessor and seek en hirhteiiment on nil h.- n,.:.. i would lake little time and might save iiioney. yt TMK HlHVrREAHl'Rv PLAN. I ith 1 1. jruad Cass utrac- home based ;nant ' Kiii;, it I'n. b-)UM liml; I'n&s n 'i iliu . rin :i,.i. ... : tw.i ivi,; i . . into in i 'i : 1,1 .'Jl.ti wtn-i ; wan ajj.-lii fennlv ,irrn ,-.(, ,i P' i.M's'sl , 1 1 1 vV'ltll :.l ... . Hli il it'll , A Hit II I ll.l I- Jt Ulih'.ii, it ' f a ilill. !ic lIlH- '. "I . H '. win ; i ,,ll. , '.'lit ,,. ,.. ,- i ;? i in- bill H i- 'Hi,. .ui i.'.i i e ' V i M1 v.yi .', Th ; ,iis alil.c i.:. k"i n. frvrcii tr, 'ii the i CMlMSe' ' All in WHS ! rii. 'wait iiM ' .If,!.' .,. "l:il - jtt.-ll.-MI' j Wl , HI ill I iv 'i ,s J-.ti'l; ii" fi ..ml , .. .. 1- lite mi.. w iieil.ni.il ilic ,- !iilll llllllllll.iii, ml a ci, imill lie iii; , V - Vliiiii lo mli ' i! tto.ilc were : r ..; ode I'.ieie nil I ! h o v .iilil !,; 1 -' 'i' in; i.iitd ' I .r. ' i i'l .1 si- 1 11 1 the o A-iici m.r 1 1 iio lfiM l: li.,'i i i . 1.1, HI ll i i the I. as rvey torv 33J lout vinjj ' ills- place new take . . i mill ' ercd "iety was I ol han nits van. :ate nac, ion 'I h a ittle ii i ions re ' oler ?ht ii., img i I to ii 'hnt to :her nice nee. , as I. red ises Clii mil a.i-ii l.is'.c And peitic ouce inmc F.ier Vrm mi l,n.,t., , t-l- m th New York Uuil A new niiliou! debt iiiis i,riv(;i n j, fountl in the iipi riipriiiiiuii l,i, -i,m jug. rbtlisbiittsu;s in t!ie!i.4ea! yt-.n 1866 Jimounteu lo '. ss tlnui lfc.iro.ooi. The ilrtbursinients ol this vtar Ca.-i i.niy be H;it)iTxiinnien. fts, tl l lo.lll ent 3 it '.ion iay' eat leo- fof I Hev villi -e-1 anil. vioii I'lie lhin; ul il., ... IH nipi'ir; evuei se.i o tin- Luvern How II Would Promote Cotton (peculator InterenlH. I'rom ihc ChurU'i on News snd Courier A Mississippi farmer, a mcmlier of the alliance in that State, has liecn ma kirn some calculations, without the fear of the Ociila plall'orm before his eves, as to !hi efltvt which the sub-treasury plan wouli have on the mui ketiiivof thecoltoiicro) He holds, as we think verv correetlv that under llii hill th- niviil.il,.,.. .M....I. -" "-"M.'M n.Jllll lie ft lie to ci ml nil thp ,'.,! i,i m.,1.1 n.t to squeeze the very life out ol the cotton IHHiuer. n wouiu nc in the power of a sneciilator hflvini' .tllliiooo .,.k ... buy ami hold $5ti(l,l)0(l worth ol cotton tinner the Ksycrumcnt warehouse scheme ninipiv dv reinvesting Ins MU )ier cent ad vanet-s. anil in this wiiv if u,....l.l : iniiuiii- only (ll,tH)0,tl00 ol active capital to loinnii me enure cotton crop, which the Mississippi farmer roughly estimates to lie worth $.KMJ,lllM),(MH. Ul course the sun treasury scheme was not devised lor the puriHisc ol plainly the colli planter at the mercy ol the cotton slice lator, lint such will be llic result if the promoters of the scheme carry out thci I'lilllB. Kvriv i be '--im:. eft l'- ! V'it.M lu ll '.l!-r?;i.se. rmnis ." in l,v $ Htr i.nt I l i.ain". l'toni thi 'ii,.i..iiiu.Hti j-urnHl VWntlH- '7h.it win the ,,., ,,, lM thf eae of that felU.w siipi osed .. In- iraiv Hbout baseball' Potts-Tiic, tnucijded to wftit tiuiil tne season ii (,vcr jt j. stiq oiuieiii' ;,r i mi Kiisnn of . r . in dig ti'DKiiiah u Imsrliull mon'.i. f, . n, , 'rdi tatf luaniiie riHl.l,lfv i'Vtmw Si Pim? lllr - So v ii. ,ne ii ! L .'ini ii .i.. l;lriiiir -No. T.iti..-., ! j .. ilcnuoi- Wei!. 1 1 u& (-.bjetis to las for Sine. Ill ii in inn ohieem nl i,m,,,i , j i Vbct to iiiscliat'ncUi, and Usides that cm mi, assC'j uieyct. Xeiiibiclie.iiiilii'Cstinn.aTid all disorder fihe liver trinlilrswlii,'li s;.,n.H,.... i : feguUtoi lurdT cures, - ... :-iu.-'rmiL ' ' - . ST'',''1..' The Vault In HUH There. Hro.n the lielrult I'ree Prem. 'When they left the treasury vault," besan Mrs. 1'it number, who has lately aciuirel the habit of readinR the piqiers to her lord and master, "they" "Hold on!" shouted Fitz, "did I un derstand you to say they left the vault?" "Yea," answer his wile. "Thank goodness for that," sighed l-ilz, in a relieved tore, as he sank back in his chair, "the rrnnliln-um u.ai i...... souiclhiui; for us to start on in 'J2," Who rules in this town ? . Depends on the question up. The lamn-eriim , r "-j tion what sort do you break ? Whatever sort your dealer deals in. HOW. da Villi tliink tin ' MMUA) V selects his chimneys ? He buys those that cost him least; he can get the regular price for them; and the faster mey preak the more he sells. That's how he reasons. Tell him vvaiih iriaU" beth s " pearl top " or pear giass, toBgri glass, transpar ent, clear, not foggy, fine, of right shape and uniform. Tell him vou 11 oav him a nirL-pl w a A 4 r w mure a piece, an4 that will cover his extra costs twice over. Tell him you don't pro pose io Dreak any more. Try yuur uium ai ruling. If you feel weak and all worn out take BROWN ' S IRON BITTERS AT THtt HOTELS. caanal Vlaltora to the city, and Where They Com Proiii. Grand Ccatrat-k. S.Abernethey, Hick orj; S. P. New hart, Philadelphia; li. A. Cooper, Taylorsville; George K. Pritch ard, Bukersville; Everett Pranks, J. A. Brookahire, U, T. demons, N. C; T. W. Granbery, Tennessee; K. Bingham, N. C; M. G. Smith, Baltimore; T. B. Sableltc, Staunton; Joe Harris, Knoxvlllc; H. C. Vong, Mai-Cuuly, N, C.j W. M. Hume, Nashville. ibVanmmoa S. W, Fullis, Radford; J. F. Council, Chnttanoogn; C. S. Jor dan, B. G. Pearson, N. C: G. MeCum- ming, Marble; M. N. Jacobs, Wilming ton; W Antewrieth and wife, Cincinnati Win. M. Hiizmnl, Beaumont: W. S Overton. Siun-tauluiru'! k II Ik-Lb Miss Kate Dykes, New Orleans; Miss fanny McNeely, Nilislmrv; Is, II. Smith Kiehmond; S. II. lioivdv, Detroit; K, J, Shields, N. Y.! M Silver, Morganton; J B. S. Mcintosh, Baltimore. fc'fcn KocA .-J. M. Murry, N. C. ; Mrs. Ilemlnekson and iliiuuhler. I'hiladclnhi.-i A. D. Ilaitman, W. N. Hawkins, Duvc Peacock, N. C; A. II. Kroiison, N. Y I). L. Iillis, Pair View Colleuc; T. K Cherry, N. Y.; . B. McFarland, M. II Moore, Miss ; V (i. Dinkc, Wilsons; C H. McCurdgc, Va.; J P. linbriel, N C. S. A. Ii. Pnrlium, P. S. Kobinsoii. W. W Kobiusoii, lliiinii; W. V. Clifton, Kiilchli; linene Withers, Danville; . W. Allison ClBvelaud: I. W. Brooke. S f (' M IJinlliiin. (la.; John Moore, Knoxville; virs. vvm, aneiion, wuynesvillc; Mrs. S. A. inenK, twoehililren and nurse, J. II Williams and wile, S. C.J J. C. Bowers Richmond. J. M, Kogers, Pigeon Kiver .1 H. Pnyiie. N. C.J Clin. A. Pierce. Kv W.Gray.J. A. Iloleh. K. Iv. oliiiston,T'en nessee; J. P. Moore, Salisbury. Xhm Bsby was sick, w gsv her Csstorln When srw was a Child, she cried tor Castor!. When she bwsme Hiss, she clung to Castorle When sue had Children, she gsve Uwiu Csstort 3 POWDER Absolutely Pure. A I'ri'nm lf lnrl.r I. ..LI.. .. I... Mtofiillin k'uvt-uiriK wtrt hk t lis. Luteal t -7. iwrrnniciu riiou KCHrt HH-uUlT Hiph M 2 M a 4 8 V Id a 3 u 5 3 it u e o' a at 0 0 0 ' Ytusr Liver?' Ts the Oriental Brtlutation, knowing fhat good health c.mnoi oxi;t without a liil;L',' Liver. When tho -Liver is torpid the Bow cU tiro tl'ii;iri' li nml con ctiiatoJ, llto fool li',u in tho etomarlr nndi ptod, poipotiMi;; ilic i)lood; freiJUO-Il!. .i-;i i 'ln ensues ; a leelinp o( I.umi uulo, doRpondcnr' n;i l viicrvousii(s.s indifu'to I; , the whole system i;i do raiiird. Simmons l.ivnr Kt'l'tihtor lins bw lli-t mt-:ni- (if ni; tiiiiiij., nmr i Wtipl to ll":i1tll lllul Lnppini'ss by givinp; t'.rm a heallliy Liver than nny agency known on c;: i ih. It acta with extraor dinary power and offiency. NCVCR RCEN BIBAPPOINTKt). Ar ii eiiiral ntmlly mnedv (in- livaiwgitlK - ori'lil I.lvnr, (Xiiistlpatlon, eti .. I liiiMh vor ui anything el no, and Imve n-v MM.,. ,11 ..,-.l...-.l In . I. ..fT..-l -II seuiiiM ti tio nlniiMit n perfeeteiiri fi, Ol UM nwlllHI'll ami Howex. w. J. MCtLnor, Haeuu, i. WHEN YOU WANT Hod room Suit h, raHtrSiiifH, Eiiwy ('liairw, Hot-kors. Sitlo Huui'iIh, Kxtonsion ThMph, Dining Cliuii-H, Kitchoii ThMpk, Ho I Limiiiuvh, Siiif;' liOUlijvroH, I hit HiickH, YVunlrofipri Coiitor Tablt'H, Ollii'o Furiiituro, I'ictiircH, iSlmdoH v h t. B T. m 3 e I VRN1TVRU HKPAIRD, UPHOLSTERING DONE, CARPETS LAID CALL ON BLAIR & BROWN FUHNITURE DEALERS ANO UNDERTAKERS, 3a Pat ion Avenue. G. II. MAYER CONSULTING : OPTICIAN 61 South Main St. Health is Wealth! Tffitv -r.ti"i tTrMNt' n s r wva - . --- . -- - ' " dri'k 1 nT- ih 1 "rfceieen spceine for Hysteria - --H.D.wB, . nr. i.ri tiiu. men. ralgis. Heedeehe, Nervous Piomrntkin caused by tbc urn ol atcnhnl or tobacco. ii. 11 Mt,u "eiirrsiilnn, nortrnlmol t . . 77. . i'r" "i"n, Roiieninsiol thr brain renal tin a in InMnltv and Imdlnit to niiserv. decay and death, I'lrmntarellld Age. In. HHrreaaras, torn of Power In either Tnlnnt.r, lw. mA . . .. . . , : "J-.. 1,(1 1 11ICM, canard by orcr-eiertion ' irf the hrain. Mttf- - -. . navn 00 con tains on month's treatment, tl.no a hot, or nli boses for as.rsr Mnt by mad, prepaid. on receipt of price. ie nrint. ill, bWl hi!?'!?''! f"' W,t,, "v order receive . iu0L"i5 """"xW with W OO. A . u wc ireaimeni t flt a am. Oanrnntres 4nl CARPETS JUST RUCEIYim From the Factories IN PHILADELPHIA AND OTHER POINTS. Seventy-two rolls Ingrain, extra uier, 8- lily tuiKntrr, liody llrumiU and velvet eur-iwts. One hiiiiilrid nnd i-iKlit rnlln china straw matiinKM. One hundred anil thirty-five Smyrna anil ftlr mKH. Pit ty-one art "iiiiinn. Cmiia nnd nupicr mattiRKi. I'urlicrrin and law- curtains. Some of these uo.il were bmiuht at itreatly reduced priirs and will lie old at a bargain. Call and see my Immeniie stock, the largent and onlv exeluaivc curoct house In the state. JAS. P. SAWYFR, 49 Main St., AeheYlllc.N.C. Hin-.-.iii3in . PUttl'liCT SMiHT. Ksislsin ihcalisenceof hcailu, In-, jmla in ir iilinui the eyes, Uiniiii in r aduiK ur see inx ill a iliHtmice. Have your iiht tested free ul charae. i-at-i-lue'iuti uuruntecd. Mlvroitcopcd 1'iir HilnK.I nr iiriili'imliiniil use, Hee nntiirc ill miniutiirc. MleroHciiic lilies all priiil anil kinds. Call and examine them. Pedometers To meiKiire the dlitnilre you walk. All kind uf Mcientilic inHti umentH. DO NOT FORGET Til AT THE WFFKI Y P.ITI7FN ..Ilk I Wl I li.fc.11 I 8 BO YOU WANT A WATCH? Or Would You 1'ivl'er cxfoud Ties, SLIPPERS. TENNIS. all varieties and prices. Lateht Styles Straw Hath Don't forget ourfinoly oquip ped CuHtora and Ilopair Dopartniont. Weaver & Myers, "THE SHOE STORE," tfo. 39 Patton Avenue. SUMMER GOODS FOR 1891, Taylor, bouis & brotherton. No. 43 Patton Avenue, Lt'onard ritiiiifii KcfrifjorntorH. Water Coolers Wirt' Dish Covt-iH. White Mountain lee Cream Freezers Fly Traps and Fans Oil Stoves, . , Fly Screens for Doora and Windows Agents for White's Sewing Machines. Old Established Machine, Long and Favorably Known. PRICKS AS WW AH THE LOWEST. See our machines before purchasing. JEWETT STEEL RANGES. Handsomest Range ever seen in AKhovilio Knm.u , . ..i, fc-'iviiii'iU Mil in our window. Well worth looking at. mll-3m ONLY SI-ONE DOLLAR-SI ndvertininfr iioos n't pay, why in it Unit thci most successful mt'ivhtuds oi every to .ni , In rgim ml small are the hrnviesi ml vcrtisers? If it does D(tpnjr to advertise, why do the heaviest business firms in the world spend millions in that way? Is it because they do not know ns much about business as the fix for a dollar "storekeoi er" in a country town, who says money spent in advertising is thrown away? "! Information ami sk-1 ?J J umX u una,skowia HowlE7 fV PER YEAR, Strictly in Advance. $5 For a Club of Six. Send One Dollar and renew your subscription at once. Sjiecial Correspondents in every section of Western North Carolina. SPECIAL FEATURES i LOCAL NEWS, , FOltEKiN NEWS, AGRICULTURAL NEWS, ALLIANCE NEWS ANIl A rYAfS DEMOCRAT,! C- The Bent Family (Newspaper Irf the'Ctate. 1 The Daily Citizkn tins bought, ami they mny be seen in tile shuw winilnw of A. M. Field, on South Mnin street, A SOLID COLD LADIHS' WATCH AND CHAIN. The disc is H karats liandstimely caryed, with KIkih tnoyc inent. The chuin is gold, beautifully decorated with line hard enninel. Also, a MHAUTIFIJl. LAIHI'H' STICK TIN, made Uion sicciiil order. The Tin is what is known us the Clover Lenf dc sij;n, and consists of four handsome stones one Aquninitrine, one Amethyst, one Tooiii and one Diamond, set in solid Kold, bcuutifully ormiincnted and en- srnved. This Watch and I'in arc to lie Rircn to the two ladies in Ashevillcwlio will show that the; deserve them. The Watch will be uiyen to the lady -ecuring the largest iinn.lier of subscrib ers to Tub Daily Citijkn between this date und Itccemhcr 1st. The Fin will be given to the lady get ting the nest largest uumlier. A snlisiriber will be the name of any lierson in Aslicvillc not now a subscrikr to Tub Citizkn, accompanied by SI. On. A name accompiinied by $2.00 will count two, and a nanic ncvomtuinicd by $3.00 will count three. And to all $3.00 sub scriliers Tub Citijkn will make, in addi lion, a present u( xinc of those splendid birdseye views of Ashcrilie. Ladles, this is your opportunity. Any gentleman can get subscribers. but they must be counted for tome lady. Look at tbc splendid Watch and I'in, and sec what a handsome and costly iiresent either of them will make for your wife or young ludy friend. They arc unusually costly and beautij ful, nnd there is not a lady in Aslieville but would be delighted with either for .Christmas. They will cost you nothing, except a little effort during odd moments when tloing nothing else. Tub Duly Citizkh is the people's pa ier, and this unpicccilciilcd inducement is ofleied in order that many more peo ple muy read it each day. There are at lenst 1,500 men in Ashe ville who do not now suliseribc lor Thk Citubn, who are amply able to do so, and Thk Citizkn knows no easier way to secure tbero than by enlisting the efforts of the Indies in its behalf. All names will be carefully entered in a book kept lor the purpose, und the lady sending in the greatest number of names, accompanied by the money, as indicated, before December, will get the Watch on December 1st, and the one getting the next largest will get the I'in. JESSE R. HTARNE8, UNDERTAKER : ANO : EMBALMER. BVKR V RHQITIHITB UP THK BII8INKRS Ft'RNIRHKII. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. SatlHftictloii Guaranteed. I'nimnt Attention OWen to Call. Day or Mailt. Offlee and rr.nl no No 27 Nurth Main Street. Telepti- ne No. 81. Alt. Mitchell Hotel. BLACK MOUNTAIN STATION. WILL Ol'EN JUNE 1ST, 1891. Mineral water aae as Riicklirtdge and Bed- fonl Springs, Va., PRBB TO GUKHTS. HATK8 .00 TO $8.00 PBH WHI'K. HPRACVE MOORE. PIANOS AND ORGANS. ON BA8Y IN8TALLMKNT8 WITHOUT INTEREST. Hotel., Boardlns hiiam. Mrtinnlsi anil laa dlThlnsl. nppHed direct Irora the mnafae I orrm All frrtuht paid in day. test trial hf yoor wn hnme Stnnl and Inatruetur ftirnUh.! wllhrarh in.triiment. "Htiialilr In.truinents. one nni.o.1, ..H ihat the lowest known " For cataloaues, term., etc.. call nn nr ail. 4 'CM J. F. GARRATT, No. 41 Pitttou Avenue, AHhevllle, M. c. THE GREATEST CUT SALE OF OEoiiizMiir C. D. BLANTON &CO. Offer their entire stock of MEN'S HOYS' AND CHIUHOSKS CLOTHING At a (liHeount of 25 ,kt eent from the regular marked prie TOR CASH, F8R TKIKSY DS OStY. This i8altonu Fi-le Sale. Wo mean what ir mlvertiHe, We iniwt rtMluct! our Httttk, 25 PER CENT. DISCOUNT. 25 IER CENT. DISCOUNT. Our iao.00 suit now f 22 50 4H uu " I!) 75 ii 20 00 15.00 15 00 12.25 Our $12.00 ritiitR now f!) 00 ju.u'i 7 fiO " ) " o'oo - 0.00 " 4 50 This is the way with the Ball corset: if you want ease and shapeliness. you buy it but you don't keep it unless you like it. After two or three weeks' wear, you can return it and have your money. Comfort isnt all of it though. Soft Eyelets, and bones that can t break or kink Ball's corsets have both of these. P. P. mitnnaugh. We want to crowd two month'H lju8in.H8 into one.' Re member this sale only during the month of June. C. D. BLANTON & CO., ASHEVILLE, N. C, 25 Pis Ci? Sit! F OR OR OR JINK. VNE. MS?5 juumwm matt strum tnt mwte GOLDEK SMFIC wi?htTl!5,'irn'!!rw'ir,",ln "tlelm ollwid "Er "ire, whelher thr pail.nl In a w it o ' "'' wmmuiin wreea. lTflnv Si7".1.1 ttiyrUTl to qiilMIr and'wtth mrh iW'5i,!i!,'",;"o ti saHMdr pan boos iriotZS KAY8UK c SMITH. Uriralts, a2J5dftwlj!mo w Iri I JL-'-- I or - fi "i'c- ; ' i, HTHE BEST KNOWN RRMFDY "H.l.(.-. . I. " G . . . v",- wwimin ll ' "WW" uutuin. m iio rid or polaonon intiauner., anil Hunmnimi aoaniniaiy nsrinielil. nrew-rllMMl h mUi... -- - - rlna lm wlthmteh nonis. Prlee il "old by dramTiMa..Bwar of 8n& mllntaa. AomQl1bini4Tn.Mil.'.W.O.U POK MCH BT uitan nriTH. AtHEvilie. n t "Raptdlir to the Pmntl" DKALalBABB EK, rsANCLrn. a. c. RBALBftTATB 'ts tonut. lu tht rtchest portloa ol y"""."1" w pay roa to wrwiim mb tiw ih. tus. 1 1 a . e.t liaraaln. la th "Coming Bcettoa of Mk """th- "r apply persoaall to our Ashcrilie l'.Wn.MUTV, . f KBUBRICK RtlTLBDOB. lanMtf us Patton mn, mm -iSCi'tGil V THE "BONANZA," WINE AND LIQUOR GO Nok. 4iand4.)S. Main St., Ashevllle. Ml II.RSAI.K I1HI'ARTMI!NT. t'.KNTH' TaTy M PAKI.OK AND RUAU1NG RtKlM NO. 41. culAIT.VAVT.lT,!-,ra "AM- NO. 4s3. BEER ; VAULTS : ANO : BOTTLING ! DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEMENT We reipeetfully solicit a .hare of your patronage. J. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Mali. Entrance, No. 43. Trtopfctae Call, Itm 7. roatonlrc Box No. a. BRICK. URICK. BRICK. FOl SALE BY.. BUNCOMBE BRICK & TILE COMPANY AHhevIHe, N. C. p. o. Box 426. f STRAUSS' EUROPEAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. MOM ALL NEWLY FtMNISHEOk 0MB BY TNE MONTH, tVEER OR BAY. Also, table boarder, can be smmi.iiil.iM. .v. . , . ------- - ymmm m .will mn irOlll o'clock a m until 12 o'etoes p. n. tnT. Vnvm K" rtn at shortest aotlee for Home Parties. Balls. etcAII I .ash I. My Celebrated Philadelphia Frica Arr well known. NBonfrmiinUissii.H. . . le4itl u.iV ii. n ir,l 'u ""in mo n minute., sueh as Fkih Half Shell. Polite and atteaUn waller.. Pk to imlt.lriZ!!Zf, Bt ATRAU6M. rtp. VEGETABLES! RECEIVED FRE8II i KVEV DAY AT IJIARE nnfiTTT17T ill T 1 ratcoa Ac. ; . j t1 ktoutlinala Sired; -,l B6TABLIS1I8D 18S6. U. II. COSBY, (Buooctsor to C Cewaa.) JEWELER 7 PATTOff ATENtE NBXt DUO TO 'SHAKO CMITRAI. HO-. , TBtV.iAaitaTII.LB, K. C. StpUdlf . llaW'iaJtMiaisTrWW '""Ji-Vi t',f--