ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 1, 1891, . . flT'S DOUGIIEK TY THIS TIME ... I TOitHOCk'h JUKIlllKIK IJ Bi.tttl jMnlieri, who Unilull 5 3trrdnrvd winuia Toi reuce on S huili;' uritlxi-, '.n. in.,, May I '' .Ivobcrt : ;':: It ' l;'" in U:c l. ;:i'U "l ' jjf'.' fuil.. ..,;.; !.; f ton, I c'!.,' 1 nut 1 I 1 JtUt l.v '.. I "l"' 1 v ..; at"i I' , vimcMt Mil S a. ni. Thnrmlar Clearluiti miKtilljr coolcri winds dccoumiik uonn. !i in, 18 at i, .'. i.ulvcs- , ill tenter tli.' ' viiii ' .. .. .i 1 -tt j;r.i in In .ii i. In ' 1 Imvc i . . without u iiftvr hi n I I If.ilV j-r;nilie-J linn lit' wen; bis way ii- ''' lit'Hlll Ik nl i 11 L til' bi.r i: ''hi i in .! ;IV. 'II ill. I' I v . ! . , ' . I I 'I ' 1 AROUND TOWN. WHAT WE ALL WOVLD LIKE: Mil ' I Ii . briti. t'.'O, I. ' Ai'.er k.,.ii . ! lie in.uU : IlilVC 111'" liti.-h :iji . ii Stllti', lii-i it vvirnj; ti: i i fin. . ii Ill ..ui. v- (.. i - . Hi-,. ..; i. lll'S .1.1 . :. ,-lt V.ll' .'1 "Urn.: 1 Wili'l 'l ' : Wil IlillllC ce, aphed cston iwarii iture. .! a lolher - '-.!lowi ii return . . comv .ll.'i'l tdc- isli. illcun . . uly6. vnicui ininit imlav, . herly, across olrl had e tulil i slop nvii un .ulx'rl i a It in k killing truck 1 at hf , ivcrnl. lurilci , .llll'ltll'li ic hail III UK Ik the e been t. uirv an Sliml) span. Ii I. Hull, KliiTty heville, ,i t (.; . i ' i tiom- ,il. A r i 'ins ol Ciar.l i . . ... , ' lilv I'" ) 'rid . v. hi i i .ii : 'iiukIiIv injiyv.i .Ii- , r ii. i ml , us well n '-'I'i . ni '"i t til ll.r Vi ..;-. : -i'. ' ' i - ' citv'" llllllivli- I 1.1 1 . ' ' ' ' ' ' H! -, i . . ' 1 1 . " icrly ni t'n I'i:. ' i. . -i iy, New York . .'. )'.. I. . ; i " i ..; several .. -. l ileil in :r in luis- . I uiueh ( .. . , - - . ol the I . i. I 1 il next I .1. . .1- . lie an ,i 1., .. .i mid lu ll I ii.' :i - - k in . .lcainn i- u-.iVl, w .i it , '' . i - f.ilti the iyll ' tvmj.; . : : - u-iii i... Snyilrr ' t'r.l IM..t.( I ' .i.Uii il i.ii v ini.,-i: i ,i . iimluhl. I r;( i ii ' . t. chilil. 1 .ii' V !''.'-. i' . s" I'ttnl. Al. I,; I .. ' Mljiltr. C. N. Vance, of Washington. L. C, is in the city. Mr. Lvon, of the Rocky Mount Argo naut, ii in town. Kemrmtier the Mission hospital benefit at the Gruiid Friday night. At Grant's nharmacr today at 2 n. m. the thermometer registered 77. Mnrrince lii-ensc has been issued to Willie Rice anil Julia r'eruuson, colored, ol Uuneomhe. The SDecial ileeKT for Morehcad City, with a party of Asheville people on board Iclt this alternoon. Key. W. I'. Southern, of the West Ivnd Itaptist mission, has returned from a trip to Black Mountain. J. Arthur KcUKiin, formerly ot Asheville, but now a resident ol Danville, Va., is in the city for a few days. Mrs. Holland, Will and Mvrtte Hol land, of Iredell county, are visiting C. W. Stikclenther in Asheville. The work of the Templar degree will lie exemplified tonight at the Temple on Patton avenue by Cyrene Coniiminilery. In a letter to his son. Chas. N. Vance, Senator Vance states that he has made a tour of Ireland, and is now in Loudon A sievial meeting of Hie joint board i.' aldermen and advisorswill lie held to morrow alternoon at I o'clock, in the mnvor's oriice. There were only three eases lieforc Re corder Miller this morning. Twod. and d.'s were bind $5 each, and two persons for indulging in a list-ami skull bout were lined $5 each. Frank O'lionnell left today on his trip to Donegal, Ireland. Mr. O'Donucll was taken down to the train on the truck of the Rescue hook and ladder company, escorted hy the niemlietsol the company in uiiiloriu. The freight ear on the Asheville street railway is busy Ifiiiiliug rails to Ik' used on the 'Asheville and Craggy Mountain road. A freight car to lie used on the A. S: C. M. road is now at the depot, wait ing to be brought up. On account of other meetings which would interfere, the Salvation army will nut renew its meetings in the K. of I., hall, over Hrown - Gudger's store, rat tun avenue, until lom.nruw night. Ke uieinlier the date, July - Maj. James M. Illair today sold for U. C, Waiidell, at the court house door, lit Ml worth of slock of the Asheville Loan, Construction and Improvement coin puny. It was puicnasnl ly lion. Kicli inoiiil I Vin son tin $U,'.TiO. W. T. Herrv. of l.vnchbiirg, Va., whs married at that place on Wednesday of Inst week to Miss l-.innic Mi.iuer, also ol that city. Mr. Kerry, lorincrlv of the lirm of llcrry iV Co., of this place, has m.'inv triends here, who wish him much happiness. The marriage license business in Reg ister Mackey's ofliiT fur the month of, I line was hardly up to the average. Only 'J 1 licenses were issued, of which 13 were lor white couples and H for col ored. Mr. Mackey is hoixful of a good business during July. Col. A. II. llaird, ex-chief of police, says he has completed his stable, and proposes to paint it a tirignt reil. I lie Colonel has liccome a recluse since his re tirement from public life, but occasionally To have a little lesa thouting on the square every day about noon. To ace the merchants drop into line with Messrs E. H. liarnum & Co., and generally give their clerks shorter hours. To see the grass in court square sold to any one who will cut it. To be able to change suits every day during the friendly visit of tlM warm BIK-ll. To see Hon. Jesse P. Lowry in town oftener than once a month. To have "Turn" McNccly's get-up-antl-get-tlieregnit when on business. To hear Undertaker Urown explain his elevated railroad scheme. To see Clerk Patterson well, we would, and that's all there is about it. Officer Kleclvd. At the election of olliccrs of Sulphur Springs division, Sons of Tcniivrancc, held Monday night the following were elected : W. P.-. II. l-ockett. P. W. 1'. W. Hackney. W. A.-. It. Cole. Chap.-W. Ward. Trcas W. N. Hackney. F. S. 15. Covkran. K. S (5. Alixanilcr. A. K. 8. Sullic Ducket t. j C C. bedlord. A. C.-Sallic l.ckctl. I. S. George Hackney. O. S. Will Pearson. " Realty Triliiclloil. The lolliiwing deeds have licvn filed in Register Mackev's office lur registration: . S. MiirdiH'li and others to H. A. (iinlger, 75 acres oil llevcnbim Creek $1." 11 1,1 T. V. Davidson to T. S. Morrison, t'JO acres in French Itruad town ship 1 NO MORE FLIES n W M J i 0 8 5,000 SHEETS TANGLE-FOOT FLY PAPER JUST R1CC1UVKD AT RAVSOR & SMITH'S 2 0 o X 1 r ASHEVILLE IVlarching at the Head ASllliYILLIi ADVIWriSEAWXTS!. -OF THE- PRE&CRIPTION DRUG STORE, 31 PATTON AVENUE. Till! BUST IN THIS LAND, TANUI.Iil'UUT Sticky Fl -Paper. PROCESSION '!' the lune of SfiOO.OOO iuHt niprotriiiiel ftir Htreofc pii vinjJT, find 100,000 for Extending her Hewtii'ii? h.vhUmii Iiiih uttmctl tto attention of cupitiiliKtH nil ovir tlio rountry to tliiH mpKlly crowing aud plucky town. One ,vur ago the Anlmville,, (lonHtruction ind Improve ment (;oinpn-nv with the following olhcern: (iKO. S POWELL. l'l'eHidentHndCien.MuimgvisW. W. ItAllNARI), I rt'iiHurer, Itichinonil IViirsoii, J. liankin, 1 . 11. oln. J. S. AdnniH.Oeo. S. Powell, Dlm-Nuv, foresaw what wast'oni inir ami went to work developing their nix hundred nerea. niibraving the Hnest Inihling mid iiuunil'iiclui ing nites in i lie city. Th'iH property is now laid ut with broad ave nues. paved gut terH and shade trees on e.wh side. Water, sewer and electric street railway running through the prop erly. Park and lake sites ha ve been left a t convenient dis tances through t he proierty and a complete water and sewer plan has been adopted so as to give the very best sanitary results. Some of the views to be had from points on this property ure ICE I ICE I ICE I Drivers are Instructed to Give Full Weight. Celebrated Jelllco and Best Anthracite Coal. WHOLKSALK AND UKTAIL. COKE IN CAR LOAD LOTS. MANUFACTURERS ANDJDEALERS.IN ICE. Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 40. No. 30 ration Avenue SEE FOR YOURSELF lll'K NliW LINK Hl'HIlHKtiH 1HTICI':H. New MlyleH, IH"W liondM. Is three weeks sul in sclicliim new jMHIlWili, stock, time wasleil ? They idler a fresher ami elieaier lineol new yuoils than ever i tilul line CrMiKitr IkIiiic, at Law sou Muiin .m.iiii siuti UWN TICNNIS RACKKTH, iii ih, poles, etc. Ik-iiu lljlsf I'lllU HIICI MlltH -ti IE CAROLINA SALOON TO THE FRONT. liKlt-x lo New AdvvrllKKiiic-iiiit. ANTKH Mi Smith. l-",m Sai.h e'ilieii iill'uv. For 11 I' Tti II. ."i)lnnl. I'iik Kkst-U., I hi. Office. I. on lr H B . Weaver's ii(Iict. Tim Miinasz--. A. Mauiiiu,il "7 .'ok SI.K .r) Soiilh Mnin Slri't-I Mol sfAIN VAMK llnri.!. Hi. W I'. H SjOK SAI.B A lot nf fiirnitliri' nnl show raws. iurliiin. rte., at 7fl S..ulh Minn Mmt, liver Law's Store. jlillillll i lur nt w lini' YYANTIill. Sc iut! Aitljr to Jul III Iv MIS SMITH. 3H Haili'v Stru t Fiirnlshril liotrr. or rounis tor loilping ui lijllit hotist'kiHptllK. M jlillillll This mine. JjVIR SAI.Ii. Two ornmrc vuliinli'e .vouiik inikh i-own, with Hrst mil A,plv nt Till! UAil.Y CITI.i:N lll'I'ICK. Jillldtf POUND. A poiKct book on H until, mt Manilla!' mail llvvnrr will npiilv I o ii'i to V.Hl II I'lH.S iM, 11 Asheville. OST. HUltO S CELFBHATED STATIONERY Staple itnil lanev. i 'ur 'J5 cent Fountain IVn is koIiii: ri.-lit iilotii: plenty li'lt. our new Souvenir of Asheville, only 'JO cents. ' We sh,ill close the halaiue ol our I'lctlonnry lluliln.Hl $2.:". worth ;i.5o. J. N. Morgan & Co., HllllkSlil.l.liKS ANIl STATIO-.BKS, j I'ubllc Hiure. 'I' - i.-i 'id olio .inil tnr vonii ,- Trials." 'll.i 1 1. 1 :oi '..i v. ,i ' i, 'SK'rsed iti.L i- ,i - -ini I 'I .i.. i - d Mrs. :'.' l.-r. itlemcn n . i enter-1 ; ;ll i -"' . . V . a; (Sen. j V. '.i. ! " l.v, ami : 1 -. i i i i 'Child, Iim ).'!'. .- :' 1'hrash, It v. '. I '., ; . les anil J.ili.' .,, . "' , Lvdia i i:: ' i r. ' i . i iir . , m, i . , i. , e Ashe- v 1 1- I. .. :. 1 M.i i j , '. : e part. ' IY,-. mi , i imi.:.t . i; i tier the sup. i , . . i ii Mr. and Mis j. ' ...... .i-lic suc cess, II. ;ivt,l "vl. . ii . i r,,' i. . - II proli U! ' i ; "' . ' f. .IV).- !.' l.K. I . 1 1 l.i Ml i .OtH III Hi ! i , ;. . .. . . gentle- men . . , ! i t alter, i-,, '". "i' " .1. Zach- r::v, i'l.i . I . ij I I , 1 .. I'.' IlllSt III l.'ol A' ha-, V. m-o'si i i ' i-.h Ashe ville. Tin-i rii i-i i were us . i ,,r ' ' r TOTAL !. r. c. Ai. inu'v r. i :isi.oo takes time to come down and shake ,,., .,,.,,, ;.i,'a .ik eertiiirn r hands with his friends. I issneil to B I' l-iirk r. of He ca, 0. C . with I some other paiiers. 1'iiulcr will In-amply re (len. K. II. Vance hasreeentlv iitipi nveil wunlnl in kavinn ainc m Ur. N. ii. Wea the new road leailinK from tins eilv t j ver s oihcc, South Main street. juinliw Aleianilers, and the drive from Asheville ! iiakiiinc. to that olnee now is a nrettv one. To ijet there, uo down Iteaverdam or the Hiirnsville road to v. u lit . Dulloses anil then take the left, liv Alexander cliaicl. The Asheville Kille team shot vesterdav at the laud sale lor a jjoll medal, (,'ivcn liv v. b. tiraham and W. J. .uckary. The lollowiuj; scores were made, out ol a possible fill: J. M. Voiniir, 4'i; J. p. t'.rates, ; S. A. MeCiinless, 4-f; C. W. Malone, VJ; j II. Atkinson, 41; T. I.. Johnson. 41; A. H. llaird, 40; II. C. Jones, 40; N. A. Kevuolds, ;S; J. M. Smith, - j A lew bonnier-, can linil avcoinmoilntiiiiis I liv unilrrsjuncd. Uvcr.vthiiiK clean. Ktrrrl i car line, .-few hiiuxe. liulh ttionl anil sew erage. $.l.)ll lo l.llll. AUilrrss I.AKNHIi. Ju IliiKU C'ltv I'osl- Mice. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. HOT HPRINi;, N. C. ThW iJiHrminnrrnort 4 miUa imm Ahr v i I Ic. under it new mann;cnitnt i hcitiMi-im iha-tcil on (he b'Kt Kriulf ol rjn-t-HeiHT which innurrfl itH lontinurd and iniTi-ntl pnpularit.v. HffliifiHil scencrjf. dry WritviiiK uir. Niitiirnt wnlrr hiitm 'n murl-k hkI moM liixuriftiT tS itiminiK pool urh MUCK! MUCK!!; FOR SALE. j I he Win. Anhi vi l- Itnik i iMtiimtiy art imw iin-pnud to mil mitl ihli'tr in the cttr or crwIiiTC THE VIJHV BliST JJUALITV ol hriek vwr nuidc In this sii'titMi. A"ldren u htr , Imx fiTM. WliST ASHliVII.I.H HRICK TO., Ahivillr. N. C. Hp- eiiui-ns of the brick iimv la iw-iti nt the real iittutc office ol' Nutt tkiniu He Son. juncl.Ul i im Unsurpassed in Western North Carolina) iiiul Mult aliniist iih'iiiih (Ih wm ld. The (IimiuiihI tor (Ihh i r i m rt v Iuih Ihhii iiiiiint i'di'iitfil in llit liintory of AHlirvillif ivnl i-Hlatt'. anil it KU t tH a iw I'lipuliir rcKiilcnl tiii (, ol llici iiv Iiiih nlrciiil.v Ih-cii aHKurod, Ihci-o ii iw If-iii",' ov r f 12r,(MK) worth of iiuiIiIiiih rom-ili'U-tl iiiul umlt-r coiitr.M'l, to bo tiniHlied by Ihi OcIoImt Ill'Xt. ON TILE 28 AND 2J OF JULY AT PUBLIC SALE 50 OF OUR CHOICEST LOTS--50 And bcir to say (hut wo irive Htatrnient of facts jiMcoiiiplishotl and not picturo o' cxpwIiitioiiB. Wo jip' not oitoriiip; wild lots in tho wild woodH. InH th(Mt ilovolopi'tl and tnont lHirablo lonidoiiot' property ovr of ferod in t his oountv ami as K'ooriinvoHtniontH as are offorotl in the 1'nitod States Konienihor tho date. Sides begin eneli day at 10 o'clock. Tonus of halo, t cash, balance in I and '2 voars, at 8 h r cent. For furthor information ad dress Geo. S. Powell, Pres., ASHEVILLE. ti. C. t m now better prepared than ever to furnish yon with anything usually kept In Unit class saloon. I have the largeit and liest stock in Western North Carolina, h not in th Mate, ana It consists of ihr Hnrat liramls of Whl . kits. Wines aat pVaadln knowa to the ..,,. - . n,io,ji .nsn ini..ry, rninsn a imam lilt nnnit Hi tilt WOtlA. Trt Ml . nH mm .. ill Ht...l.rf .hat I .... HA,Li . . . . While others are putting a bug in your ear, listen to mo! Mrs d to will he co- Tlneed thai I am arivrrtisuijE nothtns hnt laet. Biiropr, diirin the sunimer of Imio, I made arranirrnirati for the aborr whl kei, Spanish Sherry and Port Wlnrs. the equal ncrer hrouuht to Asheyllhr Imported l lay ets, I'ontet Canrt, MbiJisiix. chateau llclmool yery fine. In 1'iench nrandlrs I hnyc a lar . , .... k I .... I . . .1 1 n n l.,l.n I ... ' - 1' V. u.. . . . . . . . . . .. . '.. . . . ' J . , . . .1 . ,,ier siannnrn nranns: krih lo 's I'ale Ale. and i.ntnness' lUtra Por. Ign Stoqt. .a tart, my itoek of Imported llqniini and wines are too numerons to mention. M v aloe or Rye whiskies mhraees w of the "nest and oldest hrands known Beer, the finest on Ihe market for fa", ill use. The la?st brands of CIOAMM and TflBAf ill When voo are in need of anything in my line, heforr unit elsewhere, eome and see me and lie convinced. My whiskies art recommended by some of the moat eminent men if th age for medicinal purposes. Respectfully, FRANK O'DONNIXL, PROPRIETOR. THE CAROUSA SAL(H), VJ XoKTll MAIS STREET. ASHEVILLE, N. C. ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, 117 Haywood Street. tho tntuiv us in the pfist, I'vt'ry attention will l given to iro(hie the tinest gnule of t'urhoiniteil llevovngesuiuler the PERSON Alt supervision at the proprietor. The con stantly increasing ileum nl for these goo Is Imm this '. tory is conclusive proof that a line article is appreciated hy an intelligent public. Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphons. Wr-SBK ANALYSIS UP WATUR I'SKIl, ON FRONT I'A11B.-S WANTED. A party or parties with thic thoic-iimlriiil lars tit tiikc oik- hull' inurcit ia iiniciiiinM t pa tin I ) mill ij trtttl iiviiik H'W mrthotl ur liitililoi); liuil' r walls, to In.' known an the S.riKali:il syntmi. A m-yv anil rat I ii at ik parluri' from all nt thotlii now in usv. It in isMiinatitl hy the Anuriian Muihinist that tlu tr arr riltty thuuHainl hoik- i rt-mt cwry jinr in the I'uitnl Statin. Ihmiln wilt At the regular weekly shoot of the Asheville (lunelub yesterday alternoon the following scores were iniule, out ol n iHssillt 'Jit: V.S. Lusk. IFt: I. I. I'lirrit-r. ; Atkinson, iN. A. Kcynolils, I ,alhinB suit, mum at at m uthorc hilhanltt, (t. tXticlid hy the inventor for the forthcom hi. JO; j. i. (.raves, IN; bowling Unnin, etc AmuMimnt for the 1. V. Cuimoit, 17; W. W. H I'trillird, 1 ( ; pifuntirc sreker. rent tor ihc im erworkeil, W. A. Kepler, 11 ; N. M. Atkinson, K; health for the Invalid. II. C. Jones, H; S. V Rattle. 0. Messrs.) huhc moiltrn in all aniMntintnU. elevu- l.iirttaid, Jiniesaiul liattle withtlrew lronr1f.( cci-tiic Ik-iu ami in nml ner vier uncx -elled Rooms tood Hiffil and w.l1 furninhed Vmr particular adiireMA WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS. AdjiiHtubli' wimlow HorceiiH to Jit nn,y window. l)otr scrttMiH. nil Hizt'H. l'Hlinuitvj glvm for any nize or stylo sciifiia. Oak, C'hi'iTy, i'ine or Poplar, miuiu and put up. W. 15. VILLIAMSON &CO., No. 16 I'atton AvcnucV Anlievllle, N. C. tile contest liclurc the close on uccount tit : the ruin. M. liur II. il i. , li i . Tlie Kople on Montfnril n yen tic lire wrought up over the existence in that neiKhlinrhiiiitl of what stems to lie u tianil ol petty thieves anil ilistiirla'rs ol the iei-cc. Ficqiiciillv some buililini; is entcrcil, and urticles of value taken. Houses are also rocked hy pnrties who tl low their missiles anil then cscaie in the darkness. Some line uiuht one of Ashi'x ille's pretty tilue suits will wauiler i out that way, ami some one will sutler ; tor Ins devilment. The tlwyn Coopcr sale of sixteen lots on 1'enliinil anil Water streets whs Ugun this inoriiiML'. The Water street lots were 'JTti 0,ri : ll,Ktn ul' orst, anil tnree mis were soin, .ri."il '.IL' i wlK" tlic sale was tliscontiniieil, on ljulljfl account of a lack ol liiililers at satisl'ue ltS7!Eo ,orv l,r'lt'' lne three lots sold, each o(;o 'r,o I 'Jx75 feet, were purchased as follmRis: ; o. i, ny i.. n, vtooiser. lor n.tititi; lniidi:tii oa. W. F. ROSS, .1, i.-M i liul.'Jii wa.i-,i5,"-...r i" 1! I i t -I . V V. ;, I a I, .ml . C. 1-oiiK. I. ':: I. l.i mi; Ii i an v. I';, t, '-V. iusui e, ' . Mclrii. , M. i.'. L'.n'er, W I. ,'. l, h.t . : mil .K7.n(i 4ia.ri) ,1100.0(1 :ioo.oo l!H7..riO Urtn.lMI 3H2.H0 4." 0.00 225.(10 $1,221 $'Jci-K bv Key. J. W. Anderson, for No. :i, liv II. Lamar Coulter, for .916.SU 1 .1 CI OIL Vlllll'll I'll The .VcMeiii .So.- : trix k in .1 I1111 1 ,v V lie wiP" il in -i w '' ' ,,io!iM.;.l M"'i'L !' I "I treat Ic w.i 1 t hit;l, force wns arm ... ailei iioiin. , ,1,, , . received Irom tlic set m- tbut the tr-s:le wooM in t o 'ock tliM ,1''. 1 Ultlip'e of ine .i v l!, tliiuun wiieu an eiui'tiu ' fell". Il- : r '" ,'V';; ' .' lein" : '". 1 4ii,-.i.. . . 'oil HUlite ' In . 1 mad does "ii i'day dc iiti.le. The Tli: trestle e vesterdny ram was .ma stated 1' i aired by is only a ol pusliei "Bcnli it- ,1 srho was erdny af- n to hrs lcDowell C'enlral HundH Hehoni, There will be a niectinK of all the pu pils, teachers and officers of Central Methodist Sunday school in the church, on Friday afternoon at S o 'clink, for the purpose of distributing tickets and badges anil malting final preparation for the picnic on Saturday. Let every one be present without tail. The Dwllv Citizen Is alwavs alive to the interests of Ashe ville and its people. Is the most popular advertising medi um in North Carolina. Is read bv a greater number of eople than any otlwr secular paper in the state. is always 11 1 leu with the choicest read ing matter of the day. Hoarding houses fill their rooms by ad vertising in Tim Citizkn. News, and all the news, makes The Citizkn a general favorite. No retail merchant ever made a j;reat success without advertising. Try Tim Citizkk. An advertisement in The Citizen pays the advertiser an hundred fold. n Morri- taken to f Nilii-Oury. mm ir im iai,i rtpoim arerest Itif; uneasily uf .ould be exvteil. 'Mirlle M, Tiv ner. I'.ooi, . ,ie Ind. . write' "! 'iil I '.io'J pi ..ii.,u ,m birth. Knotfi on v. ! n v ' e i. i r . m hen's iHB. D-ielors huh! I would Ik a cripple, Inn It. H. H 1 is nitij rm sound and well. I nIiuII evrr praise the men woo tit' nlcd llliiod Halm were born." Hatnsnd While Hiiiphur Hprtnca . WaynI'.svh i.h. N. C. lune 2!1. 1891. To the nublio Scott Urown, my late clerk, that. harden for ilrnlcenncsa, ia ctr culaline tnlse rei.urts about this hotel lonlvlisk tin impartial public to come and see lor ttieniselvcs. All tnv pledget fliiiui ne itiiniiru. 1 mi man is only adver- lifint; himsell us a linr. 1 t.'. H. M., Prop, 1 ennoroe ine amive. i iuWdJt W, ft. iiTureupn No cure-all or untried remedy will cure as does Simmons Liver Regulator. IM-Maartitflcent view, natural parks, wild flower and cool Crcah air. TaJxe the dusumv line. You will seldom need a doctor il you have Simmons Liver Regulator bandy. That splendid pktuit ol Asheville for six months suhscrnttwn to "Tot Cith tea. ore advertisement. Sure to relieve. There ii no failure in Simmons Liver Regulator. Advertlalna; CREATES many a new business; EXLARdES munj an old business ; REVIVES mmnj a dull business ; RESCUES msjty lost business ; . SA VES many a lulling business ; .. PRESERVES mmnjs large business; SECURES success ia any business. To advtrtm JudKtomlr, ate the coJ mmoTofCitMen." E-erjbodr reads H: and InoroDoitiom to the reform h fields adrertusn, Ustttm art tht'thtap " L"-. (ait ia the eoaatrr. A LITTLE HIGH. That i tin' way tionit' pH)it liketlit'ir pauio. llowt'ver, fw KHpU want even a piftuin of Aslicvillc that wa.v. Apprifi atinjx that fact ami ever dtirtirtaiN tf wiv inj; th jx'oplo inoiii'y (while making muno for OUI'HI'lvi'H) Tun t'lTi.KN ha purt'has v tho t'xcliirtivo right towll tho VIKWSof AKliovill' (vlii'h havt; liit 'ii sold ah f"i t'ach) for a paid-in alvanc MiilmtTiptiou to Thk Daily Citizkn. That is, yoiv pjiy us for Thk Daily Citizkn for nix monthrt, and wo will give you a Hiipoi h picturo of AnIioviIIo FUEE. That's n telling of tr or ought to 1. Yon gt Thk Citizkn at tho UHiial rate and tho picture bemdeH, and we got tho int or eHt on your $ 3 and the pleanui-e that comes of being liberal. If you want extra copiw of THK PIC TURE to send away that matter can prob ably be arranged at the bunineHs office of TheCitizen. But first we must have the paid-in-advance su In scription of f 3. That's fair. N.B.You can take your choice of the pictures, j those on thin or those on thick paper. The former are best to send away; the latter are the best to frame.. T11E CITIZEN. " mik nt mum, amuttiit uc aiKH ticnt if m.iil h.ilf itilrn Nt m ma Ir. 'I In hulk ol H.iitl funis tu bv Usui tu ititroUiuiriK huiiI invciilion. Citvcat fur Haul invinlitm hntt Imtu lilt-.l in WiixliinKlon The invcnttir will at muv in troihict tlit' rnttiii. lUiiiK u prnttital jotirrit tiuin liricK layer nml mnsuii, Httli tls wuik in that line. In bo it ci MtliiiK. fire liritk wurk, tile and niar- hlf Ht'tllltK. I-'ur ettiinititi-H uiul (iirther iiiftiritiatiun nd AUiIre s M KI-:AKIKN, Box ;tu.H, AHlnvitle, N. C. Hotel Alexander, Ten nnlcK Ik low AhIicviIU1, on th W, H. C. K. K. is rvntly lor Kflt- Katci hy the month Iron, $;iu to $1-0; hy the week from $7 ri to $10; si m;U- nual Tit) tin In. 'Iron ,(il Irtt- fttune water, hllharti!, bowlinK alley, ctu'se, 'ro(iiet, tc. A ilai'5 hack will run imm the hotel lo Atflieville ami buck, Kouud trip, tlinner. bupiht, breakrusl anil lodging (at. .10. Noun I trip unit (linnet, $ ' K. II- and 1. N. VANCK, Alexnntler, N C. proprietor!, jinn l.'trllmo OAKS HOTEL, VSHliVll.l.U, N C. I'mlcr New Manacnicut Has lii-rn rvlittcil fur the season, nnd no pains will be spaml to niuke it a ililiKhtlttl tvsurt. Moilcrn convcniriiivs; ili'liKhtl'iilly vool ruoins anil suK-rb views. Katt-a UHn applicatlun. ItSKKUlUU & KOUKKSON, juti 1 0,1 1 in- Aslievlllf, N. C. inORTA.(;UK'8 SALK. ol' Valuable Lands. Thr Marjr I'rvslon fiarhy tract of lnml I'untnininK 044) acres situate on the White Water river in the beautiful Cashiers Valley country, will he sold ut a suerltice under fore closure, Ht WclmltT, N C, July H, 1H1I1. A rare uiuortunlty fur real estate Investors. CUU. K. WRIOHT, Mnrtgaiiee. For particulars enquire of Moore & Mcr rik. Attorneys, Asheville, N. C. Jun8iltilUulO ARDEN PARK HOTEL AH5 COTTAGES. Ten miles from Afitkvllh! on K. ft 8. Rail road, Board $V per day; 113 per week; 4U per month ol JS days. Parlies to Dinner or Tca,l. ' TIUI8. A. MOBRIB, apr? jdt , v Proprietor. ( FURNISHED ROOMS. Vor rent,, well kept, located, ilidern eonrenl ace at tVMTBRN HOTBL, . W, Coracr Pabllc Squart. hsvllle, N. C. 1 v , Juaiedtm (tidern ' shivi SIDEWALKS. We ha ve m-cured the riht touseoneof t he most valuable patentH ill the Cnited States for concreU' and block Hide walks and driveways,! which is a great iinprovemeiit over ordinary concrete work. We will be ready to commence operating under the same in a few days. In the meantime those interested I are asked to call and examine testimoni als, etc., or eiiuuire of C. E. Moody, iJO I'utton avenue, or V. T. Belt.te, Flint strict. I ha ve on hand a full stock of rresh Lime, l'laster, l e nient, Charcoal ami Hood. C. E. MOODY, Yard and WarcliouHC Near Ihtllcpot, Telephone No. 7i- H. T. COUL'Hi, Vlct-l'IVfi L. r. MCLoi'D. Canhler lkvi Aimt'i, I'm. Capital, $3&ooo. Surplus, $27,500. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. Slate, County And City Depository. OrgauUed May, 188$. liENKKAl, HANKING Bl'SINKSS TKANHACTKJ). Intercut Paid on Ocposlta In Savinga Department DIRECTORS I . .liwis mahiu'X, 11. t cm. 1. INS, M. I. I'AI'.li, J. li. Klilill, S. II. RI'.BII. I. B. RAY. CIIARI.KS McNAMBB. J. B. RANKIN, M.J. BBARIIBN. Bank oiien from 9 a. m , till 4 pm. On ftatardar, till 6 p. m. J. P. BAWYBK, I'SBSIHEST. OT18M. CtlXB, VlCK-PaKS. . B. RANKIN, CABMIIta CAPITAL $100,()00.0(). ORGANIZBD MARCH 8, 1BU1. Battery Park Bank. Umm HEIGHTS SANATORIUM. (PORMBRLY OAKLAND INN.) ASHEVILLE, N. C. The Mtcml Complete Health Rett In the Aouth. fnnow njM'tinnit rrndt forfnirit, Tht hovtar Is tlic moat dcHtrahlc in the Snalh for per. otm who nrvd rent nnd rrtnlk'nl attrntion No hotel In AMicvillc hat n well fMrnixhed room- and Itn citiinr in uiti'iu ailed Only In the ea of nntienla im the diet rejrutnted. Th taltlc tm an Important feature of the pan a to. rium. The water In pure and plentiful, coming from a large limpid nirinK near hy. The an Itarr arrangements are as erfevt as care and money ean make them. Persons aunVrlnjr with throat and lung troubles arc itreatly Ivrnclitted hy a stay nt this place. The mrf IchI management is under the direction of Dr. I W. Necfus, recently of the lacksun Hnna torlum, at I tans ri He, N. Y The Sanatorium is thtirotighly equipped with moitrrn atiplinnces for the fclratific re lief and t-ure of nil nervous anil chronic dis eases The hath departments arr nc v throiighont anrl ure under the suiiervlsion of comiKtrnt and skilled attendants. Tht methods of treatment include all forms oi baths, the Mrdicatcd Vapors, Turkish, Klec. trie, Kuasian, Koman, Molh re, Thermo-Hrre-trlc, Hlettro-Lhtmlcnt, Massage, KrcctrMty in all its forn s also Bwedinh Movements, Medical attemiance and every form of treat ment included In price of room. Although the comfort and welfare of ta sli-k are the first considerations, every oppor tunity Is given to those who desire to spend pltasant and profitable season here, Addtcss for further particulars MIm Ktnilie Vaughn A8HBV1LLB, N. Q. Transacts a g neral bsnkinc huslness Commercial paper dtscountrd. upon approved collateral. Collections made on all accessible potoia. Loans maa SAFE DEPOSIT. Reuta Boxes In Ita Fire Proof Vanlta ml Reaaonabl Ratc-a. Hollclta acconnU of IndindnoJi, bank., bankers, flm,s and corporation.. T. S. MimiiMK R, U Oiiat., -i C. T. Rawlo, ; O. . Pawau, - DIRECTORS. V. B. McBaa. J. II. Dome. : F. a. Coio, ' Q. MU-Coaa, T. W. Patton, II. T. CotxiHO, B. A. PT. W. K. BALLAin, THE WHITLOGK CLOTHING HOUSE. 48 South Main St., Asheville Tho moat complete iihjh'h and boys' outfitting establish ment in WcHtcrn North Carolina. PINE HEADY-MADE CLOTHING To Kuit ull occasions. Substantial clothing for daily use. Our clothing tit better and wear butter Than Any Other on This Market. Hoys' and children's clothing in great variety at prices ranging LOWER TUAN ELSEWHERE. Dunlap Hats, E. & W. Collars and Cuffs, Manhattan Dress Shirts, Mother's Friend Shirt Waists. II. Whitlock's perfect fitting custom clothing, equal to the best in this couutry. For stylish and durable wearing apparel call, ut THE WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE, NO. 48 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Near raaaenffcr papal. Aabcvlllc, N. C. P. A. DEB WOOD WORKING CO. ataaalacluitu and Drakn hi an kind, of Prmii -LUMBER) DtT, Sash, Bllnda, Monldlng;, Stalrvrora,, Mantela, Raakt and Bar Flmturea, and all kinda or Balldlaa; Material. Hard Wood Lumber Work a Specialty ? -- TaiafvtMraa ft, to, "

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