ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 2 1801. A:-: ! !'; CITIZEN. 1 VNTISG CO iicl.piibllMlu'd ty) ut the ful- $n.oo s on l.mi BO ir. lS'.it. i kin i-oop has . .I V parts uf town, i- ,oc on tlio siili1 . ! jiiU'd to back ks well water in ii.i his limit li, un 1 1 1 1 1 inn that tlic lilnm is. Cases 1'ii iiiiv traiTd id i a icrc. The citv .. .ittraetive, lint : i lying okii air i. I Ix.siilcs. Fill ):iiiiIk.t. of expression with liiijjlisb London peri (I sni'h ))hruses iniiij; out his an ordinary ie kinil. They is ol Amei iian .jonh they le i ivili of London. U III' It i: I i It I V 111' ft ll ill . Silt:. A- 1 IM.. lean iiilliicni'C is h i kk limes. N. . n lull "Aineriian . . i )!nlish eioisiiiK, . . e and his con " AY. si. . t .,: word" JiimI ; mi i v 1 , . -The allaek ol h mm!; . .'i its on Scnatoi i ii, :, . i , eiilitialltlie po- Ills.- .Ill- i " Idic sentiinenl nii.ii! ! -i ' he kiekeis. The i:ii'i:i.ii' I-.-.! ' is signed liy 140 p roll rl I;,- ,.t. , ' . r Vlsll, one of the v.. r i! he outcome of nls in city nl Uir a change in y. The signers enting persons ud act. Many arid, Intt it was publishing t In i possible. We people receive continue IJu.iy. will not 1 am a repub- i'ill StllK', but s are not the e, find I ito not t licit methods, lialion formed i ol the circular, bv a bodv ol e reached by the interest in its the conventions ay the signets t in iioniiuatiug dales. "So lar oes," he savs, v k the I'l iuce ol lying." Colonel it, that I ua v gible tor the par - tc election, but ay had to do iintti Hanlslcy's was tlii-ivtort' triinely reticent tick. Chairman city executiye lal lie woiiltl g. lie said he lines mid kite i IK' Hit'. I' til'" S't Chaili'i I'Oltlllli cuts ol the cir- hvtor Martin. onihl, ami a beed to Ik' liin just now. tpal lieutenant. deal. rnu UASK. maker, in his ructivc talk at 'id last Sunday al the ostrich I when pursued ert incut to the ('.eiicral Waua dal. St. Louis en entered ley .hen his siua . s of transferred 'ik stock. The al seems to Ik- l lie mire. Per call on tjuay to -Peoria Herald. e Hank rascnli . vet, and it Ik cii in hi).'li io naster I'.encral usi'lves "in the -ligation is cou- ."I. Kiod man and : ot his troubles ' ut lie needs lo in It s, even il he -her state to do icrat. nny clearer e. alrcadv ofl'ered ik stock issued iiirnish it. The ot ovcrpatient. ul .1, that a shrewd mmakcr should : stock and not sl'ott-Disiatcli. lueh that I'resi- h.i . .t". i. S; f '!'." ri'iiim.'. ,i .11 . den' La. i ir-it- V.t . ;in,i l..! . i l i justified in ask- r ' i;et out of the Scrnnton Truth. ii i unconcern, but i no hvdronielcr i i Citizen. t I MjrHtery. i - -ated News, i 1 ' . wear pockets? , Kent's friend, a i. - i tickets she could n ' ii it was seventy i -till ' this dtticienev i'. s l ,- cards, money, ' i . i urse, which she Mr W.'ni.iu .t ' ll' tr,."M .l.T r.i '.Illlll'V, . '11 :l 'J '' ll)- i'i ' IK. I. John 11.. , i 1 kue a "! In l .ll'I V ' olvi. ul. years a'o. 'J ii? if that wotnnn k uml other in. i'. i , , Wli u we i .it luri ut had three whole s'liils Si .vvM oiile have one, and it is li.iidy i.iMi:iiitil, I'lii Mill in service. We would likeli rsniiit l il nithropie brother to past, .irouiiil the hat .old see whut can lie do ic. If u hnct ess, rtaluljr, Ffiuii Itie N.'ms unit '' .rtrpr. I nc coinage ol silver, il'a success, will .......! Idtshiiij? i,,,t merely to this I'oiiiiU j , out . the tvliuii'civilized world. Mii'.V M tan, i'l. lloonville, Ind. init' i. 1 .... j ;.'- I I'l goo from birth. Ktu.ison my in.i wrr 'i large m hen's CKjrs. Dot tors h .id I J41U be a cripple, but II. H. H has en ml me sound and well. 1 shall ever prt.iar the men who in lenwd lllood Uaiui weic bora." H Ik A HiJi t jiiura, ibt wtcb or Urn pin? LIFE IN KORTH CAROLIXA. The first cot'on-bloom of the season was brought to Weldon Wednesday. The Stnte Ilonrd of I'linrmacy iacnllerl to meet ut Moreliead City Julv 8th and Uth. The Youiir Men's Christinn Aaaocin. tion of the State will hoTe n lare tent at theeiienmpmet of the State Guard ut Wriithtaville. Charlotte Times: Dr. TatmaRc'a ad dress ut Moreliead City Inst week was the same one he delivered at Trinity col lege ten years ago. A rdic'ioiiswnve has struck Concord. Services have lieen held in the jail by a lai'Ke numlier of rtii istiau ladies regard less of detioiuinulions. The bin and peeulinr laud sale nt lur ham is deelared oil'. The wile of A. M. Rij;sbce declined to sii;n the ileeds, hut some think she will yet confirm the sale. (Governor tlolt has ollcred n reward of$ll)0for Hie capture ol ulin Wilson, a nenro, only 'JO years old, who in Mink. Iciihurg county murdered Svdney Uru lon. M. 15. McDowell, of the Muck well Durham Tobacco company, is danuei- ously, and, it is thought, honlessly ill at his liotne in l'luladel hia. Mr. J. S. Chit has Ik-cu with him during the last week. Concord Standard: One more cotton mill for Concord this is the sixth, It is propositi to start with $7.ri,i"i(,$r0,i0 of which is already subscribed. The books are onn for the remaining $J, 000. Conurcssnmn-elect Watson, of (leor Kill, declares in his sccchcs in this Stale that the demands of the Ocala conven tion are Jeflersonian Democracy and that the Alliance expects to light fir the in and win with them. Mrs. Margaret II. Ivey, the oldesi lady in Halifax county, died at her home near Weldon last Saturday, in the ninety tilth year of hit ace. She was lifty when she was married, and lived just lorty-tiye veins alter her weddiuu day. The Railway Commission decides that as it has the power to regulate the charges of the express anil telegraph companies it has also the power to as sess their property for taxation, just as it does that ol the railways and steam boat companies. An odd ihiuij occurred at the depart ment of agriculture nt Raleigh recently A firm which deals in commercial ferti lizers sent in some money, asking that it lie placed in the "conscience fund," the linn having shipiicd fi-rtiliicrfe without taijs. Mr. Charles M. Ilusbec's condition is not improved. His senior physician has othnallv notitieil the lieputy tint il Sire, Dr. Campbell of Toronto, Canada, of the mental and physical condition of the ttratid Sire. The active duties'!' t.raud Sire now devolve upon Dr. Campbell, as Mr. Iliislice is now incapacitated to at tend to them. The Charlotte Chronicle reports that Itiabham, the supposed murderer of Mi nr.-!, assaulted Sheriff Smith in the jail on the evening of the -Jillli. Ilrabham Inoke his chain and struck the sheril) on I the head as he was Icnviut; him. The wound was iiainlul but not serious. puulMiig the) Later Ilral4iatn broke down completely I and in tears sought Sherilf Smith's tor It, Maun thinks i giveiiiss for his attack. Tlie Cherokee Tralolnic Hcliool Henr.v H. Ciirringtun ill Hontoil Traieller. The Cherokee Training school, undci the admirable management of Mr. II. W. Spray, who will, I trust, permanently retain the place, assisted by his' equally couiK teut wile as matron, is in all le 1 spicts a model, for its purpose. Iloth, I jm well us every teacher, have the savor ,.l I'liiislinn l'liue ill nil theii wurk. (In farm, in schoolroom, in lodging-house, at table, on the Sabbath, as well as through I the w.ek; in amusement, labor and , si,lv thcre is maturing the fiuil of their I patient, loving culture. Onlv a short I t;nlt, K.f,,IC lllv ,niVa, our friend Dr. )iMilu-sli.'t- iiiul Mrs. Dorchester Sent , tuiw lTkb at the institution, mid 1 do inti-rcslcil investigation ititii every Ihh si hit' ph;ihC ot the inauartm-nt hik! de tails ol its work resulted in tnlkst r onilion fl its stuicss. Tin- S'-Ihmi was hrst I'oiioi'ivcd, or initiated, lit Ilolilis, whom I mice kticw in Indimi Imth as citivii and stale MijK'rinUridcnt of schools, lie, as well as Mr. Spray, nltto tioin Indiana, U'lons to the Society of I'm mis; but Mr. Spray, exercising that wisdom and discretion which alone can lit a man lor a place like this, has select ed his assistants lioin varioiisdcnomina tions, so that tne strict lorms ol the l-'rieiids and their ideas as to music are not in use. The AHhi-vlllf CltUiiul.'H The latest local news. The liest general news. The Ircshcsl state news. r.cnernl and special coinnients. The largest suhseriptiou list ol any sec ular ;iKr in the state. The IhsI ailverliMiif,' iitcdiiiui in the stale. A full slalf of aide editors mid corres pondents. The neatest, newsiest and most enter prising paK'r in North Carolina. Its effort" lire alwavs devoted lo the iililiuililiii' and development thcrc-c sources ol the slate, particularly Hi western section. Subscription, $0 per annum; $U sn months: 50 cculs I er month. I.IIIIOM KI.IXIK. I'leiiHHiil, I'.leKailt, Kellithlv. I'm biliousness and constipation, take Union Klixir. For fevers, chills mid nialariii, take Ia'ihoii Hlixir. 1'or slivplessness, nervousness nnd pal pitation of the heart, take liuon lilixir. l-'or indif;estiou and foul stomach take Lemon Hlixir. For all sick and ncrvoushcadaches take Ix'iuon Hlixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Hlixir. Dr. Mozlev's Lemon Ulixir will not mil yon in nny of the nliove named dis eases, all ol which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stjinach, kidneys or bowels. Prepared only by Fir. Mozt.KV, Atlanta, (in., 50c and 1.00 per bottle, at drug, gists. I.ICMUN HOT DROP, Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, bronchitis, Hemorrhage and all throat and Iuiik diseases, -lile-Kiint, reliable. 25 cents at druggists. Prepaicd only by Dr. 11. Moiley, Allantu, Ga. jaulTeod IFVOI'lt ll.ll h AUhN, Or you are all worn tsit, nnlh bih1 for notl ItiK, It is tfenerul debility. Try ItKOWfi'S IKOtf IUTTKHH. r Vlli cms ou, cli'Siise ynnr Uvur, sud gl( gaud spetlts. Ton's Pills FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid llvr iltruM tb wkslssya. Sick Keadaohe, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. Tkwr la better remedy for shea SMasasea 4iMa tliaa Talt'a l.lver VUto. as trial alll prove, r rlee, Ua. - Sold Everywhere. , T Asrvartlaaira . - ; To insure change of adTertisemenU running on resulur contract, copr Bluet be hanoed in br 10 o'clock . m. f J THB HOTEL RKUIHTKK. Mtnta of Visitor lo the Clljr, and wbera Tttev Hull From. Grand Central: A. M. Smith, Greens boro; C. K. Bynl. J. A. Drookshirc, E. T. demons, G. W. Candler, L. P. Hnird, A" V. Lawson, N. C; 1. A. Reagan, Danville; T. B. Kiimoth; Oo. A. Triehard, Ilakcrs villc; Jacob lleish, Murshnll; A. M. Olcott, N. Y.j R.J. Detter, Baltimore; 15. H. Vnuphan, South lioiton, Va.j G. II. GnlhiKer, Sweetwater, Tenn. Sii-MifUifioa.' Frank Loiigbran, Hick ory Inn; T. C. McNcely, J. K. Connally, Jas. kaudull, H. C: II. E, 11. Sinitli, Mali fax, Can.; Theodore Harris, Dillsboro; T. Skinner. Miss Anderson. Kutlawa, Kv ; C. I. Jones and wile, Savunn.ih; M. Mever, S. C; R. B. Cameron, Washing ton, D C.j J. 0. Harrison, Franklin; 15. I. Lane, Soinci villf , N. J.J M. Ii. Ilowze, t'.eorge Porter, Jno. Mullen, J. l'oslei', New York; W. S. Overton, Spartanburg; A. I.Yorkc, I'hila Iclpliiii; Milton Reed, Louisville; . I.. C. Ilir.l, Mariun; B. J. Saunders, 1'. P. Cur Co. Clen Kck:-W. L. Hardin, W. O. Knight, Mrs. Clement Manly, Rielunoiid; !' R. Loftin, Chas. N. Vance, Iv. N.', Amos SlHckhoiise, R 15. Johnston, Thus Muriihv, N. C.j A. L. I'liimmcr, wile and son, Texas; . A. Reagoii, Va.; MissJ. M. Ilayne, Tenn ; II. S. Hancock, .n.;W... Wiirren, M. H. (iaddis Tcmi ; Col. T. C. Uowcn, llendersonville; Miss Jennie Vance, S C.; D. W. Newell. Z T. I'ndi r wood, city; John Moore. Kuoxville; Mis l.iliiie Rogers, Philadelphia; Miss Millie Ward. Charlotte; Miss liulonl, Rich inond; J. L. Luke. Tenn. ln Bnby was nick, ws Iwr Ciwtorl W hen nhc was Clillil, sho erlwl for 1'ant.irta WbeD alie twaine Miss, she clung o Csrtorlsv When she bad Children, she gste Uieiu CsMort POWDER Absolutely Pure, A cream of liirter lutkinK powder. 11111 est ni nil in IcHvening strengths. I.hIi si t' S. C.overnuirnt I'uml Kt-Hirt iulJ'.iilly 8 V S s u e8 S ' it J u 0 r. m o u if ! a i. d o o Z CARPETS J I NT RHCiaVKU From the Factories IN PHILADELPHIA AND OTHER POINTS. Scvcnt v-t wo ndH ItiKtHln, vxtrn tmiK-r, 3 ply tn'Htry, iMnly biutttli and vclvil car ItftR. rollR china straw niatliiiK". One h ii ad red and thirty five Smyrna and lur riiKH. Fil ty-niie art mUHrt'd. Ca and nnpicr mattiMK- rnrticrrcn and lat-v curlninn. Sme of tht-Nv roimIr were tiouirht at Krtatly reduced prieca nnd will lw Mild nt tut run in. Call and tee my I rn men we ntni-k, the lur st and unlv caclusiTC carict hunne in tht- ntatc JAS. P. SAWYF-R, 49 8. Main St., Anlicvllle, N. C juntf3il3m DR. HARli'S .1 A CURE Han nliftohitely cured tciiH tif thmnwindu The only Asthma cure ant) treatment known to rhc mcdicnl world that will pimltively and permanently eurr Aotbmn and liny Kever. It ia not a hum lain. Try it; it will not disappoint you. hut effect a permanent cure. t'niuestiinatle evidence will lie found in my U pane treatlne, sent free. It has be come a i tuple and Invaluable remedy for the cure of Spasmodic Anthma, I lay Prvrr or Hay Anthma, Bronchitis and Naa:l Catarrh, Adk your druKKiit for it. OH. B. W. I1AIK, i::K( Went 4th Street. Jun20am Cincinnati, Ohio TLANTIC COA8T LINB On and after thli date the following ichni ulea will be run over lU"Colutnbta IHTlnlon.'' No. 6a Leaver Columbia fl.LtO p. m. am vei atcnanenion v. tut p. m, No. S3 leaves Charleston 7.10 a. m Arrivea atCohimbla ll.Rn a. m Connect! nu with train to and from all points on the Charlotte, Columbia ft Aiij Riista and Columbia oranviitc Kailroada. iaiiy. T. M. BMRRSON. Gea. Paw. rt. f. F pbvinh, Hnnt. N OT1CB. By virtue of authority Tented In me bv certain deed In trunt to me executed iiv I. I Hill and wife J. F. Hilt, dated tbe IRth daT of July. A. I. 1NMH. and rrgiMtered in the re fcinter't cftice of buncombe county, in book of mortiiaiics and deed in trust. No. 13. on p ape 407, and sequel, default hating been mane in tne payment or tne aent seeurcn oy said 'teed in trust, I w II sell a tvrtaln lot of land In the eitv of Ashevllle. county of Buncombe. and state of North Carolina, un tbe west side of New Depot Street and adjoining the lone hotel lot, more particularly neacriDea ia saia acta oi trust, to wnica reierenc ii hereby made-, lor more accurate description by public auction for cash it tbe court house door In the citv of Ashevllle aforesaid at 12 o'clock m., oa tut otb da of July. W 1811 TJsto at ll, lt. W. W. BARNARD. w llllllf Jaa444tUr ' . V Tratte. How's Your Liver? Is the Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Livor. When tho Livor ia torpid tho Bow els are Bluish nnd con Btiatod, tho food lies in the stomach undi gested, poisoning tho blood; frequent headaeho onsues; a feeling of lnasi tudo, despondoney nnd nervousness indicate how tho wholo system is de ranged. Simmons Livor Regulator has been tho tneiiiw of rentorini moro tHOilo to healtn and inppiness by givinf? them a healthy Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy. MVIR aiCN DISAPPOINTED. An n enirnl family remedy fur IVv.ncpil. 'orpin l.lyer, rntittlltfitlnn, rlr f hnnllt .n-or mm. iiavthliiK Ua. and Muve n'vi' 4mi. dluiiiH.lntiMl In thfienri't pnidiiml II nuiiniN to !' nlmiwt a iirrfirl i nrr for nt dllttMva of Uiu SlouiHi'h anil llowi'ln. W. J- MUULMOT, 1HIXII, U: WHEN YOU WANT ted room Suits, Parlor Suitw, Easy Cliiiirs, Itockfis, Sitlo Itoardw, Kxti'iision Tulili's, Dining ('hairs, Kitclii'li Tallies. teil liOini",es, Sin'lo Iiomiues, lint Harks, Wan I robes. Center Tables, Ollieo Furniture. Pictures, Shades. H'HJSITl'Kli KI:iAIR, UPHOLSTERING DONE, CARPETS LAID. 1 Al.l. I IN IILAIK & RROVN. FURNITURE DEALERS AND UNDERTAKERS, 3a Pation Avenue. G. II. MAYER C0NSULTIN6 : OPTICIAN 6i South 11 ul ii fit. ii;ki i;ct sk;ht. Ii in tin- .i I hi tn ol h iiil.nlu', pnui i riilHiut (lt ru'ii, (liniiii kh in i-iiitoiK tir rc ihk at it utntjiiur. your sthl tislft) Irii' ol iliure. Sal mliK-'iuii iiJtrauti'ttl. MicroHCopcH ir Nt'linnl or iinl sHiminf mac Sir nulurt tnitniitiiiv Mnri Httipi nhuiK all (niitt iinil kiniU. Cull uml examine thctti. Pedum cicrH I'o un -rtoiirv tin- iliKtan jioii u (ilk. All kl uf M.-UitlilK' iliHt i unit-ntH. DO NOT FORGET Til AT- iWEEKLY CITIZEN I s ONLY SI-ONE DOLLAR-SI PtiR VKAR, Strietly in Advance. $5 For a Club ot Six. Bi'iid Oho iHillar iiikI ivihw your HuliHcriptkin ut once .SiKn'ilil Corrt'BpoiulentH in evory hlh'Uoii of Wosteni North Curolinu. 8PKCIAL. FKATUKKMi LOCAL NHWH, FOKICKSN NKWS, AdUlCULTlIItALNEVVS. AUJANCI3 NKWS ANU A WAYS DEMOCRATIC' The Det Fumlly Newspaper ,. -, , In the Stole. ' DO YOU WANT A WATCH? Or Would You VMw A-: Tim: Iiaii.y liniilit, nn.l tliev may In1 k-cii in thi' show window uf A. M. Field, on Smith M.'iin utrcit. A SOl'.II) G(ll.l LA 1)1 liS' WATCH AND CHAIN. The caw is H karals. Iinmlsoinrlv cnrvnl, willi IvIihii movi'- inriit. Ihc chain ia k'uld, bcautilullv dccnriiti'il with line hard ciiamcl. Also.n IHiACTII'l'L LA HI US' STICK I'lN, made upon Hx.'cial order. The Pin in what ia known as the Clover Leaf de sign, anil consists ol tour handsome stones one Aquamarine, one Amethyst, one Topaz uml one Diamond, act in solid olil, beautifully ornamented nnd en graved. This Watch and fin are lo lie ;iven to I lie two Indies in Asheville who will show that they deserve llum. The Watch will lie k'vcii to the lady securing the largest numlier of suliscrili- era lo Tin: Daily Citizun between thia late and DceemlK'r 1st. The fin will lie given to Hie lady get ting the mint largest llliilllicr. A sulisei i Ik t will lie the name of nny K'ison in Asheville iml now a nlrilHr to Tin: Citmu.n, accompanied hy $t.lN , A name accompanied by $1!.IH) will count I I u t... Lit .n.i, Mi... .iiiiiii iii.fiiir.uiiu My 4..,.i., will count three. And to nil $3.00 sub scriliers Tiik CinliN will make, in uddi lion, a present ol one ol those splendid binlseye views of Asheville. Ladies, this is your opportunity. Anv gentleman can gel aubsiriliers, but thev must be counted for some lady. Look al the splendid Watch ami fin, and sec what a handsome and cosily present either ufthem will make for your wife or young lady friend. Thev arc unusually costly and beaiiti. lul, and there is not a ladv in Asheville inn wouiii Ik (kiiiitni with titiur for Cliiistmiia. The' will cost you not liinc curpl a little ilTnrl liming 01I1I moments when iloitiK uotliiiiK else. Tim: ll u.v Citizkn ia the icoilt''a pa per, and thia tinpirceilenlcd iiiiliieeiiicnt ia offcreil in onU'r thiil iniiiiy more ico pie may nail it null iluv. There arc at le.ial l,riHI men in AkIic villc who do not now auliavrilie lor TllK CitizRN, who lire amply able to do ao, and Tiik C'itizi.n known no easier wnv to set tire them than by enlisting the elTorts of the ladies in its bchall'. All names will be carelully entered in a hook kept lor the purHiac, and the lady KcndiiiK in the greatest numlwr ol names, ari'onipaiiied by the money, us indicated, before December, will get the Watch on llccciiilier 1st, 11 nil the anc getting the next largest will get the I 'in. ' '"i OXFORD TIES, SLIPPERS, TENNIS. all varieties and prices. Latuht StyuohStkaw Hats. Don't forget ourlincly cquip jiod CuHtum anil Kcpiiir ll'liVI'tllU'Ilt. Weaver & Myers, "THE SHOE STORE," No. 39 Pattou Avenue. JKSSK R. STAR IS ICS, UNDERTAKER : AND : EMBALMER. BVRKV UK(JI'I8ITI'. HI' Tllli BUSINESS I'llKNISIIItl). EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. SMllHlactlon (iiiarimtcvfl. I'r'imi't Attcnllon r.lvi-u to I'hIi, liny 01 MKht illlier Hint ithkI iH'i No North Main Slurt. Ti'lrph' nr No. fit. Mt. Mitchell Hotel, BLACK MOUNTAIN STATION. WIF.I. Of ION JUNK 1ST, 1HD1. Mlncrul water Annie n. Kot-kltrulKc and lleil fonl Hprlii., Vn., FKHBTOOUUSTS. RTliS ll,(HI Tl " HO I'lik Wl-I K NPRAtil'F. & mOOKIC. PIANOS AND ORGANS. ON KASY INSTALI.MUNTS . WITHOUT INTICKIiHT. Motrin, Rnnrillni, hn'imn, mhoolH mul in riivltlUHli upplltd 4lim-t Irotn the ntuinitm turcm. All freight pnlil lft tnyn Unt trtnl lu yom own home Stool nnd Instructor furiiislK"1 with rrh infltninitnl. "KHintilr inttruim-ntii. oiu- price only, uml hat the tow tut known " For vatiiloKUiH, terms, etc , cull on or uil d'CM J. F. GARRATT, No. 41 latlou Avenue, JkMhevtlle. N. C. Wiat would you, liko In the way of a corset? Something that's easy and comfortable, with "bones" that can't break or kink, and soft eyelets that won't rust or cut the laces something that clasps the figure closely, but yields to every movement? Then you want the Ball's Corset. If you find that you don't, after wearing for two or three weeks, you have only to return it to us and get your money back. P. P. minniaiiKh. aTHEBLSLjvtjOWW kbMEnY. "" CiiieirioTim'liiiiilir. fllfsnt In 1 (nMtlTH, Wllhnut I'll ill I'rt'Vt'iitu Mrirtiirr. Ciiiitiiinf ii" acrid or poiononq tnila)tunrr4. ttn i In fmuriii),i nhHoltitcly hurutlrs. prffHTllMMT by phynldiins, Il't Sy iinrrfrr with ouch hotth. lYln'fl Solrt hy dniKffl!tH. llrwnroof 8h1 tHwtwi. Acinr rhcin.Ot. I .tiV.N.o. I 0 FOR HAUt BV MAYSOR SMITH. ASHEVILLE. n c rCnflYROYAL PILLS lifti ivHatila. IAD11 h hm and imdttvtnM- Al Dnmiriij, or MtiA 4w In HUnn A par I biu I lira, Hixll.T Air f.mHt.n it '. hy r-tm f JlalL 10.IMH) TVUinonil,. It-tm ;.rr. ttU M LnU DruulM. i'BlUdtv, IV TallralinrTl alalMl 11 MIiibii n 1111 Irniiorilymun thur t "Rapidly to the Front !" DPAlttRARUi; I, FRANKLIN, N. C. S B AL B9TATB In all Un fortitn. in thr rtrhcut portion of Wmtcm North CnroMna. It will pity you tn writ tin for th brut lntluirtnriitN ami t'icnt cut tmrgnins In the "Cominu Section ol th Hoath'or apply nrrnonall.v to our Anhcvillc rrprc tenia tivc. 1'RHlHiKKK K(''ri.HI'(iK, lanftdtf 1H I'nttim Avvniie, .; ; TRY TIIK MODEL LAUNDRY T'Pattou Avenue Km. 1 It A SUMMER GGODS FOR !8SI. TAYLOR, liOUIS & 1U.0TIIE11TOJS', No. 43 Pation Avenue, lii'oiifinl Ci(,'iiiili!i' lli'l'ricr.'i (Mrs. U iilcr ( ooli'is Win- liisli Covci's, W'liitc MiMinliiin lei' ('k:iiii Fivi'.i'is 1 ly Triips iiiul Fihik Oil Stovi's, F;.V Scivi-ns for Dik'ii'k niiil WiiidnwK Agents lor White's Sewing Machines. Old l'i.s(iililihlii'il Mai liiiic, .Loiij;' tind Fii voraldy Known. rKICIiS AS MW AS Till; LOWUhT. Sir our itijii liiiii's IicI'oit purclwisin. JEWETT STEE'L KANGES. Iliiiidsoiui'Kt Kanyi' cvi'i' seen in Aslnvil in our window. Wtdl worlli looking nt. THE BONANZA,'' WINE Al Nos. 41 and 43 S. Main St., Asheville. 'V III ll.ltSA I.IC IH'.I'M.' I'MUNT, I 1'AKI.IIK AMI Kli.MM.V; ICIJI i'n rv ,i en; a us, tih'.aci'ii ami iiur ri.ii villus I-:, in 1.1.1 h'n ,i. i'wut, ki him.' BEER : VAULTS ; AND : BOTTLING Wc i tsK'Llltllly suliiil ;i alum- ul your tuitifnian'. J. A. HI A R f 11 A R DT, ManaKei. Main ICiilrancc, No. .f,t. TcHphiic C'al I, 1V. 7. I'OMtollM'O ItOX NO. BRICK. HRiCK. urn -s vi.i', itv-- BUNG0M8E BRICK Asheville, N. C STRAL'sS' UUUOPKAN IIOTKI. AND RKSTAL'RANT. )UMS ALL M'.VVI.Y FUHMSHL'O. Mho, tfflik Imm ili-rs run U' iHeoiniiioiluti il. lock a. tn until 1 L' iiV'iiik n 111. V ii 1 iirepurtil lur eali riiiK triul. irti'K nolHc My Cclcbralcti T well ki.tiw ti K.iiici' 11. ln- llt mm Hie Hull Shi II I 'llllll 111 li"lli :i 1 vi' wiolei . .ll nu'i.yi 11I1U a.'il at n J A. BIUS ) KA.Vk, ftM!LYGROCERIE:ND i 1 -it for kt N01 1 !i Minn nm (,ri . Milif. ..t-rvlMe, VEGETABLES! ui ii:ivi:i I Ki;sil 1 VICKY DAY AT 17 nlli l.iin Slrct I, THE SUN. I'l IN S-iiiit in n iihoul tin 11 ilntl't ; Iml 1' tl: W Hi.'lH ji i'i 1 1 u il Ii ml linn. . 1 ImiiI v tiki v llll ll li 111 ". 1 1 it- niitnl kuoA -initm in up! 1 -l the to I 1 llllll mul iirvt't iitrni I" Ihnmii.ti tut tvvi iilv vtain ' livuit Ii 1 tt.- tor hcni- a vn inn ''t' weak It iir il! ! Ti M. of tin iss ill t l hu lift- .ni-l i , s uiinn nis 'ia r 1 .'lis 1 it ait 1 un 'ih 'I'lii Sun ha ll).' 1. 1 in tti ooriitii- I'tiiuip! niim. in ilh ln.'ih ti tin i;it t V i! ti'i r il Ii Ii .ir iliKtnti'rt sn-il v u:nr t .i ll n il m- ti tn I'i 11 niK tlit.- I'l iiiin.i t mi'nt'; tt im iii'l I It uhh laillt il it hax snu fm ili'-t mtn thr inill- Mtl'tHV Ivihtcili ti ii ii lit il Mitl iii'ntv uiu will In a uivat Vf.'ii- in in t it an i ulitus. an v i rv- IkhIv nlmultl irau I lit Sun haily. tier iimntli Iinilv, pel Suinlav. m v vi'iu Iinilv ami SiiihI.. pti yt"ir . hnily a tnl Sii'iila , '-r un nt W'tiklv, urn vtar l.rO H.oii u.7( Health is Wealth! 1R li. C. Wkht'h Ni:kvk amu Hha n Thkat m k it, a yiiaranlinl s-Hfilir for llystrna. liixiursH, lu 1 Imo's. l-'iit-, Nrfvii-. Neil' niluia. Ili-nilarlU', t r v nils I 'i ost nitiuti c-iuHr-l U th' ti-f 01 alfiluil or inlimi'ii, W'ii kt'ln liHMs. Mtntal hi --t n, sflvtiniuol tli tirain ir .i tniK iii:ii t y ami It ailin- to niisrrv, ilrray ami tkalh, I 'n nint'.rr t Mil A w, HiirrctiiH'sM, I. oss nl 1 owir in cither ncx, In vol u n ta:-. I.ossrs ami 'sinrnrMorrhiea, l nvii-t i it'iin f thr lii a 11 sdt alainf or in er-iinlul in c. I.jkIi Im.x riai- taint otr niutith's trratitn tit .til uti a !ox, o six lio i k t'ot I"', -c it l mail, iiip.iil, oil rcriiiil nt una1 We u 'ii ant r m liuxi' to rurr any case, Willi rath oiilrr trtcivril liy u- I r "-ix Itoxrv, a. 1 tn .niril wit It U'l. we wnl send 1 ie I'lirrhaser oat written jinar ailt'C 'o iTllintl thr inon. y j" the tietilnicnt il'irn not tHt' i a eurr t'tuaiantrtu isttucil only ly T t' tni I h v t'o. I 't uKists, S tie A).""""- I'm' In Sii!i:il". A-hrvlh, V C $5vo ricwanl. Wli .till pa-, th. alio r ita i i lot aii ra-r ol I. VtT Coiiiiilaiiu, hvs.rpsi , Sirk lira I mlu huliK sti.i" iMi-iipation or i'i. ti v neis wc ran t --ui'e ih Wesl' Vcuc;a ilc I ivrr Pit s w In n i he fli nttioMft iter -triri Iv roiMplu-tl wttli t hev nic iMitvIv Vi-rt l.'iliic, uml never tail to Wive Miitislai lion S.-ar Coat tl;t Iioxch, coiitainitiK ;i piHs 'J 5 ccutw. Pew art of cnunlerlVilH mul limitations The ni.itic nuinnlacliireil only by THI- JU1IS C. WI-tsT COMPANY. CHHWC.H, ILL. Sol.l by T. C Kinith AiCo.. Atilivviilc. N. C. Liquor Habit. mmniewMui mains BifTOnuH 0?HMKES golden specific. Itcn be irl ven tn eniri v, tea. r In article o( PmhI without the knowlfriRfl of pAtH'tit If nwcsHnr?; It hi ahnoluUly harnihiw ana will chVct aiHrnia-n-iv and n-H'tvly cure, wliUipr the patient in a niaaeraietiruiacrnrHn aicononnwnK. KU 'AILH. UHerntLHiw quietly attd with mieh oert. ty uiru ine miirni iiiiiit'rg-M'n no ineon vonlencft, and anon hla contpltt refartnatloo ta eaeowa paguo-n in. i o tie iimj m KAYtWtK ft SMITH. lrn (. tt, Anhcvillc, N. CJ a25dAwly(mo we lri Sillliplo H'( up inll-m Ll Cijii NO. 41. ' NO. IN : BASEMtKT' : DEPARTMENT itRfl Iv. & FILE COMPANY, 1. . ftox 4. BOARD BY THE MtWY, rf:EH l)K lAI Slrii't enr i.asi. l. ,1. up, lor II. mn I'm ties, nulla, iti .8AII I 10.1, lliilalt - lplil.i l-'rir" 'H IH'MMll f HIIV li. .. . mm.-.., s I'leaM'ii In si ;iv. al' Mull,, K. STKISS t'rop. ASHEVILLE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, H00WS, 26 PATTIIN AVE., 1 Y. M. C. A ROOMS. i ijii'tt ilitti, . ,!', .i ni. a.vs. Irota 10 u. ui. utOil I 11 tn.. uml i 'intil 7 ti I III' ll'lltis III Mil. Sit 1 1. 1 , .11 ' .vtut r.oett... .. I Till; :t tiHKs., 1 . I j llllll rtf I I -1,1. S IOI Iflll 1'llSlllt III I WdiiNi ; VuT-rrt'Muli'tit, 'l ltu run Tmisim r, H S WiiUmi, f- t :it.h . l'h:i 1 1' ( W. A iiit s ; S r. .il"t 111 iii'i , MiH C'tliiiis unit vtmtnrn mt runhnlk invrtnf to iusjifct the iitlaluut- idirl tliNi ribr Illitr nntin-s hh iiH-iiiiii rv itu:tn,r CliicattAL Alton l ASiHSI' Klil'TI'. I'i' KANSAS CITY AND THE WECT AnIii 1II1 t Athrvillr t Asht villt t I'ui tlanil, 1 ii Kansa t'ity in ;t7 hom. I it n 11 mi .'i 1 In nit m. San FranriH.-ii, v nMli irnia . Uiiii, in .1 ilavs ;ins St Louis to r lian 1 in irii is i.'it v WtM iinnif I'or lull tnli 1iMitn.11 rat: u :il Ir. H. A. Ncwlaiul, litriet l'asr-cn;rr Aki'iii, No 1 M I'attotl Ave . shrville. N II MVI TuS. ll I . ( hi. air .. In Ji ililMTt i.s'ui"- thtrs' lit tr is it hut tlit'l most Mnr-s'-s '; IttS tt fMTT on, l;U'iyi;iiilsiii;iII ttv tin' htvtv'n'st iul wrtisws? It it tloes nj jh'ty to ;ilvrtst why ilo tin Ihw vii'st husiiH'ss firms in tin uorhl sjH'iid millions in thnt Hv.r!' Is it Ihwiuso thvy tlo not know ns nmvh nhonl Imsint'ss us thoix lor ;i ilollnr "storrkrt'p vr iunvouttt rytow , who says tnomy spout in wlwrtisiii"' is thrown hwh.v? liSTAUI-lSHliU 1H55- a. ii. cosiiY, (SucccMur to C. Cowuu.) JEWELER v 7 rAi"ror AVICNl H, NliXT IH)I)R TO GK AND CHNTRAL HC TEL. ASHttVILI.B. N. C. MptOdlv M a al K fc'--;-'"'v'1 t""11'" Til S&J01" lUMik if imp i faf ilJlicnlarsHcut rM.K. mmmmmmr li.M.W t ol,,K'.M.I tlaiilu,tu. 0lUculDlJvYhiu-hiUltii Smew; A pamphlet of Information and b- fi Instruct of tho lawatihowinit H tnf W V.1' PntuntR, t'ufentu, Tratlef m. Markt. CopyriBhta, n( Uu.Lj 1tk3l Hroadway, yjF Via"!Nife-'lw a f