ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 14. 181)1. AROUND TOWN. Forecant till 8 a. m. Wednwdai -Mowcrai utatlonary tempera tarei south winds. WILL LEAVE THl'RWDAY. T. C. Revenue collections yesterdaj Were $4,176.23. Miss Maggie Stith.of Raleigh, is at the Swannanoa. The Citizbn prints the news when there is any in the city. Superintendent Bridgers left (or Wash ington toduj on business. At Grant's pharmacy at 2 p. m. today the thermometer registered 80. Marriage license has been issued to John Hardin and Mary Dobbins, col ored, of Buncombe. Mai. W. W. McDowell, who has been erv ill for some time, is reported consid erably improved today. I Miss N. A. Cobb, of Richmond, is visiting her brother, Howell Cobb, pro prietor of the Swannanoa hotel. Little Gertrude, infant daughter of Mr. Frank McCrary, died at 7 o'clock this morning, at No. U'J Haywood street, ol meningitis. There will be a concert given at the A. M. E. Zion church this evening fur the benefit of the colored orphan asylum at Oxford, N. C. The Kings Mountain News says that "Mrs. R. M. Currie and Misses George Currie and Agnes Kendrick are visiting relatives in Ashevillc." K. Y. McAdcn. of Charlotte. C. Ii. Graham and J. M. Thrash left today on the Murphy train (or Cherokee county, where they go prospecting lor timlwr lands. lilius Vernon, colored, was before Jus tice Israel this morning charged with selling whisky without license. He was bound over to the federal court ina bond of $100. An organ recital and service of praise will Ik- civen at Trinity church on Tliurs- dav evenintr next, fulv 10. lixercises commence at N:.'I0 p. m. ( rganist, C. A Garratt. Mnj. W. W. Rollins, John V. Starnes. Capt. Natt Atkinsun and Col. T. H. Long spoke to the people on Upper Kcems creek on the railroad proposition today. The Asheville street railway company has decided to do away with the con fusion often arising trom ransfening pus senirers ami is having 100,000 transler checks printed. Treasurer I . Hart, of Henderson county, was in the city today. Mi Hart reports everything in Hcnderson ville as moving quietly along, and has great faith in its future as a city. Thk Citizkn was in error yesterday in stating that Capt. Atkinson was go ing to give the .100 watermelons on Sat urday at the railroad shaking. The oi ler is made by the committee, authorized by the leading men of the city. Tha boarding house register at the Young Men's Christian Association is U-iiig much used by summer visitors. The committee wishes to revise anil correct the register. Any who will take board ers arc requested" to send in their names and addresses immediately. Henry George's land theory, which was discussed at the Lyceum two weeks ago, is to be the subject lor discussion at to night's meeting of that body, in its hall in the third stor-of the Barnum building. Maj. T. C. Westa.ll is to deliver the open ing address. Discussion begins at 8::i0 sharp. Joe Mitchell and Dora Jenkins, colored, were arrested this morning by Deputy Sheriff J. M. Morgan, on a charge of re tailing liquor without license. Thecouple had a hearing before Justice Malone and their bond was fixed at $1!00 each. In default of hail they were seat to jail to await the next term of lederal court. President Powell, of the Asheville Loan, construction and improvement company, today announces the regular schedule' tor cars over the Montlord ave nue electric line. Cars leave the square every hour and half hour. Returning, leave the present terminus of the line, corner of Zillicoa street and Cumberland avenue, fifteen minutes before and fifteen minutes after each hour. Savs the Lake City, Fla., Reporter: "Mrs. L. Cone and sister Miss M. K. Wethey, two of our most fashionable dressmakers will leave next week for Asheville, N. C, where they will make their future home. They have been living in Lake City tor the past six months. We beseak for them a cordial welcome by the good people of Asheville and the liberal patronage which they so well de serve." As handsome a bit of advertising as has been done in Asheville, is that just gotten out by Geo. H. Burnham, of the Ashevillc Cigar company, and distributed among his customers. The advertise ments are handsomely lithographed por traits, beautifully finished, and will at tract the attention of smokers to the jfood brands of cigars made by the com pany. Mr. Burnham tells Thk Citizkn that sales of stock are very good. The special meeting of the county com missioners adjourned yesterday after noon. Verv little business was tran sacted. W. T. Clinton tendered his resig nation as keeper of the county poor house. Chairman Rankin was author ized to settle with W. T. Reynolds, ex clerk of the suiierior court. A numlier of bills were ordered paid. The board had expected tohearcomplaints from property owners in regard to the new assessment, but as the reports of the assessors have not vet been made nothing could lie done n the matter. A meeting of the joint board of alder men and advisors was held in the mayor's office yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. All of the board, with the excep tion of Alderman Gudger and Advisor Hunt were present. No business was transacted further than to order that a telegram be sent to Consulting Engineer Cutshaw, at Richmond, requesting him n nmr lure in time for the ooenintr ol bids for pavinjr, etc., which takes place Wednesday. The board adjourned to meet aeain tomorrow at 4 o'clock at which hour the bids will be opened. Dr. John Hey Williams, Miss Mabel Reeves and Frederick Rutledge returned this mnrninir from a tnu to Morehead They left hereon July 1 with a party of Asneviiuans, taxing a spccim oiccjiti through to Morehead City. Ih Wil Hams reoorts a delightful stay. The va cation was spent in sailing, trolling and in other ways to delight the pleasure seekers. The largest catch was 137 mackerel at one trip. The doctor says there are "no flies on Morebeud, ' and mosquitoes are an unknown quantity. Altogether the trio was a very de- ' lightful one, and enjoyed hugely by the enure party, yie reraamocr ui tuc pariv went from Morehead to Nag s Head and Old Point Comfort, McNeely to no lo Hla Old stupe rlnlendent. T. C. McNcely, chief clerk in the office of the superintendent of the Western North Carolina railroad, will leave Ashe ville Thursday at 2 o'clock for Savan nah, Ga. Mr. McNcely goes to Savannah to accept a position in the office of Capt. V. U. McBee, recently superintendent of the Western road, but now general super intendent of the Central railroad and hanking company. Thos. C. McNcely, or "Tarn" as he is ailed bv those fumiliar wil h him, was born in Salisbury, Rowan county, N. C April (3, 1867. When 12 years of age he was employed in his uiicle's store in that town. A year luter, Noyemoer ta, inau, he entered the railroad service us messen ger boy and record clerk under J. K. Mucmurdo. tnen auditor oi me nesicrn North Carolina road, at a salary of $5 a month. He had never received any education except what he gained at the common schools. He applied himscll to the study id telcgruphy. lly degrees Mr. McNcely advanced him sell'in the estimation of his suieriois in ollicc, and five years ago was made pri vate secretury of Capt. Mcltee, at a sala ry of $75 u month. Since the beginning of his railroad ex l'riciice Mr. McNcely has been off duty only nine months, six ot which were spent at the Stale I'uiversity at Chapel Hill. The other threeniontlis were spent at Eastman Business college, Paiigh kecpsic, N. Y. At this college he devoted himself so diligently to his studies that he got through in the least possible num lier of days, and on each scpuralc culm ination as well as his final examination he was graded at 100. He received a diploma from this college as master ol accounts. Mr. McNcely is an cxert stenographer and tyiewriter, both of which he ac quired by his own efforts, without teachers. Mr. McNcely has liecn the secretary ol the Asheville Park and hotel company, capitalized at $1,000,000, and has been largely interested in real estate here. He conducted last ycur, the Prospect Park laud sale, which netted lor him and Ins associates, Messrs. W. 11. Gwvn, R. P. foster and C. H. Slights, over $5,000. Mr. McNeelv is a "Tar-Heel" dyed in the wool. His rise lias been gradual, but steady and sure. Since coming to Ashe villc lie has made hosts ol friends who to a man will regret to learn of his dep in ure, Hut w no will also oe giuu 10 near, as thev exiicct.that "Tarn" has climlied the ladder of success to the top rung, lie has i he true North Carolina metal in his composition, and it energy and talent will help man up Mr. McNcely is bound to succeei I. Mr. R. U. Boieseau, who is a native of Washington, D. C. takes the position ol chief clerk under Suiierintendent R. R. llridgers. Mr. Boieseau is a young man, and has lieen in the service six years, two of which he has Sient ns chid clerk to Cant. Bridgers in Raleigh. As a stcnog rapher he is Al, and has the reputation of beiug uuc ul the best siiierintendeiit's chiet clerks in tne K. a: v. s divisions. alLICA-HAR YTIC STONK. A (latnnle ol Moody tk Relote'a Mutter and Curb Hlone. A very pretty sample of artificial stone work has been put down in front ol Ad visor Scott's office on College street. It is n curb and gutter combined, and was nut down as a siiecimen of what Messrs C. IS. Moodv and V. T. Belote of Ashevillc, can do in that line. It manufactured bv adding chemicals to the ordinary cement, and is called silica bnrvtic stone. the surface is very smooth, and a gutter constructed of this material can in no way liecome cnolied by dirt or trash. Mr. T. R. McCann who is here representing a paving com pany of Washington, says this stone has been used in a number ot tne streets in New York and that it has proven a sui cess long ago, both as toappearance and durability. Mr. McLann has no inter est in this kind of work, and his opinion is that of a disinterested person. Messrs. Moodv and llclote will mnk a bid forcurbing and guttering Ashcvillc's streets on Wednesday, the loth. ANOTHKR ROW AT LANK'H. HO. J' T: Go down Patton avenue oh the north side unless you are sure-footed the hole in the sidewalk is dangerous. Come down town wearing a toothpick in your teeth it is not the thing. Worry about the railroad proposition it will carry il you come out and vote. Post any more bills on the court house bulletin until the board has liecn re painted. Chide the Richmond committee about that report it was published in This Citizen the day alter they came home, that is, nearly all of it. lie alraid the Chinamen are going to take the towu thev always come out in the wash. Forget to look in at Field's jewelry store and sec that witch and pin. Reallv TrannactloiiM. The following deeds have been hied in Register M ickey's office for registration N. Wells and wife to R. D. K Robinson. W.i acres in Leices ter $ 1, IS. Graham mid wile to W. 1. Reynolds, hall interest in Grand Central hotel 20,000 , Wallach and wile to W. M. Finck. lot on Mountain street, .10x80 feet 250 J. B. Bosticand wile to Mrs. J. r . Hill, i. lots on rrrncn nroim avenue, ibxl7 and wihi f....t 2 500 Public MpeafcliiK. Addresses will be made on the railroad iroiMi.iition at the lollowmg tunes ami luces. Everybody invited to al lend : I'mier Bcaverdaiu school house, neil- icsil.iv night. Lower Heavcrilam scliooi iiousc, i uiirs lav night. Uilliiiurc. Wednesday night. Haw Creek school' house, Thursday igl't- Jarrett s Store, 1-rnlay mgtit. SK-aking will commence at 8 o'clock. ii tell it. ve breezes, from descri lo sea The 'Prescription has triumphed, lair woman is free! Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the . i i . . it .. i i me iirtncc v icmeiiv aoovc an niuem. Made expressly for is adapted i her soecia necils. ami lultiils every re- liiireincui. Xo eonililion so critical as u ueiy o, No emerueiicv so great as lo lialllc il As a woman's restorative uuil regtila tor the ' favorite rrescripuon is in; teroflhc situation. Positively gu.iran teed to give sal is'aetion in all cases, or in.inev oaiil for it relumed. The only medicine tor women sold on trial. A Caul. In answer to Bright ,V Stringticld's inl ol lune 30th will sav thi y arc botl owanh. They did not dare to inqieaeli mv character uniii I nan leu mr .-iaiv. an prove mi good authority their entire ard was a he. H'urr kkown. It. Npeclal Hates and Mcht-dulen, w. Clarke. Member Ainer can Ticket llrukcrit abbocihiiuh Thr itiuiiiiiv Line to aiiuHel Park now riuiH tuoriilutfH nn well an alleriiiiiin. wan Ii tor fluu" on Camp Patton car al Public SHiuare, WITHDRAWN ASHFVII.LE ADVERTISEMENTS. Kidney affections of yean' standing cured by Simmons iviver Regulator. i W. Poynta. Tkt tht Montlord avenue cars at court square and as the conductor to ktjmuoffmtthe Park. Tht lake It bow Robert carter ulvea will MeK: rath atterloun Wound. There was a festival down at "Dumps' Lane s restaurant last night. A large crowd of colored people gathered. Some time during the night Roliert Carter and Will McElrath, both col ored, became engaged in a difti cultv in which Roliert Carter drew nn ugly looking knife and stabbed McElrath in the back. The wounded man was taken to nr. k. n. nrvani office, where the wound was examined It is serious, but not dangerous. Carter was arrested and before Rc corder Miller had a hearing this morning, He was remanded to await the result of McElrath's wounds. He Hlopped Ihe Horse, A runaway occurred yesterday after noon about fi o'clock on Tatton avenue A horse attached to a wagon started running near Slaglc's hotel, and when lust east of ihe hotel ran the wagon against a post in the sidewalk. The horse keot on, running at full speed, with only the front wheels ol the wagon tol lowing him. 1 be frightened auim.i turned into Church street and slowed up. A colored man ran after bird, and catch ing up stooped down to get hold of the lines which were drugging on tne ground, But the ground was wet and slippery and as the man got a grip on the lines, bis feet deserted him. and he measured his length in the mud. The incident fur nished a laugh for the crowd which had gathered, but the mud-covered colored man hnd stopped the horse, just the same, Recorder's Court. Before Recorder Miller this morning, E, W. Vaughan, for lighting, forfeited $ two drunks $8.50; Rnfus Greenlee, for striking Mahala Goodwin, $5; Mahala Goodwin, for cursing, $1 ; Dennis Moore and Geo. Johnston, disorderly, dismissed Robert Carter, for cutting" Will McEl rath, sent to jail. Elias Vernon, for car rying a razor, was fined $30, but after court it was brought to Mr. Miller s at tention that Vernon had been arrested in his shop on a warrant charging him with selline whisky. On being searched in the jail the razor was found, and a warrant sworn out. l using into consiocrauon the fact that he was in Ins own shop. Mr. Miller revoked his decision, and Ver non was acquitted of the charge. For horse-colic Simmons Liver Regula tor is known to be the best remedy. Are you lick ? Go out on the Mont ford avenue Hoe to the prk, and dnnk ot the lite giving waters anrf breezes there to be tound. avMaaroldeont view, natura parka, wild flowers) and cool freaH air. Take tne dummy line. A stitch in time. Take Simmons Liver Regulator and prevent sickness. REASONS EXTRAORDINARY The wonderful hucccss we have had in the private sale of ots since making our last announcement, has induced uh to withdraw the public sale heretofore advertised. A large number of lots intended to be sold at that time have al ead.y been sold, and we ha ve only to say that Ashe- ille marching at the heat! of the procession to the tune of $500,000 just appropriated for street taving, and $100,000 for extending her sewerage system. ms attracted the attention of capitalists all over the oimtrv to this rapidly irrowinir and plucky town. One ,1 1 1 Ml ff . 11 J J ' .... ,1 I . year ago uie Asnevuie, ijoan, uonstrucuoii ami improve ment Company with the following officers: (1KO. S. DWELL, President and (Jen. Manager, W. W. BAHNAHI) Treiwurer, Richmond Pearson, J. K. Hnnkin.T. II. Cobb, J S. Adams. Geo. S. Powell, Directors, foresaw what wascom 11 1 1 Al . - 1 1 I ... ng ami wt'iit r.o worn developing wieir six mnmrcu linen inbnii'iiig the finest b'liltling and manufacturing site's in the city. This property is now hud out with broad a nues, pa ved gut ters and shade trees on each side. Water, i 1 1 1 1 1 4 I - sewer anu electric street railway running mrougiuneprop- ty. Park and lake sites ha ve been left at convenient dis tances through the proierty and a complete water an I 1 4 i 1 i ll 1 1 sewer plan lias uecn adopted so as to give me very itcsi, sanitary results. Some of the views to be had from points n this property are Ht'MIMlCttM NOTK I Jt. Fruit Jars Old Price. One-half gallon Mason's jars at $l,"i() is usual. .New goods anil low prices Law's on South Main si reel. Are you n mtrnniier nnil want to nmk money: Hike trie ionuora avenue can nt court stwnii: usk the conductor to give nu il limn anil put run oil' nt the I'ark, where von will in tne center oi the tinest resilience iimiKTf nith.- south Then come buck unit hnrc a ileal ilraw lor the lot you sclecteil. Index to Mew Advertlnt-mcttta. To Hunt II ('.. Fun Sai.h A II Tulili Tn l.lfT If. Il.itliilinin. Iluv Miini; Til's iitlii-r. ScllKlirl.K lift, S I -wi-M. Niitick I'loHriiny .V Ke . unlits. Uxkittivk Nutick l. L. Kry mild. -JV RUNT. Onf or two unfurniohrit room. AHuttm jl3ii:tt "II .." CitHin omce. rh;i-tnn. sinKlc harm-, ftntltl'r nnil bridle, i kcioi! i-nnilitmti. ii limn, jilliaUlw 1 MiAfci ! BuililiuK po I.RT. A o;ce elchl room houw nn Haule Ti rnu- nrnr the Siiimrf . w th rvcrv modern ennvrn ienct ineliiilintf bath rimmH, hot nnil rod wntrr, Hlno larKc kitchen ran-r. Anplv liy mal to Ii HAT 1 liKIl A.M. uly 14-t or No ao nine JOTICK. We will mien ii lirst , lasi barber-hnpunder Weaver & M .vers' shoe nture, on July 1ft. And will tie K'au tn meet all nur ni'l customers ki iiii-.K i r i.i n k m i , jlllHillw GliORl'.H RliYNOI.HS. For electric car line of the Afthcvitlc Loan Cnnntruotioo a:d Improvement 1'iimtian eonm-ncinii at 7:.'0 u m., and continunii until 10 n. m earn wi I leave court Itniii iiuare everv hour and hull' hour. Leuve Zillicoa and Cutnlierlat'd Mve-uic ril'teeo min a en txlore find tiftern minute alter eat hour July 15, lHiii. iultH2w Pwidcnt. A noY missin;. A little hoy lit vear old left hom- in th It nn Siitu dav. lune L7. and has not bee heard from niuec. He w in wt-n at deiet i company with a trance man; wn not aeen alter trains pHdrtrd Any information aa to hi whereulioutn will le t'Minkfully received by his anxioui pareiti. Addre Citizen of- hce. Me in ratner siout, iint urown nnir and eyes, had on nt time of leaving blur calico waixt, dark nhort pants, black stovk- K, leather shoes, straw nat. jllll4lrVWat -F0K- ICE I ICE I ICE I Driven are Instructed to Give Full Weight. :C O A L.: Celebrated Jellico and Best Anthracite Coal. Unsurpassed in Western North Carolina, and tnnt almost means me worm. The deniiind for this property has been inipreeMlen1fd in the historv of Asheville real estate, and its smress uh the . . . , , , i -.1 i.i.i . i popular resident part, oi inecii.v mis aireaciy imh-ii nnnuriMi there now beuiK over if 1 2.),()(M) worth ot buildings eom- . , 1 .... 1 1 1. 1 1 1 ..A n (ted am under rontrncTj tone nnisneti uy iw im-loiht next. For further information address Geo. S. Powell, Pres., ASHKVILI.K, N. C. WIIOLKiSALK AND RETAIL. COKE IN CAR LOAD LOTS. MANUFACTURERS ANI)JDEALERSIN ICE. Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 40. No. 30 Patton Avenue THE CAROLINA SALOON TO THE FRONT. VVhilo oMiwh are putting a hug in your oar, listen to rm! I am now ttetter prepared than ever to furnish von with anything usually kept in a Arst class saliH n. I have the InrKt'st and Iiest stitck in Western North Carolina, if not in ihe State, and it consists of Ihe nnest brand of U hikies. Wine and Hramlie known in Hie world. Hark"' ThieeSInr Irish Whiskey, beyond a doubt the finest In the world.. Try it and vim will he convinced that I am advrrtisinK nothinx but facts While in KuroK during the summer of lHo, I made arrnnK'nirnts for the above Whis key, Spanish Sherry and Port Wines, the cipinl never brought to Asheville Imported Ctnr ets, Pontet Canet, Marfe-uix. Chateau Helmont very fine. In French Brandies 1 have a lsft-g: stock, including John llennessv Ar Co '5 Three Star anil other standard brands: Has Ht Co ' Talc Ale, ami Ouinness' Hxtra Kureign Stout, .n tact, my stock of Imported liiora and wines arc too numerous to mention. M v stock of Kve whiskies mbraees some 01 the nnest find oldest brands known. Beer, the finest on ihe market for family use. The Ik-bI brand of CH1AKS and TO IMC CO. When you are in need oi anythitiK in my line, before ftolnK elsewhere, come and srr ic and he convinced. My whiskies arc rccointnended by some of the most eminent men 4 tht age for medicinal purKes. He(Hctfully, FRANK O'DONNKLL, PROPRIETOR. THE CAROLINA SALOON. V.I NORTH MAIN STREET. ASHEVILLE, N. C. ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, DO NOT FAIL TO SEE THOSE SOLID OAK BED ROOM SUITES, Which we are selling so low. W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., FTItXITITRB, CARPETS, ET, No. 16 Patton Avenue, AheUlc, N. C. SIDEWALKS. e have secured the rurht touseoneol the most, valnaole patents in the United States for concrete and block side walks and driveways ' which is a great improvement over ordinary concrete work. We will be ready to commence iitirnt,inir nndpr tw Hiinip in n few da vs. In the meantime those interested are asked to call and examine testimoni als, etc., or enquire of C. E. Moody, 30 Tatton avenue, or V. T. Belote, Flint street. 1 have on hand a full stock of Fresh Lime, Plaster, Ce ment, Charcoal and W ood. C. E. MOODY, Yard and Warehouse Near theDepot, Telephone No. 7.). 917 Haywood Street. 1 1lit tut 11 iv us in Hie nist, every nttvnt'um will be given to proilnce the tinest gnule of Ciirlioimteil Itevevngesumler the PERSONAL supervision ot the proprietor. The eon- stunt ly inrrensiirg tlenuiml for these goo Is from this ftie- tory is conclusive proot tlmt tine nnicle is appivcmteu by nn intelligent public. Vichy and Seltzer. Water in Siphons. MTSliK ANALYSIS III' WATKR I'SRtl. UN I'RIINT I'AGIi.Itt OAKLAND HEIGHTS SANATORIUM, (FONMURLY OAKLAND INN.) ASHEVILLE, N. C. The Mont complete Health Renort In the 80 u lit. Is now open and ready forKuests. This hmmr is the most desirable in the South for (wr suns who need rest and medical attention. No hotel in Asheville has as well furnished rooms and its cuisine is unequalled. Only in the caw of patients is the diet regulated. The talih- is an important feature of the sanalo rium. The water Is pure and plentiful, coming from a large limpid Mitring near by. The mil itary arrangements are as perfect aacare and money can make them. Persona suffer n with throat and lung troubles are greatly benefitted by a stay at this place. The inco. ical management is under the direction of lr. P. V. Neel'us, rvcetitly of tht Jackson Sana, torium, at lauvillc, N. Y The Sanatorium is thoroughly equipped with modem appliances for the scientific rr lief and care of nil nervous and chronic dia eases. The bath departments are new throughout and are under the supervision or com 1 e tent and skilled attendants. The met hoiis of treatment include all forms ol baths, the Medicated Vapors, Turkish, Kiev, trie. KuKSian, Human, Mollcre, Thcrmo-Klrc trie, Ktcctro-rhcmicrtl, Mass Age, Klcctricity In all its forn a also Swedish Movements. Medical attendance and every form of treat ment included in price of room. Although the comlort and welfare of tac sick are the first considerations, every oppor tunity is given to those who desire to pcn4 phasant and profitable season here. Address for further particulars niM Kinllie Vaughn, AHHBVIL.LB, N. C. NO MORE FLIES ! E XBCUT1VB NOTICK. Notice is hereby given that by virtue ot an e 1 ecu 1 100 now in my hands in lavor ol Rtttlrr Bros., and awainst I. G. Anders show ing a balance due ot $10O, and costs. I will on Monilav, a tig 17. at ine irontaouroi tne court house in the city of Asheville. sell to the highest bidder for cash all the right, title, interest and demand of the said J ti. Anders in and to thr following de-crihrd piece or paml of land. to-wri: A tract situated in the county of Puncoml e and state of Klnrfh l arislitiji. nn thr WHters of Kilt Ivir. joining lands of Polly Bnrlison on the north west, T. V c arson ana oiners on in- souin east, J. J. Maney nnd others on the west, aad aid Anders' mountain tract on the east, c ntaiuing 200 acres more or less, and being the same land which lately belonged to the wife of J (. Anders and in which he, the said Anders now has a life estate. This July 14, 1891. l. L REYNOLDS, Sheriff. Per WILL'AMS, D. S dlt-w3t V A ahlt ot tKlttmatloa taimt-l f I VvMrHtof th. lw,fbowtn Bow to' f OMala tMrntt, CmlL Trmd.' V Marks, CoprrUrtiU, Ml tm.i I a. muhm w.yfjrm 5,000 SHEETS TANGLE-FOOT FLY PAPER Jl'ST RKCEIVED AT RAVNOR a SMITH'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE, 31 PATTON AVENUE. THK BK8T IN THE LAND, TANGLEFOOT Sticky 1 -Paper. REYNOLDS HOUSE, WEAVERVILLE, N. C. Blxht miles aorth of A.IwtI'I, Hasted In beautiful villMrr of BOO lok.Mt.nU cutin. hiih awl dry, commaadiiiii apkadM rltn of the mona tain.. Hotel reentl ren o.ated and rrfuml.hed. Table .applied wltk the beat of whokaorae eonntry far Low rat... Hark, will meet TUrftnr. at A.heTllle Mondays, Wednewlaya and Fridays. Water from Dala Bprtnc kept oa draaRht. Address T. B. MYBR8, n2adl Proprietor, GRANITE. Salisbury Granite. MONl'MKNTAI., BI'II.IIINO ANII STRRHT I WORK (IF ALL. KINII8 BELGIAN BLOCU AND CURBING A SPECIALTY. The Ball.hnr j irra- Ite 1. nf a beaatiful ffrry color, ha. restated a itrrasnre of 1 pound, in cube of t"vo Inch, bj offici.-il teat. It I. lined by the I'nited States .nvcr.imcnt in some cf IL finest bnildl'-KS In the country. W. H. PRARCK. Swannanoa Hotel, Asheville, N. C N 39 Sooth main Street. Our motto is to keen the very best wines and liquors at the moHt reasonnWe price commensurate with the qual ity. 1'arties having friends of intemperate habits will confer a favor by notifying us of such, as we do not wish to sell them any stimulants. Very respectfully. JOHN 0'DONNELL. JulySdtf OAKS HOTEL, 18HBVILLB, M C. tender New Management Has been re A tied for the season, and no pains will be spared to make It deHghtfnl resort. Modem conrealenee.; delightfully cool rooms aad anprrb .lew. Rates upon application. B8KRIDGB ROBRHBOK, JnatMlm Asbnillc, N. C. THE WHiTLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. 48 South Alain St., Asheville. The moHt complete men's ami boys' outfitting establish ment in Western North (Jaroliim. FINE HEADY-MADE CLOTHING To suit all occasions. Substantial clotlnnir for daily use. Our clothing fit better uud wear better Than Any Other on Thin Market. Boys' and children's clothing in great variety at prices ranging LOWER THAN KLS1CW H 1CRK. Dunlap Hits, K. & W. ("ollars and ('uffs, Manhattan Dress Shirts, Mother Friend Shirt Waists. It. Whitlock's erfeot fitting ruslom clothing, equal to the best in this country. For stylish and durable wearing apparel call at THE WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE, NO, 48 8OVTU MAIN 8TRKCT,