tV. -.I . r lWt, ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : "WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 15, 18J1. NOTHING LIKE ITI Blood la thiukiir thiui wiilui, sod muni be kept pure to Insure, good liwilth. Bwirr's Nhkiiikiu in nature reniody lor thin purpose. It never to fall elimnnta the linpof Has sad build up the Rcncm! health. There U only one .Swift's Kpeoifla, ad there la nothing like it. Be aure and pet Hie genuine. Treatise on Mood and Skin Dlaeaaoj Mailed free. The Swift Specific f'o., Atlanta, 0 I'KOI-HSSIONM, C A hi IS. R. h. ki:i:vi:, n. n. OFFICF. in Omnitllv nuililltiK, uver Keiiwonil'a Store, Pnttnn Avenue. RrHitlcncc, 3f Spruit' ntnrt J I' KAMSAV. II. .;. lKlltHl Odicc i tucr the National Hank of Aahrrlllc, Hiir inrcl Huil'linK. Resilience, Charlotte st. IrliiM'itlT A. TRNNUNT. Architect and Contractor. Plant, aiiecinefltlnna nnl estimate fur alahed. All work in my line cimlr.-u-tril tor, and do charges for lruwin,:a in- i-ontr-!-ln n At.h :! ntr. References when dciretl. Office: No. 12 Hrnilrv illork. North t 'Mirt Square, Aheville. N. C. frlil !(' ! y T. E. DAVIS, CONTRACTOR AND SUPERINTt NDENI, in nil kin, t. of uoo.i i.riik ami toii.' work and in lotinl I'ur the National sheet a d Koof-1 ini; imnimnv. Krciw a aim-It ot tin Hhineli-a i on hand. All work uuurntttei'd. AKftit lor , the iva I'limnec ootni nnv Hot air. atrnni I or hot water lu atii g. Post Hon flnrt. t Hliir ! No. u Willow streetintnee Inutra from M ti a ni.; from 4 to tl p m. Rcaiilem-c an Seney Street. Telephone 118. junel 34-Vearn' Kxprrieiec34 MILTON HARDING CONTKACTOK ANtt Ht'IMiKK. I'romptnrsH guaranteed. otTice No. 'A, sec utxl floor, llcnilrv hlm-k, tilrtctly ivcr ulTivc. Kci1'nec No 1 7 Clu-Htiiut Ntrret. K. H. BR ITT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUP.DER. AIo nrwHuf; of nil kind tlom- All nnlcpt promptly filled nntl woik unrautctil Cnn lw found at all tintf nt '.rnh:in- Cotton Pnctory. H. W. riTCI, ARCHilECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, Si yc urn practit al cxpfrhitce. i illi-r ovtr Hnttcryl'itik Hank. All rHtimatm Ktinrnn-tct-d. OHit-c hour 1 to .r p. m. inuylitd.VwOm INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WI1H K. J. ASTON, Ucnvral t IiiHurancc i Agciit, Hear No. ao South Main street. I'.ntnlilihed 1 Miir. Afheville. N. C uufi tl I v FIltEJ: INSI Kli WITH Lawrence Fulliaiu, liltiiv In National Hank of shevillr ind ent, Strongest nnd Pent Cotniunies Loutex promptly met. w. l. in mi:, CIVIL ENGIN1CER, ASrtEVILLE, N. C Room 94, Iliirnartl HuilditiK, A. II. COBB, STENOGRAPH 1C R. K()(1M 1. McAI'KI! lll'II.IUNtl. Ut-jfal Work a Specialty, Walter S. uhmai?, (Formerly of the MnsxAchuielt liar,) ATTOKNr.V-AT-I.AW, COMMIHHIONKK OF llttKtltl, AMI NOTANV I'l'Ul.lC u. ail Pntton Ave , MeAfee liloek, room ASIIHVII.I.I", N. C. 8P.rill.TIEJ: KKAL PKurtRTV AM loWtVlM'IMi apt .'Mil tl Or. J. W. Roinuy;, VETERINARY PHYSICI iN AND SURGEON, AS1IBVII.I.K, N C. I will keep n. 1 Itilirniurr for nlek aiilmali rnrtltK havinx iek horw will I'nd it iinivh lo their ailvnntaKe to have them sent in nt iince, where I keep n rood upiilv of tnedi eine ami projKT aupi:im-eR lor lidininiHter in. it nt ahort notitv dtliee ind inlirmary 7H South Main Slrtet, Kay buildiuv, titiiai nit' Swunnnnon Hotel. mayllidtl KSTABI.ISHIill lHr.fl U. II. COSIiY, (SueevHor to C. Cownti.) JEWELER : VJ PATTON AVliNl'li, NBXT IKM1R TBI., TO (iUANtl CHNTRAL Hll ASItliVll.I.H, N. C. septftdlv AROEN PARK HITndIoTTAGES. Trn tnilca from Anhcville on A Hi S. Kail road. Hoard S ier dy; $13 per week; o ier month ol 28 duyi, Purties to I inner or Ten, $1. THUS. A. M11KUIS, aprandtf Proprietor. JAPANL 1X A RUiirtinttwd Corn for Files of wlmtc kin.lor dogroo Kitornal, Internal, B or Dlnoding, Itchiug, Chronic, Rnoonl Hiredit-ry. $1 00 a box; 6 boxes, $5 Bcni. by mail, prepaid, 011 reooipt of priv V.'e gnarnnte to ear Buy oase of I'ilt; -Ouarauteed and sold only bj T. C. Bmlth & Co,, wholesale and retail rggl.u, rublle Square, Ashevillc. . cm BY REV. LEONARD CIIANEY. IKNI-IRATION IH NOT I.IIIII.ITV. INI AI l lic HuliK'il lllHCUHnt'cl l-'roni a I iiatarlnii olnl of View The Keitl ViiIuvh of the I'liHvuii and it: I'.tt'i iiai.; The following sciiiitiii lie Kev. Leonard Chrnicy, from which the following ex tracts urc tuken, though handed to The Citizhn only recently was delivered before Kcv. W. S. P. Ilryan'a sermon on "Inspiration," which appeared in last Saturday's CrruiiN: "It in the common practice of preachers and alter them of their people to speak of me niuic as the "Wordnl (lod." The entire hook of sixty-six different books or to nines is called the Holy Scriptures. It is taken for granted by the unthinking reverence of thereat mass ol christians, that i In re can lie no errors of any kind in this book. Us testimony on any subject referred to by any one of its writers, is considered conclusive. "The lldile is the word of God." That is the shibboleth of most of the evangel ical churches of today. More and more the reasonable scholars in allthc churches arc finciiiiK out that this is not true. They take district issue with the popu lar mid still prcvolcnt views of their churches in regard to the Ilible and try to bring those churches to a truer and therefore safer position. Their tirposr is to save the authority of the Hiblc, not to destroy it. They are not foes, but friends of Chiistianity." Mr. Chaney then tjuoted passages to tile point, Iroin Dr. Hriggs, Kev. K.Heber Newton, Dr.Schalf, I'rol. Ladd and I'rof. Thayer, sumiuing'up in part as follows: "What then is the conclusion to which wc are led ? That the Ilible is a compi lation of the best Hebrew and early chris tian literature That it contains, under a great variety of literary lorms, the views and opinions of writers, who lived two or three thousand vcars hclore Christ to the 2nd century after Christ. Hint in spite of the admixtures of hu "'"it eiror aim imperlcction. tins I'll to tlou ol books isln tldTanceol the religions litcrat tin. nt' i li..e,.,,.,. t.... ..i.l.. , i, .. , . ' ' . , , tl,f8c various books contain material for general instruction their main pur pose is instruction in righteousness. This statement, as it seems to me, contains the clue to the right un derstanding of the scriptures. They were compiled from various sources and put together lor the grcut purpose of teaching the laws of righteousness ami securing oiiedicnce to them . . . and seem to lie chosen to persuade men to lend a right life. "To this end, it is not needful that all the miscellaneous contents of the Bible should Ik brought up to the same level of inspiration. I accept the decalogue end can say with the eonlessing church, "Kord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep thy law," but 1 do not accept the reason given for the 2 commandment: "For I the l,ord thvliod am n jealous tiod, visiting the iniquity of me miners upon tile cliil'lrcii unto the .'Srtl and tlh generation." And again is the 4th commandment to "Remember the Sabbath tlav to keep it holy," I agree, but do not agree in the reason given, "for in six days the Lord marie heaven ami earth, the sea mid all that in them is anil restetl on the Sabbath day.' And sti throughout the Ilible 1 find "mention of events that are shocking to me and my whole ni.iral nature abhors them, but 1 am often led by them to grand and true comments or conclusions, and these ate to me real oraclus of the unseen nnd eternal. . . . "As it ccms to me. the post tclorniation dogma ol the verbal or plenary inspiration ol the books of lliciiinle, wlitcli.jiidgcdby thrir standards is the pievailinu teaching of most of the evangelical churches ol today is not only untrue but is wholly un-necessary . . '. If men like ourselves have been trusted in an earlier age of the church to make up the Ilible, what should hinder us from trusting equally wise and good men loony to make out the Hililc. "1 lieliiwiiot only injtbe right of private luilcincnt 111 the interpretation of the llilile, but I believe in the cnmietency of private judgment to discover there, whatsoever is needlul for a man's guid ance to a true faith and right practice. Only let men take and rend the Bible with their eves open and with their minds treed from domatic preconceptions and false accusationsol imliecillity and inabil ity and with a reverent and patient spirit of inquiry and I believe they will prove themselves entirely able, without the au thority ol church, or creed or inteifering symbol of any kind, to make out the missnge.of (mil to their souls. When listis said to the ieopleof His day : "Why judge ye not of yoursslveswliatis right?" He recognized in man the judging and knowing faculty, lam content to repeat His word and to trust to His method. " JYivatc judgment is the miner's lamp upon his forehead, whereby man sees whereto strike und pick the jewels of llic scriptures. "If, as Ir. Hriggs announces in his last printed article in the North American Kcview.jthechurch hasciinie to a theologi cal crisis, and biblical criticism and nat ural science have driven the church dogma of the in allibilityof the Bible to thcwall, then men will turn at first either to the church or to reason for their final author ity, and finding no more evidence of infallibility in the church than in the Bible, and no assuraucccilhcrof absolute truth at the hand ot reason; they will be driven at last to the only "oosition which the facts will warrant, viz: that that while sacred books have their prov idential part to play in the schooling of men, anil wiuie religious institutions are organic parts of human progress nnd development, the soul is behind bible and church; and God in the soul is His own interpreter ot book and creed nnd sym bol." OTien Itsby was sick, w gave her Castorl tV hen sha was a Child, she cried for Cantoris When she became Miss, she clung lo Caatoria When alia had Children, she gave tbem Oastori $8 FOR $3. T11 10 Citizkn has nurchased the exolunive riftht to soil the NUperb vicwH of Asheville.Bin p;l copicH of vvhioh hnvt been hniiR'niH' f u, nnd now offers tlit'in nt n. n'rciitly rrdumi rati' on t hick or thin piijwr to HiiliHcriberH. Anyone pay ing p in advnnce for six months' subscription to The Daily Citizkn will receive Fit 10 B n cony of this enirrav- ing of Asheville. I THE HOTEL RKGIHTKB. " I I ' ' - LKWIS MADI.l'X, JTC8. Names or VlHltorx 10 the City, and Where They Hall From. ( ami Ccntriil: II. B. Ilardv, W Gass, Raleigh; W. G. CorR-ning, Bristol I cnn., Win. keelv, Richmond; II. I.. Me- I'apyen, N. C; H. C. Long, Rnmoth; A. I'liniiing, N. C; A. A. Banks, Sky ian(i;j.A. iirookslurc, lliltmore; Ii demons, N. C; K. A. Shoemaker, BuD'ali 1. M. '. anigan, Mass.; A. Y. Sigmon nicsory; 11. vv. i.a rierre, Uarksvillc Ga.; I. H. White. Marshall: L. A. J. I). Whitson.J. I). Nelson, T. C.Bowan MncK rvtct-auly, N. C; C. T. Swain Kiioxvuie. Glen AV'i'i.- Thos. Murphy, Salisbury John . Stevens, Marion; J. Vance Jay Utis Larson, H. K. Newell, Miss Kate Newell, Miss Ollic Newell, U. W. Newell, John F. Geue, H. H. Sullivan, J. B. In gersoll, N. C; 1. H. Bulling, jr., S. K Dendy. S. C; T. E. Ragland, Atlanta W. Uceton, Ohio; B. M. Beckey, Will Mc- intyre, M.J. Nugerald, Iv. H. KurU. John Moore, Tenn.; George Clark, Ohio J. T. Dugar, Baltimore; I'. R. McKenzic, Ala.; Mrs. lohnston, Flu.; A. Struusber- ger, New Orleans. Swunnnnon:-. H. Hutchinsoa, W Drewry, Baltimore; Miss Plumer, Hart ford, Ct.; T. N. Smith, Hot Springs; H 0. Kinlock, M. V. Moore, N. C; H. M Allport, C. S. Preston, Va.; W. J. Good ing, S. C; J. B. Neely, Chattanooga; I H. Harrrlson, Richmond; W. A. Kramer, New York; W. N. Melinite, Madison, N C; Miss Hlla Blowea, Washington; 1. M Mock, Philadelphia; C. R. Wood, Nor- tolk, Va.; M. C. Toms, Hendersonvillc A. fc. Sumner, Atlanta; R. I'. Young blood, Arden; U. M. Heckler, Luther Wright, Knoxville; P. J. Heart, Zirconia Miss J. b. Johnston, Charlotte. PlKmlea va. Olauta. Lilliputian as they are in size Ibcinir no larger than mustard seed,) they achieve results mat tneir tsrooingnngian option ents utterly fail in. We refer to thecflica- ct ol the powerful preparation known as nr. fierce s I'leasant relicts, compared witn that ol their gigantic competitors, the old-style pill. Try the little giants, wnen dvsiepsia, liver complaint, consti. pation, biliousness, or anv kindred ills assail vou, nnd you'll make no mistake they 11 disappear at once. Advice to Women If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, "Scanty Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR (AIITRItHVtl.l.l!, prilai, issn. This will eprtii'y 1 lint '.wo m'-inbt'rn of my tiiimedfniu familj, ..ftnr IiuvId suffered for your from iTleiisiriiiil Ii reicuiarlly, heliil; treated wllhout bclii-llt by pliyxiriniw, wen at length completely cured by one. bottle of BrRdilrld'H Prmule lieiriilator. Its effaet Is truly wonderful. J. V. Stuanur. lhKik to " WOMAN " mailed HtF.K. whlrh enntslnl valualile Information on all female illNeaaen. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, GA. FOR S.I r.K IV ALL JJRVaOISTi, I an be had In a nrivnte familv. llmi,. ,1. liKh'tully situated. Addreu julMeodlw I' (). DOX 377, KMMI'.K HOARD, I-srue plensnnt rooms, shaded frrounds nireetly on street car line. For tei ma apply li .IIAHUOI ltlHTKI'.UT. jullMl wcod HHICK WORK AND (. 1'L.VliKTS CITV CLKHK'S IIFKICK, Afhrville. N C Inlv 13 Sealed proposal, will be reeeivetiatet thia uiniTunui ii; in, on ?,nitirin.v, August 1st, IXSM, for roek work a deulverts on eertnin atreeta in Aahevllle, N. C. The privilege of reieeting Hay nnn nil iiki la reaervcil. eel fieationa can be aeea by applying at City v ri. b ..pure. K, VIIU.M .ittlKldtild City Clerk. Breaking in isn't needed, with the Ball corset. It's easy from the start. Coils of tiny wire springs in the sides make it so. There are bones that bend, but can't break, and soft eyelets that won't cut the laces. You'll like it. If you don't, after a few weeks' wear, just return it and get your money. P. P. Mlmnauifb. If advertising does n't pay, why is it that the', most successful merchants of every town, large and small are the heaviest ad vertisers? If it does ntt pay to advertise, why do the heaviest business h'rms in the world spend millions in that way? Is it because they do not know as much about business as the fix for a dollar "storekeojh er" in a country town, who says money spent in advertising is thrown Jiwav? and Whiskey Hab:t cured at haute with oiitnain. Bookofpar ticularsaent FACE. II.M.WOOLLICY.M.a AUaatSfcUa. Office lKi Whitehall 64, PnkMial.. Kaall.k IHaanait Hraa. ENNYROYAL PILLS ftrt, itiifT n-llftbl. laoikb ul nrvnfsl tot kJMtw$ JTstcis lla Mim AWI4 IB KM s4 foid BrtsJUY rhatf. M with bln rihtMn. Taka Iitxw and imttttum At ItrmnliM, trnMfe Ms.lTT?.?,!f!l .'M.Wi iii llcllf fWr L4lt,M fn Mar, bf Mian 'PkM MttAVl LtMs Dranlau, lanlOdlymoa thur sat ' -i lil 51 for Infants "Caatoria Is so well adapted tochlldmn that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me.' H. A. Ascites, M. I)., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T, lil COLUMN. WASTED. JJOARIIRKS WANTlin, At No. i leneraon llrive. Convenient to jsdlw atreet ears. J0 RBNT. One or two unfurnished rnomn. Addeeaa J18U3t "H. C..," Citizen Otliee. I'PIL,S WANTItD. Instruction srlvcn liv Miaa York on I'lnnn and Oultar. Mi at of references Kiven. Una had aeveral ycara eiiKrieueeinlirstol achoolx and eollejea. Call on or udtlrcnn MISS I.. Y():K, idlw No. 4 eHVron Drive. n5GT7ne1TyTfeiiToTu re', "eostniK no more, Mother, to use U rn cine Toilet Powder, HiKhlv per fumed, superior, Me. nil ilrtiK JjtlrrjMMir!M 'OA' A'i'AT. Kraidcnee II H Bailey; 9 room; eity water; cistern. li. llll'I'IN, AKenl, 32 Pntton ave., room 4. junlHdlm' poK KHNT llouaenf ten rooma on CheMtmit utrei-l Uoitae new. never tucn occupied. Apply to J"uiw w. K. WIIITStiN, F OR KBNT. Second atory room, for shoo, HnxL'5 feet, oil Ke atreet. near llavwood atreet Aonlv to TAYI.HR. Bdl'IS li !!K 'TIlliKTdN. iuliltf 4. 1 I'nUon Avenue. 3(1R R'CNT. HllUHC of 7 rillllllH. h.-ltllUnlln-l v fltrnlul,.! kitchen, aervnnt'a room, atahle and nice vmil, for a term of nionllia or lonKer. Applv 7 Bailey street, or .dilrcHH JUIUIUIW" MKS. K. A. M UKUIMllN. F (IR RUNT. To amnll fatnilv.Mtiiti'ol' niiriiri,luli,,l r,..u for ourkeepinK dullKlHIllllv illl ileil. Street eara Addrc a I' 11. llo. ."111:1. junll.ultl H I.KT. A n it elcht room house on Unirlc T. rr.i.v near the Nitiare, w th every tn it rn tniiv.n ienee including bath rooms, hut ami 01M water, also lurRe kitchen rail :e. Applv be mai to 11 ha i ; likll I. luly 14-tt or No 111 il lll .ck. 'OA' SM.h. llnttae and lot, applv at TAVUIR, lllTISSi IIRDTUliUTllN-; tf. F OR SAI.U. Two ormore valuable voune milcli eows. with first calf Apply nt TIIH DAILY CITl.liN Ol-'l-ICli. jillldtf OR SALB " i'h.-eton, ainifle harneaa. aadd'e and bridle. in kooiI condition. A II. Ciiltll. JllliaUlw 1 McAfee HuildiiiK. F OR SALB. One bnbv eab. tirat class reed enb. bicv.-t,. " heel, rubber tire. Also household l.ooils. furniture, etc. NO. ii 111.AKK t-T KICIiT. JullSHw ?OR SALU. A nice residrnee, witlt modern eon vcnie'iecs, rooma. kitchen, 2 servants' rooms ami sta. hies, located within 5otl yards oi business portion of the town Price and terms upon ni plication. Address. jun;ti'dtf P. o. IK IX '.'ST. JOTKi. I'OR KAI.R. The St. Armond Hotel nt Skvlnnd Snrines la offered for sale at n bargain eitlu-rfiirnislieil I or not. The site includi a about eujht nerea of ahndy (trove, and live aprinKB. one of llu in the fineat mineral water in the south. More gucata asattred for next summer than em be 1 accommodated. The hotel la rittlit bv the de-1 pot Thetermsof suletnade tosuit pu'rehnser. i OTIS A. Mll.l.l-K, I febOdtf Skvlaild Sprines, N. C. MISCEI.LASHOUS. lOARIHNC. Comfortable rooms, house newlv furnished Kood table. Ter -is reasonahlt. tin C IttKe atreet. No. 07. MRS. A.OTTINi'.l.K. jutsdlm" L'MMUR HOARD. At the Villa l.owe--t ra'ea of anv first clnaa house. Everything new a d t ttik- the very best. DK. I'Hll.liV, Jull liiaw Propnet r. I'MMliR BOARD. Rooma lariie and airy. Kvervtliini; t'resh and newly painted, and furnished Immedi ately on atreet ear line. I erms leasoiinlite. .MKS. J. L. SMATHISRS. junl2dtf U1H I'attoti Ave. OW OPHN AT 7 BAII.UY STKKHT. That splendid new houac, ."J rooma. everv modern impr-'veinent, No 74- lintlev atreet, live minutes' wulk from the court house, is now open for the reception of boirl ers. Locution central but quiet, everything newly furnished and first elas in everv par ticular. 0. L. ,M' DONALD. junl'dlni KSIDBNT ITALIAN STRINt'. HAND. Music furnished for all oceaslona. tlanees. receutiona parties, etc. 'ferins reasonable. O. D Modenn, nianaKer Orders mny be left at Ray'a ticket olliee. lis South Main Street. oy 71 North Main Street jul'.ldlw fOTICK. To th consumers of lonf bread. Wc nre receiving daily the Span titiburK atrnm baked tireatl. the finest on the mnrket. Can be had at K. 11 Ntll.ANIl - SON'S. niay'JHilm t'.roeeni, No. 21 N. Main St. N OTICB. We will opn a hrst elns1 bnrhrr hopunder Weaver & Mvcrs'shoc store, on Julv ir, ami will be Kind to nu-t t alt our old customer. KoHl-k r IM.fU KNOV, ju!14d1w OliOHCK KliVNOl.DS HKlM' I'orelc -trie ear line of the Anheville I. nan' Construction a(l Imprtivenicnt t ompHiiv, eo mm neiiiK at 7:.'U) a. m., nnd eontitminy until 10 p m Car' wol leave ct urt hmmc qunrc cvrry hour and halt' hour. Leave ZilHcon nntl Cunibcland ave die fill ecu lain u cs before and fiftn ii n inuttn alter each hour .Julv 15, IHim. (ll.o. S, 1'HWIJI.I,, jull 4(12 w President. PbunkenKess W Uquor Habit. mmtwe wokw mntfs bit art use B!RMrfES GOLDEN SPECIFIC Itcn bf (riven In culTis?, tea. nrln artlclenof toud without the Imowleciiro of ttAilent tf nwpM.iry It abaohitelv harm lens nnd will effort k twinn uinub inn Kiinwii'iiifo oi oaiii'iii. 11 nn'Muir .baohitrly harm less nnd will effect ft xnna nessi, nd speexly cure, whether the patient n a ni(u?niiuniiKirorniini('(iiitiirvreeK, 1 1 Pi r.v ER TAIIM. It(Hwn,iPHiotntPtly and with nueh cert.- .tty Uiat th pnUent uiulerKiK-A no Incnn vonlenot. and noon It in complete refurniKtion im ffeetved. 4A une book f reu. To bu htui ol KAYSOK He SMITH, l)ruKi,iti, Anhcville. N. C. A'iGd&wly mo wc Iri and Children. Caatoria cures Pnlln, Onnatlpstlon, Hour tilotuueh. Dlarrlima. krui'tal ion. Kills Woniis, gives sleep, anil iiruiuotes dl- restion. Wli tliout injurious medlcatioo. Tas Currina CoMrairr, 77 Murray Street, V. Y. ASHEVILLE MARKETS. Corrected daily by I'OWHI.I. Kl SNII)I!K wnuieNiiie nun retail urocera. 1 liese prieeK oeuiH pain uy me mereimnia to-duy "utter 1.riii 'JO' Apples innrrtfon iibus 1 .11 Apples, dried Chiekena ;iaia(n'Jtl I'utnpkiim.eaeh .Srtl MS 1 iinirj'N urn loiMMnrKiitn .....;ili.:(r. I'ueka lllw.Jllllleeawax, per II IH Potatoes, aw't KMIIIimi, v 11 Potutoea, lrih ....1LT Wheat 1011 Turnips.... WaHKIiCorn hb " 'n ir.(lMcal nr CsbbuKe, per Hi .'f(lnla tin neaaa, pr nil lllllW 1 'Ja Kve Peaa 0.rili,7rllav, ton..., I heatnuta 1 fiincrlcrv. doi. un inet$uu . HonvUl IK()P()SAI.S I'UR r.KAIHNti, AND PA VIM; STKUUTS. C UK III Nil (II I'U'U I K TIIH Mavoh, I Ashl ville, N. C, 1 11 114- If, ! . f Sealed iropoatii will lie reeeiveil at this olliee until 4- o'clock p. m., on VV dnesdav. luly lo, 1U1, for KrudiiiK, curhinK unil l"lv itiK in AHheville. N c. Ulailk furnisol propoa-iN and specifications cnn be obtaiilu at tltts ollicc upon applica tion ther, for. tofrlher with al: ncccssarv in; loruiiition, anil only hid upon these forms will be eon-iileu-d The riullt is reserved to rcicct nnv nnd ll bids or parts of hiils. C. D. Hl.ANTDN, i"'-'3 Mayor. Reduction in Hoard. From this dale I will reduce, lor the sum mer months, tuv r;Mia 01 h-crd. Mv ta ble will iiiaintai its former standard. A lew tine single uud double rooms vacant. Apply to C.J. M it 'A I ' li, iulTdim I'H'.rovc at. Chalvbcatc Water, Hrouahl in piiic dlreel from the 4 sin -villi-Cll.ilybeate Spiiair (Iomk known as Lie's Clmlyb ule sprinni now on sale at booth on north ourt siti;irc. by the j lass, ser ed cold, L' ec'its, three -lassi s. ci-nls or bv llic jiul Ion, half K-'illon, or any i ani i 1 v ijcsin-d nt low prices. li. J. AKMSTkONC. jlllT t: 1'llU AN OLD ONE. "I hml an I 1 suit, wniii nut, ImihHmk rok', dirty :ttni p.ittcl; I toi.k it it w n tu Myirs, tut- Huston Tuiloi, utul. v tin- Ntitiun- ;ii luiiili ut WW .111-1 IuhI il 111;. lit- j;.mkI ;is fv lor ntily a ' riiU- " .n should i) the saine. iunSdUm Hotel Alexander, Tin 111 Mrs below AHheville, on th V. N. C. Ii. li. H ready for nue-ts. Kiitts by tile month (loin $:(n to $ Hi; bv the week from ."0 to Sin; siMKU mu al ro eints. Iron und :rt-e stone water, billiards, bowling alley, ehesn, eroinet, te. A tJai1 haek will run from the hotel to Ahhe ille and back. Round trip, dinner, supper, breakfast and hul'inK :m. liotiu I trip and dinner, $ . .no. Ii. H. and I. X. VANt'K, Alexander, N C. rmprietorn. junel .'id 1 mo RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. GO. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed sehidiili" in efleet Mny .11, lH'.ti. KASTItOt'MI No. lO. I No. 12. lv Cineinnn li, J. tv C. Ht)Wpm 7iipm ' Louisville, I.. ii N. Ht fipm " Knoxville, Iv T V..SM1. 1 'J LI'ipm ' Hl.'jim Aiornst'-wn. " l."t pm '.ijoain l.v. Paint Koek, " Hot pi iiiK'H, Ar. A-ahevillc. l.v. Asin-ville, " Koiind K tudi, ' Marion, " Moji'iUoii, " Hu korv. K. .V l. t-; 1 2 5pm 4spm j ij 2 pm f.-Jnmi ' ti 'j.-pm '2 1 TXlpnij ' s 'j Lpm 4-' :tpm IM'H'lUl 'Mspin " O ('. rpni ft LNiim " Newton, " Statesville, Ar. Salisbury, " Chat lot ti-, " t.tecii-btiro, " lianvilie. lo 1 pm I 5ttptn " 1 I o'jpm i ti loptn " 1 Joiinn 7 :t4pin " 2 10am " 47am j lO.'blptu 1041am 1 12 2o Ar. Kichnioinl, " Ar. Durham, ' WHl'iKh. " (bildsbiiro, " " Mnrehead C'y.A A: N.C. Ar. l.vnchb r K : I). " WashitiKton, " 4 2t) 111 I 7toam 4 3ram 7 1 5am 2 Opm 2 2 Spin 1 2 Spin 'A I opm 7 4:ipm 1 .'(opm I aoftam 7 .rupm i 1 o LTniin 1 1 2 pm I 12 "t in ;t uoam 2 opm li 2 on tn j 4oUptn No. II I No. 11. 12 13. im I ;i ilium tri7pin ti."Hiiin tt.'topm S Ml Mil I 1 1 (Mlpm ;i 2opm j H 2oam t j K 25a iii 1 tiopm j 2 55am " Haltititore, I'enn, ' Ptiiladt Iphia, " " New York, " WHH'I'HUt'Sll. Lv New York, I'enn. Philadi Ijihiu, " " Haltimiire, " " Washington, K .S: I " l.viielilniiK' " " iMinviMc, " l.v. Richmond " l.v. Morehead " ' Ghshoro, ' KaleiKH. " hurham, ' lirecuslioro, Ar. Salishurv, " Stntewvillc, ' Newton, " Hickory. " Morantoti, " Muriou. ' Hound Kiinl), " AHheville, IV. A heville, Ar. Hoi Sprin;, " Paint Koek, y.A K: N.C 1125 nm 257pm H.'btpin li 1 opm f 1 :tOam 7 .'topm I 'A 52am loanpm I 10 12am 1 2 2oam 1 1 47am 1 52am 1 O 1 pm 2 47am 1 44pni 5 loam 2o2pm 5 5 am 2.'ttipui 4 ttlam j 5 14pm 5 55am I 551 pm ti 55am j 5 05pm 7 5oam 5 2 tpm x "rnim t 4iipm ti loam j 7Mipm " T V .V O Po7am ( " Knoxville, " 1 1 .toum ' Louisvill-', l. Jfc N " j " Cincinnati, y .V C. j 7 15 pin s 2upm 7 1 5am 7 52am M 14 No. 10. 1 1 :toam 2oopm 12 -tipni 501pm 500pm 5 25)m H "ii 'pin 12 05n'l SOUTllllorNIl. l.v Asheville, K .S: l. Ar. lleiitler.ioiivilk', " " Spartanburg " " Cohitnliia, ' " Charhntoii A. C. I.. Ml'KlMIV UKANCtt, bv AsncviMc, Ar. WayiK-Hville, " Itiysoti City, " Tomotla, l.v T' tnotlu, Ar, HrvHoti City, " WayucHvillc, " Anhcvi'lc, No. 55. No 04. 7 4oam I V 4'taiu 1 2 1-7 pm I tiu5pm I I 450am 0 20HI11 I 2'Mipm I 4o5pm : . C !oopin! - li. 1 1 i pm Ar. AiiKtista, P. K Ar. Atlantu, H NoKTllltntiNO. f.v. Atlanta, K. .V !.' " Aujiusta, K H. .V W. " Ch trlt Hton, A. I . ... " Columbia, K. I). " Spartanbui'K. " Ar. Ili'inl rn'nv'lc, " " 'HhexillC, " No. 15. No loam 15. ooam (I IT) am It) loam 2opm 4 22pm 5 1 7 pm 7 05pm It 54pm lo 2.ipm RI.CKtMNl) CAM SHKVICK. No tl anil 10 Pull' an Sleepera hetwecn C.iildslMtro and Kno' ville Nor. li and 12 I tillmin Sleepern between "ew York and Knox vibe, Greensboro ami Kiehmond and C.reenshoro utul inleii;h. Pullmai Sh i pers bet w era Charleston nnd iiieiun iti, (on tralnn Nos. 15 ami 10 to AHheville, and Norn 11 ami 12 went thereof.) W, A. WIMU'KN, H P. A.t V. li. McPUK, Asheville, N. C. Supt, Atthevilte, N, C. JAS. 1.. TAYLOR, W.H. OKI) UN, Gen I'nsn. Aht. Gen. Mananer. SOL. 11 A AS, Ttuilic Manager, B. T. coi.lini, ViccPrra. Capital, $55,000. Surplus, $30,000. WESTERN CAROLinl. State, County And City Depository. Organized May, 1888. (MCNKUAL H.V.NKINO UUSINKS8 TUANSACTKD. I merest Paid on Deports in Savings Department. DIRECTORS) ..HWIS MADIil'X, II. T CO). I. INS, M . . KAIIC, J. li. R l-:ii 1 1, s. it, Hank oien from 9 a. m., till J. P. SAVYYIiR, i'KKKIIIKNT. OTISM. CAPITAL ORGANIZKI) Battery Park Bank. TransaelH a irmrrnl hunkim bnviitifH. upon apinove.l collateral. Collection made SAFE DEPOSIT. Rents UoxcM in It l ire Proof Vaults at Reasonable Rates. Solicits ueeounts of individuals, banks, bankers, f.rn.a and corporations. DIRECTORS. S. MoHinsoN, I.. C.KAIIAM, T. Rahi.s. V. K. J. H. F. S. O. M (i. S. I'liWItl.., THE BONANZA," ii Nos. 4i and 43 S. niil'AKTMHNT, CUNTS' PARLOR AND RliAIMNC. ROOM. BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING WINE Al We respeellully solicit a share of your patronage. J. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Main, No. 43. Telephone Call, No. 7a. Fostoflice Box No. a. JliSSE R. STARNIJS, UNDERTAKER : AND : EMBALMER. liVKK V KKgi'lSlTK OP THE BUSINESS I'TRNIRHBD. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prompt Attention Given to Call, Day or Night. Othoc and rcsirl' nee No Street. Telephone No. 51. 27 North Main Ml. Mitchell Hotel. BLACK MOUNTAIN STATION. WILL OIMCN JUNE IsT, 1891. MincTal water same as Rockbridge and Bed ford Springs, Va., FKKIS TO Gt'HSTS. RATliS fn.00 TO $8.00 PER WKKK. spra;u; & MOORE. PIANOS AND ORGANS, ON KASY INSTAL1.MHNT8 WITHOUT INTEREST. Hotels, Hoarding houses, nehonli and in ilividuala lupplicd direct from the manufac turers. All freight paid lfl dnyi test trial iu your own home Stool nnd instructor furnished with each instrument. "Reliable Instrument!, one price only, and that the lowest known." For cataloRueB, terms, etc., call on or ad- d tesB J. F. GARRATT, No. 28 Patton Avenue, AHheville, N. C. S4.iPE6l KNOWN REMEDY, "ll.i;..:," (litres tionorluen ami Olenl lii ltoADnTa, witlmnl Tala. Pri'vnnts Strietiirn. Cnntuins no uerlil or poisnnous stiliatiinei'S, anil i irnnrnntnoil iihnoltitnly hitritilesn. prnserlheil by physlclnns. He-at Sy ringe fro withaacli bnttlo. Prlccjl Sold by flrngglsts, llfiwar. of Siib atltntea. Aeniprrhi'm.f'o.l,til..N.O.I.a 0 0 FOR SALB BV RAYSOR li SMITH, ASHEVILLE, 11 C. . mclodd, Cai hier J. R. R A V,1 CHARI.KR McNAMEB, J. B. RANKIN, M.J. BliARDBN. ki-:i;), 4 pm. On Saturday, till e p. m.: COXB, VlCK-I'RKS. J. E. RANKIN, C.9HIKH $100,000.00. MARCH 8, 1891, ..., ii . .. ... onT ,iItOUniefl' Lo"ni1 iniaQ McBRK. Bostic, Coxa, Coxa. T. W. PATTON, H. T. Collins, !K. S. Pkkhv, W. H. Ballard, LIQUOR CO. 3Iain St., Asheville. NO. 41. NO. 43. : BASEMENT. : DEPARTMENT : IN SEE FOR YOURSELF OUR NBW LINB LAWN TENNIS RACKETS, Prom $t.()0to $4.28; nets, poles, etc. A beau tiful line Croquette, Base balls and Bats Our new line NURD'S CELEBRATED STATIONERY Stnple and fancy. Our 25 cent Fountain Ten is going right along plenty left. Our new Souvenir of Asheville, only 25 cents. We shall cloae the balance of our Dictionary Holders at $2.50, worth $3.50. J. N. Morgan & Co., 1IOOKSBI.LBRS ANI) STATIONERS, 3 Public Hquare. WANTED. A party or parties with three thousaad dol lar, to take one half interest in procuring (patent) and introducing a new method of building boiler walla, to be know, as the Seregated system. A new and radical del partur. from all methods now in nse. It is estimated by the American Machinist that there are eighty tbousand boilers re-set every year in the United States. Bonds will he exacted by tbe inventor for the forthcom ing oi said amount era assignment of said half Interest is made. The bulk of said funds to be used in introducing said invention. Caveat for said Invention has been Hied In Washington. The inventor will at once in troduce the system. Being a practical journeyman bricklayer and mason, solicits work in tkat line, in boiler setting, lire brick work, tile and mar ble setting. For estimates and further information ad Address m. RBARDON, Boa 308, Asheville, N. C. lunlOa.m J. W. SCIIARTXE, MERCHANT TAILOR NO. 42 NORTH MAIN ST. Just received, a full line of English and do mestlc woolens fbrsprlng and Bummer. feb24d8m I

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