7 Asheville Citizen 1 1 1.! I. VOLUME VII. NO. 6. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, TULY 18, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. Daily WHERE THE SNMBIRDS NEST, For 11 cool placfin summer, for health ind recreation, visit I.in ville. Grandfather Moantnin, and the beautiful rreion sur rounding them. Regular lea Of real estate nt l.invillc on and after Jane 1st, 1891. Business lots and resi dence sites sold nt private sale only. The Kneeol Inn. This eicellent hotel was opeutd the 1st nf June, nnder the management of Mr. James T. Skiles. Over the Vnnnhlotuiee Road. A beautiful route for a snmmer excur sion, by way of Doe Rirer Gorge, Roan Mountain, Cranlierry, Linville, (Irand father Mountain, Blowing Kink and Lenoir. Western rarollna tolage 'OHi-h Company. Daily stage between Cranberry and Lenoir. Schedule HIT, tlilUMl WKST. Lv. ":00 p. m . Cranberry. Ar. H::io a. m. Ar. ft:au p m., Untitle, l.v. N..H1 a m. i.v. 7:3) a. m l.lnvllle, Ar. 7:0H p m. Ar. 1:00 p. m Bl iwln R'k, I.T. 2.00 p. m. Ct 2:00 p. ra Blowing; R'k Ar. 1:00 p. m. .Ar. 7:00 p. m., Lenoir, 1t. 7:un a. m. Bniitmi time. tKcaul npwajd. . An Opportunity. A cash prize of one thousand dollars has been offered lor tlie best ahort story or novel having the Grandfather Moun tain and the beautiful scenery of that lo cality woven into the plot. This mountain, situated as it is in the most picturesque part ol Western North Carolina, furnishes an attractive setting for an interesting story. The selection will be made by a com mittee of competent reviewers, and the story mutt not be less than 10 nor ex ceed 60 pages. Detailed information mar be obtained of the Linville Improvement Company, of Linville, North Carolina. ANALYSIS OK WATKR 1T8BD AT THB ASHEVHIE SOD WATER FACTORY, 217 HAYWOOO T. CMHOXUITH 1 r MCH1HHTTH lACHI'SHTT. I NAI.VSI4. 1 Franklin St ) CKRTIFIfATR P Htatr Aaaarer'a (Mice. 287 Roams, m ss . Aihi 21. mm To Chat (I. Campbell, AsherUlc, North Cnr ollna. Tke sample ot water submitted for analy sts haa b- en earrfnllv examined, with the fol lowing results: The water shows In parte per too 000: 8-IMs. volatile J.oo (lied 3 00 " total A.oo Oeaintpernnett.il gall a .so TMa water is almost entirely free from or Mtc ramUrr, showing very slight trace of iron, Mlpnw and lime. The water in verr acciltat In atl respect. It is very -eldom we And water so free from orgaa-e or mineral asatur. H. I. IIOWKKR. Btate Assayer. CORTLAND BROS., Real Estate Brokers, And Investment Agents. NOTARY PUBLIC. Mas we placed at a per cent. Oram: 34 311 Pattoa Avrnne Second floor, fchttdlv KBAL liSTATB. W 11.TM B. Owth. W. W. Wasr GVYN & WEST, Oneeissors to WalUr B.0wyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO UNK OF AlHSVIUL REAL ESTATE. Ufliii Securely Placed at ft Per Cent. Notary Pablk, Commtaatoners of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. srpiCsV-thaurt Conri Square WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, M Pattoa A veane. Nut T II C A build's;. T 0 Bo OS aovl dSss JOIN CHILD, (Porawrty of I.ymaa ft Child), Office No. 1 Legal Block REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER, .bthictly a okbbagb bubinbab. Loaaa securely placed at per cent. EVER CHANGING. OUR STOCK OP GROCERIES IS LIKE A RUNNING STREAM. Hundreds Take Prom It, Yet It Is nrvcr diminished. This of course, Is because there la a never failing spring of supply that feeds the stream. Sluggish streams stagnate, so do sluggish groceries. They b come musty, sour nnd stal and unfit for use. The movement here is quick: new things coming and 'olng. We use modern methods and buy what we can sell before getting stale srd pride ourselves in having a fresh stork to select from at all times. A. D. COOPER, Court Hquare, Corner Main and College st. North Court Square. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN IN HEMSTITCHED 46 INCH EMBROIDERED FLOUNCES GOODS THAT RETAILED FOR 1.50 TO $. PER YARD. WB CAN OFKltK THB J'.NTIKI! LINK AT 75 CBNTS. White, Mack, Fink, Blue and nrtlinl on White, White on Black. "HON MARCH E." J7 M. Main Mired. STARTLING FACTS. When flip nriulteration of Food I'rothirts IwoniOH h gi'iionil thut it ih niHfHMHT.v in ' liirioT ntiPK to ornnnizi' HMKociatioriH for trm protec tion of mnnufartorifH and tk'iilt'rs, it h high timp tlie onuumer considor well th importance of (lt'aliiitf with reliable houHes. POWELL & SNIDER Have met with unusual hh- fens in their endeavor to es. tablinh and maintain a high standard of wholesomeneHN and purity in the QUALITY of the goods they sell. Uur large and ever lncreas inir trade is, we think, evi dence sufficient to convince all "Doubting Thomases" that we are selling goods nt a. very low and reasonable rate. Ueiectfully Powell & Snider, Wholesale and Retail ro. cera. 1! The way to make money is to sa ve it. And the way to Have it is to have your pre scriptions filled at Canni (duel's drug store, and you will find by doing so you will save from 25 to 80 per cent, on every prescription. W do not take goods that the people know the price nnd mark down to cost, and then charge two prices lor a pre scription to make up the loss. You know clerk hire and house rent must be paid and the prolits must bo averaged some way. A hint to the wise is sufficient. A full line of De- Vault Flavoring Extracts in stock. Mr. J. Taylor Amiss and Mr. Chns. W. Dcvaultare with 1110 and will be pleased to meet their friends amicus- tomers. Don't forget the place. Carmichael's drug store, Noi 20 South Main street, Asheville, N. C. BEAUTIFUL LAWN VASES AT COST. We have onty five of those handsome ped estal lawn vases left. To close them oat, we are mw oAerinr them at first cost. This la a rare opportunity to beautify yonr front lawn at a very small expense. They will last forever, and always look new with one coat of paint applied once every two years. Come and see them. I'rce delivery. Water Coolers. A reduction of IS per cent, in water cool ers until the 20th. We have a nlcr line, and this discount will make them very cheap. DON'T FORGET OUR STORE When yon want a dinner set or anything In the rhlni, glass and porcelain line. Our stock Is large, complete and very low prices will be given you. A PRKHKNT. Re on the lockout for that hnndome 10 present, we v-lll present to one of our cus tomers during August, Will tell you more shout it later. Iion't forgei our number. THAD. W. THRASH I CO., CRYSTAL PA LACK, 41 Patton Ave. Large Reduction For a few days only. A large dis 'ount on all Clo hing. Cor the irmainerof the seasun 11 large ills -ount on medium and tine alraw tints for men. boys and children A lot of Zlegler's Ane .hes reduced from fft.no 94.50 and $.1 7 t" Ii.S0. Siica 1, JVJ, a, V4, S. 3M 0',4, 0 and 6Vi. New seasonable things arriving almost every day. One Price System. H. REDWOOD & CO. CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES, RUGS, ETC. 7 & 9 PATTON AVE. GENTLEMEN! cur hih Rest Laundry Work IN THE UNITED STATES AT TUB LOWEST PRICES TAKIi Ynt'K Collars), Cuff and Htilrts) TO THE TROY STEAM LAUNDRY AGENCY AT F.E. MITCHELL'S, No. aS Patton Avenue. FAIR'S HUSH; USE, PIANOSi STEINWAY, EVERETT, HARVARD. ORUANSt WILCOX ft WIIITR, PARR AND ft VOTBV K1MHALL. BANJOS. GUITARS, VIOLINS, STRINGS, ETC. EASY INSTALLMENTS, LOWEST PRICES, - HIGHEST GUARANTEES. ESTABLISHED SIX YEARS AGO. 1 ran refer to hunilr- its o' patrons, the best men In Western North Carolina. Call on or address C. FALK. 33 N. main Street, ASHEVILLE, N. C. OR Mpartanburg, 8. C. RAILROAD MASS MEETING A HPLENDID MBGTINO IN THK COURT HOt HK TO-DAY. Ringing; Hpeechcs From Gen, R B. Vance, J. M. Campbell, state Auditor aanderlln, Colonel Long; and Captain Atkinson, - There was a splendid meeting in the court house to-day to bear the railroad question discussed, and it really looked as if the people had determined to carry the proposition on Monduy. Capt. James Smith was made chair man, and Cnpt. Nntt Atkinson made a rousing speech as a leader. Capt. Atkin son is clearly in dend earnest in the mat ter, nnd gare every reason why the peo ple should vote for the measure without any fcnr of the etrwnship's daring to pay one cent of principal or interest. In the first place the townships have a first mortgage on the road to secure both principal and interest. Sec ondly, they will have the pledge of $100, 000 solvent stockholders that the in terest will be paid annually. Thirdly, they will own two-thirds of the stock, and the road enn never lie turned over to any corporation without the consent of the townships. (Sen. R. B. Vance was the next speuker, and his talk was intended to arouse the voters to a sense of the importance of their going to the polls and voting. He spoke of the untold and incalculable ad vantages which accrue to any people bv reason of railroads, and especially com peting lines. Gen. Vance referred to the Asheville and the Western North Caroli na of his hovhood dnys.andthe Asheville and the Western North Carolina of to day, and declared that it was the rail roads which, more than any other agen cy, brought it about. He declared that any man who favored the progress of his section was a patriot. (len. Vance's Siei-ch was loudly ap plauded throughout. J. M. Campm-H made a stirring talk, which wns well received. R. M. l-'urman called the attention ol the audience to the presence of State Auditor 0. V. Siin-li rlin in the room, and call" lieing made, Mr. Sanderlin delivered a short talk in which he declared that ere manv e.irs Western North Carolina would be the hub of the industrial activi ties o the country, and Asheville would Ik- the centre ot the hull. Col. T. B. Long closed the speeches. and the large crowd proceeded to enjoy tlie Hundreds ol hue watermelons pre pared for them by the committee. It was a good mcctinu nnd evcr.vthinu passed off pleasantly, nnd the railroad appropriation was unquestionably uiven a great boost. ASHAI'LTKH AN OFFICIvR, Railroad ftlrn net Into Trouble wills Officer Leonard. Late yesterday alternoon Officer C. H. Leonard, of the Asheville police force, who lives near Ray's stable, -in South Main street, wns in his house, and his attention was called to a couple of men aho were violating section (4l of the cjty ordinance on Sycamore street, just in the rear of Mr. Leonard's residence and in view of persons who might pass. I he orticer went down to arrest them. The men, whose names were Snm New land and John Ocprato, employes of the Western North Carolina railroad company, resisted, and Newland threw Leonard and picking up a brick began beating him over the head. Seeing that his life was in dantrer the officer as soon as he could get his hand free pulled his pistol and hred once nt Newland but did not hit him. Other parties ran up and the two men were arrested and taken to the jail and ticked up. About U o clock bail was offered for the prisoners, but Chief Mc- ! well ilecioeq not to accent it, as Leon ard's wounds were considered serious Newland nnd Deprato were left in jail until this morning, when they had a hearing helore Recorder Miller on two charges, one for committing a nuisance unci the other tor resisting nnd assault ing the officer. W. W. Jones, esq., rejv resented the defendants and City At torney Cobb directed the prosecution. l tie men were hnen 9ft each on the hrst charge, and bail in the second case was placed at $200 each for their apenrniice at the next term of the criminal court. They apea1ed from the decision in the first case, and furnished the bond re quired and were discharged. lirncer Leonard received two or three wounds on the head, and his lace is bruised in several places, but his injuries are not considered serious. W. C. T. It. Nra. Rateham.of Aahevllle, Opens the convention at Durham. On Wednesday, at the beginning of the sessions of the state convention of the W. C. T. U., the large auditorium of Trinity church, at Durham, was filled, and fol lowing the otiening exercises by Mrs. Rntehnm, of Asheville, wns the ad dress ol welcome by I. 11. Southeate. esq., in behalf of the city and the churches and by Mrs. W. W. hnw, of the local union. The resKinse was by Mrs. Kin near, president of the union at Hickory. Mrs. l. K. Itarnrv, tne world s inner. iatendent of prison and jail work, made most impressive address, statinc among other things that Irom her ex perience in North Carolina 85 per cent of the inmates of prisons were there from drink. Mrs. Hnteham nnid a fine tribute to Miss Anna Woodfin, superintendent of the flower mission department of North Carolina. Miss Woodfin has been an in valid for twenty-five years. IOINT BOARD. Meeting Today to Connldttr the Bid Opened Wedneaday, The joint board nf aldermen and ad visors met this morning at 11 o'clock in the rooms of the Commercial club, oyer the Western Carolina bank. The meeting was held for the purpose of considering further the bids for street unving, curoing, cic, wrocn were opened last Wednesduv. and also to have the advice of Consulting Engineer Cutshaw who arrived here from Richmond this morning. Some time was spent in examining the samples of brick and granite submitted by the various bidders. The board then adiourned until 4 o'clock this afternoon at which time it again took up the con- sirieration of the samples and bids. The contract will be awarded by the board of aldermen at a special meeting. MURPHY'S HARBECI'li. Aahevlllt-'a New Neighbor Will Celebrate In Fine Style. The people ol Murphy, in Cherokee county, propose to show their joy over the completion of the Murphy branch of the Western North Carolina railroad to that place, by giving a mammoth barbe cue, which is to take place on next Thurs day, the 2:id oljuly. Excursion trains are to be run over the railroads, and several distinguished speakers will address the people. The Cherokee Indian brass band will furnish music on that occasion. In addition to the barbecue the laving of the corner stone of Cherokee's "new court house will take plnce that dav, with appropriate ceremonies. It is in. tended to make that occasion a red letter day in the history of Murphy and all l Cherokee county, and the good people out there will not do things by halves. The committee of arrangements is made up oi tnemiiowinei'entlemenand thenar. sonneofthecommitteeis a guarantee that everything will be most pleasant and en joyable: A. W. Axley, chairman; J. S Meroney. sr., A. A. CampM!, C. A. It. Hall, T, C. Dickey, M. W. Bell, J. J. Moore, and Leslie Iv. Campbell. Asheville should send out a eood dele gation, and show the good neighbors that the completion of the rond is appre ciated nt this end of the line. The Richmond and Danville railroad company will sell reduced rate tickets to all who wish to go out. The fare for the round trip Irom Asheville to Murphy has been fixed at $.1.95. These tickets will lie on sale from lulv 21 to July 23 inclusive, and will be good returning until the 2Hth. Anv inlnrnm- tion in regard to the schedule, etc.. will be cheerlully given by Col. I'latt D. Cowan, city ticket agent. RKV. I.. H. RAI.UWIN. The New I'aHlor of MouthHlde Chaprl Arrlvea, Rev. L. II. Baldwin arrived this morn ing, accompanied by Mrs. Baldwin, Miss Baldwin nnd Master Baldwin. Thevarc at Mrs. Stockton's, on Flint street for lie present, luit next week thev will move into Ma;, S. II. Krwin's house on South Main street for the sinnnu-r. Mr Huldwin lieunis his duties at the Southside chapel tomorrow, The Suf folk (Va I Herald under the caption "A loss to Suffolk" snvs: "Key. l f. Baldwin, who has served the Presbyterian congregation lailhfiillv and xenlouslv the oast two vi-ars. has decided, after mature dclilx-ration and praycrlul consideration, to accept the all to a church in Asheville. N. C. and accordingly he and his household took tiu-ir departure to that beautiful land of the sky on Wednesday, going thither by way of Richmond. Mr. Baldwin and his eicellent family have endeared themselves to many ol our people, irresp ctivc of de nominational lies, and his departure is resetted by not n lew. To him and his ntcresting lamilv the Herald extends its best wishes fur their future haooincss nnd usefulness in that portion of the Master's vineyard, and may manv lone and prosperous years attend i-aili and every one of the family." I.WHTfINi P!,AV-:i HAVOC. Terrible tttorm of Wl nd and Kleo trleltv at Weal Superior, Win. Wkst Sri-KMOR, Wisconsin, July 18 wind storm of terrible violence swept over Suierlor Thursday, carrying death and destruction in its path. During the progress of the storm an alarm of fire vas turned in from the l-'il'tl, ward, and the department responded to find n new three story frame hotel a mass of ruins. Meantime rain was fnllini; in torrents and lightning wns crashing like artillery 1 he building was a complete wreck. In spite of the pouring rain, visitors rushed n and assisted in the work ot rescue. Five men were taken out dead nnd others are more or less injured. This disaster was the central feature. uui mucn ciamage was none in all direc tions. The steel hoisting and conveying apparatus employed by Silver Creek and Morns and Ohio coal companies, wns badly damaged. A large frame building was blown down at the corner of Third and Tower streets and a steel plant is re ported nmong the number of buildings evened, nut no casualties. Lmhtninir played havoc with the Fisher hotel. Uni tarian church, Union depot nnd other buildings but no serious fires resulted. DKi RAILROAD rTKIKK, The Strikers Have a conflict With the Police Tonps out. Paris, July 17. A strike of inilroad men lias begun here. Large bodies of striker this morning surrounded the depots and endeavored to prevent the men who have not struck from continu ing to work for the railroad companies. The police, after a struggle, managed to disperse the strikers, and many railroad denots are now occupied hv troons. The strikers have held several meetings nod determined to continue the strike. The men generally, are disiosed to be pacific, and have abandoned a projected procession in order to avoid disorder. Ul.oniiiNuTON, in., June three hundred miners of the McLean county coal company, who struck last Thurs day, have returned to work, their de mands for higher wages being conceded. SCHOOL OF MKTHODS. Work of W. C. T. V. Annemblv lo Begin Monday. The openini; exercises of the W. C. T. U, asscmhlv and school of methods will be held promptly at 0:30 Mond.iv morn ing in the chaiel of the Asheville Femnle college. The devotionul exercises will Ik conducted by Mrs. Wells, after which the dmerent departments of work will be take up in order. in the alternoon Miss west, national Superintendent of schools of method, will deliver a scientific address, and in the evening an address will be delivered in the Grand opera house bv Mrs. Mary T. Lathraii. The public arc cordially invited to hear this gifted lecturer who cretited such a luvorable impression by her address here some time ago. The WrtiihtHvllle Kncsmnmenl, Wii.minoton, N. C, July 18. The fourth aunuul encampment of the North Carolina State Gtturd opened at Wrights. ville yesterday. All our $, $S, $S..r, $7.50 ami $7 00 men s pants go lor fa.OO. b. II. Har- Hum & Co. LONDON BANK SUSPENDS. OVKRI.OS.DKD WITH ARUEN- TINK MKCl'RITIKS. They are So Locked t'p That It Is ImpoHHlble to Realise On Them The Hank will io Into I.lqul, datlon. London. July 18, The F.nglish bank of the River I'latte, of which A. E. Smithers is managing director, has suscnded pay ment in consequence of the failure of the bank to secure assistance that was ex pected to lie received to enable it to tide over its troubles. The difficulties of the bank are due to the locking up ot South American securi ties. , i he capital ol the bunk is $7,500- 000, hall paid in. It has received $2,100- uuu anu litis paid dividends of 3 per cent, per year. The directors of the bunk have issued an official slutement announcing that the bank will go into liquidation owing to the impossibility of collecting its debts in the ninth Argentine Republic. The directors say that they find it im possible to carry on their business with out the assistance, which, in present financial conditions prevailing in Argen tine, they are unable to obtain. TKKH1BI.K DKATH. A Section Hanter Loses HIM l or an Old Blind Mule. I.I re The Tennessee train bound for Ashe ville yesterday afternoon killed Station Master Swatzcll near Faint Rock, on the Tennessee side. Mr. Swatzcll was on the road with his force of hands, and heard the ap pmaching train. At the same time he noticed an old blind mu'e on the track, and started to drive it - r. Before he could do this and get out cl harm's way, the train was upon him. The engineer did not sec the man until too late to stop the train, mid the beam of the pilot struck him in the back of the head, crushing his skull and bespattering the pilot with his brains nnd blood, and breaking his leg. Death was instanta neous. S at jell had held the position of sec tion master lor a long time, and was re garded by all as a man of excellent char acter. I le wns about 38 years old. KILLKD KI.KVK.N MKN. A Train Rolled Over an Kmbank. uienl of a Canal. Livkk pool, July 18. A train passing along a railroad running with the line of the Mancncstcr ship canal fell over the Intter's embankment near this city, kill ing eleven men who were working under the heading. In addition to the men killed many workmen wcreinjuied. Hanged Him In Jail. Inpia.nai'iii.is Ind., July 18 This morning fifty unknown men entered the jail at Silencer, Ind., and lynched Frank Dice, awaiting trial tor murder. Thev hanged him to the cell door. Stuck Uuulatlons). Nhw VoHK. Iuly IS. HrlrmVi,: Lake Shore loi,; Chicago anil Northwestern 1011: Nnrlolk and Western 47t5; Kichimind and West Point Terminal las,; Western I nion TOVj. Baltimore Price. IIaltiuokK. July la-Hlonr, ouiet and un changed; western suiter $,1.Ro(a3.7G; extra, a K.'(u (SO; family, $ t.n.r.(B r, oo. Wheat, southern. tlri4gry; Pulti KA(tHt',; LonRberry liotfl -R Corn siHitern strong; white, 76 a"7Vie; yellow, 74(7flc. Sliot No. 2 white 75. Cotton Supply. Nkw York. July IH. The total visible sup. ply t cotton for the world Is 2,oa,H. bales, of which 1,(I77.N42 hales are Ameri can, against l.MM,oo7 and 7Ul.lio7 bales rrttiiet-iivelv last year Kccctpts at all in terior tttwns, 2.0S2 hales; rt-ccittts from plantations, 7,104. Crup In siKht, M,A19,. fi4 bales. New Vork Market. Nhw Vokk, July ih -Stocks, dull and lirm Money, easy at 2; KxchnnKc. lonn, HHH4.H4L,; short, 4.xtlLy.i4.Kn:t(: state b nils, m-glcctcd, Kovemtticnt hnnds dull hut steady. Cotton easy, "ales, H72 bales; Up'aucls, 81,'trleans, 8 1-lrtc; c; iutures opened and closed steady; lulv. 7.7Sru.7.NO: auuust, v.h'4T.m; September. 7 tt7(u,7.U4; ucittocr, B.tiNwn or; November, H.in(n,H-ll IK-cemlter. K 2ti(flM.23. Flour- ouict and and easy heat ncttve and firmer. Corn tiutet and hrm. Pork nutet and firm nt $1 1 OOMia OO. Lard quirt and nominal at tl tl." xrirlt- Turpentine dull and weak at rfhtowa7c. Kosin tptiet nnd cusy at S1.U (a; I -40. Frciabts quiet and lirm. AFFAIRS OF CONSUQUFNCH. I'OKKKIN. Mr. I'urnell hits paid the costs in the O.Shea divorce case, amounting to $.", 000. The t'nited States commissioners have arrived in Hngland to boom the World's fair. France has rimoved the prohibition on the itnKrtttion of American hog pro ducts. A resolution in favor of unrestricted reciprocity between the United States and Canada has licen adopted by the provincial legislature of Prince Udwarri Island. HOME. New York District-Attorney Nicoll has made known his intention of select ing one of the papers which published ac counts of the recent executions at Sing Sing and laying the case bclore the grand .illry- A canvass ot prominent Ohio democrats shows a general confidence in a sweeping victory tor James li. Campbell in the race lor Hie governorship. Same of the wisest men in the Demo cratic party lenr that (iovernor Camp- hell hns been badly bandicapiied by the adoption of a free silver platform by the Ohio democrats. The situation at Coal Creek and Krice ville, Tcnii., remains unchanged except that it is more than ever evident that the convicts will not lie allowed to' work in that mining district. Gen. John i. Sehofield, commander of the army ol the United Males, who was married at Keokuk, Iowa, June 18,1891, to Miss ('.corgis Wells Kilhoume, is ill at lacoma, in the state of Washington. Charles Nailer, one of the striking col ored laborers from Navassa Island, sued the Navassa Phosphate company for $10,000 damages in the Court of Com mon I'leus for alleged ill-usage while on the island. Senator Hale says that Mr. Blaine's health is good, that there is no jealoasy between the latter and President Har rison, that reciprocity will be the next ureal national issue, and that r.rnver I Cleveland will lie bard to beat. FOR SALE. A small Iron safe for sale cheap. Apply at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Buncombe Sarsaparilla A positively Safe and Reliable Klood Purifier. Containing Purdock Hoot, Sarsa parilla Bark, Prickly Ash . Dark, 1'oke Koot, cSic. By its use you can save you rself from the suffering caused by foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system strives to rid itself of corruptions. It purifies the blood, giving it re newed vitality and force. Being an alterative, it changes the action of the system, imparting fresh strength and vigorous health in place of that weakness and tired feeling, which is an indication of disorder and decay. The concentrated power and curative virtues of Buncombe Sarsaparilla ronder it the most reliable Blood Purifier that can be used, while it is eotirely safe for patients of all ages. Manufactured only at Grant's Pharmacy. Kvery bottle guaranteed, satisfac tory or money refunded. GRANT'S PHARMACY, 94 South Slain St. J. M. CAMPBELL, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND AGENT FOIt THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION -AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. Homes for the Poor Man. If VOU Want to he neii'hhnr nt r..nr t'... derbtlt buy one of my lota, within short distance of hi palace, at from Slot) to $00 per lot. Size from 75x1(10 to 200x300. B autifull v shaded and Ane views Cnll i m. ottiee lor plats. Terms.. U cash, balance 1. 2, 3 years. J. U. CAMl'UKl.l. DINNER SETS, TEA SETS, CHAMBER SETS, NEW STOCK JUST IN. A Finer Assortment THAN EVER BEFORE. J. II. LAW, Not. 57, 59 and Ct ft. Mala BU $ s ! n i - k '3 it 4 1 1L u c 4 ) 'I i i :