ASHEVILLK DAILY CITIZEN: SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 18,1891. OTHER RAILROAD LINES. THEY ARB NOW NKEDED BV THIS CITY. AROUND TOWN. I'nrrcnil till 8 a. m. Bandai HhowvrH.clrarlnit IohIkIiIi mihIIou- ary ivmperiiiitrei winui Dcmuiiin aouthwealcrly. An Appeal t tna Bmlmu Men r Asheville tT Col. J. D. Cam eronA True aumuilnic tip of the Whole Matter. To the town and Real Estate Men of Asheville. Perhaps it in because absence for suite time from Asheville has intermitted m intermit in the welfare of the eitv: nertaiius because observation of other communtics and the ajjen cies brought to lienr Uon their progress and prosperity has quickened my desire that the same lie applied to Asheville, will plead my justification in thusaddressing the most potent influences of the eitv. and contributing, as it has not been before in my (lower to do. to the creat work now prKressing to action. This is the last opportunity for makine such appeal; for the popular suffrage on Monday will definitely decide the nuestion, favorably or otherwise On that day the votirs ol the city and of some of the townships ot Huncombe county are to decide whether or not tliev will cnlarce their railroad facilities, and in .. rinitli'. tirotit t) tile lllt)llr I f other towns mill cities ill the state. None of them have made themselves, us Ashe ville up the present time has done. Ral eiiih is traversed by two leading lines. their arms stretching out to the four points of tin compass. The young city of Durham, built up nloiij; one of the old est and most important Hues in the state, felt the inadequacy ol one line alone, and has added three others to enable her to choose her own market, and to enlarge her sources of business, Greensboro has tw.uiir n tvnical railroad centre, with lines radiutint! in everv direction. Win ton. the creation ot one road, liecamc impatient of dependence upon that alone. The walermelonehoiev days have come. At (.rant's pharmacy today at 2 p. m. the thermometer registered VJ". Marriage license has tieen granted to Henry llowlin and Kehecca aekson, white, of lluncombv'. den. K. M. I'nike and daughter, of Centerville. Iowa, are stopping at Bat terv I'ark for the summer. Rev. Dr. T. I. Bell, of Richmond, Va., will iirench at the French Broad Baptist church, Sunday morning at 11 o clock. All persons should avail themselves ol the oiniortuiiityol he.innc Mrs. i.nuinii a the Claud opera house on Monday night. Admission free. The regular monthly meeting ol the Free Kindergarten association will lu lu-Id in the lecture hall ol the Y. M. C. A Monday, July 20, at 5 p. m. ' A bold confession" is the subject for the boys' meeting at the Y. M. C. A. rooms tomorrow altcrnoon at o'clock. All boys are invited to attend. Snllic Ilriulsli.-iw, the colored woman whose throat was cut liv ohn Boston ii Thursday night, is able to lake nour ishment today and is slightly lietter than on yesterday. Col. las. (5. Martin has sold "Antler Hall," situated on the French Broad river, rive miles from Asheville, to a I'hil itdclphtn gentleman lor $;(),000. There Hrc about 300 acres in the tract. HOW WOL'LD IT DO: WITHDRAWN REASONS EXTRAORDINARY. The wonderful success we have lmj in the private sale of To kind o' have the watsrmelon rinds under the trees just east of the govern ment building cleared up, and the place I FPU Kepi Clean nercmecr i i For the authorities to decide soon who they will give the paving contract to? To nut the street railway track in the center of College street, where it runs into North Main ? To make Central avenue ( ne- B i ', el street) one hundred feet wide, mid pave it with asphalt ? To have just one or two more poles put up on court place, for the acvonimo-h0 gince making OUr last announcement, has induced UK riation of the loafers? I . . ........ ...... Reynolds that it is to withdraw the public sale neretoioiv mi venison, a inrge number of lots intended to be Hold at that time have al have only to say that Ashe- Tbe Formal Tranalei' ol All the Vaudvrhlll l.anclN. The largest deed ever tiled inthecounty if Hiineonilie was placed in Register Mackcy's office yesterday afternoon Ii is the deed conveying from Charles MiNanice and wife, Mrs. Julia L. McNa- nice to (.enrce w. vain crin it all me property at ami near itiitmoie, which country to this rapidly growing and plucky town ii-oi hM'ii nnr.otoaii nv r rvii'minirr an Mr. Yan.ierhiifs agent. vear aero the Asheville. Loan, Const ruction and Improve- ...1 n.,J Ih K a ' - consideration named is $1 000. Some rripnt Pnninnnv With the foil' iWIIliT Officers: (iW). S time nuo. howcvir. Tiik Citizkn went 1 through the renter's books aim puo- poWKLL. President nniHien. Manager, w . W. ItAKJNAl.lJ. hshed a statement showing lliattheacre- " "kv ,J7rI-?!S: ,S5:,e l"e n,,,ou,,t Treasurer, Richmond Pearson, J. E. Rankin, T. H.Cobb. J. To remind ShuilV watermelon season? A I.AKUK DKHI, and has added, and is still adding to, the client of her husines lacdities. The re sult is growth, increase of wealth, i uiiiiilution. of conseuuenee to them nil. Aahrville. develoned. almost created tjy one road, and by one great railroad corporation, now feels the imperative necessity of lather railroad facilities, the result, riot of oppression, which it would lie ungenerous anil iingrateliil to suggest, hut from those exigences arising out ot increased business and laudable aspira lion for new and ditlerent connections. The very growth ol the city, the expim sionolits interests, the wide publicity given to its favorable situation, have created tliese exigences. It is not possi ble lor an ambitious, aspiring, energetic people to he content wit n me restricted conveniences oi any one i-orpuiuiiuii however liberal and considerate it may be, when, by the simple stretch of tlieT arm. they may grasp new territory, nt tract nev business, invite new enterprises and make themselves complete in ail the essentials of greatness and prosperity Suggestions will torce themselves upon the scrutiny of sagacious minds, im pressed with the necessity of speedy ac lion, as to the direction in which new enterprises most conveniently and ceo nomicallv tend. Without iniestion, the measure under consideration, is that which commends itself to favor ns thesuhject of immediate action. The great prohlcmlortlic norm west to solve is the const ruction of the shortest line to the Atlantic coast to the southern ports, thus securing most de sirable areas lor increasing business, and an inlet and outlet lor the enormously nrohtable trade with the West Indies ami South America. That shortest line.drawn on the map, is almost a straight one from Chicago via. Cincinnati and Bris tol to Asheville, thence by way of Spar tanbure. to Charleston. Practically provision is made for the whole of this important chain. The missing link is between Bristol and A .--he ville. a space so iiisigmhcunt in relation to the whole, that argument seems scarcely netded to enforce its mi mediate completion. Asheville and Riineonihe county should not wait for ninieal to their interests. The limited railroad facilities already enjoyed have advanced their prosperity many a huu ilreil fold. The addition of others assure illimitable increase. There is no piH lic question of this; new directions to travel uiirl traffic are opened, new access or exit to business given to new territory new and most important posmhle con nections established, a choice ol routes offered with all the benefits of antagoniz ing monopoly, new stimulus oflered to domestic enterprises, new markets open ed for products now locked up in helpless idleness. All this is offered is the measure now approaching decisive action. Asheville and Biincomt are not only impelled to act from motives of interest; they nre urged and invited to do so by the inter ests of others. Bristol isso earnest in its purpose, that it has not waited for our action. It has given the most eloquent testimony to her tnith by undertaking the work, and bringing utmost to com pletion that portion ol it for which it is responsible. There only remains to lie done that short link from the Tennessee line te Asheville. It is a great work done almost to our hands, without cost and without liability. Never bus such an un dertaking, with such momentous results been so presented, almost ns a free gilt, to any community or people; and that community and that people deriving the largest share of the benefits of its com pletion. How shall Asheville, how shall the people ol Buncombe, hesitate for a moment to take their part in what they are asked to do ? T show how little risk is run on our part, at what little cost and linbility so vast an amount of good is secured for us by the connection proposed to lie made with Bristol. 1 append the following brief outline of the security assured : A first mortgage lein on Road to secure principal and interest. The orivate stockholders give a bond of $100,000 to secure the townships against all interest on Hosils. No Bonds to be delivered to the com- Mni till the iron n laid ana ready l r rart. Townships have twice the amount of Stock that private siocunoiacri nave. The assurance of connection with an iadependent line at Bristol, to wit. Nor tiik and Western. Let the Business Men and Real Estate Mea of Asheville put forth their best ef forts to see that the measure goes thrugh triumphantly nt the ballot box. No such golden prise was ever offered at so little risk and so trivial u cost. . D. Cameron. Ashill. July 18th. 1891. BIB rvjr ia All Might. The rsilroad meeting on Big Ivy yes seeds was attended by aver 600 people, and there was gwt enthusiasm. Ring- in speeches wert made ot Col. T. B. LoWJo"" M. Campbell, ohn W. StMnesT E. Weaver, r-enator Ball. N. T Chambers aad others. Everybody was Impressed by the arguments and there is ao donbt shout the position of Big ivy when the vote is counted. readv been sold, and we ville marching at the head of the procession to the tune of 500,000 just appropriated for street paving, and f 100,000 for extending her sewenge system, has attracted the attention of capitalist all over the One eville, Loan, Construction and Impr ment Company SauVH. I.E ADVKKTISEMBNTS. ICE I ICE I ICE I Drivers are InNtructcd to Give Full Weight. C O A L.: Celebrated Jellico and IICHt Anthracite Coal. WHOLKKAU: AND UBTAIL COKE IN CAR LOAD LOTS. MANUFACTURERS ANI)DEALERSjlN ICE. Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 40. No. 30 ration Aventie N. It. West 11 II, who lives out on llenvrr- lam, today brought to Tub Citizkn of fice n lot of line plumsol the" wild iioosc" vani ty. Mr. Westall says his iruit crop this year, is all that could lie wished. Mrs. John Mcliwcn, ol Italtimore, a former resident of Ashcille, alter an ab sence ol six years, is visiting her latlnr Col. W. l. Justice. Mrs Kmma Moore, also ol Baltimore, accompanied Mrs. Mclvwen. On Tuesday morning will lie given l In- first of a series ol talks 011 "Kindergar ten" at the school ol methods for those who ure in any way interested 111 kinder garten worn. 1 ne nours mr tne siiosc- iicnt talks will lie announced 111 the ia- KTS. Miss Fannie Wrav, of Knosville, Tenn., who has liecn visiting Miss ICinnia Rol lins on Chestnut strt'ctauil Miss l-'loreiin- lioggetl on Woodliu st reel, left yesterday. Miss Way has been in Asheville several weeks and made many Irienils while here who regret to see her leave. All men are cordiallv invited to the goSK-l meeting ai tne lining asen s Christian Association to-morrow niter noon at o'clock. Mr. Andersen, the general secretary, has just returned Iron his summer vacation and will aililrtss the meeting. The orchestra will lead the song service. A St. Paul dispatch says: "On the question ol the next place ol meeting the editorial convention was invited to Aslfe- villc, N. C, Roanoke, Va., and San I'lego, Cal., hut the confusion was so great that adjournment was taken without decis ion. An excursion to Lake Minncloiika s the order this afternoon, and it will lie leaded there." Yi'Sterdav afternoon was the time for the regular weekly meeting ol the board of aldermen. It was not held, however, 19 A Merman I'.udgi r, Stai nes and lire- var I and Mayor lllanton were not in the citv. Aldciinen Mi 1'owell, Leonard and Reynolds showed up lor a meeting, but Iter counting themselves, concliuU-d that the licst thing to do was to go home, which they did. Anson Nelson, estp, of Nashville, Tenn and his wile, arrived in this city yester day, and will remain several weeks. They are making a visit to Mr. Nelson's :wo brothers, Kev. Ir. W. A. Nelson, nastor of the First Itantist church, and Re. I. II. Nelson, pallor of the It.iiitist church al Kilt more. Mr. ami Mrs. Nil son also have a mindicr ol warm per sonal friends in the city w ho are pleased to see them. o,Kr8V: . I'owell, Directors, foresaw what wnseom- .tail nnii i'on niiiK .idoui 1 ..... Ti,:..i,i ..1 the inir and went, to work deve oimur their six liuiiclred acres. p.iges of parchment, and contains llMMHi wonts. 1 lie cnirogru niv iiistriiuirnl is licaulilul. in lact almost absolutely perlect. It was done bv Mr. MeNiiniee s slenogrnt her. a Mirinern gentleman. THK TKAl'HKM' INttTITl TK. -THE CAROLINA SALOON TO THE FHONT. While others are putting a bug in your ear, listen to me! I ni now lietter prriHim) than ever to furnish von with inMkln. nm.llv kt ! cl.m Mlonn. I have the l.rrat and beat stock In Western North Carolina. If not I. th l"roraniof Monday's) tvxcrclacs at the Court Moune. The good citizens of Asheville nre earn cstlv invited to turn out in lorce Monday inoriiiiiK. and give the teachers and ill slruciors n rousing welcome. Set them to work with a consciousness that the eyes of the people arc upon them, and the sympathy and support ol allgood cilizcnsare with them. They need on this pi'OJMM'ty lire the moral and social recognition and en eoin agenient of our liest ieople, as well as a scant pay in money lor their hard labor. Whin thev are convinced that thev have these, the people will have lime more to advance and elevate the teachers' profession than all the normal schools have ever done. This institute ilfotds a good opportunity for giving the teacheran lesson herein. I o not neglect it The opening exercises Monday m ing at 1 1 o clock, will Ik- as lollows: Sacred music. Script u.e lesson aad pr.iver bv Rev. C. W. Ityrd. Music. Address ol welcome bv Robert M. Fur- man, ol the !cmciut ResMnse, bv I'rol. C. I. Mclver. Music. 'The Old North State." Makinir mi roll, uelliui! ready for work. All the exercises will lie held in the court room Po not loriret the "I'eople's day" Fri day, the '.'illi. I'rol. C. P. Mclver and Congrissmaii V. T. Crawlord will make addresses on that da v. the city. This property is now hud out with broad uve nues, pavtnl fitters a nil slwide tree's on each side. sewer and electric street railway running through the prop erty. tances through the projMTty and a complete water and sewer plan has leen atloptnl so as to give the very best sanitarv results. Some of the views to be had from points I it i. l.:i i:,. .,,,,1 .ni.i.(,.n4ni.iwi. uitou ii n" " eoBM.t. ol me nne.t nritnil. ol Wnl.kir.. Wine, and Br.n.ltr. know. In the 1 1 1 L 1 1 II 1 I ! I K till" llllt'nt i inning uiiii inn ilium itiiiup, i.nn worm. o.r- i niK.-nnr inin mnjr, ntywra a noniit im smt in the world, I and via will be eoi.vinecd thai I am nothing hnt r Whilein Knropc, rinrinc the .niumer of I MHO, I made rr.a(tnient. for the above Whhv key, Suani.h Sherry and Port Wines, the canal never broneht to A.hrtlllr Inrwinul i l.r et, Pnntet Canet. Marftntix. Chatran Belmont verv fine. In Ptvnrh Rran.lUa f h. larM. Wlltpr "tock, inclndina John Hennrwv C" V Three Rt.r and othr atandard hr.nda: Una A " " 11 ' t-'o -a Pale Ale, and li.lnneaa' Bxtra Pnrei(n Stout, .n lact, my atock of Imported liaaorfl and wines are ton numrrona to mention. My atock of Rye whi.kii-a mtiraeea wimp of the flneat and oldeat hranda known. Beer, the Itneat on ihe market for family ue. The tieat brand. afCIOAMa and TOR AC' lrl. Whm von .iv In n ffil nt an r Ihinu In m 1 In. Ivfnn unln. .IuuIum j I'ai'k aild lake Sites have been left at Convenient dlS- "a'0"'11"J. My whl.kics are recommended by aomc of the moat eminent men of the aa fMI mnpiMIHUJ f Try it FRANK O'DONNELL, PROPRIETOR. THE CAROLINA SALOON. 19 NORTH MAIN STREET. ASHEVILLE, N. C. ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, ai7 Haywood Street. Unsurpassed in Western North Carolina, ami that almost means inc worm. I he demand for this property has been unprecedented ml the history of Asheville real estate, nod its sii'cess as the ' f ho tutu re us in the pnst, every attention will be giren ... , e . i i , ii i TO prtmuee ttw nnesi fgrtiue ot f niitonntHt lievemgrn under K)pniar resi.iem pan oi iuecn ii-in iiinnu.v mi-n iwunn, the fl'XlSUSAL supervision ot the nnmrietor. The eon there now beimr over fl'i.OOO worth of buildinus com-ntunthr wereiusingflemuml tort luvewwls from this far pleted next. and under contract to be ft ni shed by For further information address Geo. S. Powell, Pres., ahhkyiixk. n. c. DO NOT FAIL TO 8KK THOHK Torv is conclusive unmt mat : 1 st October t,v'an intvllim'nt onhlic. ' flue art kk is Appreciated Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphons. Slierilf Reynolds has adoiti-d a verv clTeetive way ol looking after H-ople w ho are liatile to lieeome eonnty hnrjtes. Ves terday he sent a hall-willed colored wo man named Mary Creasinan, to Flat Rock, in Henderson county, her home She hud lieen here for .vine time, and was likely to become a county iensioner so the sheritT thought the lust plan would lie to send her to her own county, and she was accordingly taken there. C. K. Koss, who for several months past has held the position ol siiierinteiid ent nt the plant of the I'eople's Liht, heal and power company, in Asheville. left this afternoon on the S o'clock train, UoinK to Lincoln, Neb. Mr. Koss noes to that city to take the superinteiidencv of the Lincoln das and electric liKht com pany. PuriiiR Mr. Ross' stay here he has shown himself a careful and thoroughly comietent electrician and made many triends who reuret to see him leave. THK RAILROAD CANVAMSI. All tnir $L'l, $ Ji' :0 nml f.'.'.Otl men's suits, smk or cm aw .n mm- . ' $lf !0. You can't lat the iricc. Seel ifwecin iir.-iM' von oi kct wise. E If lUirnmn A- ( '., ,S' t'ourf siii.ire. Htstotlicc. Take the AoiKon avenue cars at court Miiare and a k t c comluctot let roil oil at the I ark. I hi Ink- :s miiv hnlsha ami the I'onntain iim ni,'. The Ihimini line to HtiiiM-l Park nw ruiiM moriiliiun n wi ll ns miUthimmih. wan h tor nait on lamp ration carat ulillcHquare, Hix-cial KuU'M nnct tschrcluU-H. Sri- w. M. I'l.irUe. Mrniner nii r- cmi Ticket llrki-r AM.oi-iiiiiiin-l Chihlrcii s Suit All our fti.'tO. fT.t. fT.oil ami $ "" "iis now f.l txi I:. II. Ilarnnm A- C o. Aaticvtlle Mont Keep up Her Rep utation. MoKi-.AN Hill. N. C.July l(i. Kihtor Tiik Citizkn: The canvass in regard to the proposition to accept the lilK-ral offer made in the bill to build a railroad through this part of our county has been up to this dav. I think, a success. In company witti mv trienus onn w. Starnes anil b. n. Weaver we have filled several appointments to the satis- taclion, I think, ot the people. Ihe vo ters demand railroad transportation and respccttullv ask that Asheville town- up da her duty on Monday next. 1 know that the proud, progressive, plucky citv ol Asheville will not tarnish her fair name by refusing to give her aid in this (ta them I important matter. All Draise is due Caul. Weaver and I'rol. lohn W, Stnrnes for the noble work thev are doing, now let Asnevtiie townsnip come, as 1 know she will, grandly to the rescue and victorv will perch under our banner, and on Monday night next she will prondlv exhibit to the world that she has lost none of the progress and pluck she in gallantlv displayed on the 4th day of May last. Help these ople. Yours trulv, 7 B. JU'ing. They Favor It. At the railroad meeting at Morgan Hill the following Tsolutioii was unani mously adopted : "Resolved, That this meeting is hearti ly in favor of the proposition to aid in the building of our railroad, and we will do all we can, in a fair way, to bring suc cess to the measure at the polls next Monday." For horse-colic Simmons Liver Regula tor in known to be the best remedy. "Star" ikirt waists, all sitti ami pat- term. H. Hat num CVvSiwcoiAtrra and furnishers, near postothee. Mr-Masrnlflcent views, aataral parkas wild Baiwera and cool freak lr. Take Use daaaatr lla. SOLID OAK BED ROOM SUITES. Which we are selling so low. W. 1$. WILLIAMSON & CO., Ki'iixrrruK. cautkth, htt , No. 16 Pat'on Avenue. Aalicvlllc, N. .'. SIDEWALKS. We liave sccurwl the rijrht to use one of the most valunhle patents in the 1 in ted States for concrete and Mock side- walks and driveways,! which is a ureat improvement over ordinary" concrete work. We will le ready to commence ods and iow prices at 0crnting under the same in a few days. In the meantime those interested are asked to call and examine testimoni als, etc., or enquire of C. E. Moody, 30 Patton avenue, or V. T. Uelote, Flint street. I have on hand n full stock of i resh Lime, Tluster, . ( e- inent, i harcoal and wood. BISINKNS NOTICES. Fruit Jra Old Price. One-half gallon Mason's jars at $1 as usual. New u l.nw's on South Main street. All our $t:i..-(i. $14, SHSti, $1.- anil $lti.ot men's entnw.iy or sack miiI.i n w $lth!0. See them. I:. II. Harnum Co., Hue clothiers ami furnishers, S court square. Are ron sick? tin out on the Montfonl avenue line to the nirk, and drink of the life Hiring n aft-rs awl breeze there to lie found. Index to New AdvertlaetnentM. Waktki- Cothlnt Lost Hill .S: nanka. I'os NlOiT-Wni J Cocke. Boilkhh Clset ft Hc1bt HoA.n Mm. K V Rtil In.on TllKKVutMKTRlia Ci H Mavrr. Rkih-ctions II Redwood ft Co. Hon SAi.mia Rkt U S Wataoa. HrxcoMHK S.asAPAHll.l.A J. S. Grant. C. E. MOODY, Yard and narchouie Near thcDcpot, Telephone No. 73. POR RUNT. Two aplrnilid rooms on nalilie aquarc, for oBtcea n Iwil rnma Apply to WM J. I'dCKS. juiiH.iat Two he ait of cattle on the Heaamont range Reward for their return to It It. I. SHANKS TyANTRn A nrat laaa rli.thlna aalcman. A1lrea ll.flTHlNO. Cltiarn Olnrr. inll.dat JJfiARPINC. 11 y Mra K. V. Rol.inaon. at No 3 Bav wnor) atrctt Larar. airr r-ioma and well aharlert s-rnunda. Hot and cold water, and rtKht on Monford Park car line. 1N-Iw POR 8AI.R OR RKNT. Pot .ale or rent, the rretti-.t eottajre in Aahevilte, toirei her wlh about two acn a of land. Terms r aaonahtc Applj to jiillHiltra 11. . WATSON, Airrnt, BOILERS! BOILERS! BOILERS! Seventeen Meond-hand holler, and engine aa s-ood aa new Aio ns new boiler, and engines, all aitea, at hnver'a pnc. a. CASKYAi Htit'UBS BUtl.KR MP'OCO juliaeodlm Vhattaaooira. Tenn. Children's Suits-All our $6.00, $5.50, $5.00 suits now $3 75. B. B. Uaraum & Co. ' Htvwoon WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, WATNESVILLE. N t UNDER ENTIRE NEW MANAGEMENT. H M BRIC.HT, Prop. The Maaoa -f 1891 at hla ponalar mort i. now luiiv openetl ana aaner lae aew man- avrauat the place I. wcoad to none ia the Sooth. Aa rleaant baad la io km sitina phatv ofdaacinafor tho . who enjoy that naatime. Tin laic ia all that coal-l be deal and the Dlar- ni better adapted to ai.h meat. min tkemattvca thaa ever Hafnra The big hot lad cuttarrea arc SIHog np rap. Mlv. Fa- 1 ooma, trraaa, .tc, writ, at oacc come nant aioaa .aa w win acc inai vow arc com I citable. jull7dlm Addreas H M BRIOHT. Prop., WavacsvUle, N. C. The most com pie stock of Cure nrtij;.. Rare chenikles anil Patent Medicines, at the very toirest prices at RAVNOR & SMITH'S 31 Patton aVtc OurntiK'k of PruKgists' Sundries is the most varied and complete, of any house in Asheville. RAY8OR & SMITH, 31 Patton Ave Our Hot soda in Winter and our Cold soda in Summer ia conceded by critics the best. Nothinn richer thun a glass of our Ice Cream Soda; w kitesahne nerved. RAVSOR & SMITH. 31 Patton Ave. You will never regret becoming a cus tomer at Ravsor & Smith's Drug Store. Your trade appreciated, your interest studied. Prescriptions filled day or night by competent apothecaries and delivered free to any part of the city. RAVSOR SMITH. 31 Patton Ave. VEGETABLES! RECKIVKD FRESH EVERY DAY AT WT-SKK ANALYSIS lH WATER t'SBH. ON FRONT PAC1B.-I OAKLAND H!1!S:!TS SANATORIUM, (FORMERLY OAKLAND INN.) ASHEVILLE, IS. C Tb Moat Complete Health ReMtt la the aoatk. Is now opea and ready for gtirata. This aaa la the moat deairabic In the Aoatk for per. aona who nrd reat and medical attention. No hotel in Asheville has aa well fonuahtd room, and iu cutaine i. unequalled. Only in the cast of patirata ia the diet rrjrulaud. The table is an Important feature of the aaaatu rlum. The water ia pare aad plentiful, comia( from a large limpid .pring- nar bj. Te san itary arranaemrats ar. a. perfect ascare and oioncy can make them. Prraoaa Vrinjr with throat and luns trouble, ant greatly beaentted by a stay at thi. place. The mra leal management i. nndce the direction of Dr. P. W. Neetn., recently of the lackaoa Baaa torinm, at DaaavUle, N. V The Saaatormm ia thoronsaly equipped w!ti aopliance. foe the aetenttne rr. lid aud rare of nil nrrvon. anil chronic dla eaaca. The bath department, are new throujrhoat and are under the raprrvtmon of comfictcnt and .killed attendanta. The methoil a of treatment Include all lorma ol b.tha, the Medicated Vapor. Turkl.h, Klce-tiii-. Ruaaian, Roman, Molirre, Thermo-Sice-trie, Ivlcctro-Chcmieal, Maaaage. Kleetricity in all Its forn s, also Swedi.h Movement. Medical attcnuancc and every form of treat ment iucluded in price of room. Although the comfort and welfare of tne .Ick are the Aral coneideration.. every oppor tunity is alfcn to thoae who dcairc to apend plraaant and profitable araaon here. Addrral for further particular. HIM EmIUe Vaughn. ABHBV1LLB, N. C. THE WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. 48 South Main St., Asheville. Tho rnont complete men's and boys' outfitting eetabliiih- II ARE BROTHERS, ment in Wwtwn North Cnrolimi. 17 South Mala Street, 39 South Mala Street. Our motto is to keep the very Instf wines and liquors at the most reasonnhle price eoinmensurate with the nnnl- ity. Tarties havinn friends of intemperate habits will confer a favor by notifying us of such, as we do not wimi to sell them any stimulants. Very ivspectuilly, John juijMtr LL. REYNOLDS HOUSt WEAVERVILLE.N.C. mllea anrth of A.hevl-le, .lla.ted in a hrantlfal villa of soo InhabitanU I.O- eatioa hick nad drv. comm.adlas aplcndid view, of the moaataiaw. Hotel recently ren ovated aad rrrarniabed. Tabteanppikd with tk beat of whohroiae eonntry far Low ratea. Haet. will mart vWtoe. at Aahcvlll. Moadaya, Wedneadaya and Fridays. W.trr from Dnln Bprlaa kent on l"?.1- '1.arT tnn33dta " Proprietor. OAKS HOTEL, AHBVILLU,N C. lender New Management Ha. been refitted for the seaaoa, sad no pains will be spared to make it deHahtfnl resort. Modern eoavesieaee; dctt.ttf.U7 cool room, and Mperb - km. Kates npon application. BSKRIDOB A ROBKItSON, JnatMlB Asktvin, M. C. FINE HEADY-MADE CLOTHING To suit all occasions. Substantial clothing for daily nse. Our clothing fit better and wear letter Than Any Other on This Market. Boys' ami children's clothing in great variety at prices ranging LOWER THAN ELSEWHERE. Dunlap Hate, E. & W. Collars and Cuffs, Manhattan Dress Shirts, t . mother's Friend Shirt Waists. H. Whitlock's perfect fitting custom clothing, equal to the best in this country. For styhnh and durable wearing apparel call at . . THE WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE HO. 4 SOUTH MAIN STKBBT.