ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY 23 1H1. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. By RANDOLPH-KERR PRINTING CO. Tub DailvCitiibm, Democratic, In published CTerr afteniooB (except Sunday) at the fol lowing rata, ttrtctly caaa : Oni Y. $H 0( ttn. MONTH! . Trias. Months lft( On a Mimtii .......... f" om Win.,. r WEDNESDAY. JULY 23. 1SU1. It Menu probable that Quay's leader ship may wreck the party in I'emisyl vania, but how about the party if (Jutty (ball be forced to retire ? Quay is now the republicau organization in Pennsyl- rania. Ho ia it heart, its brain, its in spiration, and what would the party be without him. Philadelphia Times. The party without Quay would per haps be honest. . The Progressive Farmer says that "il Adam had received a salary of $3,000 per month from the time of his birth until the present, 7,000 years, with all expense thrown in, he would still lack over fifty million dollars of having n much money as John D. Rockefeller has made off the American people in the last twenty Tears." That muy lie true pro- Tided Adam hadn't speculated but what a far more important man he would b than Rockefeller! Campbell and the "Sun." The New York Sun says that "alter the canvass is eighteen weeks old you will hear almost nothing f Governor .1 Campbell," of Ohio. What provob this remark was one by Gov. Campbell to the effect that "after the hii can vass is two week's old you will hear nothing outside of the tariff." lloth these statements arc exaggerations, but the Sun's is an attack on a democrat ol ability, honesty and courage the kind of democrat the Sun seems to hate. It mnv lie stated as an impossibility that the Sun's assertion could lie even apprcxi mately accurate, while it is intended to be malicious, and to do harm in a state where the democrats have onlv a tight chance. The Vlaltltm KtpubllcaiiH. The protection republicans who are in town to-day will please feel at home ll they behave themselves they are just as good as some democrats. As Tin; Citi zen understands it. these repuulilicans are met to gather in a few democrats whom they suiect ol not licing in favor f tariff reform. It is a pretty plan in theory and we urc very much interested in seeing how it will work. If these North Carolina republicans had been more am bitious, however, it might perhaps have occurred to them that inside their own party there is plenty of opportunity to convert men to the policy of protection. The northwest and some parts of the far west, not to say a corner here and there in North Carolina, contain thousand ol republicans who do not believe in t In dus legislation that Mr. NUKinlev i the chief exponent of. Hut these North Carolina republicans preler to associate with democrats they know rather than with republicans they have heard of by reputation only; and- who will blame them? Their taste is excellent ; as to the quality of their judgment the result of the present meeting will reveal. The niatnoud Hhoaln Unlit House We are mortified at the fainthearted ness which seems to have settled upon the press because of the untoward result of the first attempt to erect a light house on the dangerous Diamond shoals off Cape llatteras, as if to American or Anglo-Saxon tenier disappointment in a tirst effort was notudirecuhallenge to renew it, provided that the purpose was worth prosecutiug to the end in view. Our blood is not in the habit of cooling down in the face of difficulty, our pur pose not to lie diverted liecuusc opposed abandonment of the measure, which, when carried out successfully, will be one ofthenohlest contributions ever mnde to distressed and imjierilled humanity, as well as the most important aid to pe'ice ful commerce. The TennerJdee Retreat. The militia of Tennessee seem to know how 4iid when to surrender. They re treated in good order and at the right moment. The act was necessary appar ently, but mortifying and one that could have been provided against, it now ap pears. Somebody's judgment was bad in that less than 100 men were sent to face a thousand miners armed and possi bly more determined than the average militiaman; for it has been openly stated that some of the state troops were re solved not to lire on the miners, come what might. Uut as the matter stands at present Tennessee has one plain duty to regain lull control over the situation, to bring the miners to understand that the law must be obeyed, to put the convicts back into the mines, temporarily at least. It should not lie forgotten that the miners have a substantialgrievance: that thepulicTof the stale of Tennessee in leasing out its convicts take the bread out of the mouths of li ce men and wo men. When a man stands idle and his family are suffering because law break ers' work is preferred to his, the citicn whose efforts upbuild and uphold the state, right there you have made the very air he breathes The Tennessee Coal mining company, at whose mines this trouble h.isoeeui red, have issued a plea to the public in which is this paragraph : "I'm- the benefit of the svinp.ilhi.ns of the moli at Coal Creek we -i iiiit publication of t.,c contract we LIFE IN NORTH CAROLIS'A. The first number of the Raleigh liven ing Visitor mut make a very favorable impression. The preliminary work as to the ns- sesmeut ot ths various railroad for taxa tion, is progressing at a cautious pace. Rev. J. D. Hulliam, D D., who has been pastor of the Itaptist church Ht Scotland Neck for nearlv fifteen years, has offered his resignation, to take effect the first of October on condition that there sliotild appear any reason why his pastoiate should not "continue here longer. Charlotte News: John C Dnvicson bought a chicken Saturday. When the chicken was killed aud cleaned, six ipiat u crystals were taken Irom its craw. Two ol the stones showed free Hold and in ad dition to this, a Hake of virgin gold was found. A 1'iceon River correspondent has been informed of an assault upon the thirteen-vear-old daughter of William w.-tls of Turkey Creek, near the line ol Huncomlie and Haywood counties. The villain is a burly negro whom Mr. Well has hail living with him as anervant. He was arrested. Oxford Ledirer: The lot of fertilizer manufactured hv the Durham Fertilizer company, seized by lnieelr Terrell in Oxlord some liirce week ago, upon analysis by the state chemist was $3 7 oer ton short, is shown by the Agrieul tural bulletin lor June. These goods have been seized by Sheriff Crews. The Raleich News ami Observer chronicles the death of Mr. James . Tcr rell. late superintendent of the Soldier home, at Kolesville, hi old home. He has been in precarious health (or some lime, and his death wa not unexpected, lie died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Young, on Sunday morning. He was a confederate veteran, and was in I he 57lh year ol his age. Household Remedy TOM ALL l BLOOD AND SKIN f i IS) la Botanic Steed Balm U Si BOFUU. ULCERS, SM.T UUrCS rhIUW. ECZEMA, 7 ..... .il ,..,lU:anl "KikErUPTION, be sides being etl.cacloui In toning up Ihe rjsifianu iuvi.s.,i when Impaired t'fm ti cunt. lit elnost supernatura' heallnu properllM i l. ..til. us In auanrlvcisi S curl, il dlrcotlcns are lolloaeii. ft WE HAVE FINE LINETAYLOR' HOUIS & ItfiOTllERTON, -1F- rnrTiiATVi" "Buali f W Muter. " SENT FREE A TV non r-V '1 CO.. A::;nU, CJ. V 4. v'V'C-' '-O.'.V - If Ycu S-Save Kick flcudarlii'. "all run nawn, mwm tug flealt, on will find I IV. Imllm'-tlon. FlKlllr-( I ltd Tu r Hallo d I 1110 ILjuHch' Oxford Tic. 7 ALL VARIETIES. We are turning out of our Custom Department, a beau tiful Ooze Calf Shoe, high and low cut. (iivi: r.s a TKIAL, "Weaver & Myers, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. No, 39 Patton Avenue, the i-Ik.I them to sign. Mr. Merrill, an ex-miner and labor agitator and disturber, in re plying to 1'iov. Buchanan Inst week, termed the conditions ol this .ontract as a "niodilicd form of slavery." Readers will decide for themselves as tu any in justice demanded on the part ol the company." Tin; Ci rizi N is much mistaken if one stipulation of the proposed contract docs not liear out .Mr. Merrills statement, it Is: "The party of the tirst put agrees to maintain a regular pay day on the fust Saturday alter the l.'iili of each month, and to pay such panic of the second part all that shall lie Hue them after de- duetiiiL' the store account, the rent ac count, smithing, or anv other account that may be due from the parties of the second pari to I he parties of the Inst pari." In other words, the miner, without capital as he is, would have to wait un der this contract forty-live days before licing paid for his first day's work, the company having the heneht of the use ot Ins earnings in the mean time. This, to gether with the "stole account" feature, is all that is needed to bring about a "modified form of slavery" for the miner. I Ir is continually in ilrbl to the company, or at best has the use ol but a small pro portion of Ins own earnings at any time, to buy w here he will and on what term he can liesl "ccure. That t lie Tennessee miner would not sign a contract ol this kind is to their credit. His of an antiquated kind, cal culated to oppress labor, not justified in a settled, civilicd country by any possible set of circumstances, bad altogether. LliTTHMS I'Ki'M Till- I'l-i fl.K. A Notable CorreHpon4nce. laiiToK Tin: Ciuzkn: The New York j World of the '.'nth iust. contains the lol I lowing correspondence between Mr. I Clailstonc, the world's greatest slntes j man, and Mr. Spurgeon, the world's greatest living preacher. Mr. liladstone j rcceutlv wrote to Mr. Spurgeon: "In my own house, darkened at the present time, I read with sad interest, I the account of Mr. Spurgeon's illness. I I can not help conveying to you an earn est assurance ol my sympathy unil POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of Itirlrr ImMtlK "iittd'T lliell -t nl all in U'nvi-iiin sl-t nctln 4. Cuverrinu-nt I-'imhI Krpnrt. tharamxly yon utt. Ther . 1 1 a I r iih I v I over v. t w III f t 4 I ailaf rroaiiliaiit- Xlecly ausjar BOLD KVKUYWIIEBB, WHEN YOU WANT ?im1 room Suitu, Tarlor Sui1, v.Hy Chairs, HocKers, Siile Hounls, Kxteiision ThIiIi'h, Dining Chairs, Kitchen Tables, I'cil Lounges, Single Lounges, II., I !!,. L- Wnnlrolies. , ( enter I utiles, Otliee l'u rn it lire, l'ictures, Shades. No. 43 Patton Avenue, Leonard Clen liable .Refrigerators, Water Coolere Wire Dish Covers," White Mountain lee Cream Freezers Fly Trnps and Fans Oil Stoves,, Fly Screens for Doors and Windotra Agents for White's Sewing Machines. Old Fstablished Machine, Loin; and Fnvorably Known. PRICES AS LOW ASTHi; LOWEST. See our inachincB before purchasing. JEWETT STEEL RANGES. DO YOU WANT A WATCH? Or Would You Prefer Handsomest Halite ever seen in Asheville, in our window. Well worth looking at. Sample set up STRAUSS' EUROPEAN IIOT1CI, AND RESTAURANT. BOARD BY THE KtONTH, WEEK OH DAY.. Ktrrrt cars jibm the dour. IIkii front s All I ask K ROOMS ALL NEWLY FURNISHED. Also, tatile bonnier1; ran lie arromnindateil. o'etock a. m. until 1'.! o'clock p. tn. Am iirrimscil tor catering ai .hnrtrsl notice for Home I'nrtlr., nulla, rtc. trial. My Celebrated Philadelphia i-'rlea Arc well known No one can fturpa '. Ihrin. Am proud to .ay I have Ihe flnf(, taraea Kanve In AHhevlllc. (.'on iwrve order, in fiom .1 to r, uilnntr., hih-Ii n. IM.h, (inH'. Oy.ter i the Hull Shell rollte and attentive waiter.. 1'lea.cil to nerve all K.Hclfi'lly, dee 4 dl K. STRAl'HH, Prop. bv any obstacles projected by the forces . csl " .,n-v " " 1 ' ' '"-v u ..i, .i.b i j . i-nrillill :n inir:tthll l(ir 111. SIlkMH ll IH1W. of nature. Our temper is to rally, try t.r9 ,lUt ,ti miM C fur ,evtctl nntl aeain, and ultimatclvconiiuersucli forces, , unfuilini; character I liinnlily commend and over them to display the banner of' yon ami him in all conliiiKendcs to the victory. In this matter of light houses j ia which are involved not only com mercial interests but human safety, but one question has been asked, "is it neces sary ?" followed by another, "is it feasi ble?" The Ivddystonc light house was suggested as a safe-guard to the mariner traversing the most stormy and dangerous waters ol the I'ug lish channel. Far out in the waters with a rocky foundation hardly visible amid the lashing ot the storm. With icr ils surrounding every hour of the long years ot construction, the work was eventually carried to successful comple tion, and for a century and n half was a beacon of safety to thousands of tempest tossed ships. The light on the Hell Kock on the Scottish coast was constructed with more of difficulty, danger, and cost of time; for the work, owing to the fury of the waves, could only be curried on for a few weeks in some seasons; ami nine years were required for its comple tion. On our own coast, the light on Minot's ledge was built only after many failures, and several appalling disasters. In all cases courage, perseverance, de termination and science prevailed. Why then should the work on Diamond shoals be nbandoned, or even delayed? Its importance equals that of the liddys tone. The volume f commerce flowing along our shores is scarcely less than that which crowds the English channel. Every week in the year recordssiune wreck some disaster to noble ships, some melan choly extinction of vnlmible lives, some irreparable waste of property all liecause of the absence of the warning Ix-ucon. The faith of the government is commit ted tq the erection of a safeguard; the pride of the American people is involved in this battle with the terrible forces of nature. The battle once engaged in, there is no retreat, victory must be won, : even if the light is renew. d again and gain. But the work should be undertaken by national authority.' It should not be left to contract. Contractors have too much personal interest at stake. They cannot afford to note the chancel of loss, nd they have little of fame to win even if successful. VTe nope to hear nothing more of the h5 m u S 3 z J u c e e e te 7. 3 e t i iKMirui: mi:pairi, UPHOLSTERING DONE, CARPETS - LAID. C'AI.I. UN HL VIR & BROWN. FURNITURE DEALERS AND UNDERTAKERS, 3 Patton Aonne. Fl'KNlSHKU ROOM'S. For rent, well kept, centrally located. Mo'lcrn conveni net. ftt WHSTKKN HIlTHI., 8. W. Comer Public Squnre. Asheville. N C. Minintlhm PIANOS AND ORGANS On tuny trrm. Ch or monthly A-mrtiU home, rHMiool or omcr on fifteen uy trial Krrv tfiattriimcnt euarnntrrtl, ira'J in Call ami tcr the tH-k at U I'utt, Avciiyf, J. F. Garratt, Agent. Asheville, N. V. BRICK. BRICK. FOR HALK BY BRICK. E BRICK & TILE COMPANY, AftheviBe, N. C. P. O. Box 4 6. A LITTLE HIGH. mlinite stoics ot divine love anil mercy Mrs. Siiiirgeon replied with a note of thanks, to which Mr. Spurgeon, now slowly recovering, I raced with his own feeble ham! t lie following poslcript: "Yours is a word I love, such as those only write who Invr been into ti e King's country ami seen much ol 1 1 is lace. M v heart's love to you." How refreshing and inspiring this ex hibition ol christian svmii.itliv mid fel lowship between those venerable and distinguished representatives of widely different eccle.iaslical organizations! What testimony this is to the living power of the christian religion! Long may the lives of both lie prolonged to ailoru the annals of the church of Coil ! I. I.. Carroll. Home and Forclmi MlMaoam. UinroK Tn K Citizks: The Rev. Mr. C. W. Ityrd, of the Central Methodist church, south, preached one ol his forci ble sermons on last Sunilay morning. His subject was to aid the woman's mis sionary work in presenting their claims to the congregation for the sum of $Mt)0. I could not help thinking when Mr. Hyrd was laboring so hind to convince his congregation of the great importance of giving freely to aid such work in a foreign land, that our christian ieople ought to lie doing lor some of our own American people that arc located about the old depot and Cripple creek; that there a portion of the $800 could be used with as good results as in either China or Japan. Observer. One of the troubles of life is the breaking of lamp-chimneys. Needless. Macbeth's "pearl top and "pearl glass are touch against heat. You will save nine-tenths ol your chimney-money by using them, " Pearl top" fits most ol the little lamps ; " pearl glass " is for " Rochester, " Pitts burgh," " Duplex," etc. We make a great many sizes and shapes, all of tough glass. You can get the right ones. Talk with your dealer about it FlUlDOra. GIO. A. Maciith Ou. For Malaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion, rase BROWN'S IRON BITTERS CARPETS Jl'HT RICCKIVKI From the Factories IN PHILADELPHIA AND OTHER POINTS. -TAKE V'lt'K Broken Jewelry A Nil DISABLED WATCHES AND CLOCKS TO M. A. TILLER, AND HAVE THEM MADE AS GOOD AS NEW. No. if N. Court (tqnnre, NIC XT IIOOK TO POHTOKKH'J-' G. II. MAYKR CONSULTING : OPTICIAN 61 South Main Ht. tw vrntv two roll inKinin. rxtm hikt. X plv tmH'Mrv. IhmIv Hrunt'l ami vilvt-t cat- ( Mif htintltrd anil t 'Kl't rollfi rhinn ftlraw mattinh. unr hundu-d find thirtj-Avt Smjrna anil fur niKH. fifty -onr art niiarfs. Coma and nnpiii matting. Torticrrri and 1it rurtain. Somr of thctr sondn wrrr hntittht at grcutly frditccd prieri and will lc u1U at a harKain. Call and r mv ltntnvnf utock, thr lartrrHt nd onlv rxvluslTr carjct hoiite In thr state. JAS. P. SAWYER, 49 H. Main St., Anile Yille,N.C. ,jnn2;td3m n;ui i;ct hm;ht. RxitM in the alturtUT nf ht adai-hc, pnln in 'f about the c. dininmM in riailifiK r injc nt a dtiiuu'v Have your nij:ht tstcd free of charge. Sat isfaction Kuaraiilcrd. Thermometer I 'or (he hou'f or garden; bath or dairy; i lit iniciil or iVter thfrmonieterii;ntorm irlannM :ind thermotnrterii comhined; hydromctem or thermometrrtt to measure liquor, acid, etc. KKK Boilers. 1 hrre minute Hand fftaai to cook roar eg properly, 25 cents. All kindof cirntific tnitrumrntn. FOR IW OPJLY mountain park hotel YOUNG MEN OLD MEN . Ill II 1st TSUI W MI MIMlTI (I IISUIC Thtr till Btrele Snru to tr lk.Bi.lrti. . m sot bowibi o M faioMinilir lllMKEFFTH HORRID SNAKES tkrr fiT. .a ti un nh tau m .) OUR NEW BOOK Ml ft. tmi MM. ImMI far . mitd U-.tplJa. ta. piiloMpky of DIimm w u4 AJlIttUH ! Ui triiu, ho by NUML IHtAIIPbRII. in, tk worat raanaf B.Brsu ana p. IHtf , WkaM of Itar aa MM, If KM of ETfr tr Immmi. ItiiUC tsasssi MM MSt k. r.Msl I.M.flU tl fc 4T. owtw hl.ri. b1 BtrBBrtkMWlAl, DM DMI10PIU 010 AMI f AITS of BODT mm4 UbII la WriW4. 14 Mi . Terrtiartrt mai FmifB Can' Mas, Tm w -rriu ikt . T stoU.fgll -ipUB.' prrwfe. vit tRII MEDICAL CO. SO 11 1 I -w. HOT 8PR1NC;8, N. C. Thin charm in k reort 40 miles from Anhe- villc, under it" new management in lieluiecon- ilncted on the trglunt K'w'c of rsctllencc which insure Itn continued and incn aaed ptipnlarlty. Hciiuliful arrnrry, dry hrncinjc air. Natural htti watrr d litis n murine pool mnut tuxur'a KwimminK pool nlth bnthini nuitM. lame art at aciiAhurc hlllinrdt, liowlitiK, tmnin, etc. AmuM-mrnt fur the pteanure aeeker, rent for the o.erwtirktd, health for the Invalid. Houae modern lu all appointment, elera tr, electric Iwllt and tag Table and ser vice unexcelled Kimms good sUed and wll lurnUhrd. Fnr particulars nddres PRUHKEMESS Liquor Habit. mmmmura maesMrauaMt I! WIVES GOLDEN SPECIFIC Itosn to riven III anfftw. tot. nr In arttclM of fnnrf without Ui koxwleclK nl mttrnt If nceuir : II bHMUtvIv bArmlfW sno will flrt s cwrms-1 Dnt ftnd ap(ly wire, wlwUwr thr uuini I, I 1ul1d3m DR. W. F. ROMS, That is the way Home pM)jil( like their pnnie. Ilowover. few jM'ople want even i picture of Asheville that way. Appreci ating that fact (vnl ever desirous oj wiv ing the people money (while making some for ourHelvea)' Thk Titizen han purchas ed the exclusive right to sell the VIKWSof Asheville (which 1h'. v len sold a. f 5 oa-h ) " for a. paid-in-ndvnnco subscription to The Daily Citizkn Tlia t, is, you pay us 3 for Thk Daily Cn izKNtos' six months, and w will giveyoua-siiMTl pictui-e of Ahhevillfi FUKK. That's a filing of ter or ought to lie. You get Thk Citizen at the usual rate and the picture besides, and we get the inter est on your f '! and the pleasure that comes of bei ng I iberal .. If you want, extra, copies of TUB. 1MC TIUIK t o send away that matter can prob ably be arranged nt the business office of ThbCitizkn. Hut first we must have the paid in-advance sul s c r i p t i o n of f t. That's fair. N. IV You can take your choice ol the pictures, those on thin or thoson thick pnier. . The former a re b Ht t send a way ; the latter are the beat to frame. T1IECITIZKN. pakilygroIeriesanV ROVISIONS Arnt tot R mi Crwrk North Mnh. ttlao'ly ln Mill". TII, N. C. 1 f "rl"'' " Aj Iv""'-In 1 tn Mut., wlllioul Pain. B I "' V'Tils W rlrlurn. (;onlnlns no T 'r4ilor Tin Hinnnn nulotsncrn. ami I p. rih-i t)y phynlrlKna. HhI sj f " wl'thtsrh liottln. Price U I t UnM hv lj iiKKliti. lwar of Snb. JtfXlnUjtX crnrJhMDToJrtNjO FOB 8ALB BY RATSOR I SMITH. ASHEVILLE. N. C. TRY THE Dodara tefhrl ii ker or an Bicoboi Ir wnr k EH TAILH. IttpenwUnitnqutly and w lib but h I crrw. .ht wisw wi" nnurnw unoergoea no in irnoBj, pna sno nw cmupiaM rti HIGH GRADE, LOW RICE, EASY IK RMS. LUDDEN & HATES, S. M. II, Thk Iiaii.t Citizh.n hits IxniKlit, and I Smi.rr ilrall.?ff anrl hnnrat rrrreM'titatinn hare rnablrd thil huliar ti avativ the noiltriiai IIH'V mar IK men III inr snow winnow cm ot neing the mom rename in me noma. A. M. Ficltl, tin South Main street. A SOI. II) GOLD LAIUF.S' WATCH AND CHAIN. The ense is H kHrnts. hniKlsomely enrvtd, with Klin nuirr metit. The chain Is gtiltl, lieantifullt ilccoratrd with fine hnrd cnnmcl. Also, a HHAI'TU'l.'L LAIUKS' STICK I'lN, maile tiHiit Siecial order. The I'in is what is known hs the Clover Lenf de sign, and consists of four handsome stones one Aquamarine, one Amethyst, one Topaz and one IHamond, set in solid fjold, beautifully ornamented and en- KriiTcd. This Watch and Tin are to lie Riven to the two ladies in Aslicvillc w ho will show that they deserve thtm. The Watch will lie Riven to the lady securing the largest numlier of nubscrili ers to Thr Daily Citizkn between this date and liccember 1st. The Tin will liefjiven to the lady get ting the next largest number. A suliscribcr will be the name of any lierson in AlcviHe not now a suIuxtHht to Thk Citizkn, accompanied by $1.01.. A name accompanied by $2.00 will count two, anil a name accompanied by $3.00 will count three. Anil to all $;l.O0 sub scribers Thk Citizkn will make, in nddi lion, a present of one of those splendid liinlscye views of Ashcvilic. Lndics, this is your opportunity. Any gentleman can get subscribers, but they must lie counted for some lady. Look al the splendid Watch and I'in, and see what a handsome, and costly present either of them will muke for your wilt or young lady friend. They are unusually costly and beauty ful, and there is not a lady In Aslicvillc but would be delighted with either for Christmas. They will cost yon nothing, except a little effort during odd moments when doing nothing else. Thk Dmi.y Citizkn is the people's pn per, and this unpircedcnted indiiivntt nt is offered in or er thai ninny more peo ple may read il each day. There lire at l.fiOO men in Ashe ville who do not now subscribe lor Thk Citizin, who arc amply able to do so, and Thk Citizkn knows no easier wav to secure them than by enlisting the efforts of the Indies in its Ixhnlf. ; r All names will lie carefully catered in book kept for the purpose, and the lady sending in tin greatest number ol tames, ai-compMiled by the money, as indicated, before December, will get the Watch on December 1st, and the out getting the next largest will get the I'in. , ft a paaifclat of InforaiaOoa sad .! I Yi.trwtof ths lawdhowlns How loZf a Obtain Palanu. Cavaata, XntoI V 1V Maria, Ooprriiraija, mmt ft. W Wum muhn QO.jfjrm JS.l BraadwaT. f S2 (CuitoB-Mids) PaIiITx i nil in A NEW ONE i FOR AN OLD OSfE. i na m nin suit, wrr . hroke, iHrtv spotted; 1 look (t d m x L 7.T j! '""S i an r the Nation, alnaak of Aahevill, nn. had It made nood aa i w for only trine " Vo akouM thu -mmt. )ond3m venlef lfuv.n I and soot,i hla eoniplau reformauoa hi I pwaw wa is ua ii.ii ox KAYtOlt SMITH, Drasgtats.l Aaherllle, N. C. ' aas.wlj aio wc fri LAUNDRY 17 Patton Avcnnca ".. ". I IIIIB Bl.'.B SOO ind WUlaksaTabiwi yiiraj at Lama li..- oulaaln. bonk nt n. t lllculannani PaVksL' "aaaawauawaaa.aI.WO(II,LgY u 77 UMta. 00, Una WbaW-t (Custom-Made) from Maaafii' Rewinanta. Hallaraeoe. (aaraauiaa or J money nfattdari. 3END YOW ADDRESS FOR SAMPUS and last mol lns lor Sall-Maasursiaant. PIEDMONT PANTS COMPANY Winston, N. C. A ak air aseata far W. I.. Daatlaa Maaa. Il aal far .ale la yoar .laca aak yaar dealar la aaad for calalosaa, aacaro Id. UTTAal NO MDBMtlTUTB.I I ija"?tfaf FOR l 3aaaBSBfC.- mtj - WHY 18 THS W. L D0UCL AS S3 shos bwfa and aaarTaid ' arte of Ih J eair. itvll.h ir!w.laa "ST"" m T. 5 """ a mt Or. J omnia frcmi $4.aoP 1. SJ -T.wlaalae lland-awf , the Snt ealf Iiiiw J "i ml ""fwd r SJ , eiual Kreneh -"tirlHI hoei whlehoMlfr on) Ji ,itolU.ii. at eonifi. ruble. idlaj hna arar offered at UiU petew.-u tiira-mnde nhiea omitlng rniai afili a CO, 40 Pallet ethori raraMa 90k and l.rWt'arrleni.11 HZ MamleM. imonth ln.Me, heave rrlB Monediii one pair will wajiaywi j aeRlfi Boheta,.;,,, S1! f"'.P-e on trraliwttll ifarSx"""? '"'nintiaaliaa a are .rare atmng aad rittraM PlnVtl' '0 adi.l,?Saa w theTr merits ,. (he ln. rW.ln. S rouaenan laa.-See Hampftd1 e SOLD BY st M IMCK B ! UltThkla Asia T nl. !1 .72 irablt. The tvt m Rrftile aa cun- , Hutlmad Mpn (hfin; AnitrBlf. o hoIpb, exlt'ii pvr offprtvi at rtmvlnve ihow vlr. tmtm'a nhora Thfw who itthnr mnkt. hnnl thoea ar vhniTt thajrarll (t -how. prf itltMS bMlt ittiuaUFrauoh .79 fttonA for haml tlnralrla. iim' nana aad ob atw n. ckloa, Maaa,

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