ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 13, 1891. NOTHING LIKE ITI Hood to thicker than mist, ad muni he kept pure to knaure good health. sTWirr's Si-koipic in natures remedf far this purpose. It aeve-r to fails ellmnat the Imps tUs tad build up the general health. There to only one Swift's Kpecifla, ad there is nothing llko it Be lure and ffet the genuine. Treatise on Mood Mid Skin Dvssatna awitod free. lbs Swift Snort fir Co.. Atlanta, Cka PROFESSIONAL CAM'S. R. H. REEVES, I. D. DKNT4I. OFFICK ill Cnnnally running, over Redwood'. Store. Patton Aventir. Koidrnrr, S5 Spruce street. W P KAMSAV. tl. I. S. Dental onu- i Over the National llnnk of Asheville. Par nnrd lluilding. Kclllrncc, ll'.l Charlotte st. IrhUflillT I A. TBNNBNT. 9 ' rrhitet't and Contractor. Plena. specificntif ms and estimates fur at.hcd. All work ir.i niv line contracted lol, and no charges for drawings on contiact awarded me. Heferencea when desired. Office: No. 12 H endrv lllock. North Court Square, Asheville, N. C fchl9dly f'E. DAVIS, CONTRACTOf-i AND SUPERINTI NDENT. In all kinds of wood, brick and t"nc work, and in agent b .r I tic Nii'ion.-il Slu-etii' d R'.of "grompanv Keeps n k "I tin shingles on hunrt. Ai,l work cu.iimilccd Akciii mi the Pens Piw una' comiwnv Hot "ir. uteiini r hot wntr- liruiit g. llo nun "tha No. 11 Will ,vv street;. 'dice hunts Iroin to in a m.; fro'., 4 to ' P ni. Residence Ml Seller street, y.'cls-.honc I1H. tuncl-Ml y .14-Vears' Exp r 'iivc34 wilLTON HARDING CONTRACTOR ANI lU'lI.I'KR. 1'romptness giuirnntcctl. i itlice No. .'I, arc ond floor. Hendry block, directly over pot office. Residence No 1 7'-' Chestnut street. E. CO I FIN, BI1A1. .-STATU ,i:i:NT. I.KAN URi'KI'K ASH Al l 1 InM'liR Ten Years' Experience. No. 32 l'ntton Avenue. MvAfee Hlork. Room 4. Office hours '.) to 1, a tn fl. Charles M, Stcriman, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, OFFICE OVER THE BATTERY PARK BANK AHhevlllc. ?. V. ' nugHilUm K. H. BKITT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUI'.DER. Alio grading of all kinds done. All order promptly filled and v, ot k mmtnntced. Can he found at oil tune" nt I'.rnlinm'B l.'ottor Factory ..ugindt? H. W. FITCH, ARCHITECT ANO SUPERINTENDENT. 31 year pructitnl citKriime. '.lire v.r Battery 1'iitlc Hunk. All a Kiiarjin teed. tHrice hour 1 to S in. mayl-.d.wim INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, Ci'.eiioral i Insurance i Agent. Rear No. Uo Smith Main street. Batiihlishcri lKt'.f.. Ashevillr, N. C au.1 dl v . h. IIVMK, CIVIL ENGINKER, ASHEVILLE, N. C Room 4, Barnard Building:, A. II. CQ15H, STENOGRAPHER. RtuiM i. jucait:i; m ii.niNf,. Lethal Work a Specialty. Walter S. Cushman, (Formerly of the Mnssnchusctts llnr.l ATTOHKKV-AT-I.AW, COHUISSIONRK lP I.KKIIS. ANO NOTARY IM'Kl.U No So lntton Ave , McAfee block, room I ASHHVII.l.l-:, N. C. gPKri.UTIKS: REAL IWKim AD filMEVWIMi. aprSdtf Dr. J. W. RolllllK, VETERINARY PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON, ARHKVILLH, N C, I will keep an infirmary for sick animals. Parties having sick hursr. will find It much to their ndvantnitc to have tbem sent in nt once, where I keep a good supply of medi eines and proper appliances (or administer inc it at short notice, office antl innrmnry 78. South Maia Street, Ray building, oppo sit, Slwannanoa Hotel. mayluutf DON'T read it. I IF YOU 1)1). DON'T BELIEVE IT Only bring: tout mi ft fit and worn out auit with it, and h;vc mndr n pood fit of It Cleaninr. repairirtr, binditiK tn it lv MYKRS, TH R IIOSTOV TAII.OR, lender the National Hank of Asheville. junftdam Chalvbeate Water, Brouifht In pl direct from thc Ashevillr Chalybeate Spring (lonfr known aa Uee'a Chalybeate aprinK) now on unlc ut booth on north t.ourt aquare, bv the lana, aer cd cold, 3 centa. three elasaea 5 cents or hr the arul 1oi, half gallon, or any q nan tit r quantity nraircn at K.J. ARMSTRONG. low price. jul7dtf TRY THE MODEL LAUNDRY 17 Patton Avenue. JAPANEr M of whstevu. Internal, BlLu in, Beoeit c boxes, $S.X ipt 01 prioc o Pilef ale and retail evule,. TOWN OF WAYNESVILLE. THK KXTRKMK HF.AUTY OF ITS MTVAYTION. Kvervhoely Can io There Hep trinler , and Buy a Lot and Have a (iood Time Generally, The ride to this beautiful town wns no new experience to me, nor was I nnfnmiliir with nil the points of branty there or nloiiK tlie way ; vc. RoinR over again on Tuesday the grandeur and the loveliness of the scenery, aad the Attrac tiveness of the town itself, came upon me with a vividness and iinpressiveness that had nil the freshness of a first visit. There wits a Rlory of color in the atmosphere, n transparency of the air, a deepness ol verdure and a variety yet linrinonv of tints, that combine to give a constant succession of new pictures that mijiht realize to the uninitiated all the anticipations of mountain landscape. What we liehold from Asheyllie as "lend inn enchantment to the view," became close and familnr companions. The mountains that houn 's the vallcj's anil girdle the InndscniK? now gather around us, anil look down upon us as we tread the winding wav at their very liases, and through their narrow recesses the tender blue of distance gives way to vivid green; and still each step o progress unfolds some farther distance and still each mountain range erects it sell to greater height, until we find our selves embosomed in the very heart of llie Balsam mountains with deep valleys thrown wide oiien to give us welcome with hcavcn liitcd barriers to keep us where we are, and hid us seek no larthrr in search for set sic splendois. Wavnesville itself iseui bosomed among the mountains, enclosed, except towards l lie North by some of the loftiest heights .itnong the majestic Ralsom mountains. They open to give a pathway lor the clear rippling, clblcd-lmttoiiied Rich land creek, and its valleys wide and ver dant, dotted with house and farm, and stretching lar back into those deep recesses oyer which tower those summits so high us to have received their arctic garb of the dark Canadian balsam, giving prool thai they overtopihe height six thousand feet. llctwecn this valley and n narrower one upon the cast runs out a long prom ontory with frequent lateral projections; and upon these are built the town of Wavnesville, far enough below the moun tains to lull beneath their shadows; far enough above the vnllevsiis tn command . them to their remotest recesses, pictur- esipie in site and appearance and gaining added piclures(iieness trom tower nnd steeple, antl the conspicuously lieautiiul county court house, overtopping every oilier human structure and standing out in bold and lieautiiul relief against its noble mountain background. The town, limited in its area, was hampered in its attempt togrow. There was room enough around it, but the most eligible lor extension was owned by one whom no consideration would in duce to sell that which invited most to purchase and improvement. At length Mr. Walter Hrown, the owner relerred to, died, ilis son, Mr. Wesley Hrown succeeded to the title of this property, and In. m Inui Mr. I. 1,. lloyd and other gentlemen, constituting the Wavnesville Land company, bought a hodv of land lung bet Keen the town and the Hay wood White Sulphur Springs, I he work ol development was not de I.'n etl, and titty acres are already laitl ofl i in lots ol one hundred Irel Iront. 1 he most attractive of these lie aloiiK the crest of a lotm wooded slope from every point ol which most ci.niiiiaiKliii and in.inihttiil views are olitained no and down the valley of Kiehlaud creek; up lacii. the toweriiiK fronts of the llalsain iiii.untuins; down, until the view if closed liv the majestic mass ol the Crab Ircc I and its ilankm; conipunioiis in the persiecive, the distant Sandy Mush bald, Clumber's mountain, audits oppo site neighbor, Uathcrwood mountaiu, with t lie far-extended placid, verdant valley lietween. Ilelow are seen the clear vivacious waters of the creek, nnd thus lhat too olten ahsenl element of the pic lureisiie, liviiij,' water, is added to the view. Streets are laid off through the prop erty with reference to gentle trades, and wind through the grounds in graceful curves; aud by their number and direc tion give easy access to each lotto be told. These streets are partly finished, and all ol them ate Uing energetically worked upon so as to be finished at a day near at hand. They are extensions of the streets of Way ncsrille and have been directly instrumental in adding value to the property ol the town. One of them lorms a new and very eligible a proach to the White Sulphur Springs, which lie in on the north side ol the creek opposite the company's property. On thc very aiex of the ridge at an ele vation of nearly two hundred leet above the valley, is 1'isguli 1'ark, so named be cause thai famous peak, so prominent in the landscape, is seen to the east through a singularly rieepgap in u spur of the ll.ilsaii' uieniug in that direction. This park contains live unpd a half acres, crowned with native forest trresand sur mounts the scene with commanding iin pressiveness. The whole proiierty is so near to Wavnesville as to be a part of it; an ex tension ol it long desired and uow about to be consummated. This will be offered at public sale on the tirst day of September next, and the day niter the sale there will lie given on me grounds one ol those barbecues or dinners in which old time cordinlity, hos pitality, simplicity and prolusion find their amiable and admirable expression. (Juietly aud unostentatiously Waynes villc has entered upon that stage of exis tence so ufieu, and too often, preceded by a boom. There is no necessity for a boom here. Wavnesville has only broken the re striction imposed upon her growth by exclusion, until tow, from territory es sential to its expansion. Advantages of position, of healthfulness, of scenery of universally recognized, are now to be ap plied so naturally and so favorably at simply to appear as the removal of an obstruction in thc way of progress. It is this and nothing more. There it noth ing artificial about it. Speculation would stand abashed in the pretence of tnat which claims attention from HI own solid, intrinsic value. There are other thiugs in connection with Wavnesville which have their hao- pv influence upon itt future. Itt fortune to long deferred, seems at once to come in bountiful profusion. The Woman's Southern Christian tern pernnce union assembly, after a full antl discriminating search tor, and investing tion of, proKY sites for the location of their Assembly hall anda chool ol meth ods, decided upon Waynesvtlle. And it mav esteem ut. I! happy in doing to. The gift bv thc citizens of the town ol $3,vU0 was a strong and gratifying inducement. But, hesitation, if any there was, was subdued at once by the magnificent do nation! by three turviving daughters of Mr. James K. Love Mrs. Htlliard, Mrs, Stringtield and Mrs. H. a .net if five acres ol land in the town ol Waynesville. It is tl)e site of the old Love mnnaion and surroundings, nnd in many respects the most beautiful in the town. For it is at the end of the long promontory with an outlook .hat nothing can obstruct. Pro jecting tar out into the volley, it domi nates a scene ot combined beauty, peace fulness and sublimity, ia admirable har mony with the benevolent object of the union, typical of supplications answered hopes fulfilled and hnpuinett attained. It is understood that many members of this assembly contemplate the pur chase of building sites iu and aenr Waynesville for the purpose of erecting cottages for summer residences, wkere they a 1 spend the summer, fret from the excessive heat of the south, and In the close proximity to the central at of the object ot their oiaauauon; and to suca the sale of lots by the land company will afford rare opportunity to secure desira ble localities. Another onward, rirm step, if the pur pose to rrecte on the site of the present academy, a new and more substantial :uid elegant hieh school, tocost $10,000. Of this sum, $7,000 is already secured, the plans are drawn, and the work will nt once be undertaken. Another most important enterprise is provided for. Mr. Charles Goodyear, of Uoston, well known throughout tne world in connection with India rubber fabrics, is now the owner of a tractin the very centre of the towa, and one noted in its history as the site of its first court house, built soon after the erection of a part of Buncombe into Hay woodeounty in 180R, Un this he intends to erect a hotel, for bath winter and summer use, to cost not less than $100,000. The sit uation is a superbly eominasdine one. and the guests of the hotel will have pre) sented to their eyes what will nil them with exhaiistless delight. Mr. Willis proposes also to build a hotel on property purchased from the Improvement company, in a situation close to the railroad, and not far Iron Richland creek. The location of the hotel is interesting from the fact that it will occupy the exact spot on which the house of Col. A. T. Davidson once stood, and in which Attorney-General Davidson was born. Among the new and valuable residents of Wavnesville is Mr. queries Uoodvear, already spoken of, wh-i became the pur chaser of the residence of Mr. James Moody, nnd adjoining property, improv ing the fame with marked taste and judgment. Mr. Moody himself has built one of the most elegant dwellings in the town. liX-Governor Chas. Anderton, of Ohio, is also a resident, having purchased a beautiful property from Mr. Garland Ferguson, on which he proposes to build, He is spoken of by the citizens as a most intellectual and interesting gentleman, of charming manners and genial nature, and apiiears to lie a general favorite. His public experience has been large, im portant and honorable. He is a brother of Major Anderson, of Fort Sampler his tory. I wh?M SULPHUR SPRINGS, business and has contributed J5,000 I addition ta the capital stock of the ; WAYNESVILLE, N C. An important improvement isincontrm-, UNDER ENTIRE NEW MANAGEMENT. plntion, and in fact propositions for its ! u M naia-'ui , execution are underconsideration. These! H BHlbHT, Prop, have been made to the Board of Alder- ' , The season f 1H1M at this popular resort ,,,, ,.. ,., -Urrrirlii-hla both are and now '""' lened and under the new man men to put in electric itgnts, ootn arc ana wnwnt the place is second to none in the incadescent, for use ol the streets and South. An eiexant hand is now here itiviiiK public buildings of Wnvnesvillc, and also plenty of daneina for tho e who enjov thnt ii'k:,. u..lnl,.. c.r;,,na llr,tl i pastime. The lare is nil that could lie desired or the White Sulphur Springs Hotel. "nnA thi. llure lwttcr ,,,, , mnk The power will lie supplied by the waters gueits en.ioy themselves than ever heiore. of Richland creek. The bin h'otrl a .1 cottars are Sllliii: up rnp- it M, c:.... llnl Vi-,t,l,i . hllv. Fo rooms, terms, etc., write nt once Dinner at the Springs Hotel brought . or ;.,,. ril:nt ,,, ,ld wt wil , that vou my oio inenn nngiu, lormcriy ine sans- fiu-ior. ln.ll,.r.l at HnUani. to mv re renewed exiierience. lie was nlwavs auccesslul in pleasing everybody at his nnprrtentinut table on the" road fide. ............. t.. I., hr, l ,l,.,,rtl . ,w r ciu ,lng in. i,trm ,, Hiutut 300 ncrcs upon hunselt in .deeper water. It isrnough iieinKii' niack to suv he seems to be in hit element. His 1 Mountain station on 'he Western North Car-i.nM-.':. r:.-l o.ll ..ll ..iimC,A f olin:i rnilroail, about aixteen miles from the home is fairly lull of well ntitfied guests. lilY ,)f A..vii;,, i ,he vnii.yof the Swan Mast ol them are from the outh, and nanon whereas, J M. stepp and N. K. many from Georgia who always win Stepp. his wife, of lilack Mountain, in the m. lu-nr) hfrsaw the. are ao much like county of llunivmbe. and tutc I NorthCiir. my heart, neiause tney are fo rauin uxe , oltna on thc 2M dny of Jime x 1()Mn our plain, honest-hearted North Lnro- made and e. ecu ud a murtuniR to Chas. s lillians. J. D. C. THK HOTKI. RKOHTKR. Samoa of Visitors la Ine fltv. and Wh u.ll Sfri... - - ----- , I. w A tl I ll,l. sonville; F. M. Carrington, R. F. Rymer, W.J. Morgan, R. Uingham and wife, N. p. i W (liuirlell Ala F A Shomaker II. K. t.OOtlCll, Ala., f. A. MlOl nauer, Huff.ilo, N. Y.: R. B. Branch, Pittsburg, " 'a'i T'' W'atkins, Gtt.; L. C. Hall, IVelvater NCI A Tirill A,ile ,.nrl " -..J.... a ; the money secured by said mo.taaife nnd I. M. Cook and wife. Suiter's Depot, S. j deed of tr t, now therefore by virtue of the f Mm Hi-own! Anderson power, of snle a. contained ill said mortgaKe L., Mrs. Ilrown, Miss Lizzie A"fon. ; and deed of trust, and by re..aon of the .le Miss Bessie Anderson, Miss Jessie Bcthell, tuult in the payment of the sum. of money Miss Maggie Summev, Miss Cora Sum- due and secured bv the aamr as ainrtsaiii; niev V Hill suinniev W W Fir-rton I the un.lersigned as mortRagec and trustee in niey, t. Hill ftuinmey, vv . . certon, , ,.jd mor,KW .0() dc,d ol trust will otlcr for Hcndcrsonville, N. t.; T. H. Hayes, o. L., sale by public auction upon the premise, as li. I'. Moorland, A. W, Leaurell, Miss M. h.-rlnaiter described for eah to the highest I la-anrell C F Howman T 1 tones bidderat such sale, on Mood .y,.the fith d.iy ;. 7 ' ' , ,' J- . o October, A li 1X111. the lands and prem- Charleston, S. C.;b. H. Matthews, H. C. j lie. as set forth and described in said raort Mnrgaw, F. F. Ouvis, H. M. l'reston, j Rage deed, and deed of trust, and for a more c particular description of the same reference is hereby made to said mortgage and deed of ...,,. H R,,lmn Haiti more; I. S. Belmont, Knoxville; R. M. ... , ,. . .. Michoe, N. C; K. T. Klllick, Newport; Ilnron d'.VIin.,. Ililtmore: W. S. Turner. r.-, . - Ohio; Mrs. T. C Skinner, J. Taylor Rog ers. Waynesville: Miss Anderson, Ko- tona, Ky, j. Beale. Misse. N. E and M. G. Beale, Mits E. M. Rainko, T. A. Bron- lev, Louisiana; J. Frank Wilkes, Char - lo'tte;j. j. Heskings, Knoxville; A. A. Watts and wife, Wilmington; E. G. Co- ben, New York; W. C. Lindtey, N. C; W. C. Stokef, Rochell, Kla.; C. A. Wil - liams Hardentville.S . C.; M. A. Thomas. Toke City. S. C; B. F. McLoud, Charles ton; Mrs. . h. Jervey and daughter, a. C; S. H. Foytens, Wm. . 1. Heinz, II. II. C, Fcters, Mrs, lilake 1. White and children, S.J. Zenold.J. M. Dickson. C. H. Speighti, Charleston. llatttryl'ttk : M. W. Rantom. North ampton, N. C; L. Miller, Toronto; C. H. Jervey, J. Blank, Geo. G. Hunken, Char Ictton; . S Griffin, B. F. Kohler, Augus ta; W. B. Trezevant, W. C. Fisher, W. R. Muller, S. C; P. B. McDowell and wife, Mrt. Springs, Mitt Springs, Mist Annie Tate, Charlotte; W. L. Durr, Ala.; Geo. b. Crab tree, Baltimore; 1). L. Cot- trell, . C. Cottrell, Richmond; Geo. E. n.i.i.K at i.u a. i.hi.., .iiu. j n, .u- mnn, Atlanta; W, A. Williams, jr., New ton; J. L. Moody, Newberne; T. A. Hen dry and wife, Mrs. T. C. Stokes. Edwin 1. Hokes. Philadelphia; W. Cummmg, Savannah; R. W. l'reston and wile. Brooklyn; Geo. B. Dritkell, St. Louis; Walden lames, Georgetown; M. larcky. J.Jacobson, St. Matthews, S. C; M. F. storm, s. C. Ky. Uelmont, Sulphur Springs: Mrs. John Brogan, family and servantt, New Or leans; Mrs. C. F. Mills, Savannah; Mrs. C. Sams, Savannah; Mrs. Hinton ones. Savannah; E. M. Speights, Wake Hill; Mrs. J. Barnwell, Columbia; Mrs. J. G. Mills, Savannah; Mrs. Amy Henster, Sa vannah; Geo. H, Smathcrs, Waynesville; Mrs. Daisy R. Glaze, Waynesville; Mrs. L. T. Oburn, Turnpike, N. C; Howard Oburn, Turnpike, N. C; Mist Maggie Fitzgibbons, Charlotte; Timothy Morru ney and servants, New Orleans; Albertus Vogt, Koae Bank, f in.; Mrs. a. vogt, Rose Bank, Fla.; Albert Kenfio, OcaTa, I. W. Fogt,Ocala;Mrs.J. W.Vogt.Ocala. Carrie Vogt, Miss Sarah Boyd, Ocala, Fla.; Mrt). John Kracke, Miss F. Krucke, Miss b. Kracke. I. II. K-racke, Miss f . II. Kracke, Charleston, S. C; T. G. Clarke, John Boyr1, M. C. Kourke, Knoxville; James Buyiwu, Fred Buysaa, Mrs.Jumes Buvsan, Little kock, Ars.; n. v. Stevens, f.mily and servants. Savannah, Ga.; George Claik, Dayton; Joseph Lamer, Mrs. las. Lamer, wunamtton, N. v.. Henry Smith, l'eoiia, 111.: Major L. A. , Ransom. laaiilT ana servants, coiumuia; W, M, Fay and wife, Mauassas, Ga.; M. E. Mayer, Greettille, Tenn.; M. Romel, Michigau City, Ind.: C. L. Jones, tumiy i j o mi e l. auu aervHiHB, ouvuiiuiuif auias oairun ni len, Columbia; J. P. Willhelm and wile, Mt. Vernon, luu.; 11. t. Williums and sis ter, Atlanta, Gn.; ex-Gov. A. M. Scales and wife, Greensboro, N. C; . C. Rob ertson, Columbia. See the 10 piece toilet set at Law's for $2.90; it is the biggest bargain yet. 2t Tate Sprinf Hotel was thc onh tnoun tain resort hotel in tbt United Statea to Stl before the Brat dm of Auguat. The hoett otxheatra to be found at any reaort la the Soatk k now at Tate bpriog Hotel, ,... , . V- tT Special ratea tojouagge.atlemeajgt i m i iiiimi M'sajt it xaiway' w , - -i ....-.v.i..t,. ...J for Infants "Caatorl b so well adapted to children ttuU I recomnwrnd It aa superior to any prescription known to me." B. A. Aacara, H. D., Ill Bo, Oxford Bt, Brooklyn, N. T. Advice to Womeu If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use . BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR ('AHTKitsvM.M, April 2ft, IfWi. Thiol will nftrtlfv tliAt two mrmlHirt of niT Immediate family, aftr havlnKSHffflt-wl for I jtan "'"''ffint'bTK p wcn atlnRthe4mipletlyciiidb'un imyfiiHRnB, iiurtb oomulettti v curfxi m one inn tie of Bmdrld' female HrgMlator. ItH effect t truly wonderful. J. v. Stkanub. Book to " WOMAN ' niKllM PHKK, which contain, valuable information on all feutalf tlea.'. BRADFIELO REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, OA. FOB H4I.K BT ALL OR fTOalSTS. HAYWOOD nr.-cou.lorlnl.k-. Address ll M IIKIGIIT, Prop., Wn.vnesville. N. C. Ju"7'llnl cjai.k liv 1THUC AI CTIO.N. ine mack Mountain Hotel property, ln- ! Baylls. of No. ao South street, city, county and state ol New York, to secure the inilcbt i dness as therein act forth anil described in ! smiI mortiiace. which is dulv tecon.'rd in th olhce of register of deeds ol lluncomli count. North Carolina, on the L'Sil .lay ol June, A I P. - I14"'-.."! a I o'clock p. m., in book No tl ol i ine Tfi-nrni ni m i ir I un t'n an an m ntiica hi ' l-aues 407, etc.. to which reference is tlcrebv the said J. m. stepp on the anh .lay of June. trust, to A.' mkin. nf theciw of Aahrvill. Is as trustee, to secure a debt a therein mtntl(inrdi wnk.h ,ttl f truat la recorded in said book f mortKnges. No. a, na .a AR? f avhi.-h i,r,.v Mara. I by made tor further particulars; and, where as, aeiauit naa been mane in llie pnym. nl ol .trust, as regi.iereo in .am registers onice as above stated, .aid land, and premises to la- sold in order to aatislv the debts, co.t. and .all expenses incurred by reason of said sale. ! ao secured by said mortgage and deed o. I 'r.,,,t'.I"COTninR ? l'.ri'.".itJr ' "" mi. august ist, A 11., ism. CHAKLIi.SS. 11AYI.IS, A. RANKIN, Mortgagee. Trustee. R:I';nrt"aVD,rar; oin he "...: m'jl',ic- A"hcviUt' N- c- 1 RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. i ; WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. 1 CoodcnKd Kncdu , t(ltct A a 1H(U eastroi.nd No. 10. I No. 12. , Lv Cincinnati. Q. At C. H ospni TH4.1pm " Louis' illc, L. At N. ' Knoxville, K.T V. At 0. 12 pm HI nam " Morrlstown, " 15"pni u aium 11! 15pm ua-pm i nripm a Cl 25pm t'.apm AHprn ft'.'Hp.n Lv. Paint Kock, K. At l) 43.1pm 44Hpm a 20pm 6 25pm 7 33pm H .4pm DllNiitn 1 illpm Hot Npnnga, " Ar. Asheville, Lv. A.tieville, " Hound Knob, " Mtirion, " Morganton, " Hickory, " Newton, " Statesville, Ar. Salisbury, " Greensboro, " Danville. 101 lpm llo.pml 040pm ladlainl 7a4pm 0 1 (lain loaopm 1 1 Ulaml la.lSam 4 40 m 700am Ar. Klchtnoud, 1 Lv- Greensboro lO.lilani 12 2Hpm 1.10 m 4 3Aum 7 lAam 1 3 70pm Kaleiah. " 1 2tmm " Gold.boro. 3 loom " Morehead C'y. A At N.C. 7 4apu I Ar. Lyncbb.irs R & I). 200pm " Washington, " M40pm " Baltimore, Penn. 1125pm " Philadelphia, " 300am ' New York, ' 20am 3 20am madam 1200 m 2 20pm 4S0pm WKSTBOVND, LV New'York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, " Washington, " Lynchburg, " Danville, Lv. Richmond No. 9. No. 11. 121Sara 3 r,0am 6A0am 11 10am 6 I Opm H 45pm 430pm Afi7pm S30pm 11 OOpm S 26am S loam 3o6pm 266am Lv. MoreheadK' " Goldsboro, ' Raleigh, " Durham, ' Greensboro, y.A AtN.C0.5nmi R. At D 3 3flpm 830pm " 8 OOpm I 1 30am o 7 05pm 332ani " 1 0 57pm J10 28am " 1243am 1 1202am Ar. Salisbarv, " Stntesv.lle, " Newton, " " Hickory, " " Morganton, M " Marlon, " Round Knob, " " Asheville, " Lv. A-heyille, " Ar. Hot Springs, " " Paint Ruck. " " 1 62am l.Skpm 247am 3 10am 3a:'am 4411am 5 33am A 55am 730am 8 6eani 144pm 202pui 2 36pm 314pm 351pm 6 03pm 5 23pm 6 4(1 pm 700pm 7 15pm 8 20pm 10am " Morrlstown, B T.V At G 1007am " Knoxville, " 1130am " Louisville. X. N. 2. - Ineinuati, Q At C. ""SOOTHBOUND. " 715am 1016am No. 16 2 OOpm 3 01pm 6 23pm 85opm 1250pm No". 64." No114 1 1 Soiim 1 2 2tlpm SIHlpm , Lv. A.beyiiie, D a. ,v ,. I Ar. Henderaonvlllc. " " bpartanb'trg. " ' Columbia, ' "Cliarle.torL A. C. L. HUBPHV BRANCH. Lv Asneviile, Ar. Waynnville, " Pryson City, " Murjihy, No. 65. 7 0am 9 40ara 1247pm 625pm Lv. Mnrphv. Ar. Uryson City, " Waynesville, " A.heville, Ar. Augusta. P. R tk W.C. 9 OOpm ArTAtlanta, R"."p 1169pm 430am 9 aoam 2 oopm 405pm NORTHBOUND. No. 13. I No 19. Lv. Atlanta, R. At D. " Atlanta, (vestihuled) 9 10am 1 25pm Augusta, W K. at W. C. 7 20am " Chtrleaton, A. C. L. " Columbia, R. & D. " Spartanburg;. " Ar. Hend rs'nv'le, " 616am in loam 706oml 2(Klotn 9 16pm j 422pm 1004pmJ6 17pm ahcville. SLISPINO CAI SBRVICS. Nos. 9 and 10 Pullman Sleepers between Gold.boro and - a. No. 11 and 12 Pullman Sleeper belwcea New York and Knoavllle, GreenSboro and lensBona ana ureen.noro ana xaieign. aieemnacars betwean Jkab-rille and 8a vaanak oa AA and Idrvla Spartanburg and Augusta. .- Pullman aleroers Attween Charleston and Clnelnaatt, (on trlloa Moa. is and 16 to aaswviiM, ana nowii ana m west tnenol.) w. m. RISSUKS, u. r. A., . tt. BRIDOBRS.) - . AaaevUhi, N. C. thtpt. A'skenile. N. C. " ' - J JA8.L. TAYLOR. W.H. OBItttlf, f- ' Ota. Pats. At Oen Manager. " . . . tOU HAAS, TiaOVt Unttwi ::.'.'.';:.v,--'---,i''':-r;-- - and Children. Castoris) eores Oorle, Onmntpatlna, Bour Btomaub, Jnarrhoaa. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives simp, and promotes a WltnouuLjurloas mecUcatloav, Til CsmucB Commit, IT Hurray Street, W. T. Auction. A rare opportunity will he offered to inves tors on the premises iSouth side Patton Ave nue, Itetwccn drove street and French Iloatrt avenue I, August 27, at 11 o'clock, lots 211x100 on ihe folluwins; very accommodat- ing terms: cash, hutanccin 1. U aod3 years, at A per cent., payable semi-annually. The close proximity of these lots to the present husinesa section of Tatt'.n avenue and the Public Square, besieaks lor them the most admirable vucnnt ground for business pur poses now on the market. Pot further par ticulars apply to J. B HIISTIC, anlldtds Patton Avenue aiVbkmarLk FEMALE INSTITUTE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. I.ri-kc corps ol tiuiwrior trnchcra. Hput d- vnntaKi'fl in litrrary, muRicnl nnd art di'part incntH. Attrnftivi' nurrnundinif". Hcaltliful nnd ncc-aitile locnti n l.nw-t ti-rnm. Ord r cntnloKUc. W. P. DICKINAOIH, julindcodist Principal BE A MAN APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. KIUCT II fO-M l-MTtHlltl III ! Sasoxiau a.,, ib. ror atslvsrliMS that pas, b. M MTU) .M put U dlBlA. S.rr MAS ss STSORf .ad VI00S0SS la all raipnu. YOUNO MEN OR OLD, rro HERTQua ua aiLiTT Imi or Faillif ataa Bood. Phrilckl Itctiiat. iftatal Worry, fltauttd DtTtlapat, t any PERSONAL WEAIHKSI eaa rtitortd to PERFECT HEALTH tm4 NOBLE VITALITT af ITROHft HEN. the Prlt.. aad Power of MaMoat. We claim hy year of practice bf our r-rclinlv," nifthrnl a uniform atONoroLT of buookbb in treat- intr nil ai v istiynii iuu A Attic ttoni of ftflea. Tr'timonlaU i from fViiHtatfHi and Tarrltoriea, nilB ftlCUf BAfllf fWff tent frrr,ehei, poil UUH ntW DUUr paifl.fora flmltrd tlmf. 0t Itwkllopoaeaa. Fall Ei pi -.nation, for HOME TIEAT MBNT. Toi iti bi FULLY RESTORED at Taoaiaadt aavabaoa bvi. Riadoar Uitimoalkli. Addroiaatoaoa ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N.Y. 'ALK'S .tin ?in PIANOS: STEINWAY, EVERETT, HARVARD. ORfMNSi WILCOX At WHITH. I-'AKKANII Zfc VOTRY K 1 M HALL. BANJOS. GUITARS, VIOLINS, STRINGS, ETC. EASY INSTALLMENTS, LOWEST PRICES, HIGHEST GUARANTEES. ESTABLISHED SIX YEARS AGO. 1 can refer to hundred, o' patron., the best ' men in Western North Carolina. Call on or address C. FALK. 35 N. Main Street, ASHEVILLE, N. C. OR Spartanburg;, H- C. A LITTLE HIGH. Tlmt is the way rtoiiif jiooiiIh liko their panio. However, few people wmit even a picture of Asheville that way. Appreci ating that fact and ever desirous of sa v ing the people money (while making some for ourselves) The Citizen has purchas ed the exclusive right to sell the VIEWS of Asheville (which have been sold at $5 each) for a paid-in advance subscription to The Daily Citizen. That is, you pay us $ 3 for The Daily Citizen for , six months, and we will give you a superb picture of Asheville FKEE. That's a telling of ter or ought to be. You grit The Citizen at the usual rate and the picture besides, and we get the inter est on your $-1 and the pleasure that comes of being liberal. If you want extra conies of THE 1MC TIIHE to send away that matter can prob ably be arranged at the business olliee of The Citizen. But first we must have the paid-in-advance sub scription of $3. That's fair. N. B. You can take your choice of the pictures, those on thin or those on thick paper. The former are best to send away; the latter are the best m.' to frame, ?.;"'v'i"- THE CITIZEN, JM1 mr.. DO YOU WANT A WATCH? Or Would You Prefer A' )1V'J Tmk Daily Citizkn has bought, and they may be teen in the thow window of A. M. Field, on South Main street, A SOLID GOLD LADIHS' WATCH AND CHAIN. Thc ense is H knrats, handsomely carved, with Elgin move ment. The chain is gold, beautifully decorated with fine hard enamel. Also, a BKAl'TlFl'L LADIES' STICK 1'IN, made upon special order. The Fin what is known as the Clover Leaf de sign, and consists of four handsome stones one Aquamarine, one Amethyst, one Topaz and one Diamond, set in solid gold, beautifully ornamented and en graved. This Watch and Fin arc to lie given to the two Indies in Asheville who will thow that they deserve them. The Watch will lie given to the Indy securing the largest number of subscrib ers to Tub Daii.t Citizkn between this date and December 1st. The Fin will lie given to the lady get ting the next largest number. A subscriber will tie the name of any person in Asheville not now a subscriber to Tun Citizkn, accompanied by $1.0( A name accompanied by $2.00 will count ! anl1 "me accompanied by $3.00 will count three. Antl to nil $3.00 sub scribers Tim Citizkn will make, in addi tion, a present of one of those splendid birdseye views of Asbevilie. Ladies, this is your opportunity. Any gentleman can get subscribers, but they must be counted for tome lady. Look at the splendid Watch nnd Fin and see what a handsome and costly present either of them will mnke for your wife or young Indy friend. They are unusually costly and beautij ful, and there is not a lady in Asheville but would be delighted with either for Christmas. They will cost yon nothing, except a little effort during odd moments when doing nothing else. The Daily Citizkn is the people's pa per, and this unprecedented inducement is offered in orier that many more peo ple may read it each day. There are at least 1,500 men in Ashe ville who do not now subscribe for Thb Citizin, who at amply able to do so, and Tub Citizkn knows no easier way to secure them than by enlisting the efforts erf the ladies in its behnlf. All names will be carefully entered in a book kept for the purpose, and the lady sending in the greatest number of names, accompanied by the money, as indicated, before Decemlier, will get the Watch on December 1st, and the one getting the next largest will get the Fin. lewis Maddux, Pres. it. t. coi.lins, Vicc-Prcs. i r. MCLO0D, Caskler. Capital, $55,000. Surplus, $30,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County And City Depository. . Organized May, 1888. GICNKItAi, HANKING ItUSINKSS TRANSACTED. Interest Paid on; Deposits in Savings Department. DIRECTORS t ..RWIS MAllPI'X, H. T. COLLINS, M. I. FAOfl, . K. RKI1D S. II. Bank open from 0 a. m., till p. J. P. SAWYER, PXKSIIIRNT. OTIS M. COXH, VlCB-I'BKS. J. B. RANKIN, CaSKISS CAPITAL ORtiANIZHll MARCH !l "18111. Battery. Park Bank. TrnriNarta a K'ncrnl hankinu huitu. upon approved cutlattral. CullvvtiuitH made SAFE DEPOSIT. Rents Boxes in its Fire Proof Vaults at Reasonable Rates. Solicits accounts of individuals, banks, bankers, firms ondcorporatlons. DIRECTORS. T. S. Morhison, K, L. Graham, 0. T. Rawi.s, O. 8. Powbi.l, V. K. J. II, V. S. O. M STRAUSS' EUROPEAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. ROOMS ALL HEWLY FURNISHED. Also, table boarders can be accommodated o'clock a. m. until 12 o'clock D. m. Am prepared lor catering at shortest notl. e trial. My Celebrated Are well tun own. No one can surpass them. Range in A.heville. Can serve orders in from the Half Shell. Polite and attentive waiter. I attentive waiter. d4dly THE LAWFUL FENCE. The North Carolina Hedge and Wire Fence Co. HORSE HIGH, PIG TIGHT AND BULL STRONG, OVER 8(),()()() MILES NOW IN USE. The osgyve cut represents the new combined Hedge nnd Wire Pence now being intro duced by the North Carolina Hedge and Wire 1st. It is practically indestructible, 2d. It gives thorough protection nguinst 3d. It is highly ornamental. 4th. It is the cheapest fence in existence. 5th. In thc States of Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkunaas, Louisiana, Ala bama, Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Kansas, Missouri, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Dclawnre and Maryland, there nrr mental purposes it is lieing generally udopled. References in alt thc states wanted, given all questions cheerfully answered by Mr. Sain ay building, Ashevitle, N. C. North Carolina Endorsement. "1 have personally examined this fence in the state of Pennsylvania, where hundreds of miles are in use, and endorse all thut is cluimeil "This is to certify that we have visited ined m.ny miles of hedge fence built under the system of the above Iconipany, and after thorough and careful investigation, made by request and on behalf .of farmers and others of our section, we frankly nnd conscientiously say that it is the most perfect fence we bate ever Ken. It It ts In all rraiicets exactly true dog. and men and universally popular as we we saw hundreds of miles of it. We examined spring planting to those completed twelve or just a. described. Signed I). S, "LBW1S BHLDliN, New Havover county, N. C." Over twenty-live miles of this fence have been ordered by citizens of Asheville. It has only to be seen to be appreciated. BEST AND CHEAPEST FENCE. Cftll at the Company's office, in thc Street Railway ttuilding. Sooth Main Street, Arte villc, .'or full particular., or e properly accredited agents. SAMUEL JOHNSON, MAXACiKIt l'Olt XOIITII CAROLINA, ASHEVILLE, N. V. JESSE R. STARNES, UNDERTAKER : AND : EMBALMER. BVBRV RKQ1T1S1TU OP THU IlI'MNUSS PIIRNI8HKH. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. Satisfaction Guaranteed. rompt Attention Given to Call, Pay oi Mght Office and resld nee No. 117 Street. Telephone No, North Main PfTHE BEST KNOWN REMEDY. fcWil!o!7i.M Suit ft OonorlMnanr" (Moot In 1 to B Days, without Pain Prevents Stricture Uoiitnlns m acrid or poisonous substances, snd i. pruaninieea ananiuimy nannies. 0 preoerlbed bv nhvaki ana. By- rinmfrwa withmoh bonis. Price II Hold bv dranltts. lie war. of Sub. Mt.ntaKAenif.Ohi'Tn,no,l.til,,N,0,l.s t IIAH1.K8 McNAMEE, J. U. RANKIN, M.J. BEARDKN. KHI'.ll. m. On Saturday, till 6'p. tn.5 $100,000.00. Cotnnii rtial pnprr diacountrd, on all accenniblt point. Loans inao McP.HK. IlOSTIC, COXK, Coxa. T. W. P.ttob, H . T. CoLLnts, ;k. 8. Paaar, VY. n. Balxaid, BOARD BY THE MONTH, WEEK OR DAY. Street can pass the door. Open from ror Home Parties. Balls, etc. All I ;aak is Philadelphia Fries) Am proud to say 1 have tbe finest, large. 3 to 5 minutes, such as Pl.h. Game. Ov.ter Pleased to serve all. Reiucctrallv. Pleased to serve all. Respectfully, E. STRAUSS, Prop. Pence Company. We claim for It: nil stock both large and small. over 30, Boo miles in use by farmers. For orna on application. Correspondence solicited and John.un, Manager, at his office, street rail- for ft. J, G, MARTIN. Asheville, N. C." "WILMINGTON, N. C, June 12, 1891. Ohio, Pennsylvania and other states and cisn. to rcpresentatloas, proof agalast all stack. learned from those to whom we talked, and it in all stages and coadltions from the last fourteen years ago and found every detail COWAN, Columbus county N. C, ' Ask my agents for W. I,, flaatlaa S)kM. If not for anlo la yonr sines year ripaler to .end for oatalosae, sosarn ths agency, nnd set them for yon. tF-TAKE NO Mil BHTITUTI. .4U rnn -tim I . .11 mat. WHY IS THK W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE OENTLeMKN THE BEST SHOE HI THE WMUI mfHE WNHI It Is a se.nilsa. shn, with no taakt or was thread tn hurt th. feet; mads oc to. Inst An Mir, nyttah and rasy, and Imiul m ssaA. Mar M oAl. ornrtf Ihnn any other nutnfaetrtr, K BQlaBll isaBa sewed enstlns from Si-OS to fun. CR OOlirnalaa HaBd-aerwed, th.Smnelf iPaaVa shoe, svsr nfTer-if fur S-Virji Bqual. rr.B0h lniHinel shnn which onst rrom SSditoauuit. aP. alyllsh, ernnfnrtabl. aad darsbta. Tlwbnil shn. .ver offered st this orteot bum aiads as eiav tom-mad. shoes ensttng from sa.00 to Sfto, 9(1 Pnlleo stkoe, rvrawa. ulTnad Men WW. and .tar Carrlara all Traa. a,..i Sua... apAmlesiL uniMith Insld. Saavv thra. anJaav a,aa tO 50 Sn. calfi ao battar thorn taar ere4 . was, uiis pneei on. trial will -ob.Umn. tac nnual SJ.SO aad !. set sawj a Worn by, thn , im tb air m..t aa IKa HMaI.i.. ..1 v am , aall.n.-aa. tnat w. la DoaeiH- mmma KtO. V. AUUnPad nm Of brt,mi Ot raw4 akna tihm I!1 L""! "J'" ewnran sao nrvirfl, CO M aad B'J.oa Worklarau'a stio ar. v-ry Mrong and dnr.hUT thorn w hsv. alvaa them a trial Xm r .. - lOol ahnaa B nrllASl :"' ..homwm Btnt, tsk. unportMl rtoeeo.llfrKVlo5oV,t H torn r th. best fln boeueotfc SnTlai a Arabia. W. 1. UULULAJS, SriMkKa, Hast, C3 ',. BOLP BY urEAYHa MVEsta. " - - FO BALI! BT "" dATSOR . SMITH, MHEVILLI, ft. C. II IBB, ltii,.sfaM .... 1 , ... f.,..; WaAki- 'tt..'l;aWwr..ia..a1H.,J, ' .aW'-. aa. -V . aVaU.' at -.'WWrfiaMsia.S IlllUlaA.fa.Va