' I- AS ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 13. 1801. A VERY POOR JOKE. taerlfl Reynold Pula Funny People Vnder the Hun. A joke was plavcd ou Buncombe's gaod natuted sheriff, Dan. L. Reynolds, the other day, which was, in the light of existing circumstances, heartless and iil most cruel. The joke was played on one of those interestingly warm days during the first of the week, when Old Sol kept both eyes wide open and made the mercury bubble near the 90 mark. This fact coupled with the knowledge of the sheriffs ten AROUND TOWN. Forecast till 8 a. m. Frltlm ;t-n-rall lain Hiiulitl cooler and liorlliw cterl wiudrt. The revenue collections yesterday were $3.'J7.:W. Mayor Bliiittnn returned from Marion yesterday afternoon. At (taint's pharmacy tndav at 1! p. in. the thcrmoiiuter registered "N' Bishop and Mis A. A. Watson, of liastern diocese ol North Carolina, air at the Swaiinanoa. "Punch, cnotain. nunch punch with dencv to obesity, will enable one to ,,. I care; puncn every u a veer .or u.mm oreciate the position the sheriti' was in. ( frtrc. Mr. Remolds sat in his office in the court house on the day in question, tired and hot. While he sat there, pondering over the county's business, a messenger rushed in and informed him that his ser vice were wanted at a prominent board ing house not a mile from the suture. The sheriff was worn out, and was de bating with himself whether be should go or send a deputy, when a second mes senger came and implored him to go and see what could be done. So the sheriff grabbed his hat and started forth on nu erruud the purpose or result ot which he could not conjec ture. Reaching the house he was ushered into the presence of theoue who had sent for him, who on bcin asked what was wanted, simply laughed and turned the matter into a joke. Of course the funny part of (he joke coald not be seen by the sheriff, who laid hurried through the hot sunshine to obey the call for his services and was panting irom his exertions. Hut he pretended lo see the point, and in his jovial manner he seemed to fall in with the spirit of the joke. He laughed the affair oil", and alter a while came back to his office, a sadder but wiser sheriff. And it will hereafter be safe to bet that Sheriff Reynolds will not be made the butt of another cruel joke unless it is a Tery cold day. He, therelorc. gives no-, ticeto jokers to beware. j A Bl'BY AFTERNOON. ! Court Place Alive with Produce snd Wood WaiioiiH. Had the visitors who paid ten cents l for a ride over the street railway yester day afternoon about ( o'clock taken pains to look out of the windows, they would have seen a busv jane on the square, The sidewalks were crowded with shoppers, ozone-hunters, bootblacks, and dudes, while many people were passing to and fro between the curbs, not being able to have free " Tocemotion on the sidew alks. . But the pedestraius did not form the most interesting part of the picluie. ' That distinction belonged to the wagons which had anchored in a reckless manner as the caprice of their drivers had willed. On the north side of the square the wood wagons had been located. Be tween Tim Citizks office anil the rear corner ol the court house twelve ol these loaded vehicles weredistributed. On the south side, against the fence stood the drays, ten in number, while near the southwestern corners of the square were fifteen double-team ox wagons, almost everyone of them covered with once white "domestic." The owners or drivers of these were busy making a sharp bargain for their produce, while the lazy animals which had drawn the carts to town bad thrown themselves ilonw in theirtracks and were enjoying the luxury of a cud-chewing contest. These vehicles counted in with the drays, carriages and carts, made the to tal number over fitly. But, still, this is almost an every day scene, uud will con "' tinue to be so until the new market house ia completed. Will the wagons with produce keep off the square'evm then? DANGEROIH FI N. The third ol the series of subscription balls will occur at die Battery Park hotel tonight. i Mrs. F, N. Carrinnlon and cousin. Miss Jackson, of Lynchburg, Va.. are at Biackwell's spring this week. Hx-liovc nor Scales and family arrived in the city last night ami will be at the Belmont during the suninii r. There w ill be a rehearsal of the mem bers of the "Krminic" opera company at Assembly hall tonight at S o'clock. Miss Carrie Brown, daughter ol Judge Brown, ol ('.recnville, Tennessee, is visit iug Mrs. . 11. Weaver, on Woodlin st red , Sheriff Nicholls, of Spartanburg count v, and laniily. are in the eily stopping at Capl. T. 1. John-lull's, on drove stun. Tl.e regular weekly meeting of tin board ol aldermen will be held totiioirow i afternoon at o'clock, in the mayor's .illice. The civil docket of Madison crimU court, at M.iisii.dl. which was 'o have been taken up tins morning, was con-1 j tinned lor the term. The foundation tor the Mission hos pital budding liavc been dug out ami the brick work on the pillars, etc., was coin ineiietd this morning. Mrs. Clara I 'a vis and Mrs. i. 15. dailhcr, of Baltimore, who have bten visuing the iamdv ot Mr. 15. B. I'.tvis on Montlord avenue, hit tor their home I bis week. Blue Ruin's "besom of destruction rcnictnhci the schvdiili - next Saturday, the loth things will be out ot sight. I omorrow s paper will contain a not lit r installment it tins limiting ii.nraiiye. Col. John P. Cameron hit yesterday afternoon tor Winston, where he goes to at tend the convent ion ol the North Cat o. linn Press assoei.it ion. During tin con vent i hi Col. Cameron will deliver an address. A very pleasant euchre parly was' given at the Haklaml Ibignts sanato rium last mght. 1 he pri-s ware won b . Mrs. liould, Mrs. Pern in in. Mrs. Neeliis ' and Miss llaughlon. Kelreshmciits were served. The Oakland llnghts sanatorium ' rapidly tilling up with guests, all ot w boni speak in the strongest tcims o! j praise ol t he elegant cuisine splendid ss 1 (cm of bat lis and absolute cleanliness oil t he insliuil ion. ot ol the Ashcville j nliernoun the lid res: J. M. Young. . Craves, SI ; i Carrier. 7. 15. B ! Cannon. 7J. WHAT THEY WUI'LI) LIKE: dipt. Hull To get that cigarette ma chine readv tor wink. W. I'. Snider To know whv the street railway company suddenly put its prices up to double its lust quotation. Mayor Blantou To fin.1 out who fired the shots which scared his horse Satur day night. Postmaster Cannon To have a clerk lor each window in the postoffice all day. J B Bostic To know it anyone sup poses that the color of his beard will it). ct the price of those gilt-edge lots in Kaiuoth. Capt. N'att Atkinson To be positively certain that the railroad proposition will cany. Headers of the Journal To know how how huge a Norman "calf" is supposed lo grow in the glorious climate of West ern North Carolina. The bile is removed, the head cleared til. I dig.siioii restored bv Simmons Liv er Kegulalor. WAKTED. WANT COLUMN. WITHDRAWN W ANTliD. An experienced cook, Add rem uulOd3t also a coachman. P. O. BCX 002, ANTliD. A quart of pure fresh milk daily. MKS. GRATZ, l'Jdat VanOltder house ColltRe street. BABY TlTiTrjMieThiTtiTiuTTIrJTisir iiiR no more tu use lloracinc Nur sery Powuer. Highly perfumed aim! mijwnor. Only 25c atdrug- KiMts. Try It. apr27dl w FOR KENT. pOR HUNT. Houses large und small. Call on W. K. WBST. JR.. - 132 Hill Street. aullldlw Sclal ItaltH mill Krlu-dulrH. !t- v. M. riurbt', Mcnilii-r Ami r Cllll Tided HrulKTM AhncoIhIIoii. Then rtahy was slek, we rltp her Contort IV n. n sIik was s Child, she cried for CasUiria tVlien she beanie Miss, ah clung to Contorts, When slie had Cbildrvu, the gave tUnn Caatoct ?OK KHNT. i inc 7 room house in good itcltrh orliood Ai plv to I) S WATSON, lull 7!lf Atant. REASONS EXTRAORDINARY. ASHEVILLE Al) VEK 1 1SEMEKTS. aUK KHNT Uowm' 44 lh Hip street. (I rooms, ail water eolivi-nie ecs, jrooil neiKhliorhooil. II. Clll'IMN, iiuNdAl' JIIR KB ST. Seeomt story room, for shop, H0x2fl feel. Coll ne sire-t". near llavw ooil street Apply to TAVI.' IK, UDI'IS Ut HK'iTIIUKTdN, iullitf 4a t'aiton Avrauc. ' . : ": ' pi KMSllliP Kl H IMS FOK KK.N T. i Mi Clii i i v .sli t rl Si'i-o d lioimi' west ol j Hint Mrtri uul lturtftlthii-'w ON THE PURCHASEOF 3 THREE 3 BRAND NEW DWELLING HOUSES JfOK KKNT. Two lour room, lion sen on M rrinion ave nue til $ I 2.fi in h Apply to l C. M'tNTIHH. at Meat Market, CollfKC Street. Ittl 1 Oil I A jp li KKNT. A t h;trmitiK rosidfiui1. nciir irntre of town. hii)tt' iitU' trees iHinitilul vii wu. nix twrr ol, Kinurid?, nine ruotnH, vineynrd nrdrii mitt Hiiihlf, fXL'vllt-nt watrr. Iinl oti) $5oo nor vi1 ar or $ t-5 iter m -nth. H. COFIMN. nuttltf 3J l'dtton Avenue, Hunin .1. ICE I ICE! ICE1 UriverH arc Instructed to Give Full Weight. C O A L rest flue topca Tied Acronn Walnut Htrcrt . Iat Nlgtil. I There is such a thing as dangerous fun, j and the individual of iniliviiluals wlm stretched the rojie wire aeross the plank walk on Walnut street, ut Dr. olin llev , Williams' gate Inst niyht, must have I thought little of whattlicr were duin. A gentleman passing that wav alumi : , B&H last nht discovered a rope tietl j across from the fence to a locust tree. , Fortunately the light color of the rope enabled him to sec it, unit he removed the barrier by cuttiug it with his Luxe, i A short time afterwards a wire, which 1 could not be seen, was stretched instead of the cut rope, and a passerby was tripped and given a hard fall. I At the wecklv sli" ' i illc team yesterday lowini; were the m'i. M'i; S. W. It iltle. Ml; : V S. l.usk, Tit: .1. I . Atkinson, Tti; ' W. I ir. Trauk Hveriiolser. of l.oinisimr! , Ind., who spent Inst winter and spring! in Ashcville, died ol consumption in l.o j ganspovt, uly JS, 1'.I Mr i ivei liolsi i I won a host ol tin nds while here and hi- i ilea ill will he regretted hy all who knew ! him. ; The I'.lantons played the Hatterv I'aik: ' colored liaseliall nine tins alternoou at ! I the Itiinlier yanl, near the p.issenyer de pot. Tomorrow alternoou at :i o'clock the lilanlons will play the I'leteher col- I ored team at the same place, t'.anie called al .'t o'eloek. Workmen are today engaged in tearing j out the old front of the jewelry store ol j II. II. I'osliy, on I'atton avenue. A new i ami hanilsome Iront of pressed hrick and iron, Willi large plate glass windows is lo lie put in at once. The cost of the im-, pi ovenicuts will lie $lriOtl. 9 I Hill ,V Shank, the butchers, inform j Till-; t ri'ii n that they will not luiHlier lieeves at llie slaughter house built for them hy Mr. Ileinpluil.ncar the piniiping station, hut will liuild anol her slauuhtei hous" at once, so located that no com plaint can he urged against it. The lliincomhe county Baptist associ ation, which has liven m session during this week, at Itcaverdani chti'vh, ne r Ashcville, adjourned today. The meet ing of the association hae been well at tended and were especially interesting s'il Halt 1 1 SU ltd In tut the cil v tl.ill sqita-e, j In lie lini-li it liy Si I'ti'inli r t.1, IN'.H. I'riee I s t, ooo i.u li, $ .:no ea li ami $lno to lie paid at tile trill I'll very si months wltil lilt rvrv 'i II Ills en tin l.alllliee then lie h .us s ill mil readi'y for $:til per i iuiiih II eiiniinu usly oieiiiieit tins wit) .iiiiimiit to S7.'Joo liy the time the Inst pay Hunt tnlls ilue IsllaUkiell them insured III lti own eunse lor seven years. Ttie lirst In roiiie will i;et lirst ehoiee ICxanline Hie luai-isanil usk til' ci.iitiaettir. Mr. J. M W -1 -ill h-ov mueh tlley eosl. Acpty tly li. ol to Kl C II M I IM i I'liAU-lllN, i 'r to Jnhii A. William., ,.'ll I.eKiil llloek. a iSilaot W AYNESV1 L LE !P S Kit T. The store room and second sto y of liuild tin: on Snutli Water street mlioiniilR the new uriiiiine w are rooms, now lielilK eoilstruet it lor Willinmsoil Kt Co. The prolierty is well fidiiiiteil or supply store and nrnijr pti-poes. Possess on of st-ire room Kiven 1st August, and of the second story by 1st Septt-liitier. 1MU1 Appl to JilNhS t Mirl'lIWi, in17-liiio Nus. !i and B, lohnsou buildinK. Tho wornlorful hucioss wo have lwul in t ho private wile of lots nino.e irmkinj' our lust annomicomont, has induced uh to withdraw the public Hale heretofore advertised. A laro number of lots intended to he sold at that time have al ready been Hold, and wo have only to say that Asho ville inn rolling at the head of the procession to the tune of $."00,000 just appropriated for street, paving, and $100,000 for extending her sewerage system, litis attracted the attention of capitalists all over the country to this rapidly growing and plucky town. One year ago the Ashcville, Loan, Const met ion and Improve ment Company with the following officers GKO. S. POWELL, President and (Jen. Manager, W. W. HAUNAKD. Treasurer, Richmond Pearson,.!. K. Kankin, T. II. Cobb.. I. S. Adams. (5eo. S. Powell, Directors, foresaw what wasconi-, ing and wont to work develojiing (heir six hundred acres. ! embracing the finest b'liMing and manufacturing sites the city. This property is now laid out with broad lines, paved gutters and shade trees on oat h side and electric street railwily running through the prop- Celebrate Jellico and liest Anthracite Coal. WHOLESALE AND WETAIL. COKE IN CAR LOAD LOTS. MANUEACTUKEItS ANDIDEALEItS.IN ICE. t Aslieville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 40. No. 30 Patton Avenue -the- CAROLINA SALOON TO THE FRONT. While others are putting a bug in your oar, listen to tiie! m a ve sewer erty. I am now hi-tur prvpnrt-il thrin ver tu htm in h vti with n 11 v tiling iiftnnlly kept in n flttt i-lnHfl mihi' ti I have tin-lnrK nt ami hiii jitoch In WcAtrrn Nnrth Cnmlin:i, it t tint m 1 Stntf. ant It cnnHtu ol' thr fti'mt liratntu ol Whi-kien, Wttir and MrandifH knrywn in 1 world. Burk 'n ThtcrStiir Irish Whinkey, liryuml n doubt tht- Unvnt in the wi Id. Trv mid ynii will lu convinced tlwii I am fulvertisittK nothiitK but met Whilein liiiroite, diirmjc the nunnti. r tif 1 N'.h), I made arrntiKcnicntit for the nbi v Whm key, Spaninh Sherry nncl F'nrt Wine, the cijtinl never brought to Axhevllle Itnpnlicd Clnr 1 cm. rotuei l anci, niiirKiMtx. L.naiciiu neimont very nne. in i-renin nramncn 1 hnvc a large VV'.j mock, incltidiiiK John Hcnneanv A: Co ' Three Stnr und other ntHndard brundKTl Mn - 11 1 j I n Pale Air, and 1 tuiom-NN' I'.xtrn ForciK') Stout, .n lact. my mock f tmimrtcdl ll(iin iiiki whim are too nuntemui to mention. j M v xtotk of Kye Whlfkit'R - mbraceH notnc nf the finest and oldest brand knowitt Heer the flnent on the murket for fa til v uh". The bent tirands of L'h'.AK and t (MAC 1,1 . , , , ... , 'it 1 0 When yon are in neeil ot anythinw in iny line, Iteforr irolftK elsewhere, rntne nn we inc 41 Tk UIHl lakO ISltVS lli1V( rtHMl Ml ll VUUVWWUt (IIS-: nmI Iwcnnvlneed. My whisUiimire leeumtnended ly moment the m out eminent merit of thr 1 tig? lr medicinal purpoHcn, KetKctfully, n I'lSt l tt TL ii IITIIII'VIVliI I PflPUTirTin I'OK SM.E. linn.' anil Int. Hi)ilv fit TAVI.llK, Hl'l'ISMc IIKIITHKKTIIVS. tf JfllK SAI.K. i liu I 2 hnmf iinwcr lioiU-r nmt cnictnc in yiiint lis. will l0 until l.i... W011I1I rxi-tui"KC Inr n ill iKMIc HKARIlliN. KANKIN (Si LI I. tanoos tnrougli t no property antl 11 comploto water and se'wer plan has boon adopted so as to give the very host ! sanitary results. Some of the views to he liatl from points - "'-'- .vw. mk,h .u..v sweet, asueyiele, n. 1 on this property are F (IK SAI.B OK Kit NT. I New It iuhv, fiiiht rimiim. nmiliTn cimupn in. Curiu-r ol CuIIck. ii'.it I'inr strfils. Ap i 1 11 y nl M. II I'l.XIt S I KI'.li I lllltJll I w Unsurpassed in Western Nortli Carolina, and that almost moans the world. The demand for this property has heeii uiipiveodi'iitod in the history of Aslieville real estate, and its sii'vess as the I popular resilient part of thecitv has already hoon assured, ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, 117 Haywood Street. IK SU.B AT A H .Kl'.AIN. All my hounttinld furniture, itH-liirtini; h . MatliiiHirk i.inno. iniiunilii-iiit uirr Kliii-. Iiii-iilsiiiiic Hidi liunril, .:irlor null, liril luntn ulfH. t iiue, r;tni:i ht-atuii iiovr. etc. Mint cll this week MKS. . M TATB. uuUiillt l'.l.l rattiin Avenue. In tlitt tnlu iv iis in the fnist. mvry ntlcnt'ion will be giYnn lo fn-oilnce the finest grade of I '11 rl lonn ted leverages under the PKRSOSAIj simenision ot the 1 trot met or. The eon- there 11 iw being over tflOOO worth of buildings com- stnntly incivnxing demand tor these goods from this ine- ploto.1 ;.nd under contract to be finished by 1st October W vtmehmvnmiof that n tine artiele is anpiveuited ' ' by an intelligent public. For further information address next. iC (YS I'OK SALE PUBLIC AUCTION LAND :-: TIIKHE. Five tine oung cows, with ftmt ealveit. 1liretKve four R;tlton tach kt day. anil will he Ntdd for $W each. Two give over1 three Rullcnn eiuh jH-r day and wdl he Mold for S 'O caeh. Apply nt , julltWUt n.Vli.Y CITIZHN OFFICK. Geo. S. Powell, IrcM AH1IICV I l.l.IC. N. C. II llTliL I'OK SALB. Tin; It.XTK I" N T IT IS HHiKKT Thr St. Armond Hotel at Skylnnd Sprincn in oiler d d r Hale nt a bargain eiiherfuraishetl it not. The Hite incbid. iihout eight ucres ol shady grove, and Ave springs, one of them the finest mineral water in the nouth. More gut-sit uxsured for next SHninier than cm I uccoiatnoMUcd. The ho'el is rght by the de pot ThctcnuMut sole made tosuit uureliusvr W. B, WILLIAMSON & CO, OTIS A. Mil Skvlund Springs, N. SEPTICMItER 1st. A lUliil'I.Vi; OLD TI.MIO liAHliECUE. ttKI.KCT HOARD. k7 Select part ie desiring superior boaril and h in'N'irm'Iy furnished rooms (bnth nn cucli ; tloori can tbtain same bv applvinu tn 1 11 1.. IIOWYKK. i nuiillm" No. 1 Marn s Avenne On Tticsilav, Sviitcinhct I, the ivnt'S- vilU' Liind cninpiinv will otVrr f-.r s ilc ;it jm I ilic aucti'.ni .it Wavntsviiic, North , Carnlin.'i, trom htty ttumi hiniilrcrl valti-i able rcsnk'iKT lots situated in said town, near the Hay wot nl White Sulphur 1 s, prints, ctunprisiii so rut' ol the hivelic-l , l c;i i us in "r armnul that picturesque I'MMKK IHIAKK. Rmiiiin Lirtir and nirv tvvrrvtlliiiif frrxh tint newly painted, and ittrniftlied lintiieili- i attlv un Htitxt ear line. Termn leamiiuililc. MKS. J. L SMATIIIiKS, junl-Mlf 31H I'allon Ave. No. 16 Patton Ave., UAYI'J A LAIMiK AND WELL SKLKCTKD STOCK OF PARLOR SUITS, ' SIDEWALKS. o I'l Mill l'DH lil'KSTS. Inrui iiimIic'I. nth r. um tin null lliitir.r, with i.tit anil enlit water. Nn. ill. Mint Street, lull.' ill! MKS 1 1" I.I A A. Li: !: MlSCI-ELAi:)IS. be wire was then carriatuwiiv bv t lit- throui; limit tu ehun li vvoi ktis. Kentlcnian who cut tl.e ro, and the fun ; A ctwrn wj e Kivrn , tl. iwmm biiiiijhu. Such fun as tbis is cartninly puiiinlialiU by heavy fine, if not imprisonment n. well, antl should be nipped in the bud bv the police. OUT OF A WINDOW. A Young Man Taken a JS-Fout Fall This Mornlnu. Conrad StralilfT, ol Spartanbiiri;, S. C, fell from a window in his room over Graves & Thrmh's store on South Main treet, about 3 o'clock this morning. Dr. L. B. McBraver was called to see the injured man, and found him sul- fering from a bow, a fractured minor bruises about the head and budv. The distance from the window totne ground is about twenty-five tcct.andbnt for the thick on grass where Mr. Strahley fell, his injuries would douut less have been dangerous. hililren nf the i Ixlnrd I Irpb.iu nsvhiin ml ium M i niilii y nilil ui thenpera ballot' tin court house The sinner conic well re- coniiiKiiiliil and will dnutiiless hnve a I aitnictivf in the holiest decree la rejc aiidieiiee. 1 he use i it the li -: 1 1 has been allowed the sonars free ofch,.rc, William I'railv anil Mrs. lima Kncrs, of this city, were iniiiried last nii t almiit 'J oVIoek at the l'ui I i. 1 1 n ist chinch. The ceremonv was peilornied inuuctllaU'lv alter the prayer inietini; service uud was witnessed by a '.liureli full of people. Ki v. W. A. Nelson, the pastor, otliciatcd. 1'uiteil States Senator Matt. V. Ran som is a', the H.ittrrv l'ark hotel. Sena $200.00. l lie coinpanv ill ,ive a ll.n lici lie on fie fust dav of the sale, and a tVee Con icrt on the scemid da the tirsl anil 'ivond- of St'plein'icr. Aderesses will lie (li li v ie-il bv proininciit citizens oi Wayncsnlle, ami uciilleiiieii Iriiin other pi ices, mi liotlriiccasiniis. To purchasers, the iiidiieenients offend bv the a ores, iid sale arc practical and I'nsur i " ' ' ' - - I I I.,r - i.. ! TV"i".K- V.iyntsille puseuthiisell ns the point At aat, North Main street. Mrs llalvbur upon which both interest and sentiment "in, ilnss ninki' g ami mlijinery iarlnrs. she coincide in mil nose. The town itself. " P"!"'""' '"r V''"BP"!..B'!" We liavc Hi'cnml tl)t rijrht tousi'oiKMif t In imist vnhiuhlt imtcnts in tlio rnitotl States for cniicrt'lt' mid hlork siilo- HcXSt "Sims' vf?. 1 wlks antl ilrivi'Wii.vs,; which is n arnxt im proveiiu'iit- ovit ortliiifiry coiifrt'to work. We will lu rt'tuly to commi'im' opt'ratiiiK iiiitlT tin nanu in a few tla.vs. In tin inenntimi' tliost' inti'i't'steil ai'o ankcd to call ami examine testimoni als, etc., or enquire of ('. Iv Monti v, 'M) I'atton avenue, or V. T. Helote, Flint stivet. I have on hanil a full wtoek of Fresh Lime, IMastvr, (1e nieiit, Charcoal antl Wood. To eltise mil n deniralile line nf lailii's suni- nii-r clovi b I. isle anil It-r ey we nllcr them nt wha they e st us Ihii u lot ol Hani tiurr iituitiusin neat pnt'erns aiHiilll UtiAKlH-.N, RA ' KIN C(l. partly dislocated el- tor Ransom came here to visit his son. nil, nnd several i Thomas K. Ransom, who has been ill for some time, but who is now iniprov inj;. The senator is as handsome and pleasant as ever, and is enjovinij Rood health. lie will remain lure until tomorrow. A GOOU BIOVK. An Appeal for Rapid Traiinlt on the Marptav Dlvinlon. A petition has been placed in The Citizen office, and at the hotels of the city, asking Superintendent Hriilpers at inch arrangements be made on the Murphy division of the W. N.C. railroad that will relieve the daily passenger trains from freight work, and shorten tkc schedule time between Murphy and Asheville. Any one desiring to aid in securing tbis Bach needed changes, can cullj nt Tub CrrmN office or any of the piinciunl hotels and attach heir name to the petition. Xlrs. Annie V. McCiaeken. of Summer villi', S. L'., who in literature is known ns "Almn Vivian Mylo." is in the city, stoji pinj; with Tillman R. dailies, editor nf the Lyceum Mauatiur, Nn. l."i5 North Main street. The August number of the St. Louis niaejaziiie contains one of Mrs. McCracken's stories, entitled lte "(Juek Princess." lii.rlv located, teels the impulse ot the spirit ol progress. Its scenery is siiierl). its climate unrivalled in purity and lualthtuliiess, and us social atmosphere pure ami de Intnl. I T i the visitor, ill addition to the nc i I'oiiimoiluiinns already ample, will soon j lie i peiuil a lari- and coiumoiltous ho tel, sit u.iied on one ot those abotiudiii j'ict uresiiir outlooks tor which Waynes I iilc is so happily noted, embosomed in I no um tains, yet looking down on a wide - spreading valley combining the two ex i trcuies and contrasts of scenic lieauty. Then near at baud, so close ut hand as 1 to be inscparablr irom the fame and pi iviicges ol aynesville, are the Hay ! wood White Sulphur Springs, with the hcalt halving waters, their luxuricm park, their commodious lintel, and their , satisfying cuisine. The cititcus of the town with liberal I w isdom have provided lor the erection of alaige and commodious building that they mav always have among them the lacilities and the means ol giving to their ' nut'it Irom the largest house al New York ttiit. UK tin- its a Hieeiatty AH kinds of hair 1 work dime. I.tfiesinvited to call nn lexain ! tile stuck. Hats pressed over j"l2Sd m I hereby notify all merelmntu ami other nu n (IniiiK biminVHii in tht' city nf Afttirvillt r other plftieH. not to allow my wile nor child ren to make uny bi'ln and have the name charffid to me, a I positively will not tny aiiv billet made bv them 'iter thin date. luly a. lM.n (HN li. HAMPTON. iul.'ld-t-m ruiv. Commcn. in at 7 HO a. m., and continulnj? until lb n. ni . Sundavg exiciited Ca' will Icdve eourt houm- muiire every hour and half hoiir. (insuiiduya tan will run Itetwren the lii'ur- uf 1 a. m. and 0;3 u. m , on name ti.-.-. ... i 'i vi in i b i li mi. t im ii.U l.l.sii.i.r ..I u bbr-sl i-JU'hcdule a above etcvut from I t-iao 10 11 a. ,..mc eic muuer M.HRTr w.uii - " j m, (rum Uiilnt' I p. m.. and from MtoH:3( IUM BIPCLLilLtMB ill PAltl (ll 11 r i ktsli Ordered by the Board of County Commis sion rn ot Hiiiicunibe county that a new enitrati:'n be made in Anhe ville township for an election to be held on Sutnriiay, October 17. Ikim, fin the ques tion ot -uhncribinK to the Atlanta, tnheville a d Baltimore Kailrond 1 hit Aug 3, 1 1 . J.J MAC K UY, nuOdtit Clerk nl B ard. CHE 'ft.n Ol' MONTPIIK1I AVB LINK, C. E. MOODY, Yard nd Warvlioutie Near theDepot, Telephone Nu. 7,. Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphons. Ml- Sl!li ANALYSIS Ol' WATER l'SBII. OS I'KONT I'AOE OAKLAND HEIGHTS SANATORIUM. ( FORM KKLY OAKLAND IN'N.) ASHEVILLE, N. C. The Mont Complete Healltt Renort in the Houtli. In nw open and ready forKucut. Thin hiu in lh. muBt demrHblc in tht: Suuth for per mi nn who neeil real und medical uttrntion. No hotel in Ashcville nan ns well furnished rotiniM ami its cuisine ih utuqualled. Only in the cane of patient) in the diet rrxulatcd. The tiitil ti an nnpurtant twitnre uf the sanato rium The water in pure and plentiful, coming from a lurtf' limpid NpritiK near by. The san itarv arratiKcinent!! are as perfect an care and money can make tlum, 1'erHoim nulTertnt; with throat and luns trouhlen are greatly beix-tftled by a Hta.v at thin place. The nud ieal iiiunflKtriiient i under the direction of lr V. W. NccftiH, recently of the Jack no n Sana torium, at Ihinxvillc, N. Y The Sanatorium in thurnnRhly eqtilpped with modern iiitnliaiucn fur the scientific re. lief and cure nt' ;il nervon anil chronic din rawx. The tmth department! are new throuKbout and are under the iuervimmi of competent and akilleil attendant!. The mt-thoon of treutniciit include all torinn ol baths, the Medicated Vapor, Turkish, Blec trie, KnxHian, Human. Mipliire, Therino-'ilec trie, I-;iectro-Chemical, Massage, lilcctri ity lu all its form), uUn Swedish Movements. Medical attcmiunce and every form of treat meat included in price of room. Although the comfort nnd welfare of tac nick arc the first consideration!, every oppor tunity i k 1 veil to those who desire to peIld pleasant and profitable season here. Address for further particulars IWIhh EiuiHc Vaughn. ASIIKVU.LK, N. C HIGH GRADE, LOW PRICI, KAsV IlilOIS. LUDDEN & BATES, S. M. II. Square riealli:if and honest representation havr enabled this home to occupy the position of beuiK the most reliable in the South. PIANOS AND ORGANS On easy terms. Cash or monthly payments Rwry instrument guaranteed, nnd placed in home, school or office nn fifteen days trial. I all and see the stock at J I'atton t venue. J. F. Garratt, Agent, Aslieville, N. C. WE ARE CLOSING OUT THE BALANCE ov oun - : SUMMER : CLOTHING : k WJI, PAUItlliR & CO., Grading of All Kinds ORDEHS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. hime Wllk Reason. v Togtmtthenumber.who wonlddare to? Of all the ills that Hetb is heir to. To bear the half you could not bear to ; And lorely women has her shure, too ; "" Shell hare some less il she'd repair to Dr. Pieree'i FaTorite Prescription. For "ran-down," debilitated and overworked - women, it ia the best ol' all restorative tonics. A potent specific tor all those chronic weaknesses and discuses peculiur ' towomea; powerful, xeneral, as well as aterine, tonic and nervine. It imparts vigor and strength to the whole system. It promptly cores weakness of the stom ach, nausea, indigestion, bloating, debil ity and aleeplrwness, in either sex. It is ' carefully compounded by an experienced physician ana adapted to woman's deli " cate organisation. Purely vegetable and perfectly harmless in any condition of the tystem. The only medicine for women, old by druggists, under a positive guar antee of satisfaction in every case, or price (11.00) refunded. 1 Famous! Kodak-headache, neuralgic . powderv because they relieve pleasantly all who try them, 10 and 25 cent pack ' ige..: .: - - -' July 31, 2w. Sissmoaa Liver Regulator has never heen fcaowutofiul to cure all liver dia- eaeee. T AelvcrtiMiw .' ? ; To Insure change 0 advertisenventa running on regular contract, copy, must be handed in bi lo'clock .; 1 lir Simlliern V. C. T. U. lifter full in vestigation mill cimipiirisiin and with its thuus.tiitis ot nicnilnTF, has selected Wavncsvillc ns the place for its annual inclines, anil the locution lor the illus tration nl its school met boils. Thus with its picturesque scenery, its hffiltlitulncss, its tunic us a resort for uii.ii ii. .... mini... ita ..wifil fmit..mm itm K. S. Stewart, who has Ix-cn working i,i.,..i j :,. ,...!.:.,. in Aslieville with the purpose 1 of getting dun.(.h .nivilegcs, 'Waynesville presents itself tn tjiose who may invest in the sale this morning. Duly one warrant haft I wen maile, That whs against losenh Logan, a colored workman at t lie Vnn derliiltestate. l.ognu liuil lieeu found with a bright, pretty Smith & Wesson in liiR flask pocket, mid hail put up the pistol and $25 fur his appearance. He did not appear and Ins deposit was forteilcd. up a sotiordinale council ot the junior order of united mechanics, has secured about thirty persons who will become charitv members of the council. A meet ing will lie held in the court house Moil iluy night, at which time officers will be selected. Shortly alter the election, Thus. B. Ircy, ot Petersburg, Va., deputy organizer, will come to Aslieville und or ganize the council, 1 RUtINKft NOTICEH. Jelly Cans and Fruit Jam. Fruit Jars reduced again to $1 L'5 and $1,30 at Law's on South Main Street. Index to New AUerllaeuient. Found Bo !I67. Noticm 8. l.ipia?ky LANn SAI.B Wa.viirnvill.. Fo Kknt 163 Collet;' Street. Nkwrst t'Niiss Tim MiN Thad. Thrash. jpuK KBNT. 163 Collrge street. A Iflrg-e nfntlj far niiihed fiont parlor with bnth; to man and wile nr two ltntlcmca Convenient to iioard Ing house. aalSdat A plulol on Rwannaitoa road Will owner accurately deKriba same hy addrrmlnc to. BOX T, It Atbavilla. JOTICB. " : , ; i French Broad Con net! T01 Hojal Areanam, wltl hild a afKctnl meeting. 6 p. i, this even ing. Member requested to be present, hj enter ol Mw Kagaat. . . a. LiriNnKV. ol lots to which their attention is direc ted as the place in which no mistake in selection can lie made, no cxKctation disappointed, no hope unrealized. Terms, one-third cash, the remninder in two equal installments, pnvuble with in one anil two years Irom date, with in terest from date at 6 per cent. $8 FOR $3. The Citizkn has purchased the exclusive right to sell the aiitai)t riaura fr k bViari1 Ia ciin n i jyv-l H f lUffP "1 aa.a-'llJ T Jails a Oil"- gle copies of which have been bringing $5, and now offers them at a greatly reduced rate on thick or thin paper to subscribers. Anyone pay ing $3 in advance for six months' subscription to The Daily Citizen vll : receive FKLHi a copy of tms engrav pg of Asheville. . w t , p ir, , when m IG minute schedule will be run K't cm ctiurl lntu' ammrr nnd Wi nt C het- nut Strc t. auTdl w I'rcnidcnt. B rTdoks ProponuiH for the coniitructlon of the mn n' y nnd iron superstructure of tnrcc Itri'lpet in Huncomb; county, will be received by lb- Hoard of County Commissioners at tbclr regular nifftitin Sept ?, 1HIH. Bidn will be rcctTcd for rhe masonry and iron work separately. BririRe located nt Long Shoal ecrttss French Hroad rWrr, 2rt1 feet lontf, two or thrre sp.ms, u i)ortrd by iron piers. Carrier's Dam across Fleming crceli, (p feet, one span. Knirvlcw, aor ms Cane crock, 00 feet, onr sran. Alt to hnve 9 feet r- dw y. S' ecificulions can be seen at the otfiix of register of deeds. My order of the boar. J. U. KANKIN, nun Ot Chuirman. New Firm. The undersigned desire toannounceto their old patrons and friends a d to the public Kenerully, thit they hnve consolidated their tire insurance l)uninss. and willinfuure con duet it jointly, under the Ann name of 1'ul li un Ac Kutlfdge, with offices elegantly fitted up in the Barnard building, corner Main street and PnJton avenue, and with ample fa- IHtirs for he transaction of tbt business of insurance In all Its branches They respect fully ask the su port of the public. LA VVRKNCB iM'LI.IAM FKBUHKICK KUTLBUGB. THE MAITLANU SCHOOL, BNGI.ISH AND FRENCH HOME AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, No. 40 French Broad Avenue. MRS. BCRGWYN MAITLAND, PRINCIPAL. Assisted by competent teachers. By spec ial request Mrs. Malt land has added to the school an Infant Department for little girls and bovs, between five and eight years of age. Home of the exercises of the Kindergar ten will ba used in this class, with dally oral lessons tn French. The Itifaat Department is separate from tb other school. decfidlr BOILERS! BOILERS! BOILERS! Seventeen second-hand boilers and engta an good as new Also 65 new boUers and rag-tars, all alKi, at buyer's pticrs. CAABY HBlKJUlJ BOILBR MF'OCO., Jnliaeodlni . . . . Chattanooga, Teas. Box 4a Aahevllle, Jul2Klllm or KHidenc. The most comple stock of Pure. Drills, Kitrc clieiniclcs nnd Pntent Medicines, at the very lowat prices at RAVSOR & SMITH'S 31 Patton Ave Our stock of DriiKKist8' Sundries is the most varied and complete, of any house in Ashcville. RAVNOR & SMITH, 31 Patton Ay. Our Hot soda in Winter nnd our Cold soda in Summer is conceded liy critics the best. Nothing richer than n glass of our Ice Cream Soda; wkittlnc et nd. RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 Patton Ave. You will never regret becoming a cus tomer at Raysor & Smith's Drug Store. Your trade appreciated, your interest studied. ' Prescriptions filled day or nlRht by competent apothecaries and delivered fret to any part of the city. RAYSOR ft SMITH, - '. ',' ' '; 31 PattOtt ATCa IIEI.OW VAIXES. CRUSHED GRANITE FOR Sidewalks and Irlvew. HXTRA I1ARI), lll'KMII.I! STUNK, WHI.U RCRf.KNUH. A GOOD ROAD AT LOW COST. I.. C. jilKIIML'in Hnri;v, I" 1 1 Hon .".OK. "WORLD'S BOUQUET CIGAR." ' mm n. p,BlsnnsaSBjBj The Beat Isa TUe Best -v The Best J w r B -i r. Cent Cent Cent Clear Cigar Cigar ON THE MARKET, FOR SALB AT The RattterT Park Hotel, W. B. Felham, Hwannanoa Hottl, W, O. Mailer, Ravsur Ac Smith. O A. Sorrels, Hsmpinn (k Feather ton, W. O. Pcrrv, J. H. Loughran, John O'Uonncll Co., Wm. Kroger, Worthaa at Co., Buropcaa Bowl. , tljraiat Only a Few Letts Price No Object. Di'tci iiiiiicil to niakt' room for Full mill Winter (ioods Now is your b8t time to buy Light Weights in Clothing For 111111, boys nnd children nt real bn renins. We arc pro piiriiifj; for nn inciviiHini; Fnll trade. Are ready to show samples of Fall clothing, also new hats and neckwear. Call and see them. Our Custom Clothing Department Will receive more attention than ever. For elepint fitting, stylish nvntr)' and boys' wear we cannot be surpassed. It is our aim to retain theliberal patronage of the public antl sustain our reputation as dealers in the best ?ods in all lines that can be procured. THE WMTLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. 48 South Main St., Aslieville, BRICK. BRICK. FOR SALB BY.. BUNCOMBE BRICK h, TILE ( AgkeYille, N. C. P. 4 jn,.. :.-' .. ytiiL L ... .... . j,. -',-'.;.V

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