ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 15, 1891. NOTHING LIKE IT1 I Is thloker than tatd mailt be kept pure t Bsmrs good henlth. VwirT's Si-Ei'irir in nature reroasri tsr thli purpose. II mw to full r-limnste tbe ImpHf tUe sad build up the ffeneral heltk. There is only one Swift's -HpoolfVs, ad there Is nothing like It Be tore and Rot the Remits. TreatiM on Mood and Skin Pissjsbssi SMaatd free. TU Swift Spwlflr To., Atlanta, Oa PROFESSIONAL CAKDS. R. H. RKEVESi D. . S., OK NT A I. OVFUK l. I ..nnall n.iii.imi!. KedwomP. Store. Patton Avrnur. Rr.idrnce , 35 .tree t. J P KAMKAV. l. M.S. Itcntal $fty' offlce 1 nnr the Nnto.nnl Rank of A"1"''1".- B."r" ,.nrd lloililinn. K.'ldrnrc. ! Charlotte t. feh:.'lillT J A. THNNKNT Architect and Contractor. Plans, .-!invilitiiin end cstiinstcs fnr hrd. Afl work ill mv liiir ' muled lor, oi-hHwn tor ilrnwitim .'."U "'l" . inc. ncm when drM.rn. : No. 1 2 H.n.lrv Illook r. Anntvilli-. N. C Snrtll Court f.'hl9illv T. E. DAVIS, ONTRACTOK AND SUPERINTENDENT. I all k'iul of wonil.l.rii k nil. I stonework, i i. lor tlir Niilionnl Sheet a. '0 Roof I '..nipiinr. Keei n stork ol tin tunnies lanil Ail work BiinniiUfed Aurnt lor Tens l-'nmniv coiiiimiiiv Mot nir, .tel.... Hot wntc heMi.-K Post 'h . '1 W illow at.rrt;otlicr hours Ironi to 1(1 m from to i m. Krsi.lciiec Scnrr itrret. Tel.i-ho.u- 1 1" ninrfJdly 34-Venr' i'.xp r ciicc-34 HITON HARDING CONTRACTOR ANP Wit. PER Promptness punruntcrd Office No. 3, arc d floor. Hendrr block, office. Residence No 171 lircctly over pout Chestnut street. E. COFFIN, RI-AI. KSTATI- Ai'.HN'T. LOAN HKHKKR ASH Al'CTI(lM-:iiR Ten Yearn' Kperlence. No. I'utton Avrmie. McAfee liloek. Room . OHiiT Mourn 0 to I . .1 to tl. Charles M. Steel mnn, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, OFFICE OVER THE BATTERY PARK BANK, ANtievlllv, N. V. niiKdllni K. H. BRITT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUI'.DER. Alio a-rerlinn of all kindi done. All orders promptly Ullcd and work nuarantrrd Can he found at ell times at I'.rsliom'i Cotton Fartorv . o19ilt( H. W. FITCH, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT. 31 ye(ir iirncticRl rprrinc. Hfticf ortr Battery Park BHtik. All entimnt Kiiarnn teed. Office hour 1 to 5 p m. mayltid.t: wfira INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General t IiiNurance s Agent. Rear No. 20 South Main street. Butahlifthrtl 1H(15 AHtieTtlle. N. C lift rll v W. I IH'ME, CIVIL ENGINKER, ASHEVILLE. N. C Room 34, Barnard Building, A. II. COBH, STENOGRAPHER. ROOM t. McAI'liK Hl ll.lilNf.. Legal Work a Spec-ialty. Walter S. Cusliman, I Formei ly of the Massachusetts liar.) iTT.iuKev. IT., aw. of pkkiis, am. not ah v ri ai.ic N. 3t Patton Ave Mi Afee bloek, room 4- ASllUVIt.l.l!. N. C. nrKfiAiTiKS; rial phoi'uty np rowEUMf; pradtf Dr. J. W. Rolling:" VETERINARY PHYSICUN AND SURGEON, ASHKVILI.H, N C. 1 will keep nn infirm nry for nick nnimnln. rartirn having ick homrn will rind it much to their advantage to have them tent In at once, where 1 keep a good supply of medi cine and proter appliance! for adrahiltter tau it at ihort notice office nnd infirmary 7N8onttaMaia Street, Kay building, oppo ftt Swannanoa Hotel. mayl9dtf DON'T READ IT. IP YOU DO. DON'T BELIEVE IT Only brlnR Tour mlsflt and worn oat suit with it, and tanre made a jrood lit of It Clean in, repair! ni?, binding to it hr , MYbRS, TUB HOSTltS TAILOR, I'nderthe National Hank of Ashcville. JunSdam Chalybeate Water, BrouKht in pir direct from the Aihellle Chalybeate Spring (long known an Lec'a Chalybeate upriiiR) now on iale at booth on north court t qua re, by the jeIanh, aer ed cold, a centi. tnree Kiastea. a cenii or ny ine pai Ion, half gallon, or any quantity desired at low prices. B.J. ARNKHTKONO ju!7iltf TRY THE MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY 17 Pulton Avenue. japane: & ffnarutacd Cor. for I'ile of wlntni kinder degroo--KitemaU Internal, BUi ot Bleeding, Itohing, Chronic, Recent ' Hereditary. $100 box;0 boie, $5.r Sent by mail, prepaid, OB T 'vtofprlr". We frnarantM to ear. st' PUi Oosimsteed ted sold only T. C. Bmtta s Co., wk tQ ! CHRISTIAN ADVANCEMENT. I A RVRHON BV RKV A. T. FOR TICK, OK CHAHI.KHTON. Iieltverett In Trlnlls KpmcopaU ; Church, AHhevllle, ou Huudav, I AuguM 9th, 1891. I Tkvt St. Paul' Kpiatle to the P.phcsian-", 21 Chapter anil l'4th eerae-: ".iracc be I with all the-, thnt lo-re our Lord Jcaua Chnat in .inccrtty. ' One of the most hopeful signs for the future development of the human race, is the fact that humanity iu general is never satisfied with its present condition; it is ucver satisfied to be stagnant, but is nlwava longing for something higher something better than itself. In other words the almost universal desire of mankind is to become better of course I do not mean to say that if we ask each i and every man whom wc chance to l meet whether he desired above all things ' to lie lietter, that nn answer will be giveu in the affirmative lor many men i are much more concerned about their ! temporal condition rather than their moral, lint as happiness dfiids more upon our inward than outward con i dilion, more upon the dependence of our ; affections upon a noble and worthy ob ject, ami upon the harmonious work j iiiRS of our faculties, so, after all, it seems to lea univcrsallv accepted truism, ! that w hat men generally long lor and desire to lie is to be better. In truth one ol the wavs by which the prog ress and development ol an individual can lie ascertained, is lofiudout whether the motions which control the individual are actuated by lofty principles and whether these piinciples have the tendency ol producing noble results. That this longing ol mankind might have a substantial basis to work hum, with I out Icar of contradiction, it can lie as serted, that mankind needs an ideal, a crlect pattern to guide itself by. The m-crsstl) lor an ideal is recognized in all spheres ol hie. The painter never thinks ol stamping the creation of his imagina tion upon his canvas, until he nas hist sketched in outline that which lie desires to paint. The architect does not begin to dig or lav his foundation ol any great building, till he has fust made plans and 1 specifications and then studied tnc de- not suited lor oui moilcrn ideas of pro tails of all Ins proposed work. The poet giess ol advancement. No one has ever docs not in a frenzy put his thought upon ! dared to assrt that the molality taught paier, till he has studied the laws of bv the Master does not fit the moral verification and ol rhyming, and knows sense of any day. The teachings which also the scoiie and limit which he wishes were delivered in lerusalem, in Samaria, the poem to have. So lr illustration in Galilee, in Capcrnium, on the Lake of we might go to all the different occupa- Ti!ierias are as far reaching and all en tions of mankind, and are sure to find bracing as when first uttered. Verily, that only they are successful who know j He did have the words of eternal hie full well the nature of the work which and His words only can gi.e thev are desiiious of performing, and I understand well the methods needed for its liest accomplishment. We ourselves in our different spheres and duties of lite - have experienced to our advantage tne good to he desired from the effect pro produced uoon our lives by having had set before us ns a pattern or nu example the career 01 some noble man. In truth the whole current of the lives of many ol us have been changed lor the better by 1 the influence exerted over us at soaie critical period of our lives of some thor oughly marked character; the strength ami nobility of which we have been forced to admire, and hence induced to imitate. There is nothing so deplorable as to find anyone who is influenced by no enthusiasms stirred by no ambitions, but satislied with a complacency which is amazing at his own stale or connuion and cannot be aroused Irom this leth argy ov any tilings wnicn is nuppeneu around uliout linn. Such aa one who has no idea is in a hopeless state ' and but little good is to be expected from him. Believe me, there is no pro gress possible along the line ol true ; development which does not reach alter ! and labor for something which has not vet lieen attained. Any nation which has no true and high ideal of justice, whose rulers and officers are not imbued I with lofty principles, and actuated with j the desire to advance the highest inter I est of the people who live under the gov ' ernnient, such a nation will ever be but a j weak and insignificant power. So every I individual who does not try to rise 1 higher than his surroundings, -vh.. is ! content to be as his lathers have been is 1 sure to sink even below the level once I reached by his forefathers. It is a re ' cognized principle which has controlled ; the laws of almost all men, that their aims must be high, their ambitions I loltv, else in the struggle and race of life, I thev will fall far short of the attainment of any true happiness mid will lie ac counted among tiiose whose lives have been stamped with failure, who have tlone nothing for the good of society, for the amelioration ol the troubles and sor rows of mankind and have in no why advanced their families or themselves. Now the Christian man who look around I and about him. and see the motions and I recognizes the ideals which control the generality ol mankind cm not help from i being grateful that an ideal has been act j before him, and the type of life shown i him, and the example lor him to lollow ! marked out, so he has not to cast about ! for an example or pattern, he has but I to accept the ideal which has stood the test of ages, the niming ufter which has i ilroduccd the highest tvpe of mnnlv vir- hn worked translorniations in the lives of men which is almost akin to the miraculous, and which could not lie acoiinted tor, hut for the power and the grace which conies to them that love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. If vve scan the lives of nil men who bclore the the coming of Christ were the represen tative men of the dny and generation, if we examine the philosophy of Socrates, I'lato or read the writings of Cicero, Seneca, though doubtless in all these men there were particular chnnicteristics to be admired, still there are no life (jiving qualities in their teachings, and no one of these would he a safe guide or pattern tor our youths to follow. Whin we study the records of the Bible and rend the lives of those who were in many enses leaders of the jieople and hence in a cer tain sense their example, we are much more impressed with a sense of their weakness, and with what was lacking in them, than influenced bv an account ol their virtues. Kven the characters of Moses, of Jacob, of David, differing in every resiect the one from the other in dicate a lack ol strength, which cannot be accounted for, save by the explanation of the inherent weakness of their day and generation. Then too this is to be said in their favoij they had laws commands restricting and prohibiting, bat they never had a living personal ideal to lollow they had no example of a perfect life living among men, so they had to construct their own models out of their own individual ex periences, andjhnd to try to make these models agree with the commandments which they had received, and for these reasons these men did not attain any high degree of excellency, bill blessed hie Ood the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, he has given us as ideal, and not only so, has supplied us with records to show in what way this ideal was developed and what were the principles whichconstrain- ed Him. In holding this ideal up to our view in the light ol the ages which has passe-', nnd studying it with all the knowledge at our command, such knowledge being the result of the personal experience of many men who have made this ideal the example of their lives, we ere at once im pressed with the per fee '.ion of this char acter. There is not single Saw in the life of the Holy Jesus, or even the indication ol an imnerfretion. The saying of oar blessed Master is aa true today as when uttered: "which oiyou conviceth me of in. Oh how hard men nave toed to accept this challenge, but the result at wavi has been as Filatt declared it. "1 Tltad no fault im HiraJ' Jesus Christ and His Ws have ttoorl before the bar Of jus tice these nineteen hrlndrrJ years, "Wait in a for the sentence of condemnation to be proaoanccd against any one act of bii during hit whole life, with the most wonderful result that even those who have conspired against Him, who would have been overjoved to have found the slightest disagreement between his life and Ilia profession even these, though against their will, have been forced to declare that the closest examination, the most pains taking care have failed to find anything but the highest excellency, amounting even in their judgment to perfection. Then again in the study of thi most tady lite we are of necessity impressed with the harmonious development of all the char acteristics of our Lord. We not infre quently find in men what may be called an abnormal development of some one characteristic, hut it i always at the ex pense of the others. But the perfection of the Master's character consists in the uniform growth of all the particular vir tues which go to make up a perfectly rounded character. We know full well haw He haled sin and its evil conse quences, whereas we must admire His wonderful love for sinners, and appreci ate his earnest and constant effort to lift men out of sin and put them on their feet, clean, pure men. He was charitable, He was kind, considerate, sympathetic. He was true. He weighed His words with judgment, and executed His deeds with justice. He possessed in Himself all that we prize as most holy, most perfect, and we do this because in the face of the se verest criticism, lor no life has ever been so subjected to review ard cross-examination, so with the rest of mankind, we have to crv it.' find no fault in hitn but such has been the power of that life, many men have found the greatest incei.- live to nohle deeds, to nohle thoughts, Kiiu units Li, ii, .in, iii.b mi iimuiin for all those who should come alter, is this inucu to be desired iilc eternal. The passage of time has not lessened the pow er of the Sermon on the Mount, nor re moved its binding force from any one of us. The discourses delivered in the week bclore His crucitiction strike us with an irresistnble power, so that we with the same degree of wonder, nrecom pt llcd to exclaim even as His hearers did: "Never man spake like this man," for He spake as one having authority and not as the scrilie. Nor can this truth lie de clared of the maxims of the sayings of the teachings ol any man who has lived from tne creation 1111 01 c nnst jesi.s ; our l-oro. muny, 11 we can, anv pnnoso- pnies, any avaiem n euues, reao nnv aia-. i.i." r.v re mi ponce. and recommeadutions of one day and I generation will not suit the neetlsand re-! luirenients of other generations. Let any I government try to direct its affairs bv tion which has lieen drawn from the 11 i'ir our norne iieyono inc grtive. .-4 rounded perfect life of our ideal and ex- wl,en hf ""'If mt hv!"5 ample. Acain, nnv student of this, our kown into the very likeness of Christ, ideal, must of necessity heimprcssed with ! we 8h.a11 rrwnr (. ""'"I" the universality of this tvpe. Now every ! !"' Th will grace lw with us for nation has its own standard of morality i ''.uv,n( loved our 1-ord Jesus Christ in and its own ideal of perfection, and it is ; slllcer,t.v. well recognized that the type of charac-1 THK HOTF.lV RKUMTKR. ter of one nation will not of necessity lie that of another. Whereas, the lile and .... . .... character of Jesus Christ has served as e r Vlnltora to the Clt, and the pattern lor nil ages and for all na-j Where Thev Hail 1-rom. tionalitirs. His life can as readily lie np- Oimul Central: T. I,. Ooff, Richmond; predated hy the Asiatic, the Ku'ropcun, I 1 . Conway, Charleston; W. 0. Corpen or the American, mid even more so than .. ,. n . 1 t 1 bv the Jews ol His own .lav and genera-; ' -nnifi. Bristol, 1 enn.; Col. Dn. ' J. A. Rhome, Cnpt. T. N. Oriffin, Hr. E. No one nation can appropriate him or V. t)arlv, Lynchburg, Va.; P. H. Haves, his teachings nor can it tie claimed that Richmond; T. I. Itrvsou, 1). K. Hrvson, the kind ol life which he followed and llryson Ciiy; S. H. Hopkins, C-W. llaird, which he proclaimed to lie the exumple N. C; Miss Helle Davis Morristown; ine iawsenncieain oy gone years, ano juiaay. Charleston: W. P. Dickson. N such a government will soon come tojY., M Bamberg, S. C; 1. K naugn n nereas n any governmeni oe I'iinl rikllH tf t It firieitiitiMsi iirntiui irtitaH T " L w - ' r-.-...".." by the Master, such a government will i not be lacking, equity, in justice, in mor-' alityand in true development. To us j wno oeuevc id mc divinity 01 vnnsi rsus it is easy to understand why it is that His life should huvc exercised so power ful an influence over the lives of individu als, and moulded the history of nations. For with the desire on the pprt of men to become lietter nnd nobler men, when thev learn of the perlect ideal which is act constantly before their eyes, thev most naturally turn to that ideal for guidance, they moat naturally study the principles which controlled him, and in a measure they reproduce in thctn- selves the verv lite ot Christ, and the j more closelv thev lollow this ideal, the I .....redo thev -row in -rare, and the 1 nearer they come to the measure! ol the stature of Lhrist. When, however, men do not admit nay will not admit the divinity ol Christ, what explanation can thev ive lor these won derful facts of history? There is the his tory which can lie read liy all men. We see the results produced liy the life ol -Christ. We see men better in every re- Jf0 sai.B. spect because of their belief in Jesus. vVe I learn how the world has been benefitted I bv the instiutions which are the natural out-ejrowth of Christianity; we see how the unfortunate are cared for; how suf ferings are relieved anil ameliorated in the name of Christ, and for his suite. If ,-tll these tliitiKS lie true, and nosane man would venture to deny them, upon what satislactorv principle can they be ac counted for save that christians are acu nted hy the divine spirit of their Divine Lord ? Let the world show us if it can another Christ. Has all the boasted development and progress been able to evolve nnv man, like in character, like in perfcctiou, like in grandeur? There have been manv noble men since the davs of Christ, but it can lie asserted with certainty that if any thing (jreat and iodic nas oeen accompusneu it is necause the doer of such things hat caught the spirit of Christ. Whatever morality there be in the world has it not taken its inspiration Irom that code of morals heralded by the lonly Nazanne? What ever we know ot justice have we not learned it from the teaching ef the Ser Bionon the Mount? Do we know any thing about meekness, about gentleness, about humility, have we not learned it all from the life and example of Jesus Christ? Have we learned self-control ? Have we made any sacrifices? Have we done this in our own strength? Nnv have we not learned how to do and to be all these things, because we are graduully becoming more Christ-like? What good will it do us to have heTird ef the life of Christ if we have not learned how to rule our lives bv His principles and teachings. Il is well for us to recog nize this great truth, for it lies at the base of all true character format ion. We are to lie judged by no other standard than that ol the lite ol the master aelt. He has given us every opportunity. He has supplied us with erei v means lor self-development, but it must be a devel opment consistent with the ideal Christ lile, A lull knowledge of what Christ has done for us a deep appreciation of our inability to help ourselves, makes as of necessity love lliiuwho hnsdoncsouiucll for us. So when the Apostle snys: Grace He with then, that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity he is not only pronouncing a oeneaiction, ne is not only Invoking a blessing on those whos love Christ, he is also declaring a great and witle truth. Grace will abound more nnd more with them that love the Lord Irsus Christ, for he is the fountain of all grace. When the loveof Christ has I taken possession nt onr hearts we are ot necessity filled with the deaire to lie more like Him, to have our will fashioned after His. to have oar lives perfected, even as He was perlect. So that this lore will transform our very lives, and will make new creatures out of us. , Beloved, onr ideal is a very loftv ' one. As we study the life of the M niter, we arc Impressed with his magnitude and onr littleneis. We are oppressed with the reatixatton of the discrepancy between our lack of de velopment and hit great perfection. Surely we would become discouraged in deed, if we did not have the assurance that onr sufficiency is not of ourselves. Tb snore we realise that we hav. no strength of ourselves to help ourselves, tbe wore desirous w become of casting ourselves upon : Him and t getting SKMiiie aJi.e for Infants and Children. Caster! a Is as wen adapted to ohlMna that I recommend It aa superior to aoy prescription known to me." H. A. Aacitta, M. D., Ill Bo. Oxford 8k, Brooklyn, N. T. strength from Him. Truly many a chris tian mini has been well nigh ready to give up all efl'ort. When then there comes to him, might 1 not say from the verv throne ol Cod, tlicasserlion, Mr strength is sufficient lor thee, lor strength is per fect in weakness. See how strong Jesus Christ wns in the hour when men thought tlwy had made an end of Him. Why His very cross has become His throne. So if we are only struggling to be like Him, though we will meet with manv discouragements, ves, anil failure.', too, vet il we love Him in sincerity, we shall prevail. This life is but a prepnra . .- , , jit J.S.Scott, SanomH.N.C; T. Coleman Col. R. M. Coleman, Huncomlie, Huttcrr 'art. T. T. Hay, lid. Cham bers Smith, Raleigh; M. N. Moorman, jr., l.vnchliurg, Va.; W. C. I'errow, Roanoke; 15. R. Pewey, Ooldsboro; 0. M. Rutledge. Fletcher; H. R. Kroger, St. Louis, E H. Hudson, (irand Rapids; I'. H.Tomlinson, Tate Springs; Mrs. W. 1-'. I'ragotT, Miss Sncad, Ceo. W. Coolcv, Louisville; E. C. James and wife, Jackson; Jno. S. Wiley and wile, Columbia; L. (J. Young and wife, Savannah; Miss Francis Harwood, W. II. Lowe. I. W. Rucker and wife, At lanta; S. W. Kulles, r.idlord, Va.; P. J. Magiim, New York; H. (. Ilarrett. Au gusta. Swatmunna .Harry L. Pitts, Va.; Thos. Harry. J. H. Barry, 11 M. Allport, Richmond; Miss Anderson, Miss iicthca, Heudersonville; W. II. Withers, Mem phis; Mrs. M. L. Hull, Moll v Springs, Miss.; T. A. Stroud, Linvillc; C. II. liar ri c A Williams S. C, ii. T, R. C. Kerch ,,. i,.i.... v - ,,, All),usU. p. A l)RnMli, Goldslioro; Q 0Ulif;es. Louisville; W. 11. Crost, M.i- .... c . w c. Overtoil. Columbia: S D. l)UI111T11nt, Morganton; M. N. Moor- m jr ,v c pcr9on ,Tnc,,nirK; K. 0. . pjckler, L. . C. Picklcr, N. C; C. T. ( Normtnti Kichmond; W. II. Williams, jr., ... ....... J ' Newton; (,-0. I. K. Hovt, Jiiigadine. Tate Spring Hotel wh the onk moun tain resort hntel in the I'niteil States tn till Itefure the first ilaynf August. The lincst orchestra to tie found at any resort in the South is now at Tote ! Spring Hotel. tSTSpecial rates toyoungemlemen.jH - FURNISH HI. ROOMS POK R li.NT on Cherrv street Seeoid house west ot I Flint street. aul ItuwrdthuJw POR SAI.K One 1 2 honw power boiler and engine in Itood fix. will lie sold low. Woul.l exchange for real e.tnte. IIKARIUiN, RANKIN CO. auKltl'JW Af W4W That desirable and well located lot on pot street. dninint freiuht depot. R li. railron.l. in this city, nbuttine on I'rofessor Tirrnttn's projierty. liimensions. about laf feet on tlepnt street, running linek to RoU lins street, atiout :i."0 feet, in all one acre. T nny one desirlnx a location for a mil), stable, warehouse no better plnee in the city can be harl as it Is nett door to the llenot. conven- ! lent for the shi- pina an.) reel iue free from espense of cartage; while at the rear end is room enouKn, at lop ni tne ma tor iwn c.ittaKes, with ample yard mom. For terms apple to S. S. I-KASKH julL'.lsAcwlm Ge.irifctown, S. C. HAYWOOB WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, WAYNESVILLE, N C. UNDER ENTIRE NEW MANAGEMENT. U. M. BRIGHT, Prop. The aensnn nf 1 SHI at this n.inular resort i Is now fully opened and oniler the new man- South. An elegant hand Is now here Hiving plenty of dancing for tho-e who enjoy that pastime. The fare is all thnt coul.l lie desired and the place is better adapted to mak. f nests enjoy themselves thaa ever before, he hlg hotel a d cottages are filling up rap Idly. For rooms, terms, etc., write at onee or come right along and we will see that you are comfortable. Address H M BRIGHT, Prop., jull7.ltm Waynesville, N. C. WOFFORD COLLEGE Spartanburg, 8. C. JAS. H. CARLISLE, LL. D Pres. FOUNDED 1861. I Wofford Colleat offers to students In the four college classes two parallel courses of i sturtv. ench leading It the degree ol Hacaeiir of Arts in one of which Modern Languages are substituted for Greek. BXTRNSHS. Board, tutltlon, matriculntioa, washing, lichts fuel. I.Hoka. and stationery, the ntets- su college eifie ses foe the year, can tie met with one hundred and nity aouars. i ne neii begins the 1st dav of October, 1HU1. J. A. liAMBWKLL, Sec. ot Faculty WOFFORD C0LLE6E FITTING SCHOOL Spartanburg, t. C. The fourth session begins October 1, isnj. Roys prepared for College Kxpensea man he covered by S1S0 per year. Supervlsioy careful and constant. A. U. rSBMBKRT, A. M , aulftdcodaod Head Master. BOSTON SALOON, 39 South Main Street. Our motto it) to keep the very best wines and liquors at the moHt reasonable price commensurate with the rjual ity. Parties having friends of intemperate habits will confer a favor by no,,'4fip; ns of such, as we do n vih to sell them any stirr ants. Very respectfully, ' ; - '.JOHN 0D0N SLL. Caataria cures Coifs, Constipation, Sour stomach, Diarrhoea. Ent.'latlnn, Kills Worms, fives sleep, and promotes dl- WltEout Usurious medloatloa, Tss Casual Oonrurr, T7 Murray Street, S. T. WAYNESVILLE! PUBLIC AUCTION LAND :-: THERE. THK I) A TIC HON T IT IS l-OlililOT SEPTEMBER ist. KKCTLAK OLD TIME HAIIBECUE. On Tuesdnv, ScptemlK-r 1. f he Wavnes- ville Laud company will offer for sale at public auction at Wavncsvillc, North Carolina, from fifty to one hundred valu able residence lots situated in said town, near the Haywood While Sulphur springs, comprising some ol the loveliest locations in or around that ptcturcsipic resort. The conitinnv will give a Hailii'ctic on the first dav of the sale, and a free Con cert on the second dav the lirst and second of September. Adercsscs will be delivered bv prominent citizens of Waynesville, and gentlemen Irom other j places, on both occasions, To purchasers, the inducements offered 1 bv the alorcsaid sale are practical and I attractive in the highest degree. I'nsur missed in bcautr a nil grniideurol 'scenery. Wavncsvillc presents itself as the point upon which both intcrct and sentiment coincide in purpose. The town itselt, finely located, Icels the impulse of the spirit ol progress. Its scenery is stijierli, its climate unrivalled in purity and lirallliftilness, and its social atmosphere pure and de'ightf'iil. To the visitor, in addition to the ac commodations already ample, will soon lie nietieil u large and commodious ho tel, situated on one ol those abounding picturesque outlooks lor which Waynes ville is so happily tinted, embosomed in mountains, yet looking down on a wide spreading valley combining the two ex tremes nnd contrasts ol scenic beauty. Then near at hand, so close at hand as to lie inseparable Irom the lame ami pi ivilegcs ol Waynesville, are the Hay wood White Sulphur Springs, with their health-giving waters, their luxurient park, their commodious hotel, and their satisfying cuisine. The citizens of the town with liberal wisdom have provided tor the erection ol a large nnd commodious building that they may always huve among them the facilities awl the nu-ans f uiviiiK to their youth the inestimable ble88inKo n liberal education. The Southern W. C. T. lT. Assembly ' alter lull invcstiKation and ttijipsri... . TltrClVlJZrn' k& and with its thousands ol mciulx-rs, has st-n linker two horse waxon and hnrnes selected Wavncsvillc ns the place lor its muae for hor by Moulton. Auburn, N. annual inctint-s. anil the location lorthe v 7' '':',' ,NK!ANNt,S,.pt., illustration of its .ichool methods. Inanda. P. '., N C., Thus with its picturesque scenery, its healtliliilness. its fame as n resort for summer or winter, its social features, its educational spirit, nnd its extensive church privileges, Waynesville presents itself to those who may invest in the sale ol lots to which their attention is dircc- tfl Bs the place in which no mistake in selection can lie ninilc, no exmctatioti disappointed, no lioie unrealized. I Terms, one-third cash, the remainder in two equal installments, payable with in one anil two years from dale, with in terest from date at 6 H?r cent. rt'NPPsV irFNTI andc'anvnssersl. inking ULllCjP.nL nULllI J fr permanent money making business, no competiti. in should se cure the sale of the Talent Adjustable Shoe Addres with stnnip, CONSHl.tllVriill Sill IK CI)., t..1.tendl2l Salem, Mass. A LITTLE HIGH. That is the way some people like their jifiiiie. However, few people want even a picture of Asheville that way. Appreci ating that fact and ever desirous of sa v ing the people money (while making some for ourselves) Thk Citizen has purchas ed the exclusive right to sell the VIEWS of Asheville (which have been sold at $5 each) for a paid-in udva nee subscription to The Daily Citizen. That is, you pay us f 3 for The Daily Citizen for six months, and we will give youasuperb picture of Asheville FREE. That's a telling of ter or ought to be. You get The Citizen at the usual rate and the picture besides, and we get the inter est on your f .1 and , the pleasure that comes of being libera . If you want extra conies of THE PIC TURE to send away that matter can prob ably be arranged at v the business othYe of The Citizen. Dut first we must have the paid-in-advance sub scription of $3. That's fair. N. B. You can take your choice of the pictures, those on thin or those on thick paper. The former , , are best to send away ; the latter are the best to frame,".,,; ':::-.'J THE CITIZEN. WANT COLUMN. WASTED. w an rtiti Small store, centrally loeate-l, hy the first of S-oti-ml. r. LOCK BOX 15. arg'-lu&t Hekorv. N. C. BABY neaUuiiiT'nalnTKcT iiiK no more to usr Boracmc Nur sery I'owocr. iitKniy pvtiuiucd n ml superior. Only 25 c titriruK- KiHtu iryit; npri:7di iv k iViiVr. ?OR RUNT. Hou vn Uime and amntl. W. Call on R. WHST, JR.. l'A2 Hill Street. pOR RENT. One 7 room houac in pood netKhtmrhood. Apply to ! S WATSON. jullTdtf A tent. pOR RUNT. The house formerly occupied hy Rer. W. 8. P. HrvHii, HiawnsRce I'lace. 12 rooitiH, guod ntaltlc, line Kiore. Applv to nul4ilJt JOHN W. STARNU8. JpOK RKNT. Second atory room, for shop, HOxiJfi feet, Collt ge street', near flitvwood street Apply to TAVl.OK, UOl'IS K: HROTHHRTON, juliHf 43 I'atton Avenue. J3OR RKNT. H3 College Htreet. A InrKe nently fnr nished frniu parlor with hnth; to man nnd wile two jttiitleiuen Convenient to hoard iiiK hoUHc. ftul3d:itt JpoR RUNT. Two four room houses on Mirrimon ave nue at $u.rai . aeh Applv to P. C. M'lNTIKK. nt Meat Market, Colleicr Street aulodlw JfOR RUNT. A fhiirniinj; resiilrnt-r, nenr centre of town, IrirjKe s 'n.le lire. Iieautilul views, six aerrs of KmiinilM, nine rooms, vineyurd Kui'd''11 and stable, excellent water. Kent only $Iioo icr rear or $(..ri per month. B. COPPIN, auldtf ;t2 Pntton Avenue. Room 3. JOK RKNT New cottages, three moms nieelv finished, two rooM s hove, unfinished, l.nre lot, K nss and trees. K.ccl ri.L garden lull of wn eluhlrs, v ater in Imek porch Stieet cars, tioo.l ncixhliorlHioit. Applv to I.. A I'AKINHOI.T, Ko .in it, Mel.oud liuildi.iK I'. U. Hoi ri5."i. autndtf JS0 RBST. The store room and second story of build in; on Water street ariioininx the new t.irniiure ware rooms, now tieins eonstruet erl for Williamson Ac Co. The prolierty is well iidaiited lor supply store and storaKe purpo-es. Possess;.!., of store room given I st AiiRust, nn. I of the second story by 1st September. 1 Mil 1 Appl to JoXKS Xi SHfFOKIl, jul7-1mo Nos. .1 nnd 6. lohnso.i builditiK. FOR SALE. find lot, anplv at TAYLOR, Hot ISVfc BROTH P. R TON'S. tf JOR S.M.K OR RKNT. New house, eiht rooms, modern eonuen ces. Corner of College nnd IMne streets. Ai piy at NO. SI I'INK STKHUT. lot 1 2d 1 w Ott'S i'OR SALB Five tine vouiik eows, with first culves. Three ifive four R.-illons each per day, ami will be sold for $0 cHch. Two ivc over three gallons each K-r day and will be sold for $ '.1 each. Applv at julllidtf DAILY CITIZKN Ol'l'ICE. II OTKL FOR SALB. The St. Armond Hotel nt Skylnnd SprinR in otVt Tvd for Hale nt a haruin eitherfumifilu-d or not. The site litclutKi atiout eight acre of Kliady Krovc, ami five ftpriiiKfl. one of them the ti ncnt mineral water in the Houth. More KueHtit assured lor next ttmnmer than ean te accomtnot.Mted. The hotel t right by the de pot ThetcnuHof jtalemnde tosiiit purehaiwr OTIS A. Mll,l.i;W, febltdtf Skvland SprinKH, N. C. pOR SAUK. After the liit of Sept niber, hnvinsr n fur ther um for the t., sold tor no t ult. one pair tvcidinjc. I'ercheron utoik, the larnem .Tmnd uleC w"' the lament ft hav heen worked in vaKn and plotivh mnee lH,lt May, and cannot be beaten for hau ing Where horses can be seen any day eicept IIOAKM.W. gKl.liCT BOARD. Select partief rleairinR nuierit.r honnl and huihtfiorm-lv furnilul mount (bath nn each floor; run ohtuin surm- hy applyitiK to It. I,. IIOWYKK. AiiWllm No. 7 Startua Avenue. jI'MMKK !U)AKI. Rooms larite and niry. Kverythinjf fresh mid newly painted, and lurnislud Imnu'di iitely tin street car line. Terms lensomiblc. MRS. J. I. SMATIIKKS, junl'Jdtf 31M I'atton Ave. O IM NKD POR r.t'liRTS. Mv new house it completed and has extra lare, well ventilated rooms, and ne.vlv fur niHlted, i nth room on each floorer, with not and cold water. No. 'JH I-'lii.t Street. jul'Jhl MRS JULIA A. LEE. MISCKLLAX&WS. $200.00. To elose out n desirable line of 1 in lie' sum nn r k'ov. s Lisle and Jersey wc orter them nt whir they est us. Also a lot ol Hum burn edginysin neat patterns. nilddtt HliA K I KN, K A Kl.N .V CO. OTICH. At 2.'! North Main street, Mrs. Hnlybur ton, dress maki' R nnd millinery parlors. 8 he it prepared for all kinds of stamping has an outfit from the largest house at New York RidinK habits a specialty All kinds of hair work done. La.icsinvited to call ami exam ine stock. Hats pressed over JuL!"ditn N( TICK. I hereby notify nil merchants and other men doing business in the city of Asheville or other places, not to allow my wife nor child ren to muke any bills and have the same chnntrd to me, as 1 positively will not pay anv bills made bv them utter this dnte. July 3, 1HIH JOHN li. HAMPTON. juKUHm gALK BY PUMLIC AUCTION. The Plack Mountain hotel property, in cluding the farm of about 300 acres upon which the hotel is located, it being at Hlnek Mountain station on 'he Western North Car olina railroad, about sixteen miles from the eitt of Afhrville, in the valley of the Swan nnnoa Whereas, J M. Stepp and N. K. Stepp. his wife, of Btack Mountain, In the county of Huncoinhe, and stated North Car olina, on the day of June. A. !., IMHfl, made nnd executed a mortaRe to Chns. S HayllM, of No. 80 South street, city, county and state ot New York, to secure the imlebt- tuness as therein set forth aim described in sniil morlg;iKC, which is duly tecorded In th oftiee of regiHter of deeds ot (luncomb county North Carolina, on the 22d dny of June, A )., IHKH, at 2 o'clock p. m., in book No. 0 of the records of mortniiKet in said ofhee at ! a nes o7, etc., to which reference is hereby made for further particulars; and whereas the said J. M. Stepp on the 24th day of June. A. I. made and executed a deed of trust, to A. Kit kin, of the city of Asheville, 1 N C . at trustee, to secure a debt a therein mentioned, which deed of trust it recorded in said hook of mortgnKcs, No. (1. at pa .es 567, etc, to which reference It here by made for further particulars; and, where at, default hat been made In the paymmt of the money secured by said moitxaue and deed of tr st; now therefore by virtue of the powers of sal- ns contained in said mortgage and deed ol trust, nnd by reason of the de fault in the payment of the sums of money du. and secured bv the name as aforesaid; the untier;djned as mortfEnxcc and trustee in 111 id inortfjaKe and dcid ot trust will offer foi tle by public auction upon the premises as ht reinaiter di scribed for cash to the highest bi 'ilerat such sale, on Monday, the nth day o "ictobcr, A l., INtu, the Innds aud prem ises at set forth and described in said raort KKe deed, and deed of trust, and for a more nitrtieubir rteiterintion of the same reference is hereby innde to said mortgage nu1 deed of trust, as registered in said register' office as above stated, taid lands and premies to be sold In order to satisfy the debts, costs and all expcnct incurred by reason of said sale, to secured by said mortgage and deed o trust, according to the priority of the name. Thit August 1st, A l . 1H:. CHARLBS S. riAVLIS. A. RANKIN, Mortgagee. Trustee. For forth, r particulars apply to 9 H. Reed, attorney. at his law office In the Barn ard building, Atheville, N. C. auodtdt NOTICE. Bidt will be recdvtd antil Atujnct 30 th for pfiviUfet of Bait Alley. Toboggan 8 Ide and other atnutementt, at Sulphur Sprtag Park. August 10, 1801. J. B. BO8TIC, Becy, aulldaod Weat Atbflville Imp. Co. lewis UAnnci, Pres. H. T. coi.linb, Capital, $55,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County And Organized (iKNKUAl, UANKINC 1II Interest Paid 01C. Dcpostits D1R1XTORS: ..RWIS MAHIlt'X, H. T. COLLINS, M.J. PAC.G, . I!. KliI!D s. 11. Rank open from tl a. m., till - p J. P. SAWYP.R, Pkksiiiknt. OT1SM. COXH, VlCK-l'KKS. CAPITAL $100,000.00. ORC.ANIZIill MARC H 3. IS'.ll. Battery Park Bank. Transact a Kmeral hankinu liisiiun. upon approved coJIaterul. C olleetiotiH itunle SAFE DEPOSIT. Rents) Boxes) in Its) Fire Proof Solicits accounts of individuals, banks, IHRI-X'TORS. Monhison, Okaiiau, Rawi.s, PoWKI.L, V. I!. McltKK. I II. Ilovric, P. S CoXK, O. M CillH. STRAUSS' EUROPEAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. ROOMS ALL NEWLY FURNISHED. Also, table boarders can be accommodated. o'clock a. m. until 1 - o'clock p. m. Am prepared lor caterinK nt shortest notice trial. My Celebrated Philadelphia Fries Are well known. No one enn surpn-s them. Am proud to soy I have the finest, largei Ranee in Atheville. Inn serve orders in from .'t to r minutes, such as Fish, Game, Oyster on the Unit Shell. Polite and attentive waiters. Pleased to serve all. Respectfully, dec dly STAUNTON MILITARY ACADEMY, FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS. For illustrated cataloRue. address Sta. ston Mii.itaky acaiikmv, Staunton, Va. JulNdeodiit.t ARDEN PARK HOTEL AND COTTAGES. Ten miles from Asheville on A. K. S. Rail road, Hoard $2 per day; per week; $to per month ot 28 daju. Parties to Dinner or Tea. $1. TIUIS. A. MORRIS, a priori tf Proprietor. The Engacliue Wines Can now be found nt the establishments of Hon an zu Wine and Liquor Company and James 11. LoiiKhran, Asheville, N. C. Parties wishtiiK purchase direct from the vine v ard can have price, ipjotcd on application. Wine mld v Un ease onlv. JOHN K. lli'YT. nu 1 il : in Luther, N. C. ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, RALEIGH, N. C. Till; AHVI-NT TKKM IIKC.INS UN SEPTEMBER 24TH. ki-;iiovi:o. I havr niDvnl my lioot nnd slinr sliup fr.un 40 Smith strol to Ilia Smith Mail. Htrrct. Any otic havinu wink nnw ill the Hhop, nm linil nit' at the m-.v pliu-c. My c.s t. mc-rs will lin.l mc to .I.i all kiniN of work il. the beat Htvlc. at my new .im.rtcrs. Jlllaoillm A I'KIX'K. FITRNISHKD ROOMS. I'or rent, well kept, centrally l.nati.l. Modern convc.i nccs at WKSTIiKN IKITI'.I., S. V. Corner Public Sipiaie. shevillc, N. C, llililm JAMES FRANK, FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reems Creek Woolen Mills. North Main Anhrvillr, N C. fchindiv New Firm. The undersigned desire to announce to their old patrons and friends a ul o the public generally, that they have consolidated their Are insurance busiu ss, mid will iu future con duct It jointly, undi r the firm name of Pul- itam at Kutiedge, wuit ouuvs itgami nucu up in the Barnard building, corner Main street and Patton avi ne, and with ample fncilitles for the tr maciion of ti e Iusiuchm of insurance In all its bra-tcHcs They respect fully usk the t-u port of the public. LA W K liNCIi Pl'LLIAM KKIiDKKlCK Kt'TLIilKiK. THi; nAITLANI) SCHOOL. KNO.LISH AND PKKNCH HOME AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, No. 40 French Broad Avenue. MRS. Hl'RC.WYN MAITLANU. PK1NCI PAL Assisted by competent teachers. Hy spec ial request Mrs. Maitla"d ha add d to the school an Infant Depanment for ittt'e girW and b vs, bet we- n five and eight years of age. Some of the exercises of tit- KiiuU-rgur-ten will t e lined n this class, with d ilv oral lessonsin French. The Infant ItL-nartment is separate from the other school. dec"idlv BE A MAN APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. MlflCT IS I0IIM 1-KATCHtlSS IS WA! S..ttli.iM nn th. .DcLitu for .1.1. .r. n.n ih.. pu.f MT. I hlrth wm .... I. ..ram. Sr.rj HAS on b. 8TB0S0 .nd TI00R0VS Is .11 r.ip.'U. YOUNQ MEN OR OLD, rlf rroa HIKVOUS u a.LITY L.t ar r.tlin. H.. ko4. rkriicl Sic...... M.BUI ..... aknmta. D.v.lflnm.Bt. .t SIT riMOKAL WIAXSISS. c.n r.ilor.a FtKrsOT IIALTB ud .DILI TITALITT BI ITKUHU HIS, tk m r.w.r.1 K.'i.B.. w claim oj yeBr. o. vr aosoroLT or ioocus" in ut- JlSIMni.lBil. Testlmonlsls ' Irom to mates and T.mtorlta. flllS) air IV Sinnif '. , saalad. po.t- vvs nssw buus pa.o.rora i.n. .en n FbII tx.l.a.ll.n. rr HOHI THAT KsNI. V.I.HH rvi.LT SSSTOSSOaa TkaastaM MB Sr B. S.b4 Bar W.tlBatBl.. A4SrMBa ... tRIf MEBIOAk CO. BUFFALO, N.Y. 4sm iU.V 1 i 1 III. I L. r. mclocd, Cashier. Surplus, $30,000. City Depository. May, 1888. SINKSS TUANSACT1CI). in Saylnjts Department. J K. RAY.' I 11AKI.KS McNAMRH, j. K. RANKIN, M.J. BHAKDRN. Kiiiai. in. tin Saturday, till 6p. ). B. RANKIN, Ciinisa Comnitrcial paper dineounted. on all mit'NKihle points. Lottni in a a Vaults nt Reasonable Rates. bankers, firms andeiirporatlons. T. W. PTToa, II. T., IK. 8. Fsaav, W. H. BALLAaD. BOARD BY THE MONTH, WEEK OR DAY. Street cars pass the door. Open from for Home Parties, Balls, etc. BAN I 'ask is STRAUSS, Prop. JICSSK R. 8TARNE8, UNDERTAKER : AND : EMBALMER. KVKRV Kli(JI'lSIT8 OP THU BU8INKR8 I'l'RNISHBD. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. tfc- .SutiHractlou Guaranteed. Prompt Attention (Siren to Call, Bmj or Night. oftiee Bin! residence No. 21 North Mais Street. Telephone No. SI. lOVtryVlfl' DBTAOHAI LINK rv BELTH . The Best. Nowlhs Chespstl. son.1 r iTI HtDUCtD PRICE LIST Ih.II .V -Minr HtH4'l.ltlrt.fnr n'lill.i'rv .nv mfttiTlBl III bulk or p INK II KIT t'.NUIJEERINa CO.. (Klea- town) ruiuinti.i'iiu.BiiU M IHy 8k, New Tosvj. THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY." Cur.' t.unorhtaa and G (ilnot In ItoftDnj-B, without Pais. I'rrvonts Ntrlrture. Uontains no acri.1 or poisonous suhstsncas, and ik ifunrnntoed absolutely harmless. pr.'s.'rlbnl by phrslrlsns. Haat if- C r...irrr Wltnescn oomo. rncc.. Sold by (IrunKlsts. M.wnra of Sob. FOR SALB BY RAYSOR A SMITH. ASHEVILLE. N, C. ALBEMARLE - , FEMALE INSTITU It CHARLOTTESVILLE. VA. l.nruc i-orps of superior teachers. Best ad-vnntnut-s in litrrary tnuBical and art depart. ini'ntH. Attnutive nurroundtngs. Healtbtnl and niiTHBible location. I.oweBt tern... Order ci.toloKUe. W. P. DICKINSON, iiiu.iilcorll :it i-r.uc.pai. A.k hit nsrenia fnr W. I.. Dnaila. Hk.M. ir ii.ti lur anla In your plaaa aak yaar ilcnler to mp.hI for cnialoine. aoasrs au.'n.'y. nnd set them for yoa. IS-TAKK NO rHJBSTITVTI.wM nsrjs. thst W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE THE BEST SHOE IN THE WOULD FOA m WMICYt1 - It Is a Rt'itiulens shos, with no tekfl or wax thrrasl to hurt tho fHt; mtdfi of ths bttt fin calf, ttrllsa nnd easy, and hemuM vs male mor taosM a"t' 1 fini'lr thttn any othtr svintsnotwrsr, li H aalt aaail tMvcd nhnts frtntliiB from tM-'O to fUO. tMM.eiiiiliiP Ilandawe4, ttM ffettt oatt Pst fthoe ever ofTnrert for tsOOj equals Franc Imimrti'd shin's which eont from H.0ilto $11(11, 00 lliiiMl-Mrwetl Welt Hlrac. Una aalf, Btvllsh, eomfortsble tnd dnimbla Thtbeai ninn ever offtriHl st this prief ; ttmaarada at avt tonvmiult' mIhm'h eiMtbiH frim tfi.OO to VjO. i t9 .10 Poller HI. net Ftrman, Rtllroa4 Ha . IPOi and I.ottrt'arrleintil wws-lhetni Anaotlf, seiimlf, smilh Intdde. hwy threa totot, aatea ; slon r4w on patr will wear a year. aa AO lino en I ft nobstttrshoatsroffsraa' at ' iDai this price; ons trial will ronviaoa tfacaa who wsiit a shoo for onmfnrt sad tsrvlea. CO X "nd S'-I.OO U'arklamaatft tlwsa isPShsj hi-o very strtitifr and durtblt. Thota wha, hiivn (tlven thitrn a trltl will wesr noimntmita nAua' S.OO and toaml ahaat art KJUFO worn by the bojirrry whtraj Uu Mil nn iJinlr mstrlta. na tht InrMsUtnt saihM Muiw. Ladies nnOTlB?Tmlnrisa;MaaSr Unportml BhocB nOBtnts rrom SUHI to SiiXV l.nuiea -S.-IU, 4.Bnr aa II tBm nro the bsM Sne Donsola. anddurahla. l,'tullol..--8ee that W. Im Dove las', nataa brio. ar. stamlwd on the bottnm of mob .Boa. SM W. U DUDULAS, krookloa, SOLD BY " WiMVER2& MYBRS. Vlce-Prcs. ""WlrVrJB i vlt .oir WHY IS A' i. V

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