SrSlW. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 15. 18H1. ON VANDERBILT'S ESTATE.! FIRST COMPLETE DEHCRIP 1 TIOM OF IT. The Beautlea, Natural and Artifi cial, IT Not Been Kxauiter The Tennla Court Mite for tha Great Houh. Continued from First I'age. perfect picture may wait fur years. There it no Aladdin Palnce with in gor feoos surroundings to spring up in a aixht. Therefore, in speaking of the Vitnder bilt enterprise one contemplates nothing farther than notes and observations, with no purpose, lecaBc with no ability to forestall events. They will unfold themselves under the silent, but sure, touches of time. Tb World Paya a Tribute. There are two principal public thor- s inrncled western worm Carolina. Towards the south, all is gentle, peace (ul and in charming color; the moun tain's withdraw to a distance, leav ing an open champaign country dot ted with farms, until far away the scene is closed with the haiv fronts and forms of the Blue Ridge along the South Carolina border. It is a mountain landscape, but with all the softness and tenderness of a dream of celestial beauty. The moun tains have no terrors, no savngeaess; for high up on their sides are seen farms and orchards and vivid patches of green field ofgrassorcorn, while to the very top the forest stands in undiminished size and vigor. The Great House, Such a tiicture as this may have is counterparts in many a spot ia the West ern North Carolina mountains. Such are their characteristics. But the selec tions of Mr. Vanderbilt. concentrate more o( charm and variety than may be attained elsewhere. In the Dreseut crude condition of the AROUND TOWN. ughare by which the coming palace is ! work, the most commanding views arc nan iruui me uiwn hib v..,,,. - I to be reached from Asheville; tborough I fares so continuously trod us to prove the intensity of interest to inspect what already has such hold upon the curiosity of visitors. There is another, a private drive, the very perfection of road mak ing, yet unfinished, and therefore not -opened to travel. Tim Citizkx followed one of those public ways return ing bj the other; a ride altogether of bout eight miles. Going nut, the road leading to the Alexander bridge across the French Broad, six miles above Ashe ville, was taken. The introduction into the Vanderbilt domain gives impressive note of the immensity of nil its ora tions and designs. At the foot of the hill the north side of the Swanminun one conies into the level, fertile sn ip of vnlley which margins the river to the width ot about three hundred yards. On lauds once given to pasturage or to wheat and other grains, is found the substitu tion of a vast nursery for trees and shrubbery; long lines of young American rhododendron, transplanted. infant this, great as it is, will be subordinate to the great house which is to adjoin it on the north. Work on that is begun. The foundations are lieiiie laid over nn ex tent of ground 375x191! feet. The foun dation walls will lie run up to the height of those of the lawn tennis court ; that is forty feel; ol massive thickness, construc ted of while Indiana sandstone. On this will rise the dwelling 01 palace, lour stories high. This will be built of the same stone but dressed, and perhaps with elaborate mouldings and carvings But ol the nrehiteetuttl style, no one, not concerned in the work, can penk. Thai it will lie in the faithfully substantial Vanderbilt style one mav lie certain; that it will be in harmony with the sur roundings may be hoped and believed. The whole is on an esplanade "HOxSHO feet artificially made by cutting down the summit of the hill upon which the buildings are being erected, nnd rilling surrounding depressions until a perfect level is attained. This esplanade is now a work vard, a repository for the twite- Forecast till a a. m. statidasi falrwculher during itie day local ihowrrn evettlnai variable wlndi ferttunday continued warm, fa r weather except showers lu the evening;. The revenue collections yesterday were $4,612.39. At Grant's pharmacy todny at 2 p. m. the thermometer registered 82. "Mrs. 1- I. Jennings has gone to Ashe ville to visit friends and relatives, says the Greenville, S. C. News. I. M. Harr, of Hamberg, S. C, one of the smith's large melon growers, is in Asheville stopping at the Swannanon. A meeting of the joint board of alder men and advisors is to be held Monday afternoon at o clock in the mayor s office. IT HAS BEES SUGGESTED : That the authorities of the Western North Carolina railroad would increase the road's usefulness to the traveling public by keeping good water there about train time. That the new 10 cent rate on the cars is in the interest of some aristocratic peo ple who do not like to ride with the "poor folks." That "not dictated" should be left off in certain kinds of editorials. That Chief McDowell's turkey story was a pretty good one. That there may be a fallingoff in travel on some ol the street car lines tomorrow. That Maj. D. C. Waddell is an expert in the treatment of bores and cranks. That it is good for the public that the There will lie a song service and gospel j itorT called "Besom" !has been finished in Tug Citizkn, as the pressure was be- WITHDRAWN FOIl- REASONS EXTRAORDINARY. shrubs, from the adjacent woods, grow-, riala , t)f wroU(,lit. a store vard for the ing vigorously, and ready when the lime arinv f (.ultcr, at work shaping the comes to take their places as ornaments rough bluets. These are brought to the to the improved grounds, equally long spot by a well equipped and well built lines of what Mr. I'errv. the llorist, tells ; railroad reaclnni; to Itiltmore. the con inquirers is English rhododendron, unite necting point with the main lines of the as vigorous; long lines also of the wit),'- Richmond and Danville road. Bolin gramutlora, a new uud no doubt safe experiment in the mountains; and meeting for men at the V, M. A. to morrow afternoon at 5 o'clock. All men will be welcome. The regular Friday night german at f'attery I'ark hotel last night was very Pleasant. About thirty couples took part in the dance. coraiug very great. very many others ot equal beauty and value, evergreens nnd deciduous. This nursery is now to the extent of forty-live acres, and is to lie much enlarged. This preparation for adornment in not the i least costly item in the expenses to be in- j curred to perlect the charms of the Van-' derbilt place. Every section ot this con tinent, and of parts of Durope and Asia are made tributary in their rarest and most valuable contributions. EngllNh ttparrowNt omt-t li ol. Crossing the river, another suggestion f the wide scope of the work in hand is made by an iron-shod tramway c i tend i ing from the brick and tile works a Biltmore to a hill on the French llroail, a mile below, from which clav is dug for the making of the articles named, l'ass ing this the visitor is introduced plesanl- j ly into theproperty. The road Ic.tding to Alexander's bridge, meanders alum; the sides of the hills overlooking the joint Swannanoa and French Broad vallevs; old farm lands, long given to grain and now enriched, at present shorn ol their coating; spread before the eye smooth and verdant, a charming fore ground to the green foothills across the river, anil the blue mountain ranges that look down upon them in the dis tances. On the left are the lull pastures green as the lowland meadows, over which are browsing lazily docks of highbred cattle.anothei suggestionoftlie uses to be made of such cxieimve terri-1 tory. Farther on appear the large and well ordered barns and stables, the shapely water tanks, and the mighty stacks of straw and bay, all in their size and STSfm, a useful object lesson to our j western fanners. Then one comes among tbeoldfartnstcadsalongtjieroad, among . the teeming orchards bending under . loads of apples, or beginning to blush j with their weight of riiiening ieaches, i pretty pictures of rural lile which tasie and art have touched to give a btighter and tenderer coloring. A cb-irm un known now-a-days to the city presents; itself. We are beyond the detestable, soagleas, bullying English sparrow; the Cardinal Grosbeak flushes his brilliant plumage across the road, and glows like a ruby among th wayside foliage; and songjjoceard fu many a day delights '"tte car from many a native throat. ! For a Deer Park. There is little anticipates of what is to meet the eye when coming in view ol ! where the Vanderbilt palace uplifts itself. Suddenly a great mass of wull looms up n an eminence to the left, in its! height, and length and mussiveness, overwhelming in its magnitude, it crowns the apex of a height which HllUiiure. And Itiltmore is a very important fac tor in the economics of the Vanderbilt pnlace. Here all the material of every kind needed in thewoik is received and distributed. Here arc the tile nnd brick works, in wliich nil the pipes for the drainage of the extensive estate; all the brick lor building and for culverts are made. The many roads and drives abound in these admirably madeculverts which add a valuable feature to a coun try in which road care and construction is u despised, if not unkuown, art. Hiltinore was once Hests, the terminus of the Asheville nnd Spartanburg road. It is now a thriving little village, with its company urlices, stores, railroad sta tion, workshops, brick and tile woiks. churclrand school houses; all under the ownership an.lcontrol of Mr. Vanderbilt. It inigbl be useiul to the curious public, but it might also be impertinent in rela tion to the party chiefly interested, to sneak of the number of men employed, and the amount of wages paid weekly. It is enough to say that these are ver large, and influential in the distribution of much of comlorl to the peoplr of the country. A true picture of the Vanderbilt prop erties cannot be painted lor some years to come. Now the canvass, from the hand of man, has only received its first rough coating and its governing outlines. The lime is coming when nothing in the South, scarcely anything in the l.'mted j States, will approach it in magnitude, I grandeur and magnificence ot complete ness. Rlnhop Lyman's Apootntmenta. Aug. 1(, Sundny Trinity church, Ashe ville. " 19, Wednesday Waynesville. " 20, Thursday Mica Dale, Conse cration. " 21, Friday-Sylva. " 2.'l, Sunday Cullowhee. " 2", Tuesday Cashier's Valley, Consecration. " 30, Sundnv Flat Rock. " " Sunday p. m. Hcudersonville. Sept. I, Tuesday Saluda, Consecra tion. " 2, Wednesday Tryon City. " 4, Friday St. Paul's. Henderson county. " li, Sunday Cnlvary church, Hen derson county. " 9, Wednesday H p. m. Trinity chapel, Asheville. ' " II, Friday p. m. Ascension church, Hickory. " 13, Sunday lnoir. " " Sunday 4:30 p. m. Yadkin Valley. " Hi, Wednesday p. m. Statesville. " 27, Sunday Winston. " 20, Tuesday Walnut cove. " 30, Wednesday Germanton. Oct. 1, Tuesday Madison. " 3, Thursday Wiklesboro. " 4. rridny Gwvn's Chapel. " (1, Sunday I.incolnton. " 7 8, Vicinity of I.incolnton. 0, Friday Shelby. " 11, Sunday RutberforHton. " 13-10-Asheville. " 31, Wednesday Bowman's Bluff. " 22, Thursday Brevard, Consecra tion. u..i.. : -. : : , , . i iioiv communion Hi iiiorimiK nerviccn, most popular fruit on the Asheville mar- c()lu.ciolls ,or 1)il)ct,an mis,jonY ket. i Two colored men who indulged in a cursing match were find $2 each by Re corder Miller this morning. One drunk was fined $! "0. II. Lamar Gudgc, always fat and liappv, is hap;.ier than ever, over the ad dition lo his family of a bright buby girl, weighing over ten pounds. Yesterday afternoon a dog belonging to Samuel Ray, living in North Asheville, was run over and killed bv nn elcctriccar on the Lookout inouutain line. The monthly meeting of the Kinder garten association will be held at r o'clock Monday, August 17, in the V M. C. A. lecture hall. A lull and prompt at tendance is desired. A force ol hands has lieen on the duni-1 my line this week pulling up the track and fixing the switch. Tomorrow the train will commence running up the I mountain past the switchback, to the ! cud of the track as now laid. i Hiss Katie Winkler, Miss F.stcllc ll.ilsay, Mis. Mickle and daughter and Mrs. S. li. Symmes', of Charleston. S. C, I who have licen stopping at Battery I I'a-k. left this alternoon for Henderson-1 ville, w here the will send some weeks. ASHEVILLE AD VEKTISEMH.YIS. ICE I ICE 1 ICE I Drivers are Instructed to Give Full Weight. C O A L The wonderful success we have had in the private wile of lots since making our last announcement, has induced us to withdraw the public sale heretofore advertised. A large number of lots intended to be sold at that time have al ready been sold, and we have only to say that Ashe ville marching at the head of the procession to the tune of 1500,000 just appropriated for street paving, and $100,000 for extending her sewerage system. has attracted the attention of capitalists nil over the country to this rapidly growing and plucky town. (n year ago the Asheville, Loan, Construction nnd Improve ment Company with the following officers: GEO. S. POWELL, President and (ien. Manager. W. W. BARNARD. Treasurer, Richmond Pearson, J. K. Rankin, T. Il.Cobb.J. S.Adams, Geo. 8. Powell, Directors, foresaw what wasconi ingand went to work developing their six hundred acres, embracing the finest .building and manufacturing sites in the city. This property is now laid out with broad ave nues, paved gutters and shade trees on each side. ater, , ";),V!l;u Aie.muiV;' Celebrated Jellico and Best Anthracite Coal. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. COKE IN CAR LOAD LOTS. MANUFACTURERS ANDJDEALERSJN ICE. Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 40. No. 30 Patton Avenue THE- CAROLINA SALOON to tup: front. While others are putting a bug in your ear, listen to me! I am now better prepared than ever tn furni.h State, unit it of the nn Tmk Citizkn is iimler obligations to ("ien 1', lionbleday, of Tryon, for a crale ol his most delicious grapes They were faultiest in growth and in llavor, and it is not at all wonclerlnl that thev are the The sheet and pillow case party at Kciiilvvorth tonight promises to he a smooth affair. A party ot thirty from t lit.- liatlery I'ark anil another ol twenty from Oakland Saii.ilo.ium will go out, as well as a host ol the young people from thecitv. LEMON KI.IXIR. PIcaHHiit, Kleuanl, Reliable. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Hlixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take lycmon F.lixir. For sleeplessness, nervousness nnd pal pitation of the heart, take l-emon Hlixir. For indigestion and foul stomach take Lemon FJixir. For all sick and nervous headaches take Manginnwere f jx.m,, Elixir. h. McDowell 1 l.mlies. for natural nnd thorough (ill with nnvthinp ii.i.nlli. lttt! In a fl.'i elns. milium I hnve the largest nnd heat stork in W-atrrn North Cnrolinn. it not in nest liritntltt of Whi.kir.. Wlnr nnrl llrflmli... bnnwn In . world. Burkes ThrtrStMr Irish Whiskey, bryond a doulit the finest in the world. Trv nnd you will be convinced thai I am advertiitinK nothing but laets whilein Kurnpr, durinx the .iinimer nf lHlio, I made arrangement, far the above Whis key, Spanish Sherry and Port Wine., the equal never brought to A.hi ville Imported L'lnr ets. 1'ontet Canet, MnrKaui. Chateau llelmont very line. In French nrandim f tmve a Ihi itc nn Mcnnes.T at lo . I nree Mar and otlirr Htnndnrd brands Hxtrn foreign Stout liiltir uinnes. Hstrn Fnrt'is-n Stout, .n On!, mv at,.k of Imnorl..,! eleCtl'lC Street I'ailWaV rUlinillg through tlie prop- 5l,v ",0,k 0'K whiskies . mbraee. ,mr of the finest nnd nldet brands known " "ier the finest on the market for family use. The la-st brand, of CK'.AKS and T H1AL' ..-4... !.... I I ll . 1 1 1 . . . , l'. . W hen you are In need ol anything In my line, before going elewhere. conn nnil m-c nn ertV'. 1 ark aill lake SlteS lM.Ve I.Ven lett at COllVeniellt (llS- and he -onvWrtl. My whiskUsnre recommended lrvomcnf themo.t eminent men or the age for medicinal purpose.. Kcx.ctfully, RI.V. AI.ICX. I.. PHILLIPS). HI Hermnn on "Oulv ol the Church the Colored People." At the First Presbyterian church to morrow morning Rev. Alex. L. Phillips will deliver an address on the duty of the church to the colored people. Mr. Phil lips is a native North Carolinian, a son ol the late llr. Charles Phillips, of the Slate 1'niversity, who was one of the most brilliant matliematiciunsof hisday. His tirotner, Or. Will B. Phillips has taken high position as a mining engineer and was largely instrumental in the erec ture ol the monument to the late Prof. Mitchell on the mountain that bears his honored name. Mr. Pliillins occupies the office of secre tary of the Ceneral Assembly committee on colored evangelistic work, and though but recently appointed has already ac complished much good. I luring a recent visit to the Mohawk conference, he made an address that was exceedingly well re ceived and on the luvitutmnol Dr. I.v- The Ashev ille Light Infantry held its regular monililv prucdrill iu the arniorv last uighl. The drill was under Sergeant Wagner's command, and dipt. I luff Mer rick ami Lieutenant h. r the judges. Sergeant U. won liie medal llr htmpu Itrv.on uril'e nnrl inn Rock Ark! Mr.' ami .Mrs. A. L. Farrie. 1 iail you in any of the above named Savannah. Ga.; Mrs. J. S. Dickie, Lex ington, Miss.; Mrs. J. 11. Neatherv, Hal eigh. N. C; Mr. and Mrs. 11. T. Claw stui, Newark, N. J , are stopping at Mrs. . A. Lee's, No. at, Flint street. For a number of weeks ike life of Peter has lieen the subject of the talks in the Hoys' meeting ol the V. M. C. A. To morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock Peter, the I'.rcat Preacher Acts 11:14-17; III: 1J 2ii will lie the topic. The meeting is proving ol great interest to the bovs and all parents are urged to send then sons between the age of twelve and sixteen. Tickets will be ou sale at the office of Col. P. 1). Cowan, citv ticket agent, Irom August '2i to at, inclusive, to the meet ing ot the stale tireuian s association, at Durham. Round trip fare, $t).a'; ticktts ; Your leading druggists sell Kodak good until August a1.). Tickets will also Headache, Neuralgic Powders because! lie sold to the colored agricultural fair at suierior to liquid preparations in safety, : .Newliern August a.I-a i, good to August cheapness and ctticiencv. 31 Koun I trip fare $6 60, - Mpeclatl Rate) nnd Hchednlea. Col. A. T. Davidson, who nlwavs nee w. M. Clarke. Member Anier. knows what he is talking about, says cau HcUe Hroker- Awtcolallon. Ituncomlie county can more tbanraisc Thut splewtkl picture of Ashtrille lor u peaches And to substantiate (it suli-,sx mun'tht- gulwription to'TAe tVti, tl 'ii,l lutlon iv,r. n.iU I w inl n.writt 1 ..... ' 1 the Colonel has brought to Tiik Citizkn tances through the property and a complete water anil j sewer plan has been adopted so as to give the very best, sanitary results. Some of the views to be had from points on this property are i Unsurpassed in Western North Carolina, i and that almost means the world. The demand for this property has been unprecedented in the history of Asheville real estate, and its success as the popular resident part of thecit v has already been assured, FRANK O'DONNEIX, PROPRIETOR. THE CAROLINA SALOOX, I!) AY A" 77 MAIS STREET. ASHEVILLE, N. C. ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, ai7 Haywood Street. nr. ! ..tint,' T-ri.tilntinn tiik l.emon Klivir Little "r- Motlev's Lemon Iiliiir will not dis eases, nil ol which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys or bowels. Prepared onlv by Dr. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga.,50candi.00 per bottle, at drug gists. LKMON HOT DROP. Cnres all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Hrotichitis, Hemorrhage ; and all throat and lung diseases. Hie , gant, reliable. as cents at druggists. Prepared onlv j by Dr. II. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. jan!7eod The bile is removed, the head cleared j and digestion restored by Simmons Liv er Regulator. In tln tut urc us in the past, rvory attention will ho nivcn to proiJncp the finest gr:i(h of ('nrbonntivl lievertifp'sunflHr 1 ho PEItSt )A li snnprvisirn ot tho nrfmrii'trtr. Tin rm- t heron w being over $12r,()() worth of buildings com- stunt ly inrreasinp iknmml for thi'si' floods from this t:i-- ! a. ....! J A. I J. J. . J. ? i , t ted and under contract to be finished bV 1st October 'ur-y 'V v" "m ln T"'n " "frrivM is .yipivnaiea itj an lmeiiigviii puum:. I pit next. For further information address Geo. S. Powell, Pres., ASHEV1LI.K, N. C. I ten." See advertisement. stretches parallel with the river valley, ; tntin Abbott, preached at Plymouth to which -'iscendsiu somewhat gentle : church, Krooklvn. He occupies advanced slope. oproached by a long wind-1 ground on the so-called "race problem" ine. -omnleted drive, curving I and has faith in the colored people to througn a .irefully thinned grove ot voung trees from which the undergrowth : as been thoroughly rooted, the ground carefully smoothed and seeded to grass 1 which now is fresh in lovely verdure. Very j many acres oi hillside are covered with; this brilliant coating and form, as is , afterwards learned, the coming extensive deer park. On the summit stretches the aassivr structure which first attracts at-: tention. It is built of hewn but un-, dressed rock, surmounted with a coping of finely dressed stone of the same mate-! rial, a fine white Indiana sandstone, i out of which all the buildings are to be constructed. It is forty feet high, mas-' site as a medixval castle and is 320 fret 1 long by 140 wide. What appearance it will present when finished must be left 1 to fancy, for no information is to be ob-; talned. Derricks, worked by a steam j engine, lift and whirl into place the mas-1 -Teb'"-- . are hoisted iuto final; solve this problem for themselves. He will preach at 8:3U p. in., to the colored people at Bethany Presbyterian church. KOCI RS NOT CAl'UHT. o lay until the crack of j not on it." POSlVi doom; for nothing else can misplace iaem. For Tennla Court. . . And all this work, and skill and cost is lavished on a lawn tennis court! For such this ia to be. Verily the means ol wealth are manifold and its powers with out bound. But this noble tennis court, la all its rough incompleteness, gives the key to the choice of such a site ; for it is part and parcel, in continuity, of the palace that it to be. From the walls of the tenaia court, those splendid pospects that must hare fixed the purpose of Mr. Vanderbilt are had in all their beauty and perfection. One hardly knows in . looking round where first to fix the eye; for all around is the glorious panorama. Bat the western aspect wins attention. . There below, lies the river valley luxu riantly, ffr", ta wtych the stream here "i- tttrt diSCIoSes itself in sparkling rfkelets; while beyond rises hill after hill and mountain line one after another. and many a heaven aspiring peak, chief among wbtcn it nsgati with its sharp symmetrical cone; and beyond, in long ' eiteaded vitta the lines that close in the lofty tammits of the Balsam mountains, mare than eii thousand feet in height. Dow to the right, towards the north, ' the eye follow! the valley backed by its never absent mountaius, until far away . they blend ia misty distance with the Smoky range. Ia this direction are seea the distant city with its most conipic- aboa building. Then sweeping to ' the northeast, the valley of the Swan '.taaaoa spread! itself in all its placid . beaaty, and lay! in tranquil charm at 'the foot, of it! ever present guard- mountains, stooping along tbe mar r,in ia gentle reverence; then, at thev re t . r. . . ' i . , V ceac, using loity majesty nnui cney I. erect themselves in all tbegrandenrof the V nriyalled Black Mountain chain. To tbe nrhtyJkie the eye directs itself to ,; wnl'.iit eaft, the valley is flanked with ; the bigh and graceful Swannanoa monn- tl tain, virgin ia the richness of untouched . ' forest, and in the far distance; tbe 8wan- aaaoa gap, tbrough w-Uich tbe railrad He Was Not Arrealed In Knox, vllle, aa Supposed, Kogcrs, the man who is wanted here lor the larceny of a number of watches and jewelry from M. A. Tiller, on Court place, was not arrested in Knoxville, as was inferred from a telegram from Chief of Police Atkins, of that city, Thursday night. The following telegram received last night, from Chiel Atkins, will explain it sell: "Kogcrs has not been arrested. My message was preparatory to his arrest on the train tlicn aonul line lie was a number of as good peaches as mortal man might wish. They are large and lucious and were raised on the Colonel's lot in this city. They me the Chinese! clingstone variety. The tree on which j they grew was one of those limed by j Col. Davidson some time ago, when the bugs were destroying the fruit, an 1 he '. says that the peaches on this tree would have lieen ruined but for the experiment with the lime, RI'.AN Rlli PARTY, "A word to the wise is sufficient" Bradycrotine relieves eriodic headaches and leaves no bad after effect." Ht'HIshKHB NOTICF.). Jelly Catia uud Fruit Jam. Fruit Jars reduced again to $1 2"i nnil $1,50 at Law's on South Main Street. Whltiua"'s Candlca at Km ger's, 1 College street. WThe Asheville Transfer Hi press company's office, after this date, will be under the Swannanoa hotel, second door below the office entrance of same. The stables and warerooms are opposite. Telephone 129. Index to New Advertisement. N otic a I !.. Csthev: WiNTsn HhtW I.. Kills. Nsw Hotki. Kenllwnrih Inn Boasiiino 121 Haywood Street WorKosn Col.l.BOR H. Carlisle. Fob tt.LK State Newspaper Cr-mpany Blsskmai Accommodations for Gneitt, It OAKIMNli. If' Mr. Tiller's many friends here will re gret to know that the thief has not been arrested. Mr. Tiller is comparatively a new comer to Asheville, anil had bceu in business for himself only a few months. He has shown himself a young in nil of excellent character and habits, and all who know him sympathize with him in his loss. The robbery will fall heavily upon him. A reward of $50 is offered for Rogers' apprehension. He is described as a man of rather preixissessiug appearance: 5 feet 10 inches tall; blue eves; dark hair streaked with gray; nearly white mous tache; about 5 years old; when lust seen he had on a cheviot suit. MI-XKI.lCNBUttO PHESBVTERt' The Younit Folltn F.ujojr Ttiein elvea lo a Qreat Kxlenl. One of the most charming juvenile events of the season was the children's bean bug unrty at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Mays, No. 57Spruce street, last evening. The first girl's prize, an elegant china cup and saucer was won by Miss Mary Hays; the first boy's piize, a very unique mutch box was won by Master Jamie leffries; the girl's hooby prize was won by Miss Anna Belle Quina; the boy's boobv prize was won by Master Wallace Hnys. The prizes were presented to the fortu nate winners in a lew pleasant remarks by Mr. Robert Lindsay, after which the young folks repaired to the spacious din ing hall and partook of rel-eshments. The event was one long to be remembered both by the children and their parents. The following vouug misses and mas ters were among those in attendance : Miss Aria Hathaway, Master Miller Hathaway, Ky.; Misses Anna llelle and Moth (liotin. Muster foe Onimi f.itll Wn. lr irli MiB.-o ('. ,,, o;..i,Ur.l ! "nests can he accommodated at Blbtrmar, ftf,bsis ',r"ce and Kkliard iitlmd on thc victo im ro.j ,u,. Multljy. Dcnmson, Tex.; Master Jamie I walk to the cars. H. 8 nostal delivery nlitht leflrics. Aueiista: Master Tom Newsome. 1 morning. Telephone communlc Iiss Ulla Newsome, McKinncv, Tex W. B, WILLIAMSON & GO,, ! No. 16 Patton Ave, i HAVE A LAIMSK AM) WELL SELECTED STOCK OF PARLOR SUITS, ?iDM,MMiK.nill'IIES.i SIDEWALKS. We have Nrcured the rijrht to use one of themoHt valuable patents in the Cnitetl States for eoncn'te and block nide- walkH and driveva.VH, which is a reat iniproveinent over! ordinary concrete work, We will he ready to comineiice operating under the same in a few days. In the meantime those interested are asked to call and examine testimoni als, etc., or enquire of C. E. Moody, .'( l'atton avenue, or V. T. lielote, Flint street. I have on hand a full stock of Fresh Lime, Piaster, Ce ment, ( harcoal and W ood. C. E. MOODY, Vard nd Warehouse Near theUcpot, Telephone No. 7,t. By Mr K. W. Rohln.on, at No. 131 May wood .tr-et Large, airy room, and well stindrd Rrnunda tlot nnd eold water, and right on Montford Park car Hoe aalSdtf 4OR 8AI.B. A Prouty nrlating pre., band or nower, 7 eolnmni, in lirst elms ordrr, will lie sold cheap lor ea.h. limed and delivered on board enra. Address THK STATb NBW8PAPHR CO., ltdw't Klihnionrt, Va Neellna; ol This Bndv In Aahevllle Veaterday Ailernoou. This body met in the study of the First Preibyterian church yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Key. W. S. I'. Bryan, the moderator of the presbytery, presided, and Kev. R. L. Brown, of Waynesville, was clerk. Rev. (esse W. Siler, of Shelby, resigned bis pastoral charge and asked permission to labor in Texas, having been called to the church at Cameron, in that state, After hearing the answer of the Shelby church, the resignation was accepted and leave was granted Mr. Siler to remove to Texas. I An overture to the synod of North arolina was adopted, praying the synod to take into special consideration tbe needs and claims ol tne work ol the church among the colored people. Rev. A. L. Phillips, the secretary, was present and also Rev. . L. Morrow, of Bethany church, who is soon to be ordained to the ministry, and who will continue hi suc cessful work among the people of his race ia Asheville. "L ' ' Re. Tt. M. Perkins, Augusta, Ark., writes: Bradycrotine never fails t. ear headache. :';.:;- ELBERNAR. Master Moorman Parish, Kv.: Miss Lucy Simpson, Dennison, Tex.; Misses Amelia, Mamie anil Virginia Miller, Misses ilainmershlug, Master Sol Ilnin merslilag, Misses Lillian and Bessie Rey nolds, Master Herbert Reynolds, Miss Louise Blair, Misses Jessie and May Hays, and Masters Wallace and James Hays, jr. The Dallv Citizen Is nlwavs alive to the interestsof Ashe ville and its people. Is the most popular advertising medi um in North Carolina. Is read by a greater number of people thnn any other secular paper in the state. Is always filled with the choicest read ing matter of the day. Hoarding houses fill their rooms by ad vertising in The Citizkn. News, and all the news, makes The Citizkn a general favorite. No retail merchant ever made a great success without advertising. Try Thb Citizkn. An advertisement in Thb Citizen pays the advertiser an hundred-fold. Simmons Liver Regulator has never been knowu to fail to cure all liver dis eases. - and morning. Telephone communication witii drug sturta, livery stahlet, ete. Bvcrv ! convenience to ne nan with the adv ol ticing near tbe town nnd yet in the country. Aaareaa mi nrMKB. u. h. eu,ivtiK, aulScllw WANTED A COOK. A capable, steady man or woman, white or colored, able and willing to work, can ob. taia a year's litaallnn with guod salary, by applying, with menace, staling qualifica tions, etc , to I) Will I, BLLIS, Pretldeat Pair View College, Pair Wlew, N. C. Twelve miles from Asheville. It N pill or nauseating potion, but a Eleasnnt tonic and purgative is Simmons river Regulator. To AclTCItlBSnTSf To insure change of advertisements running on regular contract, copy moat he handed In rvr 10 o'clock a. m. fob DnPEn.ii ' MltsUn. and Mosuch dkordsrs, ass . ' Mown IKOS BITTER, if! daalmkMp. Nperbottla. OeantoskM tnMe-sMtk auaarussau ml turn t ON THE PURCHASE OF 3 THREE 3 BRAND NEW DWELLING HOUSES aituated 1 83 feet from the city hall square, to be finished by September IS, 1891. Price $4,000 each, f TOO cask and loo to be paid at the end of every six months with Interest every six months om the balance then due The houses will rent readily for 990 per month. If coatlaaously occupied this will atnouat to 97,300 by th time the last pay meat falls due I shall keea tbtoi inaured at say owa ex pea at for sevca yaars. The first to com will get Irat ckoic. Bxaatias the houses aad ask the soutr actor, Mr, J. M WestaUikow mack thejr cast Apply by ail to V . VCHMOND PBAMON, Or to John A. Wflliaau, to Legal slock. HIGH GRADE, LOW PRICES, EASY 1ERWS. LUDDEN & BATES, S. M. II. ftquare ilraHns ftnd honct rtrrrnUtlnn hvc rnnblrrl this hotisc to iuvii)iv the pitMitino of being the moit reliable in theSuuttt. PIANOS AND ORGANS Oneaiy term".. Caih or monthly pavmentH. K ery Imtrumrnt guarantred, and placed in home, kvchoul or office on hfteen dai trial. Call and ire tht- "t-vk ut 'k I'ntton i.vt'iiui', J. F. Garratt, Agent, AKheville, N. C. Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphons. Mr-Slvli ANALYSIS Ol' WATHR I'SBII. ON FRONT I'AC.U. 15 OAKLAND HEIGHTS SANATORIUM. (FORMBHLY OAKLAND INN.) ASHEVILLE, N. C. The Moat Complete Health Henorl In I lie Month. Is now open and ready lorRucnti. This house is the must desirable in thr South for per sons who need rest anil mrctienl attention. No hotel in Asheville tins hi well furnished rooms anil its culmne is unequalled Only in the cane of patients is the diet reflated. The tnbK- is an important teaturc of the sanato rium. The water is pure and plentiful, coming from a larffi- limpid spring near hy. The san itarv arrnnKements arc aa perfect aacare and money ean make them. Persons suffering with throat and lung troubles are greatlv heni'fttteil hy a stay at this plnce. The med ieul umnagenient is under the direction of llr P. W. Ncefus, recently of the fackson Sana, torium, at liunnville, N. Y The Saaatorium is thoroughly equipped with modern atipliances for the scientitic re lief and cure of all nervous anil chronic dis eases. The bnth dcpartmtmt arc new throughout and are under the supervision of competent and skillrd attendants. The methori of treatment include all hirms ol baths, the Medicated Vapors, Turkish, Ulec trie, Kussian, Komau, Molii're, Thcrmn-Klec trie, Eleetro-Chemicnl, MaHsage, Klectrii-ity in nil its forma, also Swedish Movements. Medical attendance and every form of treat meut included in price of room. Althuugh the comlort and welfare of tne sick are tne first considerations, every oppor tunity is given to those who desire to spend pleasant and profitable season here. Address for further particulars Mltta Enillie Vaughn, ASHKVILLR, N. C. WM. PALMF.R & CO., Grading of All Kinds ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Boa 46a Aahevllle, or Renldence. julZHdlm The Host comple stock of Pure Ortis, Rurechemiclesnnd Patent Medicines, nt the very lowett prices nt RAVSOR A SMITH'S 31 Patton Ave Our stock of DruKRists' Sundries is the most varied and complete, of nny house in Asheville. RAVSOR & SMITH, 31 Patton Ae. Our Hot soiln in Winter und our Cold soda in Summer is conceded by critics the best. Nothing richer than n Klns o1 our Ice Cream Sortn; vhiternt'nc seivctl. RAYSOR & SMITH. 31 Patton Ave. You will never regret becoming a cus tomer Jt Raysor & Smith's Drug Store. Your trade appreciated, your interest studied. Prescriptions 6'lled day or night by competent Vcariea and delivered free to any pa 'tht city. k aa.A eiuil Boaaaami - sjt Pattttn Atc CRUSHED GRANITE FOR Sidewalk and Drives. HXTRA 1IAKO, llt'RABI.R SI'ONH. WKLL SCRKKNlili. A GOOD ROAD AT LOW COST. L. C. HHl'KV, JuKioilam P o Box :.6H. "WORLD'S BOUQUET CIGAR." a u u 'I H a 'A H. a E The The The Jiff' ii l'r"" nwiri'f 'I IU."".- . -.. ... Beat Beat Beat Cent Cent Cent K to to S c 0 6 to Clear Cigar Cigar WE ARE CLOSING OUT THE BALANCE of oun - : SUMMER $ CLOTHING KEI.OW VALUES. Only a Few Left. Price No Object. ON THE MARKET, FOR BALB AT - Tn Batttrrj Park Hotel, W. B. Fclham. Bwannaaoa Hotel, W, O. Mailer, Rsnor Smith, O. A. Sorrels. Hampton Feather .too, w. O. Perry, J. H. Lourhran, Joha O'Donnell $t Co., Wm, Kroger, Wortliau Co7 Boroptaa Hotl. -. tljr31-m DeiPrniinoil to make room for Fall and Winter floods Now is your host time to buy Light Weights in Clothing For iru'ii, bo,ys and children at real bargains. We are pre paring for an increasing Fall trade. Are ready to shtiw samples of Fall clothing, also new hats and neckwear. Call and see them. Our Custom Clothing Department Will receive more attention than ever. For elegant fitting, stylish gents' and boys' wear we cannot be surpassed. It is our aim to retain the liberal patronage of the public nnd sustain our reputation as dealers in the best goods in all lines that can be procured. THE WliiTLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. 48 South Main St., Anhevillc. BRICK. CRICK. -FOR SALE BY- BRICK. BUI1NOE BRICK & TILE 'tlPAIIY, Asiieville, N. C. 80x 46. fjf 'AT-' V f5 ifi Wk.v . Hamf '

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