Asheville Daily Citizen RATHER THAN PAY THE 10-CENT FARE. RATHER THAN PAY THE 10-CENT FARE. VOLUME VII. NO. 91 WHERE THE SMWBIRDS NEST. For a cool place in ummcr, for health and recreation, visit Linvillc, Grandfather Mountain, and the beautiful region sur rounding them. Regular Halts Of renl estate at Linvillc on and after une 1st, 1891. Business lots and rcsi dence sites sold at private sale only. The Kaceola Inn. This excellent hotel was opened the 1st of June, under the management of Mi James T. Skiles. Oier the YoiiRhloswec Road A beautiful route for a summer excur sion. by way of loc River K'"i" Mountain. Cranlierry, I.inville, C.rnnd father Mountain, Mowing Rock and Lenoir. Weftern Carolina Stage o ich Company. i..:i., .!. Iwtw.'cn LninlaTrv and oih - l.enoir. Schedule EVER OUR STOCK OF GROCERIES IS LIKE A RUNNING STREAM. Hundreds Take From It, Vet It is never diminished. This of course, Is because there '"a never fniliiiK prinK supply that feeds the stream. Slumiish streams stagnate, so do sluggish groceries. 1 ney iiinimr mu-..... . - - and unfit for use. The movement here l quick; sew things vontinic and .ning. We inodrrn methods nnd liny what we rsn aril liefnre getting stale ai A priile ourselvra in having a fresh stock to select from at nil times. A. 1). COOPER, Court Square. Corner Main and College North Court Square. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 20, 1891. ..nma-f" r t t i-i urn Tiir ururoT some kuiw up ir.-ucu UNDER THE SUN. FINE IMPORTED CHINA, -IN- in A worsnFRFt i.i.v BB'T1. Fl'l. VAI.I.F.V. OolNIl KST. I.v :':io p. m . Cranlierry Ar. ft-.ou p m.. I.inville. I.v. 7:S(I a. m.." Ar i on p m I.t S:O0 p. m Ar. 7:00 p. m Knitern time. Iiioini; nT, Ar. 1 1 a. m, I.v. on u m Ar. 7:0 P m III )wlnit K'k. I.v. a .00 p m Plowing K r. 1 l.cnolr, I.v. 7 "ll a. m WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED tKrnrf upwnid. Ail Opportunity. A cash prize of one thousand dollars has been offered for the liest short story r novel having the Grandfather Moun- aiu and the beautiful scenery of that lo- j ality woven into the plot. This mountain, situated as it is in the most picturesque purt ol Western North Carolina, furnishes an attractive setting for an interesting story. The selection will lie made by a com mittee of competent reviewers, and the story must not be less than 10 nor ex ceed 50 pages. Detailed information may lie obtained of the I.inville Improvement Company of I.inville. North Carolina. REAL ESTATE. GW YN & WEST, (Successors to Walter B.Owynl .ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHfVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. notary rubllt. Commissioners ol leeds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICK-nontheaart Court Square. AN FXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN IN HEMSTITCHED 45 INCH EMBROIDERED FLOUNCES GOODS THAT RETAILED FOR fl.50 TO PKK VARI. WBCAN OI'I'HK THB liNTIRI! LINK AT 7.1 CBNT8. White. Itlixk. Fink, lllue and i ardin l on White, White on fllack. klK)N MA11CI1E." 37 a. Main Hlreel. Odd Pieces and Sets. With perfect views ehnraeterislle ol the "Land of the Sky." arlistieullyburntonthcm nnrii r the gtnic. This line of china was made in l.'xronr .neciallv to our order. We claim to lie the orlginutors of the idea, and have so ired no pains or exensc in securing It. Visitors to our city will And the goana suuu hle as s uvenlrs or mementos of Asheville We invite you lo call and sir our store Yoor visit will not Incur any obligation to lur- ch sc. We have a complete line 01 cnina. ulnas. etc., which we nrc oflcrtng at reduced oriifs for this month. Now Is the time 10 huy. TII.I),1'.TIIIUSIIII'() No. 41 Patton Avenue, nilVA. CLASS. IHit'SK KTH- MSIIINOK. KTI '. , JUST OPENED. A lot of very Stylish, Fine Divhk (itiods for early au tumn; hIho 11 large lot of fine clothing. .Seasonable gooilw arriving almost every day. One Price System. H. REDWOOD I CO. CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES, RUOS, ETC 7 9 PATTON AVE. The Iren M eetlnit InleretUlnii KHllnoad HlHtorjf-A nellifbliul i:cirHlon-Aii Old Canal ProJ-ect-Flrl Hettlement of Mora vians) In the Hlate. 1 have recently returned from attend ance upon the annual convention of the North Carolina Tress Association at Winston, full of the impression of pleas ant experiences nnd instructive obscrvn, tinns. As 1 nttemled more in the ca . . r , I... ...... ;.,.. mid naeilv ot a guest 01 mi- iiranm.i".., moreover, 1 was un.'.viiuiiiiiiy oc- tnined from participation in tne pro- ecilini!S of the first dav, and from the elegant entertainment of the night of that dav at the Salem lcmnlr college, 1 leave it to my brethren of the press to illuslrnte that period in their most ornate nd enthusiastic words; for they were all wrought to the holiest pitch of eir thnsiaslic delight. Nor can I wniinsu to the citizens ol Winston and Salem I.....L. ;,. ii. aii.ii'p von kindlv allot Ulllll IH"V, I J to me, to sieak of their cordial welcome their boundless Hospitalities, "" i.nt riitrrtammeni. ineir kintlness; or, 01 ineir v.i.o..i, .... i- y rcss, their substantial municipal nn .m,.ni l uir hue v naveu sireein their convenient and well mummed sys i.., .,1 l.'.irie street railway, their ex pandini,' industries, their rupidlv increas ing m.inul'acHires, their stcadilv f;rovviiij business, and the substantial growth id both the cities, now practically so nieiio ..1, . 1,, . i,m in unnearance as thej in interest and destiny. These .I,;.,.. I .h:, II iiiao leave to the consider ,i,, ., ilienlitors lircsent who arc lull of the subject 11s I am, with ampler liberties to express their admiration am their impressions I A Humble Hunger On I shall confine mvsell to things oulsii of Winston Salem; yet things vitally in slruincntal in the striking dcvclopmcn nnoarrnt nil around. These thinK: are at once cause anil etlcct, rcciproi action so intei-deKiuleiitin their motions u to Ik' ilc in their intliicnc iow.n reml ts. 11 in well knowu that Winston ow its business twin;; to the constnietion 01 the Northwestern Norm tanmna r.m- r.,..,l Ii had nrcviouslv existed a very the hosts of the occasion, shot out on its trip of 75 miles at 8:30 Friday morning. U did not take me long to learn that I was on one ol the best roilrond tracks 1 ever traveled on. It was laid with henvy steel rail, and througu the wiioie itngtn there was not ajar or a jostle n ue icn. There was a solidity and smoothness altogether unexpected in trucks not yet a year old, and tne easy movement mm rapid speed of the train was in harmony itn the charming environment. ll,nt ten miles from Winston, we passed Old Town, suggestive ol pnst and ,,-li;,r l.istnrr. Here was the brat set tlement of the Moravians in their search alter seclusion in the depths ot tne loresi wilderness. Here Count .iiucruori the year 17.r.'l, pitched Ins tcntslnr away from anv other colony ol the whites; aud here, ill "that Tear, was built the first church, in which Christian worship was 1.., n utiiirr Norm Carolina. 1 nc church, almost the only original relic of early days yet remaining, stanoa imuii it appcuretl ouc nnuurcu aim v " ' 11,1,1 vrrs nun. a lonu. low imiiuiii,- . 13 ' . 1 -oh ,.,n .,. walls ol stone, surmountea bv a belfry in the centre ol the rool. 1 he building is divided into two pans, one for worship, and the other end lor the .... i ihr luiator and his falllilv. and it has liecn so divided anil occupied since its arliest day. . 1 Tn he t tttu-tutlvil. I A MURDKRKK CONFKSSKS, CONK. Ol'TTO THV. MAS" MKKT' I fit;. CORTLAND BROS., Real Ktstate Brokers And IttTestmciil Aifenta. NOTARY PUBLIC. Loans securely placed at 8 per cent. DffiiTs: fA. & ! Patton Avenue aecond floor. fch9rilv ARCHITECTS, THEFINEST IN THE LAND. WH CLAIM TO I1AVK THE FINEST BRAND ol' ROASTED COFFEE vcr introduced in this market. It mnkes a delicious drink. TEAS: Formosa Oolonit, KiiRlInh Break fant, Gunpowder and Japan. akb rmNni'NCi;r by rxi-kxt To lie 1 he BEST BROUGHT TO THIS COUNTRY Knowing the ueople appreciate a good thing, we spare no effort to secure the BBST lor every department of our business, pectfullv Powell & Snider. Wholesale mid Retail iro- ccr. 3D Patton Avenue. Nest Y M C A bulld'g. novl d3m p I) HoxflB JOHN CHILD (Pormerly of Lyman St Child), Office No. i Legal Block REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER, TRICTLY A HROKBRAGB BISINBS8. Loans secure placed at K per cent. VEGETABLES! RECEIVED FRESHI EVERY DAY AT HARE BROTHERS 17 Boatn Main Street, HKNSATIUSAI. MCKNK AX HiNVIMi, Mcclrlclly Is Less llarHrn lliali Hlraiiullnv Wliu a Kpe rl-l hiiowh His) Nerve on th Hcairold. 1.IVFKPOOI., Aug. '.'n.-John Conway the steamship fireman who was convict ed of murder and sentenced to death fi killiiu. the bov Nichclas Martin, whose bodv was found May nth last Hunting in sailor's bug in the harbor here, wm haiiL'cd this morning. There was a sen sational scene on the scaffold. As Heir the hangman was drawing the black c over Conwav's head the latter shouted: "Hold on, 1 want to say something. To this request llcrry replied: "You can't spe.ik now ;" and about to proceed with the execution when the priest who was in attendanci the criminal hastily interposed pushed the Irmgman on one sine mm Held Conwav's hand while tliecondemned man in broken tones asked forgiveness lor his sins. Only when the unlortunate ich was done speaking wlie" lm PRICE 5 CENTS. TSON SATURDAY NIGHT. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS -AT- Wholesule Prlcen. If inu want a liox of good elgars, lm- I ported or domestic, r.rant's Pharmacy is the Iilace to get 1 nem. we no not rct.11 nn, ut sell thrni liv the hoi only. A cigar that you usually pay ten cents for, I can sell you the same efgar, nfl v in a liox, at seven cent.. The best tlic cent cigar at .IU cents ly tne hoi. It will liav yu to calf and eiamine (.HANI B1'UAKai.i, There Will Be a Full, free, All- aided DlHCUHHtnn ut the court H.use on lue 1st reel Car Fare UueHtlon, The people propose to have a little say I them. the street railway laic matter Saturf ar night. That is the date of the mass-meeting to e held in the court house lor the pur- ose of discussing the high tariff street lilwnv (itiestion. The meeting promises to I fine ol the irgest ever held 111 Asnevme, anu tne hi court room will lie filled with people who arc interested land that means nil hepeoplel in the advance in rates on lie street car line. A full nnd free discussion is to Is: had, and sonic steps are to be tuken looking Containing Utirilock I loot, Sufsa- tn the iK'ttermcnt ol the present cunili- ion of things. Representatives of trades will turn out 11 lull lone. The different labor orgnni- lations are opposed to the increase, and ire taking hold of the mass-meeting idea in a way that shows they mean business. from tip RufTcring CilllReil liy foul The Knights of Labor usscmbly, which meets tomorrow night, will consider the erupt 1011s anil uifi-roua runt-e., ll-uniH.rtantipiestion.a.lopt resolutions . ..., OTP:na and work lor a crowded court house on tinting" n.r j.... Saturday night. , . , f ,.nrrimtinns. It Iocs the raise utlect you .- 1 - 1- TbZieoiaSa'turdav night to the purifies the blood, giving it re- ,.n,irt house, and take a hand in the work to lie done. T ie oeno c Will spcas. imniniitmt , , ., one and bring lots of friends with you. Ull alterative, It ('liangl'S me anion Now don't lorgct tins: namrouy . , night in the court house. Listen lor the Ol tne nymBin, inijmiui., ..en.. strength and vigorous health in Buncombe Sarsaparilla A jiositively Safe and Ki'lialde niood Purilicr. imrilla Hark, Trickly Ash Hark, Poke Hoot, Ac. Hy ttrt use you ran Faveyoiirm'lf ncwed vitality and force. Being ringing of the bell. HALF A MII.I.ItM LOST. place of that weakness and tired feeling, which is an indication of disorder and decay. The concentrated power and curative virtues of Biincomno Sarsaparilla render it the most ' .1 ..1 I tvrc humble hanger 011 upon m ... . -y I . t , ' rc0Ul.8l ,or ,or- IS " W?.hN colt"! h .vencss did U, latter permit the bang- only that significance and nothing more ninn to pr. '. wciUmeot Hut the extension ol l anions those present at the hanging, but .1... ..... i,...r, .,1 t hr to hacco reL'iiin : .hiiitoi' Surry. St,kes. it was ... not hing i K,ckingnam,Forml. with 'J 'VdwcT.u of time the drop fell and along the Dan. the V adk. 1 . 11. 1 hiir u di.,.pnred trom view. Almot merous tributaries, had, ever suite t uir t J 11 u , heej, $Z$ "read " 'he Ssion of the having tiveness nusl parti, ularlj lor tne uaiuitt ,....; Conwav said nru.: ,,.1.1 . nut men 1 iimii. - " 7 . J when lie mur- MONEY JI'ST NOW More Acceptable TO ME THAN MY STOCK LIGHT I'NDERWEAH, AND N ORDER TO TURN IT INTO MONEY VERY QUICKLY, Von Can Have It . . 11 anu exccim." .m t..v.. - " , . ... ,,,, t, ., ;,, , nlti W ..htaa ke t.a his re.,,, to their doors, and tnev resor e. to .... . ? the process 1 h.v nronteo iiv it uu Winstt.n grew and prospered. 11 oeiame . rendiiiK Con- strong enough to project other hues so c t w as r T '"fftZU SdT'n th'eLmlld as of water fall, ply, and also secure to itstlltnc Denims i, estimation was made ol competition. ,., .he lmrmr of the officials they A Delltlhtful F.curmon. wa, cnuscd l)y It mar lie said injustice tothcori'fiinl tlod pouring from Conway's neck, road, that it. manager, did not propose The fall had l J1"1 to restrain Winston in its purpose """""" t." J"" , 11.. .U.II'OIU 1,18 ii. reach out lor more uusincss. 'ii t-v ..o,eer.the mnnimenient of the R. & dr. BAKKR MKMTFMCKD. 11 um limit that siiienniu line to Wilkesboro, and another to Mocksville, To ne Hainced November 7lh for with view t still tart her extension. me Murder ollliswue. Whittmay be called the rival roan is tne . v August liii.-Monday Roanoke and Southern, from Roanoke, Aiuni.uon, n.i., M" - Va to Winston, a north and south line, evening court was called to consider the or nearly so, of 121 miles in length, ol lnolj fr a new trial for Dr. Haker, which about muesom '"ini " u .i l lc fm.t that several cun.eiis 1 . 1.- ...1. .1.. I aaxll IU fill. 1 is 111 use. nun me w in it ....v ,,..,. MnH.l.ivils that a certain one isbed bv the hrst ol Noveniiicr. uniiiat the traffic is already so great as to pay of the jnrors wa. seen separated f.on an excess ol $5,000 per monin over ex- the others during tne trial, me t.....t lienscs. On this road the association was I wruM the motion, stilting that it was leiigiH.u. ,. .. - ....... - . , thc jurY had not been ommonwcaUh's laekaoitvllle Hard Hit By the I.mhI Fire rhere. jAtKsoNvii.i.B, August 'Jd.-The last fire liere was one ol the biggest in Jack sonville's history, It started in the three- storv crockery house of R. D. Knight, in the centre of the bu.iness portion of the city. The heat ignited the Hubbard 1,1,,,-lt thi- l.-irfrat buihlinc in the city. I Thence it jumped across the street to the I reiable Blood Purifier that can Semiuole club house, and communicaieo to the Smith building and the Mattier be used, while it is entirely safe building. lu the Smith building a large i..sntity for patients of all ages, of dynamite had been stored. This ex ploded nnd started fires blocks away to Manufactured only at the northwest. The effect of the explo sion wa. stunning. Men tell in thestreets and many were injured. Plate glass lor Gl'illlt S l'llil 1111 il C four or live squares was snattereu, anu th sidpu.-ilks covered with broken glass. The firemen could have stopped tb : fire Kvery bottle guaranteed, satisfac at tins point nut i"i 1 nt a p., .... rendered them helpless. Residences, torv or money refunded. 1 1. .....I I 1... and I " stores uuu uoteio un,v im. " v, . tlr fire lieenme a terrible contlagration. and was not stopped untilafter daylight in the middle of the square uounucu ny ci,,,r. h Ashlev. Lauru and Main streets. Thr lotul number of buildings of all kinds burned is fifty-five, and the total loss about u hall a million dollars. The I insurance will be small compareu wito the loss. 5 GRANT'S PHARMACY, 14 South Main St. evens iic lg htiui excursion 11s .i"" . , . ,, 5,Ver.n the north side of the Dan, a dis- convinced that the ju y . . 'i-. mil... iliernud oassiuu over tamuered with. 1 ne 1.1 ISUVt ' -1 . 1 . . fil. , iiinirv.L'cnt v ro iiiL'. until tne then asked inst tne pnaont'i - waters ol Town I'ork,' a tributary ol the l cntl, yVnen the clerk in a clear JUST WHAT IT COST ME. IP VIII' CONSULT Ylll'H I N'P'R US I , WON'T LAST l.ONIl. F. E. MITCHELL, MI'N'S Ol'TI'lTTKK, No. 8 Patton Avenue. THE ASHEVILLE I .an were reached, nnd then .1 e.uersu e , lhc Dnn river coal basin, an old sea oeo, air "!ii .... ,...,u .T.. . ...1.. 1.....1 rich. Pown room wiissiiii .0. .it... . minii.ij tv.M, ---- p.-.- Hlocfc Uuolatlons). NkwYohk.AuK' Mil. Brie !!8i : Lake Shore 10S'K; ChicnKo nnd Northwestern 1t'-"s; Norlolk and Western ; Kichmond and West Point Terminal 12,; Western Union M-'. RHltlinore price. 101 TiunuH. AuKiiat 'JO-Ploof. Hrmandl k..n..,. uw.lern sutler S.'l.liriral.UO: tra. $1 .liiM.So; family, t.uo.a.wnei unsettled and higher; spin. 1 1 1 vn n. . soulhern, struiiR; Kulti ln.Kul 1 'i; LonKher ry 1l)7(itll3. Corn, southern, steady; white, 7 Hu7fic; yellow, 7L'(;7.rc. New York Market. Nhw Vims, Auk- MO -Stocks, active anil Monev. env at 2(:i; lischaniie, I011K. .k;i,4..k; .hurt, .Hfta4.Ml.; slate br.nils. dull hot steadv; Koverninent bonds dull nut nrin ...... linn, "ales lift hales; I plnnds, 7 18-1 Me. Or leans, S'ic; luturea oiiened and closed steadv at decline; August, 7.-0; bcptemlier, 7 Hi; October. 7.0.1; November, M.07; lie eember, H17; January . 27. I'lour-quiet and firm. Whent active hut steady. Corn active und wenk Pork inactive and steady at $10Oll(uil2 "i. l.aro u'it. '" (19711, Si.irit. Turpentine qui-1 and steady at .ia4(tt3iWc. Kosin dull and stendy at $1 :i."W,l 0. I'reiunU moderate demand and firm. J. M. CAMPBELL, Ti... .,riu.irr miawered distinctly that i. hud mitliini' to snv as to why the crossing the Den and down the vai cy o -"" mi, . - lirillmllllrel that stream through continimus liel.iso. r id "You have been tried corn until the mouth ol Mayo'snver was ' u' ' ' V ' :,,, ..ri,e. I UUI.H.N. The Swiss i;ovcrnment will anticipate B..,n vim nrt in 1 lie 11 ill ill o . nti dead level to hilly, scm,- ...n-y o. your u , - mountainous, ..nd tne in.iui.t. '.,... . ,.,,,.., rherefore. it is ordered I .......,; Hn.ssels. a New York ,,,. r lover, of the beautiful need apply. J.W. SCHARTLE, MERCMAUT TAILOR MO. 43 NORTH MAIN ST. Just ncstTed, a Nil Hn. of Uafliah and do static woo Wus for fall aad winter. ftb34dss ' TIip way to mako money ih ,0 hiivp it. Ami the way to wave it is to have your pre scriptioim filled at Carmi- chael'H (Iruir store, and you will find by doing ho you will save from 25 to 30 per cent. on every prescription. e do not take goods that the people know the price and mark down to cost, and then charge two prices for a pre scription to makeuptheloBs You know clerk hire and house rent must be paid and the profits must be averaged some way. A I int to the wise is sufficient. A ull line of De- Vault Flavoring Extract m stock. Mr. J. Taylor Amiss and Mr. Chas. W. Di vaultare with me and will be pleased to meet their friends and cub tomers. Don't forget the place. Carmichael's drug store. No. 20 South Main TRANSFER EXPRESS CO.. OFFICE LEGAL BLOCK, COURT SQTARE. Telephone BugcnKe transferred to and from the dep. and nil points In Asheville 25 Cent Per Piece. MKSSKNCUKS UN ALU TRAINS, ANI CONSTANTLY AT Till! Hiil'OT. THE ONLY COMPANY DEALER IN REAL. ESTATE AND A0ENT FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. AITA1KS ()" COSSEfJUENCE. JpVIR RUNT. The seven room white cotlape on top of mountain for one venr, al $175, or by the month at $20 per month. I'ire places in fl r-'Oina (loud cookins stove, most p eas-mt place to live about Asncvuie ro"c out su tffi SOTr nd bvthVconrtthaty hanged bv the I Vouajy applamlcd lor K' -'' tot WKh neck until vou be dead on I' the J7 m h lhc c(,ndition of labor n. Uk,0tZXy ''"-V of Nbveml-rr . next, between l i the Tnitecl Slt.tes. A Spanish anarchist, ,huJToVXnpXit,yn hourso. 10 -'clock in the orcno.u, and I hf d fiitye assmUo,,., liv ithviewto the prontaoie application ....... - ,, ,,, tlc same .1 its great water power. ' , ace f ,xecui.on. A Wonderfully men - Al1(, mny (;)r have mercv on your soul.' This excursion made valuable addition . i..,cf.tiell quietlv resumed . i, ol the resources of u ..;., , ,itire urcK'eedings he dis til tun I."" " ii'.....'h ... . li.. North Cnrolina developed under the in- played remarkable nerve .... flucnecs of railroad construction, every lriscminse, thfn askf, fr a hour's new road becoming a key to the unlock- cIlsuution with the Judge and the ing of some, perhaps known, but hither- Commonwealth's counsel in wmcn to to unattainable, treasure, .. .. i . .h... (hi lunula consider nnn nnvt vn...v.. , I an vert unon W liu Illustration I t. ,.;,.,.; ,.rt Richmond and an "''I"1 1 t-ult luurt I u:..t. i..w eiuxt to tkPt'iire Thi. idea has had splendid illustration saved upon ; " i the construclion by the mid Panville system of the line from Win- FRANK r..., . . u':i...i....,i ,l;atam rif uventv- I 1 live miles, and opening to intercourse the The Murderer ofchrlatle Warden wonderfullv rich and surpassingly beau- In Her Father's- Ham. tiful Yadkin valley. Striking into this hasovkk, N. II., Aug. 20. Frank C. valley twenty-lour miles northwest ol , nmrdcrcr of Christie Warden. Winston, mm inen louuwiiig ii uh " ' . ... M, Wnrden's barn tinuouslv for lilt v-six miles, the dominant was discovered in Mr. Wardens uarn PRIVILEGED TO CHECK BAGGAGE ft.i;,,., sens that of amaxement, mixed with indignation mm in an age i pi"K ress like this so much that was valuable in lertilitv, in variety of production, in iiidueemcnts to enterprise, apart from its beauty had remained unknown except as it forced knowledge upon other parts of the state bv the use of primitive roads ...I nriniitive modes of trnnsiMirtation. It is a reflection upon the sagacity ot I ;...!,.. i hut iitvess to thisureat valley I nnd been postponed to this late date. A ,.. j.-.i....!... . 1 1 , tin, ,ii..i in lar back as 182l.whcn froro DOICl or rcsiutn to ununsiii'ii. n imif, --- .,.,.! rmlroans were uiisnuwii, nuu ........... thought to lie the only avaunoie tiior oughlures leading to development, a ca nal wus begun around Hcan shoals to connect the more placid waters of the Yadkin above and below that obstruc tion. The line ol the railrnd now fol- pecialty male of the transfer of baggage from one part of the cUv to another. Prompt deliveries guaranteed; responsi bility perfect. At private residences tiagKaxe will be deliv ered In any part of the house dislred without ' jowg tne ij f jhut forgotten and in consequential work. Hut 1 anticipate somewnav this morning. Chas. H. Stewart, a student at the state college, located Almy in the hay by -..4.i:.. u.i.h u ahovcl. When he punch ed the hulden man, a bullet was tired up was refused admission to the congress. Russia has more than double the num lier ol cavalry possessed by Austria. Russia can furnish and muster 782 squad rons, while Austria-Hungary can muster ..i., sniinilrons. Russin continues to keep a large lorce or cuvmrj it"" in fantry neat the Austrian frontier, as il preparing for a sudden invasion IIOMP. n; nl Hie Mint lyeech thinks there is no occasion lor uneasiness because of ,i,. nimii,in ill the silver nuestion. ne i.rniiiident President Hnrrison will veto the free coinage of silver bill if passed by congress, Th nnminntion of Hon. Roswell P. Flower for governor of New York by the democratic state convention at oti"ii which has been looked upon as assureu is now said to lie in danger, owing to the opposition of the Kings county dem ocracy, who preier luayor v-uooni Brooklyn. Tl, were 1 41) deaths in Milwaukee Wis., last week, this is tne mgnesi J. M CAM1'BUL,L. Homes for tbc Poor Man. If you want to he neighbor of George van- derbilt buv one ol my lot., witnin ah'Tt distnnce of his palace, at from too to $HO( er lot. Hue rrom 70110" to amiaiu, It-auliluny snaueo anu nncisw. .1 ..... Ibce lor plula. Tcrms..H cash, balance 1, 3 years. j , .w. tnm ....... ol CU Hit imnivss I I n II . IllSl WCI K, a 1119 in (,'" at him tbrtiugh the hay. The concealed , rate kHOwn for Tcara for thi, man continued bring, nt the same time M 01 the U9 deaths 10;i were of digging himself out ol the hay, and dnv- ,hi(lrcn five vearll 0f Ke,and were extra charge. Orders may be left at the leading hotels, at the R, & D. City Ticket Office, at the Depot, I or at the General office of the Company, Street, Asheville, N. C. Ugal Block, Coart Square, Asheville. .u. ...... l. fmm the barn A council of war was held as to the best mentis of dislodging the murderer whose trial, it is sale to sav. will not cost UraTton countv a cent as Almy w 1 be shot nt sight, turnover 1 uguui .... with excitement. Ciov. Campbell III. ii Old. Old Tows The train loaded with press represent atives nnd many gen the result of the extremely hot weather ot the early part ol the ween ana tne iuf ter part 01 tne wees ueivic The eountv tax board at Terre Haute, I...1 bus uliird the ifreat stallion Axtell nt $5(0, and a committee from the Far mers' Alliance will visit Indianapolis to .i, . h. .tni i- li.mrrl of tax commissioners i.t IH Gov. Catni to raise the figure. Many members ol ' 1 " columbts. and his ' the alliance want the horse taxed at bell is quite ill at Lo umbos, am 1 . amount paid for him, frimrla tear that lie will not w , - . ,i f. ciainung mat itirm muu f. ' 1 ,. I.n. I ll II I II ICUtl. -"-- , . do anv active camp"1!?""1? tnl" Tear TO Blow VpHPPOllteT its lull value, while others will beconUnt with $75,IHK). The alliancemen say tne Nrw York. August 20.-A cyclone is I profits from the horse last year were $50- tlemcn of WinsUnJ reported southeast of Hayti, ii c a 5 s 0 (ft w 12 o 1 1 es w H w CO c p -1 w Ji O C5 1 1 1 I cs W P2 O V, SH H W H 'A V- W S 0 8 o Q P Q Ph SH A H W o eH W 1 1 e? 1 s I - . - 1 r .,.W-"-y5V 'A y-;w.vjva-'j.. 1 i.vfj 1 ... r.. w 11 V,

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