-v i 1 ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 20, 1891. NOTHING LIKE ITI had la thlokar than wtaw. mi mat be kept pure to kaaure food health. win' Specific Is natora ramedy tm that porpoaa. It nwr to fails ellmnatss tha Invpat tka Had build up the jrenenU health, TUn li only km Nwift't Mpaolfla, ami there I nothing- like It, ate ure and fret the grnulM. Traatiac on Mood Mill Skin THmm aaaiatd free. TV Swift Sperlfle Co., Atlanta, 0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. H. RKKVKH, I. D. S., Aiken. Greensboro; J. M. Buinl, I to Kickcuy. A mile thin side of Coimc'- DI'.NTAI. OKFIflt In Cnnnally nutating, over Redwood'. Store, ratton avenue. Residence. SB Fprtic street. It RAMSAY. II. D.S. , W. Brown, II. ; l. II. C,; v. C; Named of irtalior) to the Clty, ail wlit-re The Hull From. Oiun.l Central: . I. Whisiiant, h. c 15. A. Miss.; J. S. Coleman, N. C; J. II. t.ilisev; Wvtlieville, Vii.; Albert Holmes anil wile. m'.u I w imnsiin. Monroe. N. L .: A 1k..i-fiMt Mimt-tniiliuro:: A. K. B Knoxville; l. W. Odnm, N. C; T. Haves, S. C: T. Holmes. New ork K. Static)', E. . Hush, Knoxville. G. Galaher, Temi. .SVniiiHnon. R- T. Gritinnn, .V . . . .1 Thr.. P O'Connor, augiisi.-i i. Moore. Citv: Gen. H. U Farley, S, Mias M. Mills, Miss G. Carroll, Kaleij,'H; Miss Laura Herman, Miss Emily Her man, Louisville; MiRsand Mrs. Seliwurs. i ..tiittvilli! T. C. Ilouser. A. U. Greene, Kurt Voilv, Ga.; C. Wntkins, N. C; Har old Douhl'eday, Tryon, N. C.;C, H. Cuny, Savannah; J. W. Kcnsons, diamine fim. I. While. Rock Hill. S.C.; I. I'. Rob inson, N. C ; T. II. Uverette, Hryson Citv: S. R. Betliea, Karensland, Ala.; Hr.'l,. V. Reviiond, New Orleans, H. L Wolkrvn.' Orange Uake. Kin., Geo. H Smothers, Wavnesville; A. B. McLean, N. C; Kolit Mitchell, N. C. Clcn Kink: YY. A. Solomons, C. A Ktiru, Baltimore; Jus. W. Midler, wife and child, Mrs. II. W. Ftilainy, Colum liia: A. E. Kreer, C. II. Krcer, Summer- Hickory PresB and Carolinian: On Wediiesdav, Mr. II. K. Robinson, of Rob inson, of llnrke county, was on his way li. t. Collins, Vlcc-rres. mmmmmmmmmmmmmFmmmmmmmmmmmm"mmmm I lewis mnoux, Prei - -v -- - .ro'mtkr. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. I. ilD TV .. - 1 I ! . I -TTmTW-FTMrffT1aW1IT- I .Pcnta 1 fe Office Ortt the National Rank of Ahrville. Bar naTTBandhig. Residence. '.. Charlotte st. frh2d1 t j'aTtknnknt. Architect and Contractor. och'fnr" :!... on contrail, swarded me. References wnen Office: No. 12 Hcndrv Block. Square. Aahrvillr. N. C lv's Springs the screams of a woman at tracted his aUcution. When he got to her slh explained that her baby, while playing near the well kyid t.tlleii in lino that her husband, John Stilwell, had jumped in alter it. I he lath'-r pin ned clown the well, which was nooiu j icci deep, without injury to himself and with out injuring the child. The water was verv deep so lie was comKiien to support himself hv holdinf! to the rock wall with one hand und his feet, and hold the child above water with the other hand. Rob inson quicklv got a rope around btil well's waist and rescued the lather and child uninjured. liming the summer the North Caro lina college ol agricultural and mechanic arts has lieen addingniiich toitscapacity for doing first-elass work. Kour new members have been added to its teaching force; two handsome In i k dormitories t.re under construction, the agricultural, horticultural and chemical depaitnients have had lila-ral appropriations lot equip ment, and a complete outfit of wood working machinery has, at aeost of over five thousand dollais lecn added to the machine shops. Il is current rumor at Raleigh that the office of W. A Turk, division freight illejMissJosieltatclie or, Oxford; John and passenger . gent of the Richmond Moore, Knoxville; Miss M. lv. t-o, wo- " . lahan, N. C; Chas. Koiering, I'eimsyiva- " II IMninnaiin. Mrs. t). K. laylor, Kaeieh Mirror: We were snown Miss Annie Biggs, Scotland .Neck, I . li. VI, .n-ii. Miss l.ula Morris. Aslihoro; M. Klovd. Texas; M. 1.. Smith, l lover, t,e v,av t,-,aii hlteen to iweuty-nini ,. C Xlrs. I'. I.. Miirphv and daugliier, I ,)Unccs. Morganlou; Jas. Bumgardner, wile and I .-..ivettcville, hild. Staunton, Va.; l. m. noicn, i..,. . IVIOlllU.Uli, V. ..' I ,! Wavrrn ...it CS s. K , . . & I.. p w 11 i I n fetUi'WVVS 1 iVi -iVm. I" n--VV-M,iV.iti h. r. mcloud. Cashier for Infants and Children. Caatnrl Is so well adapted to children that I recommond it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A, AseHr.a, M. D 111 So. Oxford 8L, Brooklyn, N. T. CkatorU eore Ootte, OonsHrierlnn, Bour BUiDiaoU, Dlarrha, Eruciallon, Kills Wonaa, (tves alenp, and promotes a Witfout talurlous medleatloa. Ths Currica Conrunr , 71 Hurray Street, . T. Capital, $55,000. Surplus, $30,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. Stale, County And City Depository. Organized May, 1888. (iKNEKAI. IIANKINU 1IUH1XKSS Tit A NS ACTED. Intercttt Paid on; Deposits In SavIiiRS Department. WANT COLUMN WASTIHK ANTHI). A nositlnn as honkkceprr, nr clerk, next 01 references furnished. Address No. 03. nul'.nllw Citizen l Htice. North Court fehlOdlv T. E. DAVIS, CONTRACTOR N0 SUPERINTI NDENT. .... t..j- ..t nr,H hrkk and stone work. on hn.l. AH work iuri.nlr.d AkciiJ r S. owillow stn-t; office hour, from H to 10 a m.; from to p. m. Kesidcnce nr., ;treet. Tel.ihone M8. lunclJd Years' Ivxp-rIctiee.,i4 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND IlI'M-PKR TTo.tnr. iruarnnteed. Office No'. 3, see Md floor. Hendrv block, directly over post met. ResWeoce No. 1 72 Chestnet street. COFFIN, nn . , UBTlTIt ir.UNT. LOAN nK"KKK NI) At'CTlONHRR. Ten Years' Emperlence. Hloek Ho. S3 I'attnn Avenue. Room . Office hours 9 to 1 Me A fee , 3 to 6. Charles 1H. Stedman, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, OFFICE OVER THE BATTERY PARK BANK Afthevllle, N. C. augRdSm K. H. BRITT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUP.DER Also aradlnK of ell kinds done. All order" promptly filled and work nuaranteed. Cbii t r.....a .i all times st Graham's Cotton Factory, ananndtt H. W. FITCH, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT 31 years practical experience, nffice ov. Hatterv I'aik Hank. All cslimnt a K""rnn teed. Office houra 1 to 5 p. m. maytflilKcwflm INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General t Insurance i Agent Rear No. iio South Main street. Ashrville. N. L Itlauihllshed 1MAG. YANTKII. I'usition lv an nine specimens o tomatoes raised hi me experimental station which weighed all vcur eioer cral olliec work dresi aultidtw Hceountsilt of nee in li okKcepinK over live an-l gm- Hcst reference- K'vetl. Ad "WORK." Care (his olliee. The plants near or more III l;a.cttcvillc arc eight feel height. The Highlands lingle, a new paper, says: Mr. C. II. Coe, formerly, of High lands, is now at work in the government printing office, Washington, I). C. Kcv. Mr. Wingate, temporarily in chtrge of the church of the ('mod Shep ar l at KaUigh, goes to Wilson to take charge of the lipiscopal church. Charlotte Chronicle: Harlrauft po t (',. A. R. has been invited to participate in the confederate veterans' picnic on the JnK RKNT Keidsvitlc; I. II. (ioodwm. wile and niece, Ala.; Nowell Walker, Augusta;.!. I . h"o inson, Mniphy; J. II. Howard and wile, tirse, intant and two children, .wrs. m. M. Tyson and child, Fort Smith, Ala. Buttery I'nrk: C. W. Ilendrick, Mac,n; W. Jackson, Nashville; Chas. Trice, W. ). Williams jr., Miss Met reery, Miss Alice McC retry, N. C; Mrs. L. Murphy and daughter, Morganton; lames lium garder and wile, Staunton, Va.; Chas. Wehli, Miss Alcrvav, r.owiii r.rroni iii.u wile. Donaltl McK. Frost, C. II. ami J. W. Jervcv, John W. Kiggs 'inn wile, Chailcston, S. C; U. Hull, St. Louis; L. Chatserall, W.A. t-nmp. warren Walker, Clarence 12. I lurk, Augustus l. Hart, Cincinnati; Thos. I', tjuarles, s. I. I), tlraham, Sumter, S. C; . lidgar ljams, Baltimore; Win. James, Imii hridge, Mass.; S. I'. Watson, lacksmi- illc; Miss . A. r. it. -Mrs. i, n. l-'owler, Miss Fowler, Murlrccslioro, Trim.; F. A. Hills, Hosum; l.ioii 0. Col- s-rt. Win. W. Vance, New Orleans; I .rant (Sregg, I'hilatlelphia. Vance and Folk. Prom the Winston Sentinel. So far Colonel Polk nas not been able to point to one solitary act in the whole of lioveriior Vance' political hie that Ity the lat -thereat strctck of reason could be constructed in disloyally to the interest the neonlc he serves, andnoone know lietter than Colonel I'olk does that any intimation to the contrary is emphati callv untrue. Governor Vance is less a monopolist todav than Colonel I'olk more man this, not one solitary round in the bidder ; that lead lioveriior Vance lip to lame and I rcn to m ike any til is nnii nuve itie unmi 1 thisie"',".,'"'-".V.'"h"' V- Hi but inns muiti- ... .,, ...... ...... .... yANTIill Small tnrc. eentriillv locate 1. tie the firt if IVutetuli r. UK k lX 1 . a' g 4-or.t H ekory. N. C. S HeHtnnTrintTin7!TurMT ihif no tnori- to use Horaetne Mtr- rrv Pnw.icr. Iliuhlv iK-rl'iinieil unci siiiter nr. only Boe iiiiiruK- Kints Try It. iiir--ittw BABY notici:. Ilids will he received until AitRii'-t 2!ith l"r privileges of Hull Alley. Tolioitgnn S idc and ithcr amusements, at Sulphur Stirinir Park. AllKllst to, I Hill. J. R BOSTIC.Secy, sill td-'od West Ashevtllc Imp. Co. HKWOVKD. t huve moved my hoot nnd shoe shop from III South Main street, to tti.T South Main street. Any one ItavinK was now m inr shoo, can find me nt the new place. My cus o mers will find me ready to do all kinds of work in the beat stvle. at my new quarters. Julaodlm A I'KKCK The Kngadlne Wine l-nn now he found at the etiin inmeni ot tt.iniinzii v ne mi lanuor company unu jnmrs II. l.o Kltran. Aheviile. M. rnrlies wtsninK in .u. .....- ....... from the vine urn can nuve inn,. ijuoted on application wwcsi.ui "y inr ;ise o- ly. .("i' ',' , nul, m l.uiner. n. i. ..RW'IS MAIHll'X, Fl. T COI.I.INS, M. . I'Al'.C, . li. H V.I.I I DIRECTORS l S. It. KliKII, t. B. RAV.' CHAKLBS MCNA M lil'.J 1. 11. RANKIN, M.J. BKAKIII'.N. FOR RUST. Ul'RNISHI!!! ROOMS FOR RISNT. ai - On Cherry street l-'litit street. Seen id house west ol aul 1 tuwedthu'Jw pilH RKNT. one 7 room house in uuod nciKh'-orhood. Vpiilv to MR ii"', juli-dtf Anent. ailtll I'. U. Iloflmnii, editor Times, Kockt Mount, Va., writes: "lam pleased to say that Hotanic lllood Halm is the best ap lietizer and tonic fur delicate K.oplc I ever saw. Il acted like a charm in my case." Itbra Itsby was sick, we nave, her ('atorl When slm was Child, she criod fort'asUiria, When she became Miss, she clung to Caatorta When she had Children, she gave tunm Caatoit ....i.nil Mi.,, v loom, for Hhnn. HOx2o feet, Collree sire. t. near llaywooil street Apply to I A I 1,1 IK, IIUI IA US" I nr.K i.'n, lullltf l I'atton Avenue pOR RUNT. chartuinu resilience, nenr centre of town. l.irae s ndr trees beutltilul views, six ne-es "I Kroiimls, nine rooiiii, vtneyitrd and slalile, cxeellent water. Ir vcar or l.i lier iti 'iun. KLBKRHAH. Oursts enn lienecommod ited at Klliermar. situated on 'he Viclo in road sis minutes walk to the curs. I'. ih.sibi "en oj n ni and morninK Telephone comttiunieaiion wit'i drill! "tores, livery si nine, etc every ivenlenee to lie nan sun ine ni u,"k. of heliiK near the town nnd yet 111 the coun try Address MR or MRS. ti. k to-ivim. auirxllw FCRNISHKD ROOMS. I'or rent, well kept, ccntmny located. Modern coiivcni nis nt WI'STKRN IIOTHI.. S. W. Corner Public Square. Aahcvillc. N. C. Bank open from 9 a. m till p. m. On Saturday, till 0"p. m.' J. P. SAWVHR, I'BKSlliKNT. OTIS M. COXB, VlCK-l'KHS. . U. RANKIN, CsaillK CAPITAL S10(),(K)0.0(). ori;ani.hii march Battery Park Bank. Transacts a Kmrrnl hanking business. Ciimmrreinl pnK-r discounted Loans ntaa upon approved cnllHtcral. Colleelioiis made on all accessible points. SAFE DEPOSIT. Rents Boxen In Ittt Fire Proof Vault) at Reasonable Rate. Solicits accounts of individuals, banks, hankers, nrn.s andeorporalions. DIRECTORS. junttidtlm IT. Knrden Kent only fni nuldtf K. COIM'IN. 3' Patton Avenue, Room 3. JpOR RUNT N, ii- CMttn.'s. three ri'O'tis nieclv finished iivii roll .1 loVC. UllliniSllCO. l.lirai- i"i. K ;iss and trn Kneel nil (tar !en fud ol v k etublcs -ntir in liu.k porch Mieet ei lood iiclfhliorhooil. Apply to L A I'AKINIIOL T. Monm 1 1. McLoud buildinK I'. o. mix no. an 15.1 ll The rcKulnr meetini: of AsheyllV I.odKe No. lo a. r. nno a. m., win ot hciu on Thiirsrinv nlirht. 'JOth Inst., nt K o'clock. Yisilinit lirethrcn cordially welcotnc B. I. HOLM HS, ,ot Secretary. JkOTlCB. , l h. ri liv notli'v nil merchants mid other men iloin'n business in the city of Ashcvllle or other nlaecs. not to allow iny wile nor chlld- FOK SMI:. poR SLH House and lot. apply nt TAYLOR, HOl lS HRDTIIUR ro tf fortune was made ol deception true of Colonel I'olk? History will nn swer. ?OR SALH OR RKNT. New house, eiirht rooms, modern eoniun- ccs. Cornet ol Colli lie and fine streets. A p. ,,iv nt NO. U PI Nil S I Klic. 1 am: udtw Tntc S;lni; Hotel it tain resort hotel in the :is the mil' hioiii Uliiteil States to till Mitre the first tiny of August. The finest orchestra to lie toiintl nt any resort in the South is now at Tate Spring Hotel. auA dlv XV. L. Ill MK, CIVIL ENGINEER, ASHEVILLE. N. C Room 94. Barnard ButldiiiK, " A. II. COIUi, STENOGRAPHER. ROOM 1. MCAPHK Itl'll.l'INO. Lecal Work a Specialty. Waller S. Cushmau, ( Ponnerly of the Massachusetts Bar,) ATTORNEV-AT-I-AW, romo.NBK or nanus, akd notakv I'I bi.ic si., an pton Ave.. McAfee block, room ASHIiV'lI.LH, N. C. sMflAlTIKI: KKAL PHIU'SIITV M l'(iMKCIMi. apr3dtf Dr. J. W. RolllnK), VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, A8HBVILLK, N C. I will keep n Infirmary for sick animals n--., h.inu ui.li h.,rt-. will And it much to their advantage to have them aent In at once, where 1 keep a gooa supply mi j - .Hj ..m .wr annlTanrea lor administer. inc it at short notice. Office and infirmary 78 Hoath Main Street, Hay building, oppo ,sitc Bwannanoa HoUl. maylWItl ftpSinciiil lines ti.yoiinggviitleinen.. HOTHI. WANTKD IN - THE - SOUTH. To lease acompli tclv furnished hotcL Must tie strictly first cln-s in all respect. State full par'leulars, terms, etc. 3. 1 Kill OHN B. IIAMITO.N. jul::d-Vm rCUCDIII IPCIITQ nnd Canvassers looking UDllliimu nuiill 1U for a iiermuneut money making business, no cont)ctllion should se cure the sale of the Patent Adjustable Shoe. Addrcs with stamp. COSSOl.tUATBtl S1IOKCO., au.tdeudl2t Salem, Mass. IIWS I'OR SALIi. Kive fine voutiic cows, with first calves. Three give four gallons each per day, tin I will lie Nolo lof S4(l eitell. 1 WO KIVC over three gallons each per day and will tie sold fur each. Apply at jullddtf liAILV Ll I l.nn un-iin, II OTBL FOR 8ALB. BOILERS! BOILERS! BOILERS! The St. Armond Hotel nt Skylnnd Springs is offered for sale at a bargain cilherfiirniahed .r ..t Th.. nit., ineluil.s ahout eiuht acres Seventeen second-hand boilers ano eng nes ol shady grove, anil nve siiriiigs, one 01 gliesii. awiureu mm 11. i ,,. , - nceomtnoi.aico. 1 ne noici 11. iikii. ..t .... -pot The terms of sale made tosuit purchaser DON' r HKAB IP Villi DO, DON'T BELIEVE IT (inlvhritii! vciir inislit nnd worn out null .v.th it. iiiin h-vf ninnr h Kmn m p i MYl-RS, iii:'. nni 1 .mi.i m, tTmlt rthc Nntinniil I ft ik of Anlicville. hinHdam Ch "lbcate Water, lirought in pipe direct from the Ashevillr Clrilvhcu'e Spring (long snown as i-ce s Chn'yb ate .pringl now on sale nt booth on north ourt square, by the k-Uss.scr ed cold. Jce its three lassis . cents or ny tnc gm bn'f gallon, or any q nniny orsimi 01 low ptiees. H J. ARMSTRONG- (UI7. t' New Firm. The undersigned deire to announce to their .1.1 nnlr.,11. atl.l tHrmlS H 'll lO ttlC ltlllic generally, that they have eonsoliilaleil tneir duct it iointlv. under the firm name of l'ul- H'nn RutledKc, with offices elegantly htteil .... ; h itiirimro iiui iiiiic. corner mom street and Piittou avc uc, und with ample facilities for 'he transaction of the business of insurance in all its hrnt.chra. They rraucet lully usk the u port of the puldic. LAWKi-.i r. 11 1.1. HRKDHRlt-K Rl TLBIIG8. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. S. MoSKISON, L. t;sAHAU, , T. Rawi.s, fl. S. POWRI.L, V. K. McftltR. J. II, Rustic, F. Coin, o. M Coib. T. W. I'ATTON, II. T. Collins, 'K. S. I'KKBV, W. H. Dallas 11, BRICK. BRICK. FOR SALE BV BRICK. BUNCOMBE BRICK & TILE COMPANY Asheville, N. C. P. O. Box 426. JKSSK R. STARNE8, UNDERTAKER : AND : EMBALMER. BVKRV RKfjriSITB OF THK Bt'SlNKSS FPRN1SHKD. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. SatlH-Kitiou Guaranteed. -WA-X-1' DBTACITJVIlIiB LINK vBELTINC. The Best. tPS Now the Cheapest. send pjf2A REDUCED 'orLJtJ PRICE LIST rtdrtv.MtlierSts;lsltlfiirBeifoifVMiwri Msi'lilnvrv' fnr li.mlliiar unv miuensl In hulk iirpselnwo. I.ISiK ltr.I.T '.OISIF.KKI0 CO., (Nlc. town) I'uiLAUELi'tiiA.uinl e; Day St., New Voiut boilers and nilim-l nl SlzrS. St lltlVCr'S linCIS. CASIiY & IIKPGliS HOI I. KK MI'T.CO., Jultaeodlm Chattanooga, lenn. STWoTirfiiRUcM FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS. For lllnatrattd catnlogttc, atldress Staunton Militasv AcAiiRuv.Stnunton, Va. julxdiud-'tlt ST. MARVS SCHOOL,, fcbudtl OTIS A. MILI.HR. Sk viand Springs, N. C. II. A., "OX 111, Shan n. Muss TRY THE STEAM LAUNDRY t7 Patton Awetine- aulhdadrto gAl.li IIY PIMII.IC Al'CTION. The Mack Mountain hotel proicrty. ill tin. hi the farm ol about 3oo nercs upon whichtliehotclisloeatcil.it being at Hlaek Mountain station 011 he Western North, nr olinu railroad, about siitectl miles Irom the itv of Ahi vine, in Hie vnliey 01 tne nwan- tiii.i. Whereas. I M. Pacini lino . o Strno. his wile, ol Hlaek Mountain, 111 mc lUMtV 01 liuncomoc. Illlll silllC", i,ui n s. . lina. on the IS tlay ol June, V IL, lso. made and cvecultd a mortgage to Chas. S Ttavlis. of No. Mil -south street, city, county and suite of New Vork, to sc. urc the indebt- ditess as therein set lortli and uescriueo in itl inortKiiKe. which is duly :eeorilco in uu- otbee of register ol deeds ol haneomb coilill.v Nurth Carolina, on tnc z.'u any 01 j line, IL, lHH.ri, at U o'clock p. m., in nook No 0 of thcr.cords of mortgage. In said oltice at pages 4o7, etc., to which reference is hereby made lor further particulars; and whi rens the said J. M. Stepp on the n nay 01 June. A. II. 1HH.I, mane alio exceuien 11 imii in trust, to A R 11 kin. id the city 01 Asnevme, N. C . as trustee, lo secure a dent a tncrein mentioned, which deed of trust is lecorded in said book f mortgages, No. ti. at pages 8fl7, etc, to which elcrenccis here by mode lor further particulars; and. where us, default has been made In the puyment ol the money secured by sitid mo tgage anil deed of tr at: now therefore by virtue of the powers of sale ascontninen in snm moriunge and deed of trust, and by re..son of the de mult in the payment ol tnc sums 01 money due and secured bv the same as aloresaid; the undersigned as mortgagee ano trustee in said mortgage and deed ol trust will offer for ssle by public auction upon the premise, as ncretnniter aescnueo tor eusn to m. !iiiiri.i bidder nt such sale, on Mondey, theSthdiy 01 October, A. I)., I Hill, the lands and prem ises as set forth and described in said mort a ... hh.i1 nd .ireii ol trust, ami lor a moir particular description of the same reference is hereby made to .aid mortgage and deed of trust, as registered 111 sain register s nnice us above stated, said lands ano premises to op ioid in order to satisfy the debts, costs nnd all esuense. incurred by reason of said sale, aoai cared by said mortgage and deed o: trust, according to tne priority ui m Thia August 1st, A IL, lHttl. tMAKA.UCI CI. Iisii.m, A. KANVIN, Mortgagee. Trustee. Snr further nartieutars apnly to 8 H. Brl. attorney, at his law oltice in the Barn. ard building, Asheville. N. C. anoatda RmLEIGH.N.C. Tllli AHVIiNT TliKM UliHINS ON SEPTEMBER 24TH. n14iUm THIS MaITLANU SCHOOL, UNCI. ISM ANO I'RIiNCH HOME AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, No. 0 French Broad Avenue. MRS.Itl'RC.WVN MAITI.ANII, PRINCIPAL Assisted hv competent ten. hers. Hy spec int fhhii,..! 'lm Miiitlnttd has add.d to the school an Infant Hcpanment for little girls and b ys, between five and eight years ol age. Some ol the cicrcises 01 tne r.iniierKnr ten will 1 c used in this class, with d nly oral lessons in French, The Infant Department is separate from the other school. dccSd 1 y UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, THE NEXT TERM BEGINS SEPT. 3. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS, SEPT. 2. Tuition $ao pei t rm. Needy .young men of tnleni and character will lie aide I with schol irship. and lo ins, besides the.llenernl Course o study, which offer a wide range ol e ecttve st dies, tnere are courses 111 i.hw, Medicine nnd Kngineering I'or catalogue, etc, uddrcsa the President, OKO. T. WINSTON. Jiil2idi)w Chaiel Hill, N. C. 4oR SALIi. After the 1st of scatMiihrr. having no fur pii,r ,..h foe th.. . sold lor no I -irt. one pair trre. liildinm Pereheron sf .ek, the largest onir in ihe country, and still growing, rising l'm.rn,IK.r kinil III L'-I,tkin CVeTV' W IT hnv been worked in wagon and plough since mat Mtiv.nnd eanuot be beaten for hau mg ....w, ....... u,,,n..,iilii-r llu-s" horses Are la rcr ..heron sii.ck from . Ivih-sdale mare Also c, a..i..,b,.. ,u i-ori vaion and tlnrnes n.tt.ie lor hors s bv Moulton. Auburn, N. V Price 7ri for lite lot Appiy to K. II He IN KM ANN, Supt., Inanda P. o., N C Where horsc can be seen nny dav eteepl Sunday at work aul tilt! IH.KIl.t. OARIHNli. Pv Mr K. W. Robinsoii, at No IVI Hay. wood sir et Large, air y rooilK nnd a ell shaded grounds II nil cod wntrr, and right on Montford Park ear line auliidtf gULHCT IIOARll. 2i..t .ari.. .l.-sirltiL. suiH-rior board and handsomely furnished riioins (bath on each Hour) can obtion suuic liy applvito: to p. L. 1IOWVBK. auidlm No. 7 SI antes Avenue jl'MMHR lit A tl'. o. ....- ir ,a iilrv Kvervthint; fresh and newlv imliitril. and' furnished Immedi ately on street car line. Terms reasonable MRS. J . L. SM ATIIHRS. junlUdtf atH I'atton Ave. Condensed schedule in effect Aug BASTBOl'ND. No. 10. Lv Cincinnati, 0 i C. " Louisville, L. At N. " Knoiville.B.T V.tl 2, 1H91 I Prompt I No. IX , H0pm 80pin finml H15am Attention f.ivcn to Call, Pay or Night. BE A japane; Pit! GURt fh irnaraTiteed Cnr for Pile of whalo kiodor dere Biternl, Intarnal, Bl. niMdisir. Itnhiriir. Chronle, Btocnt Ha.litar. $1.00 bKi OX, $6.1 ' Brat ty matt, pnvrsiitl, on reoelpk oj Brie .OnuantMd and aoM only by T.t. otfit h,leahjd retail rlffista, mblkt Humn. Asaaruw. APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. LllUlWM WW UfiWaltar lTt aMB IBM a r uaaa - a., mmmn m am U TieUWW IB MI mpftTNi YOUNQ MEN OR OLD, nari turn aiBTOVS Da. U1TT to,! r rslllss ktsa. 1m, Pk.ilMl limM, M.aUl Wsrrr, IISBU4 D..Uaiat, Jt IKIOBAL. WI1". w - hi i - -a WUtt4 H FMFEOt mJ i. anarti titaliTT mi TRORS wau tk. tMa m4 Mntlf ItilMI, We cUtm by yean ol prt,ct.ci by mif niiiii(i mothrxlii t uniform WQMOrOLT Or uvuaa - in I...II ntaaasia takMIHIUd 3 AflUUtw ! TwlimoDlfcll I iMmURuiMtnil TarrttoriM. 00R new mi'C'X. nsii..aaa. rau .,.. is. " - - HIST. Inalb rotf.1 KESTOltl a.' ALBKMAKLE II CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. I.arve corns of suoerlor teachers. Pest ad- yantnge. In literary, tnusicnl nnd art depart menta. Attractive surroundlnea. Healthful and accessible location l owest terms ord r catalogue. W. P. DICKINSON. Juuoaeoaisi rnueipai. Ql'i NliP I'OR C.I'USTS. Mv new house is completed and has extra large, well ventilated rooms, and ne.ily fur nished, t ath room on each floorer, wilh Lot and cold water, No. JO Flint Street. juiKJdlf MRS IULIA A. LKK MISCELLANEOUS. W OST. Mondnv afternoon between li and 7o cloca child's .nek. I'lease return to ,.. IHdtf llims lanto, Momstown. Lv. Paint Roe'k, R. ei l. " Hot Springs, " Ar. Asheville, " Lv. Asheville, " " Round Knob, " Marion. " Morgnnton, '' " Hickory, " " Newton, " Slatesville, " Ar. Salisbury, " " t'ireeiisboro, " Danville, " Richmond, " tireenslioro " Ar. Durham, Ralrigh, Ooldsboro, " Morrliead C'y.A & N C ; Lvnchb irg R t IL Washington, " Haltimore, I'enn. I'hiladelpliia, New York, " WKSTnotmn. . New York, Philadelphia, llaliiniore, Washington, I.vnchliurg, llniivl le, . Richmond MorehradIC (taldshoro, Raleigh. Iiurliatn, (ireensbom, Ar. Salisbury, Statrsvtlle, Newton, Hickory, Morganlon, Marion, Round Knob, Asheville, .v. A heville. Ar. Hot Springs, aint Rocs, L0ST. A pockc book wilh silver monogram, I B It Reward if returned to BUlllllll CITIni lll'l i r.. OTIC K WOFFORD COLLEGE hpnrtHiiburo; c. JAS. H. CARLISLE, LL. D., Pres. FOUNDED 1851. Wofford College offers to .tudents In the four college classes two psrsll'l c uirses ol studr. each leading t the degree of llaihel r of Arts In ene of w h'ch M dern Lai guages are anbatltnted for Orcek. EXPBNSIIS. Board, tntttlna, niatrieulatinn. washing. Ilirhts iml. book, und natlo ery. the neces sary colics, expense, for the year, can lie met with one hurdred and fifty dollar.. The nest addon begins the 1st dnv of October, I HOI. J. A. C.AMKYYHLL, fee. of Faculty WOFFORD GOLLEGeItTING SCHOOL Hpartauburic, H. C. The fourth session begins October 1. Ihoi Bov. nreitared for Colleue. Kxp. uses man heeorered hv timi per year. Supervisioy ' aiSTOlSD a. fhsatsait I careful und constant. . . Z .- .... I. .!. l.irM, .1 .IM I . I J 1 .' II 1 1 U T 1 l KRII MEDIGAk 00. BUFFALO, N.Y. anl0dcod3od ' Head Master N u iiiit.iMirtnti will m1I htr iumTnrr in ti ' .,1- ui Anv Indv huviilC $1 t( worth chii hnvr nnv piece ol" "tampinn dum "haCu,r,..",. SH NORTH MAIN ST $200.00. Tn . l,,ar out n desirable line of ladies' sum mer gloves-Lisle ami er-ey we offer them nt whin thev c 'St us Also a lot Ol nam l.urg edglngsin neat patterns. anUlltl l!tlAKllt., tin -.M S n. JIJOT1CH. . . o'll. M..rlh f nln Mlrei't. M rS Ilnlvblir ton, dri ss mnkig and millinery parlors. I'he is urepared for all kinds of stamping has an r. I,. I.r..l hoiuie ol Sew York Kid nir ha'.its a speclnlty All kinds of hair work done I.ai'lcslnvttcd to call nn lexam Ine stock, lints pressed over Jnuxa m $500 Reward. wit wltl nn. the above reward foranvea 1 ir I'omnlnlnt. llvsnensfa. Sick Head ..he. Indiuestlon Constipation or Cos- ,1. we cannot cure with West1 Vegetable Liver I'ltls, when Ihe d. ..un. are strictly complied with They are purelv Vegetable, and never fail to aire .atislacllon Sugar Coated. Large I.,..-, ronlninlna no nills 2R cents. Hewn of counterfeits and Imitations The genuine manufactured only by THR JOHM C. VVB8T COMTANY, CHICAOO, ILL. 8old by T. C. mith atCo., Asheville. N. v;. 12 I 50pm 4 .'iripm 44Npm Bnpm li Jopm 7 :i.'tpni M 1:4pm I Dog. m I liupml in I tptn I 1 1 o'Jpm I I .'(Main I 0 I rutin I 11 lnum 1 4 10 ml ln:b ism I l'."JNpm 1 J'.lpui 3 inpinl 7 4:ipm I 2niiim I N4llptlt II 2 .pm :inilam li 2 lam No. U I No. II. 1 2 I Sam SoOatn lionam 9 2.ram 12 15pm 1 2 2-ipm 1 isr.pm 2 15 pm 'A 25pm 4o3pm 44Hpm fi 2Hpni 5 4!tpm ri40pm 7 :14pm lo:tOim 12 55am 700am 1210 im 4 35ani 7 15 am 12 topm "3 20iim to: 1200 m 2 iopm 4 50pni Office and resiib nee No. Street. Telephone No, 51. 27 North Main H, 0 THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY. ..il.ti.C" Cures tioiiorlui'a nn-. (tlitin ttoAllays, wilhoiil I'nin. Prevent Strleturu. Contains no acrid or poisonous substances, nnd is guaranteed absolutely harmless, prescribed by physicians. Best Sy rlngefree, witheacb bottle. Prlccfl Sold bv druggists. Beware of Sut ntllnte's. Aetni'f 'bntn.f 'o.l.td .N 1 1.1 .a FOR SALE BV RAYSOR ft SMITH. ASHEVILLE. N. C. FALK'S MUSIC HIM.' RAD II Hum fi lnpm I " Ii4.iplll " .inopm 255am T.A A N C. 25 im 4 .lopm a5 7pui J 0 .loom I 1 1 oopm 5 2511111 I H 10am PIANOS: STEINWAY, EVERETT, HARVARD. ORUAN8I WILCOX A WIIITB, PAKRANIXt VllTF.Y KIMHAI.L. BANJOS. GUITARS, VIOLINS, STRINGS, ETC. ' K Ai II 8:15pm nnoi'mi 7 liAptn i 1057pm 12 4'iani 1 52am 2 47sm !t 10am 3 5 mn 4 4tiam 5.13am fi5.riam 7.1oam H5tlam loam Morristown.B T V & tl lot!7am Knoxville. " 113oam ' Louisville. L. N Cincinnati, g & C. souTiiaot'NU. N'o. 1 8. lopm 1 lOnin 3.12am 11128am 1302am 12 5Mm 1 44pm 2 O'Jptn 2 3tipni 3 1 4pm 3 51pm 5 03pm 5 2:tpm 6 4Hpm 7 oopm 7 1 5pm 8 20pm P7 f5am Csi'Jf - f HM ' "" -r- It covers the ground the Ball waist-if you won't have a corset. There s the corset shape, without the restraint, and it carries the weight of the skirts on the shoulders. The whole thing can go in the wash. If you're not satisfied with it, after wearing it two or three weeks, return it, and get your money. F. P. Miiiinaufcti. Lv Asheville, R (it I), lisoam Ar. Hendrmonville, " 12211pm 1 Spartannnrg, nl,m ' Columbia, ' Charleston A. C L. UliKPtlY IIRANCII. No. 05. Lv Asheville, 7 4oam Ar. Wuynesville, n40a,n Itrvson city, i.'t"n Murphy, an.l,nl Lv. Murphy. Ar Ilryson City, w nvnesvuie, AutiVvlde. Ar. Augusta. P. R & .C. noopm Atlanta. R Jk 11. 1 1 59pm 1 1 10 15am No. 16L 2 oopm 3111pm 5 23pm R5npm 1 2 fiOpm No" 84. 410am U 20am 2otlpm I 405pm EASY INSTALLMENTS, LOWEST PRICES, HIGHEST GUARANTEES. ESTABLISHED SIX YEARS AfiO, 1 can refer to hundreds o patrons, the best men iu Western North Carolina. Call on or address C. FALK. 35 N. Main Street, ASHEVILLE, N. C. OR HpurtBiiburjt, A. C. NOKTIIBIll'Nn. Lv. Ailnntn, R u. Atlanta, tvcstoiuiiio Augusta, R R. W. C Chtrleston, A. C. L. Columbia, R. at II SmirtnuburK. " Ar. Hend. ra'nv'le, " shevllle, . . No. 13. NolS li lllain 1 25im I - 7 20am 111 Ram 10 loam 200pm 4 !2ptn 5 1 7pm 7 05pm u l linm 10 04pm Sl.RKPlNn CAK 1BSVICS. v,."r6nnd if) Puilman'sleepera between Ooldslioro and Mnrrtsto n. Noa 1' ano 12 ruiimnn muii. ..r... stew York nnd Knoxville, Greensboro and Richmond and tireenslioro and ixnlrigh. Sleeping cn-s between Asheville and Sa vannah n 15 nnd 18 via Spartanburg and A,!K.'l!l.a oi.r. between Charleston and Cincinnati, (on trains Noa. 18 and 18 to Asheville, and Nos 11 nnd 12 west thereof.) W. A. SINDUnn, i' . R. R. BR11M-.KRS, Asheville, N. C. Snpt '.shevllle, N. C. 1 J 8. 1.. TAYLOR, W H. ORKKN, Oen Paw. Agt Gen. Manager. SOU HAAS, Trame Manager. THE liOSTON SALOON , Ank If tint tlrnlftr ny ngfnfii fnr V. in or anl In your plncr nuk yoiir o hi ml fnr rHinlniiue fcure Inr uenry, Ann Ihrm lor you. ir-TAHK m HrHHTiTLTK. - IS THE 39 South Main Street. Our motto iH to keep the verv best wines and liquors at the nioHt reasonable price commensurate with the qual ity. Parties having friends of intemperate habits will confer a favor by notifying us of such, as we do not wish to sell them any stimulants. Very resiiectfully, JOHN O bONNELL. , julyftdtf $5. WHY W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CENT LtMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLO FOR THE MONEVf It Is a seamless sline, with nn taeks or was thread to hurt the feeti nisile of the best fin. calf, slvlisti and easv, and brMtwf ire make sine, ihiie. or thin grailr thnn an r nrser mrtnHrnerurer, it equals uniui- II Binw. i-imiin), inim .,., w, - . . Utl lennlne itand-sewru, tne niwii i-u BhiH. ever onetvu rnr a..''l equiii r rvncn 1 bIuu.. whli.h e.Mt froin as.ftl to Sli.111. CA 00 Hand-Hewed Well Mhoe. One eslf, 9Vs stylish, emntortalila and durable. The bent sho. ever olTereil at this price ; same arsd. as our tom-msilp shoes ensllns from .ai to W.IKI. (CO 10 Police Whoei Karmsre lullmsd Men 90s and ls-iierCarrleraall wearUieim fluecair, seHniliins, smooth Inslda. heavy three soles, exten sion edge. One pslr will wear ayear. isn AO 8ne ealft no lietter shos ever nfTsred at sVaCa this prion; one trial will convince those, who want a sline fnr comfort and service. tCO 'iS and Sti.00 Worklntman'a shoes 9aC. ar very strung and durable.. Ihnse who hnv. given them a trial will wear no rvher mske. O . B 'J.OO and Vl.tS school shoes ara tSUJD worn by the boys everywhere; th.ysull on their merits, s the Increasing sales show. I aHlaatMO Hand-sewed shos, best LaUICb Uniutnla, veryitylishimualsKrsuch lmiorte4shreistmsrmm4.iiitjiii. I.adle.' !.,10, IM.BO and l,t she for Mlnses are the best fine Dongola. Stylish and durable.. Oanllon.-Kee that W. L. Douglas' name and prin ar. .tampeiion the bottom uf each sho.. W. L. DUUOLas, Bruoktua, Mass. BOLD BY WBAVER5& MYERS.: m m I' Sil !; SI fit! : , I fry ' 'i ft, - .'.". I T' Ttrrv-" :ri