I .. : , v.. . ... :.. , i ki imwijyii m ig tii itwm ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 24. 18D1. AROUND TOWN. Fnrecant till 8 . Tueaelay thowcrai southwesterly wludw cooler. Gd. Crawford, of Raleigh, is ia tbe city. State Senator W. C. Sprinkle, of Mar shall, was in the city today. There was not any iercentiHe small ness about the uiectiug Saturday tiisht. G. . Kedl'earn. of the Chesterfield, (S. C.t Advertiser, is in the city for a lew days. There is to be a library part? at the Batterv Tark hotel tonight, be.uiiiiuo, at 8:30 o'clock. Gen. las. 05. Clean, of Greensboro, and Major E, F. Young, of Charlotte, are at the Swauuanoa. There were only lire cases before Re corder Miller this morning. The tines atnonuted to SIS. If there is a fairer or better presiding fficer in Asheviilc than Col. A. t. I'a Tidin, he is yet to be found. I1. A. G. Ouits, statf correspondent 01 the Charleston, S. C. Woriu. is in tnt city stopping at the Battery l ark. Mrs. tjuarles, husband and two child ren, ot Abbeville. S. C. who have been Tisitmg Mrs. J. A Howie oti Kant street. Icit today tor their home. J. B, Ilens'xT. of tins city, received a telegram this mvnntig rrom M.us.i.t stating that his son. W.t'lace Hei,s.t. had len siu't at that town t'.r.s in, 'ru ing. Nofurtiier paiticni.irs wcie give:'.. Waiter T. McKaii. of the Hotel Cm quolit, Andersen. S. C. .irnvciir.i ::ie Saturday nigh: aud w::! mgnt ciett a: the Swann.iuoa hotel. Mr. Mcfail uvk charge Sunday night. S. 1. May-wood. ot Charleston, S C. died Saturday tug at a: Cat't. C J .V. Cape's, tui Grove scrett. Mr. M.on.' J was St years old. Tiie rvu-.iivs we-i taken to Charleston yeurd..y. i'y M s Magwood aud sou. I'r. L. B McHrayer has :. ',"(: C'.njEN otf.ee a h..it -i- -on t'-e :'.tu; fVars ever seen :n Asnevi ;r Tr.cy ate very large a. id .ie'.vi.-c.ly r1. -v .ved. i'r McBraver received one bus::e' o t::e pears rroro l,or: XV'lii'.s. ol Se.tl Tic.vS ant. Md . tfci mor: ir,. Trie cars :c l used on the Wist As'.ie vr'le and Su r:ur S;"i::gsc!ee!nc r.r.'. ,v i lure arrived, and t" r-.rv. trr.i w m.u'.c over '.he road tomorrow a'ttr ttoou. A regular scr.edu'.e will 'x' pa: oc tne latter par: of the week The .m ; to be U1 cents eaeo w.iv The case of iVvan & Co.. t Cusr g ,V Chapman was g:v.n :o :hc;.sr in : e super'pr cviir: a: iu'a :od.iv Th.c y. diet was in :.,t.t or ::ie : i.it; : rrr !.t J.. 75 17. This .rte::; v. :he cue -. G. . nitson ts C'ty ot Aiitv..e 'r damage was :.:kc". up. A: a meeting of the He''-tw e 'ngrr.-.i-ti"ti ot As.'.ev.:'.e beid yesterday in l. veum ha l. reolu:;oi's were passed s vatnuing w: :;,c :,ttx:. o: S n!a m the p-ot-aett i .r es . : V Hana.tiersn'.ag. au.: !nv.'.-g ::-.e . c--tngs of a I-.t-.r.e f: :.:cr.ce :'. r :..;.: rce.'vey. The series rree: is n, -tig he'. a: :h.e ..::'.s. re :'rt y.e':.,; e . ;.v a c '.nereasrrrc .:. :::U"is: '..rfs: r-g :: t:t-: rt sever. :r :n.i.:e o,v r -.tis- r oi rat'h in C.n-.s:. Trie r .-.t- r . t ejuiters rs large Tse-e w:.. '. st-v.. each nigh: week. e-'Urmer.c.r.g at . o clock CV, ' .'hr '.' Cameron todav br ue;ht :ji Tms C:T:it w.e a iv.o n ; r t prora:i'.y t.:ic o: the iargv: rrr- -ear r o: n trris secfar.. Co.. C.irr.:r rtt ;-as fsr e la. a::en:i to tomat.' en;:-.;re. V.irs tvit::ea. h. wcter. was rot e:r t vat.o bv tbe Colore!, be-ng rr-e-tW a vljr'ee i:i urs g.ir.re:.. Its we gjt was J ;-v .:ncs ad o--; ,)unees. Tvt 'o 'ow-c "re h v and '.a.KUr c. c r or ". :. luttiw .try ,c': r,'v:.i t, r t:-f r.netaao s cKvcr.:ro V. :-i:t. M H Kc 'v M.irh4.: N 1 H ; sk,t Cr..i H.,r a::. A. S-.a J.'nn S ac K.-it. H L. C.ir:- r. 1.. Cvir-T'.in. Cui.OuiK.'.ir.i. 'A C !0'car.a.W ,v,:. W :..:.:r. w." be 4c:tr(! r,rT..it! of :h oxvany w'n it scot un rr.rxr- a: aav. Thos P. '.ter. ot Pe:trV C. V I . o'.T nations'. o"ane or or the ;:rn. - i'r derofl'aited Anrerxar. Meeranon ar nred ia Ashevv e tais arterr..-. n. and t.-- rijtht at .v vii ic;tts:e tne e Ce counvti or that order, in trie V W ball, ever Hamnm s store. Tbe A.-.e-Tii:e brarxh start out w.t'ti s.jtr merrr- C ' ee- !: was orjar-re-i list M.'ciiv ;ex r t wrtb ".vrty-two men-bers K Stewart ha had the matter m cha-se nd to sita i .vae tae jfCHHt ttren-.';? r.i; and pror.wt with ':a the coanct; he ,;trt t;$ .. Henry Sprsrc and Tom. Sh.--. 00a p'e of cv'iorevi n-en cot mt ' a d f-c-'tt t. Crrot'ie Cree Satur.tar nrit -rv-. i , P c!ov ? a . orer a woman. Snr-.n ' " ' crT -itive. for :5c . arx -redrew a prstoi and tj'ed at S.iap, t d-.:'.- ';-3:'.v 'te astoriis.-i.-.j; a:m.t iet (tr-.tct; him in tae iert ije, bat de- '"oui;n u to tto amuse and ain tne revted and trade on'y a rresa woatd. ua j i.t nets tsey rc utrtuen. A trata wbkb i not cvet'dertt-i daseroc. .'"?.. '- e? '"'r ". ia aunt ic:asoc, o-ji,i tx oer Noiard wa at hi home on Bv:t . ''ere .:e ne w no omitted to ta.e It treet. erf duty, bat rau down to tae '''eive i Jen Mrtixa Ii.-ote-y ' ! Cree. a soon, as tvs-e. He h.id a-.i Juferrni. and oread. n., prema saort caase ate: Sorn;. h-.it 001;. d nt '" -'". test tae pwterat rrrttedy It arrest nitn. rte jjot or-nc m-V'. -. ever, whwa he had drjtr-d in nis tr:-t. urUfS-Wi in nis tr.,;-t. A sererT aoc-.dent ocvar-ri to I.incb Jackjos -n t.- ctty this ta.--r.:re M-s i.oki'n, a.vatsta: :fd ry -er ,-n. C-enera'. Jaokst-n and ittt e fir!, w.i re-tarn-.rc home n'otn a r-s-t to tbe kvnn try. W'rseti or. North Main street, y.i. Woo Irs a. the rrvht car of tbe Anei".ie treet railway cr,tn ior.it. Tne re attached to tbe boixy rarre'r-iT.et:ed . andraaawar. ttr.Sftcc a 9 a;ai- st a . pn'e ta tae sdewalk. The oa-.-nt were thrown out. M-v Ja.kson' was' hart. tb. a,s .- , and her son recr-.r-d seTerai braise. ter'' Mr. E. L. HowaH, ot Lo tides. t:?lt.,0',-; aril ha at th, aoteJ ooe aii a. v ui, .. , '.ra-?: rv . , .v . a., --.."v.. C an.v. ti . Ken m Anjerv. There are up warn, oi :handreddtTentrtK-;..,ndocrd one aanarra airarrent artic.r. and Mould Ifa".!0 fl.'f "IV interested ia ach good. As these icooil are Mm tiies. aitJ Mr. Howard ba corv ciavied hs tnp tbee artx-te are at re- dixed prve. OiV Ur ia T Short I For ne to spend a month ia As'serv' ! Kntkinu np a get-op-Kxto-in-tbe-morciBc. ! erer-ext weare ma. with eipenraoe ia '. the mnsc trad to take theafency ot'oar Putooa and Organ and pUnt tbeiii nht and Iert m Aaaeeuw rx mn Bare on ! a week to nod aco a maa. Hence 1 ai-; ?na'"d from tbe fcrnuvl np. aoid oo rertjse mr wait There moner ia our tc4t lnBl- 00 Bn price to all tbe agencT tor the right maa. Lotaot it too j t,re9t etod of ale. eay terms ol pytr For particnlata see me at .'S Pattoa ' "?' t1" tat oet known oa nand- araoe. J a. larw, General Manager of , a. n c -, ... . . &aaaBah.rU theVadi ta. Or,a, Ho of! the Aauth. jcllwca laatal Frait j.n. Froit lar redaced araia to $1 25 aad S1.50 at Law oa Soath Maia Street. THK HOTEL RECMTKR. Manic or viMliora to the city, and wnrrc Thei Hall From. t'uropraa: Mrs. Bissell, George An derion, N. Y.; Chas. Park, Cincinnati; ilrs. McGuirv and children, Charleston; G. V Crawford, Marion; V. J. Smith Hid Fort; V. H. Roberts. Marion. J. M. I Motlett, lake Mitten, W. K. Sharp, G. Y 1'ickler, Tally Brown, S. Farrell. 1.. E Wright, Knnxville; Mrs. I-evtson and daughter, Charleston. I'len Rock:. R. Nornient. Y.i.; S. Hawkins, Washington; W. M. Hrodie. Charl -ston; Geo. A. Bailey and wife, Au gusta; Mrs. J. E. Kaufman and child, Sanford; J. I.. Carson, Mrs. Carson and two children, Columbus, Ga ; Burt . Miller. Augusta; i hu I-. Stone, jr . Co lumbia; . U Kinnet, N. C; T. F. Kaison. Kaleighf Mrs. 1'. C. Tahor. Mrs. Beile Lev, Chattanooga; Mrs, Puffv. Mrs. Cv, bar, Fa.; A. I.. IHii.u, Atlanta; . T. Mc Williams. Koine. Ga.; W. T. Fairvloth. Gieensh, ro; Miss M. E MeKce. Mis M. A. McKee. Miss M K. McKee, Miss T J 1.. McKee, Dan McKee S. C; John CfO r.m, ltui. Sw.inrunoH F L Libs. K P. A!lt..n. ('.. 1: Tiiesci. K. A .Vott. I. 1 I.am. Geo W. Nieh. ls. John F. Sloan, ir.. W . V. Mc Fall. G J Kid'tarn and aire. J I. How .I'd. P M.Hoke and wile. Suth Can !'. '.'. K I I.'rus S.iv aniiah: W. C. Tat r:.k and w-.-e Gf '!ia. llrntT E. Ware W H C.irv Chas A M ver. I Mirlf. -.ig.i:.i. VT (' Banss Mrs N I' ia:-s. M s? Ft .ri Bans. Columbu V M Ftt:e- I. t. Erm. ir . S M r:vu:. Ms ! W. Thomas. Miss bcrtie V'ror'as. North C.noina. A. J. l.exot::. N C . M. S Smith. Al w Snth er ar o. N . . t G'rn. E. F. Young. ' K Mi er. N t.ro Williamson. Sort a Carol::' ... . C. H:ggin. S. Morgan :'.,r:a 'A C. FcT.-rt a-d wre August. S. Crcti. C ro '.!. ' V I. .nson. K-evi ' en. I. .: sv'l r, rv . NewLvtun. Cin .".::t:.,:;. H. F:ot, New Yort. .',e H. :e. !1 V. Acker. G.t ; A. E. ev. G. N W-eser. Br.vlvr. E. W. ''a:a:rgs ,,r.d wire. Covrrgton. Trt.is .'. M. ivutherrthal. I'ir.t B url. A k . F. C. labei. C'.!v.:on. Ten::.. W A. Keirer. N V Mi V. K at Mc- M.i'k u. M V r -.cO H;i , R.i eih. J IV tngna:n. e ss..: r.v: ie. lis u V.ss Mi- i.ie S a.-.".'g:..u. Mrs, :'.". rr 1 ss C ee'1:., 1 .,-r-. C, , . ;.:e H..' -..c'.oi . I'a: v:l. S. li c - :. K.v W N Hurn::. N ;.kr.;..:. C . Mrs. l A V: : :-e Ssns.'R W M M s :i. : V. :c . i :.::e' V '. . . V -e. ....:s... V.'S C N'vlre .i.ksnii.t A e' M L.'. casi.'v !: Mlier. Mciver e e,l, i' :- es'..:..n:. i raam. K 1 r .iur.'n M .1 M .;.':;fv. ! A a:. Ao d. . L. Ma :ev. Augusta. rar J Ce. Ke I: T. S-eppard C C. I' Smitu. l'ra:;.ii:. Ar:::ur Me v'crle. S C : K. t: Alexander. C. :i. Vexat-.der. W I! Ca'k. A. Watkins, Gev. A -::e. io K:-g. M. S'.j.irt. C. Cr.og, ' s '. ug.:er. . v.o..,r. H. L. c an , r.-.r rs:.-n. . C , C. S l.nicn. F.,ir- ew. B cr.i g:e: cs. Mu:p:.v; Ceo. A ..evo'.: Chicago, tv M.Kxi . Mem : :. i C i. C-udger. Waynes. tl:e. .1. E 0 ; i ;: i : . K S K.irie. g o.unilr..,. e H.,:s ::. S . . i'. w. Candler. Hry- : .:..! K. Hi... N C, I'. X. A'.eia :c: i. i. An .n .cr, l.-.-.tle Kock. Ar : : A. .', '.:....:, A t-a'.,:er. H r". Elliot:. :::.' -tv. T o ui-g. Biltm.re. Juo il.,rt. C-'tt-t 1 e. S W claiton. N. C.. 1 :i :i..;.iv . . :: ::d. K. K. Hyrtian fires : e o g. p:nle M.rral. re Vv i:.:-v :. .):.: "c. S.vaunair.i A..t:e . e. .-1 Wat Haweii. At ..,: :.,. H t ta. e. N C . I'jd.ey .aag , e; :..t::'. ;1 A e.:;1;.. logactoti. THK Bl.l. uint, Two lo Our ':: ::cvr::a3v! . .. .f j .t ko .ix.c on ;:r ,::rrmi nc.e M'.-rJai arurvi". n. o' t 'e 'ol- i.' A-.a rrrerr . Aav'T-.i. .e u, K.tr.rr.. Freeman. :t t . c :.. W.;; K rrobt- K i Matr Sc-.'.er-. t Ar..:.,-r. Da.: M V ir: s er a A:..,T.S . j M . Ua. X -1 v. 1 . iV. :l br a k. r I A' r;c , an. 9 .. C H A eian.-.e o- S. 7i,e svort M . t . .' I t- .: 'm i'u ' t U ,i .' -rs : '.enr.i n ,,b A-.tcnd.t-.vT-.' Hrrtr Lie : :..'.ta;-.iT a ,ren.o-a'.':rr; kurd of tarry It ati.t-j an tse totr..tone. and ! e j . ;r t ac cea t a , t ta t ae en tar. T.,e aua. net.vj at ei r.ainj is" Here I - kacviiit. u.er. oiOvmi. aao '.am: ':eae. fcTvirfaica urr jno tmt l-Bi-s.. raetjm. tetter, ervsv.tela. an eten K-r.jfa.a 01 trre ,ur. ot coc aaipti...a. tafcer: in trnre. it ! iajTA Garden Tarty tor tae toefit ol tne M:xn .-wiiAi wii! be oeid on tbe I -onn- ot Mr Ne!oa R Perry. n.t. iVe-.trxvjay A.itust ."6. from to 7 I P m. It t 'r-tir :ae wti iJrunt A , 1 I AdtB - .Ka 15 cent. ' . j ee E. 3 FUrnom & Co big ad. I , ; Aa "OP""""! tor Plu. and Uraau B.itn J5T1 JUt.'VK-P'kf'to ; A,.a,f.;Seebr1..wfttr! '"r 'tn n .laro ana orian. Mr. -'.t a to ta . ""2 Haa-it ot anuanal inatramen "an (Tve ta!oa'.i aid to pure Base rs Kj :e, ... L.rS f"1 v - itv ,-ti . C ' - I mac(Mb - wee; To andYT. i LI l'ttN - BVThS. S"VTHEKX MVSIC HOl'SE, Safaniah. Ga. CurcKratse SonV p.ai. 4 HaL tuin.: Mathi-shkk paaoa. Stekum; taani. Masox 4c Haai'N oryan. SteU-V. organ. Tbe (eadmc inxmaaenta of tbe world. i"" ".aarni Lt'Doc. & Bart. Southern Monc Hoaa. TH rVimvat bote) wiB doobtlras be rTi.,hJ oe ranninx out there tooKrrow. En gage roar rooms before it a too lai. Simnnai I , nt. i. failed to 4m 7.Tl bowel. REV. R. U. PK4RSOX peaks at tbe Young Hen's Cbrla tlaa Aaaoclatlou. Two hundred and serenivtive men bra red the rain and tilled everr available foot oi space ac the Y. M. C. A. rooms yesterday afternoon to hear the last ad' dress of Kev. k. G. Pearse-n before sailing for the Holy Land Mr. Pearson announced that he would speak ol one of themost remarkable char acters who had ever lived, and would choose as his text. P iniel LSI "And Paniel continued even unto the first year ol King Cyrus." Mr Pearson said that the sevret of Paniel's success were trans of character which all would do well to study and im itate. Hewasaseripturalyounjni.nl. He believeil the Bible and obeyed the Bible He chose godly companions. He was a young man of prayer. Even when King Parius gave forth the decree that all who prayed to any except te king should be cast into a dea of lions, he was round praying with his window open toward Jerusalem. He was a man of taith. When I east into the den ot lions we mav see him turning toward Jerusalem and offering prayer to God He was a man of power, even able to defeat the wily politicians of Babylon, who sought his overthrow. He was a man honored ol t'.od. If we see through lesus Christ -hese Qualities, every your.g m in in Ashevil'e may haveljiji JIJIS, OUrbillU'. SiUTttM'S, ' ' -" in e- m t i . uu uiki n ua he save success CAI'UHT A SHOOTER. I', u. Pace Capiarcel at the Depot Teslerdsj. C IV V ice a voung white man. work ing on .1 section of tire Western North Carol-na road near Marshall, vesrerd iy became 'inolveel in a difficult with an tlu r see '.ion hand, and snot htm lKt o-e hui.el striking him 11: the leg and an-i -.he: going tmough the hat Hr.m Tnej looting ocvuTeo in trie morning. V nen tae af:ernv n tram came along Pace a igged it down and got ,n. coming to Asnrv.lle Wnen the tram armed hi re p.isseiiger intormel several . rHee'S who were at the depot, of t-.e al Mir an 1 they se inrhed the ears Wrjile rh.y we-e locking t.r P.uT he g in- car ami ;.tr.H rcr trw Mvi; t.nlurc ;-rJ'Ti. 5. a- Awe nr.u. anj w 1 cuik:'.:: bv ff..Tr HviB'.er I'aix ftttemptnltM(raw 1. s cvm.rc u... he as sub.:uel and . that at er star in .-.en bth Un. rt-"".ign: up town tu :r ! -era :r( direer' t, ihrr h - p. I'.et .is lo.-.ged in 1 nl and a telegr.-.ti t,,r, n;"'' ' e;'e u at: ks i cm m i . d ..... .. .v, , ' ' a ,1 rn A-.r.. lh.'c bi.U'.e a.i9 seat to tne auti" uies at Ursu.iu i.th. S,h mat trie roan h.,d tr. arrested. ' ! During Scptt-mher Take the rs: Asmvile and S;:':'h'.ir S;nng i.ir hue for the Ho'.ei IVmont. i: i!' est r.i. thing t iook thr.mga tne t; '' house in tne sou:::. ludrs lo Sierw AdserllpienieuiM. NV 4VTiiS-F Murrsv - ir.ir.t , P:uc St. 're I'll- i H.".c- w ni tsia-:c t't:i:s . Knin.iv rr,vo ..:u,f S rf I b..lhL,ls 6 S, ry. Sfcrt t on , b T .V' 6 - p'uev Stnet VosT TO . o P. UK:ri' Si hull . 'k;':s .. M : S : i keiUhKi H: ,:f-1-. i Err.um .v eo r'ur-t(ii- or ur-j-Ttrni hf1 roo-s t c 4-' I w Nil. o iK ; ti TK K i T t".raADt Tv,Kitn or tl b wlt at au. 41 lit -S i 6 Sl'K! . E i KEKT From itt ; rmi'K's 37 Spnjcr trr-t. oo a'.nf..v or iiiari.: n-.tfat lt ael!ov. r. -wi co : & a it :ar Kc rl if r B I'erraapent and trnien Fim. a a-coron-vxlat.' n at cr d r.e rari$ T Baiict treet A K l.LKvo SK . a.-:l i pretor 31 viHEV TO UO ,X. 1 'n 2rnt iffipr .eO city pr.iprrl t Lot tti.Ql iT;v t.l P A M'rl.K. 1 Alt . OCT Le.A. B krf.a; g.'vi i -c:i a near f .rret v j.r o : crr ta y : caAr g M kh.W. Norm l-k:a j-.rrvt. AaT... NCI 'J ! MoihJjT aom;s( tt eo Mr I lln-sn .aknr. S.rl, VI . - . . . r ia cat! tair ci-'-.h i.u .1 t t OK .-I Kl ti " RS atAfe23t 1 j cvoTaixviaietj t Oakw vx! . rtn;..ei - '.hi. .jdt 'rte tn-le . kd.I rr.. m ti.tri - ; at ttnur ou Sa;;'r.ar Sprirp. e.vtr-K -'u. k Ml. HUl U-t-ITiT .CTE, ' Ml- K lliL.i'V ln.od. P u . P.scoxtte Lj , . i GRAND OPERA HOUSE. tWDAY. ua 31. 8 JOO CwOCl WM. BLAKIE, ESQ., F NEW V.'K Al hoTof 'How t.t itrt-i iai ho to ft.t o ' I. k- POPVUW MO wim LECTURE 'HOW TO GET STRONG INTEI THE AfSPI.'ES P TH Vi if SO MEN S OHRI-.TIAS ASSOCIATI'S LAMES SfECUUT UR6-I TO ATTEND. P SSc3M.rs ... TWtNTVVEAKSrKEhIT ON THE PURCHASE OF 3 THREE 3 BRAND NEW DWELLING HOUSES St..trt lJ wet rrowi tht eit kaB aaare. to be iawbed bj Smlwai 15. isai. prVr OOO raek. r.-oo cak aad tin to tw paid at the ewd of rirrj wi atowthi wit i-ttm.t "Try ni areata, oa t. :tast taea a-sr The a. aa.. will raat rawdi'T Snr X per woath If eowtm-iwalj onapaH taw arte .womalto 7.IOO by ike tisK (a tawt pay awwt tall. ewe I rtait kecw tkra aararrd at. j owa raw aae for wn year. Tae ftrat to enaat wdB jrt trat eanare. Eaaawa. tkr hoaai aaw aak tke coatraeto. Mr. J. X Wrnao how aiwca taey con. Apptr hi .a to KICHMOND psaasox. Or to Joaa A. iaaa so Uwal akxfc. aaMJOtt W. B, WILLIAMSON & GO,, No. 16 Patton Ave., HAVE A LA1UIK AND WELL SKLKlTKD STOCK OF PARLOR SUITS, C. E. MOODY, DEALKR IN LIME, PLASTER, Portland, l.oulvllle mid James River Cenu-iit. Finvootl nit .'iiiil split nny size ami lonjrtli. KimlHnjrs, I'lviri'ii.il i'iu.i -jilI Ii-iv -lliv iiiil iinfiiot nnii' ,vf Ti'itmt imiii- tivtejuni til" sidi'w.ilKs nnd Ynrd and Warehouse Near Freight Depot, Telephone 73. Office jo Patton Avenue, Telephone 40. W.M. PALJ1KR & CO., Grading of All Kinds ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Has 4 hf(lle. or Residence. ,u;:K.ltm. ' " The t tar of Kussla VrArnf the Tfticrsncr Of' hi op'rri1 ut 'vor iisrt cti-r t"votr'n to pr-trv hi ; c T"m th. a -! ' Mow S '- ihu!i' fvcrv -nr k' trie aoit Of c. tJ k... .s,. h. ! Intend VUltiii Anhoille 1 a'. r-. fn t m'Tinc ir. an .r tctih:' . b--'rf . n thkfnti rvrrr :h.t ' :h cJ-tvk a: efr A . To v, K uvh f- .r- ! n-k -i . r,1 hca'th lh . . " urn I r .iV.t rtt Cltvci d S nv.fi. ihe w :c- f which -ot orti er-iili ait a. I rn. l i'c; 'hf :r- . ar,i rt' tve A-ui err: tc r .rM- 1) s'.-tat afflict 'ufT- i- finm.initT. 4 a'" 1 ' t 'n -.- coJcr'ar t n.c profvrta iii..l n;- trc . f : . a 1 tou'Hiri t$ ;hf ! it a1-) h n,'t:i''H o'-w a oii cr. a-cf fr i.ir ar.it: c .iif o -.he l,- c Kt . c- t.- t"c .) . tm vvrf o! th " '. . wlauii b r .crm. etc.. a,T'.y to J. B. WILKINSON. Propr., tleveland IHprlnjj, SHELBY. N. C. Tht mt vmpl sttvk ft Vurr 'mil's. K.trr chcmK'lrt itnd Taunt Mctcirc. j b VCT JoSt prk'tS at RAVSOR & SMITH'S 31 Patton At? Our suvk oi DruiC'5' Suniinrs i the m.ijt aried and corrirlefe . of any hou in Aslievii'. RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 Patton Ave. Our Hot j.v!a in Winter and oar Cold : v cruk-s ;hr het. Not hire nctXT than a ot our Ioe Crt4.tr. Vvla; whire! y terrsd. RAYSOR & SMITH. 31 Patton Ae. Yon will new reyrt beo-xir.s a cu tomer at Ravs.tr .V Smith' '.'raj Store. . 1 our traie apreviatci, , stalled tert rrescr.ptit'ns fi'iie-l daT r n.ht bv oitr.petent apt-Uhcvarie and delivered ree to any jvirt of the city. RAYSOR A S9IITH. 31 Patton Ave. NOTICE. Bid. win b m-tiTt-i &s?'J Aoira-t Jyth f, r prnkr. of &1 AiieT. T .&-aj;i. Side aa-1 other .aacieata. at Jiar Sn.r Park. An-at 10, 111. J B B' "STIC, eer. .Qltdt West Afben! trap. Co. REMOVED. 1 hT niTTi ts t boot asd bo b p fr 4' Soaifc M;B tTrt to 163 S'-tS Mi:i : rtwi Ait oo har-jc vcrfc bow m tlw ' siop, rt taJ ib t tbe o w rlcr I r - tt. mn mi'." 5s4 rye rrir to do vl) kds oi m ,-r ia tb l-t tto. at m t mtw q-A.r:m- ja'.3-i-m A FRECk j Auction. rarr ort rtmaity will b offtr to iTt- J tor ttM pmt tk 4 Ptto Are- ; ac. brt wrrs livt vtrrrt atri FttscIi B-m d ; rmc'. Art 2?. mt 11 o'dok, i-'ts. : is'.-X a tk-r foOotat o:Ma",it tbe V r si ca.4. tvv'&or ui I. 2 S -t orr Mt.. pstyi)e tta aamaaj. Tlx rkr m-ty vi Xmrmt Iota to Ufcc prrtt hi ow- xtKasi oi Ftt mmt ad tbe PuK -;!. brxmo or Ik it imt x-t d.utra'Mc rtttst tro&4 f.r tte pr- ! oow mow o tke tsar act Pot fartkrf pr beviars apij to J 8 TIC, taltdv't Pattoa A f MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. HOT .SPRINGS, X. C Ta tt.raaa rcaon o afts froai Aabr riftc. aoerit. arw aiana .eaewt m briaaeoo awcLnt c tae h gkcae ara'! o exetVace ' wfcwk awns its cawtmara aao ovreaard rwvartcy. Beaatiew arrorra. or kraeaia air. Xatarai aot waatr b..tk auutr wool, moat laiar"oa Saia.wo'C pool ik hatawa aaiia. aaoar a. at araaoon btBaaroa. booSaar. traaal. etc Aavwwwarat tot tke pkaaan areaT. rrat foe the bratta Hoe tot wrrabd. Howar axiom to an apo tout' tar. ciretne Mh aod ra. TaJkar aad aer- oowa toao Owro tM orw DR. W. F. ROSS, artitii ial stoin wiutlow sills' Steps, PtO, I CRUSHED GRANITE Sidewalks and Drives. V IcrKV 11 A K P. I't'KlHI.ir Sl'UXK. WKl.L SCKl.KNl-I'. A GOOD ROAD AT LOW COST. L. C. SHl'I.V, Asheville & Craggy Mountain RAIL W A "v". DUMMY LINE. The air v.-, 1; t-. T '.C n.-rni!i. inns :t ve-v v. 1 1 The ':.t 1. As-. T;.f ijuu't t,is, In Slit M-t i' .:k V!,crc 't:i-rt' r.'.irk, A;i ri. wk: Ll. ru. With !-: tr -".r!i. Trif Ii 'iir 4u.1t i.: Nti A: M .m Ivi'ot' S ht't nuli-m hum 1 vim. K :i in ' i ii:ii-K-.,ti! "" T",( mu:.i.t:i:s r.u,.! h.ini Tht- vlinih::; K.it M 'ii'; rk;.ih at Tne e! j',-i !isf Hy n": 1 h.t- A'V C" 1: ; !l vryst.t; '.r;rii4 T'H cm vn jjiivlt. Thv vhorn:'::' h-!es Arc very fitw f n 'if I'urr ny Litic. H'.'.r, h ri -r fair "1 the Canr fatten Car. hen tiny ate u. the dummv termining. City trrnirnu at Camp Patton. corner ' of CtKStmit and Charlotte strrrt"'. i Take the Canrji I'atton Klivtrie Stnet Car at the Njii..re 1 rvreulc f r A-aust. lr.M. Leave City Terminus at : ti 'i" a. m. a n.- p m. " ax-. i"".-. ..-. ii r. s x 1 "." p. m. s.n.'i -.'.' " T.U.-. ' -'.3o " SEE FOR YOURSELF itfR NBW LI SB LAWN TENNIS RACKETS, Fruir ll.ftito .2S; oet. polrt.eu A bvaw- utal he Croquette. Ki and JUt 1 lir tK w !rae Hb9$ CELEBRATED STATIONERY . Stapte and fane. 11 is eeat F on j Tea ia fvinf naht alocr t4eotT left. Oar aew SoareBir oi AtbeTtlle. oolj riS eenta j We shall com tbe baJ.Ke of oar rvuus.rj HoJdm at ii Si). w -U T SO J. N. Slorgan & Co., BXkSELl-ERS KKt STATlOxbRS. $ Public tu.rc. "WORLD'S BOUQDET CIGAR.' The The The Bat ft Rest Best X Cent Crar Cent Clear Ceat CMarar OX TUE JLMIKET, FOB SALB x TarBatetrry Park Hjtei. W. E. Pyfaaai SauM HmH. V O Saallrr. Baraor aamtLG A- IwiM. Hasp oo at Pcatlwr O Prr J. H lawarkraa. joaa ortaoora C, Vat. Krefor. aronbaa r. t m , H it: at si . e ASHE VILLE AHVEK TISEMEH IS. ICE I ICE I ICE I Drivers arc Instructed to Give Full Weight. EC O A L Celebrated Jcllico and Hest Anthracite Coal. WHOLKHALK AND HKTAIL. ' COKE IN CAK LOAD fOTS. MANUF.M Ti: 11 FIIS A NDJDKA LKllSJN !( ' :. Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 40. No. 30 Patton Avenue -THE CAROLINA SALOON TO THE FKONT. Wliilc others iiro putting n luig in yuur nrf listi'ii to in,.; I am rmw trttcr i.rri'ftrnl than rvcr to fummh vuu with au thing ufuatlr k ut lit m nr.t ctnlo n I hnvf thr Intvat ami .wt iK-fc in 'iitrrn Snrih Cnrnlkrin, it tint m tatr an 1 it ccn1tt of he mt t'runiN ( Whi-ki.a. Wine and ltranlra known m 1 world Hwrkr i Ttifn-Stur trvh hiacy. k)-nl :i douht the nn at in thr world Trv and T"0 1I1 br mvti' erd thai I an n vrrtimK not hiiiir nut 'net a Vv hiU in KnroK, fiiimiK iht tumnicr of 1 h-mI, made Hrr.inirrnn nt fur the- ... kev. SiHnih Sherry nnd fort S mt- thf eijual never tirouuht to Aahrwllle IniiM ttrd l inr eta. 1'ontft Canet. Mnrit 11 Chattati lielmont wtry line. In t'rrnrh Rcandtra I hiivr n t .rcf tiiK-k. trwludinie John HmitiM) x C- TJirw mat and nthrr tnndnnl rnnd MiUa L. I'Atr Ale. h d i-uinnrw' Kxxnt KnrriKn Stunt .n lucl. mv atfM'k of in,(Hrt. j in,, ,,T ?ri7iSSHiS I M i to k it Kyr whikte mhrnci oin-- -I t!ic rti'.mt nnd o.dt-t limndu knuvtii ; IWer the ftnrst on 1 he market for fit ilv uae. The hrand of CH A ks ,ind TO MAC 'O w hen van are in nerd ol anything in mv Mne, Trfifrr notntr claw here, conic and m-t mr and Itc hoRvtnced My whibie an ret t.mni' ndrd v anme of the mot eminent men ut the ; aire for medirian) purpoaet. Keajn ctlully. j FRANK O'DONNELL. PROPRIETOR. ' TI!!- C.K"UXA SM.noS. HI SokTII XW.V STREET. ASIIEVIU.E, X. t j ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, j ai7 Haywood Street. ! In tho tutnrv us in the f;it. rvi'rv utu-tition will ! givm to imnliiiv thf tinest srmh' of t'lirliuiinti'd Itt-vfrnsumhT the I'l.'HSil.XM. siirvj.iii ut tin- fn-oprietor. 7l'he von stunt ly iiivrvushii! dviii.-nid tor t hvsv fruo,js mm ,((.. tory is vnwlnsivf proof that u tint' urtivlv is utinvvhitvii ny mi intviiifp'nt jmtiUv. Vichy and Seltzer t-Sh:H ANALYSIS OF V TlvR OAKLAND HEIGHTS SANATORIUM. iFilKMHULY OAM.AMI INN I ASHEVILLE. i. C. The atOHt Cntnplrt Hralth Wraort lo the Mouth. I. new ..pen .nil rriuW fbriruc.ts Thi. houae istiro.mt JfirV m Vr ,7Uth f' it. ms wtvo nce.1 nrt nrt raelh l .Unti.ti St, bntrhn kshetill. hu .9 well ft-nt.hrd r-'.-m anil us v-m.-Tic i Qn.guaj kdIt ia the ca of p,ttirnl. t iht iliet remlatrd The t.T I . n iniM.rtaDI 1. alurr ol tne sanatu- The water i tmre .n) plentiful, comma mtm a tarav ritl tmua ntsr by Tbe san itary arrantrrnkent. are A. perSrvt Mc.re aa money can make them lVr.,n anVnn with thmat and lung troolae. are areatiy brnef.ttej by a stay at Ibm place The mrj. .' tr araT"enl 1. n.drr the directum, a 1t V k Nerlm. rrxntiy ca the lactton Sana, tonnm. .t UumtiUc. . Y The Saa-itonum i. trorouahly equipped with ro.NWm ataMianfes for tha Kienuhe re. Iiei and . are of til D,ryiot an! ehronK di eaaes Tkr I'Oth 'icpartmvnt. art- ne thrtua!H.at and are uiajrr the uperrinon of eoinpetent and .kiM attendaau The meth ot treatment uiou.m all lorms ol bath, the Meditated VaoT. Turknh. Klec tne. Ko-ln. Koman. XI Mi. re. Thermo, "tlee. trie, f-'lectnc hrmlcl. MAaxr. Klevrl.ItT V,:111? k,n " Se.lib Movement, aledieai atten.lau.-e and every form ot tre.t mem incaded in price ol room. Although the comfoet and welfare of t.ie n, k are he first reins-deration., eyerv optM.r tunny n aireu to thewe who desire to uend pie aunt and profitable season here. Addrea. lor farther pAtticalars MIm Ktuille Vaughn, AtttlKVIl.LB. N. C. WE ARE CLOSING OUT THE BALANCE OF OUH SUMMER $ CLOTHINGir BELOW VALVES. Only a Few Left. PrIcc No Q. rvtormiiHHl to make room fur Kalian,! Winter Goods ow is your tx'st time to buy Light Wdghtt. In Clothin jj F-r ni-n. boys and children at real bargain,,. Wo are pre .arinffforanin,r..asi,,krl all trade. Are uly t show NnpW of Full rlothinK. ulso bat,. a.l n.Hvtcar. all and not? them. Our Custom Clothing Department Will rw-ejve morv attention ylih cuts' and lKy' wear we c annot be Kurptuwed It our aim to retain the liberal patron, of the public and ta.n our reputation a. dtHilm in the bet ,-ood. in all Hires that can be procured. THE WIIITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. 48 South Main St., Aalicvlllc, Water in Siphon.. I'Slill. OS FRONT PAOB ! than pver. h or t leimiit, flttinir. "o- wrziaoi Jam tr. -tKuof'.f toUalai