v f ' - r-'- ,.--f .. le Daily Citizen VOLUME VII. NO. 102 ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 2 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. Ashevil WHERE THE SNMBIROS NEST. For a cool place in summer, for health nnd recreation, visit Unville, Grandfather Mountain, nnd the beautiful rctrion sur rounding them. Regular Sale Of real estate at Unville on and after line 1st, Ilusiness lots and resi dence sites sold at private sale only. The Kaeeol Inu. This excellent hotel was opened the 1st of June, under the management of Mr. James T. Skilcs. Over the VonnliloMee Rimd. A lien utiful route for a summer excur sion, hv war of Poe Kivcr Oorgc, Koan Mountain, Cranberry, Unville, Grand father Mountain, Wowing Kock and Lenoir. -Went cm Carolina Htajje 'o.ich Company. Daily stage between Crnuberry and l.enoir. I liny my Groceries, Provisions, I'ecd, etc., from this house, they always give me good fresh goods and sill at prices as low or lower than nnv other. I have al ways found them reliable and have no cause for complaint, and would most cer tainly advise you to Rive them a trial, as I believe they will make it to your inter- st to trade with them. linlMI 8AST. Lv. ":oo . m Ar. ft:oo p m. I. v. 7:30 a. m. Ar 1:00 p m l.v S:O0 p m. Ar. 7;0O p m Bmtern time. Schedule tOOINO WKST. Cranberry Kr. 1 1 .to n. m. l.lnville, l.v. N o 11 in Unville. Ar. 7:0" m III wing . l.v. i'.oo p. m Hhi .v In,; R'k Ar. ; :0i p. m. I.rnolr, l.v. 7 0 a. in f ''pad upwaid. An Oppori unity. A cash prise of one thousand dollars has lieen offered for the licst short story or novel having the Grandfather Motin aiu and the beautiful scenery of that io ality woven into the plot. This mouulaiu, situated as it is in the most picturesque part ol Western North Carolina, furnishes an attractive settitiK for an interesting story. The selection will be made by a com mittee ol eompetcut reviewers, and the story mut not lie less than 10 nor ex ceed 50 pugs. Detailed information may lie obtained of the Unville Improvement Company, of Unville, North Carolina. REAL ESTATE. Walts B. Gwvn, V W. tVKll, ii 1 (Successors to Walter B.l.wyn i ESTABLISHED 1881 DEFER TO BANK OF ASHFVILLE. REAL ESTATE, Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Publli Commissioners of Preds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICE-(oMhesst Court Boaare, CORTLAND BROS, Real Estate Brokers, And Investment Agent. NOTARY PUBLIC. Loans a. urely placed at K per cent. OtBces : 34 an Patton Avenue Second Door. febndlv ' iff f i 0. COOPER, If t f,k.l GHOCERIES, If; YES! VISITORS HAVE YOU BEEN TO SEE THE "CRYSTAL PALACE," HE MAMMOTH CHINA STORE, 41 Patton Avenue, AND THKIK IUKC.AINH FOIl AUGUST. If tou hnvt'ii't, don't min nrrinc it before returning home. Thy h-Tf everj thin that In kent In a timt clfc-i china tore. A 'cial feature in the Kouvctiir dcuatt'iient of oh inu, odd pieces nnd net (oar own importation 1 W1th view on th m characterifttic of our city. Roll iWer Rpoonn Limoges china art pottery, etc., his month. We air offering motit ol our ntnek very, rery low and i imr helow cost. We pack your pun hne for shipment an unegrer't cac in order to have them reach you safely. mi in nr ri No. 41 Patton Avenue, CHINA, fiLAHN. HOUSE Frlt- XIKIIIXOK. ETC., Y"ii ciiniint lilntne the juvenile fingers that find their way into n barrel tilled with our grocciies; in fuel it would be n mystery if von could keen thrm out. If there is anything in the world that should he sold .'it popular prices, it is whiit goes into the kitchen. That which you cannot do without ought to lie purchasable at the slightest possible advance oer cost of production ind we are guided by this principle in every sale we make. Whenever we can see our way clear to marking down prices tlir.t is what we promptly do. Respectfully, Powell & Snider JUttT OPENED. A lot of vit.v Sl.vlish. Fino )rfSN (IimhIh for o.uly 11 u- tunm; hIso n ju je lot of fino lothiiij;. SciiHoimblo ju'oods arriving iltnoHt every day. One Price System. H. REDWOOD I GO. Wlto'cssle Hurt Ret.,11 cera. tiro- WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, 3H Patton Avenue. Next V M C A bulld'g. novl d3m PO BoxR(l4. SHE'S QQT ETM. And she has n prize nt that. An indif fi-rent hat is hard to get along with, n bad hat is a positive nuisance. 1 he pc- cufinr thing about it is that what a bad lint costs von, will buy a good one. It reonires considerable nerve to face the world under the liest of circumstance; it requires much more than considerable nerve to face it in an execrable hat. The man who hat brains will cover the 111 with good material. hue von are about it you might as well get what i: absolutely sure to become vou. Full at vies in the best iclinble mikes now in and I am Hire to suit vou. 1 am not try ing to precipitate n financial disaster, but for $3 DO von can buv a still hat war- ranted to give satisfaction nnd of the latest Fall shajK- F. K. MITCH HI. I,, MKN'S OI TI'ITTbK, 2H I'atton Ave. JOHN CHILD, (Formerly of Lyman & Child), Office No. I Legal Block REAL, ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER, TKICTLY A RKOKRRAOB M'BINHSB. Loans secure placed at a per cent. VEGETABLES! RECEIVED FRESH EVERY D4V AT HARE BROTHERS, 17 aontli Main Street, B. F. ARR1K8T0H, M. D., D. D. S. OPHICS I0O Ml Over Kajtor Smith's drag store, No. 81 Pattoa ATtaa. MrPilllag teetl a spectatty; also treating dlaeaacd gnau. aad all disease ptrtiniag to tk dental stractars. a37dtr Tli way to imiko money is to shvp it. And the wny to wave it in to lm-ve your pro scriptions filled nt Carmi chael'8 drug store, and you will find by doing so you wil save from to 250 per cent on every prescription. We do not take goods that the people know the price and mark down to cost, and then charge two prices for a pre scription to makeup the loss You know clerk hire and house rent must be paid and the profits must be averngw some way. A hint to the wise is sufficient. A full line of De Vault Flavoring Kxtracts in stock. Mr. J. Taylor Amiss and Mr. ("has. W. Devaultare with me and will be pleased , witty perfect. to meet their friends and cus tomers. Don't forget the place. Ouiinichael's drug store, fro. 20 South Main street, Asheville, N. C. THE RAILWAY COMMITTEE IT WILL SI A St K A KI'.FOHT ON FK1UAV. CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, RUGS, ETC. HATS, SHOES, 7 Ik 9 PATTON AVE. NEAV II ATS, New Scarfs and Ties, NEW FANCY GOODS. NOVELTIES RECEIVED DAEL.V -AT THIS- "BOX MARCIIE." 37 S. Main Street. THE ASHEVILLE TRANSFER EXPRESS GO. OFFICE LEGAL BLOCK, COURT SpTARE. Telephone 19. Hnggiigc trmnferrcil to and fruiii i:ic tic pot ami all pointnln Aihcville 25 Cents Per Piece. MKSSHNGKRS (IN ALL TRAINS. AND CONSTANTLY AT Till! 1HIMT. THE ONLY COMPANY PRIVILEGED TO CHECK BAGGAG Prom hotel or reeldcnee to destination. Hpecinlty made of the tranifer of bngKage from vne r-nrt of the elty to another. rrompi; tlellverlea jrnaranterd; renpon!. Col. K. Mcurayer and capt. T. W. ration, of tlte Committee, Have Looked at the Lena! Hide of the Five-Cent Fare Matter. The people nre soon to heitr from the committee appointed hv Col." A. T. Da vidson, in pursuance ol the resolutions adopted by the miitm-mectint; on the five-cent fure question, in the court house on Saturday night, August 22. The fallowing agreement explains it self: "The undersigned memlx-rs of the com mittee appointed to in- ,'sti'ntc the street railroad matter, consent that the ch.iir mnn, Col. K. Mcltrnycr, and Ciipt. T. W. Catton shall act for us and report to the citizens of Asheville as contemplated hv the resolutions passed liy the mass meet ing. "(Signed) J. 15. Rankin, E.J. Aston, T. S. Morrison, R, I'. Walker." VY. W. Jones, esq., who was appointed on the comniittee, has sent the lollowing note to Ch.'iirmnn McHravir: "I am too busy t attend to this mat ter, nnd the committee will do 111c a fa vor to substitute aome lawyer in my place." In pin f nance of the nuthority given bv the committee Col. McKraycr find Capt. I'atton have sprnt coi siderable time in looking into the legal side of the case. On tomorrow or Friday, if Mnj. Martin, of the rnilwiiT company, is in the city and will consent, these gentlemen will examine the books and reports of the company. Messrs. Metlrayer and Patton will re port to the board of aldermen nt the meeting on Friday alternoon, on the le ;;.il aspect nt the matter at least. W. N.C. TK 1CHI.KH. Call bv President Marnea, for the Met-llnx at llrj noii tlty. Al a inrclin.' of the executive commif- tee of the Western North Carolina teach ers association, Held in Ashrville on Saturdav, August "!. it was unanimous- decided to call a meeting of the asso ciation to be held at Brvson Citv (tortn- rlv Charleston I, in Swain couty on the Uth anil .'loth ol (Ictolxr next. By the laws of this body the county superintendents of the thirteen counties west of the Blue Ridge are made vice presidents of the general body and presi- lents of their respective county nssucia tious. 11 such count v ansoeiatioiis have not vet been formed it is necessary thai sue lorinutiou shall he perfected al the em licst possible dav, that a full dehgatioii consisting, if possible, of every teacher in the countv, mav lie sent up to the gen- ral meeting. It is conliueutlv uuped that the county superintendents will take a deep interest in the matter 01- inize their counties, and go t ili vson City at the head of u lurge and enthusi astic delegation, to unite with others in prcssiug u vigorous campaign tu the in terest of education throughout the en tire section. Hi ysoy Citv is sixtv-live miles west of Asheville and on the Tuck.isecgce river, which runs through the town, t he ret: iilur ruilroud fare lb $2.28 each way, but we hope to get reduced rates, perhaps one fare and u half, or less. At the regu lar rates the entire eos-t of the trip I rail road and hotel 1 need not exceed $1 to The counties embraced 111 this associa tion are Mitchell, V.iuccv, Madison, Buncombe, Henderson, Transylvania, Hay wood, Jackson, Macon, Swain, Clay Graham nnd Cherokee. Let us have a large delegation Irom each oue. 11 v order of the committee. John IV. .Stanir.s, Pres. coMtKF.u i'oni;ni ion. Texas Necroes Hear Home ;ood Advice From One of Them Houston, bept. a. A colored men s stale conventioa is in session here. It is largelv attended. The election ol a temporary chairman resulted iu the selection ol J. I'. Stewart, of Hearne who made a long speech, lu the scramble lor temporaiy secretary l'rof. M. S. Simmons was elected committee on credentials was then ap pointed. Kcr. H. Walls addressed the convention, lie counselled conservatism and moderation in all the deliberations of the convention and spoke of the neces sity tor more race pride uelorr respect cau I demanded ol tue white man. lie as serted that the southern man is the friend and uot the enemy of the negro lie closed by counselling the accumuia lion of wealth and tbe acquisition of practical knowledge. 1 lie topic selected to be discussed mr the benefit ol the colored race are: indu trial education, the labor status ol the colored man, the separate coach law etc., etc. Done by a BnbnldUed (tteamer and a HubHldlzed Railway. New York, Sept. 2. The mail from China and Japan which left Yokabaimi August 19, was safely delivered on the steamship City of New York at five this morning and is now on the way to Lons don. August 29 the Empress of India arrived at Victoria, B, C, There a spec ial train, furnished by the Canadian Pa cific, took tbe mail bags, twelve for '.ngland and six for New Yoik, and started on a record breaking ride across the continent, which was covered in thiee ays. chii.i :ha NO OOVKKNMKNT WK CAN RKCOUNIZK. At privste residences baxgiiKe will be deliv ered In any part of the house disirert wlthont extra charge. Orders maj be left at the leading tin tell, at the It. & D. City Ticket Oftirt, nt the Ikpof or at the General oftlc of the Company Legal Block, Court Square, Aiheville. KCHOKt OF THK WHi:tK, The Bodle of Five More PeraonH Believed to be (still In lu Sai.isiH'KY, N. C, Aug. 31. The scene of the terrible wreck at Bostiuu's bridge. two miles west of Statcsville, on the Western North Carolina railroad, is still at nine o'clock this morning one of deep study. The ears which were piled upon each other nre slowly being taken out. It is conceded bv all that there are five bodies buried beneath the debris which is piled up in a great mass over the bed of 1 bird creek. The work of clearing the wreck has been retarded on account of a rise in the waters caused bv several big rains. Two davs have passed awav since any fresh b itlics have lieen tnken Irom the water, and there is perceptibly much murmering among the people nt the ap parent neglect of the railroad company is not making a greater effort to secure the bodies supposed to lie still in the wreck. Charlotte Chronicle. A RICCORD BREAKER, IT ISA CHANGING KINGDOM. T. WAS A REVOLUTION. Or, If She Haa, Mlnlnter P.Kan Ha Vet to Find It Out and Tell the Mtale Department. Washington, Sept. 2. At last the de irtment has heard dircctlv from Min ister F.gan. The news came in the shiqie f the following cablegram daied San tiago September 1, 1S91 : "There was a decisive battle fought at ilparaiso 011 the 2Hlh of August. The revolution was entirely successful Pres ident Halniaeeda resigned on the 29th 1111I the revolutionists arc tullv installed. ivcrything is tranquil." I he rielav 111 receiving this report has been solved bv dciiiiitment . Acting Sec retary Wharton has received informa tion that telegraphic connection between Santiago and Valparaiso, the Western cable terminus has been cut and has just been restored and that the line eastwaid from Santiago to Buenos Ay res has been interrupted by heavy snows iu the Andes mountains. Although Minister Kgan's cablegram thciallv indicates the success ol what he It-scribes as a revolution, he has not vet informed the department of state that government has been set up that mn be recognized lis a govci mncntol the pe ! ile. Accordingly the department will probably await further detailed informa tion from the ininisU'r hrforc according formal recognition to tue new govern ment. KHon i R'H i 1 r. He Will Now lie Mued In Return l Jem-pli Head Held. Winston, N. C, Aug. 31 Joseph Iradlield has just returned Irom Surry uni t, where ho went as delendent in the irosccutioii for libel at the instance ol ongiessman John M, Browcr. The nse was not pressed. Hradhclu savs llrowcr ne ver intended to prosecute the use in good lull h. well knowing that be must tail at the trial, ile will uow sue lirowcr for $10,oou datu.igis, lor 111 a I ic ons prosecution. The papers will be filed in a lew days. He savs he was Iragged 10 liohson three times by Brow- r under lalse prcuicnsc and thai he will lie able to ricovcr punitive damages. State Chronicle. Tilt; 1'ORul.K KOlllll.HV. Oue Robber Haniced and the oilier In CloHe Quarter. C0NI10H, Mo., Sept. 2. dreat crowds visited the scene of yesterday's lynching of the bank robber, Murrell. He wus found struck up to a locust tree with common rope about the size of a clothes line. An intiuest was hrhl over the re mains and the iurv's verdict was "death at the hands of parties unknown." This ended the robbery episode and its tragic sequence at least temporarily. It is also reported that Derrick another of the robbers still at large, is in close quar ters in the northern part ol the countv livery effort is being made to biing the outlaw to justice. tllNS LINCOLN MAHKII.lt IH HONOI.ll.l' WANTS TO BH A Hl.l-t HI.IC. The F.iikHmu Have All The tiav There Now, And The Natives Are IllHMatlHfled Ail I'npopular Oueeu. SanFkancisco. Sept. 2 A Honnlulu letter savs the new Ilawuaiian queen grows daily more unpopular with the natives and Americans as she takes no pains to conceal her favoritism far the linglish and jguorcs the sufferings of the natives ut the hands of the big sugar corporations. The feeling for a republic is spreading rapidly iu the island. The platform of the recently formed labor party demands a new constitution, a republican form of government, and hints at annexation to the United States. The recent census shows t hat over half the white popula tion has left the island iu the last six years, having been crowded out by Asi atic coolies imported by sugar planters. The natives are rapidly dying off. Only a Ml (tier. From the laltimore American. I think, sir," said the pretty girl, at she entered the cynical merchant's office, "that if you engage me my knowledge if shorthand and typewriting will be a valuable aid to vou in your business. You are too ornamental to be useful," griillly replied the merchant, "and I am not n marrving num. A pretty tyie writer wouid just waste her linieou me." But sir, teenrlully protested the mni den, "I have no matrimonial designs; 1 simply want to be assistcr to you." The Afroa Have It. Prnm the Knoiviile Tribune. The Hon. Fred Douglass, the profes sional Afro-American, with an Anglo American wile, and late Minister to the Fninco-Hispano-Alro-Americaii Republic at Hayti has written an .rn-Amcricn at tide for the Anglo-American press in which he broadly intimates that in re spect to prejudice against the Alro- Amencans tne Alro-Kcpiiblicans are no better than the Auglo-Dcruocrats. That Mettled It. From the ChiesKo Tribune. 'I don't see whv Brother Goodman IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS Wholesale Prices. If you want a lim of Rood cigara, Im ported or domtMtic, (Vrunt'n Pharmacy it the plat to fjt them. We (Jo not retail cigari, but sell til em ly thr box only. A cigar that vou untidily puy ten cents for, I can iell you the name cifiar, fifty in a box, at nevcn cents. The bent live w t cigar at 3Vb centi by the box, It will puv vou to CftM and examine them. GRANT'S PHAKMACV. Buncombe Sarsaparilla A positively Safe and Reliable IJlood Purifier. Containing Burdock Root, Sarsa parilla Bark, Prickly Ash Burk, Poke Root, &c. By its use you can save yourself from the suffering caused by foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system strives to rid itself of corruptions. It purifies the blood, giving it re newed vitality and force. Being an alterative, it. changes the action of the system, imparting fresh strength and vigorous health in place of that weakness and tired feeling, which is an indication of disorder and decay. The concentrated power and curative virtues of Buncombe Sarsaparilla render it the most reliable Blood Purifier that can should want a whole month tor a rest," observed a close-listed member of the be Used, while it is entirely Safe llocl:. "The devil never takes. -t vaction." Cliarlea B. Ihau, of Cltlcaico ttie Hmip) Man. Uomiion, Sep. 2. The marriage of Miss Mary Lincoln, dauj;htcr of I'nited States Minister Koliert Lincoln, to Mr. Charles B. Isham, of ChicaRo, tool place at 2:30 p. ra. today at the Brompton parish lunch. A number of fashionable hnchsh lieople and Americans, mostly intimate friends of the Lincoln family, tilled the hurch. After the marriace ceremonv the most intimate friends of the families partook of a wedding breakfast at the I'nited States minister s residence in Lromweii Hardens. A CHILIAN WHO. Knlolncd AvaliiHt fay 1 11 it Money 011 a nalmaceda Bill. Loniion, Sept. 2. An injunction was applied for on liehalf of the agent of the junta or provisional government 01 Chili and was granted in court today, restraining the City bunk from paying or netrotintine a bill of exchange for $75,- 1100 drawn on the National bank of Chili aud made payable toSenor Joaquin t.odav, presulent ot itainiaccua s cuici financial agent in I-.urope and accepted hv the Citv bank, but which had not been discounted. Married and tttiot HIiuNelf. FINM.AY, Ohio, Sep. 2. 0. P. Wisely, the son of a prominent farmer living four miles east of here, was found dead in his father's barn with a bullet hole in his head and a revolver by his side. He had secretly married a Miss Marvin at mid night against her parents' protests. After the ceremony he rode home nnd put up his horse before taking bis own life. Hard THuea. I'rom thr null llround ' I News. Poor people urc right for gc: ting re ligion, for its about the only thing nour man can get these days without "Neither docs the lord," spoke up Rev. Mr. Goodman. "He ia iibund.inMv able to take cure of the adversary for one month." The vote in favor of granting Castor Goodman's request fora vacation was practically unanimous. Nu UaiuuiEe, From the SprinKlifltt Kcpulilkan. A Cittslicld lover ol intoxicants left his house recently with the threat he would go and drown himself. A neighbor hap pened iu to call upon the really uhappv wife of this lii-year-olil sinner, who treated her fairs that her husband would make good hiswoul with the utmost scorn. " Whv," said he, "I have known vou Isaac tor httv vciirs aud 1 never kucw hiin to touch water." Tlie People Uo The Kent. l-'rom the SprinBlitId Kepulilu-un. (Jueen Victoria lor a long time has bad an arrangement ol heavy springs under her carriage seat to assist her to rise and bow in response to street demoustra- tious. I he springs are hvld dowu by contrivance that is operated by a buttou placed within convenient reach ol the queen's thuuib. Mtoclt (Quotations. Nhw Vobk, Sent. H. liric 2n:l4: Lake Shore 111s. : Ctm-iiuo anil Northwestern 11; Norfolk and Western ku-haiond and West I'oint Terminal l-t-'i,, Western tnioa S4 Haltlniore Prices). Hai.timokk. Sept. 1! -Flout, quiet and iim-liiuierd-. western sillier $3.oti.'t,H5; tra, :t.MOgf4-.lo; lumilT, $4-.tioQr'-l-W heat ciulhoru, weak; l ultz9.'iClU8; LoliR- bcrrv MHIIOM; No. 2 red, weak; spot 1 fn.1.o;'t. Corn, southern, dull; white, bit OH; yellow, liSij,7oe. for patients of all ages. Manufactured only at Grant's Pharmacy. livery bottle guaranteed, satisfac tory or money refunded. GRANT'S PHARMACY, 4 South Main St. J. M. CAMPBELL, DEALER IN REAL, ESTATE AND AGENT FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION New York JIarket, NHW York, Hept 2 Stocks, actin and heavv- Monrr. easy at 4()i.'i; lixehion,'e, loot. .Hl-'(lt-t.sj; short, .H.i4(B,.hn stun b. nds. iiculeeleil; tioTerntnrnt bund)' tin I tint strndv c ullon litni. -airs ini hales: Uplands, 7-1 fie;l Irlcnus, S'c; luturrs iened and eloseu slrnuv: M-pieitiuer, n.--; ictnher, H 71; November, H 7; December tiol; lanmirr, 9 la: l-cnruarv 1-lour Mi-tive and tasv Wliral dull and easy. Corn (nirt and lirm Horlt dull nnd steady at Sill htiAU lit). Lard uun-t and nriti 00 spirit.- 1 urprnline null ana nrm at .HTtuaKe Kosin quiet and him at SI .tr2 0. Freigats hi in. AFI-AIKS OF COSShUl'liXCE. IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. Half Ruined .Crapn. riiiNiu m.il, Sept. 2. The recent storms which have swept over the British Isles have half ruined the crops throughout Scotland anil harvesting is al a complete standstill. Burned Race Harden. (ii.Asr.ow, Sept. 2. The well known Strtele stables nt Avr were destroyed by I lire Inst niitht. Nine valuable horses I perished. iiiimi:. Forty-five Russian Hebrew immigrants who arrived in New Vork were detained aboard because t lie v hail been assisted to cemc here. Geonie A. Shelter, an R'ronaut, fell 4,000 feet into a lake in 1'eoria, III., but win rescued alive. Julius Curie, another a-ronaut at the same place, was bntllv shocked by falling on ail electric wire. A report was sent out on Saturdav niuht that Senator Blackburn had suf fered a stroke of nppoplcxy. He merely fainted after eatini; a hearty dinner at Shelby villc, Ky., and is suffering from in digestion. A dispatch from Winnipeg savs thnt a special train carrying the mails of the Canada l'ncitic steamship. Km press oil aoan passed there two dnvs from Van couver. The mails left Japan eleven days before, and are expected to arrive in Hngland within twenty davs. This greatly beats nil previous records. pi)R KliNT. The seven room white eottare on ton of mountain for oar year, at $176, or by the mouth at $20 per month. Ffre places in A r-oms flood cooking stove, moat p'eaiant (ilat-e to lire about Asheville. Nona but aooil tenants or lovers ot the beautiful need apply. J. M CAM VM&LL. Homes Tor the Poor Man. If you want to be neighbor of Genrrs Van. derbilt buy one of my lota, within sh"rt distance of his palaee, at from 1oo to uou per lot. Mire rrom 70X150 to 300x300. Brautifutly shaded and fine views. Call atnar nfhee lor pluls. Terms. .14 cash, balaacc 1. 2, 3 years. I. M. CAMI'BBLL. ii ii Not a Miracle. Now. l'ntil recently Consumption was con sidered incurable, but now people nre be ginning to realize that this disease is not I i iHiiiit-n hla ha ilira nt I nnanmnliiiH paving casli or giving migiuv guou ae-. t a miraclc BOW, j,,., pjcree GlHfn curity. Medical Discovery will cure it, if tnken in Jo Public Kvldence. time nnd given a fair trial. This world- .. .j: i.. i...,.i renowned remedy will not make new rrom - j . . . .;ir.. j:j Taking no risks: "And so vou are . " 7"' lu iHtniK ii . 1 It.hv state when other menus hnvrl X really and truly engaged?" "I think so. But 1 am hardly sure, lie never offers to kiss me unless he is absolutely sure no one is looking." No one ever tried Simmons I.iver Reg ulator without being satisfied with its effect. failed. Thousands gratefully testify to this. It is the most potent tonic, or strength-restorer, alterative or blood cleanser, and nutritive, or 8esh builder, known to medical science. For Weak Limes, Spitting ol Blood, "Liver Com- 1 plaint." and Uysiicpsia, or Indigestion, I I it is an unequuled remedy. m eg 3 0 W O I I W H W 02 23 o ft to 1 1 w H 02 O o to A Q O O O w to H P3 Q W a W to 1 1 j H W cc EH W 1 1 o H ft to w 02 w h-l PS Ph H W o to to ft to H W 1 1 P5