' Ivw M Asheville Daily Citizen, VOLUME VII. NO 109. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. Ij 1 i 'i Ki r n h. -1 V i : s WHERE THE SNOWBIRDS NEST, IK J r I l I- tnr h.lllh g 1 ror a cuui iiww m MHiiiBi , .......... f-'OTd recreation, risit Linville, Grandfather & Mountain, and the benutiful region ur " i rtnnding them. m Ifi Regular Sale Of real estate at Linville on and after ; - June Ut. 1RBI. Business lots and resi st' dence sites sold nt private sale only. 1 '-.'ft The Kaeeola Inn. ' This excellent hotel was opeued the 1st of June, under the management of Mr. James T. Skiles. r? Over tbe VunahloMee Road. " A beautiful route tor a summer excur- ii tion, by way of Doe River Gorge, Roan ' ' t Mountain, Cranberry, Linville, Grand father Mountnin, Hlowing Rock and Lenoir. Wcntern CnroHna Stage Co.ich Company. ;f)aily stage between Craulierry and Uenoir. Nchedule. piniKII WKST. nn.an sast. I.t.ViOO p. m . r. o:Oo p ni.i Crmiiwrrv Ar. man a. m Unvtllc. I.T. HOD 11 m. Ar'l':0O d'. m . HI wine K'k. l.v. !!. P m m l.ltiville. Ar. ,:u-i n in I.T 8:00 P. m., Illowlnit R'k Ar. 1 :0ii p. m. Ar 7:00 P " lnoi', Hnstcfn time. l.v. 7 i0 n. m fcnrl upward Aii Oppor unity. A cash prise of one thousand dollars has been ofkred liir tin- lust short story or novel having the Grandfather Monn- ain and the beautiful scenery of that lo- alitv woven into the plot. 'This mountain, situated as it is in the most picturesque part nt Western North Carolina, furnishes an attractive setting for an interesting story. The selection will te made by a com- I mittee of competent reviewers, and the i story must not be less than 10 nor ex- f ceed 50 pag -s. i Detailed information ntav be obtained of the Linville Improvement Company, of Linville, North Carolina. REAL ESTATE. iviuoni B. Cwyn. W. W. WKfT GVVYN & WEST 1 (Successors to Walter B.Gwyn) ESTABLISHED i88 REFER TO BANK nF ASWFVILLE. REAL ESTATE, Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. totary Public, commissioners of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICIl-aoatbesst Coart Square. CORTLAND BROS,, Real Estate Brokers, And investment Agent. ROTARY PVUXIC. Loans stinrely placed at S per cent. Offices: .j4 a 26 Pattoo Avenue Scri.nd ioor. fcbMlr WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, 38 Patton Avenue. Neat V M C A bulld'c. botI dSm P O BoxAS4. JOHN CHILD, (Fonacrijr of Ljrmaa Child), OfQce No. I Legal Block, REAL, ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER, TRICTLY A KKOXBRAOB BtlBINBSCt. Loans seenre plafftd at per eent. VEGETABLES! RBCEIYKD FRESH EVERY DAY . AT HARE BROTHERS, 17 Boutn Main Street, B.F. ARRIN6T0R, M. D., D. D. S. OFFICB BOOMS Over Haxsor taltt's drag . No. Fattoa Atom. MtB a specialty; also treating Uhi GHOCERIES, li; YES! 1 buy my Groceries, Provisions, Feed, etc., from this house, they always give me good fresh goods and sell at prion as low or lower than anv other. I huve al ways fourul them rolinble and have no cause for complaint, and would most cer tainly advise you to give them a trial, as I believe they will make it to your inter est to trade with them. Yu cannot blame the juvenile fingers that find their way into a barrel tilled with our groceries; in fuct it would be a mystery if you could keen them out. If there is anything in the world that should be sold at popular prices, it is what goes into the kitchen. That which you cannot do without ought to lie purchasable at the slightest possible advance oer cost of production and we are guided by this principle in every sale we make. Whenever we can sec our way clear to marking down prices that is what we promptly do. Respectfully, Powell & Snider, Wholesale and Retail Gro cers. When you are purchasing a tie you need not tie yourscll tip to any particular style ese.ially when you have such material for choice as I can furnish you. Treading closely on the heels of the de parting summer tie is the incoming neck wear for the fall. The designs are too handsome to be descrilwd; the eye can do them justice but words cannot. If you will cast your eye in my show window you will behold tbe choicest array of four-in-hands, puffs, teckt and ascots ever exhibited in Asheville. I have taken special pains to make it absolutely complete. F. E. MITCHELL, MEN'S OUTFITTER, a8 Patton Avenue. UK'S HUSH! USE, PIANOSi STEINWAY, EVERETT, HARYARO, ORGANSt WILCOX WH1TB. PARR AND & VOTRY KIMBALL. BANJOS. GUITARS, VIOLINS, STRINGS, ETC. EASY INSTALLMENTS, LOWEST 5 PRICES, HIGHEST GUARANTEES. ESTABLISHED SIX YEARS ABO. I can refer to hnndn ds o' patrons, the htit mn u Western North Carolina. Call on or addrcos C. FALK. 3S N. Main Street, ASHEVILLE, N. C. OH v Spartanburgi 8. C. OFF FOR NEW YORK! Our buyer will lenre thin week for the northern mnrketg, to purchase an immenne tock tor our fall and Christ ma trade, and we wilt continue to offer our prevent mock at treat l.v reduced prit-ea until the firat of Octo ber, to make raooi for the new goodi. WAIT ! WAIT! DON'T BUY ANY Dinner or Tea Setw Until ou aee our new utock. Wait and nee the decorated CHAMBER SET FOR $2.70. Walt for thousands of other pretty novel tiea in china, silver, etc. Our stock for thin sea-on will be double that of any other, as our air ady forge trade demands it. Our grimd opening will be announced In due time. muuniittt co. No. 41 Patton Avenue, CHINA, (il-ASS, HOl'SB FUR- MSIIIXC1S. ETC., JUST OPENED. A 'ot of vi'r.y Styliwh. Fiiii? Di'chs Goods for mily mi- tumn; atao a largo lot of fino clothing. iSeaHonable goods arriving almost every day. One Price System. H. REDWOOD S CO. CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES, RUGS, ETC. 7 & 9 PATTON AVE. NEW II ATS, New Scarfs and Ties, NEW FANCY GOODS. NOVELTIES RECEIVED DAILY -AT THIi- BON MARCIIE." J7 m. Malu Street. INI TO HIKE MONEY. The way to make money is to suve it. Anil the way to save it is to have your pre scriptions filled at Carmi- chael's drug store, and you will find by doing so you will save from 25 to 30 per cent. on every prescription. AVe do not take goods that the people know the price nnd mark down to cost, and then charge two prices for a pre scription to make up the loss. You know clerk hire and linuua witir. mnt. Iwi miiil niwl the profits must be averaged some wav. A hint to the wise ai i. i i ii i- in is sufficient. A full line of De- Vault Flavoring Extracts U) Stock. Mr. J. Taylor Amiss ... . J; ,. and Ml', tlias. W . Uevault are with me and will be pleased to meet their friends and cus tomers. Don't forget the place, Carmiohael' S (ll'Ug- Mfjiro Nr. 20 Snnfli Alniti hVpreei, AHIievilie, j, BF.E TREE WATER SUPPLY. WHAT F.NOINKKH, l.lvl-: ADOl'T if. BtVit The C Knitlueer Han JuKt Flo- iHhed Ihe work ofTukliiK I.e vein. and Hay Waler Can be llrnuuhl From Bre Tree to Attlicville lv Force of Uravily. Wntcr can be broufht from the forks (if Bee Tree cretk, twt'lre miles Iroin Asht villf, ly thf force of gravity. This is what CitT Engineer I,ee buys, nnl he hnsjust concluded the tiikiiig of levels from the city purapiiu; station on the Swnnnnnoii to that point. Mr. Lee savs that the creek bed at that place is 185 feet above the gnp ol the mountain ut the standpipc, and about 20 feet higher than the public square in Asheville. The quantity of water in Bee Tree at the forks is sufficient nt the present time to fill a twenty inch pipe, and u sixteen inch pipe would carry two and a hall million gallons of wntcr per day Mr. Ire says. The people living in the vicinity of Hrc Tree sav that the quantity of water in it varies but little during tlie course of the year from what it is at present. Bee Tree rises within u short distance ol the top of Craggy mountain, about eight miles above the point to which iingineer lA'e tooK his levels, and is re markably clear and pure, and would nn qui slionablvgiTe a most delightful water supply to the city. lvugincer l,ec could L'ive no figures as to the probable cost of running a pipe line to the forks of FUe Tree, as he has Ikcii too busv to make anv estimates. That it will cost u goml round sum is certain. It is probable the board of aldermen will at least make 11 thorough investiga tion into the practicability of getting Aslieville's water Mipplvirom this source. The fact that no people live along the stream above the point where the supplv would be secured, and ihat the water come. Iroin mountain springs rising amid the primeval forests of Craggy mountain, make it certain that an ab solutely pure water supply call be gotten there. .lfR, WHIT ICS III'.ATII. It Occurred IhU :.MoriiiiiK al 8:.0 O'clock. Mr. Frank C. White, who was stricken wi h paralysis in this city on Monday last, died about 8. 30 o'clock this morn ing in his room in the McAlec block, Pat ton avenue. Mr. White was a native of the state i Maryland, and was for a numlier ol years traveling salesman for various Bal timore business houses. About two years ago he came to JVsheville from Lexington, S. C, totuken"position in the store of F. P. Mimnaugh, on I'atton avenue. This position he held up to about six months ago, when he accepted a position in the carpet store ot J. 1'. Sawyer, on South Main street. Mr. White had a stroke of paralysis several months ago, but recovered. Mr. White was about ears of age and unmarried, lie was a highly culti vated, polished gentleman, kind-hearted, and stood high in the estimation of his friends, of whom he has a host in Ashe ville. He was a man of strong mind, and possessed a wonderful memory. Mr. While was physically a powerful man, and had the reputation ol being the strongest man in the smith. It is icUtcil of him by a friend that he had many times lieen seen carrying two bales ol cotton from one point 10 another in Sum ter, S. C as a proof ol his great physical powers. Another teat was taking a horse shoe, a point in either hand, and breaking it in two. The news sf Mr. White's death will be received with deep regret by all his h iends here and elsewhere. Telegrams have been sent to a number of places today in the endeavor to com municate with Mr. White's relatives, but no responses have been received, and the remains will probahly be interred in Riverside cemetery tomorrow altcrnoou at 4 o'clock. TRKOWA V-HTARNIvti. Pleasant WeddiiiK In the Counlv Venlerday. J. . TreHway, a North Main street grocer, was married yesterday to Miss Zona Starnes. the ceremony taking place at Trinity church, Hominy, at l o'clock. Kev.lohn Amnions officiated. The newly married couple came to Asheville after the cercmonv and last night were tendered n reception at the Home ot Alderman 1. I. btarnes, on Starnes avenue. The bride is a sister ol Messrs. John W.,J. K., G. H., L C. and Alderman T. C. Starnes, f thiscitv, and is a popular young lady. Mr. and Mrs Tredway will reside on Cumberland ave nue in the future. Congratulations are extended to the nappy couple. PKRHANNT KKl'NIO. Buncombe' Veteran DeulrcMult- alile Urontids. A committee on time and place for a permanent reunion of the Confederate veterans ol Buncombe couuty, has been appointed as lollows: G. II. Bell, company K, 11th North Carolina; B. J. Alexander, OUtll North Carolina; I.t.G. M. Williams, Uth North Carolina, Kough and Keady Guards. The committee are desirous of securing as good location as possible, not too far from Asheville. Any persons having ground suitable, which they are willing to donate fortius purpose, will pleusc communicate with anv member of the ! committee Kx-Ircaldeut lirevj's Funeral. Paws, Sept. 10 The body of ex-Presi- I dent lirrvv was embalmed last night. j The wmnilI1 will te 1)Urit() alter aim. prising state funeral at which President Crnot, M. De treycinet, president of the council, the ministers and other mem- , bers of the cubinct and a large number of senators, deputies and general ofheers will he present. The Cotton Crop. Washington. Sent. 10 The Sentm. ; ber report of the department ol agricul- ture marks a reduction in the condi- tion of cotton during the past mouth of i sil points, tron BS.U to sa.7. TERRIBLE EARTHQUAKE. IMMENSE DAMAGE DONE IN SAN SALVADOR. THl". I. ITTI.lv RF.IM'III.ICHII 4K HI FROM K.MI TO KNI). I'roplc Killed, HoiiHeH Thrown Down, Whole Tiiwiih HeHlroyed and IMIIIIoiiM of Hollar Worth of Property Damaged. Nkw York, Sept, 10.-A special from San Salvador says: Millions of dollars worth of property nnd ninny lives were destroyed in this republic by an earthquake yesterday Whole towns were wiped out and us far as advices have been received they indicate that hardly a city in the country except those along the coast escaped the aw fill effects of the convulsion. At five minutes betoic two o'clock yes terd.iy morning the cart h began toiiiahe. The wave had a strong vertical ai d os cillating movemi nt. The people rushed into the streets in thcil night clothing. While the shock lasted oalv twenty seconds, vet belore it passed away the panic stricken crowds had taken their way to the open coun- trv outside the cit . The scene was terribly sublime. Men. women anrl ehildien slirii ked ami prayed in the streets. Walls ol houses cracked, tot tend mid tell. I'ccp. continuous, rumbling sounds, as of he.iv ihuniWi. Ilowed, the skv was uveicasl anil tin air was till. 1 1 with line i cnetratiiig dusi, While the shock lasted the earth rose and fell in long waves Si long men were unable to keep their feel. Vile inh ibit nits are alraiil to return to their houses. i'resi'Kui Mzit.i is doing everything he can to slop the panic anil care for the homeless Towns I liroiiglioul the country have sulTercd more severely than the capital. ual(tieto and Comnsaipia are com pletely destroyed. Cogutepeipie, Santa l-'eela, San Pedro and Masabruct arc so badly shaken as pi. .bably to be ruined, while the shock was plainly Icll and some damage done at Santa Ana, and Siisimtepesipic sixty miles awav. It is to form any idea ol the lives lost. Two persons were killed here. It i feared many are killed in the smaller towns. TIItCHAlXN TIIIAI.. A Hick luror Atllou. iiHl ourl I'.arlv Today. Hampton, Va., Sept. 10. In the third day of the llains trial, Col. 1 . C. Ilains took the stand. The canoe oars were produced in court and identified by him. The witness illustrated bow a man rowing in a canoe could take an oar and slrike a man sculling in the stern. Lieut. H. I), lloild, ot the Third artil lery, saw llains and llaiinegan together repeatedly on the Uth ami l-'lh of June. Witness walked with the two toward the mouth of Mill creek to see the yacht. Cygnet, and they could not make the vaehlmen hear, llains hreil a pistol anil the boat came, taking them oil to the yacht. On their return thev insisted the witness should go out sailing with them, but as it was calm and a sipiall rising, he declined, ilains and llaiinegan, seemed on the best of terms. Witness had an opportunity of seeing llaiiaegan in a bathing suit, lie was larger 'han llains; well developed and more muscu lar. One of the jurors was very sick and the jury was taken out and the court too.; a recess. A STKtW, Only One, Hut It la of Hie Klitlit Kind certainly. Newtokt, K. I., Sept. 10 The iitv election yesterday resulted in almost a completeoverturn, being the first victory for the democrats on strictly drawn partv lines achieved in municipal nlfairs in mnnv years, hcmocrais elected their mayor, a full board, "six aldermen and eiiriit of fifteen eouncilmen wit b one tail ure to elect. This niaiorilv of three, and possibly live, on njoitit ballot gives them control ot all tlie cuv oineers wnose eic tion is bv the city council. Last year the republicans had the mayor, live aldermen and nine coiiiicibnen, on a joint majority of seven. The oueslionof a reform tu the ouantitv. duality and price of city water which is supplied by a private corpora tion, was introduced into the campaign liv the democrats and made the prominent feature ol the canvass. The result may lie considered as an enforcement ut their position thus taken. W ACCLAMATION. The Way New York RepuhllcanM Nominated their Ticket. Kociikstkr. N. Y., Sept. 10. The re publican slate convention nominated the following ticket by acclamation: J. Sloat Fassett, for governor, I he is now collector of customs for New York citvl; . W Vrootnan, ol Herkimer, tor l.t.-krovcrnor: t-.ugene i-.ii ioiinor,iorsee rctarv of state; Ira M. Hedges, for state treasurer; A. C. Wade, ol Jamestown, for comptroller ; William Sutherland, of Rochester, for nttorpcv gcncrnl ; Vcr- planck Colvin, ol Albany, lor slate en gineer. THK AI UCMTA DKLKUtTION. They are on Their wav to lloslon Tonight. Nkw Vokk, Sept. 10 The gentlemen from Augusta who are on a visit north in connection with thecoming expositiou in that city which opens November 2, did not leave here this morning as they had intended. Thev will spend tlie ilay among the business " en and capitalists of the citv nnd toniclil will leave in their I sleeping car for Boston. FOKTIIliCOLOKtU PEOPLEIMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS NKW IH'II.DINGS TO BR KRKC Ti;U IN A8HI:VILI.lv. Thlrly-Heven Thouaand Dollars to He Expended In Ihe Krectlon of a Colored V. M. C. A. UulldiiiK and a Hotel lor Colored People. Thirty-seven thousand dollars is to be at once laid out in Asheville in the con struction of buildings tu be used by the colored iieople. Through the inlluence of Mr. R. I'. fiurrett, of Asheville, money sufficient to buy a lot on Iiagle Terrace was recently raised in the north, assurance having been previously given by Mr. Geo. Van- derbilt that he would see that the money was forthcoming for the ereclion of a building upon it if the lot should be se cured. The lot bought through Mr. Garrett's influence cost about $3,000. The building to be erected upon it will cost $23,000. On the first floor will be vc or six splendid storerooms. The other floors will be occupied bv Y. M. C. A. rooms, reading rooms, bath rooms, etc. Mr. Vanderbill will furnish the brick to be used in constiiicting this building, and his mother. Mrs. Vandcrbilt, will fur nish the nionev to complete the work. In addition to the above building, a $12,000 hotel lor colored people is to lie hunt on Ivaglc street. A lot 00x100 feet has already been purchased for this pin pose, and the work will go forward it once. llcnrv Martin, lohn Glasgow, Dr. Ilryan, C. K. Lane, and other prominent colored men, will hold the hotel building is Irusiees. This is perhaps the most important step ever triken in the intrrest ol the col ored people in the south, and will be watched Willi interest throughout the whole country. The excavating on the Y. M. C. A building is now Ik in done, and brick laving will begin as soon as this is com pleled. NtniKIIODV FOKtiOT. A Numlier of Railway Workmen Killed. Gt.Asi.ovv.Sept. 10. A terrible accident, lue to somebody's carelessness, occurred here today. A number of ruilroad lahoi- ers were engaged in repairing a railroad track along which a numlier of trains are constantly passing. As usual in such cases, the drivers ol all passenger engines were warned to keep a lookout lor the laborers at work at that point and to wlnslle hen nearing tt. This warning seems not to have been given, or the en gineer of an express traiu forgot his in structions. In anvcase the express train lashed into the midst of the working truckmen, killing five men upon the spot mil seriously injuring a tiumbcrol others. A Heavy Failure. LoNiioN, Sept. 10. Alexander K: Son, corn brokers, of Thrcadncedle street have tiled. Their liabilities amount to $5,- OU,040; their assets to $140,805. Thev Utribute their failure to losses which they have incurred since May last in speculations in grain cargoes. tttock Quotations. Nkw Vokk. Sept. 10. Hrie iiM&H: Lake Shore l.'l; L'hieuno mid Northwestern list,: nrltilk anil Western ofog; Richmond anil mi I'uiiit Tcrminul 1411h; Western t nios s. Hnltiiuore I'rlcen. Ialtimokk. Sept. 10 -Flout, quirt nnd Oeailv ii'id uiichnugrd: wstcro suiicr $3.0 (f.'l.s-; ex'ra, $a.t.O(4.4o; laniiiy, $.tto V'r to. Wheat steady; southern, weak; Full?. 10111,100: 1. .nglierrv U5UI103; No. 2 rert, .t f"'.i"s(I Dt.-'; month DMlyiitttl". Corn, iitlicrn, Hteadr; white, D((i,71; yellow. 7- t;ic. Newv York Market. Nkw York, Sept. In Storks, active ami tint!. Motiev, easy at 3(0,4; ttichanifr. louu. .H'JiillLM4;horl, .H4''ttt.No; state i iidh. nt'Kiccu-n; Kortrnmr-m nonds dull tut strndv Cotton nuict, tales 147 tialen: rnlrniilH, H 11-llle: Orleans. lUc: futures opened and closed strailr; Septciulier, M.I letnlier, H l,;i; Novemlif r, 8. HI; Lleceniber still; January, tt 1 M; 1'cliruary y.21. Flour iiuici anu neavy. v neat active anil steady. lorn quiet and uteady Pork active and tirm at $11 .0'i(Q I 2.'JA. Laril dull and steady at 7. Ho, Spirit. Turiientine oull and me idv at H7t(i(dHc Rosin dull amlalcntiy at $t ;i;iQtl.4U. t-reigsta quiet ion! uileliangeu AI'FAIh'X OF C(hSEjJUE.CE. FOKHION. Twenty thousand French workingmen will make a pilgrimage to Kome this month and w ill be addressed bv the Tope. The steamship City ot New York, hav ing on board the mail of the Canadian Pacific railway company steamship, impress ot ,ipan, from Japan, made the run across the Atlantic ocean, trom New York to Oiicenstown.inlivedays twenty two hours and fifty minutes, equaling luc Ik si previous eastward passage, Home. Theoppositiou to liovrrnor Hill among Brooklyn democrats is said to be grow iug lorinidablc. Secretary of War Proctor lias accepted tlie appointment ol t inted Mates hena tor Iro.n Vermont, to succeed Hon. Geo 1". Hiliniinds. It has been decided by the United States government to abandoa the case against the steamer Itata, which carried arms to C lull during the recent troubles In order 1 1 retain "plenty of money in the treasjrv to meet all legal demands, it is said Secretary Foster will delay as tar as possible the payment ol all appro priations for public buildings that arc not already 111 course ot construction. Twenty-eight candidates have passed the examinations and entered the United Mates .Naval Academy at Anna polls as cadets. Three tailed in the physical test one of them being the Maryland appoin tee, Mr. Hmmcrich, who stood well in the mental examination. A Pointer that would guide, unerringly, into the haven of health, all that are on the troubled sea ot impaired womanhood It is nothing less, nor could be nothing more, thnn Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pres criptionfrail female's faultless friend time-tried and thoroughly tested. Inter nal mllanimation, iriegularitics, dis placements, and all ill-conditions peculiar to woman, controlled, corrected and cured, without publicity, but this sate, sterling specific. Purely vegetable. Only good can come from its use. The only remedy ol the kind warranted to itive satisfaction, or money refunded. Wholesale Prices. If you want a lmi of good cigars. Im ported or dumestic, Orant't I'hnrmacy is the place to get ihrtn. We do not mail eigors. but sell ttiem lijr the box only. A cigar that you usually pay ttn cents for. I can sell you the same cigar, Afty in a hoi, at neven centa. The brnt five cf t cigar at aty cents by the box. It will pay you to call and examine them. OK ANT'S l'HAKMACY. Buncombe Sarsaparilla A poHitivcly Safe and Reliable Blood Purifier. Containing Hurdock Root, Sarsa parilla Bark, Prickly Ash Bark, Toke Root, &c. By its use you can save yourself from the suffering caused by foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system strives to rid itself of corruptions. It purifies the blood, giving it re newed vitality and force. Being an alterative, it changes the action of the system, imparting fresh strength and vigorous health in place of that weakness and tired feeling, which is an indication of disorder and decay. The concentrated power and curative virtues of Buncombe Sarsaparilla render it the most reliable Blood Purifier that can be used, while it is entirely safe for patients of all ages. Manufactured only at Grant's Pharmacy. Every bottle guaranteed, satisfac tory or money refunded. RANT'S PHARMACY, 4 South Main St. J. M. CAMPBELL, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND AGENT FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. CHANCK FOR A MUCI1ANIC TO CUT I will a lot 4.010O .Vet. and hullrf to.- two room house on same for $500, if any person will lurnish $100. and will give t, 2. 3, 4 years on balance. Lots in good neilcb borhood, close to street ears. Will sell nice lots nUilfiO feet 21A m,l- f court houne, for $Ril 14 easb, balance in 11 iiiumim. v-Mii anu sec me. J. M.CAMPBRLL. K PS O yA 1 1 02 H W 02 fH W s-3 O H CJ 1 1 W O a ii C2 W Ph Fh 72 w is o l-J w H w O to c HS S 0 02 Hi Q H 1 1 P3 Q !-1 H MS w iJ Pi Q to the aeauu I

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