ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1891. Judgement to Htpl7d la baylBf meto- tiM aliow all tilings. In selectta Msnndjr for any disease, you should b positive that It contain notliinn Inju rious to (lie health. Many remedial a th market lvnw the patient in a much worse ooudilion, than baioM taking them. S- s s ll aweljr vegetable, and perfectly barmlemi; the moit delicate child eaa take it with absolute safety. It contain, a mercury or mlnnials of any Uad, amd yet It ncrer falls to cure tae dis I It Ik ri-rominrniieil for. i on Itlnod and .'kin disease tna, twift Sp-eiitle ."n . Atlanta, Qs PROFESSIONAL CARDS. CHAS. A. GARRATT, Orgaslst and Chnlrmsater Trinity Church, ANn CONDUCTOR OF THE GARRATT ORCHESTRA HeeeWe. pupil" for the Oruan. Piano'or e, -Violin anrt Voice Culture l or tcrma, etc., apply at 370 Haywood Street. PROF. J. BAKER, (FROM I.ONHON, UNO ) PIANOS TUNED AND REGULATED, S3.00. Leare order, at Weaver Myer'a, 30 Pat ton Arena. A.heville, N. C -7d in Wt. H. RKEVKS, O. D. S., PKNTAI. OFFICE In Coanatly atuiainf, over Kedwnod'a Store, Patton Avenue K.aldenee. 3li Kpraee .trcet. J F. RAMSAY, Ll. 1). ! Dental Office t rtver the National Bank ol Ashefl e, Bar ward BtdJrtlng. Residence, ! Charlotte t. febM1 r J A. TBNNBNT Architect and Contractor. Plan., .oedncation. and e.tlinate. fur .take. All work in my lire contracted for nil no charge, for dra wines on contrncn wnrded me. Reference, when desired. Offla: No. IS Hendry Mock. North Court K., A.heTille. N. C irblMlr T. E. DAVIS, CONTRACTOR AkJ SUPERINTENDENT. In all kind, of wnod.tirlek and .tone work, and i. agent for the National Sheet ai d R"of nr Companr. Keei. a Mock of tin shingles on bina. All work giiarnnteed Axelit lor tke I'ea. Furnace comoanv Hiit iiir, team r kat water heating F"t Boi flM OIHie No. S Willow atreet; office hour, from 8 to in a a.; from to A p ni. Rcldrnce 36 Seney Street. Telephone IIS. unel2dly 34-Vears' Exp r.tuce-34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BI'II.DBR. Office and ahop, Wolfe Iliiildlng. CvRNSlc COURT PLACB AND MAKKHT STREET. E. COFFIH, RBAl. BCTATB AGBKT, BROKBR XHU APCTIONBHB Ten Vear' Experience. No. 33 Patton Aeenne. MiAI'ee Itlock. "om 4. f .ffice hour. 0 to I. 3 to fl. .Charles HI. Stedman, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, JrTICH OVER THE BATTERY PARK BANK, Aahevllle, N. C. au(3d2m tCu- BRITT. STONE CONTRACTOR & BW'.DER. Alio g-rnriinK of all kind. done. All order, promptly oiled and work naranteed. Can t found a all time, at Oraham1. Otton Factory. aariodtt H. W. FITCH, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, 31 year practical experience, office ovrr Battery Park Bank. All entimntu Kitaran ftel. Office hour. 1 to 3 p. ni, maylAd&wem INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General i Insurance i Arent, Rear No. 90 South Main street. BataMlehed 160. A.heville, N. C W. L HUME, CIVIL ENGINEER, ASHEVILLE, N. C Room 94. Barnard Ruitdinsr, A. H. COBH, STENOGRAPHER. BOOM 1. McAFBB BI'ILHINO. Lecal Work a Specialty. Walter S. Ciishman, (Form.rly of theMaaaachuwtta Bar,) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, COMHISnORIt or DSRD(, AND NOTAKV PI'RLIC eJo. 0 Patton Ave., McAfee block, room ASHKVII.LR, N. C. fflCIALrlH; JUL fEOPSBII 1D COSVIT.WriSB. aprSSdtf Dr. J. W. Rolllnn-a, VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, A8HBVILLB, N C. I wilt keep an Infirmary for .Irk animals. Partic bavins aick hone, will And It much to their advantage to hav. them sent In at sac. when I keep a good .apply of mdi cine. -d proper appliances for admlnl.ter. lac it at .hurt notice. Office and Innrmnry 7 Bonth Mala reet, Ray building, onpo altr awanaaaoa Hotel. may!9dtf npMFv:r J HI Ml ta.) K fwaraiiMxl Cnra for riles of whaler. kind or degrao- Extemnl, Intarnal, BlinJ or Bleaing, ltslimg, Chronio, Baosnt or Hereditary. $100 a box) boast, S6.00. Beat by nail, prepaid, oa tsoeipt of prioa. Wa (oanttsti to aora any ens of Pile QnarauUed auj sold only by r. C. Bmlta A Ca., ' whoWIe and retail rasatats, rnbUc Bqaars, Aaaniut. Im 1 "X. JHI Ml lk. CURE BUSINESS OR PLEASURE. I EACH OF THESE IN CHEAT MKAHI'RF. . Are the Cauai a Which BrliiK Tbcie Proiili! to Town Of j Every Profeolii, They've the Correct ImpresNlon, rhai the , Thlllir About Aahevllle IH, Von Can't Turn Her Down I Battery Park: Juliun S. Leet, Detroit: W. K. aine, St. Joseph, Mo.; ulius Dreyfus and wife, Atlanta; I. Brnuijiotii, Boston; I.. F. Asliton. Knoxvillc; Capt. Wel)b, N. C; limid Midillcton, Win. Lowndis, Charleston. Grand Central: , k. Brookshire, Bilt more; Iv. T Clemens, Switzerland, Pa.; D. I.. Reynolds, WeaTerville; J. J. Whis nant, N. C; James H. West, Salisbury; F. B. Li ndsev, Trvon City; W. I. Fichtbon, Columluis, 0.; C. H. Lourey, Columbia; Price Neely, Thns. Stringtield, Wavnes Title; J. M. Terrell, N. C; T. U. Sprinkle, Knoxvillc; T. 41. Richardson, Atlanta;!. A. Stephens, Charleston, S. C; P. L. Reed, Clarksrillr; S. A. Hitchcock, Dan ville. V'a.; C. A. Hawthorne, Wilming ton; W. M. Wheeler, Greenville. Glen RocL:W. J. Pague, Chat tanoopa, Tenn.; Mrs. Trapin, Wash ington, D. C; Mrs. W. N. Hult. Miss Jennie Holt, Miss Nellie Joaes, Sa vannah; W. D. Simpson, S. C; Mrs. White, Mrs. Wall, Birmingham; Mrs. E. T. Clark, Old Fort, N. C; P. A. Frecks, Salisbury; C. H. Ross and wife, Minn.; Henry Dcadtrick, Knoxvillc; E. A. Wat lingtoM, Linden, Ala.; Geo. N. Blackburn, Hi vsdu City; John F. Maloney, N. C; H JKrank Wilson and wife, Sumter, S. C.;J. 0. Frost, Towanila, i'a.; J. W. Bllif and wife, Indian Territory; W. 0. Knight, Richmond; B. K. Reaves, Athens, On.; A. L. Hcrrcn, Seattle, Wash.; D. T. Wise, Greenville, S. C; C. H. Camp, J. W, Brunson, L. E. Perrv, S. C. Switnimnoa :. K. Morriscy , Winston, C. Prescott, F. M. Weaver, N C; D. S. Cowan, D. B. Mitchell, L. S. Belden, Wil mington; J. W. Cobb, N. C; Mrs. H. M. Dc wey, Miss Dcwcv, Miss Borden, S. C. Bellamy, Gol.islioro; Ch.iS. X. Graves, H. A. Murrill, liickorv; K M. Mcthclee, and wile, Decatur. lil.;J, I). Pickett, I'hiludel phi.i; A. II. Robinson, Louisville, Ky.; R. li. L. Miller, Grand Rapids; tValicr StcvJ enson, Vu ; C. U. Xlcliitvic, S C: II. A. Kogcnt, Tenn.; S. C. Means and wife, Sparianbr.ig; Jas. 0. Glenn, Greensboro, li. C. Gatlitk, Clcvclriml; W T. Duire, wife and sou; Hnltic Duirc, Kentucky; L. G. Hardncll, Hirmingham; li. Walter, New York; k. L. Carter, Atl.mta; V. W. M"re, Florence; W S. Overt, mi, Colum bia; . it Thomas, Jackson; W. I). Uurch, N. P. Cannon, .tlanta; Jo'm I. M.iloniy. II. F. CobO, Kiiliiiioiii'l; II. M. Jones, Chicago; uo. F. Whitcsi'lC New 'ork; Dwight Hughes, Cliurlestou, Ah to Htjnflowera. C. H. C. in Uo.ton Globe. L'ndcr (late of August 25 you noticed a champion sunflower orer ten iect high and having lorty-five flowers, giwn by 'Suirr Jennings, of Colmssett. Mr. C. H. Clark, of Mrdtord has one growing in his garden thirteen Iect high, the stock Iwing l'hi inches in diameter, anil having thirty-five large flower,. Who can beut this? F, 0. Hoffman, editor Times. Rocky Mount, Va., writes: "I am pleased to say that Botanic Blood Balm is the best ap- twti7fr nnfl tnnte fur tlelii-ntp nentlle I ever taw. It acted like a charm in my case." I prescrile Simmons Lier Regulator, and it deserves all the praise it receives. Dr. 1. W, Atkinson, Siloara Springs, Ark. rfhan Baby was slok, w, gvn her Osstorla, When ihs was a Child, aha erlad lor Castoria. When aba baoamt Was, sb dune to Castorla. Whan ih. had Chlldma, the rare them OaAort ST. MARY'S SCHOOL., RALEIGH, N. C. THE ADVIvNT TERM BEGINS ON SEPTEMBER 24TH. a1d2m THE M.4IT1.ANII .SCHOOL, BNtfLlSH ANI PRBNCH HOME AN a DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, No. 40 Frrnch Ifroad Aveuue. M RS. BI'RGW YM M AITLANU, PRINCIPAL by competent tca.'heia. By .pec nl reiiunt Mr.. Maitlaod hft add.d to the choiil an Infant Ii.pnr ment for little girls und b 'va, betwern live and eight yean ol age. Some ol the cicrcme. 01 tin Klnarrgar. I. n aril) l.e Hid in thl. clna.. with dilv oritl leanonain Krrnch, The infant Uetiartment la aeparate from the other achool. dei-fidlr UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. THE NEXT TERM BEGINS S-PT. 3. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS, SEPT. i 1 UlltOn a.lO pel lira. I.mij .vi'UHK "Ku 01 inieni unu vnri.vrr wu, uc uiui- 1 m,u Choi mhiiw and lo in.. Beaide. the Central Count o study, which oftVr a wide range of elective t die, there are course. In Law. Medicine and Bnginearing. For catalogue, etc., addrr.. the President, GEO, T. WINSTON. JuladBw Chanel Hill, N. C. ALBEMARLE FEMALE INSTITUTE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. Large corp. 01' uperior teachen. Best ad vantage! in literary, musical and art depart ment.. Attractive .nrroundinga. Healthful nit .ecrulble location I.owent terms. Ord.r catalogue. W. P. DICKINHON, juliaileodiat rriucipai. WOFFORD COLLEGE f4partanturK C. JAS. H. CARLISLE, LL. D., Pres. FOUNDED 1851. Wofford College offen to attident. In the four college clans", two pnr.ilW conrsea of .tudv, each leading 1 1 the d.gree of Baeheb r of Art. In i ne of n il eh M aern I.a guagea are ub.titiited for Greek. KXPHN-iiiB. Bonnl,- tntilion, niaireulntl"ii. washing, light, luel, book., und stat o cry. hc nrcea .a v rolleuc expe"."'" for tin etir, t-a'' he met with one bnndr (1 nnd fifty dnlbir. The next acadon lieu na 'he lit dav of Oct brr. 1H1. J A. O.-VM liWi.l.L, ec 1 1 Ha u ty WOFFORD COLLEGE FITTING SCHOOL Mpartaubars;, tt. C. Th. n.nrih Ksalon beuin. October 1 , t N01 Boy. prepared for College Ripinnea man be covered liy int per year. Bnpervi.ioy careln ana consmni. A. O. jtBMBKBT, A. M , au!8deod30d Head Maater, A "NEW COON.1 That's What Mlnlnter nouiclana W'aa Mlataken For. New York correspondence Chicngo Tribune. Frederick Douglass, ex-minister to Hayti. was in the city adav or two ago on business. To a New York friend lie re lated this story regarding his reception in tin Mark republic: "Whin I arrived at Port-au-Prince 1 received a perfect ovation. Not only was I welcomed by the officials, but by the populace also. I could not make a step without being surrounded by dozens ol street Arabs who wanted to shake mv hands. Of course I felt highly gratified, and this gratification was greatly in creased when after a few days I heard these children sing, whenever I appeared on the streets, what sounded to me some thing like 'Hail to the Chief.' But, as il was in French I :ould not understand the words. So one day I asked an Amer ican merchant, who lias been living there for many years, to translate the words for me. To my horror I discovered thai the song of acclaim, as I thought, was nothing more nor less than a French version f the American negro minstrel sang, 'There's a new coou in town; There's a new coon in town.' "Therefore I say it is unwise to send a misister to a foreign country who docs not speak its lunguagc, and from that day dates my intention to resign." "Look me in the face! My name is 'Might-have-been!' I um also called 'No-more., 'Too-late,' 'Farewell!' " The poet who wrote the above, must have been in the last stages of consump tion, Perhaps he had learned, for the first time, that if he hail taken Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in his earlier illness, he would never have reach ed his present hopeless condition! What can Ik- more sad than a keen realization of what "might have been?" Phvsicians now admit that consump tion is simply scrofula in the blood at tacking the lung-tissues. It is never sale to allow the blood to remain impure, and it is especially reckless, when such a pleasant harmless remedy as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will drive every taint of scrolula or impurity from the system, causing a current of healthy, re juvenating blood to leap through the veins. Advice to Women It" you would protect yoursel' from Painful, I'rofuse, Scanty Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR Caiitkii iVIi.i.H. April at, ISHtl. Thin will certify imu two incmbura of my limnciliiite family, niter huvlng suifcred for vur from Hiilrual Irregularity, talmr treated without iK'heltt by physiclanis wen-at liiK'hcoui;ilrtelj enrodbyouc bottle of llriidflrlil's I'i ninlc Kciculalor. Its effect is truly wonderful. J. W. Stbanob. Punk In " WOMAN " mulltil FHKK, whlrh wntala, vuluubli lliforaiatliiii ou nil feniule illK'aai'ii. BRADFIELD REGULATUt CO., ATLANTA, GA. FOK 8A I E HY ALL 1K MOISTS. Fl'RNISHliD ROOMS. For rent, well kept, centrally located. Modern conveni nee. a WBitTBKN HOTUL, 8. W. Corner Public Square. Asheville, N. C. JunlOdOm PRIVATE INSTRCCTIONJ IN SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, PENMANSHIP AND BOOKKEEPING, BY nr. and Sirs. C, E. McKce, 01 Ballef'tMreel. iMT" Methods modern, Kates reasonable. augldlm JAMES FRANK, DBILRS IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reems Creek Woolen Mill.. North Main A.heville. N. C. BE A tViAN APOLLO WA8 A PERFECT MAN. FUFICT II FOIM I-MAIIHllSS IS WAS I 8.UA1.M WW ilir .aalMUfor imwul mD ibM pu., aoi at nirtn pal i.aaia. nry MAS a b. STSOH, n VIOOSOOS la .11 raapMU. YOUNQ MEN OR OLD. nsarlnc rroa aiavuv., toil or ralll.i Haa ka,4, fhralHl Iiu, tliatal W .... w a.unfc. D.V.I0BB.BI. OV MT FIRIOMAL WBAISEBS. eaa b. But.... .savKCT H SALTS aal th. H0BLI TITAIITT l ST10S4 MBIT, U, rrlda .a. rowar ei a.-.ioa,. We claim hy years of praollr. by our axnlualv. nirUmda a uniform "MOKOPOLT or SJOOBSS" in treat- . Ins all DlaauM, WaaUaaaaa ana J Aflictloaa of M.a. TpaUmnnlal. ' from no Htates and Terrltorle a. OUR NEW B00llV.(rmfia,d.,1,ma;po B Mlla Fall Iipla.atlai, far HOHI TtBlT MIST Taaaoako (OUT BBSTOStO aa Thoa,a.oa,. Raaio.ruMlao.lal,. AddraMato.a. KRII MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N.Y. Health is Wealth! D B. C. Wbst'i Nehtb and Hrain Trkat hknt, a Ktirant?ed ipeciflc for Hytertn, DlixlncM. ConTu.siort. PUi. Ncrvou Ncu- cnuKi by the utt of alcohol or tobacco, wakcin nfM. Mental uenrctRinn. nmicniniroi the brain renal ting In Insanity and leading to mUerv, decar and death, I'rcmatureuia Ae, lumnnfii. LoM of Power in cither vx. In- voiuntarT Loatea and Spermatorrhoea. cauKd by ot erxer tio ol trie Dra n. cii abuse or over-tnouiKm-e. nacn noi con tain! one mooth'i treatment. $1.00 a liox or ix boxei for $A,00. tat by mall, urenalit, on receipt of price. We guarantee i x hnxt to cure any case, miin men onier tcit-itcu hy ub for itx boxen, accompenied with " 00. we Will Sena inc uu ivimwr unr Kuai- nntrr to refund the money if the treat mem does not effect a cure. Guarantee issned only by T. sroitn & to., i-ruKKimi, a.ue Agcnti, imouc oauarc. AHocTiur. A DamphM of Inronaatloa and .b-fl ..iranoi law iawa,auowiiui flow lof untain raiooia, I'avvaia, i raa. Maraa. uwyrurata, mm rn-i t0i Braaawag. , "aw lata.. I. MHBBMBnBBBBBBBaBBHBBBBBBBanBBHBBaa for Infants and Children "CaitorlalaaoweH adapted to chDdreo that I Caatorta enrea Oollc, Oonattnatlnn, I(,ndltprio;uoa,yPrea,ripUon dl known to me." H. A. Aacnxs, M. D., I rentior ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T. Without injurious medlcatloa. 'las CsKTAua OoHPiirr, 17 Hurray Street, It. T. ASHEVILLE MARKETS. Corrected daily by I'llWIiLL t SNIIlliR, wholesale and retail grocer. Theae price, are being paid by the merchants to-day. Mutter 20(i25l Apple. fiOftlOO l!irir. ll! I Apple., dried Chicken. 12 V.j(.a -0 Pumpkin., each. 5(l7iL'S Turkey. 7llfff ion Surguin :H)(m.'i5 I luck. 1 AW20I Heeswai, per It) 1 R t'otatoe., aw't llMMHonev 1 1 I'ntatnm, Irish .. BO Wheii't 1110 Turnips 3oru)4.llCnrn Hfi Dili n. KIU Meal HS Cabbage, per th ljont....... 50 llrans, pr bu . 1 ootn, I ar K ye (in I'eaa Ofi(o 7flHay, ton $1BA$2() Chc.tnuU 1 50ICelerv. doi XCu-W WANT COLUMN. WASTICD. W ANTBll. A white nurae for a baby. Applv au'Udlf iM'J CllliS 1 NLT S.'R15KT. w ANTIil). An experienced white womnn with good refcrencea, u. cook. Wuges $1.1 tier month. J. UVANS BROWN, cHd3t Zealundia. w ANTK1). A Mittiation ni clerk in Htnre bv a man hv ine twenty-tivc ye tr c-.pericnee. SixakH Knjs'linh hikI (Icrinuu. Applv at BrHdlw" THIS OFFICE. P KICKLV H i-.AT TtthTJuTTdiiiT Moth r, Bur ac ne will rlieve the Ittthy, A highly perfumed, Hupc to.' Nurncry Powder, LTc. at dniirgi t. Trv it aplflftf FUR REST. Set-ond fi'ory ronin, fur shnn, H(iji2" fcrt, Coli nc mrcct. nciir Hav wood Mtrect Apply lo TAYLOR, Hol'IS BR .TMI5'TO.N. iul'.ttf 4- ( I'ntton Avenue. p()R R HNT. Store und huxetmnt on court fipiarr Ap ply to OliTI.ANlt IW S. uu'-'Odtf 2 I'att'.ll vti:uc. pOR KliNT. The Anhcville w.trchoue frnm ( 'ctoher first Sph-nil-d room and I .cn'ton for .1 fur niture or i umuyce more, A plv t nfMillW" li. J . L Ml pOK KKNT. One H room hoiiHe, furnished. Applv to t . STAi-fMra. e7i!lw tH St. riu-8 Avenue. pOH H KNT. Twn houe on Hill Htrect. Bnth rooms and water closetg H romns each. App v to A n WAKIi. Be5dlw" f0 Bai'ey Street JV)K RENT. Furnished house of eleven rooms, centrally oca ted, on street ear line. Grand vewn. Ad dress V. O. BOX 272. se56t ?OR RENT. A nftrn room hoii V'o 32 Havidson itreet Will rent in seetia . or ns a whole. Atiply to I-. r. L vi:. sevmlw Kejnolds iv Hpcma stables. ?OK RliNT. Nicelv furni-ahed cotttiuc with tx rooms, a l modern conveniences, eeniriilly located. Apple to K W. BrwKHnLIUvR. srMl v O KFICKS FOR RHNT. Otie luriee room n"d one medium stx ad joining, n Hist floor over po-toftiec. Apply to c n UiiuchK, se4d 1 w OR KBNT. From November 1st to lime 1st, suburban resilience, 2 mile, from court h- use, in the country, yet connected it'i town by Look out Mountain electric tram wm v. running e cry 15 minutes. Ample grounds exquisite view, tlouse completely lut ninned ntul equip ped wthh all modern conveniences bnth and water closet on b"th floors, electric b lis. hented throughout by steam with Furmnn boiler. Two rcR'ntercd J rey cows in full milk, a fine oair if horn s wth single und d 'U le vehicles, may also be rented Ample barn accommodations, tanner in narge no tenant wanted but one who will take care of r's proiH-riy a of hi own; taking place 1 owner who occupies it amy as a summer residence. Gent'eman desiring a 1 ti r resi dence htie might mnke prrmnnent nrrange- ment. Auuress t. it uilk iiua o.t srpldtl FOR SLh. pOR SLK House nnd lot, applv at TAYLOR, HtH'KS vSt HROTH F.KTON'8. ,f .L rOWS FOK SALE. Five fine vonnar cows, with first calves. Three give four gallons each per day, and will be sold lor S40 each. I wo give over three gallons each per day and will be sold for $ '0 each. Apply at jUllHdtl DAILY CITI4KN UfKlCH. II OTEL FOR SALB. The St. Armond Hotel at Skvland Springa la ottered fur .ale ataliargaineitherfumiaheil or not. The aite includi. about eight aerea of aundy grove, anil live .pring.. one of them the tine.t nilucrul water in the south. More gucta aasurrd for next anmmer than enn be aceommooateo. i ne norei i. ngni uy me ne pot The terms of aale made fORitit nurehaaer ui in . niiiMiK, feb9dtf Skvland Spring., N. C. mARl)IS(f. IOOMS WITH BOARU. N. French Kroad avenue, large pleaanat room, with bourd. aeSdlw OAKD! BOAKIl!! HOARD! Having now two or three room, vacant good h lard Clll oc nai ai 1 ne i-iue. uu eara- n avenue, pniv 10 VIISSW1N' IIROP WIU.ItMS, ac7d:it The I'inea, A.heville, N. C. IJIIAHDINC. Hy Mr K. W. Robinson, at No. 121 li'iy. wood -tr et Large, airy rooma and ai-11 bailed ground. Hot ind co d water, and riuht on Montford i'ark car line aulftdtf 1? OVKlllMi. Three delightful rooma with board, at MRS. J A l.lili'S, enldtf s Flint Strei-t. IJIIAKIUNC. Good lio rd at $20 ier month Addreaa A II C , cadtw Waynesvllle, N. C IIMMBK HO K" Rnoins lari;e nnd airy Hverythlng frcah and newlv painted, nnd lurnianeil linmrin atelv on atreet car line. Terms reasonable MRS. J. U SM ATI! URS, unl2dtf 318 Patton Ave. JI'MMKR BOARUKKM. Arrommodated at Oak wood bv a Philftdel phi i lady One mile nnd a half from Homi ny bridge on the Sulphur Springs electric ioad. Daily mull aoiuc-s inr terms MR. H. 8. WILCOX, Inanda, P. O,, Buncombe Co., N. C. au24dlm MISCELLAS'EorS. Monday afternonn between 6 and 7 o'clock a child's snck. rlene n-tirn to alKdtf C1TI3KX OFFICII. LOST. A red Irish setter answers to name of "Missie " Suitable reward fir any in'orma tion of whereabouts se dtf KKN1LWORTH INN. $5,000 TO LOAN, On improved Aheville property for one year In block ol $ l.uoo each or more. Ad dress C, se7dl w Citizen Office. M O.N BY TO LO AN. On first-clnss inipr ved rity property. Low rate of Interest :-"No loans negotiuted t-n vnennt propert v. Applv to 'IV A M'FLROY, nu24-(Klw Atto-ncy, Legal Block. T II K YYKK.'K. Fh tographs of the Statesville dimster bv VnnNess, size lilxl Inches, by tnnil pst pnid for no cents. .-cc sample at Citizen of fice. Rend at M-tie. C. M. RAY, lixclusive Ag 'tit, Clmrlotte, N. t. N OTICB. I hereby notify all merchants and other men doing business in the city of Asheville or other places, not to allow my wife nor child ren to make any hi Is and have the same chargid to me, as I positively vi ill not pay anv bills made bv them ttir'thts date. ulv 3, 1HH1 OHN li HAMPTON. jul3d4m N OTICB Notice i hereby given that ttat the bi n n;nl meeting of the Honrd of Ht-a th of Hon combe count . will o cur on Oh first Mon day in S ptembcr m'xt, at the court huie in Ashevillf, for the purpne of electing a super intending til henlth for sai eoiintr, for a trrm ti two vears. I'cuiiining the first flay ol Jiiuu iry, imrj The Imu il will he composed of ill le.L. 'Hy pr.ictic n : pin sic ails ol the euuuty, thi tuavor ' the city of Khvville. the ChHirmau Bo;ird countv c mmi si mcrs, .ml it? snrvevor II B WliWli', tu'af7deodtd Sunt llcilth. pOK SALB After th. 1st of Set tub r be use itir ttie , ll lor no grc, fielding Per h run -t ! ir in 'he co intrv. un i s il: lo ir H"d ti e. k . i ml g tli hav h e i worke in wag i ist .M:iv, :iid can 't Inn p ir oses N :nnib r thc Iv ..cron -tock 'r m 'yd xli st drbaktt two or-e wng' ma ie for hor j s by M"Ut Y Price 7o for the Jot. An li. I) II INBM havin ; n-i fur f ii t one n't--t k. t'.e largest growing, ris-ng 1 i i v . w y. id ploivhsincc U'ii lor tiiiu iug ir-i-s Hre 7N l'cr ne mure AI-o n a- d hunes on. Auburn, N v t NN. S int.. In:tmi.l Where hor.-K" can be tueu a Sund iy a' work 1. ).. N C , ny dav except HI! 1 ill it $500 Reward. WH will pav the abo.e rcwa d furnnvcase of L ver Coin phi in t, I lyspepsiii. Sick Head ache. Indigrstimi Constipation or Cos tivrness we cau-i-t cure with West's Vegetable Liver l'il.s, when the di rections are strictly eon' plied with. They are purelv Veg tnble. and never fail to give satisfaction Sugar Contcd. Lnrg tioxes. cotit .'ining 3o pills '.'." cents. Be .v a re of counterfeits und imitations The genuine nianutactured -nlv bv TUB JOH : C. WhST COMPANY. CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by T. C. Bin it h &Co., Asheville. N C. New Firm. The undersigned dedre toannoiinc to their oll patrons hii I friends a d 10 the puhbc generally, that they have consoliilated their lire insurance bu-iti ss. a id v ill in future con duct it iomtlv, under the firm name of Pul I11111 &'Rutle'dge, wiih otliei s elega.itly fitted up in the Barnnrd building, corner Main street and Patton ave m and with ample fin ilii iis for he tr;-naction of t e business of insurance in all its bra u'hi s They respect fully ask the su P"ri ol the pu'dic LAWKKNCli PI LI.IAM, FRBUBRICK Kl'TLIilKlB. Ch albea(e Water, Brought in pipe direct from the Asheville Chiilybeate Spring (long known as Lee's Chalyb. ate spring) now on sale at booth on north . ourt square, bv the class, scr h cold, 2 ce -ts, three ulasst s 5 cents or by the gal lon, hall gallon, or any q antitv dt sired at low puces. H J. ARMSTRONG. jul7. ti iJlvSSU H. STAR IN ICS, I UNDERTAKER ; AND : EMBALMER. BVHRV RliUI'ISlTK OF TH li Bt'SINHSS I'rRNISHIil). EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. SatUfactlou Guaranteed. Prompt Attention (iiven to Call, Day or Night. Other and rcaid nee No. 27 North Main Street. Telephone No. 51. SEE FOR YOURSELF OUR NBW LINK tAWN TI5NNIS RACKETS, Prom $1.00 to $4.25; nets, poles, etc, A lieau- tiful line Croquette, Base balls and Bats Our new line HURD'S CELEBRATED STATIONERY Staple and fancy. Our 25 cent Fountain Penlsg'dng ri::ht along plrntv left. Our new Souvenir nf hcvlllr. only 25 cents. We shall dose the hftlatice of oar Ptctionary Holders at $2.50. rth $:. f0. J. Ns Morgan & Co,, BOOKSKLI.KRS AND STATIONBR8, & Public Hqnarcs lewis uaudui, Pre.. H. T. Collins, Capital, $55,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County And Organized (IKNKHAL HANKING Interest Paid on Deposits DIRECTORS 1 -F.WIS MAIitll'X, H. T COLLINS, M.j. PAtiO, ). B. RliiiU. S. H. Bank open from 9 a. m., till 4 J. P. SAWVliR, I'KKSll.ENT. OTIS M.;C0XB, VlCK-l'kKS. J. E. RANKIN, Casiiikk CAPITAL or;anizbi);march:3,;i8ui. Battery Park Bank. Transacts a g'-nt-ral banking business. upon approved collateral. Collections made SAFE DEPOSIT. Rents Boxes In Its Fire Proof Vaults at Reasonable Rates. Solicit, aceounta of individual., bank., bankera,flrm..andcorporationa. DIRECTORS. T. S. Mokkisun, R, L. llKAHAU, J. T. KauXK, G. S. 1'OWBI.L, V. P.. J. B. F. 8. O. M RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. WESTERN N04TH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule in effect Aug, 1891. KASTHOl'NU (,v Cincinnati, Q -VC " Louis ill.-, L. t N. No. 10. No, 12," 845pm tfipra ! 81 Sum " Knoxvillc, B.T V.&G. 12 " Alorristowu, " 15'ipinJ U25utn Lv. Pnint Rock, R. Hi li " Hot Springs, " Ar. Asheville. " 112 15pm 4tpm 12 2pm 6 2 pin 1 55pm Lv. Asuevilte, " 6 25pm " Round Kuub, " 7 3.1pm " Miirion, " 8 2pin i " Moiganton, ' WbH ml " Hakory, " M Kipml " Newttn, 1011pm) " Statt svillc, " 1102pm I 2 15 pm 3 25pm 4 ''3pm 4 4Npm 5 2Hpm 6 4'Jpm 640pm 7 M4im Ar. SaliMbnry, 1201am ' (treensboro, " Ounvilie, Ar. Kichmond, 9 15am I 1030um 11 10am 1 12 55am 440 m' 700am Lv. Greensboro " 1030am Ar. lurhum, ' 12i:Mpni " Kalt igh, " 1 20pm ' Ooldsboro, " 3 loom 12 436am 7 lSura 1 2 J Opai " Morehead C'y.A & S.C. 73pml Ar. Lvnchburg R & Lt. 2opm 3 20am " Washington, " H-Hiptn 1025am " Baltimore, Penn. 112 pm lUoo m ''Philadelphia, " 3 00am 2 20pm " New York, " 0 20am 450pm WKSTBOUNU. Lv New York, i'enn. ' Philadelphia, " " lialunuire, " " Wueihingion, R. flt I) ' Lvnchbuig, " " Dui.vlde, No. 9. No. 11. 1215am 4 30pm H 57 pin 9 3Upin 1 I OOpra 6 25 am 810am 3 50um 0 50am 11 loam 6 10pm H45pi Lv. Richmond 3 0opm 2 55am Lv Moreheu(ll"y,A iSr N.C.6 25am " (liishoro, H.M) 3:i5pm ' Raleigh, " fioopm " Imrhiim, " 705pra " tireeusboro, ' 1057pm 8 30pra 1 3 Oh in 3 32am 10 2Ham 1 2 02am 1 2 58pm 1 44pm 2 02pm 2 3tpni I 314pm Ar. Salisbury, " 1245am " Stntesville, " 152am Newton, " 2 47am " Hickory, 310am " Morkranton. " Martou, " 4 44ain kound Knob, " 5 33am Asheville. " f55am 351pm ft 03 pm 6 23pm H 4 tip in 7 00pm 7 15pm 8 20pm Lv. A heville, " 7 3(am Ar. Hot Springs, " 8 5Ham Paint Rock, 9 mam Morristown.B T.V &G1007am Knoxvillc, 11 3ium 7 Louisvill-rL. & N." ' Cincinnati, U V C. BOUTHHOUNIt. I 716am 1 10 15am No. 14 It .loam 12 2fipm aoopin NoieT 200pm 301pm 5 23pm 85opm 12 50pm Lv Asheville, R V IK Ar. Henderiiiiville, " Sparlanb irg, " " Columbia, " Charhston A. C. L. Ut'KI'IIV IIKANCH. l.v AshivtMf No fl". ) No 64. 7 9 4(am I 12 47pm 6 25pm Ar. Wavnesville, " Hryson City, ' Murph.v, Lv. Murphy, Ar Hryson City, " Waynesville, Ar. AugustaP. R & wC. 900pm Ar Atlant-i, R & I. 1159pm NUHTMHlM'Ml. lw, 4 I inn to " W X- No. 13. No15. ). 9 10am 1 " Atlanta, (vcstibuled) 1 25 pin ""Augusta, R R. & W. C. 7 20am 6 15am 1010am 2 00pm 4 22pm 5 17pm ' Chirltston, A. C L. ' Columbia, R. & L) " Spartanburg. ' 7 05pm Ar. Hcnd rs'nv'le, " 91tipin " asheville, " . 1004pm SLKKI'I.NO CAM SKKV1CK. Nos 9 and 10 Pullman Sleepers between Ooldsboro nnd Morristo n. Nos It and 12 Pullman Sleepers between Vew York and Knoxville, Greensboro and Richmond ami Greensboro and ivaleigh. Sleeninir eats between Asheville and Sa- vannnh oo 15 and 16 via Spartanburg and Augusta. Pullman Sleepers between Charleston and Cincinnati, (ou trains Nos. 16 and 16 to Asheville, and Nos 11 and 12 west tnereui.) W. A. WIN BU K N, II. f. A.. R. R. BRIDOURS, Asheville, N, C. Supt. Asheville, N. C. JAS. L. TAYLOR, W.H.GRRKN. Gen. Pass. ARt Gen. Manager. SOL. HAAS, Traffic Manager. FOR !f3. Thl: hart imrchneed the exclusive rijht to sell the suporli views il AHlievnie.sin- le conies of which have been liHuirinir $5. and now offers them at a greatly reduced rate on thick or thin paper to subscribers. Anyone pay ui-jj in advance for six months' subscription to The Daily utizen will receive FHKK a copy of this enrav in)? of Asheville. Vlce-Pre. l. p hclodd. Cashier. Surplus, $30,000. City Depository. May, 1888. Hl'SINKSS TRANSACTED. In" Savings Department. J. B. RAY, CHARLES McNAMHH, J. B. RANKIN, M.J. BliARDIiN.; KliBD, p. m. On Saturday, till 6 p. m. $100,000.00. Commercial paper discounted ."Loan Jniua on all accessible points. McllKB. Hohtic, Coxa, Coxb. T. W. PTTON, H. T. Collins, ;e. S. Pbkhv, W. H. Ballaio, gALE UY PUBLIC AUCTION. The Black Mountain hotel property, in clumng tli l :1a r in ol about 30O acres upon which the hotel is located, it being at liluck Mountain station on 'he Western .North Car olina railroad, about sixteen in i Its from the city (it Asheville, in the valley ot the Swun nanoa Whereas, J M. Sttpp and N. li. Stepp, his wile, ot Black Mountain, in the county ol buncombe, und state ot North Car olina, on the 22d day ol June, A. li., lHC, made and executed a mortgage to Chas. S. Haylis, ol No. 80 South street, city, county and state ot New York, to secure the indebt edness us therein set tor th unii described in auid mortgage, winch is duly lecorUcd in th'-' orticc ot register ol dei tis ot Buncombe county North Curoiinu, on the 22d day ot June, A. !., 1885, at 2 o'clock p. in., in book No. ti of the records ol mortgages in said othce ut pages 4o7, etc., to wtiicn rclerencc is hereby made lor further particulars; und whereas the said J. M. Stcpp on the 24th uuy ot June, A. U. 188.1, made and executed a deed of trust, to A. Rankiu, oi the city of Asheville, N. C , as trustee, to secure a debt as therein mentioned, which deed of tiust is recorded in said book ol mortgages, No, ti, at pages 557, etc, to which icicrcncc is here by made lor further particulars; and, where us, deiauit bus been made in the puymtut ot the money secured by suid moitguge and deed ol tr st; now therefore by virtue of the powers ol sale as contained in said mortgage and deed of trust, and by rcsmi of t'ae ue lault in the puymcnt of the suaiB ot money due and secured by the same as aioresaid; the unoersigucd as mortgagee und trustee in said mortgage und deed ui trust wiil oiler for sale by puulic auction upon the premises as hereinaiier described lor coah to the lughetat bidderat such sale, ou Monday,, the 5tti day oi October, A. Ll., 1801, the lands and prem ises as set forth and described in said mort gage deed, and deed oi trust, und tor a more particular description of the same reference is hereby made to said mortgage auu deed of trust, us registered iu said register's othce as above stated, suid lands and premises to be sold in order to natisiv the debts, costs and all expenses incurred by reason ol said sale, so secured by said murtgage and deed oi trust, according to the priority ol the same. This August 1st, A. 1'., lf 'J l. CHARLES S. BAYLIS, A. RANKIN, Mortgagee. Trustee. For furthtr particulars apply to S. H. Reed, attorney, ut his taw ulticc in the Buiu ard building, Asbcvillc, N. C. auudlUs 00 for a Pair off) ANTS (Custom-Made) from Manners' Remnants. Satisfaction guaranteed or money reiunueu. a SEND YOUR ADDRESS FOR SAMPLES And Instruction, lor S,ll-M,uur,m,nt. PIEDMONT PANTS COMPANY WINSTON, N. C. jfriandWUlBkeyHattta .'-j-eillVU II, lltnuit) WHI1 1 out itaiu. book of par 1 tirulun will t RKE. mm H.M.Wnol,LF.V.M.I. Unutoa.Ua. uiUixjlui;, While WIS. THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY. "ll.ti.C." Cures tioiiorbiHu ami Ole-M in ltnoOays. without Pain, Prevents tftricturo. Contnins no acrid or poisonous substances, and h gnnrnntoed ubsnltitiily htirmloss. prcsorlbtul by phyHlcinns, Itpst Sy rlngfrpa withnaVh bottln. Price l Sold by druggists. Hcwnreof Snh stitutcs. Armi,''bi' .N.O.La GH 0 FOR SALB BY RAYSOR ft SMITH, ASHEVILLE, ft C. Aak mv afnf tnr W. f.. nnnnrlna fthnna. Jf not far sal In your place ask your enlrx to send for catalocuei secure the agency, and art taem for you. THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 shoe CENtm. EN THE BE8T SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Is a scanileM shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the fret; mnile of the beat fine calf, styllxh and easy, and btmtue ne mulct more W qf thi grade than ran y othrr manufacturer. It equals hand newpil nho routing from $4.(N to $.VII0. ftC OUUcnninp lland-aewrd, th cnlf Ps shoe ever ofrerod for $.Mk); mpiali French tm ported shncs which emit from $rt.0to $12.H. (A 00 llnnd-Hewed Welt Hhfic, fine calf, st.vllnh, eomfortuhle aud durable. Tln ImmI shoe ever offered at this price ; sam grade aa eus torn niHdt shoM eoHtlns: fnim tJHi to CO AO Police Hhuci Farmers, Railroad Men V" and Lt'tterrarrlersall wear thorn; flnecHlf, seamless, snnsith Inside, heavy three soles, exteu Blnn edKc. One pair will wear a year. flA 00 fine enlfi no Itctter shoe ever offciwl at 3Sk this prlcei one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and serrlce, fis 4,1 anil eVJ.OO Worklnvman'a sbont Mf mm are very trim aud durable. Those who tmve given them a trial will wear no o her make. Da'ja! eVJ.OO and ftl.YO snbool shoes are Owl 9 worn by the boys every where; they will on their merits, as the Increasing sales show, I Aft 1.00 $3,00 Hand-sewed shoe, best u W I v7 D DnnKola, very stylish, equals Fre neh lniiHrted shoes cnatlng from .M.l)0 to M,(i. Ladles' tl.40, N'J.OO nnd ftl.VA shoe for Hisses are the best flue Uongnla. Stylish and durable. Cmllnn.-Hcf that W. L. Douglas' name and pries are stamped on the botbim ot eauh shoe. W. L. UOUGLAS, BrockWiw Uaaa. SOLD BY WEAVER & MYERS. Ijnui WHY IS